AILUftOaO ItOCi, rSBAl'ARV . itl ; i ! , -:i 4 4 .'J: a mnm mum w il3 Famous ETNA BRAND of pure Lime and Sulphur solution is manu factured by an Orchardist of 25 years of practical Orchard study. The Aetna is the Acme of Perfection. "The Dalles, Ore , July 10, 1914 Rcsnlts obtained from the use of Aetna Brand are most satisfactory and I can heartily recommend its use. (Signed) R. H. Weber, Fruit Commissioner, 4th Hist." "Whiie Salmon Valley Fruit Growers Union After using the Aetna Brain! are justified in the bslief tliat there is no superior on the market. (Signed) J. J. Conger, Manager. "Astoria, Jan. 6, 191 4 I desire to congratulate AVt t Vl A rHnAMAV int. Culnltu. O , V. t . . .. . I. universal rait Failure with the Aetna Brand is impos sible if you spray right. For prices, etc. write or phone THE MM ORCHARDS Deaverton. Ore. D. LEIS. Propietor P. S. The Aetna B aud is not sold through Portland dealers. OTHER SIDE OF THE WAR On Hundred War Pictures tahen by Special Permission of the German Staff LECTURE The Cause of the War and Startling Facts as told by the mast Authentic Sources - Facts that are not printed in the press, Tuesday, March2, 1915 2 O'clock P. M. Sim THEATRE Admission 25c Children 15c Dried Shinnies $1.75 PER THOUSAND ; Rongh Lumber, per M. $8.75 Sized Lumber, per M. $10.00 'I. J Gfetlger Lumber Co. ; Ma,n St and P- R- & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks ABSOLUTE LY Kvery thing iu Building Material tot RUMml Anrua and OrwonUn. 12.25 U A. Ue, Kdtta. tx unty Official Pnjvt febaeripUna: UO par Auu. -T- uano m iukinnsv HKflK . XKH l li IULIU U I LZLJLJ I THE The lejrislative session has closed and until things shape themselves it will be hard to de termine just what results will be. The Washington County delegation has voted for econo my consistently, and if thv kv made errors it is not yet visible. Later on one can better judge. Canada ia kick-in iwi American lumber is beinsr ship ped into Alberta, while Canadian muis are ciosea-anj the Ameri can millmen are kicking because trade is not brisk. MAY SCHULTHEIZ Wm. R. Mar and Miss Sophia Schultheiz. of Bethany, were nnitoH in mmaM . ..... i,.. of the bride's mother, Mrs. Frank Schultheiz. Feb. 20. 1915. Rev. Ottrt .nrf. ;,,- if- and Mrs. Mv will mbia in d r ' v7w 111 I VI land, where the groom has a po sition. Roth are rvmnlar I - - --.-. ;vail( TOlr in oeinany circles ana have rtost or friends who extend to inem since rest congratulations Diaries for 1915 at Ho t'a. Mrs. R. Kaufman nt V.lln - - v. I VlSta. WftS a Hi khnm vidiA ioaay. For sale: Cow; plow, disc har- row, new two-seated covered naCK. Li. IV l onvor Kn vy 11th and Fir. 48-50 'Mrs.H. L Flint, of Scholia, who sustained an operation last week, in Portland, is reported as dangerously ill. Mr. and Mm T a Ti and daughter. Miss Madge, went mi nucitaway, oaiuraay. to enjoy a few days at the beach. I. P. IfonarnrttiD n.L.' the Sinnrpll mill Snnk Tn.i.t:. -- -rw ...... u luaiaiiii, lost the end of a thumh tK nth. - - - w Wl IV I aay, wnue loading ties. Dr. nyae attended the injury. . - twr nun- man. of Bacon a, came down yes terday, to go to Portland on a homestead proof for Henry Wil kins. Mr. Nelson says there has yecu if as snow ai tsacona than iur years. ureea poardmg house on the S v. ear. naa tnoH nn - . arrest arainar n ohn as --.-. . i-viiv.iBo nnvuniu, cnarging mm with beating a board bill. Constable Fuller went to Portland after the defendant yesieruay. J,?e Hartwick and John Cald- wen, oi oanKs, are in town this afternoon. They report that A C. Carstens and Otto Galloway ui oanKs, nao a runaway at ruresi uroue, at noon, today, and that Mr. Carstens sustaiued a slight injury to one shoulder. Harry Boyd Fred Penline and Rov Shfi.p nt n;n j guilty before Judge Smith, last week, to the charge of fishing Without a ironao Tk.. .:n Kuwuceu monaay. They had two tine trout landed when the game wardens landed them. The county court has offers of tenw per meal for board of yriauners irom Miller, Wilson and Applegate. the Tualatin of. .culm ui uoara mem lor 23 cents per meal. The bids are under aunoemenu ischamoni has uecn auiMiinrpn iiiatmo f r... latin. -.w 4ua- Circuit .Tnrlcra rDmnL.II ti v. uauipucil lUPS- dav gentenrpH Ana t -.,. . nuci ui me imprisonment at Salem for the murder ot tha brother, John Hoyer, on the Beavertoa Moun tain. Hoyer is not a rtronir man, and will not U-t m.nv. years in confinement. A nn fellow said-who was Bympathet- ic rnp rpi mur ui i i:. . nin IIU live to serve out his sentence." Mrs. James N. Harper, who resident tha Pi; tu d i l ,: mm, near he Burkhalter place, Farming- ton. HWal nworl l.:.Li i? , . ou.uq uicriioriae nio tare nr iir li The 11 a. m. services at the Evancelical church next Sunday will le a missionary alilrvs; by Mrs. (1. N. Thttnituon. of Salt'm. and spt'cial music by the choir. At 7:30 p m., a swnj; wrvir-e. Ittble readinir bv Mr Ihomr: son; Soli "Only Tirvd." Mr. M. M. Stautfer: recitation. A liny lrayer." Ethel Strong; itatuin "What h,. tiiirKirr5 sh e on iore- i Nii, U hrrrt Ih il lit t a tinaliiM. .Serf ( 0til( rl m 't out i' '! uril. l tit wl i( !) CtiCitl C'tl ti 'he Mt il t Hrgi-n, ! ;h.l J.tattu. WI4, fjr of M. ItriiUrl ul i;int Kali Uiuw .a l Kil)Citin, Irtfft'Unt, l.f ' fi. j lim ih- i nil il t4 iam. Ntj, l Uw : , ' . i nt il o 1 tvl 11 .rillum, .! f j Iftr i rtnTtif i . . . . nessie Johnun: rtitAtion. I he ,u-. . 1 1,- .. ...i .i,.. i Brave Little Missionary," Janice i ! i is. ( ui m. uj Ikinsen: recitalutn. littl..; mrduw a i .kii.i. .,. ..! rk i lit-. ... it ii . ! nto !o in ike t 1 1 t't- .l tiHilietlv I -mpso, naier. Arnow eao; hrtrln.llrr t,,i j Mr u;,.,: m uikiiws avi v J "Work for rhildrvn." latha Curtis; "1 Womtcr" Ulster Hewitt; anthems by the choir. The Oreneo I j Oiwrsiut Mar. keting Association (Inc.) Mill hold their first annual Sprint sale, at Orenca Tuesilav. March 23. 1915. All p-rtios' having cows, heifers, horsos, ho fa: m .... (IV sale should make entry with the Manacer. W. J. lit ad. nrat anv of the stores in Orenca It is intended to hold a rommunitv sale of thia character at Unist twice each year, and provide an nnruirtiinifv fii an sell or buying farming stock or implements. All entiios should hi Rint in nut .i ..n .... ... . . i mail . day, March C so a to be stiita- uij uveruseu.- v. j. ucavJ, Manager. 4Stf I am rmn.1li.itr thd 1 1? V,.tL Remedies in the Northern rxr tion of Washington Gmnty, an 1 will visit patrons every thre months. Territory is North of Baseline. All n.r.-tna uiohint orders can mail same to me at Forest firm- ..)? I.' i.,i,,.h,.i - in u V rorest Grove. Ore. The nmni-l Mnnrva la " v vi a itiai lvi smoke on market mailt in Ore- fc n i .... Kwn, oy r. ocnuier. v hen you mauige in a good smoke buy a Grand Marc a. tf 1 saw cordwiwt rvitna im fn 1 inches in diameter, f.m,-.. r-.ilj and boards of all kirn!, into stoVewood lengths. Will go into the count rv Writn nd.w,.. ... call on me. Carl Skow, Hillabo ra. Phone. City 4(12, or call at Tualatin Hotel. in.! Minui:it la kl l (tivtMU'ti, ilrr i i . . i . i t u.n . . . i. . , i. win . mi. , , I .n ihu.i w nin il hl'H'i W'. .1 II. r tkxillt tftflhtfConll II IlllliJftim WifU iBKton l"etin, , m Ih tuMt l U o'rNlk . m. t-f ii U, r!l t I'Ulihv mull. m l.i llif U'iJicI U.KIrf l4 ch in hftii l. all il th tlliiit; lr. tx-iitwil tml tifily. lU-.ftJ. taring MI iu VV.-liirt. a CiNiiilv. iki, ml Huur vtMuulih i. wiiIt.I t it Allt f llu-W. .I h t lofih NiNlhriwI M titri HM'I i-f th Nitb- rt iiii il m n r. j N K. i V. Wilt Mrf, ifc.i-t., ,lnt in Wnk' itiB luntv, Oninm, u Utlifv Ihe l:riiiln n.ruril (or thr Cim.1 . r(-ctip il im ml mkI til, S l I t!r ill Ix ttil jivl lo tr U uitHn U l tif ihrgoa. IM..! t I lit .Into, t)trJ o, ,w WH J)t t f Jl'.iUAtl, Iv)! !, J. K. RKKVKS, Sh-rff of Wavhmi;ton County, Or- Hv J. Applfitate, IV nr. J.'ltn M. Wall, Aitotiwy far rifcinllt. . ktMMOMS. OREQON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland-55 minutes. 6:32 7:18 8:28 12:43 3:58 5:43 8:t0 9:18 (Sat. only) From Portland -55 minutes a m 9:20 " " 1 1 l2S n m 2:05 4:27 . 6:25 - on yj n m 12:25 a m a m a m a m p m p m p m p m P m IN TIIK CIRCftT TOI KT tr Tll STATK OF URKC.ON. rOR WASH iNuro.N cof.vrv. IVruittiU Ijto.iii, tUatiiUII a jamtM hi, IVirtiilant I v) Jantra Laaranu ab. himnl lwfi..l Ht. In In iiitnt uf llm of Oti u ar hfnl.y tiiirtl l.i i r 4m m M lit t'ni.aliit 11 1,. I mh, j,M, in IJin aKiv rn'ilir.1 a nt mi or lofurv lit .w. ui ftitw iitufi .rvrritft. in tiw or ilr l'n'.l.'.ii..ti mt hvnHit. .. l: lli l.'il, tl.jr of A,rt !.. a 1 II jou fail to var ami air r want II, '.( in. (.iaiiiliil mil it. the tVtnt U t tr loi .f, i ,.t 11, l'oitilatni tm Din hnrotii, iu .ir,. err hvit ittiliriiiK th- hoti.U m on Huii ,., .,, hrirli (. ru.'liiftt Ih ntil llio (ilalhtirr i .1 .lft.r lMl. am) for .ii.'h iilh ami fiirtlwr ii. r Hi. t'otirl m.r .tretii iiirtti a . tsimuIMw, I lit i.liimii rtvl U.. tun li iml.i..a i m, . virtiifttof an ..r.u.r.. ll.r II 'I I I. I Xllll.l. il. Jll.l;.. ,,i 11,. 1 I,. . I'ftltiri til ItiR SliUK il tlr. .in l'.,.,,.i ... u ui.i......... ...... . datonf llm iir,t ,, ,, .,, , lhu u it .11. ta k't. W. in.' .. ... . . . . 1 I h.11 s "I'M 01 Uir w ,'...iin 1. mi 1. ini nt Mlt3, J itsn li. I'AlittW.i ah. ...... u . .- i.i...i.w l. AND p. IJ. & n. All, except the P. li. &iN., trains n l .... I a am fiixiric, nu stop at the tie- inn on iMam strtft. Til I'nl'l l:in, t Forwt Crnve Tmln.... ft-nt . McMinnville Train 7::K a. m Sheridan Tram 9.68 p. m. ;, ... uV,vl ' rain ... .y:M p. ni .Him rnv 1 irnm v i-. .. M ""ft mve irain. ...1:10 n. w?ene Irani :rhh). m. aicMinnville Train i',M7 n. m 1 urriH i, rove irairi.....,!);) , ni. r mm I'urii-wwi r.ui.-1-rie 1 rain arrives . K;l.j a. .1 m. COFFEE CLUB COOK BOOKS The new edition of the CofTee Club Cook in finiahorl n. l lhis is a re-nrint of the book published in 1911. with 100 addi tional reciDeS. and f h anln is 60 cents. The books are on sale at the following places: vaugnt s Grocery. Hillsboro Merrantiln f'n , V" Combs' Furniture Store. Board's Grocery. Snodgrass Grocery. McMinnvilln Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville m. m. Forest (rove Forest Grov McMinnville A I I trains. trains, Btop on Hanure and Sixth and Fir Tenth Rfreeh Mc-am Service Old I)(.K,i l' Port an P. II. & N. Train 1 .-37 n from Portland P. II. & N. Train 10:2 " -9:12 a " -11 :69 a.m. - d:hp, .4::ii)p " .C::S7p t 7:15 p M -9:(M) p .1:15 a except Ful- "ag at North streets ami at streets atu ni, m. tn. i m. m.. ene , Vn-pirn'eerdarw to Till.. Vv.rof Tillamook, was in the! T u" ,etfai ""smess. 'uesdav morning. enrouteLftPscar Johansen, of Farming, from a vallflv rin m... ron was in townTWaHo., in 7.. .7'- " man war witn ail North Wash- i Count V. ant linAino '$ Wcott, o( Gaaton, was Ai J today.- Fred Meyers, of Shady Brook was in the city yesterday. J. A. .Tnhnann L! , luc suner visnr nf Kal,.!.. u r DU5r tomI.u,lwi, omitn is convalescing. Mrs Haroer it th wifa r I! I. ,- .. u. vmc prison er WnO IS Serving a ti.. county jail for assaulting 1W Mrs. Harper has been quite de- ki. " ri. ""oana s 1" 1 j u " 18 BUPPosed tl wo icu ner 10 iaKe the poison that Paul Hill la wttntoA k.. l. 1 Tor Dassina a nii!nna .1 1. Mrs. Miller, of the Third Street restaurant. Hill " 1 1 2! M."- Miller, the uajr, anu aueged that II was a (rood nip nt r..n ni check was signed "Walter Tup! m I' . ine American National, where Hill said the .1 eced drawer i u I n ... I trftwir-jw ....-..,. I I ' " . '' "T i" . I ' 4 " -r- e t, fy" f ,7 ,f-K i s'''f;7 '- ' . iT Vu. f? ill I ' "1 If you want HARDWARE It will pay you to pet u. We vatry the nut cotupK le Stink iu the Cutiuty, ami wtlUclI at Right Prices Call and sec tit. Our Pltimtting aUaya nuiia "The Store Th.t S.tlaflet" Percy Long illLLSDORO Second Street OREGON -THE DF.ST FEATURES" "THE DEST SERIAL" THE BEST COMEDILS" That khI niatianeuieut aud iutcrprise cauKlcct for you Friday nd Saturday don't fall to tee THE YELLOW STREAK A two part feature nf the pr(,e ritiK .howinB a ircmcn tlols fire. ,Uo- MARV VVUIV.R ia COUWTERFITERS ait excellent one-part ilrama Coming next Monday ar a prl. animal leature In Jungle Wilds Kcatc;:t feat ute ytt pnduml Peoples Theatre jot tmt tmc uTTLin r;... f s "iftft. 1 I f11 new chew fhnr AtfAMl. fc Am 7'oWn a.. ?nK-ut. wtf KjftfW, rich. sannvVX T'0' 'n ii it re.t s,;? ""' . Twa 11 tw.r. " Mil One am-.ii .1.:''hiS::.C?T- ci.tw8 of r,;,. ut!,!.lakcs Mace of Twruun I 4WauJ a. N'llce0f Sale ivuss Jbern HnM. ..,1 , . day, .be resignalin ZTm."' for the iositiou. 1 1. 1 1 ui W inn... .. ... . ' '"'"rflhUai, ,;; ;v , f H 4,1.1,1,1,. ' . ,'yt ti.,i 1,1,1. 'Hrl,ft,Vi , J,' '-1 ,H" olli,,a , 1 "fti!" - 'rila.V I, '?',mr "' "'" 'iim ' fit rkl . HolMhl, I 'T'ft'i', ""ItlB ll,.,., 11 .7 .M'r' Mill flUi 11 U North " S f f !.TS?"' ,,""' Wral . W, htv . """'"'tor. Iniu.r. Br"",,,y- Alt,,,,,,,, f. j jn,i ( North tit-v. , . . tatCi" tPdtft