HILLSBORO, OREGON, MARCH 18, 1915 MX 2 Them ton"4 llunl K4N CX AU QUAIL WtfcWw Vtleress Cifa wick leat el m legislature waa very gal Won ladies, for they Ul (a hunt and nth The M.-rrhanU Mutual tire Asa'n., f Oayton. the Pacific Home Mutual Fire Ina. Ox. of Fort Grove, and the Horticul tural Fire Uflit-r, of Oregon, are no mure. I therefore wiah to announce to the Inaured In the Horticultural, of Salem, that the manager of the above named have turned over to the 1'eciflc State Fire In. Co.. of Portland. Ore., the insurance to be rewrit ten by them. Thin U benefit to the policy holden and credit or. Phone or write to John Vanderwal. agent and I will keep your property covered till 1 ran are you, t'hone Main 2(0, HdUU.ro. G0-2 Chicken grit, shell bone and chick food at Greer's. Adotph Uutschmann. of near Orenco, was in town Saturday. John Parsons and r.ife, of Centerville. were in towr Friday. tv, uimtt in ladie' neckwear. direct from Paris via Chicago, at Hillsboro Mercantile Co. C. Cheyne. of Yamhill, was in the county seat the last of the week. Geo. Laeraermann. of above lUnki was in town the last of the week. Ed. Srhlecel. of near Eanks. utm in the city the last of the week. s Sat'prt. of Tuaatin. was transacting business in .the eity Friday. ErvinA llurk Halter and A. W. Walker were in from South Tua latin. Friday. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Munger. of Portland, were in the city the last of the week. Royal tailored suits alwsys fit and retain their shape. Htllsbo- ro Mercantile U). C SchoenbaehW, of Farming- l,.n and Ti'nni PvL of SOUth of . , ' ,1 ff 1 1 k 1 . . . . . 0 . l . I ...... I . t f 1 , UlettAM . , ..... .-- - , janiouniea io rnajw w w " me miince oi m cuunij in wn- me nver, wrrc mj fio.w. W. indthiman wunai ... ( )mehfc,mjni . diatricta. and appoint Saturday. na rememorr it,.,. in ,,!,..,- The 'b owout ' Uwiiinri. who w it at once ao- .v. l r law remains the same "- , . - ... Jmm..- . 7" . r Jl... : i Anurew nwrib '-- - . i rHiiirai are'imiv - - w HEGioTEn OF HR ODEMIISCIOED Caaatv Will he Divided Into Uis- trkts far Getlinf Statialks HEALTH OfflCtIS SEIVE W CITIES BetTveet Tkcte Is Falirt WatakfiM ci-cnin.tas The health laws of the state have been changed by the legislature. an4 homaftor thu tirnrurintf of Sed to hun an Assistant Janitor Montgomery Ltatistics of births and deaths the lm- wm on lhe "ick 'Pf ?d will be underUken by an entire- (CUed with Jhe m k wm helping in he . The aw miuires SIho. art tne uu war basement lie lurnea on me - - I but the Spanish War water to replenish the boiler, that counties must be under the !.t MdiTa like the snl t turning it olf at the supervision of a state registrar. 1 i -!iCt an right time, it fill.-d and drove the who is the head of the state r !. iSLSI S alami 1!,,l,n th Tl .'rf oa of health. In all cities of )untln lietnse. or sland pi(M wlth mach force that ue h?ath 0f. 5ce. along with the "rest t.pa were blown out. and the of- ver f" " 9m . ' , ,P . v,""v" . A.I c - ii'.. m. fleer ia the registrar, and this ew TL .kTi . nce. McCee's quarter were these, the health officer of the b!.L5k.i J! fHMwith steam and the vapor cjty 0f Hillsboro. and the health I tifl, Lrri.! m ihkk one t it officer of the city of Forest Grove, ne than the P WtK a knife. The damage xne ,ite registrar will divide up are immune ine year amtHinUHj topi-rhaps $5 or $10. the balance of the county in con- C. 11 E3 QLED Wen Ksmws) Deal-Mute Kaife to Em4 Has Ule Uses LIVES SCANT IAU KCtl AFT3 year-open season irum . ln wurj, -pt.rhntia day he ahould be absent. io uct. lin mil nK out new papers to 3 deer with Horns aora, i . lhn(M. lhlt wt,re point a deputy Hrt 1 aIM V rw iiiav Aip, how to raie a fine apple, was a Wm tara aal late la WaifclHis Cm. Sm at Late Set Eawfca Charles W. Emrick. a well known pioneer, born in this county, killed himself Saturday morning. about 7 o'clock, death resulting from the third attempt. Emrick was alone when he made his at tempts at self destruction. Me was in the kitchen of his home. t Ninth and Baseline. His wife was the first to find him. and he waa then lring on the floor. Emrick fiist used a pock et knife, cutting a big gaah. in his left wrist This most have bled for some little time and not getting results, Emrick then .!..hH Hi throat with a butcher knife. He failed to get toe jugu lar, however, the greatest dam age inflicted being a small cut in th wifwtnin Ha then took a knife and olunffed t into nts Snd bucks with less than eing unlawful quarry, rgray squirrels -you have more than rormeny. me being Sept 1 to Oct ai. i pheasants, season the Set l to Oct 31. but you Tone hen to four males, a W'a innrC AT two henS Sncl nales in seven consecutive t and geese, open season, ia tvh. 1K-30 in 7 days )t fishing Is covered the supply thewe that were destroy. el by the steam jets. The en tire water system force was be lt ml the tronure for a lew minutis. Go to Gothsm for high grade hnrnHii Just recerveil - a big shipment of sweat pads, deer hair. If: coat hair. fac. inese sell higher elsewhere. We also have a high grade collar, $5 reg ular, including 21 Inch, llooes s ahould be absent. county seat caller the last of the stomach, just below the breast- Births and deaths must be re- If", Th. blade oenetrated both ported to these registrars, and in the case or births, musi oe re ported by the physician, the fa ther and mother, or the house holder where the child was born, within 10 days. The report must tell the name of the father and mother, and how many children the mother has brought into the world prior. In the case or deaths the per nn actinir as underUker must a f .... a. am faam ll r ! ta' aitd nf th atomaeh. Dierced the :.. i fhr.. Iiirt. fire livpr. and the DOtntOl the Diaoe insurance companies, uive me a passea ciear - Done. Dr. E. H Kuu can eaten irout w and upward me year but from 6 inches up rA l'ln that the information is i: avton unrun. bkihi atxiui ou call.-H 1. Kuratli. V.ir bb1- IWen hives bees. some patent hives. Good work -oM.-Chaa. Ilickethier. Cedar Mill, address Portland. It. 2. .1 I Honrv P. David, of Forest Grove, was transacting business at the court house the last oi me week. ! Thive brood sows. Berkshire, or will trade, for cow or driving horse. Jos- Tannler, 510 RUSTIC 810 Oar special now is a good grade of rustic for barns or out-buildings at the. low price oi ten dollars per thousand. Rough lumber now 18.75- sizeii unto Gfc Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. CVs. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY l'ver thing in Building Material ri Davlnn tlnrtlh. BffM abOUt UU ... ...J lh Hnu.r.ul Atni mt the Ore-1 .l ..ii!..niit ki.unikl n Itoute 4. Tele- la from April 1 to Oct nn nitric atatioa. at Tualatin. A.L.u.nM nhn..e Scholia. Line 20, No. unrun waa th- i.Unki will i.aB 1.UI UB BB U.I . .a a ai Jt I . " . . . . r than ma soiaiers ana rpturning from a trip to nis i am- hill ranch, lie lived at Salem, and was well known there and in Yamhill County. He was ap tmrently in the best of health, and was ioking with several all males, over 11 must Ihe license, or be liable Whment COUNTY COURT AH the blanks will be furnish ed by the state registrar. The first violation means a mU(omAnrr and ia Dunishable as such, which means a fine fm ei ia irm or iait from one with several A. . .... Th. a..eond of- men at the station a few seconas u- tn --.fc 0(T the reel, wiore aeam. ssuinw wu MkMl htm how Sa em was since 525. K-2 Ralph Ilaonan. of Buxton, was in town Saturday night He inva Hnttnn exoects to have a good season this year, when the mills start Smith was summon- f mH Emrick was taken to the hospital. He was laid on the operating table, being still con scious. He raised himself from I the table and removed his false teeth. Vr. Smith then removed the clothing in order to operate nn t.ia ihmat hn for the first bme he discovered the wound in thestomachi EmncK naa care- f.iiio mtnMit thia wound. rh hamnrrhaM from the ab domen wound waa immense, but i hem waa no exterior now. c,nv , AiA within ten minutes af ,iVI W.'M " " Vl . . . . tor (miner nn the table, but the wonder is that he lived aa long a ha AA Vmuup nrrtt held an in lAnvm .. . quest Saturday afternoon, and tha inrv rouna a veraicc oi sui- I 1 ' - W-n nn III Sim. it u rtauohv nf Rnnka. waa I . . ... ,.- am hin I in . . i .l- I in town Mondav. enroute io iav i -in witnesses saia am saa-i 1 allowed by im .couniy w rr ... T: - lnli wwnmtnwmnyVyw''. h u ... . n iniured -.-.i and not appearing tn iasi .. ZT :7. ter.pan or may. ana - u , barn. .:. hvafall from a load issue,arc: n" the accident k Nerd, each $10.00$ Kva wu- . ""T "1". .T. 7 pomunenu soon. u (nvw there, and that he I. id to have affected his I17A0; Berlaa Iaro, t.ui-1 "" "r.Ji'Ili " A m t n-1 h.. . fin nlace. mirt. he having threatened to I CtUII COOK IIOOKS . rrn, .. the kill himself several times. The " T ? 7.Z" i i.7ZZ. iurv: Wm Schulmeneh, August sin ia fr viiH ri in hi h ins uvrr V VAA a I - - ar a-. t I J!t2.- - .u- rv(T I o j i.T. i.Dj:-- Tvi J T Young. U tt ueicn- i..L ".. L. U A. anH nn aa a I :.J Tk ,l..nim waa cron. 1 Rian. t KenSO BUU A KK. Ur, N-IUa rrftMo, N.t- ffara, Mch $10.00. (-lleavtrton Grocery On, Bttrhanan, $6J86 Jn "' K 1. Mtav.na. 178.00: INlly pointments i ..t. 'xiaiu.l ' A min. RVUI1IUIII im luanw ........ i . ute afterward he took a step COFI EU back ward and fell. Coroner IMir r.. w-nt to Tualatin to investi- I gate the death, but held no in- C(ub Qook is finished and on sale. .V t7sio- te meaeain. oui neiu n Ciub j- nmsnea ana on saie. spirited. The cleanup was gen J t MbSaTrvic" h"Wt there being witnesses to ThU ti a nt of the book Lral. and a number of the horses ly, $27.03; AmbuUnc. Berv c. nilhHhed in 1911. with 100 addi- boucht in by C. Kedmond, 1 oo: Sarah J Cloak. $16 00; Mr .moU. S22.IS: O F VU M l. Uuralwood Cai 8re '" A . $7.00: W O IHnelm, n:.Ma.kAik.n. f tional recipes, and the sale price wk0 wm continue in the livery II '"'V .'r." MilWr. Ui rafuml ...$ Dbineton. Co Treat mI i SapplnfUin, Dtp Treat WUaon, cahir Treat MMlMMlllMMMt A Umkin, Udgerman 1132 75.00 76.00 ih iii.nvi.ru will Ditch the open ing game of the season against I lm Angeles, at that city. March 'tn m.i lliir has bitched the last two owning games ana nas sUrted the McCredieites out with the first game eacn time. Heretofore for many years me Beavers alwsys lost the opening game. Mcueuie tninss me ior- u i ronta hiinit. tflkintr the Place or the The books are on sale at tne company which has dissolved. 1 1 ! a.laaaal I . follow in ir nlsces: Vaught's Grocery. 41illsboro Mercantile Co, I Combs' Furniture Store. Board's Grocery. Snodgrass Grocery. KsUriok waaaaonof the late I SniMnon Emrick. Dioneeror IKS. a a a.u He was Dorn in mm county. near Cornelius, about 3 years aga He was married to Holda rvi 9i. and the widow and three sons survive nf nmmn fHtv! Hennr. on the home farm, northeast of town, and Daniel, at home. Tha AamA man waa indUBinouB. and waa a good neighbor. He rTT 111 fiillu annrertate the wisdom of rav luu wn uv -r i ' . ing a portion of your earnings until yon nav opesag dc account ., The "interest" makes it interesting, waue the principal inspires ambition to accumulate a mntralMK. nniM : .Mnnnt an1 von will tealitc. as never belore, bow easy it is to reach the coveted goal independence. . - . 4 rer ven. inicresi via American National Dcnll aMSflf RNftaw, twi a-danndpr and son. Of Mountaindale. were in town Mon day. They were accompanied by Fred Stcmpfli, a relative, who arrived here from Montana, last niAalr nwtmriftniri hv his SlSter. MissCelia. The visitors expect l moved int0 Hillsboro tome o. ci ni.oV mam. 7 veara. to make VYasnington vjuniy mnnh asm. and had nxed us JST :..3..... mer HillslKiroitecan pull througj , e?0 mly 3 uoo. 1? l.TaS PJ! a win BKBin in iui j "'Idrtvinir mare, 0 yeara. uw. n urcj ' " - maa oeen rouruiu. nu wo .1 line Onll I j !tk tk. Mm (hit k ! are souna ana vruB.- n" 1 nn. wibcu wii m ur. . 1 0 Younir men lnks, ure., n. j. p. Johnson, or uuxion, waa going w w '-'! Wanted-atonce, ioungmtni lia.oi j" .:., m...h. h thranrh ha owed no one. and for automobile business, o g nntndtj circuin . ..". 1 1 k.:.. Iftll hnn ana 8 .i.n ni. I Downt. Qwk Treat off Vnaltut, CUrk Treat off iltxander, Clerk Treat off Johnton, Clerk Treat off Boot, Clerk Treat office . jKeKnoner, Co Judge tal . ( Htnley, Co Comm aal , , kUtiton, Co Comm tal .. Tupptr, Janitor aal . ... Montgomery, Aaat Janitor MMHIMHMMHMM with ourUrd 1915. n.ou 51.00 21.00 24.75 RI AA nay. we mase ywi"' ' " -rr: r" . :" a i ". Li" u - i.t.nH w w ten weeks by mail. Fay us after has nis iwi no? -.. running iu.iu . we scurevou position.. Century plewed to see me pnew ... na jn drce of 80.W11 i.ini. Inst tute. Los Ange- a lime. . ".: 17ZJ. . . ""vv"""" . .. - - 11..U. It anrk. Th 19 a means DU8I- menus. wv.viidil 1 1. 1 ina Kaiinman. 01 near iiuuvi, 1 -r--- vo, . - , ,... I nnoa fa Illtinil Tally one for the split log drag and Arnold Vandome.on , 01 . - a .... iii 1 tM vna a-iav bim imvl ua aiiv 1 Judge iwasoner says w ww i. weea. 0. Nordlund and family, of near Reedville. were in town the last of the week. Wm Rnhh and family, of 10 wn me 60.00 1 U0 ...kfluAi ihia imnlement has heenustNl faithfully during the Wl.u nn flnrlit falHv ItOOtl hnvnnd the roads u hnu nnt ftn used. 1 he I nil. iu 1 v kmi, , I Court says that occasionally there Corneliut. Co Sealer garnet. Co Sch 8upt tal 100.00 W Wilkea, Cl.rk Supt oft F0.00 C Luce, Co Clerk tal , w KuraUi. Den Dork tal .. 10U.00 r''"". " " ; aa Court aays hat occasion Jn m ooie, u.n. omiw ... Ja a mUdhO 8 H OW piaca wiicio "-"""'V' . ie II Davl lUearder't tallOO.00 Bement is used, but they Lt of the week. f ni... iv. d.i.. ..I :r,.ftor' v . K .1 r.. i......,. I it.... v.nlAr.hAr(r of Hethanv. 1 uuivjr, w I are lew anu mr wtnmi. 1 rcici , .inn i..".. ... u Wiiiert, Attt Dtp Reeor- . T. nU-iw was in town Monday. Vrsal , 6O.001 jwr.... . "7,0v "n' r.-., or . kinds of bulk lUrUlfillVU IWim ---------- - J- inir. Bath, water and light; garden seeds. front rooms. Fifteen dollars. Southwest corner of First and Oak. Louis DelaiTton and daughter. Miss Mayme. who were recent w v. IVIaman and ? 11.. jn..il kVl.luv fnr theirla.49 home in Manitowoc. Wisconsin. 9:58 They were accompaniea e.bv uj 12:43... Miss Klwaoein ueiman, wuw a:oo ... 5:4;i ... P. AND 1. G. & E. TKa funeral took nlace Mon day, aervicea being held at the i " . a ai . a Cong. Church, interment was in the local cemetery. VmvtAlr waa a brother of D. BL ... - .u- n u am iiM and Thos. Emrick. Hillsboro, aSSffi, d s the !Z d John Emrick. ot Arlington. IriAt An Mnin street io ro". tu.iiu PavaoI flmvTrai 1 .. 6:50 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:3G a. m. Sheridan Train .&p. m. UNDON STOCK YAKC3 SUflTE SM11IGS BMiK Air.3Ttcen Nsticnd Ccr.!; (affiliated ba k ) Combined Capital and Surplus..- f S2,O.C0 Combined Resources 0,00 Dftnhin ( in All Its Cranchc Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of 1. Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Ua of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Ci-tz, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certiitcs of D posit. Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 fmr Cent Paid on Ssivlnrf Dwrcx'-. . 00.001 ---- - nllal'ailUw t lnooo furnished rooms for housekeep V.M' ?,f ?':.:"; J22 n. Bath, water and . light; AppiegBM, UOp DlWri.I Ml vw.v Cr.nHall Pa Aaaaaaor aal 100.00 fttiet Wilton. Dob Aste-aor a - ..... W ....,... l.oo topyigU Attettor'a office Ktther Vlmart, $5.00; Elisabeth Chalmert. .... i , . . ,11 i uecnon, uraee imity, tawi Bth Crandall. IS.0O. to Court-R MatUaon, $i0; C A !7, $2.40$ D B Reatoner, $3.40. 8 WUket, Surveyor's on -?A2Vtit with o 8 Wilket. C H axa .... 42.00 Will mane an u - , - . l.il..na 4a h A M nur OREOON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland-65 minutes. 6:32...... 7:18. . .. t J. N. Miller, of Clstskanie, in tnwn tfnndav. on busi- J. N. formerly resided arOak Psrk, and sold out a ar or so ago. He is going into ie garden business down at (latskanie, this year, tnd will irm tide land, where everything jrows to perfection. I M. Durlxa. ftf hAw Quatama. as in tha e' ths 1-t cf the relatives in the East Jean Nihart and wife, of Ham mond, were in town- the last of the week, witnesses ue.or m. grand jury. They were brought here to appear in the case ot State versus Morton. J. A, Thornburgh, of Forest r.mve. was down to tne county seat Fr dav. Frank Hoicomb, West Union am a m a m am pm p m .pm .pm .pm Receipts for the week have been mH a 1K74- raivM. sa: nosa. u . r. l, n .191 a m. 9un. akoon. IfiSI. u.Minn vSIIa Train. .... .2:15 D. m. I Tha market on cattle opened . i .Ti. 1-lfl n m.lk.lrln a nmlitv niterine at! I Ul.o. v. . ' - - - ' . - Eugene Train. .. 4:53 p. m. tbout steady prices. Too steers McMinnville Train 6:37 p. m. remaining steady all week at Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. 7 75. Monday's runot cattle From Portland Pn(Tfnf Train arrives . 8:15 a. m. a. in . . 9-1)8 (Sat only) From Portland-65 minutes, 7:54. . . . ' ........'" 1,1 9:20- 11:25 ." w 2:06. . .. " """V ,u 427 . " """ ' ' " 6:25- ... 4 ' 7.1a.. v 0.19 iSat. onlvl H""P" v.as ' am .r ..... ... ro McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville All trains. trains, stop on Range and Fir Sixth and Fir Tenth street Steam Service To Portland P. R. & N. Train......-..1:S7 p. m. From Portland . P, R. & N. Train 104 a, m. was the heaviest tn inese yaraa for some time. Good cows are quoted at 6 50, and other lines in proportion. A - , Nntwitnatanaina' ine iaci, idu Portland prices have been the kiirhoat tn tha United States for some time past marketinw has not been as liberal aa expected. 1 Ton bom onened tSondav at 7 25 and are selling at same price at dMa at WAJklr OL... mm .aala kaina ti"H diievM i ."A -y,-V" nn nmmntiv tor anv ana li ci- rrinira. Paekera are. axtrcasly . .. Old Depot Uhort of supplies and are willing . .9:42 a. m. " .11:59. m. " ..3:15 p.m. " ..4:30 p.m. " , 6:37 p. m. " .7:15 p. m. ...9:00 p.m. .12:15 a. m. except Eugene flag at North streets and at streets and at takers of all offerixrs tt Icrices. Lambs s.l sslUt John Nawnm. cf tdr Lzzi 1 viiia, ma a city cx lYj. In my large comprehensive stock will be found rings of every description and every occasion-baby rings, birth day rings, signet rings, dinner rixs, and in wedding rings I have both tif fany and oval band. Yon can make no mistake by tstisg what I have to offer before purchas ing a ring elsewhere. LAUCSL M lZCr wu in the eity ututcay liana "