8 n Standard Garden Seeds n X IS THE ONE BEST FERTILIZER on the Llarket. It is the old re liable, and it means money returned. We buy in large qnanties and can sell right. Onr Heat Department is the best equipped in the County We carry the largest line of Farm Implements, Wagons, and Buggies in the County Seat. Get that neu Wagon and Buggy now. wlmmM Wmmm ML I n Livery Company will hold an .. J .. I I AUlil MP. At VII hA t . it. 7 " u uui uGoo, m seis single harness, rofcss, whips, and other livery and driving equipment Sale to fib BiiM . i luuuiugivu uiiijUlOj UuglliillLlg Ql IV fl, Q " "W1UJ wuvvuu uuu SATURDAY MARCH 13, 1915 TERDSOFSALE: $20 and nfcr, cash, owr, six m tak i J . n p mmm j-iI-------------l.8 . interest. ! i . vvjuujuuiuvj nuvjuuuvcr,