FOLMU HISTORY AIID ' YOU'LL BUY Where Yonr Investment Will Bring you Returns That Will he Gratifying-In a District ' that is rapidly coming to the front asthe best suburban property close to Portland Is within a few minutes run from the Rose City-You reach home, there, quicker than you can reach St. Johns, from the heart of Portland Fine Electric Service Established By the Portland, Eugene & Eastern-The comfortable big red cars. Schedule gives you morning service into town and evening service home. Prop erty here will advance every year. Get yonr home now be fore the big advance comes. SHAW-FEAR COLIPAIIY I03 fourth Street Portland. Oregon East Siirpiis HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT er jssros., The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Roedville, Oregon UQ : Ir HI ::zdca Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill i miles from'B. P. Cornelius Place. Vill Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E. KcCUMSEY CcrccGss, Ore, Route I I tin. J. a Brooaer died at TV rardrilk. Sunday. Fob. U tier maiden nanM was ISabel Shrier. and rite was born at Fox. Grant Co.. Ore.. Ken. tS. 1835. She was married to Mr. Brenner at Newbert. March 23. 1911 Besides her husband she leaves her parents, three brothers and a sister. A lanre circle of friends . i i mourn nw wan. AWXJT TAXES I treasurer Sacninrton stab that he will receive half tax at any time between now and April 1, and that after April 1 he will re- icwve ue ouer nail si any lime las kmc as the books are in his possession, which will be until IMay Z For sale, rent at tnA Vmrtn IS 11'- . a.j .. r. I- ihvuwii, mmT Mint UICIJ' tiling in good order, and can give plowing done. Inquire of Sam- residing near Oak Park. 45tf Z. IL LaRue, of Forest Grot. i wu aiviiuaj, lie lias bought a furniture store at Sher iiHuwmui mi puuession si i once. For sale: Standard nhnnn. Krapo, wun iw records. Just as good as new. Write or come I to see it. Three miles south of vre.. Kouie a, box s& March sort of anlit tha A,. i izr r ' . "- ence wis year, ana neither came in use a lion or lamb, but was usnered in with a stiff frost, the day remaining rather cold. If this is any criterion, then, we ma? expect a sort of medium I going-out at the last of the montb. I Uv mrrluww4 inJa. . n iuwucs m uumeier, lence rails, and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or call on me.-Carl Skow, Hillsbo ro. Phone. City 462, or call at i Aiuuaun noieu For Sale or I J v team or mw a. on 10 acres, offered very cheat Aiou t acres at sution, and 7 acres witn house. -See Mrs. W IB. Bolton, at Witch H.zl S.. CL !i r . . .. ownn uteres sum thoi in manv fieida it ! Kn n. I of the Winter oats have been irozen out. As a coumiumm I tk.M u. . . I uicic will IM m cm.Br ..itu. mm aeecmg mis year over forme I cars. For sale: Two steel levtr h.r. row; iwo-norse harrow; three horse harrow.-H. D. Schmelt lcr, aiiisoora. Rftf f J. A. Mrftiv nf tlwm. d.i , w. mmiv mnis. Was a City Ciller UnnA U. I : . ue repurw everything "smiling" i wu uu w a Jr. PlIK naprinax a 11. 1.7" -.-..v., V1 Hwnwn daleL w n t0WD the lut of the .lDt nshing is "pc up ma way. ut: Pair sold bow glasses. Incase. Rpwirri i..7V: w nr- kus unice. For exchallffo fnr arutk tf .-u " "I " wr lor ""'V'V. B"n p n-my land pirl ' WI oruuJ--KitUe M. uiua, uaic3 urees, ure. rirlrV .InnnoAn a. North .iT.''." Mn;.- ' visitor nrhlllmorStk'a k..4. t. . UnM- .'-. 'F"1' I m.TT; or,B - nuisDoro Hueh K. Rrsu . t).i. i . I. s uniana at. torney.wasin the dty Monday. jonn oppenlander. of near Varley. was in the city Mond.v I J. H. Rrvnnav f T! IS dtV viairn UJ u w8 I 7 wwmiji FOP SAI R borne fine Individual bull calves I . rcsians. All , .v. .,WUJ ,ui c si nun s. THE HILLSBORO COMMERCIAL BANK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS and PROriTS $25.0OO An old, safe auJ conservative Kink, locatctl ia'thc lUllslwn Commercial bliKk, S.W. corner Main ami Sca.tnl streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. WRllilill Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timtar in Washingtou county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIKI) FLOORING and RUSTIC always ou hand. Kstimatcs ou IJuildiiiRs, FUHrinjr, Rustic, Ceil ingsall kinds of finished lumlr for house material. We deliver. Phone: Pac. States, Glencoe Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacona, Orcn A aviMMMu to . u-o- u An umS4 BbckSilkStovePcSsh t4 ji ... . " r Our Business Will be condnrfp.1 . . " v mk luv Mine uroati nncs m tlie o thn.K has Wen in the r.nst, Krauting time credit to those that are entitled to it. eeDtili " w. . no ex- tk. u lu lrecntx ror th pat ent anvthine caltaCr.r.t3 .mi,v All lit i mil k aone.fw CASH as there h ahnut fiftv time 4 ! by buying for 1 gj. solid pack tomatoes. 35c' 1 KaL SJed ii'-L v, J gal. tomatoes, puree - - 25c 1 r BThi u . ' n,'c 1 can s ced DearL f-. , Ka1, P-aches, Halves. 35c - Ioc 3 cans Iowa sugar corn ' c";'nin oufar uorn, 10c, per doz $1.10. Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Main uc Miii.u is tiik o'l srv i"t'KT or STATE or OKKdON rt) WAMHIMiTUN lOl'NTT. In Ilia t:ut nf lh Ktil (Itkib II Null( U brrrt eia lht h .iii.ui 14 luk.i a l (Ull lat lla.t .1 l i. I II.' Ml Id IU Ill ll AS IWMIT "I IW . AM, wi II Hb U u Mt-ti, II. u( u In ! Ni IU. Iull ii iewill Kl i n . wf t j , W 11, Sunlit (! tlK la .kiltM. lwa.UB Wrt I : la UitMi l.r MuHk ,u;tm. U lt r, ui ut Im, .i.t I f. hi. ,.,.! el Iti O I. !', hi ;Mull wtlMil '' "I I- Aa loi JimilSi tl I. I' Ma. A lu T I !i I; 1 tt 1,1 11 . u in u, t k. ,1. 4 ..1. . ..1 " - . MM H. r,Ml M li Nmih tin ut Mt rB( I tj t iu .11 mm niriiw: inwam f.r.a I tletf, H'l'l M i fliiM b'H it m aiMI Ml Ul. foul jilt ul i ,N..,k b.ll ItM ''''' "'i ! I, t i ihM .N ill. m in B. W to !(.. Ir. A " b ! Ilw ol li I t.u It ' '! Ii lh. pl,-m ol k U'.l;Hi, r.M.uiumjf I: 4: tfa, l.(, lf'' M"J .! t.rii.l n-t l.., ' l. 41 1. i .,t, Mtutt iT iiiaJ M Ml. lvtimii t ' ' ' l l , n. IHKInf llMli.v ..-..- ,.. ... . .7 rr.; inw jKfti in Hi. r,( ,,( jo ; . MW '' " 'in r.i i lit kMi .11 "I M,il ll-; ll,IM- (Kahili ' ! I., II l. . D.1UIM(, " ' Z' l'w "iTMiit 11 i i i .1 . l.x.u.ul .. .1! lh pu'. ! mt fiu.rvl ' rt,., .!-,, i i;,. lion. r,KIl,jr ju,, .yj JU!(. ,u ll l ..1, .tl! .1 II..N..IU .1.., "' "" h .w m II til.l.u (,,, A. lUk.f. A.,in,.i..,M utm -"'' ''. II. ll.,.f, Pnciflo States rir,M.,..rl,,Uh 'r i, "j; John Vamlerwal " 11.- tUMatOMa, ( IV THK t'lRfftT Cnt'RT t.v INUTtlS fOONTl-. ' WAs- Axkftiwt. fuisiie. IjatMiaM 1tmt9 Il.u.i.. . i i. r im m.,. , , liHl aM hen itwit... i . " lb. rJC.Iu Miw m ih. .bar. ,iii,., ' M Ivfcm lh HHliW DfN, 114. lb. BrM i. ib. tuiwu,, V,." dluf lb. U., hulifci. ,(-.,," lh. lMk 4ay I.,,, f !(.. lh. ib 4y ljj.b "V A frtt . 114, - lb. . ,-.,1 'Jf "' --I h tu bmliiu lb u. , . t.,ll.IK Ufom Mlt JKlglH,,Jl gn.a ! IM (M j , Imuil .ll '" llHF. tMu, ,ti, mi i it.. u ..b4 a.u.r.....,uoi uTJ!? 1blM.t..ttMMawt,4 , B-wf.,iMf Jl H Jf !., I,, llw IHOI. 3 Ur l hjS ;r.iM WAiil.Sy 4 MAKK, U lb Of.nH CVr 4 b. m.i, AHoMKtitM.rteiMuir. Jahll l'HU,,t l.rV.Un, wlmulwuli "mm llb.b.rf lh. 1. l)f l J . 11 lb JZ l,'r" l4 iLTrW ' tm nuiuwl. u. M lb u! ..ll .,l,WlMr-,r bV maihIkI m kM uHIinl, lu. 11 ltM, lb. l MMl d.lM,.!,,, ,Mlufcta )VA m Ihm tumttHmm w ftuM Ins . 2'!," k,,'h'. A !!. M y. pbWkbb. jbiu, a. mnur, i.r nti. ,t, Ti N a I. I,..,, i,. . . . .. . .. t: ', .: " in ht .'. fr ,,",,,1 .r . ' I ' th""" ........ ir ,.,,. ''" " ""i. i t. i..PU, ,, a "ruV.b1! r::r,:,s J.nM , r.,r rrn .TKr:A.r "reBir.J y Sir -T'"''" '-oianma Cornucopia. Z ffiiA a record neat are h,Vh .,"P j . . ",,u "P'enaia pro- are remntroi " '"zF l"e8e vici lay a foundation one now anH for your herd. And. Bendler, North Tualatin Plu'na Cornelius. Ore.. K dT $16,00 sjjsy. WMJ This is'the latest model of the Swiss MY HEAVY HARNRN Onwhiehlmadcmyreputa, I Carry a Fine Line of Collars Wk- ' wpair worK promptly cared for W. 0. Donclson UNDKRTAKIiR Hs attended night or day. Cliapcl and Parlors. Hi th bono, . n. t. lb Owbll (Vnn f ih (. f IM mt Wb.biM " v, nwibnw. t f.lU M hB mmmJ te NllM bbttMinl hWliHlrMi ! lb. rw-Ult,t KM mpun .,, u- '" ir mm NM. u ";.birrh- mZri it .a ,,,, ., " .lblnir n. 1..1 b" tunhmtr.u m b lb. at 11-11 mr r V"tmnm by oM.t Uni .l, IW,,, lb. Ml of 0. iw.'!'.'' mtmmm im iiui ih. 1 , wtittm imtui.) fh,Llt.,'".,? HJH.I.IKI.H. H nga la a .... under charge of experienced nurse, MRS. CHA& GARDNER, from Pnpiuj ...HWIU, Solicits patients from all phy fhon, Mbte KM lilainSLHarnessShoD L. E. GOTHAM Hillbor. Ore. CJTY BAKERY 1 Wte " " "w"perger, Frop. on M.ln nr t lv. ou, cu.lom.r. . much better ? Buy ur Br..d. Ch... P "J c T iea of ui mmA rf- .u t . s and C00K- me neai. I I 1 1 r . . "T Von Hiii, ? ' KOitlg Ir. ,wil1 , - V ' ",rK"o Gve Mo Trial r ltlSltfAa FulIMillc P:i p KPl Flic. AwavI 1 1 mt 1, . M A'J.HARTRAKm URl. fJ.Jfci,K "OR WASH- INUTUN COUNTY. lr'iVw-lklH,pulBU 'win AMtt iaH ", i ut...ivJ tu'x'H'm. IbilMiJbni. limn. ..7 f" "'""n. Imlgiiiwn, it!, d!. ! 11 e nutM n.iM.. ii'lViiiZli 1 tt,,., .Hh. ! f. "' Iff ir 111111 111 . i' m iti . rr'" wo." teoi iii I... ,', "'wlliifl ami rnii- uZn Xil',':.1'. "'J" Mollis KlVhulTllJ!rW,,f3tj1 wltl All 7 rilillnui ii: " lh '" -aid XJ, ,K"P,0RK. virtue of o "?n:Bfi,,fm,BV dcf ",nL' th. comf "53 ". 507f' , , -"'" "a writ, 1 will on Court if, .. . 1 ou"' oor or m K r .tU "I" bidder and T," '", """' Hght, till Mt !uLthL "orttage to plain. and to th' k MVf "nct w' rty. to w ml prop- "II Hi-mil.,- li ..7i " r..BV"' "did la a ulll l. ' . .... I S " T Ututeof oVeson. IMll",th.ViFoiy.brtt.rMWa Sheriff of WiubA..?- A nVa Attoraaya for i" Hillsboro " Ofegon