, S- auxtaoao aRcL'j Hacch it. DaMy Journal and Ths Weehly Artfua On Year, Doth Paper 05.25 Dally and Sun Journal n! Argus, One Yeyar. 07.50. Do It Now Weekly Argus n. r Two Vorld Expositions NOW OPEN Reduced fsre round trip ticket, permitting stop. oven at all points tn either direction, to the Pan ama Pacific International Kxponition. San Fran eisco, and to the Panama California Exposition, San Diego, on sale every day to November 30 J Via the Sconic Shasta Route THREE FINK TKAINS IMILY jhasta Limited San Francisco Expresst I California Expressi Wweb o;i oiie way tickets Ten days' stopover nl bo allowed at San Francisco and um Angeles on one way tickets sold to Eastern Cities when routed via the Southern Pacific. , CAUf V.A AO II'S 1W0 WORLD IMPOSITIONS'? i A Bw booklet daarrttme the trip from rVrllaml to Pan Diana i Including the two Sipoaiiloiie, the amnio bminlM of Oraenn, i lh Mitklyoua M4 NhuU Mountains. Nan Krsnp.aro M bwanh and outlet reanrlaol' California Ilia fan loa.iiln Valley and , Yoeemtie National fork, free on sppliraiton uinxi A (mil. SOUTHERN PACIFIC C 201 T, swiiiirw. . e Famous ETNA BRAND pure Line and Sulphur solution la manu. tured by en Orchardist of 25 years of ctical Orchard study. ' The Aetna is the me of Perfection.! "The Dalles, Ore., July io, jqu- liraud are most satisfactory and Results obtained i the use of Aetna n heartily recommend its use. (Sieued) R. H. "White Salmon Valley Fruit Growers Union er using the Aetna Brand we arc justified in the icf that there is no superior on the market. (Signed) Longer, Manager. 'Astoria, Tan. 6. iqh I desire to congratulate f on the superior Lime snd Sulphur Solution, the ?na Brand, it stands the test and Rives universal lisfaction. Yntira vrv Iriilv. Rent S. Wnislev. Fruit 1 . - "J j 1 " j 1 Jpector, Clatsop County. Failure with the Aetna Brnd Is Imnoa- ?! if you inrftv rirfht ' . Ynr nrira. ate. I w - Tf - - r - ite or phone . ' , THE MIA ORCHARDS verton,Ore. D. LC1S, Propletor "-The Aetna Brand is not sold through Portland C30D EZ3D-SE J OM uraai Jv r(NJ9 JUE rictus PCS TEX) tttfif QraM Jy Tarts la U tatfect Circuit Court opened Monday will! 29 jurors reporting " WW Jaquith, Peter Bore hers. John Johnson and Win A Verfaoort were excused. the following were selected for the new arand Jury: Geo Vedder. foreman: C U Adams, Win Jackson. P It Bowl by. Wm Hinchy. Chas W Dodaon. L U Johnson. The following eases were dis missed: Buringham vs Alliaon: Havtev v rpinfton. Co treas; Bernards t Moine: Best v Sears: Ban Shin. ale Co v W F DeasinKer; Davis v uavis & wwert: Uennr v Hal ev Jackie v Paul Keimera: Lin e v Keeves; Lupher v Lupher; Kelly v iveiiy Miner v UadweU: He Caraant v Cross: keKay v Smith wouingnam v Ueaalnirer: Pasley v Met nerson: I'syne v ' Parmele Katnsay 1 Stowefl; Rust v Coch 111: Humalv Ck P ITalaok. G bin v Teebani: Kowland v CHrim Is Co: tools ? Davis: Sink v Cut. tan: SeMel ? Armstrong; Sykes grand izxii tharactt pm two for a qusrt-r" nmarkai-ciijtiC. 1 r c ..1 Schiller. When you f a good amoks buy s Foster: Swansea ? Large; Ul Cov r A Colielt: Turner Here w (, W Shipley and Wm iloas: Thompson v McLeod: Ulm v Ulm; Von Art v Von An: Voos v Klrpy et al; Wood v Kobenow Weinhard v Quinn: Wilderman v Woods: Turner v Vanderzanden Zimmerman-Weils v Preble; State v Young: Hetta v livers. Pubols v Jacobsen, verdict for plaintiff. Turner v Preble, iudgment- also judgments in Flynn v Bur- goyne;Citr of Hbo T Wm Foster: Denny v Wheeler. Sute v A J Herr. pleaded guilty ; to embetilement, sen tenced 1 year in county Jail: Da roled extended; to report every month to sheriff, and to make good embt tied money. SUte v Hark Gittings; pleaded guilty and given l to 7 yrs in pen Jarvis. admr, v W S Atlee, suit on note, voluntary non-suit granted. Defaults-VanDyke vs Van Dvke; Egger v Kgger; Hittsboro v hoster; Unlley v unlley. uoores v uoores. suit money order. Henry Henderling granted decree of divorce from his wife, grounds of desertion, etc ftaete sf SaaSalitrawli SW l TNS OUCMTY fT OK TUB stats or Oregon roit WAHHINCTON COUNT T. La Uui Mtlr uf rt;. H BkM, i wi I, Notira la hrttbf rirtm tht th an4nrMnarf lHt.UtaiU f tuc ti. In ha4 at nakile w th kta al Uh k-mr A id t.'rUm k M.,iauw SMh 4a uf M h . tw &. til Uta lalaraat tf hI mtmtm in i f id tollowlug it i-Tllol tml ptupmtij , Ut- it: lal Tracts rariof I.U ul in.Ui.,,, Nu.Ua a4 wt la. la Ktl.Hi. luaioi u OM kartb Kaaaa Ta Wat of ll. W xl Ha.. bua4ai lf hMttnaina al r-.nt uti laa Houlk b.Mtniar il wl h,. Ks ( la HMtlaaart iwwr (aw. ltm ui aaUMr llMHMa kaH m tlx iiwiMid ilaraf lha IWaalr lul lr..i WaM I'aiuM hi iilvnA Ihatira N.,rili I aluaa talit rwl W a Monk al Iba afumaul 4ara of 'in.iinr Nuuia P. II. pirn or Wuii.iniit. uCalnin( ti Ml arra, mhhw ur In, IM Tract: Minr imttl a f ilu. t I. 0 ml Allaa4ar Har(u ami J-t lli.r Wa, til ll. an ;Msu.rt7 t. n .1 liiluta: Hrgluuinv at lb H-hi!, wtMuf ta k Umm Ku.ua I I. i: Sn, la T IN K J W of lha Will . M-r. ail raaalnfawuth iw Arte. Mit . t w Ua tkritta Una wl a4 rllm M 1 . i.in W aa irva mniM: lliatw (vmiIIi .),. utla W Mtrhaaaa tuaa lr at c.r'-r an U Naulll Una of taa N..fl ball .f I hi Alasaariar Huraloa 11 I. : IIivimw North d. m mla. W In lA ebaln u n lr..n airaar oa Iba fcaat Hum of lha 'iait McKar I 1. 1' M W: ibMMwN.Mihrf. Pnia. K St-aucbataa t iba plant ul hm aloaioc. MwlainiiMi Il.b7 arrwi. .S'it Ing fruua aall 1m( 4arribai lr,. hw aar. roaHaay .lat In arhUh tarliru- arj awriiMai aa KMlua: ldill(iiU( al ina aiHiiMaat aurrwr l mu1 l4 ikavit 4 Uartnl lan.l; ami rum.iiitf lnnr Nwrib W art. W mln. Wrt t 71 Ui iba Hur of MrKay I rwk) lban North la la eauiar wl aall rrk JO toH : Mwua Hil m M a.ln . Km i ii r.t una al aaul Ira.-!: thaw iHMilb ' l"i iu Iba ilana of bnnauliur. Hublaot la Iba onliflrniatl' a br aaltl win, IM luracuiac autMjt M pauli'iml amj piatxj auruul lu an rJr of ib almta atlltnl euurl, uaaila ami niUiml iwj IMa af of rtUaar. IIA. br lb Uaa. Ouuul' Jinif ol Jula of I'm Ha. HaMiala willUb-M at tha H..lli l i..r of Iba eitunTtuutm la HMUI. iinvr.n. Oram A. Hakrr, tiluilnatirain ol iti of rbarlva H. Dakar. ilarar. SUMMONS, la iba Circuit (Wrt of tba Wat af Or.gua for Wabla(taa Canaly. Do not fonret to ask for Schiller when you want a k1 10 cent smoke -no "cough dust" in the bchiller. 12tf All kinds of bulk rarden seeds at ureer a. NOTtCU TO TAXFAYLKS Notice is hereby given that the taxes for the 1914 tax roll wil be due and payable at the oface of the undersigned. bMrinnina rriday. rebruary 5. 191 5. and al unpaid taxes will go delinquent April 1, 1915. K. B. Ssppington. County Treasurer and Lx-Of- flcio Tax Collector for Wasniog ton County, Oregon. Dated this Jan. 21, 1915. IO IO REAL CSTATCTRANSFERS AWIm Conlry lo Pmk ford, b!k J ricaaaat Uotnt BtaaaHoa..... Si UJ HriUIIOM AMIaMOr. 0.17 aaar t orollaa .IToo waiwr lunnaa nun boom id, i iittauwitM toe Frt4 Skiiw to W L WUom, tot la Wm atoltta lo f a Mollbtrv. 4 lott W I'mtlnaa llruhte 60 JuIIm Klaotl to J II Ktndol, S a oa all? irttk 10 W M Dir to H 0 Parker ood LT Sltlo, 901100 n V Gro 500 W V AihMhtl to L N Ridar. l( Miltahuro Acnra. ..... ....... . . .. 10 Ihio Wohlrr 10 It V Wohltt, 4.55 a mw uaa rua yto Ftaak Ramacy to D 8 Ptak, 1 a ate S I t If J W a.. mm a tt BtW L O Ktadall to J A Wllaa,tet Hall'a, ad f Otow 170 C J Ltttlt lo Tboa I Malloy, a MtttoniG 11 ti mi o W C Taylor lo K II Taylor, tS a aac 71 tartw ..1000 Otani PbrlM to FW Pbilllpa. M U aq kit y hik 1 Hbo ... 150 Tkua W'libycoiaba to Jaaa H WUky- corobt, 10 a tec 31 1 1 a f W.......1000 8am to Cbu U Oil, ataia aa aboto. 10110 Chaa Klag to Joka Lnodaraa, 10 a Bear Cedar Mill John Landgrra to Ckai King, 10 a Scott d I c Cedar Mill A P Tapper lo Gut Hoover, 175 a Boar billey ... 1 Geo Swift to StBie, 9 a near Dillcy. . 500 Htata to Dabj Sttwart, 1.55 a IMIIcy as pi Stewait toOao 8ir(ft,S5 a near Wlltr iiiimhhihiiii aaaaai a.o Sawa to Uuy Hoover, o 58 a DiUey. 150 Aicbie uavia 10 tiaaa Bell, So a ate ill BMW... ..l S W Malaoa to A M Cataa, (.58 a aae jj t t ar tw...... Geaava Dartlay to F W Biokaw, 4 lota McGUI Aetea Harrv Wood to W I Plakar. s.11 a Haaelbrook Pana 760 Mary A mbbob 10 bmdmb Mieaaa, Aoaaeeiitiarjw .tt T..soo H U Faulkner lo w ScbaatMi, ma t and 6 Hlllaboro Aerea Shale earlnti to W B Wridge, lot 9 Sbielda Little Farma... ........tots Wllkaa Abatract to Bhate Saving, Iota 9 aBd 15 Sbielda L F 115 J B Ke vet to same, a ittMBieida 1 r.3075 Bdward, Htary aBd Dtalel Erarlck lo Holda Bnirlck, 55.53 a ate 17 t 1 n r a w, dutlng her life...... .-, , J " 1 Jacob Stahii to Fred Rafeaer, q e a Helvetia..., s 1 B Nebart to lha Bagley Compaay, 3 lota t other laad blk 9 Paliview... TaeodoM YaadvlM to We Vaodeber 39 a 1 1 a r 3 w ....3800 F 1. arowB 10 k u Rowdea, yx a ate 1 1 it jw , 1100 H FeriavoB to G rover 81 Livery d Feed Co, 40 .87 a ib Helvetia......... to Peter Znercaer to Waah Co, S a ate I 1 1 a r t w so Kov Lyaa lo i P, J A a A Merer, lane, 0.714 a tec 31 1 b r 3 w...... to la Iba n"Fr mf lh pp'klio t4 llaa krll tariBlrr f'oOipanv.aa Orf ua C (.lnn. I'jr tl laltlal g.srra'mn tA lb litic lu lb (4!foiif ilrxillwl r.jl ,rwrr !)'. rwinK lb I n.uil in T Nmth ball ef lha SualkaeM mim' lr of KrttvM. iJ. T. I . k 5 W. ol ll 1 1 Wi Uiurttc M-fftuiB IE Tj b"ia It mtf firtn-rrn: Tk bIh-c ' I Ih.l oa Iba 1 lib il.y if F.Uu.if. A. It ! I jl$. aa appiMatuia aa brl l.f ul U.ktrll Cai'ntrf tuaipaajr ia the ti'-' alt Conrt 4 the Stale of Ofrg'xt, Un ' vm w ib tilia tu ihc una at "-; filwl. j Sm. atiUa jra at prar on or !(..: Iw J,ih Uv '4 Mrrh, A. I. iyi V. a"! h. nnc by Mcb sjitraluxi .hoi) Wit br kianUil, the aaoar will ! Ukea ! piab-Mr'l, anl a tWrttr will l rn'ri-' ul tn ifwlw milh Ike Haerof Ibr I -tiraiior, anil joa Bill hr (.Kcver bar- 1 lii'io dirnliit.ln Mm. iMtnl Ibm n'h tl of K.liufv. VAm. C. Imt. Caoty C rfk (SeS I If W'bitti C'lBMlv. Orrj-io. lr II. A. kuratli, I . jutj. IU(b-r ft II .re, Aiioorj (t A;.ili- nut. The taK'FK IN T1IK CIRCUIT COURT OF TIIK UTATK OF ORWMN FOU WA.SIIIN(noN COUNTY. In th MatUr of the Application of Wm. I. WmhI for the initial IVtr-.... wtrntiun of tha Title to the follow- mr rfpvritd real property lymjr, , Ueinii and ailuata In tiir County of W aihini.on Hsiat of Oregon, and partn ularly Jecribcd aa follow: l-Kinnmif at an iron pipe at the knuthaot corner of lot H, ki.u-i. 11 k. Ta. . 1 ...... of llillnboro, Wanhinrlon County, Oregon, aaid point beina; the in- tcrmsrtion of the towmhip line with the north line of - Main Klrcvt in aaid city, and lum.4 ' ft north of th aouthwent romer of Sert ion 31, T. 1 N Ji 2 W WtiUmette Meridian; thence on the north line of ,aid tret north 8'J drirreea went 18 feet: thence north parallel with the Unrimhip line I'JH.OZ feet; thenco nouih h'i i(t rne eait Id feet, to . will line at the northwest comer of I -nt f . in aail Block 5; thence iimlmui' aouth iril dt-ereea et i'J feet to the northeast corner of aaid lot; thence aouth 1 tie- into west J feet to the south east comer thereof; thence aouth s'J Ci'Ktit eat l'Ja feet, to too northeast corner of Lot 7, in aaid I!Iih k fi, on the went line of First Street in aaid city; thence aouth 1 degree west 91 feet to the aouth east corner of aaid lot; thence on the north line of Main Street north H'J dvureea west 273.77 ftet lo the place of beginning. The Daily Oregonian and Tht Argus, One Year For $6.00 this gives you X5hQ Argus FREE. No Agents Daily and Sunday a nd Argus $5.00 Tlie Oroeotiian TO to IB 10 Hub Simpson and W. K. Smith. of South Tualatin, ..wars grsetins frisnda tn town ths first of ths weak. BHtcmrra a.ti.u Nolko la harrby given that br vlr tu of an Ksm-ullon lil out of ai.4 undar lha ami of lha tircull Court of lha Blala "f Dr.n..n. fur lha C-mnij ol Waablnaltn. dalnt lha (th dnjr of VVb ruarjr, lli. In fnvur of II. t. Koluii, plalnllff; and aalnl It. hbltlo and Lola la Hrvbllln, defendant, fur the urn of lit ia ro.l, ami the (urih.-r aura of lilt 1. with Interrat thareon frm ! lllb day of January. 11S. at th rale of ( per cent pr annum, ami f lha rurthrr turn of tlSci. with Imar aat ther.n from lha lath dny of Jan vary. ilia, at tba rata of t iar caat par annum, to ma dlraetad and uVllr red, romrnandlna ma to make aale of lha real pruorrty harrlnnftar doncribed. 1 aw, on reoruary a. li-vy uion and pursuant t aaid Kir.-utlon. I will. on Monday, the lath day of Mairh. Ida. at the aouth il.wr of the t'oart- boaaa la lilllaboro, Wnhlnl..n Cuuniy, Urea on. at tba hour of ! oVIork A. M of aaid day, aril at publk auction lo Iba hlhrl blddrr for cah In hand, all of tba following dom-rihed rml irop. arty, lying, balna and attuata In Vih- Inalua County, nrvKon. and nnr nr tlrularly dra.-rlll aa foil.., to-wlt Balnc a part of lta 11. ii, S3, ti. it. IT. tl and 1. la Hipvl' Addition to Meevarton. Wanhlnatun Ouunty. Ora oa, baina tart of the William K. Hall and Wlfa tonalln Land t'lalm No. tt. T. I a, R. I W. Will. M.T.. anj bounded by bralnnlnc al lha N. K. cornor of anld lot No. 1, In lha renter r the ttlt.-h. and runnlnc alone anw N. I deeraea. W. 117. faet. Ihem-a N. t dRraea Ji mlnutaa, W. tIT t twt to lla hitvri.ee. lion With tha main dlt.h, th.n. ut aaid wiala dlt.h K SI di-arrva ii mln utaa, K. 7S.J feel, thema It. 17 iirarep tt mlnutaa, -K. 13 S f.ct. thm-e R SI degreea t minute. K. . fm-l. tlu-nre N. II deerrre 12 minute. K. 37&.B fart. mora or Ivaa, to the cant line of nxld lot No, H, ihvnra alonir ntl Una N. 11 dr raea 37 mlnuu. m fwt. to thv pla. a of beginning-. Aim. a roadway 10 feet wide, beiti I fr. t on each ld of a line bealnnlne at a point In tha cen ter of lha lleaverdam road aa shown on lha map of 8iael' Addition to Iteavar lon. Wanhlnaton County. Oregon; 1111 (eat weatarly from a alone at the aouth aat corner of aaid lot J. and runnliiH at right anirlea with aaid r.il N. is degree II minute, W. IM feet to the canter of tha main ditch; the nnrcl of real property above described contain ing Alt arrea, more or lens; to sntUfy tha hereinbefore nnm.-d um and for the eoeta and eapenaaa of aale and aaid writ. Bald aale will be made atihject lo re demption aa per claluta of Oregon. Dated at Hlllaboro, Oregon, thte llh day of February, 1SU. J. R TiKKVKit, Sheriff of Waahlngion County. Oregon. By J. C, Applecrate, Deputy. W. W. Oravea and Krinl W. ttronn. At ' tornaya for Mnlntlff. All WHOM IT MAY CON- CKKN: TAKK NOTICE. That on the 6th day of January, 1915, an application wa:i filed by Wm. I). Wood in the Circuit Court of the SUte of Ore iron for Washington County, for the init ial reprint rat ion of the title to the land i.itove described. NOW unle ou appear on or lie fore Friday, the 2Cth day of Fcb- ruiry, I.tU., and ahow cause why tucli application ahall not be jr ran ted, the tame will tie taken aa confessed, and a decree will be entered accord ing to the prayer of the applicant, and you will be forever barred from disputing the same. EDW. C. LUCE, Clerk of the Circuit Court of the,. Stuto of Oregon, for Washington """"''County." "'- -' " ' BA0I.KY & HARE, Attorney for Applicant FOR SALE POLAND CHINA DOGS From Famous YTecnmseh Stock, Sire of which sold for $2 100 at public sale, at St. Louis, Mo. Some fine high grade stock. J. W. Vandervelden, Roy Oregon Patterson Undertaking - - Company - O. A. Paltemin, Mar. FVMIRAt, PlBKCTAB! RD KMBAr,Ma free Chapel I ly AaaUtant Over Hlllaboro Furn ere & Hdw. Co Nltht aad Snoday Pb le City 157. Day '. Phooe II 1 773. rout CHA Berber Parlors Courteous Treatment ' Capable woramen Baths ia connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will please you. JAKES AKDEKCri, Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro. fW. 0. Donclson1 UNDERTAKER Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. Help MoKe Orerjon the Cleonest State the Union ..... ... . ... ..... . 1. Unclean iJeaa in regard to tea scattered broadeaat by the Igaocant caaae immorality, rlnieaae and tuffrrioK among the innocent ' tuMftMifav aa. ma. rae. wboletoaie luloiin ition helps to ptodoce clean, fceelthfal citsteaa eapaMe of richer and more nsefel lives. Sea education shoatd be provided when poetible ia the home, raaspleta will be sent fraa for meo and women, boys aad girla of all agea. ' Bead t-cent stamp n l state ifcnoitely ages and see of children aad other per aona for whom pampleta are wanted. Addreaa THE OREGON SOCIAL HYGIENE SCCtlTY Coaaf. S. raw Will You" Build? If yon are going to build this Spring or Summer, ace J. S. LORSUNG, for prices oa building and excavating. Kstimntea given free. AH work is guaranteed. No payments until worV la completed. J. 8. Loranng, Cor. Finland Washington, Sta., Tele phone City 574. Hiltsboro, Oregon Give Me a Trial FOR THK Best Fire Insurance - AND PROMPT SBTTLR. MKNT OF LOSSES SKK JOHN VANDE1VVAL " Agent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. Pacific States Phone iu HILLS BOKO BUILDING I am prepared to do all kinds of Building and Repair work. Cabinet work, eta , Saw-filing, Screens and Screen doors. Shop at Main and f ront. All kinds of furniture, plate and prism glass doors and win dowa, r Also Kawneer bars. JOHN BEATTY. For Sale Hay cutter, with horse power; nearly new.Tc.a ts Furors IZzZ. C-tf ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE BmvaeVoi. Oraajon This popular institution, condncted by the Sisters of 8U atarv. ' superior educntional advantages, conbined with the iaSoesee of a rafiaed. home. It is delightfully situated in the healthful Tnalatla Valley, only it miles from Po- land 00 the Sonthera Pacific car line. Full Primary, later, mediate, lira- nar ami High School Coaieaa, Separata) tUpaitvaeat for little girl. Those who wish to prepare for the teaching profession can Sad the Teacbetr- training Course empty equipped aad prepared to do atroBg work . A gi iluste from this contfe secure a Teacher Oa Year C -rtiaesne without ea puliation. Exceptional opportaaitie for thoroogh instrBCtioa ' fa Music, An vnd EapressioB. A aewly organised Ooeaeaercial Coarse cover a perio-1 of two years and fits for any position of reapoasibilitv. For furnher inform ition. or prospectus. Address ffaat CI9rf6r C. B. BDCDAH All ft CO, Ics. . ' " v . Hillsboro, Cornelius and Horth'Plains Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay, Flour, Food end ;'-'"'-.:- Grain Dors. Car-lot shippers of POTATOZO and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any tirae Lumber, Shinfjlos and Lath At Cornelius The Dost riour at th Lcacct Ti! Telephones! Hillsboro, IZaia 14. CcrzzUC 1 I 1