The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 25, 1915, Image 3

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ff . P. AND P.C.IC.
aily Journal
nd The Weehly Arrfus
On Year, Both Paper
$5.25 Dally and Sun
Journal and Arui, On
Year. 97.50. Do It Now
J. Wolferspertfer. Prop.
fe are now located
doors Weit of our old establishment
In Street, end our
re our customers a
luy your Dread. CaKes. Pies and Cooh-
f us and get the best
;reiand to do sll kinds
)6ttg and Repair work.
work. etc.. Saw-fillnjr.
snd Screen doors. Shop
snd r ront
IniU of furniture. Plate
im trlass doors snd win-
Also Kswneer bars.
)ne heifer or s carload;
2th calf or coming froth;
i or nixed black and white;
liate or deferred delivery;
ihor terms -Price UijrhL
a no huirone Creamery
terson Undertaking
O. A. Patterson, Mgr.
Pre Cuaosls-I ly Assistant
Hillsboro fain tie ft IMw. C
bl and Sunday I'd City 137. ly
rhont M I 77 . ,
rout CHAIR
larber Parlors
ourtcous Treatment ,
Capable workmen
aths ia conuectioa, and a
Fine Shower Bath
fewlv Furnished Shoo. A
trial will please yon.
Pythun Bldg, HllUboto.
In Ih Ciroult Court of lb Blat of
oraon far lb County of Wahinion.
K. 0. Dannlann, I'lulnllfi, t ,,
Itla Dannlann, fritlrtl. I
To Loila l)iMilaon, abova nainad d
fondant 1
In th nam ot th Htata of Oroton yon
ara bonby rtqnlrad to appaar nnd antwer
tba eomplatni It lad airaumt yon In th
buv anUtM court nnd raua on or
Iwfora Friday, tba Bib Uv of Tliruary
IMA. which. ald data la all wwk ami
uior from and attar ThnratUy, th iilth
day of UMimtMtr, IUM. tba dato ol It rat
Rnblleatlon of thla lumnioii, and If ymi
ill to to appear and anawrr, p'.alntlfl, for
wn lharaof. will apply tuthannirt for
a daon dlMolTlni Ut bojida of niatrl
biony brtoforo and now lining
batwaan you and th plaintiff and for
nh othar ,nd fUrthar ralli'f m to tba
Court may aaam meal and iiluil.
Thla lumrnona la publlal.fd by order
lhUon. D. II. Haaaniier. Judiaol the
Uuunty Court of tha Niain ol Orrwin f r
tba County bf WMhlngton, and aalii ordar
a madaaiid datd on lb IIHh day of
Wwtembar, 1U (1 tba abaanea of tha
Cirnult Jud from Wliliton Uonnty)
nd th dal of tba Mat ptil.lloaUon la
Tb'"d?. Ih th day of FVIiruary. 1015.
Clyda KlobardaitD. Atty. for I'lalnilff.
SIS Uhamhar of Coinnarea Building,
In our new quarters
change enable ut
much better service.
la ilia nrouii dart or lb lull
Orf on far Waettlacloe County.
U the matter of th application of Ha
kell-Catrwater 1 Oregon lor
potation, lo Ui lalltal leglatraltoo ol
lb Mil la in following neaciweq real
nroprttjr lying, being end alluel !
W.hlKloa lounty, utrgon, nti par
llcularlv daecillwd a
Tha Noilb ball of lb Soulhweal qaar
ter of rwetuw )t, T. I , K. 3 W. ol tbt
Wllleiueti Mllln
Tj wbout II may concerns Tek amies
that 00 In I lib iur reoruery, ai. i
1913, an application waa fi'ed by tain
lla.kell Carpenter Company la tbt Clr
cull Coim il ma piat or wrcgon, ij
Wadilngton County, f Initial regirtra
llixt of ib lilt lo tb Uad abov (J
Now, unlti. you appear on or before
lb Jjih day of March. A. 1), 1913, and
bow raua why aarb application hll
not be atanleil, lb MM will M MM
at anlrsaed. and a decre will b enter
d in accordance wllh lb prayer of lb
application, ami yon will It forever bar
. .Ilafutlttaaj't tlt SsaatMa
IS1 tif w-a..
Dated Ibis 1 lib day of February, 1913.
IMw. t,. I.uce,
Connly Clerk
(Seal) (If Washington County, Oregon.
llr II. A. Knratll, lputy.
Bagley & liar, Attorneys fur Appll
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 cent smoke no "cough dust '
in the Schiller. 12tf
All kinds of bulk garden seeds
at Greer s.
1919 Roit Festival Receive Work tf
Art from Famou Oregon Soy.
Portland's 1915 Roe Peatival hs a
tinliu M)Mlnr the nuwt artlHtlo ever
uaml nnd It la the work of an Oregon
hoy, Kred 0. Coopor, now one ot the
world' fnremont srtinta. HI father,
J. C. Coopor, of McMlnnvlllo, OroRon,
wroto the wlnnltiK ilnKnn, "The Whole
World Knows the Portland Roie." At
hi tothflr'i peronl roqueit young
Cooper donated the poster to incorpor
ate the . slogan. Portland has co
operated with Hoattle, Taooma, Walla
Walla and Spnkano in securing con
ventions that will bring more than
260,000 visitors to Washington Sad
llr. snd llr. Herman Kamna. of
North Hillshoro. celebrated thir
crystal wedding, at their resi
dence. Sunday. February 11 At
High Noon a number ot relatives
and friends were seated to an
elaborate dinner. The afternoon
and evening was spent in music,
cards and general jollity. Ile
aiilrs many wishes for their fu
ture welfare, the. eatimsble eou-
KIh were the reebients of sonu
rsutiful rut glass presents,
those prtavnt were host sn!
hnatcss. Messrs. and Mwnlarnes
C Kehse. H II SUhne. K Itehse.
J Ksstaa, II Kaasaa. J J Krebs.
K Krsus. Y Bchulmerich; Mrs U
lialridge; Uiares Bertha, Vema
and Kstells Kehae. Lucille. Ar
llne and Betty Kamna, Edna
Balridge. UtIU Kraus. Louise
Krebs, Evelyn Schulmerich; Ed
gar and Johnny Kamna, Melvin
Uehse, Henry Steinke and Al
bert Tews.
M. Genzer, of Buxton, was in
town Monday.
W. C. Davison and wife, of
Banks, were in town Monday.
Springtime ia here, so now
is the time to make garden. Buy
your garden seeds at Greer's.
,. M ias Kmroa Delasnan has IsejwJ
the McQuillan property, snd will
conduct a private boarding bouse.
. Or A. Cook, of Cornelius, was
in town Monday. He has been
wrestling with the laGrippe for
several weeks.
C. A. Russell, of Gaston, was
in tows Monday. He ssys that
while oat Sunday he found three
parties who were fishing without
the state license.
The funeral of the late Marion
M. Bridges took place here. Sun
day, from the Donelson Under
taking parlor. The body was
interred In the Odd Fellows'
Thna. Whitehorn. of Corvallis.
waa In town Monday, greeting
oldtime Hillsboro friends, lie
says that Corvallis is going right
slong, and that each year see a
greater enrollment at O. A. C '
Miss Katie Fischer, of Airlie.
Ore., died Feb. 20. 1915. from
an attack of appendicitis. She
will be remembered as the
daughter ot Mrs. Marie Fischer
Powell. A sister of the dead
girl died two ears ago. De
ceased lived St West Union snd
in Hillsboro several yesrs. In
terment was at Dallas, Monday.
W. 0. Huntingtoo," a pioneer
of 1H5Z. died at Forest lirove.
Feb. 1M. 1915. aired 90 veara. 11
was born in Ohio in 1821. and
married Sarah Adams, reb. 19.
184a the coud e movinsr to 111
nois in 1851. The next year they
came to Oreron. makins the trio
across the plains. It required 9
months to reach Oregon. They
first settled on theCowiiU ltiver,
where thev resided manv .years.
He is survived by the following
children: J. li., or Los Angel;
Mr. IL 11. Newton, of (Forest
Grove; J. W of Kelso. Wash,
and Mrs. W. A. Bodine, Los As
geles. Cat.
To I'ortland-65 minute.
6: am
7:18 am
8:28 am
9:58 am
12:43 p m
3:58 pm
5:43 pm
8:10 pm
9:ii8 (Sat. only) pm
from Portland-55 minutes.
7:54 -am
9:20 am
11:25 am
2:06 pm
4:27 pm
6:25 pm
7:13 pm
9:12 (Sat, only) ' pm
12:25 am
Hlduey MdDjngal to Mary A Clark,
44 Ji a I s r 1 w
I.ydia Wrnig In Ueo A Young, 10 a
Hrtutt to Agttet boult, lo ft me 6 t t
Iff! W. .- t
Sylvia Uaaeer to John A hm An-
deraon. to a see 13 1 1 a r 4
It Z Periniron to Title A Tit Co,
SI.17 a J Mowell die
Kunic Wsiker lo Wilmn K Brrck,
0.6M a IHra d Mcleod d I c ow
Aug Dicricki to Kemi Vuyleteke, 3
a arc I t I M r 4 W ...... ..... 10
Geo Contalmaan to Porreat Hilt, lot
In Comaimann Acre 030
Joe U mu lo II ( Uaw, I 94 a Frew-
ina't Urcbarda .?. 10
II O Case to Joa Bonn, 44 a tec 6 1 1
n r 1 w. a... bioo
O W Rmduraat to A 'ice M Pbelpa,
lot tu Powei sub-4li .. 10
J R Reevte to Soe Having A Tr Co,
ahrrt deed Bo a arc so 1 1 a r 1 w.1109
Weetern Or Tr Co to W al Hamil
ton, to a Virginia Place SO
D M Baker to Mary A Ihittoo. 40 a
sec 11 t 1 a r 4 w
Frai k Bunch lo S ulia Hellberg,
lota W Port and Ha-hts ;
V W Cady lo B K dalbrailh, lots
blk it Beavertoo .........
Wm Rciilt to 8arah Agnes Youaf ,
ma aee t Ittr If 1,
Geo Lltilo to Mnaiclpal Ry ft Imp
Co. slota Dorwlck Aerea.
w A Hhaw to Jas Cole. 1 4 a Beav
RefdvilM .....S9W
Geo V Krcbs to Alf R Gnerber, 40 a
ec 33 1 1 u r w -
K putham to C F Weliel, 40 a tec
1 t a t s m
Aogutta Melcher to Paol Heaacbke,
7,50 a aat uraace..., ..... ......
All. except the P. K. 4 N.. trains
are electric, and atop at the de
pot on Main street
To Portland
Forest Grove Train 6:f0 a. m.
McMinnville Train IM m. m.
Sheridan Train 9.fM p. m.
Forest Grove Train 12;.V) p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Foret Grove Train. ..4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train ,4 J3 p. m.
McMinnville Train r.:37 p. m.
Fcreat Grove Train 9:ri0 p. m,
From Portland
Eupene Train arrives-.-M:l.r a. m
McMinnville " ..9:42 a.m.
Forest Grove, " -lll.'Ja.m.
Fort st Grove " ..3:15 p.m.
Shendan " . 4:30 p. m
McMinnville " ..6:37 p.m.
forest Grove .7:15 p. m
Forest Grove ...9:(X) p. m.
McMinnville " .12:15 a. m
A 1 1 trains, except Eugene
trains, stop on Hag at North
Range and Fir street and at
Sixth and Fir street and at
Tenth street
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. IL & N. Train 1:37 p. m
From Portland
P. R. & N. Train 1054 a. m.
Notice of Sale of Real Property
at Private Sale
la Ike suiter of Ike Estate f Jaliaa
llel. IteeraaeeL
Nalioa la hereby given that, purauant
aa order of the I'miotr tfeurt of Hi.
BH.Mof Ufa for M a-liliiftitn Cuiihty
mad an.l anljrrad on tli Z6 u da ol Jan
uare, tt - . to tha matlrr ttt Utm mUl o!
Juliua luil. dfwiw4. lb uB'lMiTl't.
admliiUltatrix ol aald ealata. will eell, at
prlvaia U, tmin ao-t alM-r lb ZTiu
dar ol .emery. Hti attbjMt Ueinrin-
atkm tif l l iHirt, all lha right. Ill's,
InlaeaalaAd muMaI aaUl Jullua I tat, d
cwwaxl. at the lime of bit daub, and ail
tha nt-ht. till and Inte-eel tliat aatd fa
tal bainulrid ly law or ethafwia in
lum ut ail 01 ina lojiowioe nMrltiei real
property .tluaivd In Waabln(1ou ijtuulj.
nuti 01 uregou, wait:
Tract Part of tha donation land
claim of Solomon Richard on and wife,
in sertion 4, towiuthip 2 south of range
1 went, deMTibed aa follows: Commen
ring at a point 53 1-3 rod eat of the
north went comer of section 14 town
ahip 2 south of rango 1 went of the
Willamette Meridian, and runninr
their south 30 chains; thence eat
26 24 rods; thence north 30 chairm;
thenr wet 26 2-3 rods to the place
of beginning, containing 20 terra, lent
and excepting a strip of land scro
the north end of the above described
tract 16 1-2 feet wide, dedicated to the
public for road purposes.
Tract II. Being a portion of sec
lion 23 township 2 south of range i
weat of the Willamette Meridian, and
described as follows, to wit: Common
cing at a point M links north of the
quarter section corner between arc
tioni 23 and 26, townahip 2 south of
range 1 west of the Willamette Meri
dian, and. running thence north 19.60
chains; thence south 74 1-4 degrees
west along : the road 10.68 chains;
thence south 84 1-2 degrees west IS
chains; thence south 19 1-2 degree
east 2M chains; thence north 87 de
grees east 7.70 chains; thence south
13.17 chains; thence east 19.50 chains
to the place of beginning, containing
35 acres.more or less; excepting there
from a tract of land formerly sold to
George Galbreath, and described as
follows, to wit: Beginning at a point
13.17 chains north of the southwest
corner of the above described tract;
thence west 3 degrees south 18 rods;
thence easterly along the line of Port
land and Willamette Valley Railroad
IV rods; thence south 4 1-2 rods to the
place of beginning. The tract of land
hereinabove described as Tract II, con
taining about 34 acres, more or lers. .
Tract III. Lots 37, 38, S9, 4i 43.
41, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49 of Tualatin Gar-
dent, Washington County, Oreron- al
so the north one-third of lot 36. and
the west 1 1 -2 acres of lot 50 of Tuala
tin Gardens; also that part of lot 35
lylnt west of line running south from
the southwest corner of lot 53 and
parallel with The west line of said lot
35 of Tualatin Gardens, except that
part of said weat portion of lot 35
which was conveyed to E. A. Eddy on
November 27, 1901, by deed recorded
on psge 58, Book 50 of the records of
doeds for Washington County, Oregon.
All of said lots being in sections 2.1
and 24, township 2 south of range 1 of tho Willamette Meridian, and
containing 58 acres, more or less. Part
of said Tracts numbered II and III be
ing subject to the right of way of the
Oregon Electric Railroad Company's
right of way as now surveyed and lo
cated across said lands, said right of
way containing three acres, more or
less; togethr wllh all IM tnnxuiniita
hereditament, and appurlonsnoea tber
untrt baloniiiog-
Or so much of said real property as
may be necessary to pay the debts,
liens and charges against said estate
and the expenses of administration, as
prayed for in the petition of aaid
Maria Anna Itel, administratrix of tho
estate of aaid Julius Itel, deceased.
TMimofaal! CMh. For further In
formation call noon or write to Maria
Ann Itel. Toalatln, Oregon, or to A R
Oabhardl.AII Hpaldlng Building .Portland,
Oreirot.. bar attorney.
- Maria anna iipi. niimminniini,
Pint publication, January !M. lui.t
last publication. Knbruarv 25. Wli
A KUebhardt, Attorney 1
For Sale Hay cutter, with
horse power; nearly new.Te le
phone Farmers 38x3. 42-tf
M.IU- la brcbr aivaa Ikal tha a4
miatatratrta ul thm (! f liar
rla. aWut. has Ihl. dor flint ar
rtnal Areuaml I ! !! with thm
CoHMjr "arl ! Waxttmatu "' r.
fmiaa. al 'urt fcaa at aa !.
tlm. uvl plar t'ir asrlrc ttte Mm aa
M.rfi-lf. Mrrk I'.lh. tail, at th hour
..f o'rlnk A. M. at tba nlir
''iMtrtrwiw at ll. t'..rtl'ti In IliiU
i...i. or.fon, t't hr nf ub)m-ilmm tu
ta a-fr.r. ir mtv tfe.r
t thU. K-l.r u.rr II. til.
it ll'TII IS. HHAt rr.ll.
A'lmlnl-tr-ilrt. i t thm ( 1U
ll.rrt. I-'.I
J ha U W AiL.rft. , tut K-l"
St SIMua.
' la Ik. Cirrait CnuM of tha Mat vl
OraaTcm fr Waablaatua t'vyatr.
AHrm M Hullnui, flatnUir.
Julm I' H.iliiran. Ifandant.
To Jolia 1: HjLivan, the alova aamr-l
la 11m naiHC fT attar flat of IHup m
Yoo ara hranp rrulrl to afaar an. I
tan.r tbn Cirtn-ituiBl Olad aciwt yu
In IIm ibm. etiliilv.1 it an or bafora tlr
U;h day of alan-h. mi, thai tli. nu
thai ati a Inwai to ilaia of Ota brat
Shi tl (ration of Ihia uniiu"t.. l-wlt: lh
Iwm 17 tint day ,.f Januarr. I"IJ- aiul If
fmt la. I to air and aawr I11 plaintifl a
auiitpialnt, l-if want lltemf, tha iialii
US will a(ily lolb('oit fur ralif o
-naill in ar mtopunot, lo-wlt: A da
rr diavilviog lb tmnda of aiairlii.
Mim. tlia plaintiff and dfnlaul, an.l
for aur.h uthar and furtlMC ralwa' aa to tba
Court anar aratn jilUMa and J'lat.
Tbia auniUHioa M publlaiMd purauant
lo an or.lor of tha Honorable J C Camp
111, Ju'lo( to limit t'tMirl of liu
(HaUof Ufoaan l-r Vt aafilnrton loantf
a.a.l ami f tit rtl on UM l'tl Oat of Jan
uarv. Ivl.'i.
Inuaeffirat pobllcatkin, Jaoaary 21,
1 aU of laal publkatUm , Marrb 4. 19ti
Haorr M aMmbaJI. Atbrry lr nam
tilf. VA. Vaun I big.. Portbuid. Otaguu .
In the Matter of the Application
Wm. f). Wood for the initial Rg-....
wtration of the Title to the follow
in described real property lying,
lining and aituate in the County of
WahhingtorSUie of Oregon, and
particularly deacribed aa follows:
lieginntng at an iron pipe at
the aouthwect corner of Lot 8,
lilork 5, in the Town (now city)
of liillaboro, Wsahington County,
Oregon, said point being the in
tersection of the townahip line
with the north tine of Main
Street in said city, and 1031.4
feet north of the southwest comer
of .Svt:on 31. T. 1 N, K 2 W,
Will, mi-tte Meridian; thence on
the north lino of said street
north ei decrees west 18 feet;
thence north parallel with the
township line MM feet; thence
south f'J degrees east 18 feet, to
said line at th northwest corner
of lt 5, in said P.iock 5; thence
continuing south hi degrees east
795 feet to the northeant comer
of said lot; th-nc south 1 de
gree west feet to the South
east corner thereof; thence south
t decrees east l'.'S feet, to the
nort heart comer of Lot 7, in said
Ulock 5, on the west line of First
Street in said city; thence south
1 degree weat !'0 feet to the south
east corner of said lot; thence
on the north line of. Main Street
north 89 degrees west 273.77 feet
to the place of beginning.
TAKE NOTICE, That on the fith
day of January, 1915, an application
waa filed by Wm. 1. Wood in the
(irctut Court or the Mate of Ore eon
for Washington County, for the init
ial registration of the tide to the
land above described.
NOW unless you appear on or be
for Friday, th 2(Uh day of Feb-
rmry, iai5, and show cause why
such application shall not be granted,
the same will be taken as confessed,
and a decree will be entered accord
ing to the prayer of the applicant.
and you will be forever barred from
disputing the same.
Clerk of the Circuit Court of the
, State of Oregon, for Washington
Attorneys for Applicant
Rorirat to creditors.
The iimlnmlcned ha Keen v the County
Court of Vt alnni:loii County. O-eeoii. on
thla l?th day of January. IM.V duly eon
nrniAl aaexnutor or tlm vtui anil
Tmlanieiil of tleoru Z-is'itan, di-eeaswiL
Now thorelorti, all beraotis navine
rlalnn a amit aaid eatat ar liorvbj
reulrel lo prrceiit tliam, with tho proper
vuiii-lmrs. to Hie umlerinel at the law
111 -a of John M Wall, at Hlll-boi-.. tre.
aitbln all itinntha fnun the dale liproof,
I'aletl ihia HHi day of January. UH3
Vnller Zi-lsman. rtiociitor of (ho laxt
Will an d Ti.lHtumt f Ueorira Zxlsiiian
John M wall, Attorney for Estate
Executor's Notice
Notlr la herehy given Ihtt the under
signed has Nwn by the Con 11 1 y IVurt ol
Washington County. Oregon. A!r)intd
and onn'irml aa executor of the Lsl
WillamtTfwtainanlor P W Miultlieis.
tleeeaae.1 . and has duly qulini ai audi
Now Tliewfore, all perRoim h.ylhg
rlniius against aaiil ettlnl aro horoby re
i)Ujirl bi prooent tho Kama to nia wllh
prcp-'r vnurhera at the law oftVo of II 1
l!ali-y. In lillalHro, Oregon, wllliln sis
iniuilli. frniu ilnlx bei-Mof,
liatml this January '-'I. MU.V
K 1 Kuralli, Kxecutor.
II T PngU'T, Attornny.
Best Fire Insurance
Agent London & Lanca
shire Fire Insurance Co.
raclfic States Phone 314 HILLS BOKO
Loans may he oMaiutd for any purpore
on acceptable Real Estate security; lib
eral privileges; correspondence solicited.
758 Gas, Electric Bldg., Denver. Colo.
440 Puciaa Bldg., Ban Francisco, Cat. -
The Aprhs Fra
The Dally Oreonlan and The
. Arus. One Yesir For $6.00
thi sfive you Cfte Arus
TBEE. No Agents
Daily end Sunday
and Cfttf Argus
The OrGjjoniQn
From Famous Tecomseh Stock, Sird ol which
sold for $2100 at public sale, at St Louis, Mo. "
Some fine high grade stock.
J. W. Vondervelden,
Boy, Oregon
Help Make Oregon the
Cleanest State the Union
I'oclean i.leas ia regit d to sex scatiered broadcast by the ignorant esnst
immorality, disease and suSeriag a in org the innocent
True, wholesome information help to ptodac clean, nealthfnl CttiseM
capable of richer and wore usrful lire.
Set educstioa shoold b provided when posdble in Ibe boat. Pi mpWts
wi'.l be sent frw fjr men and women, boys sud girls of all ages, fcend
scent stamp snd state definitely ageaandses of children, snd other pat
mmt for whom pamplets sre wantetL Address
0a.. 701
). Orwgoat
This popular tnstitatioo. conduct 1 by the Sister of St. Mary, aSonla
superior educational advantage, combined with the iaflaeac ol a relscd
home. It is delightfully aitaaled in lb healthful Tualatin Valley, only 1
mile from Po- land on the Southern Pacific ear Ha. PnSI Primary, later
maliate, Ui nar and Hih Sckoot Contests Senatatt dipnisjsitnt for
little girl. Thoae who wish to prepuc for the teacning peaaaaiean find
the Tcacheu ' training Conrso nmply equipped and prepare! an da strong
wnrk. A f -.lujite from this coaraa secure a Teachers One YenrC-!as
without ex .:ittialiou. Raceptionat o:iportnnitie f ir thorough lnatNU.ioa
In Mumc. At md Kspreaaion. A newly organiaed Gomaarcil Cont
covers pert'. ! ot two years and lit
lumber luloiui tloa, or prospectus.
Hillsboro. Cornelius and North" Plain
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
GrQihtHoyf Flour, Tcod ohd
GraihDd(3. -
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any tine
Lumber, Shingles end Loth
-At Cornelius
Beaver State f fax?
The Deit Flour at the LottcxI Ttlzo
- t ;
Hlllsbor, Main 14. Cornelius.City 1515. , i
North Plain, Main 53. f : ' '
Cay faaa l Ca
lor any pearim of rwapwnasMrrty. re
Addtesa ' CJfaW I