'I III 'ryzTTTL SylU I r, . t..!.-t "" ' . . a. -- -4i4 I SBbckSilkStovePcEsh I. .. . .-.. M - . ... ..-. r. ' - V-I II IT "a"1-a""- FOLLOW HISTORY AND YOU'LL BUY Where War Investment Will Prim; you Returns That Will he G-atifyine-In a Dis-trict that is rapidly coming to the front as the best suburban property close to Portland Beaverton Reedville Is within a few minutes run from the Rose City-You reach home, there, quicker than you can reach St. Johns, from the heart of Portland Fine Electric Service Established By the Portland, Eugene & Eastern The comfortable big red cars. Schedule gives yon morning service into town and evening service home. Prop erty here will advance every year. Get your home now be fore the big advance conies. SHAW-FEAR COMPANY I02 Fourth Street Portland. Oregon lest Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT dinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME Reedville, Oregon 1 Wm. Scha'rrloh ?!it sever al days at kr;s'-tv:rv .t vcvk. Columbia X sc records anj ma chinas at c'.'.s Yirpo it;kv, Sc nd Street Mis A?re for (;!, of Port land. visite-J fr.. ?..! h thi city the lait of tho vct. F. A. II. t. '. r roar Farrr inirtcn, naain tJn the first cf the wtvk. Jacob Schneider, tf La'U-villi', was in the city the ti.M f the week. Mrs. J. P. Msru ler. of Port land, was in the city over Sun day, a sruest f her pa rent. Mr. and Mrs. II. M. Hairus. Hubert IVrr.ar of McMinr vi le. and his son. Herman, tf , North Forest Grove, were in the c.ty Mor.aay, on !ec;l business. I for sale: Standard phono- srrapb, with VM) r cords. Just as pood as new. Write or corns to see it. Three miles svith of IliilsNmi. Ai.'r." Hillsbnro. Ure., Kiuteii. IVx . The Fi' omen's Par.ee Saturday evening was fairly well patron ise!. The hovs were out in un iforms and acted as hosts for the attendants. I saw tori wool, jo'ea up to l'J inches in diameter, fence rails, and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will 0 into the- country. Write, phone or call on me.-Carl Skow. HiHsbo rv. l'hone. City 4'12. or call at Tualatin Hotel. Mrs. A'scu-ta Melcher, of Orerco, died the Inst of the week, and the remains were shipped to Wisner, Nebraska, Monday, by Undertaker Pone! son. for bum!. She was born ir Germany in lv IT. The Edison phono,;r::di factor that was (ksiroycd lv tire last Pecemi-er is no a i;i op--rat ion ajram. Their new mnehinea art letter than ever. S.e them at the olF.ce of Wells laro on Sec ond Stree 11 ills W. A;nbero!a? and rtcoras carried in stuck. Pan i? irkhaiter is tV.:;!din! a new home on First street. P. F. says that he wants a pine where he can anchor the rest of his days, and he expects to show Hillsboroites how to raise gar den. IMONKER FAkMl'W IS IMIAf) Albert Hie. for ovr 2.1 y.nrs a resident of Sherwood, died Mon day morninir. I f . 13. at his j home letween Tualatin andj Sherwood folio in,; an illness of several weeks duration. IlL-i death was caused by an acute; attack of stomach trouble w hich developed into alllietion of the) heart and lu-is. The regains j were laid to rest in the Winona1 Cemetery, at Tualatin. Mr. Lie was I. rn n Switzer- land. June 12, 1S'), and emi?ra-! ted to this country with his par-! ents in 15. settlin;: in Winona, j Minn., iater rmvinL' t ) Fountain City, Wis. They located in Ore iron in 1833 and sot tied on the farm two j ears later. Deceased is survived by a bro ther. Robert Hie, and two bisters Mrs. A. L Weat, of Middleton, and a sister in the Fast. COFFEE Cl.Lll COOK HOOKS THE H1LLSBORO OTMERCIALNK CAPITAL $50,000 SURPLUS .nd PKOriTS S2S.0OO An old, safe and conservative lutik, located in'thc Hillslwra Commercial bl.H.1, is W.ovncr Maiu and Sc'ud streets. llillslwro Commercial Ifcmk. Pacific Stai U-cp.-,. 1 .r,J John VainlttV Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timUr in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIED FLOORING and RUSTIC always on hand. Kstimatcs on IUuldius, Floor iuj;. Rustic, Ceil ings all kinds of finished lmuler for house material. We deliver. Fhouc: Tac. States, (ilencoc Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Djcoim. Orcn 11 -ii Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill 1 miles fromB. P. Cornelius' Place. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains t , 1 A. E. McCUMSEY Cornelius, Ore., Route I The new edition of the Coffee Club Cook is finished and on sale. This is a re-i.rii;t of the. book published in 1911, with 100 addi tional recipes, and the sale price i3 GO cents. The bool3 are on sale .at the following placts: Vaught's (irocery. Hillsljoro Mercantile Co. Combs' Furniture Store. lioard's Grocery. Snodjfrass Grocery. F O SAU; Some fine individual bull calves. Registered Holstcin-l-'rwians. All splendid individuals, finely form ed, and fro;n fine strains. Our Business I'MIt .... ... . . 111 DC conducted alone the same broad lines in the future as it has Ixtcn in the past, gnulin time credit ta those that are entitled to it. Kver one in business needs t; ASH and we ar no n eoption. yet we refuse to prescribe for th patient an thin that we would not wil'initly take ourst'lvts. AH liisimxs cannot U done for CASH as thr re is about fifty tiiii-M much business done aa there is c.ish in circulation. IWt fx)I yourself about the preat saving you muko by buying for cash, so far as th jrrncery business is cmcerncd here the savinir is very jrreat in price yotj will find the lws will bi trreater in quality. If the convenience of having a chaw account, prompt courteous and honest service has any value you net it very cheap if you buy of us. We will sell you 1 iral. solid pack tomatoes. 33c 1 pal. sliced prachm. X I nab tomatoes, puree - . 1 pal. Kaches. Halves. 3T 1 can sliced peaches - . lSc 1 can peaches, halves. 15c 1 can apncoU . !.5c 3 cans Iowa suear corn 2.V. per diz . . . .5 cans tomatoes, puree, 25c. per dnz ;xx-. Country Gentleman Sui?ar Corn, 10c, p.r d $1.10. Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Main ,25 Hillsboro. Orfon is the roistv o-fT or TH 0TATR Of (iKBilw - AtMIIMiTUX I ttt STf. Nalu U hry '" ,M (,,1 .... ' - t " I, t, r.4 I I.I H ' " . vi .... iiii nj.t ill Hril, IKU. til . . ..I ..,.1 Mai lit M lh I 1 I ..I I K.Mltl . t It 1.1 1 1. e.t i 1. 1 m .ii v .1. i,.... Tjnlul ! ill .I,,,. l!i lilile lJUl . H i.. . I ml m iwnani ,iimhi . - 1 1 I I f 1 '.f mi 1 ' . u " " u d I ....... t.i ll.rWK. IJ . .. 1 . i.ki - i..f utf W. ..... . . - , .1 1 it iii ft i.f!i n w . 1- ..r I , . . 1. . I .. -I Juwtia IWt J,.H I I. !.U!I J""" I l.u. I: -trill" i H llM IM0t .1 ll. i.i imimft ?.ii ttt tl 1. 1' Os A In T I II S W "I O.. W a Mf. 11,. N.i.ii. iinalHi l r ! V U ik!" 4.1 ah 11. .n i-.-n.i-r lU.i IMwth 4 Hiitl W Ji i-l ' l M I.. .... I, l.n. ..I II b bk.l ! Ih iii.,..4 I il.. l 1. 1 , tl.K S -Hk .1 .1. i-l 111 B. 1 IVi cli.lii W If ailicl ! ? lit l I'ti.Aa v..Kjl'l. 1 . k. l.i. Nih r- uuii. . ji '...w ki u f m 4 mini limbiiniit II i. . ! , . .1 . t .1. 1. n In B -lib U N..t: if nl ! I K d i . Itfcti ( I. ..I . .l lulu ln llMlfV .il"i i 1 Hum, W ..i ; f.i" to llm .-ri.lri .. Mi it r I'mt. ItWlK K.Mtlt ill th " ;, IbaiHW uuii .! t Hi il l ihm CmI llfll . i I : hull . fa l. ii. i.l I- iru.in r i' i.a i 1.1 1 - .... r.'..-i it t r rtm i. i.i t- ! iijrf 11 .tiF n. til..4 -i! r I t .'... ill Ui tf mI lb U.ie ..,ti(.r. Mitt, fti I. ml l,tf 4 iilUli i.l hlii-mi, li. O llmi. I ...ii.tf J ..)- ! J.ltf ul rl M'fi U I l-. 1 l ll.o i.k f . ft Ii UK in Hi .. ... Otetf.ia lii lu.o A I.iuii,.ii.ii4 ! lh M 4.. i.l i I I.r 14, ..fcrr, ,l,tei4. These caivpt! nrn cit-ni-l c: Johanna Colantha Cornucopia, wnu&e uam na3 a record ot near Jv 2G lbs. .of butter in seven days. The flams of thee youngsters are hih-bred and splendid pro ducers, and these fellows should make fine heads of herd. Prices reasonabla- and re me rubor these are registered, and of the be.st strains the world producifs. (let one now and lay a foundation for your herd. And. Tlf.nrHrr. North Tualatin l'lains, Cornelius. Ore., U. F. I). 1. GRAND WINNER 6.oo nssf $iyo This is the latest mumIcI of the Swiss Harness, combining all thclsr features of this make. MY HEAVY ILLNESS On which I made my reputation can't be latc I Carry a fine Line of Collars, Whip, 8obe8, etc. Repair orK P promptly cared for RMnStHarnessShoD L. E. GOTHAM n.n. "iimoro. Ore. II! . PRIVATE HOME I OK SICK Under charpe of experienced nurse. MIIS. CIIAS. GARDNER, from Portland. Solicits patients from all phy sicians. Unfit of earn. Kn:iorw!'i) nrir-M Pliori, M l 11 Kll AJminUlralof olk .lu!..f It IirfW- flt-0 hl I, Iht irii.n ti. Ii.tv .,11 I. It. 1 .di.li H " Oit J ,. II.CC4I I f W.t- . .1:, "i t'inlt. .!: j j, .u.icj .ti-.,itt i "!. 1 ( l.ir lilr 1, 1 Al It Mll i h. A.l (.,. U.inj r'fini igitinat m'A if.l.lt air hrlrl y i, l i,, ,ftMb ,UM j Its m, wi.ti Hi ..r trnu lin., ( lM oe:.l W, M It.nni. m lil!.!mfo , lliriu. .ilbiu tia Bionlht Itnm )it ilnU of liiit nuir. I U't.l J IhliltV t lull ' I " T I l.tmi .Mnv. A'tiiiuii.liM t nflti- Ul f'f Ann II M ,t. itrrrtwd " N lUntll, Adumrj f if .t I ttl. W. 0. Donelson UNDl'kTAKKR 4 4 Calls attcinkd niht ort!ay. Cha;H.l and l'arlors. Hilfoboro, m fPrgfm Titr rtitrtiT 1..1 ... HTATK lK tiKCi.u Aa.iliMl. riAi-iirf VMM VttlVffiL iLL. i. . I . L H III t t4U ' ! lit k.i..ui I lha MHi.li-ij .., ibJil U um mi,-? ai4iaMa Ik IN Hi .1. V Jal l lha IM imU.,! u ' II- K U. ul J... dafa.talU.tw. im.I.I.L.'.T' I IW IMllilll l l Wlii'l, I,,, T"" faMai lb Hk Uay J y,, " Ulair. tfa i.lalnlllt a,.. i...T,1 utlk. luai lu ll mi ..r'aX lal Mil IIWaanM 1.... ... I Will Vou Build ? If you going t,, ,n U, ,1,1, SprjB i .SiiMiim r. wr J. s. l.OK.HUNO, for m, Imilili,,,, , tJ(rkl(M( K.tittuu. Klr (,t,, A), mufk ( Mrir,. No l It,ri,UuttU w..,b i t-mplrlMl. j $ J,r.ng( iUlt J'ifln W..i,i,1Kttli 8lt i Tee pl.o,, Cly 574. Hil!.l,o. Otrgor, Give .Me ii Trial CITY BAKERY J. Wolfersperger. Prop Wearenowlocatedinournewmu. three door. WeM of, our old M.bliAl on Main Street, and our th. ' corves, Fies aritj Cook f u and tfet the h... tes o; run Milk Pail ?r ! m-t. i-,.i;a;:,z."",.'v:"' m Conkcy's Fly Knocker Kcrpi Flic. Away( From Cnttlc nnd or.e. ki n .'hi. s .I, m i y IW nd inUrcNt which the f dtifonclaitU or tither of 111 iluta ft Ika tn.irll'UirD tiff heroin, or have Im-e nd to th abovo dencriM rm t erty, to Mtl.fy Mid rifCirZui mnt, dacrto, Interent iiw"" , all accruing roiitii. , ji I Bald Ml will b ml rc.lempllon per UluU"'"' lhul thl 11th d oi M'r'J, A.J. IIAKTKAMPT Hi,nnf xv,mJuvz? vreKOn AtUyi for I'UtalC. Aim 1 1 . IMA. at i aMttUM, akl hit iat.ta Ml LI, I a - , ta a I 1V. I.l. ,,( , jTJl ai-ftfaail- t- awl, I ..I.ZTl' aaa ut lm w laaa, w ,7VJ fa4u alla-aKl ai u ,,lU m kamal Ul.ol! I. Ik. !.,, at Zi" I WaaaHlna) IHtma, n,w ' lb uaau Jiimi.. . . t. Tfaaa aaMtatmn ta an . ) MMmiM Mirauaai luih.,,, KM lUaat-aar. 1'Man.i, . atta IWaal. tlr-.i, 1 . . u la SMa day et j u,. fair Mlf J tan. a ikai . '.. ' aaa aa M I l..r ih liTT' lank, la. - " Atlt Y 4 IUKR. I i-f rwijf , 1 Noticif Kinal AccMtK KOTICK IS m uiCY C ihal lat fcltulaiMtw f ua li"a air. d ... a dll fal Bnal aaawal i Ha thtu, ika I Waattlagfaai tVmalf, .. k, UMaJa., IM kr. df ul ktx a-a.it w iu w .- a m. a I j-'ar. Ii Itaaitag tHf t ". ? i.. t hA. ; 1MI Ha Jaauaft i.ilati . kri. IminiMMiii a La l J iia Ik . t- aaaj i Jaa M U. Wall. Alfet ht aj i Nlk l I toil Vllal1 Hi4la la . , I s.l w j a.(Mxt AamlttlatlaUII a.l. ii. Hlaltl Ihaavtataul I umij. dn-t.aa I. aa Alttl la Ih I .!) u. lha Mala l lr..a. I. aaVaj tal,fa taal t-i lau 4 mm attala an. tai l mi fa. V4uM.laT.lb t Atf m4 Hint g ttwala IWtl Iww in II. IM, at law a'rfaark A M 4 a4 lha ttaaa a4 tfm In biat aaaai tn al H Mai aoiw.nl ai faa? k all i .J I aalal Ia4. Uim Jay i.l )na. H -S tnM AJmlataliatlil ailfa u.a Will a( of lha lalaaa a4 Kiat.i jar.aai 1 MaW liaafiajrA HaM, A-t .t I lff. I CITAIION Till OK'NTT Ort lit Of 1 tatm r iinwk. tin WAIMIIKiJTmN VtM'ttn, la Mallar rf lha liaat i f at Natl. Iwra !. Ta ! fat. )il, tt ii, fnalatl anj Naarf lathaiiua .ll a.rflM)M n n an J ul lu lh Ha' lillaat aalaUl I Yuu hrd)i nilarr. fat afarr In' Ih ! aiilla t oHrl a at Uf ul ! i hi aan, IV l im baat a'rWvk A. fal lOalMia rauta, Itmli tnntiliiiidi'ii.'i'i ' ) Ilia laia.iaaj alatilli4 '"."M, aaiil aiala i I Hrajiaalaf at lb N rfHi'! awr 14 I.l Hlar ,) i iif Ml r.ftal aailiKt.iB I wttnlf , Uiaua a4 A lharirw HoMlh fan ha ! mill aM a 14 l) S.U aliaii t. Ihwira chain! Ibaur Nolh to rfaaJI! alkt UiMira Waal ixi Ilia .Sutlk far aai.1 M I.W't dfaaina lu ll . (inalna. t. II. iUuiMMM, luJ( at Ihaahr', litlaal CVmiH. ) iMal at HUIah..m, (T-rV daf wf lallHar, IMa. J gUKRIITS BALK UM K0S tR: J i.v Tim cmcInTTrit'RTorf HTATK OK OKKf.oN KUB. INUTUN COUNTS. Carrla V Wllkloi, IMalolllT. I Iloi. I MrMann. .olm (Vinnail A Co.. Cwii-jiall". I" Mjr lriua if on nutio. J" a-ra auU orJaf ( aala JV" mil of ihI nuaf Ui al l "'" HUatl nHirt,lnih ahn fiillH" ' in dlr-Ut, ilalail Hi I1 JV f.liruary, W umih Ju'I,,1'IJ1 ami nlarl In aalil mmil uti III 1 l KBlifuart, luiA, In fan iif Wllk.na.uramiiir, ami mfln MrMAiiiil. ontUuhn M. aiila, lur Hi aum ul H M. "f; ihiMH from lha !W rfr !I6, at Ida rata ot f r?. nil lha furthar tuw t.f i A f dlahuiamtiania, ii4 ilao lh iiMin aalil writ. eoimn'lni "Vr In; ma in mil ! l daaarltMd rl Bmprrly, ".: I.iu Kihlan l NirwweoA' ml In Block Thn (II, ''! Jf. mirilml Ui Ihwaof, uf im-tid MJ In Ih ollli of Ih Minlr "?. ui. uf WaahliiaUin l iiiinlf . W NOW, THERKFt)RK, bf J Mid xorulion, juilifmunt, dec order of mI nnd In rt'm, L the rommanda of wld wrm IM M u i... .l- i .i. f Maftki munuajr, in lan'i ""7 " " , at the hour or ten oYiiKa "- 7, . 1. A 111 Mid day, at the aoulh Court liuuae In the City of 2 , Wahliifton County, On-Ron, T ... in. r .1 It- i..ht a- iimuiic auction w in" "' ,. 1 for raah In hand, all h,