luRGUS. lnlDLLSBM lllLLSUORO, OREGON', APRIL 8, 1915 VOL. XXII 10 ohl amn Sheriff Kmm Otmvy Sl- Without UvUmk m l HrtMnvr DfFCNDANT WOULD 00 AlOM PraUMUly Mnag Thai fet will Hal lieale Nwt Ttae Vtar Ulrlch llersirf. who ahut and killed Joseph Shaliberger at the Hermit home, near lteaverlon, in January, apieared (or sentence before Judge J. U. Campbell. Friday morning, and w sen tenced to an Indeterminate im prisonment of from 1 to 15 years in the state nitentiary. Herxlg wan allowed to remain in the sheritl'a office Friday, and on Saturday morning h a mnvvMl to Salem by Sheriff Reeve, the officer placing no re atraint on the uriaoner-in fart. tiA nni would have known that iianio waa undr ffuard. The prisoner feels the humilia iu hut ikiHi it with a irrain of .kitnaitithv. IU haa how of ..iina nut mt the end of a year. and that he will have a ird reitnl during his incarceration n.wM HlilKmlt aavlnir. Ilerilg would have been a safe proposition to have followed the nnnulmi Bit in Portland, when a circuit Judge allowed a prisoner to lake himself toaaiem. hit atalm that htf WOUld haVI gone to the gales with hi own commitment without a word, and thoaa who know him beat aay that Km wnuld have voluntarily Kone and appeared at Salem with nrtl.tra tfl lock him UU. IU hu aold the moat of his iwrsonal property, wm of it, tmwiiver. havinir been left in tlu cuatody of friend, lie aay a that be haa already made arrange niMii la rent a blace when he is MUauMt ami he states that acorea of hie Swiss and German friend have offered him place. upon hii return. Sheritf Reeve will in a few tiny have the flnent quarters in the court IttMiKe, even if they are in the ulii Htructure. uontrat-tor I atty .ha rut out the old vault ami made a passatr way from the- sheriff's olliee to therlerk'a old otlW ami the SheritT will av a irivate ofliee where Clerk .ui-tf uri-mdi-il. I hfiilii tiuarterc nill ! iiHttl tiv tli'Dutv Aitle- gate, in tax collection and other olnce building. A long collection counter ha been iimtatled, and a new vault provided for the lax rolU when not in UHe. It U some nifty ollice. and Sheriff Reeve and lleputy AptM trate are very proud of their new home. . S. WILKES OS GREAT OLD RELIG Map of Portland Made When Oly Wii In Waahintion County PtMUNTIAtr ALSO LOOTED TltHE UNION STOCK YAKIW t, Receipt for the week have leeh catt e. 2007: calves, h; nogn, Cattle aitUation remain sleady ftr Mnndav'r large run at alio-htlv reduced Quotation. One of the largest evenU of late wa th Shorthorn aale Tueaday. 100 aplendidly bred animal being disoosed of from the leading hnuuimr of the west CimwI Komi found a ready mar bet at advanced Otices this week. Taim i nmned from 7 40, last wmVa once, to 7 55 the tint iart nf this week. Market at cloae of week 7 4a imha anninir the market a nnartor thia week, ewca and wethera duplicating. Several nice load of Easter milk lambs lirnnoht l? fin. Lamhaareuuoted at 9 25; ewea at 7. and wethers at 8. Demand good. COH El! CLUB CO' HOOK The new r 'i'v of the Coffee t .lub Cool- .ued and on aale. Thia in i reprint of the book nnhli.hed in 1911. With 100 add! tional recipes, and the sale price ta tt) rent. The books are on sale at the following places: Vaught'a Grocery, llillsboro Mercantile Co. Combs' Furniture Store. Board's Grocery. Snodgrass Grocery. Do not forget that Greero have the largest assortment oi ouik garden seeds in the county. Unrn in Joel (1 Ash and wife. of near Mountaindale, March 2!), 1916, a daughter n wiHttt. nt near North Plains, was In town the last of the week. Springtime is here, so now is the time to make garden. Buy your garden seeds at Ureer s. The County Court went out to Jackson Falls, Monday morning, to look over roads and other county affairs. White) Minorca eggs for hatch Uir-aAttlnir of In tor 11. Wil ' lard f upper, Hillsboro, Telephone City 502. m Herman HotTarber was taken before Judge Smith, Thursday ftrf.nnn late, and oleaded guil y to taking some dies and othtr tools away from tne jonn vvoni nkiaffnl nlacfl. near Scholls. Judge Smith gave him 25 days in iall and Herman went to the baatile to hii lonesome home for the present I represent Siirella tonu'ta not liold in tttoren. ill call at Hiring on riMiucnL and do the tittioir. and t'-ach how to adjust ami ui-ur tho corset. Our Uilor t-d rnriile-tinneaMiire corset, in cluding the latest front luce, w ith an exK-nenrHi rorac tier service, cont no more than hiirh clans cor hi'Ii iiiirt'ltKHfil in store. - Mrs. M. Caudle. llillUro. Fifth and Jackson Street. I'hone No. Main ML W II Tht nIuvh in J i . Williams ixxil hall start.-d a riot Minday morn inif atmut 10 o'clock, and caused nn atarm of tire to Ik turned in at tht ilchartmeiit. ihe Hue moKt haw hurned out during the night, and the smoke must have "kicked bark into the building. When the ulae wa entered Itout ten in the morning the room was full iioke and it was thought f was a wai nre. Invcatift, t however. unwitrlhitil nil t lid the dtf partment ha-l iU r nothing -a matter that' 1 me own ..rnf iln t.uilif Nelson. Not that Nelr Uhem to run irratis. brT no im mediate ner rt ? ' . i nurr ght r Johnson ' Willarf Havana. "ay moruir J a few dolliL unn r' Inn theenirnf of it heavyweights. soe' .red to have the. or' , getting, but HuHia W jr Willard were InsUx Jteir money was the t on was uooreu ami uu , game in the twentv-ai mediate ner fres luteal tf m wei ably int Jn thi iRtwtnV Johnaon I UU Tratlaf la oM tttii PUk cs Tfcca Tofttktr Thus. S. Wilke is very proud of recent find while going over and tabulating the old county and circuit records in the attic of the court house, and he haa aUiriuusly patched the frag ments together and made a mount of the h'stonc piece of paper. It wa made when Couch first platted his addition-that lrtiou of Portland down river from Ankeny Street. The map is torn and the rats have chewed off the corner so there is no clew to the draughtsman. The man ahows the location of all the churches or I'ortland by Mucks: the location of the ieni- ti-ntiarv. and all oub ic buildings as they then existed, and also shows the park blocks running ud throuirh town. There was then no settlement where the citv Dark is now !- rated, except the farmstead of King. The Den was situated on nlock 107.8. awav ud river several blocks from Jefferson Street The maker of the matt made a iirettv fair iob of his work con- sideling the day and date. The date is torn off. but it is known that the paper is at least w viara old. for it must have been executed prior to 1851 -the date the new county or Muunoman was created, for it reads. "Map of Portland. Washington uwn tw Oregon Territorv." Mr. Wilkea spent several hours natchtntr the bit together and pasting them on a good canvas lount, and he win nave a reuc sesed by a very few in the TthwesL P.ring your eggs to Greer' a. i'.tti. Hubbard deoarted for Creswell the last of the week Chicken griL sfiell bone and chick foxl at (jreer s. A. W. Walker, of Snot i Tua ratin. was in town Saturday. l!nrn. March 27. 1913t to Frtd Klink and wife, of Hillsboro. a daughter. For Sale. Cabbage, tomato and cauliflower plants. -Walter Cary, lieaverton, IL 4. ! John H Williams, of Yamhill County, has taken out license to wed with Miss Clara A. Sapping ton Dr. Ix)e. the optician, was in HillsUiro Saturday, lie has lieen making monthly trips to Hillsboro for over twenty year?. Monev to loan-on farm secur ity. I represent three large tire insurance cornoanies. Ijive me a eall.-li I. hunitli S:im John.vm was in from Shady Brook, Friday, and says that none but the Li ones are biting out his way. Everybody knows that lbulk warden seeds are U-st, B.iy them at Greer's and get the price and assortment. Fred Coetze and J. N. Iiudon. of alve Blooming, were in town Saturday. Thew reiwrt some mud on the roads between that point and the county seat. For Sale -SI voune 0. I. C pigs for immediate sale - Mrs. W, B. Bolton. Witch Hazel station I!orn. Aoril l. 19I.V at Carlton. Ore., to Mr. and Mrs. bay Wald ron. a daughter. Ihe little lady in a trrmndchild of Mr. and Mrs. Jake Grilhth, former residents of Hillsboro. V. V. KniirhLof Forest Grove. wis in town Saturday. He says he has never seen so great a growth or grains and grass as in this Spring of I9l". "Just like the East for early growth after seeding. he says. .Ad. 1l',l-.l mim Ynnnrmc : H 1 1 1 111 VI 1 1 V I . A ... for automobile business. Bir iiav W make voil CXtHTt In ten weeks by mail, ray us aiier u-Mtioforo vou mwitton. (.entury Automobile Institute. I Ange les, Cal. Jn.liro lL Bagley depart ml for Hot Uke. Union County, Sunday, for a stay ot a week or ten davs. The Court win nave a lxo.hI lime with Dr. Geo. W. Tape-. When the Court becomes ill the Dr. will urescriue. ana irh..n thn Dr. has anv legal noinia ta untangle, the Court will olliclate. and in'twecn me two there should be peace ana health up in Hot Lake. For sale: Standard phono- ffranh. with BIO records. Just i ifiwl ah new. Write or come to see it. Three miles south of Hillsboro. Address Hillslwro. Ure., Boute 5, Box 35). Mm. Silas ChristolTerson. ot S!nn Francisco. IS homo for a few days, guest of-her parents, Mr. and Mrs. ilissner. of South Tua latin. Mr. Christotlerson has iimm lillinir engagements in Call furnia for a couule of years and lis now one of the best known aviators in America. OON CLECTHIC TRAINS rtland-65 minutes. v am V J 8:' 9:58 12:43 3:68 5:43 8-10 9:1)8 (Sat. only) pm From Portland-55 minutes. a m a m pm p m pm pm 7:54 :20 1125 2:05 4:27 6:25 . . 7:13 1 9:12 (Sat only). 12:25. -a m .a m a m pm .pm pm .pm pm a m S. I'. AND P. II. St G. All orient the P. L & N.. trains are electric, and stop at me ae pot on Main street. io roruanu Forest Grove Train fi:50 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:lJ a. m. slhei-i.lan Train 9.58 D. m. Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Crove train. . ..4:ui p. m. Eugene lrain 4:bJp. m. McMinnville Train 6:37 D. m'. Forest tirove Train a:oo p. m From Portland F.iurene Train arrives... 8:15 a. m McMinnville " ..9:42 a.m. Forest Grove .11:59 a. m. Fnat drove ..3:15 D. m filinrulnn " . 4:30 D. m. McMinnville ..6:37 p.m. Forest Grove .7:l& p. m. Forest Grove M . . 9:00 p. m. MrMinnvillH " .12:15 a. m. A 1 1 trains, except fcugene trains, stop on Hag at North Uanorfl and Fir streets and at Sixth and Fir streets and at Tenth street, Steam Service Old Depot To Portland P. R. & N. Train 1:37 p. m. From Portland P.R.& N. Train 10:24 a. m. Horn, to Henrv Lunow and w re. near North flams, aiarcn 27, 1915, a daughter. For sale. Cedar fence posts, 7 feet. Can deliver. -Wenger Hroa., Hillsbora. Or., U. 1; phone North Plains, ura. z-o Iren Bailev. residing near Metzger, writes the officials that ha haa three hogs which he I thinks are affected with cholera. He wants the county stock in jspector to examine them. A. V. Dennv. of below IWver ton, was in town the last of the week. Mr. Denny is county fruit inaoector. and under his di rection a great deal of timely spraying for Bcale has boon ac compliahed this Winter. Mrs. Chas. Grabel. of Port land, visited the last of the week with Mesdames W. h. bmith and A. W. Walker, of South l'uala tin she was lomed bv her mis band, Sunday, the two returning the first of the week. rant A. Johnson and family. of Laurel, moved to Portland, Saturday, after a residence in the county of two or three years. The Argus will follow him to his new home. The lure of the rivAr mav rat Cant. Johnson back on a steamer during the Summer season. I Uinnnn. Grand Keener ot Records & Seal, and Dr. E. A. Wrightman, Grand Chancellor for Oregon, passed through the city Monday morning, enroute to Nehalem, where tney macie me Pythian Lodge a visit, officially, Monday night Lou was ac companied by his son, Logan, and thA two visited Countv Clerk Luce, and bought fishing licenses for the occasion. 1 C. Hoeffel. who has resided in Portland throughout the Win ter, has moved back to his W itch Hazel ranch, and will start farm ing operations at once. L. C. says the "simple life is the thing, after all. For sale, rent or trade Farm in Wisconsin; 210 acres. Every thing in good order, and can give immediate pr5ssu)n. Some tilnwinir done. Inauire of Sam uel Livesley. Hillsboro, Ore.. It 4, residing near Uak rark. 4oit Ail.t Beinemer has sued Henry Reinemer for divorce, alleging cruelty and unhusbandly treat ment. There are four minor rhildrpn. and she asks for their custody. $100 suit money, and $1,000 permanent alimony, ine couple own two lots at uak rant. I he husband is a blacksmiin. I saw cordwood. nolea ud to 12 inrhea in diameter, fence rails. and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the country, write, pnone or call on me.-Carl Skow, Hillsbo ro, Phone, City 4G2, or call at Tualatin Hotel. Jesse Mavs. formerly ot Hills boro and North Plains, died at Donald. Oregon. Saturday. April 3, 1915, after an illness covering several months. He was mar ried to Miss Hosteller, a sister of Wm. Hosteller, of I'ortland. I lis widow taught school here for several years, and was highly esteemed in educational circles. Mays was a young man. and for several months was interested in the mercantile business at Don ald, ilong with Mr. Mays, a cousin. , Dr. Rimer II. Smith operated on former Councilman Thos. M. Kerr. Friday. Ir appendicits. Mr. Kerr rallied nic-iy after the operation, and was able to talk to his tnends tie next aay or so. He has been suffering from the attack on the appendix for some time, and his case was at a criti cal period. Ho will soon be able to leave the sanitarium and oe taken to his -home. II C. nnd Cecil Kvle. of Gales Creek, were in town Monday. II C. hrouirht. in four Wildcat pelts for inspection by the coun ty clerk, and carried away etRni dollars of county money as boun ty. He killed two of them last Fall, and one had killed a fawn just before he met the Kyle Wa terloo. Kyies aog touna me fawn, which had just been kill ed, and took the wildcat 8 trail and tiwd him within a hundred vnrrUnf his kill, f hree of the cats were good sized, and one was a three-quarter grown whelp. Mr. Kyle last Fall killed a cougar, while patrolling over in Columbia county, as a fire ranger. For that pelt he received a ten pot! PLAiriS VUTHE CUT-OFF Knif tits f Pythias aa4 Pythiaa Sitters Help laatltnte Ladgv FORTY -FIVE VISIT FI0 RttlSMKO ScealvM KalgfcU aai Latfc Eater Charter McaaWr List Friendship Temple No. 8. Pyth ian Sisters, was instituted at North Plains, last Saturday eve ning, by Grand Chief Mrs. Lit tle-field, of Portland. Phoenicia Temple No. 10. of Hillsboro. ex emplifying the work. The ex ercises were held in the hand some new Knights of Pythias Hall, which is a credit to North Plains, and would be a credit to a city of ten thousand inhabitants. Thirty-seven Knights ot Pythias and thirty-four ladies were obli gated -the largest class ever en tering a charter list in the state of Oregon. Forty-five Hillsboro Pythian Sisters from the county seat were at the institution. A special car was procured from the Oreiron Electric and the run to the new town was made via Orenco, switching from that point to Helvetia, and from there west on the United. It took 30 minutes to make the run, and the same time on the return, the arrival home havin r been made at 2 o'clock in the morning. There was a biir time, with plenty to cheer the inner man and lady, and North Plains is to be congratulated for the way she entertained her visitors. The new officers: lira. G. Essner. Past Chief; Mrs. J. W. Good in. Most Excellent Chief; Mrs. Thoa. Elford. Excellent ftonior: Mra Joa. Cawrae. Ex cellent Junior: Mrs. Jake Milne. Mistress of Records and tor- roanondenee: Miss Nellie Gordon. Mistress of Finance; Miss Pesrl Corey. Manager; Mrs. Wm. Dare- ty. Protector; Mrs. Fred tseacn. Guard; Trustees, Mrs. Leo iSchwander. Mrs. Chas. Walter and Mrs. Fred Gordon. Hillsboro people who attended the institution: Messrs'. and Mesdames W N Barrett E L Moore. W H Taylor. J A Imbrie. Wm Nelson. L A Long. C E Wells. A P Luther. Earl Luther. F J Williams. F J Sewell. J W Connell. Graver Comba. E L Per kins. John Moffit L Shute; Mesdames Henrietta Morgan. E C McKinney. J C Applegate, W IM Harris. K H Greer. N K Greer. H T Koeber. J W SewelL Geo R Bagley; Messrs L W House and Leonard Brown; Misses Susie Roundy and Clare Imbrie. Features of the evening were the welcome addresses by Mrs. .1 W. Good in for the ladies. J. V. Zimmerman for the KnhlhtS. the response by Mayor W. N. Barrett and the tribute to the Hillsboro floor work by Grand Chier Mrs. Uttleneid. The passenger train conveying the visitors was the first teraa over the link between Orenco and the United Railway. $10 RUSTIC $10 Oar special cow is a good grade f rustic for barus or out-buildings at the low price of ten dollars per thousand. Rough lumber now $3.75. Sized $10.00. Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and ;P. R. & N. Ry. (Vs. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY I "very thing ia Building Material IfA J f h World is Mine Said Mont Christo. because he saw before him the accomplish- .nrnmnu rnrniicrn inn iKsissiiin 01 WfaiLll. ni sauinui all have the good fortune to obtain the wealth of Monte Christo. ... ...a nnr. iinif, tuning miiMi'ivM nn a Diane 01 inaeneiMHsa mil v" . --- - w --- n I , through saving a portion of your income each week. To-Cr Is the tune to start. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National Danll amf TAWedSts., LAUREL DRAMATIC The Laurel Dramatic Club will ffivo a nlav entitled "1'he Old New Hampshire Home," at their new hall over E. T. Turner's store, at Laurel, on Saturday evening, Apnl 10, 1916. Cast of Characters Mr. Winthrop, farmer Frank Brown Mrs. Winthron. his wife .....Mary Hathorn Mabel Winthrop, their daughter. Margaret Stoller Muffins their adoDted daughter. Olive Mulloy p UllVvr OUIIlllupe, aw:i a vcmw . '. ....John Mulloy Tilly, Mr. Wmthrop's old maid sister Mary Cline Mr. VanDusen, the villian, (se ct etly married to ilabel Oliver Lucas Mr. Rawlins, the villian's accom plice Dick Rowden Zeb Watkin's, hired man- ... .Sam Stoller Mickej Mullen, a traveling tink er Finis Brown Moses Gazinski, a Hebrew glazier .Sherwio Sholes I'hom will huanMial music and a general good time, so come everybody, and bring somebody with you. . The play will start promptly at 8:15. Admission 15c and Sc. SHUTE SAYINGS Mid American National BctSa i (AIFiLUTBD BAVK ) Combined Capital and Surplus 92,CC0.C3 t Combined Resources.............:.. - C00.C3.E1 v DanKin in All Its Dranche Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Depodt, , Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans. Domestic Letters ; of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Ches, , Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certiflcxtes of Da t posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.' 4 Per Cent Paid on Saving Depott. Arlnlnh Snfiert of Scholia, was operated on for appendicits last Thursday by Dr. E. H. Smith. He will be sent noma in a cay or so if indications do net point differently. YOU ARE WELCOME To visit my Optical Department whenever yea wish to consult me regarding your eyes There ia no charge for consultation, and itf85 will not be prescribed unless you need them. Some of My Pricea , - Lenses fitted to your frame W-f" ' 1 ' Lenses in Alumnico frame frame- ' ' t ; Lenses in Gold Filled frame Kryptok Lenses ...... Rt 3 LAUREL th HO': etlkbers. c J