The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, March 04, 1915, Image 1

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r;o. co
A fellow giving the name of
Geo. Garrett, as well u Geo.
Ilendomon, was brought up from
Mow Beaverton. Friday after
noon. In a badly wounded con
dition. Garrett showed up at
the K. Sylvester home, that mor
ning, with hit head badly beaten.
He was unable to tell anything
which led to a knowledge of what
led to hit condition until later In
the day. when Sheriff Keevc
went down to investigate. In lu
cid poll Garrett said that he
came from Seattle, where he and
his wife lived at 1510 East Fir
Wltnycemke Apereves
lnctvnTUUnMmk Circuit
IP u Wed Kates Htlitere At-
urtxv.wlia NiPrsclkt
I ui e lav
I II attatiui that In Mm
ttfs I w' e v vtwtvM si wiir
nor James wimycumue w n - min wn0M namehe
Llav evening signed the bill could not recall, he came to Port-
Washington County out Ind, and remained over night.
flnh (,.l district nd w wnesuay, aune uenneu noiei,
i I . In., in W.. r. TL. a...
I .. , . ...L. "Will Via allV II V
)g mis ana immou d-Thunidt-hB and his com.
to a new district, and Kri- panion took a car to Council Crest.
hernoon appointed Geo. IC land from there, late in the after
to the new judgeship.
noon, tney suited to walk
through the country in search of
work. He says that Is the last
that he remembered. Barrett
FOR cm Ml
All Are Fanners With exception
ef Three
Ssrto Sessiea el Clrcall Ceart te Opes
Harts II
Clerk EL C. Luce and Sheriff J.
K. Reeves drew the March jury
Hat. Saturday, and thirty-one m foP hatching.-Kd.
citizens will be called for court Forest Grove; phone 2C3.
service March IS. The list com
prises 28 farmers, a sawmill
man. a painter and a merchant.
The list:
W.A. Sahnow.of Schiefiel'n, 1 1, " "Pt riTPU Til
was In town Saturday. li. T 11111 IU
Chicken grit shell bone and
chick food at Greer's.
Theo. Krieger. of Verboort
was in the city the first or the
The latest in ladies' neckwear.
direct from Paris via Chicago, at
llillsboro Mercantile Go.
Jeptha Garrigufl. of above
Banks, was in the county seat
Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Grove,
of Itoods. were in town the last
of the week.
Blue Andeluslan cockerels; also
Vast Tract. Unalgneat
Sentkessterr. to be
Eike-Jvt Acrtact ef UUm Lead ta be
Bratafel far CatthatiM
IM biinl
Capt A Johnson, of Laurel,
was in the city the last or we
J a. II. Brown, the horseman'.
Benj W ArmentrouL Banks. R3 wu out from Portland. Satur
P II Bowlbv. Cornelius. It greeting inenos.
s viikiiiwi vs vens I sat u tail .
claimed that he had lost $3 and Wlter W J-cquith.
an Elgin 17 jewel watch. He John P Young.
was brought to the Gardner san
itarium for treatment Sheriff
Beeves has found out that Gar
ret served six months In Multno
mah for chicken stealing. The
wounded man will not disclose
the name of his companion,
whom he admits to have been
his aiwailant He says It was
good for bim, however, that he
landed first hard, or he would
have killed his companion. Oth
er than this he is reticent re
fusing to tell the name of the
The Orenco Co-Operative Mar
keting Association (Inc.) will
hold their first annual Soring
ate. at Orenco. Tuesday, March Otto Krickson.
23. PJ15. All Parlies having Geo It Vedder.
Ellington County has been cows, heifers, horses, hogs, f si m
Fifth Judicial District, implements, buggies, etc for
C t i.l..- ri.t,.An sale should make entry with the
ita and wasningwn coun- flf .h ilnrt ln cwneo. It li
jmprtnlng a population of ntt.nded to hold a community
with two Judges. 39.009 sale of this character at least
rh ludff. as shown by the twice each year, and provide an
Uurel. K 2
Cornelius, U 2
llillsboro. It 2
Banks. R 3
Forest Grove
Sherwood. K 1
Cornelius. R 2
ilillHboro. R 1
Banks. R 3
Portland. R 2
llillsboro. R 2
Hillsboro. R 1
Wn A Verboort, Forest Grove r2
T C Johnson
Frank E Straight
C R Adams.
Chaa M Johnson.
Jos II lUy.
Vend Itichter.
Peter Borcher.
Newton II Jones.
Irwin II Smith.
John F Johnson.
Wm Jackson.
Wm Schendel.
William Hinchy,
Peter Jossy.
John Loftia.
Chas W Iktdson.
Henry Stoffers.
John IJoge,
The llillsboro Mercantile Co.
have just received a shipment of
20 steers nuff Bed,
James Short
Pat Murphy,
li R Emmott
Warren E Hill.
Peter Gottlieb.
J W Pritchard.
Wanted: Girl for general
housework on farm. Telephone
farmer 311
J. A Thornburgh. of the For
est Grove National Bank, was in
town Friday.
Royal tailored suits always fit
and retain their shape. Hillsbo
ro Mercantile Go.
Clay Freeman departed Mon
day night for F resno, Cal. He
will stop oil at Turlock and visit
E. J. Lyons a day or so.
Mr. and Mrs. Alex. Scott and
... m f a
son, Wallace, oi near uasion.
visited at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Wallace, at farming-
ton, over Sunday.
Money to loan on farm secur
ity. I reDresent tnree large nre
Hurl insurance companies.
. - - -1 , , , ,ii
H 1 lihnm li S I Mil. i. Iuim-
Guton, Kl
Give me a
Work will commence on too big
Lousignont Lake and Verboort
drainage ditch this Spring or
4g.l I Summer, and completed by Fall,
and this will mean the reclama
tion of hundreds of acres of the
finest bottom land ln Washing
ton County. There will bs sev
eral miles of main ditch and
many laterals, and the cost of I
the work will be nearly twenty
thousand dollars. Bonds will be
floated for the construction of I
the ditches, and the paper will
cover that portion of the district
which does not pay the
ments in cash. Quits a number
have already paid in the assess
ments, and as a result then will
be a considerable cash sum to
apply on the project
E. A. Eddy, one of the riew-l
era of the drainage work, says
that there is some of the richest
genuine beaverdani land in the
district to be found in the state
and Eddy knows what beaver-
dam land is, for he has bought 1
and sold more of it than any in
dividual in the county.
The Birdsells have about 60
acres of beaverdam on their hold
ings in that section, and their
assessment is the heaviest of any
in the drainage list The ditch
will mean reclamation of hun
dreds of acres which will be used
in gardening and it will mean
revenue for tnat secuon. as wail
Rough Lo
Sized Lun
aiber, pop II. S8.75
ibsr, par U. 810.09
Badger Letter to.
Main St and P. R. & N. Ry. Co'a. Tracks.
Kverything in Building Material
nsus. in is is ine largest " "icnrrrn
imuivmenu. nil enuie vnuuiu
te sent in not later than Satur
day. March 6, so as to be suita
bly advcrtised.-W. J. Head,
Manager. 48lf
Chester Bridges departs this J" ayTSS taxable
eek for Bend. Oregon, where f4 TUu Jong ttxaDli
ii in the state.
imook ( kiunty has been in
elfth District which has
Sidge and a population of
t the second largest popu
for one Judge in the state.
.ah County is third, with
filation of 37.710 for one
The new district will
a population in excess of
with one judge, and this
leave Clatsop, uacxamas
The new edition of the Coffee
Club Cook Is finished and on sate.
Thia is a re-print of the book
published In 1911. with 100 addi
tional recipes, and the sale price
is 60 cents.
The books'sre on sale at
following places:
Vsught Grocery.
Hillsboro Mercantile Co.
Combs' Furniture Store.
Board's Grocery.
Snodgraas Grocery.
Hops sold here Isst week
brought 14 1 cents, the highest
price paid since the season open
ed after picking last Fall The
lot was sent out by F. M. Lack
ey, and at that he did not let go
of all of hia cron. Old anerula-
lumbia counties with two tors in the hop market say that
, a population of ZS.30H for the product will vet go higher.
ude, and Tolk and Yam- lnd many who aold too quick off
unties wun one juuje ana the reel last Fall are feeling a
tWSAtilaV I little nut kt t aattAAP
rvr,v l li i a, til sjuw uui ij tsv a aw wi i mm .
hington and Clackamas rather, that they did not hold for M ". H01
os prooaoiy nave more the ra se.
t.nainnua than inv tll'A I
. miidA Ar MuUnomah. Judgo Campbell adjourned cir
irrnit ivturt pimm hav nir cuit cturi rnaay, ana wm noi
fiA in riioiiifflii and return until March IS. He dis-
1nSiAii mumu ainnH dor. posed of tho following. Friday:
?he vear 1914. Notwith- Wlckstrom vs. Lee, judgment
)ng the vigorous efforts for plslntiff in sum of 1128.40; E.
Jhv jiidM('AmnMI toei.lZ. Ferguson was given a certin-
i - - ... , , .... . ..t.
caie 10 auiei uue in ni iuii
unknown heirs or
he expects to locate. He has
been running the Bridges ranch,
near Osa Park, forseveral year ,
and his father. J. M. Bridges,
ill take care of the place this
Mike Egger. of Portland, has
filed suit here, asking for divorce
from Kate F.ger. They were
married Jan. 22. 1914. and Hike
claims that on Feb. 5 of this
year Kate beat him over the
head: Not wanting training for
the prize ring Mike wants the
state to erect a barrier between
him and his militant apouse.
Just as soon as the bonds can
be sold active work wU begin.
and by next rail the vast sec
tion will have perfect drainage.
S. P. AND P. E. ft B.
All. except the P. K. ft N.. trains
are electric and stop at the de
pot on Mam street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train a. m.
McUinnyille Train 7:88 a. m.
Sheridan Train 9x3 p.m.
Forest Grove Train 120 p. n.
The German Speaking Society UcMinnville Train ..... .1:15 p. n.
) court businoss in these
rounties, the civil docket
!s crowded, preference ncc
.lly having been given at
lies to criminal cases.
new appointee is a son of
nd Mrs. William Bagley
)nd he was born at Canton,
Jan. 25, 1871. The family
to Oregon in 1885, and set-
at Leisyville. Judge Bag
fended the common schools
s district and as soon as he
led. entered the law office
)o late Congressman Thos.
,ongue. Ho was admitted
(ohar June 1. 1891 at the
f 24 years. He opened a
.Tke in this city, and has
(up an extensive and lucra
practice. Upon the return
. G. Hare from Ann Arbor
school a partnership waa
'.! I... andilMl until
present time. They have
if the finest law libraries In
Buiie, anu as vwniojro ms
has a reputation as leaders
)e state bar.
Bagley was married to
Olive Hanley, April 19,
They have four children.
against the
Thos. Rowell, deceased. Wm.
Foster was decreed to be in de
fault in the foreclosure brought
by the American Surety Co.
For Exchange: Good Portland
business property on Union and
Grand Avenues for ranch or
business property in some good
vslley town, or might consider a
wheat ranch up to $10,000. Bal
ance, mortgage for 3 years, Di
rect inquiries to P. 0. Box 333.
Hillsboro, or call Main 144,
Hillsboro. 42tf
Julius Weisenbeck, of near
Oregon City, where he is en-
gsged in dairying, waa over to
Hillsboro, Saturday, paying Us
es on his Washington County
property, near Keedville.
For sale: Three brocj sows.
Berkshire, or will trade, for cow
or driving horse. Jos. Tannler.
Sherwood. Ore., Route 4. Tele
phone Scholls, Line S3, No,
525. 69-2
nelius. were tendered a farewell
surprise at the home of Mr. and
Mrs. w. A. Sahnow. at sctuetre-
lin. Friday evening. Mr. and
Mrs. Wendt departed Ssturdsy
for a year's visit back at Af ton
and St Paul. Minnesota. Those
present were Messrs. and Mes-
dames Geo. Biersdorf, Wm. Sah
now Sr.. H. C W. A. and Ben
Sahnow. A. F. Kahle. Erdman,
W. F. Heinrich, L. Schwanke,
Rev. Luecke, Wm. Wagner: Mes-
damea Henry Harms. Breiie,
Walter Zetzman; Misses bdna,
Wilma Zetzman. Florence and
Lenora Sahnow; Messrs. Wm.
and Walter Kahle. Herbert Er
vin. Wilbert Gordon. Norman.
Floyd, Lester, Elmer and Ver
non Sahnow, Paul Wagner. Roy,
Wilmer and Laurel Heinrich,
will hold its next regular meet
ing? at Mooso Hall. Saturday af
ternoon, March 6. at 1 o'clxk.
All members are especially in
vited to be in attendance Fred
Bulling, President
S. F. Goodwin has sold his
place at Oak Park to Geo. Crox
ford, of Portland, and the pur
chaser has taken possession. S.
F. has gone to Lents to reside
for a time, and will later go back
to Umatilla County, where he
spent his boyhood. He has made
many friends during nts suy
here and his departure is re
Go to Gotham for high grade
harness. Just received -a big
shioment of sweat pads, deer
hair, 76c; goat hair, 00c. inese
sell higher elsewhere. We also
have a high grade collar, 5 reg
ular, including 21 inch. Kobes
Forest Grove Train.. .4:10 p. ra. I
Eugene Train 4X3 p. m.
McMinnville Train 6:37 p.!m.
Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Eugene Train arrives 8:15 a. tn.
YOU will never fully appreciate the wiadoa of rav
ing a portion of your earnings until you have opssed a
bank account .
The "interest" makes it " interests, wtiis
the principal inspires ambition to accuonlxts
a competence.
OPEN a savings account and you will rcslizt. as
never before, how casv it is to reach the coveted cod oi
4 Per Cent. Interest Ua Cavtt
American Notional C
call i
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
All trains,
trains, atop on
9:42 a.m.
" ..11X3 a. m.
H '..8:15p.m.
" . .4:53 p. m.
" ..627 p.m.
" ..7:15 p.m.
" ...9KX) p. m.
" .12:15 a.m. I
except Eugene I
flag at Norn
SflDTE 5MlI3fi DffllR
Andrew and Harry Weibold. Ben,nfi ki.nkpta 10 ner cent off the
II 11.I.L L 1 . . . A, LI
nanus, Aaoipn cruniii.
Greer's for all kinds of bulk
garden seeds. , ' ;.
Geo. W. Schulmericr-came up
from Creswell the Ist of the
week, on business. He spent
Sunday in Hillsboro. ' '. ' C v'
J. C. Schulmerich, of Banks,
has been up at the Hot Springs
for a fortnight but was taken
worse and brought home the
first of the week.
next 60 days. All l wmps,
large stock, going at 75 cents.
"Blacky Brennan," crook and
safe cracker, has gone to his re
ward. He was killed at St Paul.
The crocuses are ready to bloom,
and have been for a week. In
t -. . . . 1 I. 11- . I ft.AUA..HtfAU
dire Hiff nv nrt an extensive lavorea d aces iney nava uniuiu
moment for the . appoint- ed, but in some gardens they have
been backward about spreading.
Mrs. Sam Weil and Miss Jose
Dhine Follett departed Friday
morning for a week's stay at the
Tillamook beaches.
Jack Yungen, who has been tn
the Helvetia country since 1NW,
was in the city the last of the
G. T. Brlckell, of near Sher
wood, was a county seat visitor
Gerhardt Goetze. of above
Blooming, was a city callor Fri
day afternoon.
Wm. Goodin. ot Varley, and T.
of First andf4 Goodin, of near Orenco, were
la town Saturday.
t, and this endorsement was
initiative, as the appointee
never intimated to the gov-
)r that he was a candidate.
acceotance of the position
ns a financial loss, but it la a
did honor to round out
ty years of active practice.
has a fine grasp of the law,
win grace the bench wun
r to himself and to the dis-
To Portland 5 minutes.
a m
rrent: Three large, nicely
hished rooms for houaekeep-
. Bath, water and light;
st rooms. Fifteen dollars.
jthwest corner
8:58 pm
5:43 i pm
8:10 pm
9:U8 (Sat only) pm
from Portland 65 minutes.
7:54 am
9:20 m
11:25 m
2:05 pm
457 pm
6:25... pm
7:18 - P"
9:12 (Sat only) pm
1125 .a ro
Range and Fir streets and at I
Sixth and Fir streets and at I
tenth street
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. R. & N. Train 127 p. m.
From Portland
P. R. ft N. Train 1024 a. m.
Lotus Langley. of "Portland.
was in town Friday, on a case in
circuit court L. L. lives on the
East side, and he states that the
jitney service has cut into the
receints of the streetcar com-
n tVia ..t nf tho wMk. iust nany wine extent m muuwi
after leaving a store with two not see where the street car jieo-
nnmn and hia pie will be able to declare
3 entered the stori aiyidend for years, unless, there
.k.. muMiKf anA a man whnlis a change of sentiment lie
livprt inst across the street from "y that the jitney may be
--T. . . ..... k..A .krt mm mmmml
ik Kn M n nntiood n wont, tninsny. uui wiwu wj w vuw
Ilia UWt'U'l'M ..wv.w . .-b . ... 1 . - ... g ... . .
the building. He secured his ium taey ku wivuu
rifle, and when the trio departed passengers to the destination, in
from the building, ordered tnera
to halt They paid no attention
to the command and the citizen
fired, bring nw down Brennan,
killing him outright Brennan
was picked up at North Plains,
last August, and brought to tne
county jail, where he was held
wi a ausDiciou9 character. iom-
munication with Portland, how
(affiliated basks)
Combined Capital and Surplus..
Combined1 Resources.
S C2,CC3iC3
Dsmhlnj in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Cervicites ef DcK
Commercial Loans, Foreign Leans. Dsscstie Letters
of Credit Ssfe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Saving Deposit pack Acc't Tia Ccrtcs cf D
posit Farm Loans, Cclistsrii hrz-x
- -
4 Pr Cent Paid on Sawisa Dwpoiita.
a hurry: . Langiey aiso sutes
that the iitnevs have forced the
street car officials to behave with
a courtsey that is Chesterfieldian.
A. C Carstens, of Banks, was
in the city the last of the week.
the guest of his sister, urn. K.
C McKinney. He is getting
along nicely after his accident of
last Thursday, when he wu in
" . . . iij I ISo AasiacnAaj nwwu mv ww
ever, failed to fasten anything hure(j tn a runaway accident at
on the prisoner, who was known Qrove, -
For sale: Two cows, one fresh,
the other to freshen between
now and April 1. S. II. Chap
man, 2 miles west ot Hillsboro.
Phone Cornelius, EL 43-0
John Csrber. of below Beth
any, was a county rat visiter
A. C l!u:icy, ef Lcurel.rta in
the city Frkicy ta.
to have been a crook, and Bren
nan was released. The dead
man's psrents reside near uswe
an. Brennan was not a Store
" . . .
thief so far as mercnanaise is
concerned. He was always af
ter the money, and was an ex
pert safe blower. The con
federates made their getaway
from the St Paul job. The man
who did the killing was ex
onerated by the coroner'a jury.
. i 1
I mean just whxt I tiyt ca
this is picture-cakir-j Uxj, to
don't hesitate, cocs a tzi try
one of these cew
1 ttt ikjaitiv4ra vi-ummm wr
U- They have just arrived, Tt7
. are the guaranteed, youcciy4x!:ci:r"i
question kind. Ejia txiiy if yca'n xlztz
known the joy of pictErniiir-; tc:r
. . LAUREL I-2.-I-:
Iff J