The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 25, 1915, Image 1

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    Imb t
NO. 49
inccpii r.nvFn r.n'i-
Of uwu iarr
' v 1 fc I'ortland were pn
!' ft mi t 11 Saturday tX
ti r ' d niarol loOrrin Hatty
if. L.
union '"""
etia country. lUt
nil illnrnt from
Portland were present, and ask-.
- Trw . .w hujH for the parole Deputy Dia
UroiiM111 trict Attorney Tongue opooaed
lilt t)rtbr la rwei ihe leniency, M he aaia tnai uai-
ty had len In trouble once be-
...,m viP MFfNSe AT TIUl Ifor. Judge Camtibell. however.
AlLluiO Mir WW" L.4ll h-wouu Kive the man one
I more chance. He la to pay the
ur, was Oat Trt u",,rt enpensea of the proceeding in
VMakt wa mem m court ana to live an uunum
. I Miuir lint irt the hrrlir every
b ., If Km vlutatea
jph Hoyer the two. LvK of the"!e he
-layer, waa laat rriday found & Uk en to Salem upon the
a t ... I. ika -mtni1 1 . . . , I.
Kuilty ot rauraer m i order of the courc. Muri owi-iam
,leirrw. the Jury taking but two hn j'ortland have been notified of
. ' jt..m ihn th lutmttf and thev Will watch
ballot. ;J.tft Uttrhenceforward. One .Up
gree. ana ' from decent living will land him
determine cnM... V in the pen
Hoyer went on the ina in m. T. , 0rt.ncQ .otfv-Mar-
.i-f-nee. but be did not mane . , A.,,,u,in fine. I will
. ,1 . ICIIIII ,
much of in Impression on me hoJJ lhpir flrit annual bprwir
twelve men who had Ms fate la -al. t Orenco, Tuesday. March
1 . . . n.- Ut inn All t-rtlea havinit
their ' hi(1 Low, heifera. horaea. hw.faim
he and hla brother jonn bm . ' , busies, etc. for
trouble one night In January. . . , k try with the
it. !t..l that the brother and u ,,.., W. J. lit ad. or at any
n-i . uihich nnelr iu ninrix In Orenco. It U
tn ho d a community
nUUldf.0 ,w wnM om o thi. character at lut
H- ui thy wrangled over M. v -ov Jean
Iht mavierior ontortunlty to anyone wmnmn n
thi-m being in a drunken con or uUying farming atwk or
Uition. Heawore that hU tro- implement. All enUiei ihould
lhrr wfnt outalde the hovel and be aent in not later than batur
ru;ht in club. lie aav. that day. March ao a. to aui J.
l ! t . i... n..b4 him advertlaed. W. J. iienu,
Tier ma r"-i : i;, -- --- jtf
. .. ..( tut nn tick of stove-
Shertll Uctvc k'cJuce J'l
t jt of Wk
Tim In Sett Voitct
udtre CamuWll Sat inlay mom
ng aentenced John O'b-ary. th
.teaverlun aMaiimcnt of
lall'ie Ilujjrhiwn. ti a sentence of
rom one to years St
the pi'n. and t! 'ft revoked the
parole of ly U i--". anl l,r,UT'
ed him to Nj Ukeis to bak-m lor
a one to five year term, indeter
John SiH-srvr. the d ven.-rpte
t Cft.,' cam iru
of from 1 ti r ir. ana
i..r..,i.t .'in... in Siituruav
morning a- J to tiave ni M
buad catic-::('i. mz m as
readv to o UiVj thv c r.toJy 01
th ahentT. , . ,
Sheriff h,1, the tno to
Salem on lh Un-wi huctne.
Saturday tnunti i.
If the prisoner VM-nnvt ai
late in -titu'i .n and i.Utin a
good rer-ord it h not Urely t.tat
....ti Li Linn.!- timn a year.
llirjr Biii"i'i - .
nutrirt Attorney Tongue waa
at Salem the last of the week.
w it i'.ri.irt.r. of Portland.
waa out Saturday, on buaineaa
with She-nil Heevea.
r. ." ,..n(liriti. bv Dr. L W. CAUE TO ORtW It FOm FIVE
. - ' . - 1 ..... 1.
ilvd the last oi me we.
Gad Kleier. of near Laurel. HwaaM W Piewiwsi is Cwrt Alfalr
was in the city the last of the h E(lriy Djr
I.rn. to Mr. and Mrs. Giwan . .. . wiUox. widew
llag. Mountaindale. reb. II. D lla, h WiIcox
1-J15. a daughter. wi tocher.
. . i i'uri!.ui o ins. .
yuu Sai.ikr. or anerwooo.1 . . .
oilier .h. t
1.. - . i rvo L'...
w, w,i.h. ,t "'rr S1
Uj. wan a county acai vmiior ruuewi
Saturday. came to uregon iran
Mrs. Inez Humke. of Portland, with her husband in isw. anu
ika fint nf thel.,,u hvw t.e-n 92 years old
Wa?l III v . . - invuiu .- -
ihf ffut-st of her daughter, h lived ur.tii August It
About eichty me.-nVrs oi in
PiKi.n4 bi..I l'vthian Swters
L.:ii...,h Kn Kiftv-Hrst Anni
versary of
- .-
" -
", . " ; , " ,
V :V
UGPy Best Stainob
whib they last. ThU is the cheapest we
have oid shingles for in 5 years. Hyou
figure on naeding any this SPRING or
SUMMER, come in. We will arrange
to carry you if you can not spareithe
money now.
Mrs. 0. G. Wilkes.
t vi' tiin nhn ha been suf-
. ...UU"'. ...
fenng a t'.o weks siege oi the
I af'.ritiije. was greeting friends
i:i town Saturday.
Grove, of near liood
Bridge, was in town Saturday,
on business connecwa whu
estate of his son. the late Harvev
For rant: Three law, nicely
f inasl.i'd rooms for housekeep
ing. lUth. water and liKht;
front rooms. Fifteen dollars
.vjutUest corner of First and
Dr. Hiutt. the former Forest
Gruve dentist. a3 in Hillsuoro
tuvJ Forest Grove, last wee.
it., Ua in-en over at liaymona,
Waih., for several years.
M'bs Prisciila llobbs, who is
at ending high school abalem. . fi Virginia.
was down Sundav, vis. imx "er was he!d from
SVvWT W the Holman Undertaking Parlor,
Go to Gotham for hih grade Monday at 11 a m. and inter-
vju iv i.,.,1 . . Klcrln... In iK farr.ilv o!ot in Lone
narnets. jusv reicn i
shipment of sweat pads, deer ft cemetery.
The Wilcoxes maue u.o
.um of their Dioneer westward
OWftv " - 7
Bsdgeri im&u .Co.
Main Su and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks.
I l verything in Building Material
. . i l : - rrrt ti r pair a i irac
the founding oi me "ITu We also
l I l 1 1 I i I l
The District Forester. t Port- over w v.-r.. ;ut ... h ,tu; very
w.wd and struck John on the , 4 announcea that bids nave acme. e ... . .- -head.
He then put John m the Uen olencd fur a body of be give jfc n,i,. he is
bunk, and after fining the fire. mber. amounting to WW " owl answer
went to bed and slept lie a. d fwU whkh ha. recentty been ad; 0 U 'n,ni, ,
he did not Know at ine wrae w. vertliwd on me Ninam ..,,1 ,v,,.. -a far n.ore
John waa dead, and aitnougn ne Forwl ,n EMiern umton. 5X7- than Shearer
i kt mk nir a noise on theL.u ..... .waftUi to Kobert M. dangerous nun man ,
h'd, he thought he wm snoring. lWlUi 0( Cornucopia, Oregon.
Iloyer U not of a high order of whim WM jaw per M. feet
intelligence, and his story was M M for western yellow pine,
nt an impressive one. The fact m fir. and western larch,
of the matter la It is not likely tnd i,25 for white fir saw linv
that he knows how th flair
hapined. II. testified that John ..,. lKw t Watkin
i. mm anmewhat angered t on ot wasninRuin were - ,v . . .. n. u ar, r.ciuaing zi men. iv,jumb a. lliev lanaeu . u.c
it his brXT S admitted will visit patrons every three jon for all . and tl w KnurhUt n . w 1 0tT the of the Willamette, ; Dr.
al nis oroiner. . L..tha Ti-rritorv is North of tcrtatned the balers io a oau . wh,p.l'"" tt.-a tho first nhvsician to
thatattneir aai r.. VrrV",, All Vrsons wishing fluet There were anumner i I IT, t75cents. " bat at first
tlMM Ktl SW gS!W
ine pretump.. rr; . wru --r-r-. M initiation ww ternooa. March 6. at i .o a. f Tract3 now
wow waa on m u " ujay lor sn rriiw - r.rj9 anij anc ng u lowea. nu ... Wfmbers are especially in- fi k h;
akull, and WM dellfewd from l)it,K0. He will stop at Oakland Urts ianj J weeeM f 'l in aUendance.-Fred located. He .buV,t Jf 'U-SJ
behind, the two men quarrelled, an(i gan Francisco, at wnicn
tAnilnoint. Those I i,,iiinW ir.iilnL I frame house in i
. .. l ! .(ninlr .11. . l ...ill I.- l.J.aA hlf W. II I ITWIH uuii.m.. -
ana vonn roign - places ne wm m juiv. r; tab e were; i
i.w muwi him. fa nirfor- who eft a day or so v.B0,e' "V j m .. ! w. N. I I?
w ard . as John was know-n to ,7nd the two will go to San firr WnC Hotat
have Deen Ttry amn. ."iiiiego to join tin. iwu , vian i A Lonir r. J- vh-i -v. : i 7J - rw.ulBU,uu' . ,t n.
i j...k. I r. 11 . n i v I Nelson, u a. m.'".. . . Kte.hilder. on Oakl ia.,.m no to Portland, ur.
.mX ffiThU ffi-fiar .?. ?hn - r," WrU to Newton, east of w K founded the first day
u iiia ii mUiiil .v. .Moore, urove-r vo, -;", iisium nnRouteB. 47-9 "ki Af nv kind in the city in
victim "Mpiwtr. .....-. ForExchinge: Good 1'prt.ana brie Norm?n Greer. W ' . . JiT' Ttu held in a house
iihi p uKTVTia kiiaia w v w - - i t . . r iaitii.ipi u nn initui hiiu i b i ii m hi ti auu. v i iiwica iioiniirn w i n lmi leu i -
- - ousineaa iviwiw ." - pruw ii, . ;: 1 ww. - r
uromer wmie n - -CranH Avenues-for rancn or Unnletrate. K. 1 t'eramn. uvu.
7 A" ,
the wisdom of aav
YUU will never iuy , .
ing a portion of your earnings untityou have opened a
The "interest mates k wwiwwan
the principal inspires ambition to accnmnlate
. . ... vnn will realize. ' as
A Per Cent. Interest On STfais
Ameticaa NaUonQlDonll
Georsre Hathorn. who stariea w . . .,v.aa nt th
rother while he was auung Avinues-for ranch or Xpp egatc. K. L Perkins Geo, - the Araus with the ini- KS H '
bout the stovs. business property in some good St7venf,, g. f. Lard. Auk-, lews. Ua, mimbcr in m wa9 , town rriX school, and
The iury: Kd. tuvem . i,..n.. tnum nr mStrht consider a Hmmdi John M. vvau, f-,,n, i.nurL Saturday. He says proi-iu -
. -kai a a 1 '1 1 VailUT W v - .k , I w - . . f I i wa 11 Ort niTI H I 'W II I'M I VI 13
Williams.. nans nymuwen. . . - - . tQ $l0 m, m. H Smilh Ur j u. war- thft rock cnusher is now working 1 h v .nnointed
Vnrk W. K. Newell, uanieiu o ,,OBM n . Ti.:.. i . W Ii. iUV- ck Tnatotin and that wurriuw.
uiwmond. Chris Uelchen, F. B. B"c5s"'" '"rt rtni sa Wr.r n.'h. dames G.
OnVkHlenry Miller. Lewi. Pow-i ff -.U Mai 1H KioyJietu Morgan, E.
era. rran urn". iliilahoro. (',. McKinney. J. r.. .jpn,m u "v "TV: ?, ... , ;oi
Heywood. "... . - i,Jw Swell. Ludemia Anderson ror saie.jen . or u. - cd amemoerm W
a i la a iinruir vaaiiin uua kiiv i t. - - - i . i -j i n ... .t.nn v hi bpiwii r.vrin i ii ivfiw rp.iipi Lru
Iwtot the week for a visit with Misses Le- thing in gunl order, and can pve Lge next year, and w as e ected
his parents, Mr. and wra. m. c " 1 Wilkes. Pearl immediate possession. me 8peaker. .He was also eieetea
lu KTri . r" rr. smith: mwws. cm. jac. u.
I Vacation iwr p. . . , v. liP0 mc-
a m 1 t k m j MAraPD m 1 nt 1 1 111 v l. ai it - - - y-
6:32 " ""ioa 01 uwiy dv-v.vww ,
9:68 a m commercial lines this coming
12:43 D m son.
8:68 P Tjci. tA hvond Bloom
over in South Tualatin, and that
ranmr are beinir made on ine
Hiilsboro-Uaurel rocs roaa.
u.Mttv 111. lire ot luaatin.
now Washington county, in 1847,
and the same year ne was eieei
rtt tria Trnvisitina.
in v"v ay w
He was re-elected
To Portland-56 minutes.
am iod 0f duty as secretary 01 we noy 1, - - Frtcman
... Portland Civil Service commis. Ge eOlen a e 4uXr. ii
slon. lie will take up teaching J. V J,L iff lioiuan. Frd J.
! commercial lines this coming sea- W. llou . D ; Barrett
Sewell, and Master Jolm Barrett;
S8 :::irrr-r!:U!Jr
From roruano w mumi.
that the
wisninir uurw..v. ion tax ro win
siderable part of it may at th oflice
- . a B I L.I k S I 'mkMAlllld IUIULO aba VI 1 '
11:25 ...-am neltua; unpaid taxes will
205..... P! M . .. . oi m.. t.;i 1 mil
7m P m Krnesi naar. ot iwiv :r- c.wton.
3r. Pm n town Saturday, on pa- V--.,rand Ex-Of
9:12 (bat only) v w j.ekaon. ton County. Oregon.
I Wr ... .....aaaa a " -
a aaw - " "
The Grand Marca is the most
Dated this Jan. 21. 191
V. M . , , l,
.hocii tAiw nrt in ine
K. L. McWrmicit naa piaceo " a wt0(i inrt of Wash
the Eastman line of kodaksan f- - that office
supplies, with t. O. iwne. w - rVsfi2. when he was again
the Delta urug awre. wn .v- nunciature. He
Street. HUlsboro All o . Appointed clerk of the United
we as new, customers wiUftnd . Mtirt Rt i..irMand
a very complete line ot ' , heK1 lhat office until
man's goods carr eu in ioca. r "death in 1877.
You are especially invited to call h Jj J., death Mrs.
there for your supplies. 49 . eontinued t0 Uve in
. tir r n.. D..i.nii Turn children survive.
Grover Comes ana w. v. h m.kM his
i?p i have so d a tire alarm sys- jonu . "" "V" ;.r:: j
gta iiuvc ou u u,a at thfl Ar lncton Uub. and
tern to the city 01 Riamaui tuns. . .
and the Plant will be installed Mrs. George Go. of La
within the next 60 days. The Grande. TttAAn
k:,i ujnaMMi under tnat OI llieie
any other competitor. Either six in the family of A. u Arcn
any uwiti vuu. . mV, , W1fp deceased, was
Mr. liorgen or Hr,uw r:u" ; i - iviwi
.1 . l a, ..aM nntina a nailtrnLtT Ul lUli 'l UVWA
1I1SUUI t lieaise "f-'- .I i Tf.l.U.ft o
American National Per.!;
(affiliated h. iv y
Combined Capital and Snrplns.. tJStfjgB
Combined Resources -MW"...
Danhinln All Its Drsmchee
Checking Accounts. Demand Certificates i of Depeit.
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans. Domestic Utfcrs
of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checi,
iSmS Deposit. BooVAcc't. Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 rr C.nt. rld on STlnS Dpoiltt.
. "Ti tiiii.kAa Sundav mon v..may " -- Fortiana inf iws TV' ni
reiurneo co nimw.. " iron, bv K. SJCht er. wnen you unmfi 0f
morning, iftfr the adjourn irooke , a
of the legislature. aw-- - fj--n(i Marca. u
did not close.until af er sunnae - -
'nJ I throuffh with the roads are some "1
their business, nenwn " biwk-.
oeen engrosaea, w j -
compared and s gned by tne -. -g bruaPy
siding oiiicer. ur.nw y - j-Uffhter.
G. Hare stood the ravages of the 1915, a daughter.
night in pretty fair shape. Sam f. Bockmann, of nef,A'
Paisley looked as fresh as though wa8 ftCity caller on Washington s
hAhal iimt risen from his bed birthday.
nn in thA Buxton district after a Q uai,.. nf Forest Grove.
ten hour sleep. Laj in' the city the last of the
11 1 T 7 Hill llliri Ll. 1L lllllS-Mvui " " "
utu viwj TI-.t J., .a in
Mrs. M. M. Bridges. wl Hnuboro. T h e landT the child ot John D
1 1 mi: lmuw i I
the Shaw-rear LK-nmn Btpel hammer that cox.
on civ a.v w 1
r business. Benton Bowman spots. ; , Wm. Karatetter. of Illinois. Is Mallory llaffel
have to return as Marshall Baker and wife, of the KUe8tof his sister, Mrs. M. is52. died in P01
Speaker notifies him that the 1, were in town the last of Kisner. He says he likes peb. 21, 1915, at 1
isures which passed have the week what he haa 8een 0f pregon and brother. Dr. Da;
n engrossed, so they csn ibe d Mr8i Fred wU, have a good l.wkforehe wa9 jn Mn
.pared and signed by thepre. FebruaPy 19, returns East. and came to Of
H. Tober. of Rood Bridge, was
peo in town rnaay.
t a Vnd?hev. of Center-
nlnnMr of ville. was a county seat visitor
irtland. sunaay, oawirua.
the home Of hiS I n 1 LAjAU .nil ennnliaal
. - - , rjggiiilUIl r u..v ,kk"v
n.u ifofratv Hfil 7r .. it:ii I
. the Delia uruu oiore. now-
i. 1 n llarrvntan and
wife, of Portland, were out the
last of the week, guests of rela-
Dr. Lowe, Saturday, to
clock only.
what he haa seen ot ureKon brother, ur. v&v nauw.
will have a good ws, ueuo .- wa3 born in MiBsoun in o,
returns East., and came to Oregon U years kodaknoth-
Washington's birthday was eel- later. cheater. At the
ebrated Monday by the c 01 on a .. , a a,S Deiu Urug store.
the nanus ami vv - . . ., druff business .
. 1. . 1 , . Atf Annniin 111 1 m iri uukvu aa . .1 1 1 vhii. jl iivcai vvuwa 1
witn ine sow "lY" "" : h nr nv Ha was well ..r,; "--" -,; cat iaint
.u.4ir, n no un rn 01 " . ... . . . . i mm. waa w""j , i..
Biiciiu vmuvY. - i,rtarn to ft ear v wasninRion rr.- j
tv acenera V khvi uf" . i..., tnww
dw In the year, Thow wm n Kan of r
hiir sprinkling or larmera ... ... - - . Rm . Farmin8ton. was in - the city
the stores did business an morn-1 : ".v" 5 ' YJ" Saturday.
this af cot
There is one chief reawn why yon should
use "VULCAN FILMS" a new product of ts
"LrtmanKokak Co. "in your cameradd
frT . tt.e best you can buy, absolutely.
be o inferior iN
quality if it W
loaded I with Vnl-
can It is right L-iM
Ait. 7?
in eyery parwvui wj .'r .
If Vulcan Films wer not of s,-i
quality to any other film I would not say t
could'nt afford it. ..A.rn
lUlUbiro, ' c"-
ttvoa r v