IIXfBORO AlCrS, rEBRrUtT.lt iif j:i -1 u -4 i ! I"1 1 5 ( i t "I I iV,if 3 1 -3 . 1 i j 1 i - - it : .1 -3 l 4 , t ! Uonderful Exhibiis From All Lands Show the i World's Bst Progress f Ccinnin to End Munificent Panima Paciik International Exposition Will Abound WitS. Superb EcucatKMu! and Efstertimment Features. IYsim fcc to aburia J ir, ami fr In i far w.vk wl't. foe xlnso of Ms N.ine.. the FtwWn !) ra!ac vt Mil'. an ebtltt thrvs had created an tir'vvVn:l interval t.Hitha f .ri.t, ami it e!n: attend at la feat-emee a HUMon Onto, aa wnxkl-ciMi auul Matte. I . A. Ua. K4Mv. jiiiuty lHttci.il l'xr asiUrrtiia: I!.' pr a tininu. By HAMILTON WRIGHT. Tg coostrsx-tlon ef the vast taaBia raciSc latenatv.i tipoaltk-a al Saa Francisr wt Hi per ml cotnpten-d am aauataa before the opetiloe dav, aa Feb. Si 1313. TV early liwsils da f thewsand t"tis or rare am restly uhlMtn frma all 'ta of the state au4 i: lmril. t.u.'Wia of frt.i of ! Oka arurU (Ml nwii! tea bate av-air I a eetetiralstm thst mill U- tirfva. a kta apieador. BMgultude, interest ami . I nwprifirm'" n n J rial Ra otsnIng antll Ita dose, na 1 .Dae. 4. I'Jli. I be Eipositioa win l - alMSBsi artta ortriiul featorea rol'f t " 4 at aa eipeodltur of suet eii!Uon araallara. It will present a cr.s see- j tana at haataa achievcaieiit. T laa- caatlj I a iek Kaeet iiit -- UNU a MrftlhNM tbrwis&H)t the a easwly awsitoL la ke eirBrtwitiT eifci!f the til be treHl''! uv HV'IW sin pie extiiltit anl enui f rlattl tx. tilMM wtrayii.j5 tfce r:H of the orM'a N-st o!Tirt ta reoeot year. Ttu rimWfijl Eiw;t!iB, r""sent 4 at aa t!ay V more than J XHV v'. !: a eiHit. nirTacej at b.VeukHt. the bciKMiij if the I'aia ma canal, aihl ai! nhI!U that are en tern! fr ccttiprtillve award t!l be th.we that hav N-en (wiptiatt-O or p! iluced since th fT'at LHillata Vur i base F.i;Hs!tia t St lAuis ten years ax The poiwiNe eiecj'tii'B to thfe ru mi'J be ht-re eariW-r eiMMta are a T in evlrut. ir;iii? the ntjimu-r In hkk tlx Ur.-nt Meet cfilK ta la worM the advamv tte .elfare .f Its ear lk)Idi'n Gt, tnj thii Wl! iBlPivtel tt-,. i wtii hii.Ttl In a ereal rnfAl Ct4ff nirvmltkttt exhibit The erval ir In uo way b J tint Or lhcj th. tvwiwt of art'l.tm-e at the Exivwitin. ami thm"ai f A.n,ri,-Ai4 sill f,r tit Rr4 ttate rl ). the t-jotlYe trip acrvw-s their m tlve iaij.t .rti-r the utr i toa oMiHUrt the r. u mlw f ctmteulKioa vie rMinc U nsf t tn S.m lYatHKt lc- rtknntely lnrel tue of th uwt luijHXlsnt f the i.Mici will be the tutenutl.'UJl eniiiueeriim 1 , ..- Jim Hilt tiu rvoIutknbeil tka at wwm i uii fur-jtrmvtl betrri Oren and the rmw than likely mean the advent of liniprs to the Pacific (.Vast in greater number. Hill ru steamers will make the trip from Flavel to San Francisco in 2t hours-an unheard of schedule for Pacific waters. The vessel will leave Flavel at 1:30 in the afternoon and arrive at San Francisco at 3:30, Three meals and one night in a birth and you are there! This beats the rres ent Shasta Limited, on the S. V. by two hours. Wonders will nevtr cease, and with the Pana ma canal completed there should be some great maritime com merce from the Atlantic to the Pacific. ' i VfeMotiatik court ear 6aa Franclaeo Examiner. KVTiUJI OF LIS C0L5 BEACHXY. TP.Oyt TTTF. TflUTH flT ITtTTTQ j rrr innrv w tian a ttt. 11" n "uii, ins rirU- M a-m."1 iJiiJLNATIUjAL EXPOSIII03. WATCHES HIS SON w jiu lilOUSAjrDTH LOOP Waca UbcoId Beacbee. a ann nf K fni, -. it. A .. v , . , .. , v his uu :in"uiui n rtr nre'iS ns ail m-orld ree a Of tha ranaaia-Paplfle lnor,ii..,i i-.t.i.. i. . . . ' lr ",e """I'WW Of tba ITIOa ma Pacific International W achievement. Mrs. Beacbey la i! defM Tower of Jewels. From this .-r vw only oocw. That waa when be r f caaaaietcd asbibtt palacea. aluin.nut i n-, n H was bis anel nmthvt ho fur rhu . .... , v Hilia- WAltitl UIUI i" thin.. rwt up la the air. on t!e il.io Pf the Won . r ... .nu e.ery erruc mof or h.T (liin.lf.tl sou. She s"r ","r' S"'nt tie cloudy hu-h atwv the two ailiea ta ur nu one mousanUlti loop. fcl today open and dolus i aa a far taster acale than was eaifetaa ,or It and the Exposition. wMca edebratea tte opening of tbera ' aal today rerealed u tte greatent taaalfialatioB of aatloDal achievement la Aaatrleaa history. Hert will be a I groaod where even nations ra ta warfare will disnlar oa a 1 aarcr before eanaled tteir nn mm m tte arta, industries and sciences i tare months before the onen. bat th Ei position as many as 1000 saa af esnsignmenta had reached Saa : I! i nio.1,'1 of the first i lim with the mar litio which it ban s!t.e i ffj BBl'- .! ;. mtl'i: i,: evoii t Sia;: wl dally atl.ii gates tj creru nntluiml and interna tional cohrws's ami conventions. o( which cwre than ), enibraclns al most every pluise of human activity, hare voted to nTl Id San Francisco in 19 IS. relpe;i!es to the congresses Interested In social progress and wel- iiiplays will be espe to study by the dele- be 1r- -ill t..M-:eevoiuiionoitne congress, t whl-o Its d!st!nctlhed n .-ii .ure-as, ior ex-j cn.-urnmn. t'oiourt W tMih.ils. r. ii!e. 1 lor.'isti ptrtk-ljv tlnn will wuuie I nnt una j.r n,t .n. .,,.. lug to h.- eentfilns tt,t tUey pro uiH-e. out win (nr Wi.i.i einph:ils u.ioa rn.we prtHu, ts In nhU tt th.-y n 'L In the IhhLSi dUpiay. for etam pie, WUI tie shown ar.Klu.-ts of ltoyal Danish ifx,-lnn fa. iorv .t i- i i-i"i.iir.'U. jan m h,.r .jli,ULtive I t.11 1. .!! ... - mini -nill (list. . n uri....!.. .i... rt, Uwned by dire. t:..u of ihe l:ntrla hous-ho!d an nmii.v f hl b tiuld h't be dupli. atd I rom tly will b uo uisiiH-Hr fsnuuitiKK of the old auuen.i uvwr exh!t.ltd In anienca in the orlln.,ls. Kr.iu China mere nave ru-!iwl Hiin tvn..i... Ic tiou of ehl!.lt r-o!l tt, un Wr the suir icion or the Kovrn..rs of tlifhi n.e pr.viu,vs tare silkl flU(J M carringa, inli, wt,rk U, the precious ueiaia. eiuiiuw or the transportation mothixla cmpUiyed In t!i - viinia at.d Uie DMleni imtliod uMM in tte waaening rciKiblic will be shown. ..ch M-aiuiHl Will innkA .. MILLSBORO W INS The Hillsboro Iliuh Schtxil basket ball team defeated everything I scheduled last week, beating the Forest (!rav All. . 'star H t li I and the Ne Urc- tim tn -N The Newberg game was the fast est of any of the season's con tests, iwaverton was defeated by the Hiizh School seoon.la. 27 to 20. The Juuiors defeated the KishOD bcott Academv team, fa) to 3. and the Hih School girts first team defeated the second team, 14 to 5. in a preliminary The Newberg game. Newberg Hillsboro Nelson....- C HentW uatrd f.. Garret Mann Best f I Hall g Shoen Hyde.. g Kollins COFFEE CLUB COOK BOOKS The new edition of the Coffee Uub took is finished and on sale. This is a re-print of the book published in 1911. with 100 a.i.ii. . , .... tionai recipes, and the sale price is w cents. The books are on aal at the following places: V aught s urocerv. Hillsboro Mercantile iW Combs Furniture Store. Hoard's Grocery. Snodgrass Grocery. CAMP FIKIi SOIRIiK The Sacajawea Camp Fire Girls Soiree will be given in Crescent l'heatre (instead of th rhriatian church, as announced last week), on Thursdav. Februarv IKth m S:15 P. M.. when the following protrram will be rendered: "Kose Walt2' (M.iHi !.... schel), Sacajewea Glee Club. Piano Trio "Darkies' Moon light Dance" (Richa-.! ler), Emma Tupoer. Miriam StaufTer and Mrs. StaufTer. Indian Club Swinging, Kvelyn t arenu Piano Duet "Golden Youth' SIIKKIITS JiLKO IOKE- ' tli'SIKI. N4k is bwt gma. thl I v aa t trcutH. .Irvive l Ut ' wetJ Ml ihlit th seal ml tl v'weit IVait . I the Male ' I t.. I -the Ck t4 v miift u. iIjI- I tttr O h ! 14 luaul, N14. I U.K c( I M. lUtakt an.t Piia4 kul t.isaa . katoliba Grtta. ctrtfniUats, !' ' the tm p4 itv .m aiith latvtrat thete. Irnw lie Hh ! v4 Jam. nt t tlw luie v r -.- t jwt sitsuiu. ! t. thr ' l.ttthet m i.t $. s. w 4tt.nvv sn.l she Ij.lhri ! il ! r.-U ! di I n's w. it's ai-il !' f ' ). nt, h ! ate iti'vvu.l 1 1 .l.-liveu.l. .mm. .! ( tut l ll .,- t si i:vll bftrtn.ftct dr lit v.l. ksr ltvl ap and HHanl la mi.1 nnutu, i'r.tf ad or.Wt ! sale, I en Mwi. Ihe Mh Uv ol lil insn Hit, al tte vmh !.-i j i4 the C. ntt llww m llilUUwu Wbl iHgttut Caunty. IHrg. a, at the k.H t I IHOtHli. in. a. UM vil a public an. i.xi to the blithest hlihltl 1.4 raa ta luti.l. all uf the l.illaa.ma' ! rulvd tral f.itv. Il'g. Iwif,; titiMte In Vhlvgh County, tirg mi. n.l mo pjutuoUr I) itrtcttlw.) aa 1.4 lor. la ii: All U (he We.t h, I of the Nailhcl Hrt and he Kt , . the S.Hth rM qiurier 4 .-Yvtina l T. J N K. j W. Will. Met, lV.crr. situate la Wash iu;l.-n Vuu!v. Oneta, ta tifv tht heieial'vlote tuned sums ami fur ihr cost aal etprnsr i4 sale and mi. n(, S.i I Mle i!l be Bate ulj ct la ir dritip;ioo as p t ate i4 tMi. a. ltd at tnuu ro. Dreg. a, tUta th .lay l Jsnusiv. if i.v, J. K KKKVKS. S'Keriff f WMhiiiton Cunty, lre- giu H J-1", AppVeatr, Ivpatt. Julia M. Wail, A Luuey ..f fiaiiitilj. CITATION is TUN O't.NTf OifltT tr Til IITATK or i.!;k!.i rolt WAWIIMrMM lIU XTI. In the MatH-r ..I ll.o Katale of Mis .iUn.fKn K, Win. CtsnkSiii Nnt d Saury Calliwm N ii and ail ".u. iliik'i.ian a 1 1 lnUf. In lli ) rli III led rJ:, : Vi.M are l.nr.lif ..r l.-ml t,r la k th !. ni.llt t'uurt .ti Uie ;(. Uf ul IciH-.tarr. lit, at !w hfir id le. Vl.s k A M l. ehi vj.i.. II ir. h it or.lrr nl aie slio.iid m. t r.ivl.. f. li e lull.. .11 .tr-ri,Hl p-.i.. f j i f i, i Bid rte.-i:uiiK l tlw N..rilirat r.aner .i UiJiliiik,ti riiv oi r..reai i.i,... aiimeliMH"i.in!y, ' an. I iun..i., tl rlw-e l Dm h,..iU,i , i.!,,t nl W l. t 4.14 ttist. . u.,.. t ,t ,v hain; Hi. n. .Xnrili 3uA chain i. , ; th.-m West an tha .N.-rMi tin., o ' I -' ffiillKl lu ttia i k i, tm (11.1 I'K , , l It. Hraier, ludge ol lha ala en e -. r. ,,tt lurn.1 al titl.b.,t, tirrrf.Mi, this h lay of Unitary, i'JI j SHINE IN EVERY DROP R!-k Silk kiitn tv,ti.t Is .rtnl. ltw . S! Sqb-d l s(s KlWUS'iMl. Stove Polish "t 8MraH ra 0 M.I. IU llml a la . hM. I a f- l. Ifuwl IFm. tMkt M tllsck Si Sim a. Wsrka, Starkae. Hbw , ' " (ilk Altllntaa Us twa. I mwi I a. M-m f. :, ii . . . . .. . mi WtasssiaWila, saaaaaUCLi I.-rr.m Sn.,11, . r.l . . . """""" PAHAK A-P A rtTTf! tm.Ttnn, ,nH h mi. : 1! "n?WD a asAwi - a. a vy i.i iiXi i " uiruiuuti or orlr. I IT tTl I WATrilA si ex a ! f !rin I'l... tit . .. "c uiasmucent tJnnadlun db Sfnfmir, ...... WM''T j-, nuuwu BK ui-uiiarai wm. it k i.... vT.T a marvel I 1 '"" fun vniiuen lOUtn ous eiMbit of it., mre wgnjia, of ,u Galop DeConcert (Sydney Smith) ZZZ n L Mm SUaffer and Mrs" Stauf- rer. Original Pantomi PoinU of the ( !amn r'iro f );Seek Beauty," Kittie Souther; uive service," Gussie Sigler; Punue Knowled?." H..rtK Luther; "Be Trustworthv." I ) . i L f I s ' im aigier and Minnie Zeigler; 'Wfl!r4 v A tl.l.l ft a-a . .1.1 be exteaslve-y portmyed. a d the Parent ' 'Glori V & ' ' mutual Interns of South" Amerl,. s, o-!!?' . .l0, ..Work' . a"e North America will be .mte.i. "a""iw "appy," LUCV . . . I K nvrt uiu.-ii every C)no-IVH . t A tarije number of rare eiant r, from New Zealand u-iu i. . growing on the. million rroun.U TllA l.'h.l.l. tL - ... .. niic IPLIUI.110 aatl aside a larger sum than any ever i..vj..u.i vj a I'lmmn nation for rep resentatbm in an Americnn miJLih... The modern cities of Argentina, the K'uoois, cnur. ties, librarie-i, the grea live stock and ai'rictiltnri i... is BCD 07 THE TRAIL ixposmoir, bait feancisco. 1915, Photograph shows James Earl Fra.ser's sinrh r,i lf ih.irwiii....i.. .. - v . u '" j ranama-racinc id prnai ..nni Pvrt.i ......... oui win I ra e moon 11 h ihn .... . . . -m".. .. More u ustrate the i. . .. n. v... .ci r, n f I gm,t Domin H. r. ""r. i and Miriam StaufTer. , r?.3 or a Bonnet" (Geo. m. L.aKer; 800 beantlrn, scnlptore. tirTTt Tb. Ex3, the A-n"oV Wlptora of the day. In addition to tte aculptuiw shown "Z 1 i!" 'T1.0' s',w moon- inooaanda of besnUful work, of art are presented in the ,i . . 0 ""caching forest, of Blovd Keadinjr."Mammv'a l.5'i tt;.; oY' i ' urn lam oiauner. Piano Solo, Emma Tupper VOCa DlieL "l(onn Tl,.. 11 I ....... 1IUU raie nioon u;. h. Gabriel). Mrs -- ' r 11HI running monntiin streams. PADMFDC ie Tnn.i. . . lurvrs HAD 4H'nmnm. int rarmers and Town team Bowled at the Bentley alleys the wtr 'evening, and the latter won fcfaloneacore. They will play tram Saturday niiht Th! rineton. Cornell! Mpsrfamoa p. jlile, Nortm, Grabel, Jones, Phil- The member, of th, a a u &.JlW'- o .wciici v)rps werejiuu ana rowell FARMERS Orn-99 m Carritri u8 14, WaOotWb J ,J4 MaadaiBjan i6 139 i-o rftahaa 158 i33 ,87 Ba aaanRahast.il .. i-r-r--: -j" ' m ntii kca Total MJ 364 399 KLIaa Mgfer Cartis Vayrasi BrCaraua Bailay 440 4S4 471 en 1 '3 95 159 360 Grand Totd .-995 CITY l3 Ui 73 157 3 t8 4 '44 M3 M9 3 33 3 "7 I4J 155 U7 33 Ut 176 129 449 431 419 4ii 377 4?6 403 Grand Total 9997 Ave. tat 33 147 151 '59 I67 110 149 150 153 141 126 4S '33 entertained at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Brush, at their hnr, some home in Tongue Addition. paturaay afternoon, the occasion ueing me regular monthly soeia I!? Arcadian malleable, non l??1.!? .rines re made to Ulatirae.D. Corwin. Mrs. Nettie Jeffers Press Correspondent On Ash-Wednesday, Feb. 17 meetingof the two organizations if.;.? . Arch(leaC(,n Chambers Host, and hostess X2f t s 1 'u, on genu ne en tnrtn ,u" . "V '"f-ory. me lectures afternoon was thoroughly enjoy-!? Lrrr" 'Vh? t:,"scopal ed by the visitors. nVZn rhl ml m on .h.ngton St. were enjoyed with mnl T5h8ucc lectures will be innovations were addresses bv ' HnrLf i 1US(1?y evenin Mr. Brush, Mr. Sias Mr . row 'L 7 m?,lLent- J? inter and Judre cAa rl!ested be cordially welcomed. ine Hillsboro Fire Department ill CllKA .'in. 1lll a . read some verso nf hia Atn - ... ' VL vnu twUin- POs:ton, describing the Corpus and Post and members. At the close of the program a delicious luncheon was served. Those present were: Messrs. anrl UDcrinnn n l . . "'"nisilics urusn, Morton, of Indiana; It. Crandall, L. J?. Sias. J. 1.. fVnui vvai ff A. W Barber, Lightfoot Ledford; Messrs. Lincoln, Har- Wl i?IVe lt lf.ti, onn.,.,1 1.11 1 Isboro Hall, Saturday evenine Feb. 20. These aff,ira "V ways largely attended, and have - r ""jb,,. Characters-Mrs. Clipper, a widow, Bertha Souther; Kitty her daughter. Beth Sicrioe- a.,I Jemima Hot.kina iflrtttin itive, Minnie Zeigler; Mrs. Hor ter, Katie Brandaw; Katy Doo- aii, irisn neip, liussie Sigler. Piano5vOlo. "Shnu;oef U....I.. Miriam StaufTer. Heading "Sammii.. r....: . e.ii. , if "UJ"" a cnci, ivirs. oiauner. Duet, "Pelig and Putney." .."na muper ana uussie Sigler. . '""wmime, Juanita," Saca jaweans. ''Mammy Moon," Glee Club. t Original Pantomime and Song, An Indian Lullaby," Evelvn Parent and Glee Club. . y Good (Ciirhr U -.. rjj,, kj-jinr, uiee Prices. 25c, a5c and 50c. Notice of Sale THE i-y mi.i I M.'a 'X TUB Cf.C.vrv int'iii. r.e STATK OK (ik'kciiv vnu 1. . .... INOTON COL'NTV. "U AS"" Neu:rd,:f'",K!,,,"f m- ' n Flfrf all tti ..f.la. t . l! Us I B. ,.1. at liil 1 .....Ts,i . , .. r . h admin ita uf i,r ihi si!... miijii . ill b- r.wiv,. r it,- .i, . ,., . ,.,..r;.n: . , . '' " " i.lli.iMfiliK ilrai ril, el real lain, lo II: "-wriu HfHfilihllik; ! ll.. V '.L' .... . .. ... .... ii.k. . i" iwirt. snl two rs .s 1.1 1 r.i 11. .... ..'" SWS,,'",'V"i.'r. Ore,.,,,. ' . u V; 'iiiilitmuir. . IdMltifh. All . . . . isTHiir. ' ,,"'"i P. S. Anrloninn tn-l Witch Valentine sundae, 15c Con Frrif . 3 Te to Sa" sista covered with Hpavoniv ki, j topped with whipped cream and a cherry. At the Den of Sweets In tha .... ..... Oreron re u-"" ux In tiie ttialt. r ,.f .1.. . .... 1 . .1 . ill i'.,. , . . ,! Has- Wssh nft'" '".' ine .-ortlt half of the Sonth r 01 jvction j, r 1 H K Witlsnieiie Mrtwhali ' i f athom ii tt,.. . . that oa ih. . . .'. . ""r.'n: ,Sk' 915. an i,n' ,,. . : ' " ..11.. .1 " " 11 afMive rral in pir- i-t qunr 5 W. (, the and Now. tin!r. ...... ..... the s-.il, '..,i,'? o or lf . ' "j l" ."-ir.-ii, a. Il mic ibosnuo..! . . " ' riU fro " A . ::" r-vc, U,. ... . . r .".'..ne ame tho A 11.1.!- . ..t u niie res is, in ft Hillsboro Hall, Sat urday night, Feb. la , . r IHIIie. ii''?3i, Argu8 nj 0re(f0niar,t ,2. If you want HARDWARE It will pay jtni to see u. V carry the tint cuui!cte tKk iu the County, and will-!! at Right Prices Call atiil mc u v Our PhimUiig uUaya uiu "The Store That.tUflea" Percy Long I1ILLSDOKO Second Street OREGON People's Theatre To-Nig'ht Lost Chance to set First Chapter of The Photo-IM iy that lu. set the cmititry talking Tomorrow a id Siturdiy, sclccicJ feature The Three Men Who Knew also a !ig screaming comedy WHEN THE MUMMY CRIED FOR HELP WCREir.lS.TriTA I RCAI. TOBACCO' ) r cmcw JL HCLP! HtLP! " J J llNEED HELP J rt 1 tooO ' x f JS ws.. JN f, ii you can M tohacco com. K.IU1 you ever uscd; unr did sis. l7. tT - vr A. ,.k I . Ita how ea.il. J " T " " TT ' Mmn, bow it aali.ll. l.t j f.,s4 Ttrt!r . ssmmsl. ,1k. ,...7,,,," ' -sawata aiaa., PXttZXttnmlmmm . ("c small rhrw ,,iT-Emt cwi of thc oij kinj " l"5 ,,;,ce two big .Plymouth Church in..- family Worship will Ikj held next Sunday mornill Th ''f '" inerne wil ,e '(4.Pei, a 1 8 ta ng." Shoil.l k u Adver tian Kndeaur.e ...: in.e .Vnr'- monthly Conl." no,1 win oe n0 l ) ! rv "i fi&a M I rX!ln?L Be,r.vo.-Sunday eve "!"5 he 21st, the pastor will K've an illustrated lecture on rhe pa88in of 0d Chna, . ty ? artly colored ster eopticon slides showing the pro- eiJi?80. lh,i 0,dc country of ,,ltlon.--Th pastor will be gin, Mlllduv mneninie tkOlat a n k c. Lenten aerroona on the Christian Ufa. 'WSis