HILLSBORO ARGlM.rEaRUARl' 11.1915 Shew. W A .ml r.lk.r. U W J wanes rUUto Ad4 to (iMvvrto ReedviU Aere te Ut 914 8-01 ghaer, W A and Felber, U W Jufcneua but Add to Dw-tuM RedvtU Acre-ae-Ut Sift :i Hh4, WAiM r.lk.r. G W Juhaee) KaUto Ad4 to li.ev.rtoe) ReedvUt A.r. ge Ul ll t.96 gke, W A end Nlker. G W -,'gtuuoa KaUto Add to llcavertoM Reedville Acre- . lt Sit 11.41 aa. W A and r'elker, G W -Johnaon KaUto Add to Bvavetton KelvUle Acrv- ( Ut 111 14 49 Sba. W A and celher. u W Johaseon HsUte Add to Baeverta K-ei villa Acra- iK Wot Sit . 14.4 Shaw. W A end Felker. 0 W - Johnaon ha lat Add to Hauverton Reedville Arre- ataUt 8 7 44 She. W A and r.lk.r. G W Johnaon r'-aUt Add to luttrtM Reedville Acre. age-Lot 121 II? Ike. W A d r.lk.r. G W Johnaon Kstoto Add to Itaavartoa ReedvtKe Acre- . it ta Mi Ik, W A and r.lkar. G W -Juhneoo Kslate Add to RaavarttMi Raadvtlla Acre a.-Ut 323 1240 Ska, W A and lather. G W Johnson Utato Add to Baavarton Reedville Acre a-Ut 824 1144 She. W A and Felker. G W -Johneo KaUto Add to Rtavartoa Reedville Arre- a Ut S2I 64 Ska. W A and Kelker, G W Johnaon KaUto Add to Rverten RaadvUla Acr ite-Ut S24 1M Ska-. W A and r.lkar. Q W Johnaon KaUto Add to Raavartan KaaJ villa Acre age Ut 827 t-0 ' Ska. W A and f'alkar. G W Jehneon KaUto Add to Ro tartan Raadvtlla Acre- . Pert ef lot 430 12 Sha, W A and fatkar. Q W -JalMMM Ratal Add to Baavarton Raadvtlla Aere- a Ut SSI IJ Ska. W A and ralkar. 0 -Johnaar. KaUto Add to ImmHm Raadvtlla Aera age Ut 132 T4. Saa. W A and Fatkar. G W JokMM EaUto Add to Beaverton Raadvtlla Acro ss Ut SSI 743 Ska a . W A and Kolkef. G W ,'ohueoo EaUto Add to Beavertoa Raad villa A ire- ate Ut 134 M4 Ska, W A and ralkar. G W Johnaon KaUto Add to Beavertoa Raadvtlla Aere- ' ate Ut SSI M4 Ska. W A and retkef, Q W Johnaon KaUto Add to Baavartoa Raad villa Acre saw Ut U 1 Ska. W A and Kalkar. G W Johnaon KaUto Add to Daaverton Readviil "Acre- ai-Ul 239 1.49 Ska. W A and ralkar. G W Johnaon KaUto Add to Beavertoa Raadvtlla Acre aga Ul 341 l Ska. W A and f.lk.r. 0 W Johnaon KaUto Add to Be ivarton Raadvtlla Arra Mv-rU 34S US Ska. W A and Fatkar, G W Johnaon KaUto Add to Baavartoa Reedv.lle Aera rj a- Ut 343 lit) Shaw. W A and Falkar, 0 W Johnaon KaUto Add to Raavartan Raadvtlla Arra Ut 344 74)1 8 ha a. W A and Falkar, G W Johnaon EaUto Add to Baavartoa Raadvtlla Arro- see-Part let Sal . flha. W A and Falkar. G W Johnaon KaUto Add to Raavartnn Raadvtlla Arra are Ut Sll 10.40 Shaw, W A and Falkar, G w, Johnaon KaUto Add U Raavartan Raadvtlla Aera- eae Ut 313 M Shaw. W A and Falkar, 0 W -Johnaon KaUto Add t Beaverton Raadvtlla Acre age Ut 814 10.0 Shaw, W A and Falkar, G W Johnaon KaUto' Add to Baavarton Raadvtlla Acra- ara Ut 366 Shaw, W A and Falkar, G W Johnaon RaUta Add to Rkaaartam RaadvtlU Acra aa lat IM MS Ska. W A and Falkar, G W Johnaon KaUto Add la Rajivartan Raadvtlla Acra ata-Ut 817 10.60 Sh.T. W A and Falkar. G W Johnaon KaUto Add to Baavarton Raadvtlla Aera- aira Ut 861 10.21 Shaw, W A and Falkar. G W Johnaon EaUto Add to Baavarton Raadvtlla Aera ata Ut 361 .2 Shaw, W A and Falkar, G W . Johnaon KaUto Add la Baavarton RaadvUla ' Aera- oca Ut SM , Shaw, W A and Falkar, G W Johnaon Kttnta Add to Baavarton Raadvtlla Acra aia Ut 111 ............ Shaw, W A and Falkar, G W Johnaar. EaUto Add to RaavartAn Raadvtlla Aera. aaa Ut 863 Bhav, W A and Falkar, G W -Johnaon EiUto Add to BuMriM Baadvilla Ara aoaUt 168 ' Shaw, W A and Falkar, 0 W Johnaon EaUto Add to Raavartan RaadvUla Aera ata Part af 814 Shaw, W A and Falkar, 0 W Johnton Kitato Add to Raavartan Raadvtlla Aera aca Part of lot III Shaw Faar Co Johnaon Ka Uto Add to Baavarton Raadvtlla Aeraawa Pari af lat 864) ........ . ililO Shaw Faar Co Johnaon Ea tata Add to Baavarton RaadvUla Acraara Ut 861 11.24 Shaw Faar Co Johnaon Ba tata Add ta Raavartan RaadvUla Aennto-Ut IM 1M7 Shaw Faar Co Johnaaa Ea tatc. Add .to Baavarton RaadvUla Acraata-Ut 17a Shaw Faar Co Johnaon Ba tata Add In Baavarton RaadvUla Acraata-Ut 871 Shaw Faar Co Johnaon Ba tata Add' to Baavarton RaadvUla Acraaia Ut 872 Shaw Faar Co Johnaon Ea Uto Add to Baavarton 4.37 Ska faar Co JuhnxMi Ea. ' AJJ to itaavartoa Kavdvill. Arraaa- lt 174 13.12 Khaw 1 Var r Jvbnaa t',- 't Add to iWav.rtoo rUwlvtlla Arraaa-a Ut 374 Ska tear t'o Juttnavn Y.t- tata Add to Baavartoa Kr,dvilla Airaarv Lot 377 13.36 Ska r'aar la Juhnaun La ta la Add to itaavartoa ktaadvtlla ArrvaM-v Lot 378 11.26 Sha Far Ca Jvknatw Ka Uto Add to Itaavartoa Rardvtlla Arrafo-l'art of lot 87 1.74 aka Faar Juhntwa Ka- Utt Add to Baavarton Kwdvilla Actmmf I'art of Ivta 3.u. 371. iii and 373 37.43 Ulantoft, M K Juhnaoa Ka Uto Add to Baavartoa Hoadvtllv Arr-ar N kf af K hf of lot s:i(i and S kf of K kf of lot 323 7J2 IWKrtaUa, Vtnrant 4 John aon KaUto Add to Baavar toa RaadvUla Arraaga N kf of S 1 1-2 arr.a of lot 34 2.76 I'.lkar. G W and kaU E Johnaon I.atoto Add to Baavartoa Raadvtlla Arra a. 1 arra in lot 866 .... Cortland Trutt Co Bauaonte luiahto Ut 3 btock 4 .. 270 t2ii 120 7.2t 1.26 Sltlaon, Minnie L Uauaonic ll.ilhu Ut 6. block 6 ,. Shuto Kanlnc i Ban k-Bor ate k Acrae Ut 7 Skuta Savinga Bank Bar- wirk At .a Ut ...... nv.ttnt.nl Co Cadarbrook. Karma Ut 4 Koupal, I) J-Ch.kalam Ml Orcaarda S 4 arraa af lut 24 2JS 11.07 Koupal. U J-CUaUlam kit Urrharda-AU of lot 27 . . Ko.al. U J-Chaltalaoi Ml Unharda All of lot 21 . . IIM Kov.j.01, L J Cbahalam kit Urcharda All of lol X .. 1107 Kouj-al, U J-Cbahal.ro lit Urtharda All ef lot 30 . . Kou(.al. U J-Cbahalam Ml 2 96 Orchard Ut 31. 32, 33 and 34 12.64 Otil el.m Mt Orchatda Cha- nalam Mt Orchard Ut SI 144 Ko.iyal. U J Chahalam Ml Orchard Ut 36 Ko.n.aU 1) J-Chahalaca Mt urtnard Lot so ....... IM 747 43 t KoJial. U J-Chahalem Mt Urraarda Ut 40 ChaUlam Mt Urcnarda-C'ka- kalaaa Mt Orchard-Ut 41 Owkalem Mt Orcharda Cha- halare Mt Urtharda Ut 43 14 Chanalara Mt Orcharda Cka- halam Mt Orcharda Ut 44 1.14 144 Ch-halam Mt Orckarda-Cha- halam Mt Orcharda Ut tf Ch.hr lam Ml Orcharda Cha- halem Mt Orchard Ut 46 146 Chanalara Mt Orcharda Cha- hal.m Mt Ore bar da-Ut 47 144 Chahalam Mt Orcharda-Cka- halam Mt Orchard Uu 44. 41. and 64 I.K Chthalam Mt Orcharda Cha halam Mt Orcharda Ut 64 1.14 KoutL. U J Cbahalam Mt Urtharda Ut 64 PrtidontUl Loan A Trtut Co Raadvtlla Arraaa-a Ut 37S 11.00 44 Cbahalam Mt Orchard Ul 47 1.71 Chahalam Mt Orehrtl-Che- halom Mt Orcharda UU oR, 71. 74. 76, 7, 12. 14, lit mat Ut Hit ka maval la.1 141 H m W9t WW aaaoaa rv a a Lindtuiet, Guatov V-Cbarry Grova Ftrat Add Ut I. I4S 4J it Ocklind, Joka Cherry Greta Flrat Add-Ut 14 Uv.graa, Richard L Ckarrv Grova Ftrat Add-Ul II Urrn, Aaguat A HUma 171 Cherry urova, rtrat Atw Ut 26 2.44 Uv.gren, Aitfuat A llilma Cherry urova, ttrtt aou Ut 2t U3 Uvafren, Auguat A llilma Cherry Grove, First Add- Ut 31 7,7 Lov.gron, Auguat A llilma C harry Urova, secona; aoo Ut 10 114 Uvagren, Auguat A llilma Cherry Urova, sacona Add Ut 11 8.08 Uvegren, August A llilma Cherry urova, second Add Ut 12 148 Uv.gren, August A llilma Cherry Urova, Second Add Ut 13 2 4(1 143 Lundquist Gustov V Cherry Grove. Second Add Lot it Uvegren, August A llilma Cherry Urova, Third Add Ut 26 1.07 Uvegren, August A llilma Cherry urova, rounn aoo Tract 1 IJ3 1.28 Uvegren, Auguat A llilma Cherry urova, Fouru Add Tract I 7.38 Uvegren, Auguat A Hilma Cherry urova, rounn aoo Tract 26 U3 Raad, F A Cherry Hill Acre Tract uit .1 .,., Raad. F A-Cherry Hill Acre Tracts UU 2 and I .... Ilartmus, Geo B Chlsm Ut 8 ilartmus, Geo B Chlsm Ut 7 Ilartmus. Geo B Chlsm hf of lot 10 Hartmus. Geo. B Chlsm UU 11, 12 and 13 MalUand, Minnie C Clemens Subdivisien Ut I ...... McOIII, A Croat View Ut II McGiU, ACroat Viaw-Ut 17 Nichols, Q A Delsmaa Farms Ut IS Nichols, G i A Delsroan Farms Ut It Hauschel. Jna at al DieU- villa LaU 1 to I ine .... Ferraro, L Eddy Acre Ut Buol,' Edw M-Eddy Aeroall Ut 10 Buol, Edw M Eddy Acres IdOi 11 ttiMtttlllMIMM Pattulo, D A Edgawood Uta 1, 8 and 11 and W kf of lot II Connell, Richard, Tbos and J W Freeman Acre Ut I Anton, Joseph Frvltdale Ut 4 .... Anton, Joseph Fruitdale Ut I .,.,......... Spencer, Martin L Frultlsnd Landi Ut 14 .".':". Croat, Martha Fruitland Aeree Ut 1 ". Cross, Martha --Fruitland Acres Lot S and I Donald, R L and Elisabeth Fruitland Acres Ut 4 .. Donald, R L and Elisabeth ; Fruitland Acraa UU l and 6 .... .. Burr, Hanry Wilson Gardon Homo 1 aera In lot I ... Greer, Phoebe,'1 Vaughn and Wm M Garden Home- 1.47 2.06 647 t44 244 20.09 1.46 24.23 10.71 Ml 1.41 7.0b 24 7.66 1.70 404 4.13 24.40 142 342 2348 1,90 1042 4.11 4.1 414 26.17 16.77 Morn. .Nuhola Add nv i Ut U and t hf of MIT .. Woudford. Geo S and Mary T Garden Hum Subdivta Mi of lot. l i and 14, 8 kf of tut 6 ItulTarker, harak and M tv (ardaa Home, SubdivtaMa of lota 13 and 14 Ut . Iluffarker, Harab and M E Garden Home, huudiviatuo of luu 13 and- 14 Fart ef lot a Uughtan, W A Gaalua Acraa Ut 11 Wallers, Jamea and Nannie Gaalon Acraa Ut 12 .... Wallcra, Jamaa ard Nannto (iaUm Acraa IM 13 and 6 acrea In lot Za Corktah, John Gray Oak i Ul 3 947 23.19 1745 640 I14t ins 1342 247 Foratrom, Ollte Grave ll.iKht Uta 6 and ... 11.13 13.72 13.73 Temple Investment Groveland Acre Ut 1 Tempi Inveatment Groveland Acre Ut 2 Temple Inveeiment Groveland Acre Ut I 13.72 13.73 1140 13.72 13.73 Temple Inveatmeat GroveUnd Acre Lot 4 Tempi Inveatment Groveland Acraa Ut 6 Temple InveaUttaiit Groveland Acraa Ut I Temple Inveatment Groveland Acraa Lol 7 iamble Inveatment Grov.land Acraa Ut 13.72 14.49 Temple Inve.Uaanl Groveland Arraa Lot Temple Inveatment Groveland Acraa Lot 10 14.19 1749 1144 Temple Inveatment Groveland Acraa Ut It Temple Inveatment GroveUnd Acre Ut 12 . Temple Inveatment Co Groveland Acrea Lot 13 . 46 644 Te-nple Investment Co Groveland Acre Lot ( . Temple Inveatment Co Groveland Acrea Ut 2a . 1944 Temple Inveatment Co Groveland Acre Let ZV les tract 144 Temple Inveatment ureveiand Aeree Let 30 1347 11.72 Temple inveelment Groveland Acraa Ut II . Temple Inveatment Co Groveland Arraa Lot S3 . 1242 11.73 Temple Inveatment Groveland Acre Ut 31 Temtle laveatmont GroveUnd Acre Ut 34 11.72 Temple laveetment Groveland Arraa Lat 1 742 742 4.47 Temue Inveatment Groveland Acre Ut 37 . Temple Inveatment Co GroveUnd Aeree Ut 31 . Temple Inveatment Co GroveUnd Aeree Ut 3f . 4.48 43 Temple Inveatment & GroveUnd Acraa Ut 40 Temple Inveatmeat Groveland Acrea Ul 41 1.48 Temple Inveelment Groveland Aeree Ut 42 6 Z6 err., in lot 12 Gil 'nan, Julia C Garde lluiiut iut 24 .......... Stewart I'.rry Gardva 1.44 1141 27.46 Temple Inveatmaat Groveland Acre Ut 43 . Temple Inveatmeat Co Groveland Acre Let 44 Stone. L U and Wet mo re, K B Groveland Acrea Ut 10. blk 96 143 Bailey, T C Groveland Acraa ueueys Add Lot lit .... Investment Co Uaaelbrook 43 Ul 141 141 146 4 146 47 1240 442 42 18.78 13.78 18.77 13.78 13.77 1440 11.74 Farm Ut 7 Investment Co lUsalbrook Farm Ul Inveatment Co Hesel brook Farm Ut 0 Investment Co Uaaelbrook Farm Ut 20 Inveatment Co lUsalbrook Fsrm-Ut 30 MeUler. Maria HUla Acraa Block 12 Story, Dirkje HUls Acrea Block so France, R E Hills Acrea Block 22 Story. Dirkje HUls Acrea Block 21 , Nelson, Emma S HUls Acres Block 26 Page, C C Hillsbor Acrea Ut I Title A Trust Co Htllsbero Acres Ut 10 Title A Trust Co Hillaboro Acres Ut 16 Page, C C Hillsbor Acres -Ut 17 Dahl, Andrew C Htllsbere Acres Ut 22 McNsir, Gertrude P Hilla boro Acres Ut 27 Bradley, A S Nortk HiUa boro Acre Ut 13, blk 1 Moore, Mary Hillaboro, Fairview Add 2.06 acraa in tract A Kerr, Jamaa F Hillaboro, Fairview Add 37-100 acre in tract A Unknown Owner Hillaboro Fairview Add 2.72 acraa in tract A .'. Hillaboro Garden Tracte Hillsboro Garden Tracts Ut 1, blk 3 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Hillaboro Garden Tract Ut 8, blk 3 Hillsboro Garden Tracte Hil'sboro Garden Tracte Ut 12, blk 8 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Hillsboro Garden Tract Ut 1, blk 4 Hilisboro Garden Tracts Hillsboro Garden Tracte Ut4,blk4 Hillsboro Garden Tract Hillsboro Garden Traeto Ut 7, blk 4 Hillsboro Garden Tracte Hillsboro Garden Tract Ut I, blk 4 Paarcy, Harry Hillsbor Garden Tract Ut 2, blk I Hillsboro Garden Tract Hillsboro Garden Tract Ut 1, blk I Hillsboro Garden Tracte Hillsboro Garden Tract Ut 4, blk I HUlsboro Garden Tract Hillsboro Garden Tract Ut I, blk I Hillsboro Garden Traeto Hillsboro Garden Tracts Lot 10, blk I , Hillsboro Garden Tracte Hillsboro Garden Tracte Lot 7, blk 7 ............ Hillsboro Garden Tracte Hillsboro Garden Tract Ut 4, blk I Hillxboro Garden Tract HUlsboro Garden Tracte Ut 7, blk 8 , Hillsboro Garden Tract Hillsboro Garden Tracte Lot 13, blk 8 ... . ........ . HUlsboro Garden Tracts Hillsboro Garden Tract Ut 14, blk 8 8.77 146 1048 8.70 2040 1.10 1443 9.03 10.44 742 1.10 1.10 11.22 748 8.11 5.80 Allton, L and Mon A Home Acre Ut 1 Allison, L and Mona A Home Arraa Ut 2 Shaw. W A and Martha A kirnes.wood Iot 4 ...... Wetdanhaimar, W A Km- neaawood UU 6 and 6.. Shaw, W A and Martha A Kmnaeaweod let a .... Shj. W A and Martha A K in naas wood IOi V Shaw. W A and Martha A Kinnsood Ut 10 .... Shaw. W A and Martha A KinaeMwood Ut 13 .... Sha. W A and Martha A Ktnnaawood Ut 14 .... Shaw. W A and Martha A Kinnaaood Ut 16 .... Shaw, W A and Martha A 645 Kinnv.ood Lot la .... Shaw, W A and Martha A Kmnanavood Lot 17 .... 647 Sha. W A and Martha A Kmneaewood Ut IS .... 646 Shi. W A and Martha A Ktnneaswood IM 19 .... 6.76 Shaw, W A and Martha A Kinneatwood Ut 20 .... 64-1 Shaw, W A and Martha A Ktnneaawood Ut 22 .... Shaw, W A and Martha A Kinneaswood Ut 23 .... 6.76 She. W A and Martha A Kinneaawood IM 24 .... 742 Hummel, Bertha Uurel- wood Orchard li hi of lot 26 149 Uurelwood Orcharda Co Uuralwood Orcharda S hf of lot 26 349 Ba ranees, R M Unman Aera . Tract Lot 6. blk C .... 2.93 Doner, 8 F Unman Acre Tracte Ut 6, blk C .... 3.26 Cartock, Ira B Eest Uh- man Acre Traeto Lot 7 . . 842 Oaborne. Wm McGiU Acres Ut 6 240 Osborne, Wm McGiU Acres Ut 6 240 Schrerk, Frederick Millard and Van Sehuyver Tract Ut 1 and 40 4147 Reynolda, W B Millard and Yen Sehuyver Tract E 33 feet of lot 32 Thompson. John A and Susie Mutloy Ut 6 Uttlehalee. Geo M-Nortk Forest Grove Acre Lot 1 UtUehalee, Geo M-North Forest Grove Acre UU 2. 8. 4. I and 4 1143 Moore Investment Co Oak Park Subdivision Ut 24. 1348 Moore Investment Co Oak Park Subdivision UU 26, 24. 27 and 28 1749 Boms, Isabella B and G J O'Brien Acre Lot 10, blk 1 Bum. Isabella B and G J O'Brien Acrea UU 11 and 12. blk 1 Dark. 1 B Oranco Aeree Ut 10 Inveatment Co Peaehvale Ul 38 Deering, Chester and Jackaon E 8 Plainvie Acraa, lot 1 to ine Knapp. F A Powers, Subdi vision Ut 7 Coffin, Frank A Meyera Add to Reedville Home UU 3 and 4. blk 1 Goff, Emet Rich Acraa Ut 1 1143 2348 848 8043 4.79 1842 2144 1048 Goff, Emet Rich Aeree Ut 3 Brugjgeman, Carl and Oar Rich Aeree Ut 3 .... 844 Goff, Emet Rich Aeree Ut 4 .. 23.0 Goff, Emet Rich Acrea Ut 3040 Sewell. J H-Jas H Sewell Acraaia Lot 10.20 845 Pearson, A G Sherwood Acre Ut 4. blk 3 Pearson. .A G Sherwood Aeree LoU a and 6. blk 3 15.41 Pearson, John and Francis Sherwood Acrea UU 8, and 10. blk 8 2241 Pearson, John and Francis Sherwood Acre UU 2 and 7. blk 6 3141 644 11.48 Devereaui, E L Shields Lit tle rarma Ut 3 Potoct. Geo T Shields Little Farm Ut a .......... Zimmerman, Carrie Spenc ers Homesteads Ut 6 .. 1845 34.98 344 6.42 Henrickson, Julius Spencers Homestead h hf of lot 13 Spring Hill Und Co Spring Hill Farm E hf of lot 17 Spring Hill Und Co Spring Hill term Lot is Spring Hill Und Co Sprint; Hill Farm E kf of E kf of lot 31 Spring Hill Und Co Spring Hill Farm E hf of lot 38 Spring Hill Und Co Spring Hill Farm E hf of lot 40 4.09 344 Spring Hill Und Co Spring Hiu rarm ni or a ni oi lot 84 McCormick, G G and Ger trudeStewart McCormiek Acres Ut 4 Graham, S H N Tigardville Add Uts 24, 26 and 26 Graham, S H N Tigardville Add Ut 27 .... Graham, S H N Tigardville Add Part of lot 31 Clarke, Geo W N Tigard-. villa Add Part of lot 37 Clarke, Geo W N Tigard ville Add Ut 40 ........ Clarke, Geo W N Tigard ville Add Ut 41 Holme, Robt N Tigardville Add 10.21 acres in lot 23 Uucks, Edna H Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Ut 1 Sellwood, Mary E Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Ut 4 Investment Co Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Ut 8 Ward, Ella M Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Ut 61 ... Investment Co Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Ut 62 .... Provident Trust Co Tigard ville Height-Ut 17 .... Provident trust Co Tigard ville Height Ut 18 .... Portland Trust Co Tigard ville Heights Ut 28 .... Root, Fanny Tigardville Heights Ut 86 Look, Clarence L Tonquln S 6 acres of lot 9 McCamant, Wallace Ton quln Ut 10 ............ Field, R and Tilda Tonquln Ut 11 .. . WUcoi, W J Tonquln E bf of lot 18 McCamant, Wallace Ton-. quin W hf of lot 20 .... McCamant, Wallace Ton qin W hf of lot 21 Long, Perry Tonquln blk 26 McCamant, Wallace Ton- 81 30.0 746 13.27 1.70 66.64 4.62 3.70 7.1 7.81 443 40 .41 16.77 2.90 2.1S 2.17 1.10 13.12 6.10 6.49 1240 4.10 347 43 341 McCamant, Wallaea Toa quin Ut 30 3.D Furnish, W J Toaquis Ut 31 11.25 Peterson, liana Tenquta An nex Ut A 24.76 I'eUraon, liana Tonquia An r.ex Ut 1 16.18 Md'amant. Wallace Ton u,in Annex Ut J ........ 14.97 Pot Und Trust Co Valley Vi.to Ut 2, blk 3 1641 Portland Trutt Co Valley Vtsta blk B 4.75 Stovca, Gua Virginia Place Ut 6 646 Western Oreg Trust Co Virginia Place Tract 38 . 645 Western Oreg Trust Co 3940 7.79 23.40 14.46 i Virginia i'iace Lot 42 .. Wertara Oreg Trust Co Vireinta Place Ut 44 .. Nave. C C Wtliowbrook farm Ut 2 2340 1849 Naeve. Alice R WUlowbrook Farm Ut 3 Investment Co Wtliowbrook Farm Ut 36 6J9 1146 2140 i Washington County Bank Banka N hf lot A blk 1 42 Parmley. J E Bank UU 4 and 7. blk 2 Hunter. J no T and Wm J Jr Beaverton Uta 1 to 4 inc. blk 26 3143 Manei. Ceo Beaverton Amended Plat Pleasant Home Add-All of loU 3, 4. 6. 6. 7 and 8. blk 7 740 Robinson. L A and M Beav erton. Steels Add Uta 2, 3 and 4. blk E leee railroad right af way 846 Coleman. 11 E Beaverton. Steels Add Uto 6 and I. blk E 9.49 Robinson. L A and M Baav arton. Steels Add Lota 7 to 12 inc. blk E less rail road riarht of war 2741 9.45 841 14.00 Dean. N M ConneU Ut 1 Friedenthal, Sophia Cornel iua. lot 10. blk 1 VanderwaL Jno Cornelius UU 1 and 2, blk 27 Wiedewith. Bertha Cornel- 1441 (us Ut 9. blk 28 440 Wiedewtth. Bertha CorneJ- 10 iua Lett 1 and 2. blk 33 . . 3141 Hugh, Thoe and Uura M UrnelMiB LoU 37. 38. 47 8-16 and 48 3240 Stephenson, Elisabeth C Cornelius. Henrva Add UU 9 and 10. blk 2 40 249 Hulton. J as Comal i ua. Han- rva Add Ut 1. blk 4 .... Fitch. A M Cornelius, Tal bota Add Uto 6. 4L 7 aad 8. blk 7 1748 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Lot 11, bis 4 46 Ul Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Lot Zv, blk 4 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Lot , but 6 Ul Uvegren, Aug and HUma Cherry Grove Lot, a, but 13 Ul Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry urova Lot i, but 14 Ul Uvegren, Aug and Jlilma Cherry urova Lot , out 14 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma . Cherry Grove Lot 3, blk 13 1045 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Lot , out 19 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Ut 6, blk 19 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Ut 6, blk 19 1045 2.05 11.79 Milton, Jno and Elin Cherry Grove Ut 3. blk ZV .... G Lindquist and Co Cherry Grove LoU 4, ft and a, blk 20 Roman- Catholic Archbishop Gaston, Hawks Add Ut 6. blk 1 18.96 Via, Guy, Roy L and Sulla Forest Grove Lot 3, but 4 23.70 Underhill, L C Forest Grove Part of loU I and X. blk 6 1745 Loynes. Jas S; Moore, Enoch and Underhill, n K forest Grove Part of loU 1 and 2. blk 6 27.65 Rubles, J M (Estella Brown fores. urove Part of lot 3, blk 8 Roe, Cha O (O M Gardner) Forest Grove Part of lot 4. blk 8 Porter, A Forest Grove tt-- t hllr in 18.76 lilt V. IV. u, ui v ...... Clark, Mary Bailey Forest Grove, Baileys Add Lots 5 and 6. blk 1 Bailey, J E Forest Grove, Baileys Add UU 1 and 2, blk 3 Boneff Ross Forest Grove, Branfords Add Ut 28, blk 1 .... Bean, A M," Trustee Forest Grove, Curtis Add Ut 8, blk 2 Kerr, Catherine Forest Grove Tract in H Clark CI Sappington, E B Forest Grove Tract in H Clark d less strip 12 ft by 100 ft Keen, Ellen Forest Grove Tract in H Clark CI lasa 6.90 843 149 848 4.71 1.47 5.31 641 nart natd on Hill, Jas L and Uuretta M ... Forest Grova Tract in H Clarke CI con 08-100 acrea in Cherokee strip Hall, Chas E Forest Grove Halls Add Ut 3. blk 8 .. Hall, Chas E Forest Grove Halls Add UU 8 and 9, blk 2 Haverdale, H Forest Grova Knob Hill Add UU 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 2 Burke, Arthur Forest Grove Knob Hill Add Ut 6, blk 7 Verhoeven, Felii Forest Grove, Knob Hill Add UU 7 and 8, blk I ...... Smith, Mary A Forest Grove, Naylora Add Part lot 4, blk 1 Hail, C E Forest Grove Tract in Naylora Add .... Southard, H J and Allen, J W Forest Grove, Prospect Park Ut 4, blk 1 Odell, C W and N A For est Grove, South Park Add Ut 7, blk 12 Odell, C W and N A For est Grove, South Park Add -Ut 8, blk 12 OdeU, C W and N A For est Grove, South Park Add UU 15 and 16, bbk 12 . Clapp, C F Forest Grove, South Park Add UU 1, 2, 8, 4 and 6, blk 18 Clapp, C F Forest Grove, South Park Add UU 12, 7.62 5.31 4.42 4.43 7.08 8.66 846 341 4.42 6.10 S.06 4.68 7.02 68.1 19.70 Rod. J D and Red M For est Grova, Valley View Add N hi lut 1 ai.u ail of lata 2 and 3, blk 2 i.01 Bolt, i li and Koda M For ea. Grove. Valley View Add Uta 7. a and . blk 2. . . . Rode. J li and Koda M For est Grove, Valley View Add Ut 3, blk 3 Rod. J It and Rode M For est Grove. Valley View Add Ut 14, blk 3 Craft, UU A Foreat Grove, Waiters Add Part of tote 1 and 4. Uk 2 Smith, Uvid, Hair of For eat Grove, Walker Add Part of blk 7 Royal. Wesithe J Foreat Grave, West Park aubd W kf of Ut 3. blk 12 Smith, H C and Clara For est Grove. Weat Park Sub division Part of lot 4, blk 14 i.3 24" 3140 694& 17.77 1441 Storople, Cora Foreat Grove West Park Subd Part lot 1, blk 16 845 Keener, J H tereet Grove, 13. 14. 15 and 14. blk 13 ... Wast Park Bubtf fart ( lot 3. blk 14 17.77 Stoke. C B Foreat Grove Weat Park Subd Let z, but 19 154a Chalmers, W A and F W Foreat Grove, W eat rark Subd Part ef lot 3, blk 19 1540 Wegner, J C Forest Grove, West rark sum ran oi lot 2. blk 23 21.72 Fuqua, Victor 1 Foreat Grove, weat rark suoo Part of lot 1. blk 29 1540 LuUehalea, T 11 and E S Foreat Grove, West Park Subd Part of lot 2. blk 29 16.78 Roe, Chas O and Baldwin- G H Forest Grove, Weat Park Subd SW qr ef lot 4, blk 81 27 - Hoilu, W H and Louise For es. Grove, West fark Subd N hf lot 2. blk 34 28.64 Holla. W H and Uuise For est Grove, Weat Park Subd N hf. lot 3. blk 34 440 Storrett, F M Forest Grove West Park Subd Part oi lot 1. blk 37 1047 Stover, Daniel Forest Grove West Park Subd Lot z, blk 87 19.71 Fiaaer, Gertrude L and E J Forest Grove. West Park Subd Pan ef lot 2, blk 39 19.75 Neil. Mrs Mary Forest Grove, West rark Subd W hf lot 2. blk 39 740 3947 West, Geo and Arthur Hils- bore Part of lot 1. blk 8 Pittonger, Mary M Hills- bore ran loU and 7. bu IS 3246 Trustees First Baptist Church HUlsboro Part of N hf lot 3, and N hf of lot 4, blk 22 Kuratli, E 1 and J C (Daws) Hillsboro Part lot 6. blk 22 1940 Sample. Liixte (AUin .) HUlsboro, uougntys Subd of Fairview Add Part of lot 4. blk C 16.40 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Traeto Add UU 1. 2 and 3, blk 1 Ul Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden TracU Add Ut 13. blk 1 ... Hilisboro Garden Tracts- Garden Tracts Add Ut 22. blk 1 HUUUro Garden Tracts Garden TracU Add UU 24. 25 and 26, blk 1 2.05 Uill.boro Garden Tract Garden Tracts Add UU 12 and 13, blk 4 Hiltrboro Garden TracU Garden TracU Add UU 4, 6 and 6. blk 6 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Gat den TracU Add Ut 19. blk 6 Hillsboro Garden Tract 741 Garden Tracts Add Lot 22. blk 6 Hillrboro Garden Tract Garden TracU Add UU 25. blk 6 and lot 18, blk I Hilhboro Garden Tracts- Garden TracU Add Ut 14. blk 9 Hi'lfcboro Garden TracU Add Ut Garden TracU 15. blk 9 HUlsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Ut 21, blk 10 ............... Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden TracU Add Ut 22, blk 10 ....... ....,. Hil'skoro Garden Tracts Gtrden TracU Add U 16, blk 11 . Hill&boro Garden Tracts Garden TracU Add Ut 17, blk 11 ........... Sears, Katharine Garden TracU Add UU 18, 19 and 20, blk 11 HUlsboro Garden Traeto Garden TracU Add UU 16 and 17, blk 12 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden TracU Add UU 39 and 40, blk 16 and lots 1. 2, 3, 4, 5, 8 and 9. blk 17 Hill.-boro Garden Tracts Garden TracU Add Uts 24 and 25, blk 17 Hilhboro Garden Tracts Garden TracU Add UU 30, 81, 32, 83, 34, 35, 86, 87, 38, 39 and 40, blk 17 . . Donelson, A W Hillaboro Amended Plat blk 1, Hnsn phreya Add Ut 16, blk 1 Payne, Geo E Hillsboro, Tract in M Moore CI Sherrill, Linie M Hillsboro , Tract In M Moore CI. 642 345 5.92 9.45 9.45 2.96 345 2.37 247 147 1.98 ondurant, G W HillsUr- 34eV Tract in M Moore CI . i," T Hall, Albert S and Barnes. W, and Shute, J W HiLtW bore, Oak Grove Add-sAo' 10, b9 4 Une, Mary A HUlsMSm Oak Grova Add Ut 1, blk 8 Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison A Morans First'' "Add Ut 7, blk 1 Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison A Morans Add Lot 9, blk 1 ............ Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison A Morans Add Ut 1, blk 4 .............. Coleman, R B HUlsboro, Pattison A Morans 'Add UU 4, 7, 8, and 10, blk 4 Coleman, R B SiUsboro, Pattison A Morans Add LoU 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, Uk 5 .. Coleman, R B Hillaboro, Pattison A Morans Add Uta 5, 6, 7 and 8, blk 7 Coleman, R B HUlsboro, Pattison A Morans Add Uta 2 and 5, blk I Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison A Morans Add 11.06 2.05 2.40 19.75 3.66 8.96 845 845 42 UU 2 and 4, blk 10 Paac. Roy Hilisboro, Sim mons Add Part let f aad a, blk 4 .' 7J Knights of Columbus Ceua- f cd No lo3e UJlabere, f Strnmotia Add Ut 4, but 749 Harn. V A HiUboro, Stav . awns Add Part af tota 11 I and It, Uk It .......... 1944; Ildlsboro Lumber Co Htlla- . boro, Simmon Add UU . 7 to li toe, blk i and krta . 1 to inc. blk 14 48.7 SherrUl, Lisxie M HUlsbero f South Coast Add Ut , f blk 37 ......... . 42e Barley. Geo K Hillsboro, Tiiornes Add All of blk 1 1174 Raechen, P Jr IhiUboro, I Thome Add Ut 6. blk 2 29-2 ScluneUer, Amanda 1 title- ; 1 boro. Tucker A Stewart Add Uts 2 and 3. blk 4 . . 8143. Guild, Roy Hillsboro, W V -4 Wtleys Subd Ut ...... 44t Brace. Iv.d L kingston UU 8 to 18 inc. blk 2 ... 124A Wright, E A Kingston Ut 8, blk 3 1.4T Wright, E A Kingston Ut 6, blk 3 1.42 Kirklev. Goo J MeUcar i Acrea Lota 6 and a, blk 31 7 . McCurdy, Vernon V Met- ! git Acrea Lota o and o, blk 39 and lot 1, blk 40 .. 944 Stewart, Murdoch C Met- rer Acre Lot 1, blk 41 4Z Five. R LI MeUrer Acraa --- w Lot 2. blk 41 Metxger, Herman Metsger Acre Lot 4, blk c. .... MeUger, Herman MeUger Acres Lot 2. blk 6a Chrutner, Carl North PUtna Ut 6. blk 1 Quinn, Anna North IT in Lot 8, blk iUalenbeck, F G North 1'laina Ut 7, blk II .... 65 Hotlenbeck. Alt North Plain Ut 14, blk It .. Boley, Nellie C North Plain Lot 1. blk 61 1X3 Oregon Nursery Co Oranco, r trst Add Lou U and u, blk 12 Oregon Nursery Co Orenco, First Add Lot a, blk zi . Oregon Nursery Co Orenco, t irst Add Lot 6, out zi . Forstrom. OUie Puwland Terrace) Part ef bika 7, 8. 9 and 10 ReedvUle. Camp af Woodmen Kdvuie LoU i and z, blk 2 Baker, Charles L Reedville UU 6. . 7 and 8. blk 8 Rarwick. J E Reedville Ut 6, blk 4 7Jv Shark, A E and Carlson, A L Sherwood Lota a ana e, blk 2 Sherwood Lodge No 20 A 0 U W Sherwood Lot i, blk 2 HUlman, Amanda E Sher 644 wood LoU 3 and , oik a Calkins, C 1 and Ida Sher wood, City View Add IM 12 v.: Calkins, C I and Ida Sher wood, City View Add Let 29 Hanley, Annie K Tigard vtlle. Electric Add Lot Tigard, Hugh B Tigardville, 4.48 Liectnc Add Lo. y Goldberg, Roste Tigardville, Second Uectne Add Lot a .j 241 Wehrung, W H Timber Lot 1, blk 1 -' Collins, H A Timber Ut 3.12 2. blk I Westinghouse, G E and Ida C . I Timber Uu 3, 4 and 6, " 5.66 blk 2 IX Umb, Geo B Timber Uta 6. 7 and 8, blk z .-a- 840 Umb, Geo B Timber blks 4. 7 and Si- Timber Power and Dev Co ; 468 Timber blk 12 .W Timber Power and Dev Co- Timber blk D 141 Wilcox, ,W J Tonquin Ut 7. blk 5 1SZ 141 McCnannnt, Wallaea Ton- quin UU 4, 6 and 6, blk 1.23 Smiley, J J TonquinUU 7, 8, 9, 10 and 11, blk 6 .... 4.13 Brettel, Walter C and Chas A Tonquin Uto 1 to 10 ' ' inc. blk 8 , I.O McCamant, Wallace Ton quin UU 11 and 12, blk 8 10.67 Baiter, Fannie L Tualatin Lot 1, blk 3 43 Portland Trust Co Valley VtsU UU 8, and 7, blk , 5 2.M Portland Trust Co VslleV ViatoUU It and 16. blk . 1J92 2.56 1.76 1.75 146 1.77 6 . 344 GiH, J K Co West Portland . , Heiphta UU 26 to 31 ine blk 11 1X4 Richard, Chas H (Trustee) 244 V West Portland Heights . . 244 UU 29 to 36 ine. blk 32 . . ' 1 48 IV.ted this 15th day of Jansary, 1915. ' . J. E, REEVES, Sheriff and Ex-officio Tax Collector of Washington County, Oregon, By : . . tr- J. C. APPLEGATE, Deputy. ' : ' 42.11 5.04 11.89 2.54 You Know What You Are Doij. Othar Peopl Mtv nl Tell Them Through u VhrctL ment In Tliu Paper. 22.61 5.87 7.80 27.30 THE Most Succttsfxl V.zt chtnU la tk Vzitzi States Arc th Lti-t Ki mtitcrt.' See the Point? 25.17 1.96 2740 Travel WthtoPitr ADVERTISE b to Tc 244 244 THIS PAPIL 141 ; Rvacbes Nearly Every ttL In Tbla Tuwn. Bvery ti :: II? Has Its Want. r Secure New Custsmr Advrtir. ' . 7.80 5.85 M)4Mrtttt:. 3.12 2.80 5.86 Uttttt'. 7.7; 24 US v. i 241 1X3 1X7 11X3 14.17 1143 47X3 1X2 12X3 ix: 1XT- to 1.13