The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 11, 1915, Image 1

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wt cuiioi::g
SnreprP MDtniV
inroGi,.u ii.,iiuli
0 o. phelp In t
i siiucTtw is iiaowito
ia VaUev
Sheriff Reeve had a "hurry
cal to lualation. Saturday
U-inu mtorted that Slavonian
woodcutter had robeed O. Kim-
m-a, who live just accrosa the
tine In Clark ama County. The
word to Reeve stated that the
workmen had scalded Kamne
In the encounter. The facta
were that Kammt had hirei the
three to cut wood, and the price
waa 1 t-r cord. When they
came to utile the Slavs contend
ed that they were to receive
$1.25 per curd. Thl Karonea
deputed, and a fitfht ensued.
One of the men threw a coffee
put at the old man, but the con
tents did not hum him. They
then Umk $408O from him, this
being sliirhtly mure than
would have received at
niEER OF 1852 DIES
J. Hobbs. of Variey, waa a
city caller Monday morning.
Neal Bennett, of Laarel. was
a city visitor Monday Morning.
Chicken grit, shell U e and
chick food at Greer's.
VVm k'trriDcr. of VerLooiL was
Away Last Thursday Evening the city Saturday.
Frank ScIL of above Bank.
George Jerome Palmatcer Pasted
FeUaac Ibt Cataaai. Saab Wil
laawttc far NlecUee Yearn
George Jerome Palmateer died
at the family home on Washing
tan Street, llillnboro. Thursday
...... - - - - -
they evening. March 4. 1915. after a
lingering illness covering several
weeks. Ha was born in Gil-
..i,i nade. urancn uuniy, wicmgan.
rut of 0. IHrlpf. and
... . i i
Set tne piaca nerval wr.
'arrangement will be per
il inside of GO days, and
new feature will be add-
A K"d stag will be in
I so that the theatre can
modate any troupe which
It visit the city.
. i'hilli)S will have expend
veral thousand dollars in the
ii-ks by the time all is In
. and IlilUboro is to be
ratulated on his enterprise.
('helps waa the original
ng picture man In HilUboro,
ie has made success of his
h. He will t misse l here,
wherever he goo he will
i hi heat wish a of the wj
f Hillshoro and vicinity.
. and Mrs. Phelps expect to
I the Summer over at Rock
.and after the season clom-s
fiay locate viae where In the
Vi: cum cook hooks
the Grand Theatre has its
ion coropieiea ang w -
tuiitding remodeled, it will
. t ..i.i.,...
v . n.Mi mil v ri w uiiiuiu
ni- urn-" r I , . , - ... i . .,
. .. .Kii. it. v,'.ii...,i wou ui nave receivea ai me i
e n me vi iitwnipiv-; in . ..... t
I,, of Portlsnd. Carpenters iMtf . 5. The men
l,lni.inir the structure Mn. In lt Tualatin and
. i .-..i lh nr mil the ihu - m-rv h and were Jan. 11. UWU. ana crOHKt'u inc
.... ..... - , - - ,
ig capsclty will take career aiout to aeparc as i nougn plains wun nis parenis in mat.
im to 1 000 people. nothing had nappenea. wnen MUinjt gt Portland. Komine-
ilAilu cthy!y "JSJ U yearaMM-almaUHrwas.
three fellow take it as a matter marine engineer on ine sieam
of course, and say that they boat plying on the Columbia,
were to have had the $1.25 per Snake and Willamette Kivers.
cord, and were bound to have He waa married to Jennie J. Uus-
their money.
They wilt have their hearing
over at Oregon City.
The Merchants' Mutual Fire
Ass'n., of Dayton, the Pacific
Home Mutual Fire Ina. Co.. of
Forest Grove, and the Horticul
tural Fire Uriief. of Oregon, are
no more. I therefore wish to
announce to the insured in the
Horticultural, of Salem, that the
mananer of the above named
have turned over
States Fire Ins. Co
',Mun:"r !: ililhlw district manager
U'n uj vilfut. turn it m uviivih
to the pobcy holder and credit
or, l'hone or write to John
Vandirwal. acenL and 1 will
keep your proiwrty covered till 1
ran see you, l'hone Main 203,
Hillsboro. 50-2
John G. Quigley, of Portland,
wants a divorce from Annie Quig
ley. The couple were married
in Huston. Mas., in IKK, and
ell. Sept. 19. 1880. and in 1S87
thi moved to iteedville. where
they had purchased a tract of
land, making their home mere
until 1898, when they came to
Hillsboro for permanent resi
dence. Arriving at the county
seat Mr. Palmateer conducted a
confectionery store, and after
ward engaged in the grocery
business. From 1S96 until his
death he waa a continuous rest-
was a city caller Saturday after
The latest in ladies neckwear,
direct from Paris via Chicago, at
Hillslwro Mercantile Co.
Peter Grossen, of Helvetia,
was it town Monday, on business
at the court house.
lloyal tailored suits always fit
and retain their shape. Hillsbo
ro Mercantile Co.
lilue Andelusian cockerels; also
eifus for hatching. IA. .I-oos,
Forest Grove; phone 2-13. 48-1
Kmil Lut-thi. of this county.
was united in marriage to Anna
Hulx-r. February 28. 1915. Iter.
Schilanecht officiating.
J. A. Kirk wood was ud from
Iteedville. Monday, and says the
burg is getting ready for a gen
eral Spring touching up.
Money to loan on farm secur
ity. 1 represent three large fire
insurance companies. Give me a
call. K. I. KuratlL
A number of Germans from
this county attended the big Ger
man meeting in Portland, Sun
day evening.
Secretary Geo. IL Himcs has
set June 17th as the date for the
id BamsEDr
Quote OptoiM ol Attsrswy Oca-!
eral Sustain lag Ocer Law
Esfcst Jtwoca Ikai to at ia Orat
$10 RUSTIC $10
anove nmeo wjlh toe exCeption of meeting of the pioneers in Pi
Af rtitSS f year .pent in Portland. land.
t?fi-rit JSJTMS? Lr t . e. Hillsboro Mercantile
new edition of the Coffee
Cok is finished and on sale,
in a re urint of the book
inhed in 1911. with 100 addi-
ih lt.eifie KLates
The pall bearer wera b. L
KuratlL Cal Jack Jr.. C. M. Mer
rill. V. C. Francis, N. P. Oaker
man (Portland.) and Mann Col-
Una ftroniVL
He was prominent as an Odd
Fellow, and wore the veteran
jewel of 35 years of membership.
He was also a charter member
of the Kebekah Lodge.
fori nuisuoro u:ri-anuic aj.
20 steer - null ed.
The Grand Jury convened
this morning, to take up
Justice of the Peace Wells, of
Eugene, a few days ago, direct
ed a jury to return a 'not
guilty" verdict wherein one
John Hawk was charged with
having the carcass of a deer in 1
his possession during the closed
season, the court holding there
was ao law covering the case.
Game Warden Finley gives At
torney General Brown's opinion I
that the law is sufficient in every
particular, quoting:
Section 2, paragraph (c), pro
"Closed season ia the time dur
ing which it ia prohibited by law
within the State of Oregon to I
hunt, pursue, take, kill, injure.
destroy or to have in Dosseaanon
anv earn animal, f ur-bearinsr an
i imal, game bird or game fish, or I
anv oart thereof.
Section 10, paragraphs (c) and
(k). provide for open season in
Districts No. 1 and 2. as follows:
"Game animals. Deer with
horns, from Augi 1st to Oct. 31st I
of each year. Bag limit, three
such deer during any one tea-
Section 35, paragraph (a), of
the name set Drovides:
"Possession of game animals
or birds, or any portion thereof.
Oar special now is a good
grade rf rustic for barns or
out-buildings at the low
price of ten dollars per
thousand. Rough lumber
now $8.75. Sized $ 10.00.
Bdger Lumbsr Ca
Main St. and P. R, & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
Kverj thing in Bailding Material
criminal cases and get ready for during the closed season, shall be
the term of circuit court which
: convenes next Monday.
Conductor C. Jackson, on
the Portland-Tillamook run, was
a Sunday visitor in the city. He
thinks the motor will be placed
1 ..hi olaces:
Wht's Grocery.
AllHboro Mercantile Co.
mlis' Furniture Store.
twird's Grocery.
nodkrrass Grocery.
Ooiclev aavs his wife laid awake I Ha ia aurvlved by Mrs. Pal ma- on tht beach run by the middle
niKhUto"nag"him. To "bring teer and three children-Urne of April.
her to her good sense" a he I palmateer, assistant manager 01 a. B. Davis, who is located at
livl together at Boston, and Ashland. Ore.:i and Geneva, now Grove and Buxton before return-
John says that one day sne Mrs. r. U. Mitcneii. 01 me ueiia,
.1 4 I ... ".lii k ia knal I UMI.k.
,Mn with a flatiron." This set A brother. Martin Palmateer, Elmo Bradford, son of the late
Jished in 1911. with 100 addi- her to her good sense" as he palmateer, saawtant msnager 01 a. B. Davis, who is locate.
l reciiies, and the sale price says, he enlisted and went to the the Knick Detective Agency, at ned Eastern Oregon, was di
I. rent. Philippine. He returned aever Sttn Diego. Cal.; Lulu, wife of l0 county seat Satusday.
.ITfrks are on sale at the al year later and they again George (X Spencer, formerly ot transacted business at' Fo
I .ill tilsimMI liiv...l at Roaton. and A ahland. Ore.: and Geneva, now n
Dnma facie evidence tnat tnei
same have been unlawfully taken.
unless each auarter of any deer
and the carcass of any other
game animal or game bird shall
have been tagged by a game
warden, etc
Section 62, paragraph (b). of
Chanter 232. orovideS!
"Unless otherwise sDecifically I
nrovided. anv Derson violating!
any of the provision of this act
shall be guilty of a misdemeanor
and shall be punished by a fine
of not leas than S25 nor more
than $500 and costs of such suit
a IK.a.UASAs TaalanriAns Cjm
y held Its first tock holder
Jting at lleaverton a few days
ltv awa for the corpora
were adopted after which
following named person
. a. . I
e elected as director: it 1
ker. Fred W. Cadv, Frank
l.ivermore, N. S. U.chards
C. V,. Kindt The Hoard
V l.'Ptwi IL L. Tucker, oresi
it; N. a Richards, vice presi
t. and t; li Kindt, secreUry.
j laavv 1 . . . . ..1
tu,l him n,l ha aava he can't rW at Iteedville. Shentl Kradford. was 10 wwt r
rr" .-" ,1 " 1. ...i..ti. 1 t r." . r.i... ... . M. uv. ....tnff t-.tintr hia hav. the county wnerein sucn uniaw-
live wun ner. tie pe riwj -eroma, ra.m.vr w - art waa committed for not
willing, nowever. inai in. p.;,! than 30 days or more than
boys, aged 10 10 JO, snail remain word was aa gooa aa nia wnu, " ' T . HH m mnM than til months.
...uw k.. ,.if tuu v,auin- m. uia iif- vmA aiwava heen e-1 Fire DoDartment. with station at 1 5 days or more man sixmonma.
. r:ii J.Ck":' " i""i" He East Ankeny and Third Streets, or both such fine and imprison-
llivu "iwi "vi icmtimij "', ' 7 I I man t
leavea a hoov wi in
eerelv remret hi death, and ex-
Georcre Steven and wife have
moved to Portland for residence
u. hint ranch ud to SI 0.000. Hal
ance, mortgage for 3 year. Di
rect inquiries to P. 0. Box 333,
Hillsboro, or call Main 144,
Hillsboro. 4ZU
VJ I . ... . .a. ..I
of all Hillsboro. He was one of Hillsboro ladies are gettin the I
the originators of the Hillsboro bowling xever. ana me loiiowing
that he like the nlace. any
y, but he would like to see the
settlers back, if only for an
usional visit
or rent: Three large, nicely
nished room for housekecn
.Hath, water and light;
mt rooms. Fifteen dollar.
mthwest corner of First and
John Kamna, of Farmington,
knied by hi wife and daugh
irs. John is feeling pretty
m ftR hn anld his hicr nat eron
br $ 12 per ton. in January, for
av delivery and sold to a reli-
pU firm.
For sale: Thiva hrood sow.
krkshire, or will trade, for cow
f oriving horse. Jo. Tannler,
herwood. Ore.. Route 4. Tele-
hone Scholls, Lino 20, No.
r ., i,...M.v. ,"-" j cerely regret nmaeain, ana ex- mov
business prnperiy on un a n tend to the family their profound Uhis 8ummer. Geo. goes to the
GrandAvenues:fpr ranch ,ympathy. . metropolis with the best wishes
uumuvna ,muF,j m During his last illness ne mei
va cy town, or mignt consioer a . ith .,iniH and. real z.
- . m .v i bjbbbib f wi a va jp-""'- "-' ' i ni urn' i iimi ill -i B-iirr aa uiauui u a w- -' - -----
i.g that death was near, was Telephone Company, and made a scores show well for a first
ready to meet the luture wan host of friends while in business tempt:
calmness characteristic of the here Ten Pins-Mrs. King 107-S3:
PlSrVanri . held Sond . G. to Cotom for hirt i7 ttS IS:
ueisman -o-oo;
; lira Anderson 63-
Uorton 91: Urs
Shut 62-68: Urs
Those from abroad attending W'rt" Ak! Bentley 81, ...
the funeral were Mrs. Kobert Duck Pna-Uiss Uisen ;
BlLhard L Gladstone. Ore.; Mr. f t days A 1 h.pS, Mw Mra Kin 54;
.nrl Mra Henrv Jones and A. ,mc olu,-,4 ,w vv"w Mrs Phi UD S3.
maii uiiPiiii immiiiiiMi a i v ui aiaava - - i -
shops in the East and It is ex Stokes. Oregon City; John Mc LoUi9 Delsman and daughter,
oected that a further order for Kernan and wife and May me, of Moni to woe, Wi., are
fcSoooo feet from the same nd wife, of Poitand; Mr. and Kue9t8 of the week with Mr.
i.uw.uiw an '"J . " ... . M a. A. Ruase and dauah naiamn. hmth w P. Thev
ffitS'ltoriK Magoon, Gaston; visiUng thV Fairfand All. except the K R, &N.. trains
rommercial Bulletin. Martin raimateer anu son, rvu on tnolr return 8top Bt seauie are electric, ana siopai meae-
. . ville. . , and visit with friends. Mr. Dels pot on Main street
Judge Blanchard, or near uar- Members ot trie oraer were man 8ay8 he likes Oregon fine,
den Home, was up to the city here irom all parts of (Washing- and ny$ we have a great
Monday mo.,ung. He live in ton County, and the rites were future out here.
... mi r..n., anrri-riate the wisdom of saT-
(JJ Will UCVti i u.ij .
ine a portion of your earnings until you have opened a
bank account - . . . , .
The '-interest" makes it lnieresung, ,
the principal inspires ambition to accumulate
a comrjetence.
.. . .nn mnA van will realize, as
independence. t. ..
4 Per Cen. interest vsa
American NationarDonll
zim mm rtkVaf raw, f-TT lliaii w
li tiw
for material. The Union Pacific
has recently placed an order for
1.200.000 feet of fir lumber to be
rioKvered immediately to car
P. AND P. E. ft E.
He lives in
the Metzger section now, and is attended by a large concourse of
tak ng things easy after his many neoD e.
...mi' hiiatlinor lifa aa muntv I
ci. v.. ..--..... ..- U..IV.
judge of (JoiumDia uouniy. Greer s lor an ainus oi duik
...u j roii. garden seeds.
Harry union, iu , . ,
1- -. . .k.M. f ann.inn. CnnHaV waa the tirSu Teal.
a ioiind huShnriff ReAvea anrinirlike day. and hundreds
last Thursday evening. A Call- were out in the sunshine.
tornla officer arrived this week
to take Brush back to the lano
of sunshine and flowers.
Frank Kecnon, of above North
Plains, was a county seat visitor
Mr. Carrie Perkins, of Oren
co, has sued 0. D. C. Perkins for
divorce, sieging that the nus
To Portland
Foraat Grave Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinn ville Train 7:S3 a. m.
Sharidan Train ........ .9.58 D. m.
Forest Grove Train . .12:60 p, m.
MeUinnville Train 2:15 D. m.
Forest Grove Tram . . -uu n. m.
' - i m nTrriaaiTr a -tmvaa
band has not prrn -ly provided v
Train 4:K3 rju m.
- i uitizinnviim iT-ain. d:oi d. hi.
American National Dgn!i
Combined Capital and Surplns 385fii-
Combined Resources UW,x-J.oi
Dnhia in All Its Branch
Cheeking Acemnts, Demand Certiftca of DepeiU
Commeroial Loans. Foreign Loans. DUc Uttoni
oTcwdit. Safe Deposit Boxes. 'yfL
Savinss Deposit. Book Acc't. Itaj Cerates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Fsdd on Sawlnrf, Deptnita
tr9 iUa wifoonil t l
Vi csi n-V ucaiinnviiie irain o;oi v. m.
old daughter. She alleges that ForMt G0ve Train...-9:50 p. m.
iney were uiameu irem iviv, i Kmm Fortland
Mioaunamne. and that the husband continually EajMe Train arrives..8:16 a. p.
y, of near Helvetia, quarreled and nagged, and that jidannville ' V . .9:42 a. m.
Saturday; the lord and master was also of p t Qrove .. ..jgg
Aa rlianns linn. Shn that . n . O.K. .
.v roren urovo
For Sale: Black mare. 7 year.
00; lilly 3 years. 1400, broke:
Iriuimv mnaut K ...MM lORA All
r s uiuiv, w jrcaiQ, iviw.
Ire Hound and true. -Frank Sell,
rtllnUa Una II q Kl.l
Wanted: Girl for general s!urof; . . ,
h.,u,.......i. ri..u.. i Thna wiiiinms naa Dccnsoenu
r"M.,-.v;YyUMi uil larilla AVIVI-IIVIIV . ;v
armor 314 in a weeK up ai me opnngs,
Zina Wolt .ttalnad w. RQth the Columbia River.
'jrthday last Friday, and he eel-1 Lloyd Ingram, of noh
'"raieq the day by making tne w av,w..j
'Olimin nt tha inain npranlinry FridBV.
li(neer and other friends. J, W. Jackson, of near North
Ulrioh iiai, n.-tftn Plainfl, was in town Monoay, on
and C. Gertsch. of Garden Home, buncss.
were in the city the last of the Mr. and Mrs. unas. iieuing, ui
wock. Roy. were county seat visitors
$'m. Schendel,, of Cornelius, Wtv-
Snd Hortrw Rn ntinhaiartv l-"l.iir..lll ttiaiila will haVA nia
Mountain, wera in the county I heme In Ktst Hillsboro remodeled
Peter Jossy
was in town
OREQON ELECTRIC TRAINS he repeatedly threatened to de-
he repeatedly threatened 10 ue- shondan
aort the wifa and child, and ttiatl ..ti ..:n.
To Portland 55 minutes. I at one time he struck the sixteen I poregt Qrove
.8:15 n. m.
" ..4:S0p. m.
M .6:37D.m.
M .7:15 p.m.
" ...9:00 p.m.
" .12:15 a. m.
exeent Eugene
flag at North
streets and at
streets and at
i -rwruauu w . , r r-"r ; -y:ca n,ft:ntiff. r oni urvvti
Ceo. Bicrsdorf. of North Tua- 6:32 : KS7a7
htin Plains, was a city visitor jag 'r:::" . failowrriTSSna.
fi.3 """" - i ava ca i C uca i ui "ini i v - ,
9:58 of 22, of Forest Grove, proceed trains, stop on
12:43 Pm ed to get full of something ex- Range and Fir
a-RK P m rmnsive. Saturday, and ended up Sixth and Fir
5:43 Pm by drawing four checks against Tenth street nijt
a-io. P m which he had no funds, ine steam service. . . . .....uiu uepw
9:1)8 (Sat only) Pro paper was drawn on the torest To Portland
From PorUand-65 minutes. STS T&Ei P R &
7:64 m another for a like amount to Ot-I .. '. .TrL.
9:20 m Itice Shearer, getting the money, l k. o . a.
11:25 m and then was more than partial r. .
n.A-2 nml: u. . i ..n al P-r ZuKhir. Of ClSSBt
a;w '" 10 nimseu, naviHK wuuira mh i - -- -
4:27 .... v p m nflrt v or i n on a check drawn was in we cy r ny. ra-w
A.? , P m 1 1 ka n.iainnor Ha wan hmuffht I knOWS hOW IA ft t7Z ZTZ
Watch the boy with
a watch.
Note how proud he
is of it, how careful to
be promptly on time
Does your boy have
to guess at the time?
Then why not get him
one ol my low priced
watches which are' as
reliable as can be?
7:18 P m to jail Sunday morning, and island U is Ctaerc.
9:12 (Sat only) P m MJ meditating over the path ofUtcto wlxsizj prin tt tt ,
Il2:t3 m'thetrnror. KSfcai
ai caiurc:?. it:io tlZ.J.zz