ID JnlflLLSB VOL. XXII HILLS BOKO, OREGON', MARCH 25, 1915 lia rtin a-a-ara-aa-a " " f L,tar ARSOSc 83 CEET GRGViTH 10 E BM'JSE Till CMty Ml IS? lkt AMlvtlt tl Ay la Vlky 5K9 Wli. tZ FlfcNIMIED IV CUB Mr.CsJt.tJ Orm, Ut fcU ( Ike Ci mlal CM at Oau Washington County resident in the farm district will hive an opportunity to try out the fuicar gone to chit km hfawn. Money beet proposition this year. Mr. wa changing hand and a hiifh I rvprewnt Spin-lla rontrts not nulJ in stores. Will call at horn on riinnt. ami do the tilting, arul tnrh how to a-ljimt and wear the conu-t. Our tailor, ed mail to-measure corsets, in cluding the lat ttt front late, with an exjierictM'ed cornelier service. cont no more than hiirh class cor net purchased in k tore. Mrs. M. K. I'au.lle. llillnlioro. Fifth anl Jatkiton Street. I'Ihuh No. Main & 11 l'urtlanler!!to tin number of 31 wvre iinthMr by SheritT Hurlbttrt at Gre-tham. Sunday, at a cocking main. Thirty-one bat tle ere ntap-l. and when the olhcers arrival nevrn bird had Colt, of Orenco, waa in the city Monday morning, and made ar rangement U aend the Commer cial Club t quantity of aee that farmers may sow some small plats tblayear for analytical pur- IKMea. In 1897 the proamnion a $10 iht bird wan lieing waiter ed. Jark Wriirht. well known h'rr. and who wan in the bunch pinched by Sherilf lleevea latft Sprint; for a like main at North 1'luinn. wan among the number arretted. After I Jeeves' raid at North I'iuini this county was abandoned a pnr territory lor waa tried here and the analynm the famous Spanish uport. showed that Washington unin ty's product showed the highest of any valley county. The sugar beet industry is a big one If rightly MUhliahed. The beet has a big per rent of You and your children are wsare it you wear Dr. Ixwe s siHrior glaeeye safe and price safe, cont you no more than the inferior kinds usually sold ami you have the benefit of saccharine and thia la productive! his skill and more than tl years' of a biff milk flow, and K an exjerienc a an exclusive op- well. big beef producer. Sheep tometrmt When you patronize also thrive on the beet pulp. him you receive the combined Theaoil here is well adapted service of the trained eye special for augar beet growth and an lint and m-it-ntific optician. One immense yield would b the re sult -especially on the lowlands. With t Italanced ration sugar beets could be fed dairy cows and the milk accepted without reserve. Mr. many OKA COOK parents, Mr. and Mrs. M. Cook. when a young man. lie was married to Miss Hose Schofteld, in 1884. the wife dying in m. He waa again married In l!0, his wife being Mrs. Delia McLin. Besides his widow he leaves three children by his first marriag- Claud and Karl Cook. Cornelius, and lira. Ivy Clark, of Forest drove. Services were held at the home, Monday, and inter ment waa in the Cornelius cemetery. Mr. and Mrs. Uxk were in Hillsboro a few days ago. Mr. Cook a demise waa caused by a carbuncle on his chin, and when Dr. Bailey waa called he wan fearful that death might ensue. 1 he circulation of blood was then no congested that the patient was delirious. Cook was a substantial citizen, and had many friends in his vi cinity. He waa active, and took a great interest In all public af fairs. As a young man ho was devotee of the National game of baseball, and even in his last years frequently went to the field to sea baseball games, Many times when the game was at its height he umpired, and was noted for hia fairness and understanding of the sport His many friends In Washing ton County deplore his untimely death, and tender the family their sincere condolence. charge covers the entire cost of examination, frames, lenses. Dr. ltwe guarantees his glasses to give satisfaction whether they cost $2 or .more. If you pay more you puy too much. If you Colt says he hopes that W less you da so at the sacrifice will sow small plats this of material used and service year and give it a good try out, rendered. Dr. lowe will be in as he believes the possibilities Hillsboro. Saturday. April 3. to will be great Anyone wishing M o clock only. Scores of refer- a quantity of seed should apply wees. No agents employed, lie to drover Combs, or any mem- aro .of those claiming to be bcr of the Commercial Club. "ch. Hemember the dates. Thieves have been stealing hundreds of gunnesacks in the east end of the count v. and com- Ora Cook, a well known citizen plaints are heard almost daily of of north of Cornelius, died at his this kind of depredation. Sacks home, Saturday evening. March are hard things to identify, and 20,. Mr. Cook waa born at Grand the raiders generally get them in Kapida, Michigan, bept Z. IMS, the night throw out the marked and came to Oregon with his ones, and sell the unmarked to Portland dealers. They get 6c per for fairly pood mirks, and make good wages - but some of them will lie caught some of these days. Several farmers have placed loaded shotguns in their barns, nnd it wouldn't be strange if some prowler were to receive a loud of shot. Wanted - at once: Young men for automobile business. Big pay. we make you expert in ten weeks bv mail, l ay us after we secure vou position. Century Automobile Institute, Los Ange- es. Cal. Deputy Sherilf Applegate went to Salem, Saturday afternoon, with Mark (lidding, the micro- . a scope thief, who riluM several High School buildings last Sum mer and Fall, and was finally ap prehended in Vancouver. Gid- dings was badly wounded in his hope-department when Judge Campbell failed to givo him a parole. Ho is a young fellow, but a linished crook, and thought the easy way to make a living was the better way. He will probably serve his full time at the penitentiary. You know the symptoms hendach. eveache. dizziness. drowsiness what's the use of telling it again. You want re lief -not talk. Satisfaction is assured if you patronize Dr. Lowe. Ask your neighbors. For rent: Three largo, nicely furnished rooms for housekeep ing. Bath, water and light; front rooms. Fifteen dollars, Southwest corner of I'irst and Oak. ULR1CH HERZIG BBJF 6UILTY After Jury Is Selected Hcavrrton Man Changes bis Ilea 111 BC SENTENCED TtmoWOW Settrl af Tritriy si Ike Heriif tliMaw WWa Jat Skills rfrr waa killed With witnesses summoned and the State ready to swear a jury in the case of the State of Ore gon versus Ulrich Ilerzig. charged with killing Joe Shall- berger, the defendant after con sultation with hia attorneys and the district attorney, changed his plea of not guilty to that of guilty of manslaughter, and the trial ended. Ilerzig shot Joe Shallbcrger on a Sunday evening in January, at the Ilerzig home. The dead man. his brother. Teddy, and his father were at Herzig's place. All were having a friendly time, and the boys had some cider and schnapps. There was some war discussion, but no violent quar reling waa the result late in the evening Ilerzig took down a shotgun and loaded it, apparent ly with the idea, at least he says so, to "bluff" the boys and make them go home. In the struggle that followed the gun was dis charged and Joe Shaliberger was killed. Ilerzig always claimed that he was simply trying to scare the boys into leaving the place as they were becoming too noisy. Teddy Shaliberger. the brother, stated after the killing that he did not believe that Ilerzig con templated killing the brother. Ilerzig will be sentenced to morrow or Monday. He was al lowed to leave the court room under hia old bond, which he readily gave after the killing. He will be sentenced from! to 15 years. Ilerzig has alwaya been a law abiding citizen, and had a host of friends who were ready to swear to hia previous good repu tation. He is a Swiss, and car ried with him certificates of good character from every place where be bad enjoyed employment REPORT Of lh condition of the llilUlmro Cow meirul iUuk, at IlilUliora. in I he Sutr Ortitoa. at the clow of Utiinru March s. ' 191 S- RKSOtmCRS on and ditcuunti tm,&47 uS Ivrtiltafls, atmird and nne cured o- ot lloarii and warrant ... 30,437 44 I'uiiulure and btturva ........ .S I hi Irom approved rrarrre banki. 41.661 01 Tbeckt and olber caah llcma.. lis .VI aOioa band........... ivKSo K Total. ... f jcj.4 .9 45 LMblUTlKS Capital alock paid in..... $0,000 00 Surulni fund 00 Undivided profita, leaa et- ptnaraand laiea paid........ 77061 Itrpoaila dne Stale Tieaanrer . 1 1,500 00 Individual depoaita auliject lo check .108.410 xi IVmnnil certificate ol deKit I.4S4 7 Certified check! 10 00 Time certificate of depoait.... $.354 17 Savinirt depuait .101.370 51 Kraerved for taea l,5 o 00 Go to Gotham for high grade harness. Just received -a big shipment of sweat pads, deer hair, 76c: goat hair. 65c. These sell higher elsewhere. We also have a high grade collar. $5 reg ular. including 21 inch. Robes and blankets. 10 per cent off the next o days. All 91 whips, large stock, going at 76 cents. Frank Uowell. of Scholia, was n the city Monday. He reports the roads as pretty fair the first of the week, barring the rough HI i , , l Ul llll: wren, d.iiimik iiiv "iSE? IPd.?qUS!:rod blaco where the mudholes pre w J , mini k vw imiin'1 I .,; .1 .,1 Maerk IB 1Q1R .fa. an Sllnnu. VBIKU of 1 ear or more. The dead For exchange for stock, or for man had resided in Cornelius for sale for cash and terms-my land many years. He eaves a widow near city ot rori anu.-Miue and the following children: Wm. Kins, uaies reea, wre. K. Squires, of Besverton; Mrs. twile Falkenberg. of near Hob btook; Mrs. Addie and Mrs. trances Marsh, Isaac and Alon- zo Squires, of Cornelius. Will trade 5-room house and two full lots in Hillsboro, for teams, harness and wagons and some cash, inquire of Geo. Groff, seventh and Kailroad. J. U. Kennedy, of the Banks country, was down to the city roaay. Dr. Lowe will ha in Forest lJSroyt. April 2. Tolal fjoi.49 4S State of OreKon, I Uutily of WabinlOo, I. Willi! Ireland. Cashier of the Ik ve natneil hank, do olrtunlv aarear that the above Maleroent i Irne lo the tieol of my knowledge, and belief. Willi! Ireland, casiiier. ConnKCT sAttesi: J. W. tUiley, Joa. Conneli, I)iiector. Hunwrllwd ami worn lo before me till Ijth day ot Mar., 1913. r. J. sewcii, notary ruoiic OKEUON EtECTRlC TRAINS a m -a m -a m a m pm p m pm -pm .pm Bring your ej.'g to Greer's. Chat. Matthes, ot Laurel, was in town Friday. Chicken grit, sh-!! b ne and hick at Ureer's. Sam It. lawn-fice. of ll.'lsdale. , a was in town ;aturnay, on busi ness at the court house. Martin lleiling. of the V'er- joort lection, wa-i in the county Beat Monday. Joseph Ingram and Geo. Mor rison, 01 rarmingion, were in the city Saturday. C. A. Miller, of the Arcade Utru-t. was a county seat caller Saturday. . , How about that new Kastman kodak you have bet-n premising voursell? Get it now at The 'harmacy. 1-2 Thos. H viand, one of the pio neers of the !'averton section. was up to the o'jnty seat Satur day. B. Luck, of near NVth I'lains, and John Seifert of l'liillius. were in the city the last of the week. We can help you in the se ction of a Kodak or Brownie. We do printing and developing. -The Pharmacy. 1-2 The condenser people expect to move into the new building at lillshoro next Monday. They will then have the bent equipped condensed milk plant in Oregon. Money to loan -on farm secur ity. I represent three large fire nsurance companies, dive roe a call. K. I. Kuratli. The foundation has been laid for the big Buchanan & Co. ware house at the foot of Second Street and carpenters will s.xjn have the franfe erected. For sale: Dozen hives bees, some patent hives. Good work ers. Chas. Hickethier. Cedar Mill, address Portland, 11. 2. 1 C W. James, of near Varley, was in town Monday. C. W- has een having a little siegiof rheu matism this Winter-but says the Spring weather is bringing hurt along uccly. Oswald Olson, of Cornelius, sang at the Congregational Church. Sunday morning, and at the Christian Church, in the af ternoon. Mr. Olson gave his hearers, a rani treat His voice w as in fine shape, and that he is estined for lirand Opera work goes w ithout saying. Saturday afternoon the jail had been reduced to the captivi ty of but one man, young Irwin, of Forest Grove, who was arrest ed for being a bad check dis penser. This is the lowest guest roll the jail has had for many moons. Neglect of children's eves en tails a bitter heritage through ife. Many a child is unjustly termed dull andlnzy and accused of defective intellect when de fective vision is the sole cause of trouble. Moral. Take that child to Dr. Ix)we. I'eter Wessel, with one of the first field surveying crews on the Tillamook line, wa? drowned at Vancouver, II C, last week, and friends of the dead man were notified at Forest Grove and Hillsboro. Wessel was a reliable man, and was with a surveying corps over in the Dominion. He was with hngtneer Aury when here years ago and had many friends all along the line. 'JURY DISfMD 0:1 m es Out all Nit-nt aoJ t'olU Ekvea O'Clock Saturday AUraiag USE Will EE TtlED ONCE MGCE Oialrict Altararv TriU Ike Caart t il Prnceca1 to Trial It was weary jury that waa discharged by Judge Campbell, Saturday morning at 11 o'clock. after practically 24 hours of de liberation in the case of State versus Wm. Lyds, charged with a statutory offense. The case had occupied Wednesday. Thurs day and Friday until the noon hour, when the court finished the instructions. That which ap peared to stick the jury in its ar riving at a conclusion was just how tar parental authority would enter the realms of hypothetical force, and they came into court at 10 o'clock Friday evening, ask ing for additional instructions. The court again reviewed this and the twelve men retired. They deliberated all night, and it appearing that they could not agree, tbey were given their dis charge by Jude Campbell. It is whispered around the streets that the verdict stood 7 to 6 for acquittal. District Attorney Tongue ap prised the court that the state would again try the case, and Attorney Bagley. of Bagley & Hare, for the defense, asked that the date of trial be set Judge Campbell stated that he would not aet the case at this time, because he was satisfied he could not get a trial jury out of the regular panel He wilt set the trial later on, and will prob ably select a date in the not dis tant future. $10 RUSTIC $10 Oar special now is a good grade rf rustic for barns or out-buildings at the low price of ten dollars par thousand. , Rough lumber now $3.75. Sized $10.00. Ekdger Lumbsr Gov Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. ' ABSOLUTELY Fvcrything'inBailding Material Fred Hamel. the West Union rancher, was in town the first 0 thb week. Sam UalTety came down from Mtuntaindale, Saturday, and says the roads were Improving nicely. George Zimmerman, of beyond North I'lains, was a city visitor Saturday. John Elliott and wife, of Shady Brook, were in town tho last of the week. Greer's for all kinds of bulk garden seeds. To Portland -55 minutes. 6:32 . 7:18, . ' 8:28 9:58 12:43 3:58 5:43 8:10 9:1)8 (Sat, only) From Portland 65 minutes. 7:54... am 9:20 am 11:25 ; am 2:05..... pm 4:27 pm 6:25 pm 7:13 pm 9:12 (Sat. only) -pm 12:25.... -am For Sale: Black mare, 7 years, 1600; filly 3 years, 1400, broke; driving mare. 6 years. 1050. All are sound and true, Frank Sell. Esttks. Ore.. B. 2. il l S. AND l E. A t; All. except the P. It & N., trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main stret t. To Porttatt.t Forest Urove tram b:&U a. m. McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. Sheridan Train 9.58 p.m. Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. McMinnville 1 rain. . .. 2:15 p. m. Forest Orove train . ...4:10 p. tn. F.ugene Train .4:53 p. m, McMinnville Train. .'...6:37 p. m Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m From Portland Kmreiie lratn arrives.. 8:15 a. m m m. m m McMinnville " .9:42 a. Forest Grove " .11:59 a. Forest Grove " . .3:15 p. Sheridan " ..4:30 p. McMinnville . .b:M p. m Forest Grove " .7:15 p. tn Forest Urove ...D:W p. m McMinnville .12:15 a. tn, All trains except Eugene trains, stop on Hag at North Range and Fir streets and at Sixth and Fir streets and at Tenth street ' Steam Service.... Old Depot To Portland P. R. & N. Train..... ...1:37 p. m From Portland P. R.& N. Train..... .10:24 a, a. Sydney Brugger, who at the age of 15 vears killed J. F. lioothe. in Hillsboro. has had his freedom from the state peniten tiary several months. He was turned loose upon the recom mendation of the pardon board. (snigger waa a model prisoner. t? is not expected to live very ong. it being supposed that he has tuberculosis. It will be le membered that he killed Boothe for his pocket money, but his nerve left him after he fired the shot and fled, being caught the next morning. W. H. Brunsen, of above Ba cons, where he has a homestead on which he will make proof this Fall, waa in town lionday. en route for Laurel, where he is at present working. W. H. knows what it is to raise a family in the hills and hold down a home stead in these days. John Dennis writes from San rancisco saying that the Ore gon building is receiving more than its share of attention by the Fair visitors. The entrances to the Fair up to last Sunday have broken all previous expos ition records, totalling over two million at the close of the 30th day Henry Helmond. of beyond Blooming, was in Saturday, ac companied by Daniel Richter. formerly of Newberg, and who is a recent purchaser of the Her man Hergert place. Harold Halvorsen and wife, of near Farmington, were in town Saturday. Wm. Fuegy. of Phillips, waa a city visitor the last of the week. r J YOU will never fully appreciate the wisdom of say ing a portion of your earnings until yon have opened a bank account. The "interest" makes it interesting, while -the principal inspires ambition to accumulate , , a competence. OPEN a savings account and you will realize, as never before, how easy it is to reach the coveted goal of independence. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Sayings American National P-l SIIUTE SAVINGS Mi UNION STOCK YARDS Receipts for the week have been cattle, 10G9; calves, 10; hogs. 2071: sheet). 1419. In the cattle division beginning of this week the offerings were mostly of the fat lightweight class and consequently the offer ings were eagerly picked up by the various buyers. The market is considered steady in all lines. Hest steers are bringing 7 76; cows 6 20. There is a scarcity of hogs coming to market and as a result the prices took a sudden jump of 35c Monday and has remained at that price since. Prime light weights commanding 7 60. Like the swine market sheep also advanced with a sensational iumo. Yearlings advanced from 7 60 to 7 75; ewes 6 50 to 6 75; lambs 8 50 to 8 85. . American National Dcn!i (affiliated bavkO Combined Capital and Surplus $ 9v' Combined Resources CPO,-.. .- Dsmhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Det, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Lettsrs of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't, Time Certificates cf De posit Farm Loans, Collateral Loans. A Per Cent Paid on Savings Depcd. For sale, rent or tradeFarm in Wisconsin: 240 acres. Every thing in good order, and can give immediate potseesion. Bone Blowing done. Inauire of sra uel Livesley. Hillcbcro. Ore.. VL 4, rc:'.'.r3 r 0 frr. Ol Kryptoks Tcrica Shur-ons-Dcn't be decieved Some ads tell you that these articles art to be had only at certain places on the con trary , Twill furnish you with any style hzzi or mounting at a substantial saving. C-2 of my prices: Lenses fitted to your frame "Xr? Lenses in Alumnico frame rraic-a.i 1 ) a d frame ' m " t 3 Lenses in Gold Filled Krvntok LenaM .. fc.w 1 A tiriffi K4 ' Tf :bcro. t V :n-.