" TTT ii ii iTiir- . .-aMTT -TH?J 63 C Ma - in .... WaNtl off foe pn U out ! w ' -valiant fro IC ,pl.Hcint by U , but tn him unanlmou n n n i n n n n n n n rD n n r . IIUI II IN I ' 1 " U I .. 1 1 I I U I I I II I '-i I n iv i,-. mm i i, -i II I I I I I I 1 I II fill II I I I I I I I I I I I IV n I I I I 1111 I I I I I I 1 1 I I 1 r u ii iui ii iiiir-'iii 1 1 ran ru u umr-iU A b J i I J a J!- .5 - , . n n nn n n nnn n n n n r i i I LI 111 LI If U LJ II I u I ' Your tax now and the other Half next Fall. This gives you room to turn around AND REMEMBER On many thing's you buy of us. Our list of Farm Machinery, Wagons, Buggies,, is complete and we can save your pochetbooK on purchases. Spring' is here. Get our prices. No store in Washington County carries so complete a stock of Dry Goods, groceries, general merchandise, land plaster, etc. D Ik I 1 nn y m Feby. 15th to 20th THIS COUPON I N f good ton I 10c to 50c V .MtCNTCO AT 6R0CCR ' FEASY 15th to 20tftf 19U ' V-jr-i KlEEiyS wu" COFFEE r id u-ff ir & 1 5 ' ' J- t.00 1 60 1 I IWTCW VOOW OWOCW BttOW i WE REDEEM THEM ! Don't over looK this big b argain I ;COrFEE IS NOT THE ONLY ARTICLE t ' we sell cheap. Everything we Sell is a bar- gain. Business is better than it has ever t;been-WHY7 i'r A AND LOWER PRICES FOR 1X,S&L1 QUALITY GOODS. : L , 1 Elliott S Hoard . ' ' IH KEl'l TAX BILL COW III PRAGTICAL EFFECT Person Can Py Half Tax Before April 1 and no Penalty BALANCE MAY BE PAID IN THE FALL New Measure Cticeli all Penalties. If 14 and 1913 Tax The new tax measure has ap peared to meet with popular ap proval in more ways than one. The provision cancelling any penalties on the 1913 and 1914 ! taxes makes it possible to pay i half your tax between nnw nnH ; April 1, and the remaining half oy ucioDer 1. The penalty can cellation does away with any thing being added to the tax in the way of Dunishment there you are. I Can now pay half So, Mr. Taxpayer can walk up to the tax counter and pay half his tax now without fear of ad ditional expense, and then liquid ate the balance next Fall. This provision will mean much to a element of taxpayers in Washington County, as well as all over the state. There has been a popular demand for the enactment of the two-payment plan ever Bince the 1913 session of the legislature abolished it The measure, which aside from jthe tender of half-payment, ; takes effect May 24, also remits all penalties on delinquent taxes for the year 1913. and this will mean some work for the office of fhe sheriff, which, under the 1913 statute, has cnllwfoH siderablein delinquent penalties. oeverai already nave availed themselves of th half plan, and Treasurer Sappington has been appentinir th inn.n without question. The new law auows no rebate for full pay ment. The tax measure has been the bone of contention at Salem ever since the legislature convened, but in all probability there will not be a change in the tax laws for many years. The emergency clause was taken off the bill, and about the 24th day of May the change of Sheriff Reeves will rMeiu ha rolls shortly after that date-as soon as Treasurer Sappington can make up the books. This leaves the treasurer the ex-oflicio tax collector through the Spring rush. SIIKniPK SAI.K. Notice Ii hcri-hv eivnn th k ,i. tue of nn Execution Uuel out of &w tk. a. . - . ' ln" 1 ,r''U't court lit the BUte of Ore-icon. f.r the County of Washington, ,M1 the eth day of Feb ruary. 115. m fnvor of H. O. Bplon t! l"i, Kn,n"t Koifhitto and Lulgla K.-Khltt.. di-fpn.lant. for the ..,.; .. " ln '""nor Hum V h10h 'lh. '"t"e" 'hereon from ... . . ' nury, at the the further .um of f ss.oo, with Inter- eu:t,the,r!1e,';n irr h?.,hf " J"" Z' rmm or per rent per annum, to me directed end deliv ered. commandlnB me to make .ale of I dM6" Prty herlntlr Uewrlbed. I 01(1. nn Ffthpiiorw m i and pureuant to .aid Expputlon. I will 1815, at the eouth door of the c'ourtJ "' inKion i.ountv 51 ta Ji:r !.. . a k. kik . 'wii ' vumm aui tlon to the nlclwai bidder for ca.b la b, ... M.,...wm dwrlbed rral prop. rty. lyln. I.fln and altuaui In Wuh tmlon County. t)rf.m. and more ..r tlcularly dra. rlbt .. fuw.. Hln a part of lot. n, jj, j, j, IT. 11 and 29. In Kt.rl'. Addition to lleaverton, Wa.hlnaton County. Ore ton brln part of the William K. Hall V , I.,"n,,,n "-""d Claim No. U. T. 18. It I W. Will. II-,.. .,, boun,, ?f. b,n",n N. E. corner of Mld lot No. 2. , lh, ,.,, fjf h and runnloif along ,ame N. ( Ur.ree. W. 67. f,...t. th.tii-e N. 4 d. nr.r. It ?iiT:;;U f"-t " "; IJm Z ,h "",n "lt.h. th. n,-, p ute, b. 75 I fB,. th!-n; M 47 diarera M mlnut-a. K. 2.t fe.,, ,hpn,i ;r"; N f m'n.",," E- "" N. 1 d.r.a n.lnul... R jjj.s r, No ?i"r,h".r ,"1lh, l'--fld lot JSC . Ihence alonv laid line N. II dn. re.. 17 minute, w. 127 f.t. to "he ler of the Heaverdnm road a. h,. ,L wmierly from a .(on- at Ih.m.ulh. -n.r of the it" in 25 ac:r.!, more or eaa: to aaii.r. he h.relnhefor n.m.Hl ,u , T 'd tZ h.'m""' wl" b nm,le t'J.t to re. Dii.d r .:.",uir or ,j"'" day of Fihruary, lmii w ur ' "- "I'iorifBie ... ... iiifi ami 'red VV torneye for I'lnlntlff. Uii. nth Di'DUllf ' Uronn, At- NOTICB TO TAXPAYERS lfiWq,fe,l that th ,7 .'"uiw at, me o nee FViii6 tVnkdcr8iKd, beginning r nday. Februnru r ime " - Two World Expositions NOW OPEN " 'I01"1" ,n J,tn'' d recUon. to tha Pan. n l,,e0-on sale every day to NovtmbtrW Scenic Shasta Routo THHEE FINK TRAINS DAILY Limited, S.nrr.ncl.coEpr.M CftllfornU Exprett STOP-OVERS Oil OIJE WAY TICKETS SOUTHERN PACIFIC johmm. soon. The Kinffi.. SrtS B1unb "III b nder- oil U& u,rtnmin. n with iH 0( in tait would in llU U well Vn nty. " I'ortlanO. grace th I ,thT mm in k number ol ..r.minrtit I ..a Umncei ,J the J)iwn Knt. the roro Tortti in th M to r'M vou can chanis 1 inn ana of I'ortl ty librar Nnny en rta rary. . icqualntt KUcko-l ime on!) . . t . I ' i r Dted this Jan. 21, 1915, program of ula7.d houi ' K,0to0 Mh00' ILil'.