The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 04, 1915, Image 6

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runoto new mrm,4ivi
Lowest Vanm-ttr
for May
S is in Iff cii
I ZZT Act: Fcr
i s era
l ! nil - ' ' A qp?
fca : :
J.yWelfersperger. Prop
We are now located in our new quarters
three door West of our old establishment
on Main Street and our change enables us
to give our customers a much better service.
Buy your Dread. Cahes. Pies and CooK
ies of us and get the best
Do you need any Groceries?
Do you need any Dry Goods?
Do you need any Shoes?
Do you need any Feed?
Will youueed any Land Plaster?
Will you need any Farming Implements, Mower,
Rake, Manure Spreader, Cultivator, Spring Tooth
Disk, Binder or any thing in Machinery?
If you do, call and see us. Our prices are right.
Emmott and Jones
Orenco. Phone Main 593 Oregon
From Famous'Tecumseh Stock, S-'rc of which
sold for $2100 at public sile, at St. Louis, Mo.
Some fine high grade stock.
J. W. Vandervelden,
Roy. Oregon
Show P Ktfc. Id
El DOES !r SEf SlUIO jj
C nk Tmcrxtt Fiaa Hek Sa OU Sal
I mitt Cam of Cle4
If ther is anything in the old
adi that a cloudy motrin on
February 2 means an early Sprin
then this year of our Lord. 1915.
is roinc 10 canter to warmth and
budtime earlier than usual, for
Tuesday saw the lowest barome
ter for many moons. Mr. Ground
hog, according to the popular
tradition, handed down to us by
our cavemen progenitors, came
out in the morning, saw no shad
ow of himself at his threshold.
ind proceeded to hustle for some
thin to eat-and this means the
Sprini? season ts not to steep in
the lap of Y inter.
Dr. F. A. Bailey. Wm. McQuil
lan, and a few others interested
in the philosophy, were viewing
the Commercial Bank building
barometer early in the morning
-and the liquid was so low in
the conduit that it was hard to
find. There was no sunshine un
til very late in the afternoon
and it was so late that sir.
Chuck is supposed to have broken
his fast and gone back to his
hole in the ground to remain the
The Argus has watched this
groundhog proposition for a good
many years, and must confess
that weather conditions 00 Feb.
2 have not appeared to make any
difference. There are many,
however, who argue just to the
contrary, and say that a boister
ous and stormy Feb. 2 always
means earlv breaking of Winter.
The late E. D. Thome, who al
ways planted his garden peas on
Feb. 15. whether or not the day
of Mr. Groundhog's emerging
from his sleep was rain or shine,
firmly believed the legend, and
had dates to show that be was
right, and that tradition had all
kinds of backing up. iA. Lyons,
down at Turlock. CaL. still main
tains that it is good doctrine, and
you can't make Abe and Chas.
Holcomb. down at Herman, in
the same state, believe there is
nothing to it
And there you are Groundhog
didn't see his shadow and now
we shall see whether or not we
have an early Spring.
Is the Circuit Court of the State of
Oreejea for the County of Wubtnctoit.
B. C. Deaaiann, Plaintifl,
intifl, I
o.!ant I
IWla T)anntn. Ieft-o
TO Lett DeiJiiison, aiwre named de
ItMxaat: la the) name o the State of Orecon you
at hereby required u appear ami ansaer
tfc Complaint filed against you in the
a bora an titled court and cause on or
tofcri Friday. the 6th day or February
1SU. blcb aaid date u ail weeks and
Mr from and after Thorsdsy. the 2lth
. jav of December. PI 4. the date ot first
saubeaUoa of Ibis summons, and if you
Salt to to appear and answer, plaintiff, for
want thereof, will apply to the own lor
ft Seer dissolving tbebondsof matti- ..... . ,
amy heretofore and no eiimnj The btate Inspector has given
Memo too and the plaintiff and for the Hillsboro Mercantile 18 out
ash other and further relief as to the' t K )n ,.
Omit nay teem meet and equitable. j ' P0S3lble 20 points Oil the
Tata tnmoion is published by order i store mpat riant one of the
al the Hon. D. B. Kcrasoiier. Judge of the ; c : ,u-TUraKnn
, ililOts III IIIC ClOLi
Barber Parlors
Courteous Treatment
Capable workmen
Baths in connection, and a
Fine Shower Bath
Newly Furnished Shop. A
trial will please you.
Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro.
- -- - f .nrt nf th.Si.r. r,t htMnn f r
the County of Waehineton. and mid order refrigerator,
Their shop,
slaughter house.
Bade and dated on tbe 19th dt ol ,h n
December. M. tin the ahnce of the : T7
Clreoit Judte from Wahitirtrn Comity) Ket SCOred DUt 17 DOintS ShV Of
Ki!f d 'ulh 't pubucauon is absolute perfection -and that's
ThuradaT. tbe 4th day of Februanr. 1UI5. .
Clyde Uicbardsnn, Atty. fur Plaintiff. ; f?f-n8 SOITie.
SIS Cbambrr of Commerce Building, t
rvniand, tire.
iM the Circuit Court of the Btate or
Orecoa for Waahinfton County,
ailee M Salll Tin, Flaintiff,
JohqCBu1llvr, Defendant.
To John C Sullivan , tbe adore named
la the name of the fitate of Oregnn:
Yov are hereby required to apiiear and
maasrar the complaint tiled atrinst yoti
in the ahOTe entitled euit on or Iwfnre the
I day of March, 1915. that being more
I MX weeks from iu date of the r.rrt
MMIeaUoo of this sunmiona, to-alt: tl e
iwsaty first day of January, 1915. and if
yen (all to appear and nii-wer t plaintitl'g
aoni plaint, for want lliereif, the p!in
tiff will apply to the t'onrt for relief te
utaaded iu her eonupUint, to-wit : A cl
araa dissolving tbe hoods of matrimony
between tbe plaintiff and defendant, and
for sewn other and lnni,er relief as to the
Coejrt may seem equitable and just.
This earn mons m I'ubliobed pursuant
to M order of the Hon-rahle i U ( amp
baU,Jadgeof tbe '"ircnit Court of the
Btate of Oregon for Washington County,
asajte and entered on the l'Jth day of Jan
MtT, 1U.
Dai of first publication, Jabnary 21,
Oat of last publication, March 4, 191
Henry M Kiinbnll, Ailorney for Plai
Uff.Stt Ytoa bide; . P-rtbud, Oreiron.
The Women of Woodcraft will
five an all-night dance at the W.
a W.Hall. Feb. 5. 1915, 1 J miles
vest of Cedar Mill. A good sup
nar will be served and excellent
oak baa been engaged. Ey
aijhody invited.
Will You Build ?
If Ton are going to build this Spring
or Summer, see J. S. LORSUNG, for
prices cm building and excavating.
Estimates given fiee. All work is
guaranteed. No payments until wotV
is completed. J. 8. I.orrnng, Cor.
First and Washington, Sis., Xst
phone City 574. Hiliib ito, Oregon
Give Me a Trial
Do not forget to ask for a
Schiller when you want a good
10 PPnf Omnia nn nrArr Inot'1
in the Schiller. 12tf
For Sale Hay cutter, with
horse power; nearly new. Tele
phone i armers 36x3. 42-tf
Executor's Notice
Notice is hmhy given that the under
"igtied has boen by the fmiity Oiort ol
Wsxhinirton (iounty, Ornron. appointed
and confirmed as executor of the LaH
Will and Testament of V W Rchultbeir,
un-twu , aim nas amy (iiisiuieo as such
Now Therefore, all persona b 'Ting
claims agaiimt said enlate are hereby re
quirod to prownt the Mine to me witb
proper Touchers at the law office of H T
liaglev, in HillstMiro, Oregon, within all
mouths from date hereof.
bated this January 21. I9!5.
K 1 Kurstli, Kxecotor.
ti T Bagley, Attorney.
Credit Store
We desire to call your attention to a few prices
we will give until further notice. If you have a
charge account it will do .as much as the CASH.
Grocery Specials
Tor j;rr?n goods, watch our window
display. Thry arc the best on the
Oranges, prr dm 15-iiOc
Bananas, per doz. '25. 2 fr 45c
Newtown Apples, box l.OO
Tomatoes and Cam, per can 7c
Peas, can 8c. 2 for 5c
Salt. 4 lb. sach 7c
Coal Oil. perpl 13c
3-g'al. Oil can filled with oil &9c
Pineapple, 20c. 2 for 33c
Can goods in the following brands are
best, and we are offering. PKEFLRRED
German American Coffee, lb 25c
Golden West Coffee, lb. 35. 3. . . .1 OO
Meat Specials
BreaKfast Baron, lb 15c
Smohed llaro. lb 20c
Beef Boil lOc
Beef Koast 12c
Sausage 12c
Hamburger steah 12c
Porh Roast 1JM5C
Porh Chops l&c
Ltvrrwurat ...I2;c
Weiniea 15c
Our Meals are all Home Cured and
are Guaranteed to be perfectly
Come in and see these prices for yourself.
Hillsboro Mercantile Company
3 S3 &.ia
Jacob Cahe to Dsid Ednr. 40 a sec
tot lifts ....... to
C'ty of Cornelias to Albert Banaiag,
loU I an 1 1, bis t Cornelias ... to
Ottice Shearer to Ethel Hail, 100.-
641101. t ft blk 19 r Grose I
f L Fea'herstoue to R 1) Walker, s a
J H Walker d I e ..
E D Walker to F L Pcetberstooe.
same as abose .. . J x
Myrtle Atkmsoa to Jar O lira res.
to a sec M t litis 500
R H Anderson to Paul Wi winter.
bono for deed
Geo Naylor to W C Johoson, 5 81 a
I) Allen d I C (1901) .... tooo
Mstote Andrews to C J Crosby, 15 a
KtSI!lltS...... 10
G F C & Line Geiahlrt to F C Free
man, t lots Wheeler's rab-di 4100
E M Tonine et al to Adolph rkhafer on Baseline St v
W K Gilbert to S S McCahill, t lots
West Portland Heights . 10
C I! Marsbsll to W H Dale, lot la
Beasonic Hbtt iy
Idt Co to J A McLean & Jat Mar
ray, 16. 56 a Alder brook Farm
W T Moisn to Ansbel Spitkmaa,
lot 5 blk 9 P A M ad (1915) to
S R Kin to Diana Press, lot 4 blk I
S Pad FGrose ... ...1500
D A Good to C P Good, 5 95 a Elam
Yon of claim 10
O J Wilkrt to Alice Wilkes, t lot
3 blk 17 Hbo 500
Lint Gei'hirt to Ja Hankinsoo, 6.-
284 a Wbeelei's sub, below Aloha.1500
ame to A noes Spioat, t lots Wheel
er rob-div, below KeedTille.......!joo
M C Puidin et ni to W G Thomson,
i.8 a Ricbstd Williams d I c. . 10
C D hsw to John W Gibson, .508 a
J no H Wslker d I c 10
W J Edwards to A Rorailda Edwards,
trblk jSmockTille-Sberwood tooo
Walter Burke to C C Hancock, lot 6
blk 7 Knob Hill F Oroee 115
Jno Linder to Magdalena 8tbli,8o.-
25 a Helvetia iojo
Jno 9 Anderson to Michael (iiose, 6
lots Tigaidville HgbU...... 10
chain ; thenr south Tl I I 4ftrr
WPt alone the htaj rhain:
IN THK ClRCt'IT COI RT nr TH , h inu,h M , , rA ,s
LNQTON COC.NTY ; chains; thence south Vi 1-2 ib'i'r'
Biawh K Mulleii, I'lrf. j eat '-."! chains; thenre north h7 d-
" . . . fnri rait 7.70 chiin; thence south
Chas R. la'ullen. IWendai.t ,
To Charles K. Mullen, alt naire-l ! I l.i.lf chamn; thrnre rant rJ.. chain
fend ant: to the iilare of Iwginninif, rotitaimnt;
la tbenameof the Mia'eof Orern yoa ' ...
srsberel-T ieumre.1 w. a.rr and ,n. i acrrs.more or less; ecet.lii!(f there
werlheCouinlaintnleil arn.t ymi in from g tratt pf land formerly rl, It
the aboTS enllttel autt on or '' r n ! . . .
day the Sthday of frbruarr. .l a..d if 'Wjre t.albreath, and lonl-d at
yoa fall to ao appear and ensarr ! follows, to wit: lVgimiing at a (Kuril
plaintiff for want thereof aill apply to i ..... y t y. , h. ......w.,.,.
tbeOoortlura.'.erreedi.. rinnt: i 1 ' " rfM,ri rmrtn ,n " fte
of matrimony heretofore and now n -j mrner of the above ilerrils tract;
Inc betaeeit oo ao.1 the plalnlifT ' d ; ,hrn,., wr,t 3 egr south I;
ailowinf p aimlir to reeiime lwr nia..ln I
am. of, TISt Hlanrn rw amoier. una inrncr ra.Mrny bhmis; inc line w ium-
mmras M tHibl(aie.l a--rdio to Ue aml nn, Willamette Valley rai!ro;.
d by orderof the Hon. I. H Keatr '
ileeoflbe Coanty four! of UieHiie . f 1 ' r!: thence outh 1 1-2 ro! t.i tu-
Oregon in and for ih I uiinty r Aa.h- ,,Uct of lifinnitiif. The tract of n
inston. and said order mate and,. . . . . ,.
daied on tbe od day of lwir.brr, f l h:-rcinal.vr .l.-wnlwd at Tract II. mn
(In the absence ol the Ciecmt Jnde fn in taming about 31 acres, more or Icr .
Washington County I and toe date of l 111 t .- .i i 11
first poblicalion of lhl Kiimm .n s ! Ji. , I. .
Tburwtay, Ue24ihdaof, pill, 1 1, i.',. It-,, 47, tH, i) of Tualatin ',ar-
Xt "-tyt nl-
CLTI'E RICHARDSON ' t"' n,,r'n one-third of lot M ami
Attorney for l-uintiff. j the west 1 1-2 acres of lot M of TunU-'
p5 A'-' ,'on"""' j tin r.arn; a! thut part of lot 35
Portland. Orecoa. r
I lyi r ct of line riinninK south from
the southwest corner of lot f. l atxl
Notice of Sale of Real Property ?:r"',4i wifh, ihe"? ,m 'f "id, '"'!
p . y ' ' I of Tualatin (.aniens, except that
it Private bale jpat.t f ,aij WPHt p,,rtin f ?rtl
w,ich wan conveyed to K. A. Kclily on I
IN THE COUNTY COURT OF TIIK ! Nv,.m((.r ,)V . , ;
STATE OF ORKC.ON KoR on pa(,, M. 1,,V so of the record, of
WASHINGTON COU.N"! V. j (i(H,U for whiniftoi. County. Oregon,
la the natter of the Estate of Julius ' All of nai.l lots being in sections 'Jl
The attorney for Jacob Thoman
objects to the cost bill in the case
against Walt rave, wherein Wal
frrave was given a judgment for
costs. The attorney for Wal
grave, Wm. Carter, of Portland,
put in a claim for $73.60. Tho
man 's counsel wants the court to
fix the costs, which Thoman
must pay, he beini? beaten in
the damage suit, reduced to $17.
J. N. Loudon and Michael
Sturm Jr.. of beyond Blooming,
were in the city the last of the
Help Mahe Oregon t
vieanesx oxaxe the v;ni
I'ncirsn i les )a reesf-l to as vanned bfoa.lcaet he the l
Inimofsliiy, diwaie and uflnio( aiorf the laanreat.
True, holesetme irifonmllon hrlps lo plot I mt ree), hrsltklst
cjn'ilr i4 iu hrr and euore awful litre
Sri f lumiion shuaM tw pfosl.M when a.ih la Its fcowe. I
in i smt ire f.w nira so l women. U-ys au-l e r's t4 all ssstj
ml tttoip an I state definitely aersaad sea f Ml-lici sa4 si
aitf..f whom amplrts are sated. A.'dtrse
Oesw. C. TfO
Itt-L Deceased.
Notice la hereby enven that. p'irniit
anl 21, township 2 south of ranee 1
we .t of the Willamette Meridian, and
Uianordrrof the Counlv foort of the ront:iiniiir 55 acres, more or less, I'art
Ht te i f Urest in for Wa-bitietin (Guilty, ! . ;.T , . , ,,
made and entered on tbe I, d.T of Jan j TrilrU f"mlre. II and III be-
nary, l9IS,ln tbe matter of the esiate of in if subject to the ri(;ht of way of the
Julius llel deceae-l. tbe un1f.nig-it. I, ! f,,, l'i,..,.;, t, -,
admlidstratrii of said e.tle wlil sell, nl (,ro"'n r.lectric Railroad ( otnpany
ptlvit-t Sile. from and aiur thi 2t b , t'gbt of way as now surveyed and lo
dayof.KeDruary. l9l..u;J-ttorft j .. . .
atlon tiy sail tjotiri. all the npht tn'e, " ...... ..fc... ...
interest and esUte of si, I Julius Ite). (. way eontuininif three rrei, more or
. . .... .1 . i . i . . ,,
ceased, at the lime of bl .!e lib, and ail , i,,.... ...i, .
the nebt. title a id Inte-e.t that said r- 1 "r.'.msme , Tn I ,
Ute hu sequlred by law or . the-, In ; ,T Zu,'. '''
and toil of the follow ,n .Imenlel ,.,."" ''l""K"'if -
irnpertT.sltuaterl In Washington f'nunty.
ItaU of Oregon, to- wit:
II III I. IV ltK'llU,
litirtenantes there
Tract lr Part of ths donation land
claim of Solomon Richard on and wife,
Or so much of said real properly u,
may he necessary lo pay the iLMm,
lieni ami charifes syaiiiMt siiiil eslnt.
and the expenses of ailmitiihtrution. as
in section 4, towrmhip 2 south of range ' l":i'l for in the petition of s:.i,
1 west, descriljed as follows: Commen-1 ,ri14 Anna ,u''' Imiiiltratrix of th
ring at a point 63 1-3 roils east of the
northwest corner of section 11 town
t.'it! of Mid Julius Jlel, (I, 'ceit"ed
leimol '. essn, r furlli r hi -.
Raeien. Ottssa
BoMfOlm mm Daf Worn I Otrh I
' ft atfatsass. f j t n eTasafsn. aWaaaW:
This tx.pular In.tilullou, rondiirte l.y the Hitters of W Mm
Miieior eduestimial adTsntsgrs. romhlae.1 with the Uflornceefl
home. Il U delighifull, M in ,h. hrahhfal Taalalla Valht
inilrs ftoni I1., land on Ihe Smiihrra I-acine car Hae. Kull ITiaat
mrdisie. Ilia tisr and High hchmil Conrsee. Heparat 'tfUl
little Kitl. Tb sm who wish to pfrp.t. f.K Ihe leaching ptreslet
tb Tea. hri lisliilng Cooise amply eUltWl anl pfepsred It I
woia. A t ..mate ftoot ihiteoaisr secures aTearheis One Vea
wlilitsit es .. oslmn. Hsceplmnai opportnnlltee fie thofoagk
lit Mnslr, I'.sptessioa. rwly otganlsed Coaimnt
covets a jwitr of u tears and his It any pueslHta of respoaela
....... i.i ,,ion, ptosprrlus, Addreaa
iiuiiiiKCB. vuincc ui section it uwn i - .i ...
...- . ' l.riniiion esll i,,ti or write to Mann
ship 2 south of ranfrc 1 west of the' "na It-l. Tosiniin. (ir.,.,, r m a k
WillametU Meridian, and running ' ' r'salding lliii.linK f.irtUu.i!
.u on -v-:. I "reif-m ber attorney.
inenre aouin ju cnains; thence- east
26 2-3 rods; thence north 30 chains;
thence west 2(5 2-3 rods to the place
of befrinninjr, containinff 20 acres, less
and excepting a atrip of land acroxs
the north end of the above describe.)
tract 16 1-2 feet wide, dedicated to the
public for road purpose.
Tract II. Being a portion of sec.
The undersigned baa been by tbe County
Toort of Washington County, Oreemn, on
this I2th dsyof J ami are. 15. duly con
firmed as executor of tbe last Will and
Testament of Ueorge Zetztnsn, deceased.
now inereiore. all tersona hailnrti:.. nn u: ......
tale are herehr j '"'"' ' 01 ranKe
west or the Willamette Meridian, and
described at follows, to wit: Common,
cing at a point 60 links north of the
quarter section corner between gec-
ciaims aeainst aaid estaie are herehr
required lo present them, with tbe proper
v.tuctwrs, mi me onoersienwi at the law
office) of John M Wall, al Hlllsoom. Ore
witbin all months fn m tbe data hereof.
Dated this 14th day of January. 1915
Walter Zets-nsn. Rieeulor of the last
WU and Testament of George ZaUmao
John H Wall, Aituraey to aetata
tionj 23 and 26, township 2 south of
rantte 1 west of the Willamette Meri
dian, and rnnnina; thence north la.Mi1
M.ins Anna Itel. AdmloUlrslr j.
l piilili'-allnn. Jtiiuiar vis lo
rt, l-ehriiary V.'., Ill
A Y. li'bliardl, Atlornny
I""tt TIIK
Best Fire Insurance
Aetit L.)ndon & Lanoa
shire I'ire Insurance Co.
":- PllllJM IIU.Mll);l)
Hillsboro. Cornelius and Norlh
Wholesale and Retail Dealers i"
Grain, Hayf Flour, Feed
Grain Botfa.
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber. Shingles and I
At Cornelius
Beaver State FIc
The Uesl Flour at the Lowesl PH(
II1M.I ... .. nt.Jtf1
iMifiro.Ma1n.14. Cornelius, cyiJ
North Plain, Main 263.