The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 11, 1915, Image 1

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William Bissnrr, chief engineer
on the schooner King and
Wingi" which lias been up on
n Alaskan run, is spending hit
vacation with hi parent. Mr.
anl Mm. Martin Hissner, of
South Tualatin. Mr. Bissner
wu one of the party that rea-
I ... mm . I m
M.rlr.M' Taten U IHIaad,cue.i the Karluk .parly from
i uriMkn iniantt. in niBsnaii
i:i toils or in
Arrested at Oregon Clly. IrWav
loose mi
taurrl M. Hoy t. Chairman of
Committer, Has Fundi Ready
0(Kfil 0a ! HUUWe Atari a Vsar
Back, ass la aaawa Hrt
Slractart U M Credit U HHUtaa-
Ciatalfa I of Mansers
John Keefe, a young man of
Iritfh descent of prepossessing
abearance, and known to a
number of Hillsboro people, was
arrested at Oregon Sit Friday
morning, by a United .States
MarahaL and taken to
Portland, to answer 'a charge
trefrrrvd by Uncle Sam-the of
f-nse being alleged uae of the
mailt to defraud.
Keefe has been ope rating for
over a year, and he claimed to I
a civil engineer. He sent out ad-
vrrtlsementa to over 3.000 pa
tfliinir tirospectlve cus
inmcrt that he could locate them
on government land. Many of
thoad natters Keefe paid, but
man never received a cent.
The ifovernment commenced tak
ini rhartre of his mail recently.
and the officials find that he
i.illtpd 1500 newspapers, and that
he collected from $1.60 to 3 40
from people numbering from 300
to 1.000.
Keefe was taken into custody
last A-iifust by Inspector Mow.
of the mail service. No formal
arrest was made, but he was
taken before the officials of the
department United States At
torney licame. through assistant
Johnson, placed him under a
nominal parole at the tirm.
Keefe promising ti repy thwe
from whom he had received
Keefe reported regularly for a
few weeks and then turned miss
In, liv was located Hie other
day at Oregon City. and was
found in quarantine. lie had
been diptheretle, and was in
squalid surroundings. A soon
as quarantine was raised Keefe
was arretttfd in response to an
indictment found by United
Slates Grand jury last November.
According to Mr. Morsu.
Keefe's story is approximately
as follows:
Ijist June Keefe went down
to Klamath County and looked
over several sections of home
stead and recently opened r. 'r
CrescenL The siitht of the land
Inspired him with the Idea of
furnishing maps to prospective
locators. Without loss of time
he inserted the following adver
tisement in newSDSDcrs through
out the country-at the time of
his indictment last November the
authorities knew of 2141 publica
tions in which it had appeared -
and without bothering to pay th.
bills sat down to await results
The ad read.
"Lirge tract of land in South'
em Oregon now open for settle
menL Good climate, rich soil.
irrigation unnecessary to raise
The Loyal order of
L Meek Lodge, of
active these days.
preliminaries redv
their new home on
Mxmu, Jos
liilUljoro, is
getting the
for building
the corner of
tern, last Spring. He says that
when the Karluk was destroyed
by the ico lloe the crew assem
bled their provisions on Wrangel
Island, and that the executive
management of the wrecked col
ony was not of the best They
were found disorganized and
with no attempts to recognize
the first principles of sanitation.
One of the crew only made any
attempt td get out and shoot any
t.u.U m mmamt Amm
kuiiiv, us w c J a U' T .......
ftf -i-rrU h was in ortm eon.l""" ",,m"ikU"'
ditlon when the majority were ty-nve wousana aoiiars win w
sick. Mr. Bissner will remain expended on the structure, and
here until Spring, and will then chairman Laurl M. Iloyt has
return tO Seattle tO UkC his run. -mAm .rr.rnfprT.ont fnr rinanrintr
Trices that save you money- he work, which will sUrt as
10c outing flannel, now 8c per M the preliminaries are out
yaru, vuuhk iiamiri, h
lib.- 191 ilannuUt ti.a nnur fir- ?fi
.. rn 9t and 23r: Me uonua win vv unnicu wunin
M..r,..Hi nnu tf it .i.nfP. now the next sixty days, and as soon
75c: 25c soiest'tte and poplins, u all legal phases of the situa-
- . i a : a i ki... 1 1 1 v.....
now l'lc These tirieea are irood "on arc aeuieu win ucuui
until evi ry yard has been sold.- to move In earnest
On ers. Main St
Ihe German Speaking Society
met at Moose Hall. Saturday af
ternoon. with a good attendance,
members from Centerville, Cor
nelius, Hlooming. Hiluboro and
Ikaverton U-ing present The
Society was called to order by
Fred Hulling, the president
This Society has sent considers
be money to the Hod Cross de
parlment of the German army.
and they are stilt active in pro
curing funds.
For Exchange: Good Portland
ii ( a
njsiness protwrty on union ana
(!ra:iB Avenues -for rsnch or
Misiness iiruwrty In some good
valley town, or miitht consider a
heat ranch up to liu.uou. itai
m , a t
ance. mortgage lor a years, in
reel inuuiri.'S to 1 O. Hox 333,
Hillsbonn' or call Main 141,
Hillsboro. 42lf
Dan Knni'. who has been a
subscriU r to the Argus since he
was old enough to read a news-
imwr. was in town Saturday,
and marie the omce his Usual an
nual call. He recently rwived
a letter from old pard hn bchief
fulin. who is now at Pasadena.
Cal. He says that KIT begins to
feil the call of Oregon, and
sends his regards to his Wash
ington County friends.
I am handling the J.ILWatkins
Remedies In the Northern por
lion of Washington County, and
will visit patrons every three
months. Territory is North of
Baseline. Ait persons wishing
orders can mail same to roe at
Forest Grove.-lt F. Lepschat
Forest Grove, Ore.
Herman Collier has bought the
It H. Greer property on the cor
- ... . . .t .
ner or first ana nssningion.
le has been occupying the Mrs.
K. M. Tongue home since moving
i. t he i-ountv seat tie win uuua
a uarairo for his machine this
The order will initiate a cam
paign for membership in the im
mediate future, and by Fall they
expect to have a roll of nearly a
thousand. The membership list
is now approximately five hun
dred, and the wonderful growth
of the Moose has been a matter
of admiration to the lodge and
The building will be a credit
to the order and an hmor to tl e
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sale at the J. teurer place, 3
miles East of Bethany, on the old
Bethany road, at one p. m., on
Three fresh cows: cow fresh
about March 1: cow in milk since
December: Two cows in milk
since October; grade Holstein
bull. 22 months old. good animal:
three heifers, fresh next June;
3 yearling heifers; six-months
heifer; 2 heifers. 4 months old.
All have been tuberculin tested.
Terms of Sale: Under 120.
cash; over, six months bankable
approved note, at 8 per cent in
terest Two per cent, on ior
cash over $20.
Henry Zurfluh, Owner.
J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer.
J. J. Wismer, Clerk.
II. It Ediger. of Bethany, was
a city caller Saturday.
Adam Beil. of Centerville. was
in town the last of the week.
John Marty, of Cedar Milt,
was in town Monday, on business
at the court house.
John Fuegy. of Phillips, was
up to the city the first of the
J. W. Jackson, of near North
Ilains. was a county seat caller
Mr. and Mrs. John Fischer, of
below Scholls. were in town Mon
Wm. Kemper, of Verboort.
was in town Saturday, lie has
Iwn a continuous resident of
that section for about 30 years.
Mr. and Mrs. Charles Boy, of
Bethany, were in town Saturday,
and while in town called on the
If you want your Monday's
washing made easy you should
ee our Vacuum Washing ma
shine. Take a look at it at Cor-
John Friday, the newly ap
pointed road supervisor for the
Banks district was in the city
Monday, getting in readiness to
take up his work.
For Sale: Fine high grade
Holstein bull, coming 3 years;
Bulendid con formation: good sire.
P. A. Batchelder. on Oak
Street road to Newton, east of
Hillsboro. on Route 5. 47-9
Ben Thurnhcr. Toni Sinay,
John Koehnke and Gerhard
Goetze. of above Blooming, were
in Saturday, attending the Ger
man Speaking meeting.
Will exchange home in Port
land for stock and farm imple
ments. Phone owner. Farmer
K2xl. or see John Olson, at prem
ises. 1122 Fast Oak Slreet Fort-
land. 4Ga
Mrs. Leah Bouland, of Port
land, was in the city Sunday,
the iruest of her brother. L A.
Long, and family. Mrs. Bouland
was one of the delegates to the
State Federation of Labor con
vention at Salem.
As Fees tor Meatb ef Jaaaarjr
Recorder aad Clerk Clerk Leads
Friday Wis he Rad Master at
Beaks-Ed. kasawtricb is
The county court last week in
executive session disposed of the
following matters:
Ed. Schulmerich was appoint
ed road supervisor in District
No. 6, vice Nets Larsen, resign
IL Dal mas was appointed su
pervisor in District 32, vice Ben
Road No. 618, petition of Ju
lius Christenaen et als. was con
tinued until the March term, a
like order being entered in Road
592, petition of Grant Mann etals.
The court ordered that the
buildings at the poor farm be in
sured in the sum of $3,500 with
John VanderwaL agent.
Road 623. petition G. P. Ess-
ner,xand Road 619. petition A. L.
Black et als. ordered established.
Wm. Schulmerich and Dan
Burs halter appointed viewers
Road 626. Carl Berggren etals.
Road 625. petition A. D. Hill
etals, referred to the district at
John Friday was appointed
Road supervisor at Banks, vice
Ezra Kirts. resigned.
A warrant was ordered attach
ed to the 1914 tax rolls.
The Clerk's office gave a good
account of itself throughout Jan
uary, having received in fen the
sum of $552. The Recorder was
not far behind, having re parted
flofj Best
while they last This is the cheapest we
have sold shingles (or io 5 years. If you
figure on naeding any this SPRING or
SUMMER, come in. We will arrange
to carry you if you can not spare the
money now.
Bsriger Lumto Gv
Main St.JandjP.JR. & N. Ry-'Co'. Tracks.
Everything in Building Material
For sale, rent or trade Farm
in Wisconsin; 240 acres. Every
The undersigned will sell at pub
lic sate on the Byron ranch, one
mile south of Tualatin. Oregon,
r 1
thing in good crder. and can give on the Boones Ferry Road, to the
A very pleasant surprise was ten
dered Ed. Wilson. Feb. 2, at the
home of John Loftis, in honor of
his fiftieth birthday. Music,
singing and games were the
features of the evening. A de
lightful luncheon was served at
midnight Many useful presents
were received. Those present
were Messrs and Mesdames, bd.
Wilson, John Loftis, Harvey
Keenon, Henry Keenon, I Kelley,
H. Kelley. A. Black. B. Thomas.
A. Slooh; Edna Wolfe, Misses
Maude and Margaret Keenon,
Madge and Freda Jones. Florence
immediate Bassession. Some
olowing done. Inquire of Sam
uel Livesley. Hillsboro. Ore.. R.
4. residing near Oak Park. 45tf
Toni Sinay. of beyond Bloom
ing, notifies his friends that he
expects to kill a beef, and those
wishing a quarter, or any con
siderable part of it may write
him at Cornelius. Route 2. or
telephone him. 55 Hill line. Cor
nelius. 47-9
Some youngsters entered the
poultry house of August Tews
last Friday night and stole three
of his fine White Leghorn chick-
ent The yard was probably
robbed about midnight as some
lads were seen in the vicinity
close to that time.
B. Leis. the Beaverton or-
chardist was in town Monday,
having just returned from the
Corvallis meeting of last week.
Mr. Leis will have an article on
BDraving in next weex s issue.
fWt prona For larire map and h w Fall and Winter ones 01
r.iii information nti ii. ou io me s cioines as wen ma
John Keefe, Corvallis, Or. 1 wo diet suits., coats, aresaes ana - . Thn , .nd Orchardists will do well to watch
years a U. S. surveyor and tint- skins, consisting or w ainereni a . y . jjU8b Mil- for this, as his letters are always
Au' , nlh dred Kelley; Dan el Jones, wai- or interest
k:.! RalpH Ireland. -of Portland.
Call and look at our samples. -
Christ Wuest the Tailor. Phone
Main 803.
Thos. Fowles. of above Moun
taindale. was in town Monday,
navinir taxes. He tells the Ar
gus that tor the first time in 30
vrara Kin to was not a little
I"'-1- - ..- - lf.0
are-er than it was the vear pre-
: . . . ' .
v oui and that's some conso
See our new non-breakable
bcrman. An opportunity to get
a good, fertile, free nomesieaa,
near email town and railroad.
Soon answers were pouring in.
Keefe took the enclosed money.
and in reply sent back a amall
Uand-McNally man of Oregon
with an ink-line drawn about
four townships. The map cost
about 9 cents. He also sent a
letter with a small Plat showing
several sections of land sketched
in nenc I on the bottom. In the
letter he told the procedure of
taking out a homestead, amrmod
tka AMturinHnn of thA Pfllintrv
tMU avnilr.ivn - I . ., mi . .
set out in his ad, I nd laid further range-me Arcaaian. i ne mn
lines by Stating that if the CUS- range maue ana .pncB vn
tomer was not satisfied with this Ma inside of economy. A splendid
Inralitv he cou Id advise him Of oaaer ana one mai pieuaea every
otner' housewife. torwin.
At first the fee was set at The Juver.ile department in
$1.50. but Utter he was led to Judge R;asoner's court is this
raise the ante to $3.40. While afternoon hearing a case against
the bargain price was still on, Edith Ga away, the 16 year old
Postofflce Inspector Clement sent daughter of David Galaway, of
Keefe a monev order for S1.50. Hanks, who s charged with be
In return he got nothing, but tne nir a persistent truant rrom
money order was cashed just the8Chool, and of being untruthful
"ttmo. Tlio (ImnA Marea ia the most
I t S SlA. . MakiAMl
n v n..-i it. D.....MiAM wnn raomn iwu lui n uuuwi
V U nuaipn, tne imw. -----morlfof m.J- in 0r.
grocer, was In town saiuraay y"5 .miL wh; vm,
and Lloyd Shooh, Cecil Wolfe,
Ilay Wescott Delbert uusoee,
IWilmer and Russell Loftis.
To Portland-55 minutes.
9:58 -
i 1
a m
-a m
-a m
a m
p m
was out tne last oi ineweex.
visiting with his uncle, Lloyd In
gram and family. Ralph is now
on the Steamship Alameda, run
ning between" Seattle and Se
ward, Alaska, and his two broth
ers. Thos. and Harold, are on
the same run. They sailed out
of Seattle, yesterday, if the boat
left on schedule.
highest bidder, his entire dairy
herd and farm implements, at
9:30 a. m.. on
Five head fine horses. 3 of
them mares ;lot farm implements;
2 Holstein Fnesian cows, full
blooded, not registered; 25 Hol
stein cows, high grade; nearly
full blooded: 10 high grade Dur
ham cows; 5 high grade Jerseys;
heifer. 2 years, full blooded Hoi
stein Fritsian, not registered,
due about April; 4 heifers. 2 yrs.
high grade Holstein Fnesian. all
due in April and May: 4 heirers.
year ings and over, Holstein
Friesian. high grade: 2 heifers.
6 months, not registered -2 calves.
high grade Holstein. 2 mos; high
grade Holstein Fnesian built 7-8).
14 yrs. a big. fine fellow, dam a
fine milker. Nearly half of my
cows are fresh and nearly all the
others are due between now and
Spring. All this stock has been
bred to a full blooded Holstein
Friesian bull. Tested against
Lunch at noon.
Terms of Sale: Under $10.
cash: over. 6 months time, bank
able note, at 6 per cent interest;
2 per cent off. cash over $10.
fcmil Lauber. owner.
Co). Geiberger, Auctioneer.
The inrtishinw flood of worry and the respite found
imperative from over-work is the bank account If ad
versity remains a stranger remember that the nurtured
account is gradually piloting you toward that lactn-
dence that all men prize so highly and few succeed in
4 Per Cent Interest On Savings
American Notional Danll
Marion C. Adams, of Nesperce,
Idaho, died Feb. 2. 1915. He
was born at Brownsville. Ore.,
Jamea Plumlee. of Gaston, was in 1857. and waa the son of Cal-1
acauitted bv a jury in Judge vin H. Adams and wife. Ihe
Smith's court last Thursday eve- family moved to Hillsboro abort
ing, after trial on the charge of ly after his birth. He graduated
hi a deer out or season, ura rrom racinc u niversuy in isuo,
suote mwm baiu
American National Dcnfi
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources.. 600,4231
Danhlng in All Its Dranchea
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of Da
posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans,
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Depocto.
9:1)8 (Sat only) P m Davenport in jail on a bootlegger and in l&ff was manned to uiss
ss PnrH.nd-RR minutM charge, testified that he waa witn Kena r ranann. oi uaaesvme,
From Portland-55 minutes. da when , deer Wash. The widow and two
7:54 m jmmrt into the road ahead of daughters survive Mrs. Lets
9:20 ... m them. Plumlee. according to Card, of Chehahs, Wn.. and Miss
11:25 am mnvAnnnrt's testimony, grabbed Ruby, in High School, at Ne
2:06 P m the rifle from Davenport's hands perce. Of his immediate family
the following survive: uoiner.
Julia Adams, of
9:12 (Sat
buy a
i n u-mm - ni uwir iron, uv
iiiurning. im liven ii r - - i !,
i ,l. 4.i. ku Knot, ndulce in a good smoke
nnau anil hark da V. urouu waiv.
i . . . .
, , t . - Rev. Berthold, or uorneiius,
,IhW!ir.0 ,rr.5fl2f was down to Hillsboro the last of
the week, greeting nis uerman
less than 200 acres, all cleared,
in this county, located on rail
way line, that one can purchase
for $100 per acre. Pay $7000
down and terms on balance. Un
less you are in the market do not
ask nuestionn. If you are inter
ested see Ur. Long. " 47
friends in the county seat
For sale, at a bargain: New
Cream ScDarator. Call Main 115,
nr address H. E. Thompson,
Hillsboro. Oregon. Routo 4. Nox
14. 46-8
Pm and brousht down the vension.
P ra The meat was then taken to the
P m firav Dlace. according to Daven
Pm nort's evidence, and the Grays
admitted there was some meat
hnt thAv weren't exactly desirous
NOTICE TO TAXPAYERS of .wearing it was venison. The
jury concluded that Davenport's
Notice is hereby given that the evidence was not sufficient to
taxes for the 1914 tax roll will base a conviction on, and in a
be due and payable at the office tew minutes aner rawing
of the undersigned, beginning brougbt in a not gumy yeraicu
Friday, February 5, 1915. and til The jury: k u vu&ni, j a im
unpaid taxei will go delinquent brie, Aug Tews, Thos Kerr. J G 1 1 111 ft fDDlBIDU U.U 1CltlllllBII. VIW.
' E. B. Sappington, It Bagley defended Plumlee and
rvnt TuMinrBf and Kx.Of. sava he is satisfied if Plumlee
AoIa t. rniiMtnr for Washinir- had killed a venison he would
Mrs. Catherine
Portland: sisters. Mrs. Sophia
Bowlby, of Hillsboro, and Mrs.
Flora Pio, of Portland; brother,
Wm. C. Adams. North Hillsboro.
Mr. Adams had been ill from
cancer of the stomach for some
months, and while in a fit of
despondency hanged himself at
the farm house of a neighbor.
while Mrs. Adams and daughter
were in Nesperce.
ton County, Oregon.
Dated this Jan. 21. 1915.
known - for he believes he would
have sent him a hunk."
H. Taylor Hill, of Portland,
was in the city Saturday.
H. a Toelle. of Shady Brook.
wu in the city the last of the
. WMaU
I stand unqualifiedly for fairness to
my customers. My business has
been built upon the policy pf Right
Goods, Right Prices and no misrep-.
I carry a stock large enough to meet
all requirements, no matter what
grade of Diamonds, Watches or jewel
ry, and I always give you the best
possible service.
Yatchmaher and Jenrclcr.
Graduate Optctrl;i
mitaboro. CrrJ: