The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, April 01, 1915, Image 2

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    ii 'i
. i
itiXiMn3 Attn! tunUi
mw V (jrDito.u. I
atate! of Gfcvli M. tWrtiN . I
Kok t hochy given tliM . h
lIlwdbutM ipointti Eaeoutm. of j
the but i4 teeonre fba-A-r, l j
by tha Cwante Court d the tMaiee ae-
fom tot tint"0 County, J ha.
tl.iellQed. , .
,-a.U parents Uln e.airos' astaiii adi'
ltM(aK berrhv notirt! t pret 1
eaa e ate prerly Ventied at K. r". l
Iktv 3, Bie ff4irKl, Or&n, nittuu
.il atostlhe trwu Uti if Uue BttK .
laesatsi and nn susaiittsej Mar -h is. 1st j.
Man l'iefer. jjteruttts f ae
(UM rlavber, llesseasaed.
O.soa 4 tutur. A.uouy M tfce ewre,
TfurUaaHl, (Jiegoti.
tit,! QfAS-ffll
U AikFor X
Cc: t!io WcU-Knotrn
itcucd Package
In Use County Out of the tute uf
Cretron for Washington County.
la the Matter of the K: ue of
Taeniae J. Gut ton. deceased.
Notice is hereby ifn that the un
sjerslfaeil baa been duly ap; i t ,
Ike abare entitled Couit a a . niMs
frator of tht estate of T!tom.i J. t;u -toa
deceased, and has qualified as ri., i,
a by lit prescribe!
Now. therefore, all persons havini
claim attainst said estst are hete'n
notified and required to present Ihc
same, tostether with proier vouchers
therefor, to the nnd. rincl at the !.
office f Win. !. Hat, in the Amerknii
National Bank HuildinK. in
w'aahiBCton County. Oron, within iv
asoaths from the date hereof.
Pale this Ith day of .Mr h. I Mi.
W. 8. Cil-Y1.V. ;
Adreinitrator of the estate of Thoma
J. Ouyton. dH eaxl. i
. Attorny ,for Administrator. I
C4UT10H 7k
-.w. it t mm u
Made In the tersest, best
equipped end sanitary Mx.ted
filk pUntln thewcrtd
We do not m aVc"mUk product"
SUn Milk. Condensed Milk. ete.
w., HORuacs
Mad from clean, full-cream auSk
w "HA j hi Ai 0 MH v
Ctl... .m
ymm mmy gat m SmMmtltmtmm
IZTTolxo q Paobacjo Homo
tnd the extract of mmcC maltod tfrakh
reduced to powder form aolublo is
water. Bert Food-Drink for All Ajea.
KH'.KIr-r (III'.
la tha Circuit Court of tho Suit of.
! ,.ti.-o i hrrvlv si-ii. that tho un.
: lc -i:t ft .t.uttt I"h mors of tho last!
V ili ;,n. T.'st; of Hoiiry Xluhly.
1 ,1. ..- !.. I. hatr fld l tho County j
M onit f VaKini.ton County. Crciion,'
sai.1 i
I u.i I
latutnt In tho mattvr
-mu. and t:iid court ha dvalir
Mitn.iay tli 3rd d.ty of May. Il.l
. i estate.
I'm.'.l at IMUhoro. Oregon, aa thla
! ;tith da of M rvh, lU.
Kvo uiurs of tho lat Will and Taata-
m!!t of Henry Muhly, 1M
l HAtil.KY & HA UK,
Atlornrja for Koulora.
Notice of Street Improvement
Orcsoa for Washington County.
B K. Dnny. Plaintiff. 3 I. i'-i
Whaalrr. Mary K. WhocUr. J. T. o-:ok A. M. of Mid day at)
andar. rank T. l!rr and Allan 15.1 County Court room in Hillanoro,
Joy, Uafondanta. 1 t'lvgou. ay the luiu- and lae for har-
n ihii. .r f ins o! j.'tioni to th ald final ac-
abaa antltlrd cauao to m direvi.'d
and dated on tha Uth day of Marvh.l
ma, apoa a uinmt. dei rn and order
of Bale made and entered in the ato
entitled court and catm on H'e UUi'
ar at March. A. I. Isti. in favor ol
B. K. Danney aboveamed plaintiff and
acainat the above named defendants.
J. U Wheeler. Mary K. Wheeler. J. T !
Jaaaader. Frank T. Herry. and Allan
R. Jar. for the tun of $.15 with inter
aet thereon computed at the rate of
eight per cent per annum from the
14th day of October. 1913. and for the
further earn of Jj with interenl there-1 stira j, heret.T ciTn that Ue City
aa caaiputed at the rate of i per , Cotiiif iiof llillhor. aahintoo County.
ii . . u;ly 0,Mrevn. did on March ?4. l15.paa
wo. kiiu mv luriner iuri oi
IHM with IntereM thereon computed
at tha rate of six per rent per annunf
front tha 15th day of March, IS 15. and
tha coeta of and upon this writ com
manding me to make sale of the, fol
lowing described real property to-wic
ail of lot one ll in aeciion four til
town ship three tJI north, ranee three
(11 weet of the Willamette Meridian
la Washington County. Oregon accord
lag ta tha United States Uovermneiu
Now, therefore, by virtue of said ex
ecution, judgment, decree and order of
aala and In compliance with the man-
data of said writ, I will on Monday
lution dwlaruif its .ntnition to Improve
Main ;reet from the Wnt Una of Oillh
Strxel to the East n of Tenth 8lrt,in
thenty of Hillaboro, Oregn, In tbe
manner folloaritiK. to wil:
By briiiBiric the surlaoe of tha same to
aj.r-p-r uraje and Maca1amiiinc tha
'imdwav in the cwnter of said street for a;i of III feet, with Macailam pave
ment. ami by dolnt, uch other improve
ment acrke will make a proper and
3 jiropriate leiprvveinent ta be niaile in
act-midlife :h the I harter ani Orilln
A!ico of i he City of lliUabonk, Oregon,
lull if the owners of seventy tire percent
of ti:e property be etlocle.1 by this Im
provement and upon which asatSMtiient
tha trd day of May. A. U. 11S. at the a ili be levied to pay for tbe same, shall,
hnnr of ten o'clock A. M. at the south I by petition preeenie-l to tha City Council
re adaption of an ordinance declariuK
v.iv, w:t uini diilereiil kind ol
iiiiirvenient. the extiinatee ol the eoau
the rent nml the aiiecincatiuns of the same
shV.l I made upon the basis ol the char
ari-r ol improvement so selcied, and
ih C'mini'.i reaorrefi the right todeaig
ale a ililfrrcn; kml of iniproretnent II
lie iri'oity oturn shall no direct av
aliove jecitiel.
1 hnt i jpr-iioim and remonstrances to
uri pr. -pf.l improvement may be
mad ami Ht-il with the Keonler of said
I'ny at any luoe lwfir 7: III o'clock P. M.,
on April 5, :I5. at wli:cli timeaaid Conn
cl win pnKWii to hear and determine tha
'1 h police in piihliheil by order of tht
Cliy Council of Hi.lH'viro, Oregon.
K U MeCoriiilck,
City Keor(ler'l lltiMairit, Oregon.
of the Couniv Co.:rt ll:i: in
Nllleboro, Oregon. ;:i at public uct;o;:
(subject to redemption) to the highest
bidder for cash In hant r.ll the rlttht.1
title and Interest which the above
named defendants tr either of ihem
had on tha Z4Ci day : October, 1SI.
tha date of the moi.fec.:e ln'-e'ii for--
eloeed, or which any of said dofendai.iy
hava since acquired In or to said prem-
i'S or any part thereor, to satisfy said
a-ccutton. judgment and decree, "inter
att. costs and accruing fust.
'.Tiff of Washington County. Oresron.
Dated this J3th day of March. 1915.
First Issue, April 15. !!U.
Laat Issue. April it, 1915.
Clara t. tiaiMeo, I'laiutlrT,
P T. IMendant
To ' T. Uaiualeo, the above named Je
lemlanl :
la the uameol the Mlale uf Oregon you
are hereby required to appear a' i aosaer
tha pomplaint hied agaiuat ' 1 la the
alutre euutletl ault oa or bet,w the 7th
day of May. IVI. that Mug more khan
It weeks after the data of the Bret pub
lication of tale aatuuuHia, and It yon tail
to appear aud anawer to plalutltt's euiu
plamt the plaintiB will apply to the
Court fur the relief demanded therein
A decree forever ('iesolt ing tha bonds
of mauiuMoy between the plaintiff aud
defendant and for auch other and further
relief aa W the court way see us equitable
and lust.
1 bis summon Is publlahe.1 pursuant to
aa oraer or toe tiou. J. v. cauipbeti,
Juitgaof the above named court, male
and entered on the Stih day ol March,
UaU of flrat publication, March . It14
liaie ol laat publication. May Iid.
Arthur Langgulh, Alloruey fur Plain
tiff. Portlaad, Ore,
J.U Jill's
Eucalyptus Ointment
Get the irenoine-BEWARE OF
IMITATIONS. Trice 50 cents.
Hillsboro Pharmacy
Exclusive Agents
Patterson Undertaking;
G. A. Pattrrtrn. Mer.
free Luaprlt IjpIv ssislnnt
Over Hiilahoro Pnrnilure lld (V
Ni,hi and Sunday I'liouc City 157. Uey
1 none main 773.
fatfftdatlbe rort offloa at HuUtvr
Oreaoa. a asrout leaa '' "-
jflaSsasfc- eeee','T ""- ' ' aaaaBBBaSAaaBBBaaaaate.
U A. MU. hUlltoe.
(itunty tMlicwl I'ajx-r
suberrtpttaa: II f
leeeed b;er TBtd
1.00 vWr.i
It is authoritatively -taUl
that th Southorn I wtlio 1
thinkirtkt o( mikink' a suru-y for
a tunnt'l unJor tie lVrtlnni
mountain, heailinit frni the city
out of Marquam tlnlch. an.l cm-
innout this si Jo of I nituil ( ivst.
A tittle over a mile of Urv is ti e
lenuth of th project, nibl it
would save three mile of run.
It is suuiresteJ that .Multnomah
and Washinvtton County k part
ners with the company and make
the biit bore large enough for a
vehicle, auto and railroad ther
The Ort'iron Almanac Kives this
countv as sectnd in tlairy it.
duction and liert is where the
almanac is in error. Accordiiisr
to statistics Washington t'ounty
o reduces and sells more tlair,
product than any other county
m the state. hen that Alma
nac is attain printed it U siiif
get ted that the compilers come
here for their copy.
The heads of the war depart
ment of the allies who
Au,;u8t said they would hae
Get many whipped by January 1.
have now revised their d.ites.
and et it at next September.
Th intimate that they are like
ly 1 1 set that date forward and
it Koks like it.
m I'liU of itt
m in
President Wilson is still steer
inij the ship of state away from
war, and the jinnist is netting
tired. The great trouble with
the jinitoist, however, is that he
alwsys want some other "irink"
to do his fiuhtini? for him.
Tnr.vurrr SaiTiH'"rt
kAlHMta .1 tt45.l-M.7- !
rok-n Hints no t r i wwiw,
ta Pajuwau y tiha mJ "'k
IreaMirer appmnton I1.11 ri-tfU-teed
tax collodion in the nim
of JLM.".1'. "-. and thi much it
uah fT di-tribiition m tlo
various "I In re in on H e
Inirti'vit. hoveral hui 'lu-l
more pium-nts. and this Wil.
.wi-l the total forty thou cirnl. t
least, and p'ssif.!) lit'ty. Oih.r
pavments will prula..
make the t. tal reach over $;!'.
Ik H..
The l.i:i! tax for the ear
amount to "i:l.V.M 1, it n a
certainty that ov r h.i!f of the I
tax has U en paid. ;
The railav companic, the
telopliiuie conipa'tie. Wt't-r:i
I'fiion, and inanv othei I i; la
ments are on the!e m half
paymofits, an.l will he t'earicd
ut befcre an exact noeowiitmi!
can Ik iiia.le.
The l,i 4 few das of t' e hull
pat meet were productive of
heavy I imess.
Card t I
We tl re t extefnl "ir j it ci-re
ipptcc'tfion and ll anks to lh hi
Iii. i"d!y t iiili-red aid and
minify duri-i oar I r. 1. e
ment, t ie illiiis. d.-ath 4m I o-
iu i f the late Mrs, II. L
I'. I. Flint and Family.
Scho!,., Ore.. March IJ!...
S th Anthony, ntimv ed b a
.viiliv.v aiol daughter. !;! at is
home a mile north of Corn In. i,
I'uoday, and the Ul) s i
oed to Colorado )e.M(trl iy. lie
came here t years afca.
A reus nd Orevfonian,
'"no: ' titi. arrri .:
(7-Ptusenger $1450) iOOd
"T-tJ-l-ir nji.
oZm r?m
awn a.,, -'. v.. i . j
aasW fteje kmfs.
ssVaV JUdoaat. .
rHKiprarMf TV
ir:J W, .,p,rt. ,., t.,
r,, 'Sae tp,,
fa(- U?
rf tl T wi t-jirt !,. ,,
.Tlie New FOUR Roadster
Tfce New FOUR Touring Car $
V Mr krW. n... i
i riiu. - -
BiMjfC HwJlliktt
M rW-Utl.
tjoajrirt Tiro (ii D-u-..,
r.n rZ
fl.h Do
full f!.,ar,n I,, Ail,' kfcai. LmT. r...
Manufactured Cars on Which)
You Pay Only One Profit
The Siudcbakcr dealer in your nearest town now hai on hinJ
lamptci of the new Studcbaltcr can FOUR and SIX
Go to him. Sec the can.
Inspect them point by point, and your knowledge of luto-1
mobile construction will imprest upon you tht splendid
iafit strentjth, stability and comfort ol tnett care, their
fine finish, their gcneroui room, and their complete nd'
liberal equipment 1
ThrouKh K-ientific, up-to-date designing and motor refine,
menu, these cart have power in excess of all requirements.'
Pcmcmber. while you are making your inspection or taking
your demonstration ride, that these can are manu.
factured cntirely-cxcept tires, electrical equipment and
a few minor items by Studebaker, in Sludcbaker plants,
and that no plant in the world it better equipped. I
Remember also that their pricet represent only one profit the'
proht of the legitimate manufacturer who has eliminated
the parts middleman from his business.
A motor cm, to the fsrmer, is aa One thine th.i iAM .i
and lift w Siudebskrr csr is the
special strtlt wt sst, sude to or
own tpecincaiieas especially lor
Studebitrr cars.
Another is the scientific heat treat
meni of vital parts, like tears,
ailes, aslt shafts, etc., which
makes them stronger, lontero
wearinj, ind p , , m i t s llthtrr
weiht with increawd iltenfth.
A third Is the absolute accuracy of
our manufacturing pnxriiei, and
the resulting perfect St and align,
ment of parts, and w rfeel balanct
of the motor and tht entire car,
reducing dictum sns ecsr to the
very lowest point.
Siudebsker economy, la both FOl'R
and SIX, is kaowa the land over.
Studcbilur oescrs havt found our
cars peculiarly fret from the nr.
cessity of repairs and frequent
adjustment; all pans readily
accessible and cared for with tht
least time and effort. i
'?' S'sker car-FfJVR
or SIX.
Nou how it holds tht rosd without
weare or tide-twiy ar,d know that
this readability is the direct re-
t Js;,,fb,'", "irii
and Studebaker complete manu.
Equal economy, equal quality and
equal roidaWity art not thus
combined is an, other "lour "or
economic neceitity; not a luxury,
10 me cny man.
It tav hii money; it saves his time;
it Mft him to get higher effici
ency out of himself, his nun and
A"d it wipes out of his family for
ever the iwlation and loneliness
thst are the dread of many farm
en' wives, and that drive tht
ly and srirls into the cities and
toni early in life.
Juo as the motor car Is a good
inveMment, so tht Studebaker
standi first in value among motor
cars and we will tell yoa why.
For 65 years Studebaker has studied
the farmers' needs, as a specialist
in farm transportation, and the
best way to supply them.
How well we havt succeeded yoa
can judge when you know that
more than 40 per cent of Stude
baker cars are sold annually to
On Studebaker cars you pay only
one profit, as we have said, and
tht money we save by our com
plete and thorough manufactur
ing and huge production goes into
the can themselves to make them
make them last longer; to make
them lighter yet stronger; to make
them run farther on a gallon of
gasoline and oil and on a set of
1 , " S I UDEBAKER, Detroit
fmifor tht Studebatir Proof Book which
MU oil about Studebaker mamauruv
protuse and Uhutratu ihem. f
David W'cncer, of Helvetia,
was in town yesterday.
J. C. Hoover, nf 15envirfriii
called on the Argus today. "
Constantine Miller, of near
FarminRton, was a county neat
visitor Tuesday.
Miss Minnie Morrill is home
from the Monmouth
spend Faster with her parents.
Mr. and Mrs. A. A. Morrill.
Miss Elaine Ixnj4bauh, of
Buxton, arrived down frnm tht
Monmouth Normal, last evenini',
and remained over until tKlav,
the truest of Miss Mildred linh.
low. She went home this morn
ing to spend Faster.
Tenth Put Ie Many Dees.
All Kxklnum lime ci.,N tt-th. bin
they are niiIiJm IiiI M wn-r(. uan; In
line tlastl fur I'lni'hrr. via,., nml ttuttiig
oiaeltlitea. The It-el It are piiiplnyshl In
ilrantnit bolt, tiiitilni; knuK, tinlilim;
the niiithI.H- of n tiriu. shnplug
smliMs Btul sfn-ls lilmt nml tntiiilutf nkliit
VVIicii Ihi'jr U'.i.iim. iihiini from Imrit
nn'e they nrr hvi-U-l off win, n flli
or wlictHtiiue.
"After I WHsh my f;,-e I 1H,i j s!lp
nilrnir to se If It's i li im." ci.inltl1
little orl. "Isnn't yon'"
"Don't haw to. i i,,,,, ut tiu. (w, i -Jnyfiilly
rs.j,,,., Willie.- Ilt-wi,!,,,
The Ntareaf Fli Evs7Cama to It,
"Coloiu l," naked. "luo o j uii rn-r
neeu up lu a Imllysmr'
"No." Iiu iinnsvr-reil. "but K,l( , ,,
Ull.ii .nf t..t.IB l.t.t.v lim e. ii.
lie Ind in,, iittny up , ,;, ,,(r tll ilii
Of hl j Hsltlllt.-4.- :xrilllly..
"Vies s .... .. . -
' "mini "ll nil' N(ei, - Vl ltril
"Hi Hi- . ..lulu, r. tnin.lful f ,,, wlfl,
lv lie I I ...
' ' "i'i'iiii;ii,
"If" 'ill l(i:lil. He lllii'l i, . .,,
pro, m,., ,(,,(.P pm,.,,,,. ll,. r',
lug -ii my f.H.i."-iirri .:Xir,.H
At t A'. M. '
I'il'l ' I'll, eutiiiii tt'iltit il... a...... ...
- l-ip'ii iimt iiiiuji Wll'l
illiw.i.irewent imlnl,
a . .
sin '..MiilneHa: WIlV?
tl.i.l i ....'.
- i miii nun ner in the iliirk
wlfimnt kIiiI.i.Iku .. . i
.. , " i'-h.-i iiiiiiiiei-
Pnl.i lil(er.
L. W. House
Resident Agent for Washington County.
; 0 n
Hillsboro, Ore,
Pine Mouthful of Teeth.
T'ic L-rsvit nriiiiiillllii l....
. " " Mini
iwi i inure t litt ii uuv nllier IlIllBss I a... .
e. . is.
A Careless Man.
Fuller-Why litivf Vlltl llllltfrntaa.l aa.lll.
nu:r.v? IimiKlilor-IteemiKe l. ,
parol iu llt. !, u1kUk ynlUw.xu,n
. vina no i.nrni In lmt, 1r 7
Duiik-litpr-Hut 1 h.m , ..... '
.,.i ... i'h ii nun i lie
lUlflit teforsj.-lllnatr,,,,.,, H
The tripping Tonrjua.
"Oeury IVk, yo,i r n
"Yon dltlu't aci-ni tlilnk n whei,
I wan hIiikIh."
"No. you never li.iw, ,vlllt , ,
fo'd you wore uiitll you nmnied tuo"
et Bluht-Mnawtr,"
Mother (to her ilnuulit en You'd i.i
ter iic-eept Peter, my deiir. II0 In a
nle Itoy, ihouKi, he may not lie hum,,
wine. After all, good u..krt fn(l,., ,m't
th' puna? Futlier-Iini iu..t i.-i.
sCrauMd Suapioion.
Ilia Wlfe-i-ih s . .
Hat HuitMp.l-Tn.t Mf Wbo'i fa,
S -tli olt l-ereliv t-n -.. tint the nn
' 'y pi-.-i"'"!. .r. si- a.4
""'"if 1 ui(ts -r "1 t e e( :' .! Im
I sell- .e-...l r rt r-l In i
i .Mirt nf sliHtt-M,f llr.k-. i.,r Wa r,
iint.ei t Mi-i c In in, a a n i hi u,,.
nu i- r uf t, ,1 . I tn- . r ,i
Ii ji ,.ii i t, . I - J' I i. . r vi,,.,
A. il . 1 , .si : - It ,. ,,t .i . H k
jf l'l il4, a i 'lf il.-m's r , , ,,,
e ......., r ...ft I, ,,.. i , ,(, , ,
Weehi..-,- ... -iy , , , .;
I.'l . I . I,, i . . , ; . . ? i , ,
t;tia. ,e - . i- . a,, ,r p,,- ,, , , , (M ,,
"I .;-. tn-
i. .... t .;...-., si-,,..... , .
f i ii 1 1 i
It I' ,U-.. , (, ,
of 1'.,. !',.,, .1 .)
I il I I .,,. J. t .,,.,
milt..! nt. f
NotUe tit
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: l K I.). I. A. In ..,,trl.,f f i .
,"' ' "l '- 1 I.V .Ii, ll...
nill,-e. I. ,..,. Jt, All, f,r ,f A,.
Nt.tiic to Crrdiiurs
Nolli'.i in lienby gKvn tiilt jlf
;" r pl !.., j
M,M .nil y ,., ,,e,-,,,t, .
- l ins. ,., ( M, -,".
."" '.i,.r,.M,, ,, rm, ' ' 1
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!'ir I. 'I i,..,j , , "...
Hi.-.. I, t, i, ,V "-.;'iri, ,
wm i it..,- .K"h ""'"""
tru ' ' Aiiii.iiiina
Notice t, Street linproveimnt
M'.'S- f. is h n.liy !,.. i ,,. .it i,..i ,
pi US. 111-,. ,itl hlrM11, ,
..I-.,f N.,,,,, ,u, m; , VV
wti I. iii Hii.H. H,,i. t," i,;. r"r"
: ;t'r :-r7'
He !lti.f..V,.,.,., J,, "' "l'i..r
"'""-'l I III" I!!' i.l Hi'l i,r'"
s.s.-t.l. I... I. i ji i,, ,1 ? "
"HI, l.y ,. ,, , ,' ''' 'Mil..
I'll-rern lu "Jt, "" "l-m .
'a't-liniir tl,e Hll. , " . '""Uies.,,.,.i
M...4..I..H, ,,f th. 1 '",,h "i
.r.ivm.. ,V Is ' r""1 mi
i. . ';M";"" '-'""Hlr in
TH.. lF3T n:ATUKS'
..tiik lf STCOMEDlt;S"
l'liihy aidnufu-ty, Aj'iil jam! ,-au cxctl!t4t
W'otciu 'irvtitn
C ... C fh'irfis'iri Kirticaslf iL.
aJv Villi vii.tjM.aa.ia iiaiiovii, if
livitii witness of the great Custer P
sacre describing the story ol the gP
lliiiitu'j ""v " 'w aCC
People's Theatre
ptlivtsa tstast eatwauvj Jaosat I nsstaw rr-rrl
irt A Kiaasttf taaetawvj 1 t ttl, TSsMttsI
A little of "Uiuht-Cut1'
Real Tobacco Chew, give1
you the tobacco comfort yc:1
arc entitled to. )
Satisfies you better than any of the
knul. Richer, fitter flavor. I-eUstsluni
Ture, rich, sappy tobacco Rsonc
tind sweetened iuNt cnouill. I
f.,T--a e a. aa a. , a , ,.,.
Then 1st It See nose eetsly atstf tttarf
!iu: '.J " tostses, tsoes tl talisaea staWtsI rssaBaia
. , ,VH www srsjni, fww aww bjbww af mm.
M t.lWeo a.l...J. "Jaei'. hy tl U Ike it ml fata.
(sr. Ibal i aliy twit e lai lha easJ.
li i s iwfi sss, m a. s4 iM i..l eshim smb saw
s t.4 a ah s sUaa. Ijimim aa e ea.ssy latssasse,
sua tea wi swat. I
w. ve s.s.1 SH. wm Msaasssa
ml e e eats
1 t .
S .wsua. fSMt harm fhm S....I mmss eat ins tssa S
tine! chew t-iUt the uLce at Ivs.t Lie' J
c'.icttt nf t-.c n!d Lind. X
DO Union aVtsaasra, t9W XarU
e '
y . . :';
M' ss ' ,
-'--: - K'
g l crews: l-rauk imwui;
r'- H A ml I). I Kmc h man for 1k1 t-,
l" : . v "i.. 1 Vi.. i.'r .iniiiettcttr:
HI! 111M1CH. 7
K?...u iIsa time to fli
if you winh grafting
,i-t ....
I'txtiert work tl)W.
ir;tfiitittif ICntilishorB-.
walimts. I'titts rca.
ntul work (juaratilcctl. I
trc.icis: prank luiwai;
Orenco, Oregon.
"QulcH at a rVt-
An old t i re.lon Imlie til 1
U lv ieiil, Vt ths fieta
Imnlly he eaprctnl lu r-P
link jark Kaliliifa r'l "T
), a line aiiwil i hs0'P'
1 1 1.! .Hii ami a,i r.l hv Hl-fi"
na. Tlien-'a nmre l- Ilit 'l"
m.ia jK-ripte lui.iuine, W'e 2f
ke a iu atsKSeO li'tia a ,n?
Hlar lif.e tKNHS.S NKKI '
?eti ey u the rlmme l ll,cf ,'
I Iatiiltitntle liarncf st Sp
M tin Httenl, fipmiilti! CuurtHt
h" (iinlilll aa tiinlt itahy l Pf
Nuw tlmreiiire, all lr j
filalnu anaiiio aadi ut J
nutilliiit ami rmi'ilml ti prefii
t"Ki.ilior wlili iripr V'""'''?,"'.
t llinlawoittiiaor Wmi..7
Ainnrliwn National Hank - K
HlllnlKini, WaahliiKton '"""fi
within U mnnlha7r.nn.He
I'aleil Uiln atilli tlay nf Mn;H.
"Uiaof i)ra A. Dunk, 0"'i
, Wm. U, Haft. Akkatm M
lor. .
Nmlesi tn Creditor. ,
otAll!, op OREGON KOU
WARIIIMfi'rov at af ' I vi re
Noll... i. i.. ... .
".vaantUlHT ortya.',,',,,'l!,l1',, b