The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 04, 1915, Image 3

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    Jlf Knl0)rt lk'd -it . . .
aaanaaaaaa asli .M.t--v skwvo, Ht(Ul (, 1)15
Daily journal
end The Weehly Arui
On Year, Doth Paper
05.25 Dally and Sun
Journal and Arrfut. One
Year. 07.50. Do It Now
Weekly Argus
Two World Expositions
Itrduced fare round trip ticket, iwmittinirstop.
ovf rs at all point in rttlW dirwlion. to th Tan
ama Pacific International Exposition. San Fran
cisco, and to the Panama California Exposition.
San Diego, on sale every day to November 30
Via the
Scenic Shasta Route
fhaata Llmttedi San Francisco Expretti
California Express
Ten days' stop-over will be allowed at San
r rsndsco and Us Angeles on one way tickets
fold to Eastern Cities when routed via the
Southern 1'acific.
A new tmobtet rfaaerlbin the irtp from Portland lo Han iMago
IncliKliitg the I art Kttaifliis, thaa.'enlr hrautira of Oraaiin.
I ha Hitkiyuua unit Mbaata Mountains, Kan Kraii.laco HwlMech
ajij nulliia naairuuf t ahf.irnla, the Han l.w.pilu Valine and
l (Manilla National Para, Proa on siiiiltcation lo nrnl agent.
jczaa. ssotr, iMn('M. Agl.
ure Lime and Sulohur solution is manu.
ured by an Orchardlst of 24 years of
J tical Orchard study. The Aelna is the
of Perfection.
The DslkijOre., July io, oi4-Rcsults obtained
i iuc use ui ncina uraua arc most satisfactory and
1 heartily recommend its use. (Signed) R. H.
r, Frnit Commissioner, 4th Dist."
rWhite Salmon Valley Fruit Growers1 Union
1 'using the Aetna Brand we arc justified in the
f that there is no superior on the market. (Signed)
juugcr, manager.
"Astoria, Jan. 6, 19 1 4 I desire to congratulate
) I .... f .. ..
aupenor iiimc sna uipnur solution, tne
la Brand, it stands the test and criu universal
Jaction. Yours very truly, Bcu S. Wotsley, Fruit
iiui, viaisop louniy.
ftilure with the Aetna Brand is impos
1 if you spray rirfht. For orlces. etc.
or phone
'erton, Ore.
D. LE1S, Propietor
The Aetna Brand is not sold through Portland
'. Mt 10
1 a r a w . . . i yx
S 9 Good la la Geo 8 Cfvaford, o
at Oak rata. Uv
II Walla to W E Prf g, i lota lle. 10
Scbolfceld lo O at C k R, , 4 .
ate 1 1 1 a f 1 ...
Harry StartrM lal to Cyras Ste'irr'tt
0. K C. CUB
0:1 nun
B. Ute Seaul. Th- Am Ti
Meet by Aatkoritlcs m PraaJuct po,tef "" Harry
I I U a - a vl 1 . a "
VcterM OrckartfUl OcU Oaklaa Tbaf U K '!- to Artuiau Wbitua, ii '
. A. , , I oaOaaStMatb 76i
...... .u ui r.n Aariaaurt, J7 a
I . twiioa ,,700
- wi vmbs u vvf 11- w uinunu bm V.ltT , , ,
r. writes the Arirus: "We have 9 u '' '
juat received the analvsis of the a M bo u L, ciea. i kt
o-calU-d aoluble rulphur com- k,h J !
rwu,,i , , . " Itaaaa Krtrget rt ala lo Jno Krlrr
pound, and as a warning and ai- tt.u. .11 i , . v,.b,rt
so a oenent. 1 append a copy for ft i7 r? k J i '' 9",,""
me Argus. I have too much at c.i n,.. v- ' ' 11 mi
heart the welfsre of th fruit ??! - ' woo
" - " iiiisicu hj I jj. jl onef land W UaMia 41c
m . L. .11 ... I
win uuk ana glaring adver-
I lHjsmsirt r a thai ia i. aWa s I
vmi,uv asiaisi is. ! iit-i rr inn iu K&a a a .
cheaper than Lima & Kulnhnr Jirhiiw uk.n . j
. - . i " .. . vu natiik a uiu I .
aitliltlitn I uf.. ..I1niiiit .L. l j .. .ti
Prof. Mel.nd,r'. .hw. - .J! in the Schiller. I2tf ii 5IRcL,T court of THK
- ...IV Hi UC
L ,h"H All kinds of bulk fftrde. seeds
1 1, JZ, " 't L r i. si ureers.
as uiuiu ui iu unur larwi trnuM
fell at U30 to compare with a
Uon at 110 PhUf N0T,CE T0 TAXPAYERS
The soluble sulphur comoound i 'tllle ,n:h cJUr,ty
iiiucii in inn innir nin Mas aw. i mvo iui a.iic uia in x mi i wi i i iii.jitn.i.. ;
a - - v.. i k iiitiar mt, an run Dim SL
the office I th outht turner of lot 8,
fa Iba Orcislt Caort r tba Ittt ef
Orua fur Wuttiik-tuB Cuut.
la Ibc auiltcr f tb p!ictina of 1U
kctl Carprolcr oii)(Qv,n Orrg
nation. if th uitui ictraitoa o
tac title to Ibc bamming rtvvriU') rti
pfffrlf briur ll tituaU IB
Watbiuxtoa i wanly, Oirjio, ttxl ar
llra'.ar'ijr dctttic u
i Tbc .Not lb bait of Ibc SutkT (uar
Irf uf rtw.n . T. I S. R. J W. ol Ui
WiUrm-lte Mrfifiian
( Tu buin it may cvatrrn ; Take B'tk
!hl tm the iitb day of FcHrtisr, A. U
Uity aa applicaticni a f,W bf
llaakrll larja-atrf lompaajr in tbt Ci
clt Court t.t lh bil of (Jfrgon, fj
Waatilnifloit County, forimlkal njjut'
I u of t be title to th laB'l alx de
crilwiJ. Now. oalcaa o a)jf on or tie fur
ma no (Mjroi Maria, A. I, iij, ait
abow caaac wb aoch armlirmtum .K 1
Jt be nat.i. Ibe lame will i takes
coebaartl. aai a k-crec he n!rr
ei In arcotilaeee wi'.b (be prayer f Ibc
a i"-ation, -la you wlu lm jo,,, tj
rt'l from htuttaif'th aanup
Datea tbla tub day of Febrttary, ji J.
rJ. v.. l-uce.
L oocit ("ink
(Sea!) Of Waahiagtoa Cvuaty. Oftp.o.
lie II A. k'iirttl Ikrail.
Iltley & If are. Attorney fgt Aptlil-
In lb MatU-r f the Application
Wm. D. Wood for the initial Re.. . . .
wirauon 01 ma line to the follow,
lntr Jim rii-l real nmtrt v Ivin
Umif and aituu in the County of
much In thm Innv .k- taxes for the 1914 ti
U roe and Sulphur solution. The r? due iDd Wable at
analysis follows:
of the undersigned, beifinnini? rliX6! in th. Ton (no,f ci,y
In comparing a product of this I ,5. snd all
nil autiniri a a2ui.b.ia i t uii LfamiLA aav k m win vn riuiiririiiaTirtvi. -
Lime-Sulphur solution, we wish AprU mJ-n
to state si follows: & Sappinjrton,
ficio Tsx Collector for Waahing.
ion UHinty. uregon
Dated this Jan. 21, 1915.
iiiKKir-r-a BALK.
One hundrml
Sulphur Compound, which is a
lompmue oi aoaium Uompound
Icontsininir Tif) nor Mni ui..m.
Sulphur snd 40 per cent inert
SlbsUnCeS. Which I nrWrnolIu
soda, art advertised to be the
I AAtltMAla. . r1 ll- a a
n...niiui iwhiioo Darren i..,.h.
Of Llme-Su nhur Snlminn a i ' T,r"
I.. . t s wv i mw mi an caeruiiott IUU14 out of aail
gallon barrel of our Lime-Sulphur I in4r ,h ' th cirruit (wi (.f
!iu" cJnt?in . tHtn ,1"
IWUnOSQI QOIUDle SUIphUr, I '"'r. fa..r r it. 43 K(.t..n.
pannii; ana aIHM l. KKhllt.i and
Miil llrchtllu, drfendanu. for the
um of III wt. alu th- furtlmr aura
f till t. with Inlereat lhr.o frm
lha llth day of January. u, ( ihr
rata or per eeat IT annum, and rr
whereas it U ataa.i thar inn
DOUndS Of SO Ub A S.ilnhne PnmJ
pound contain GO to 50 per cent
Soluble Sulphur. It would, there-
.Street in ai.J city, ami 1031.4
tml north of th aouthwet corner
of Section 31. T. 1 N R 2 W,
Vil!metta Meridian; thenre on
the north line of wid atreet
north hi d-srrw wint IS feet;
thent-a north parallel with th
wjwnxmp une i)m leet; tbt-nre
south ha di-Kri-er eaxt iS tent, to
ad line at tbt rtorthwetvt earner
of Ut 6, in said Block 5; therca
conimumtf aoutb t)'J kjfree east
"92 feet to the northeast corner
of aaij lot; thenre south 1 dc
pree went W feet to the aouth
t corner thereof; thence south
89 tii-jfree tmt Vii feet, to the
northeast corner of Lot 7, In Raid
Mock 5, on the wet line of First
Street in said city; thence aouth
i oegrce west srj feet to the south
eat corner of said lot; thence
on the north line of Main Street
north 89 degree west 2:3.77 Itet
to the place of bep inning.
. . r rata or wr rent per am
orr, ikc more man t lUu-pound I ,h rihr ran f im, tflr
egS Soluble SUDhur Comnrmnd trwm " J-
lt nual th amn..n f C...k.: " " lV '
- , 7 v vi twmuie annum, ia mm oirectmt and drllv-
OUipnur COnUlnea in l&O-a flit commanama ma lo auk. .. or
hariM.1 nf I C.ll. t.. I '"." property hereinafter d. rlbwl
I ,- ' - V ii 11, I ehrtry . IU. Ir.y u,wn
UOn. A fMl.frB.llnn ha real nt curiuiiii in..i.i i.,i
- - a..... v.. v.. . V . v, VUI " -" - ......... i w III,
Ume-Sulphur solution contain. ?,V .? ."h. LJi1 h.d7 .1' !rrh-
rjtu nniiKia i . Jl. at the auth d.wr of Ihe Cuurt-
0.8 DOUndS Of Lime-Sulphur SOl- h..aa In IHIIaboro. Wahtnirln County
ution. and we guarantee not less ,b hour f vi.k a. u
thAn '2ft nor font CnlnKlo "Z Ml'1 " Publxe aurlion l
man per cent. Soluble bulphur. ha hiKhe.t bidder fur r.h m hand an
Uur Lime-Sulphur solution sell- ,h ri dacrtbd. ri r.r,.p.
inirat sav 17 nr MWallnna a..w rr''- b"" " ' '
be equivalent or more than the t for;0?;:h,;Vrer0,f0rFhr
2W) DOunds of SolVbi; Khn wh'
I VmmWMINl ak S- ? a. L... J- I I a7nn k.ln. a., .a a k- . -.,. ..
wmiuvmiiu siv fi MVr IlunUrVU " t-s nmnm r . linn
Sobl. Sulphur Compound, or T, S.,r,t 1
OOdiUm SUlphUr Compound, i h bealnnlna- at th. K. K. corner of mid
not Lime-Sultlhur BAlutinn in th ' . tha eenler of the ditch.
powaereo lorm. Lime-Sulphur w. ;. f.t. ihc s. d.itre( u
SOlUtlOn is A I Tnm. I nlnuto. W. 147 4 feel ttl lie In! auraWibr.
DOUnii. atharon Snlnki t wl,h mala diteh. theme up
c.j; ' r 7 , K . I "",a mm a"r J dearreea SJ bi
Sllrtllim nnmrmnnH la C.I I m. f ... ., .. ...
phur ComDOUnd. I nuiea. K. :. ft, t heave 8
TAKK NOTICE. That on the 6th
day of January. 1915, an application
" Med by Wm. I. Wood in the
Circtut Court of the State of Oretron
tor wa.Hninjrton County, for the init
ial W'Kistratiort of the title to the
land a hove described.
TIig km Ffg3
The Daily Oretfonian and The
Arus, One Year Tor 06.00
this gives you tShQ Argus
FREE. No Agents
Daily and Sunday
and Cu67 Argus
The Irgfjooian
From Famous Tecumseh Stock, Sire of which
sold for $2100 at public sale, at St. Louis, Mo.
Some fine high grade stock.
J W. Vonderveldon.
Roy. Oregon
& 4
uch application shall not he
" ----- an-
the same will be taken as confessed,
and a decree will be entered accord
Ingr to the prayer of the Applicant,
and you will be forever barred from
disputing the ame.
Gerk of the Circuit Court of the
State of Oregon, for Washington
Wh l; . 1 . dere 41 inlnutea. K. feel, thcrwe I County.
When lime-SUlphur Solution IS N. I U minute K. fa-t. I RAGI FY at HARP
SDratved onto th tra lk lim. mora or U. to the east line of i.i i..i "h- HAKfc,
on account of he wUon 7 t ' ,or App"c"nl
.1. .j . l. I-.." " 10 ine
- miv inn at minuii.
air, is converted to carbonate of I ' beinnin. ai rdwa s
lime Ami aiilnhalo r lima r I "T w. .n t rei on each aide uf
IIMA ak M .4 aaaalaaL.-.S . .it II ..
vi iiuic arei "F " nnwraum ruaq aa ahown on
practically insoluble and, there- !h T"" f Addition to itvr.
fnea aa. li-KU I;7 .l. on- Whln0n County. Ora:
-. .v. ,., ,Jvro u,c reB, we.t.rly from a atona at the louth-
loliaire or treed than anlnUa I eaat corner of id int s ami
Drodurta. I"1 rlnt l wh aabl rtmd N. S$
TheSodsln.Snluhli ZXZZ'Jl? MinZ?MJX?Z. K
Compound, when sprayed on to VA f' "'f :A'!!5JSh&
the treA ia mnv-rtad K tk. I " "Af."--m,,r to ""'fHomw of John M Hm.t-,
- . - .iiv i tu iivrriii mior ssmn mma mn.t a. i . . . . . ' . - -
action of the air into carbonate I th eo,u ml i,''' of ie and mm
f,,?d d UlPht Of Wh,". bemad, .abjeetur.
WhlCn DrOdUCtS are Verv MAlil v demotion aa tier aiatm. nr .ir...,
soluble, and, therefore, more lis- L.""''. Ore"on' thl IUl
hlo Ia InliiM kA rli.. . I "r 01 Fehruarjr, 1IS.
".. un YI,a'lv w MW J. B. REEVES,
than insoluble prodUCtS. I 8h"'" ' Wahlnrton County. Oregon.
Until th IlnlfM I ... ... n' d Appleaat., iputy.
mil a. ui vrii-iuiii rma ann a nam inrniTi Tnr a i b r a i rr
I I t a ...
sooa-Buipour compound we will
not market um.
We helieva thar lima.
solution is mucn less expensive
(ban a anit. ai.lnk.i a Ama
".- rr,,uV Ul' w,u; "iwtcaa or coming iresh;,, pw.,t the an, t m with
pouna and, tnererore, most White or mixed black and whitA- P,ro"'r 0Uih,r" ' h iw oiiiw r u x
growers Will USA tha lima.aiilnhnr !"MW.Tr. - - CK na W"lte' ""Kl--. "'llfKoro, Orron, witblu ai,
solution. inineuiwj ur ueierrea aenvery;
uasnor terms Prices Right
One heifer or a carload:
With caaf or coming fresh;
Thumliirnet ban been by the Count I
n. ... f . - . .
""'i "i -.-mi msia vvunir, feT,B, Oil
una urn nay ot January. H5. Un! mn
firmed aieiwutor of tha l4st Will ami
Teal ament f lie.inre Weinman. Hnrntril
r.ow inereiure. aa (wrwona liatluit
ciainn acaumi aattl eauta ara h.nh
li law
M. I .
within alt month frtnn the datw hereof
una im ttar oi Jammry. Iis
Waltar Z.l.tll.n. br rnrnln. r 1...
- -. . ' . in, iiv.,,
VV ill an d Teatament of Ueorge Zetaman
John M Wall, Attorney for Estate
Executor's Notice
IKiat f ua ,
, , . plow n- AIr UMMCf I
i)jnel has been by the County Court ol
ii ajiuiiiKHHi umillT. lirngun, aiHMUlKad
and (Kihlirmed executor of the L
V. ill ami TMr.mnnl r V U7 9C..I.,III..;.
i oecwueii . and naa duly qualilied as auch.
now ineroiore, ait praotiw rcivjiilt
rjatiiia amiiiML u i phihia arA hArtthw m
Help Make Oregon the
Cleanest State the Union
Unclean i leas lo regard to sex scattered broadcast by the Inorut caaee
immorality, dtaease and suffering among the inaecrat
True, wholesome informstioo help to prodace deaa, haalthfal rJtittM
capable of richer and more useful liees.
Sex education should be provided wbea possible ia the hosa. Psmplets
t!l be sent fr. for mea and women, boys aad glrla of all an A Lad
ntstmp.nJ.uteddlnitelyaire..Idieaof childre. aad other Mr
sjus for whom pstuplets art wanted. Addreas
mevnoa, Urvgon
home It is delightfully situlted in the healthful TualatIlt,, JTil"!,
mile, from Po- land oa the Southern Pacific cat Tine M vSHSL i 7JL
nied ate. Ore uar and High School CoumL j7, lntV'
furaher tu.'orv. --tioa. oV DrosoecW A,!,!-.' e' T"
Scown. ailPMiaana
k5,!n. axpects
w Nocking, cleaning
and repairing outfit, to the up-to-d4e
cleaning snd pressing
plant. Give him a call.
P A Rice lo 0 A Rice, i a or Dilley.lioo
O S Woodford to J II Wowlfonl,
lot ft aub div lot t4 Rartlm lloiue.tooo
J W Fuqua lo Thos PbtUp, ShMjt-
iSift blkP Grove ...tooo
KlUabeth Aikea to Kdw bears, s a
tec )i near Beaverton to
W 0 Hocken to Merena Akin, loox-
loo ft Hocken 's and ad Beav.,.,H io
W V Wohlscblegal to Jas Herd, So a
at ii 1 1,
C W Row to D L Pearce, lot 'in
, '"ttMI... ............ lo
i II Beyer lo J O Rode, s a see ij t
ara w..... .1500
R W Orr to dame, to a sect i tt 14
tint aw .
a ..1.... :: iw
" 10 oame, to a iiatmon
Thatcher it I r .
t U . ,,,,, unhung
1 .PcJTr. w Mnw 70 muck
Kellv d I e ...
, iiiiiy
Jno Ilergert to Wash On, tract south
01 vorneiiaa ..,.. ,,,,, m
Louise Uthrop to Uerman Pause,
in a itavtiea aniaa .
Ruth Realty to KlUabeth Micoli.'lot
Ohlk laNotlh PI. In.
Saute to Troutuan & McCoy, lot a
blk tsN Plalus.... 400
v w rurutn to m 11 Bump, J int in
tiacl. aee ti I t n 1 1 m im
Comuierce frust & Savings to Ueo
Nielsen, 4 a Beav-Reedville 10
dame to Paal Finch, 166 66 tec 4 1
'; tare aa ... .
Pearson-Page Co to Pearton-Kyan
Co, 80 sec t 1 1 srS w... 10
M S Woodman to J II Kennedy, tr
sectltsnrtw inn
1 K Reevet, thff, to A J Rov. 4.o6
a Preeaiaa's Acrea .........3613
Ragle Um Co la Chtialiaa Sast, 10 a
.. ' K I Kuratli, Kxecutor.
H T Baglei, Attorney.
I Office a he Eujjene Creamery
Patterson Undertaking
G. A. Patterson. Msr.
rree tuapeis 1 iy Ami Man t
Over Hillsboro Fnrn iare & Hdw. Co
Night and Sunday Pb ie Cty 157. Day
1 none ai 1 773.
Barber Parlors
Courteous Treatment
Capable Workmen
Baths in connection, and a
Fine Shower Bath
Newly Furnished Shop. A
trial will please you.
Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro.
Best Fire Insurance
Agent London & Lanca.
shire Fire Insurance Co.
Pacific States Phone 34 HILLSBORO I
For Sale Hay cutter, with
horse Dower: nearlv nw TaIp.
phone Farmers 36x3. 42-tf
Arsus tad Oresooian, (2.21
SIX Per Cent. M ONEY
Loans tnav be obtaintd for an v
. .. . J 1 I
og acceptable Keal Kstale security; lib
eral privileges; correspondence aolicited.
7S8 Gits. Electric Bldir.. tlenver. ro!n
440 I'helatt DUtjf , Francisco. Ctl.
i I am prepared to do all kinds
of Buildinsr and Repair work.
Cabinet work, etc., Saw-tHing,
bcreens and Screen doors. Shop
ai main ana rront.
All kinds of furniture, nlhfa
and priam glass doors and win
dows. Also Kawncer bars.
C. B. BDCnAllAN fl CO., Ibc.
Hillsboro, Cornelius and North Plains
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hoy, Flour. Feed ond
Groin Bags.
a rtSsiS? of PTATOE5 and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any tirae
Lumber, Shintfloo and Lath
At Cornelius
Beaver Me Fflw
The Best Hour at the Umctt Prise
Telephones! . " "
Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornclitts.TCUy ictc.
North Kz: Tib z'Z