COL IIOFER GIVES Pure bred JqcK II.. It..!- I t tin,. 1 1,. ... ..I .1 FOLLOW HIS ORY AUD YOU'LL BDY Where',, Your Investment Will Bring you Returns That Will be GratifyingIn a District that is rapidly coming to the front as the best suburban property close to Portland Beaverton Reedville Is within a few minutes ran from the Rose City-You reach home, there, quicker than yon can reach St. Jthns, frtra the heart of Portland 0 Fine Electric D61 VIUD fiSUUMSutJU By the Portland, Eugene & Eastern The comfortable big red ears Schedule gives you morning service into town and evening service hou;e. Prop erty here will advance every year. Get yonr hume now be fore tie big advance comes. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY I02 fourth Street Portland. Oregon Oesi 0 argains HA OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT Olinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon Lraiiisey Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill i y miles fionijB. P. Cornelius Pkc;. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plai us A. L McCUMSEY Cornelius, Ore., Route I Th Sclera Teuto Pent Sm Very Trite Remarks cider smvis tiut tuicm rout A DtMcnaiiM Thai tial UK PrWrH I C U Col. E Hofer has men us a "new departure," He U a terse j writer we alt know it but his, latest skits are too good to sup. j press. Here are a few of them: Closins stores and places of i business at nicht gives a town a dead deserted look. In a chicken ard nothing is moving after dark, .except the ' rats and other vermin. 1 Closing theatre and other places on Sunday makes a town seem like a cemetery. . Empty street and no one mov ing about-all in the country or at home asleep kills ail values. I Stepping people spending money and making fools of them selves, is a sure way to put a community on the bum. 1 Laws and ordinances to that effect deprive about half the peo- pie of the incentive to live a strange fact It has not yet been dt U rrained whether folly, luxury, extrava- I gance produce civilization or vice ; versa. One thing is certain if wt only bought necessities of life to j eat and wear about half the bus ; inesa of the world would stop. ! Millinery stores, tobacco shops, ice cream parlors, high-heeled shoes, high-priced hotels, parlor cars and A-Kay gowns would go. Those who preach and write against these manifestations of civilization are harking back to barbarism. We could all wear overalls, eat ! beans and graham bread, saw our cwn wood and drink rain water, but we would kill arts, in dustnes and civilization. Greer's for all kinds of bulk t a nlen seeds. TRADE UK SALE 1 3200 lb. team and harness; 1 hrst-class incubators. Will take lighter team and har ness, and stock, chickens or po tatoes, for difference. Rosedale Farm, Santa Kosa. Ore. Beaverton. R. 2. 3tf Geo. Dooley, of near Banks. ; was in town Saturday, enroute norae irom rortiana. and spent the night with his son-in-law and daughter. l) Chas Pollock and wife. Gen. is s.Tku.s'y think ing or bj)m- a ajoline 1 tractor for his farm work. Mrs. Andrew Shepard and daughter. Muss Mae. departed Sunday for Rijuwd. Wash., where Mr. S ep v A is orkir g in one of tne I'U sci.n. s. Their son will tinis.l at n. A. C. btfore he joins them in IVinc County, Tor sale: Bun-d Plymouth nock. O. A. t . stra.n, eggs for hatching. Setting of 15. 75c, or z settings lor l 2b. - V. W. Red mond. Washington Street, be tween 4th and 5th. 51-4 Judge Campbell was out the ia 01 the week, and tsi ie from sentencing Hem, gave a d cree oi aivorce to Mrs. Lura Biiley. Her plaintiff-husband give ; her $75 permanent alimony, and , the household goods aU go to : the woman. The case of Lipper : a. dipper nas Deen dismissed. . Go to Gotham for hixh trade harness. Just received -a big shipment of sweat pads, deer hair. 75c; goat hair. 55c. These sell higher elsewhere. We also nave a nigh grade collar, $5 reg nlar, including 21 inch. Robes j and blankets, 10 per cent off the next w nays. All $1 whips, large stock, going at 75 cents. Northern grown bulk garden oeeus &z ureer s. THE H1LLSDORO CAPITAL S50.000 surplus .na rRonrs s'.ooo An o'd, afo ir.. (,:!h!..; u' bank. Watcdiuthc Ul:i.T..C-!:u.Ht.Mi tojuci M v -i:.d Sn 'ii'- street. HillslMiio CoiiiiihmvmI Hank. 6) if ' ti Hoffman's Sawmill is s.iwr.i, frm t'u" Ik-' t:i!i'-f m Waslfiutoii aiu.H. I In- driest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIl-I) ri.l.M KlN'fl nd RUSTIC always on hand- K.-tirv: ! Buildings, Fim.rn, Ku-tv, Ceil in); all kin 's f titii-! 1 InhiU-t tor house tr.alciil. We ik-liwr. Fhoue: Vac. States, C!. :u--- Central, t; PETER HOFFMAN. lUou. Orckvn lvJier. tK i l fiuif of the UM mulc ui tit. mi'.I !x- f ctnr at UK U. II. l"Kttch su!,'f( r,ri'e, -ofjv.ji 1115. Term of lrroliuk; j,t, : t m're tU to and. Sc u 15 Mil c!o July 1. r it Copy Stallion Registration Board, of Oregon, License Certificate of Pure Bred Jack No. 1802 T!. .!ir ,.f the ja.k UNO, .N.i. V 1, n v u n ! ui the MiuH'k. of Atriiatj I if !!. il 1 . 1. -t lls.'r, Vah:tiKl Co, Ore. tfr.l by U-rtt. 4-. (.tUw: ItUiL; tith white u-uji " r . , r j sre ThW.or, Sitr t v;le ( troj. 0,in ,. h4!!1 i. ii i iv it. I :.. .L u . i.i!iHiH-.l by the Stallion krj;itf at;, u I'u , . s. in! i! heubv irtuftc-,! th4t ihr .Lt ...' i.( it i I'l Rlv Hk l.l'.hlN'Ct, i tr, ui. ?c4 ji1 -V. tint i u-ti.miol by lite m !;,. feiJ 4- in . - m i iini if Ail of the I,cgi!4tHr .1 i n- e . pfoultnu for the- Iutnii7 m il i.n -.. i tc , m the otiuc o tbc Svtcti? Mi!., 1 Vnury :3, tt,. th4t the ,4) .ti ot jvk, lis lecn cmiuiool by th ittrntl M itr.l by S'4Hi"j Kritl4aiti J',4,4 lun'. ie;-.itrl Iter front iufrcttoiu, ri.utjgto) t.i:i, i .-;'! 'Itr ir4 uf UnllOtloc At) 1 it I vcu i ' t in I ;..iMiccriev itt thr St4'.r u( dJ ; CARL N. KENNEDY S-v!-uey Stilli'-u Krv' 1!,m;, 4 Sawifl YOU Shouia U TrS different tmnT I Others because nrnr. r.pj is taken in tha makin nd the materials used are or higher gTade. Blade SUIc Stove Polish ,iTtT tbt doM ol tub off cr dut off. r 1 1; SiSIT Black SOli Stove Poli Works virmTifih "it: Our Business Will be conducted alon; the name hnud lines in t!ic future as it has been in the past, r intuij; titr.c crvd:t to thasc that arc entitled t it. Eteryone in business nU I'ASH nnl w ar.' no v ception. yet we rvfu to pre? .'riU for th patient anything that we would not willmiriy taite our Uri '. l J-,n-t cannot be done for CASH a th. re j!nit hftv ti t a much business done a. there i i cash in cw ijiatii-n, Ik'l fool yourself about the crest avir.-. v i make ! t- nin f,.r cash, so far aa the procery b i ;m s i i i- .p.,-cnn-. her th Mvinn very jtreat in pnc. .u m i I t.n l the wit; U greater in quality. It th-. co-.vt-":,- -.-e f hjvmc a .!.".: account, prompt. courtem v I h .r - t f-ruiv h.-t an -i. '- you jfet it very cheap if jou t iy vt -.a. V.V s, !! ). i 1 (ra!. solid pack tomatoes. :U- l Jv3f,, , 1 gal. tomatoes, puree - - if,.- l p,.:M.h,i :LV I can Sliced peaches . - l",- 1 c-tn jv.vh.-i. ha! v. IV NOTICE I e n" 1 n-lial.Ie l)rri;ti Fire lUlief AtaurutM n. cf ( ..i n- w e, h sin.i,r', r t.j4 than erf. It U h4 3)K nf , ccm an I n i hi m ire irui a Q uru r of a Hue i ..r t , n'ovt iu !..r. aohctl the t,ui'.r fcf Be wf i .e iri.4 r ik. lh.e wh are latureJ m tteOw tir." JU-ticf Atn-i'.MH ha .!icte that arc 0rtt uu -i i i ma un tht tM:ar. N. P. dap, forest Gror, Aqt. for Wash, (i.uat, Hk,Vf u head .j.Hi,-f at B. Bump' olfe. I. 3 3 cans tomatoes, puree, !i. jn-r d : v country ueniieman rar t'orn. y, r d ?. II.IO. Vaught Grocery Co. Stcond Street Main 1 -5 Millshno. Oregon In i't j I f. f k. f . ' t r.,' . l r.t. I '... I, 1', t--l . lf.l(. U .1. IM TUB CUii t IT t ol tT UTATE Of lKi:i.,, f4t .11. I" . t I 1(1 THE MAJESTIC RANGE Our third shipment f the Croat Majestic Ranges are now on dLjday in (,nr m,.u-. Gardening Season Here 'ehaveafu:n-cofGardc:ip!usanj Seeders and t M,!s at lo vest j ices. 'c are headquarters :,ir,P.,u!tr;, tattiu . au,i fcncinj?. Hvervta'tig in UmU ,.wt -- v aim i Hunting at the Invest th r will permit good khh1s and u .rkn aiisl i . if want to save ;ii,i . ,te ,KC 5 r jrc Luj . ..hvc some j-atai I.iiplea.cnts I closing out at wl.. .It sale cost. nta "The St-re That Satisfie-" Percy Long HILLSBORO Second S.rce, OREGON m : . . r 1 1 1 TiMhr- rtd . '.I 1 I 777 , .'Minn.- ihacj f., 1 . . j:' r a. .,11 mm, . .1.. .u .... . . ...mi .. 11,. ihi f ; vi . r . '. ti. it; ttw ;U ). i ail wl lall u a.. J M luwaul ,. . ,ll mUi t ..! h i t,i.s j .l4 M ..iil u tk l -t in. I I rf. iIimi,!., ilup uf w .( Iml. C k.wu th U i 11 a oM l-.f Ii i.lhcf n I fci 4 w.f l. n,m MMI t ht h.tutum I. wttxl ttiUtnkllaM, It lt .- J lMt. J I .1 ,11,, .1-11 J (! uf W ItlM ..I ( tl ahmwi. ail f.i H.Vk .Ut ui ttwi 1.. M h, Ifs l'!Y. t l l4 iMt tu4t.ait.ii 1. Aj.iii . MU I J..l,m k I .haliu lil.llMtHr ' ' "'r-l 1 !,. a. I . u b 1. i l .! If I I , ,, ,l, . I m ,. .i '" ' - 1 I 1 ' i.i, . ..1 i . alt I da I I- II ....... . J ,.(tl ,'..V " ' "Jt ' '1 "t.r 1 , 'if'.-n l .mhif ' .r f im II.. J Ii f MI In lh ' i -I.. I,.,,,, , i.,1,1k 4 ;.. ,,. ;." 1.. ii.ii.b.,.,, . ! . . V ' "" M Urn !..,.. v ,, ''TV'' ,"'- .i,..x '-I hi M.,r. i..rJ... ... , . " : 'i 1 Ii 11 , - - ' ' ".-.! 1. . .. .!,., 1,,, ., i it Mai ,'" " l'"'Ki- Jr , All. ' 'IHU'I N tke 1.. CreJ,tri --I. i I, ..I nf. H ... . 1 liCI mI I . ' ' . . 1...... i ."it. I 1 ...... t " tl A.lui,,,..!..,.,. j A. i I 1 ' i l'nf(in . ... 11 ti... ..... .,1 i ! 1. ; . , , hi II.. KMMf,.,,. , , , '' , l l l I I, """ ",nl-1 "..! V,.r,i. ' ' I ! 11. A.I,,,,,. , , t. ... I . ' lln i...ui r " u 'i"f.(. , a. CITY BAKERY J. Wolfersperger, Prop on Street, and our chtte: to give our customers a much better e ,"ce Buy your Bread. CaKes. Pi and Cook of us and get the beat K" N-tice i Creditors i ni.r:f:"i:.i'i"ii".i,..h !,""lli..llt,r 'l nr. ,," lf 'ltll, ,1 """ llMllllh, (,... I .... . ' "uu,M,, 1 " '''", f in. lur Ailiuitat,; NUTICE IH IIKi;l:8t r. a tit. iiti.i.f. iiii.i '",' MUM n4 IV1 W ll' f',' t in. h liM4Ml ItM t. K,nl lit ba I'.MiilIf i irt" "I I Hi"ftt hit Iim " i "t tl, I'A.1 ih In""' A. M. ul Mid l M"V? 1 uumy ltft r.u In ia "" II.I1M. Ill HllllBIU in' orton, m Ui l f"' hri ltw.11 i au, Uual antrouiil U ml tit llnal aattlntintil " all I"''"". Ml. aaUtia ar lt.ral.ji Uir u atir al taia U . .M.I !), niw If ai.f Oiial aMUMaiil ftottid iwl " T aatata tluallr Ml lol. awl '"jl rtxrfivi nil hi hoii-l" t.iiwi"" It.lrO ( UPr". " .U Marrlt liilA. . K W. Ilaaa. KI'tfbifu'Mj' MlmiM a Ul, Aiwrtww -atiL!- insures Full Milk r. Cw f, ai.tkii ulrr il r ja rt ) "" , Conkey Ry Kn IVnaat Mint urn nl iinnj. Keeps Fliei AC From Cattle ondj'- Ma, nwwi fM'1. 1 Try II IS Dy . Money Back II N't Saliifactorr T n t.Jir. Ol .1 . I Ml . .1 u iu A.J. HARTRAt Ilillsboro ( Mnnnv In loan OH f farm security. t 6 pf E. L. Perkins. Rooml.'