IIILLMilil'.O ARGUS. FEBRUARY 4. 191 W A and Felher. I W ahn KUU Add to ,,Him KJIU Acre- -Ut 314 W A "I Felher. 0 W ,hnu state) A.M to 5.01 vrtun KJlVUie rtirs- Ul 31 J V A "J Felker. 0 W 7ti SJ& 11.11 Hi 144M t.? .. IJt 11.44 6. NU 7. U 6 0 12f Imsun ratal aii ' u I w. . Ut 31 W A er.4 lIWr. (J W hnwii r.slaw Aim v vvrfon l.Jvt.e cr- . Ul 31T V A and 0 W ,hliun r.UW uq u vilwn Kavi.i rttrw - Ul 31 W A ami Felker. 0 W vrttoit Kreijvilis A.rr- . Ut 3l W A and Felher. U W lmu Fslato AJd to r.tuti KeedvUU Arfe- Ut 3--'i) W A i.J Felher. 0 W . All . k.rtun K4V1IM Atr- Ul 321 W A ami Felk.r, G W i.tiion F.tate Add to ,Mun KjedvtLs Acre V Ul 3:.' fw A and Felher. U W Jisur, relate Add to jrrtun UoedvtUo) Acre- ut 323 W A ami r elaar. W rr'.un Kseavuia Acr Ut 3.'4 W A and Felher. 0 W hnon mum aju 10 i-lun KmkIvuU Aere Ul 3;-4 W A and rlhr. U W mon KUt AJd to ilon Kdvtlt Acre- Ut 3-0 K A and Felher. 0 W Insun KUlo Add to I rtuit RJvtll Acre- Ut 327 s A and Felher. (I W nvun EsUto Add to i tun Ksedville Acre I'art of lot AJO ..... I, A and Felher. G W iiMin F.ute Add to tton Uphill Acre- u a.. ............ A and Felkar, Q W r.tut. r.iat Add w kton Koadvill Arre st 931 A and Felher. Q W 701 htan f.slaU Add to htun Ueedville Acre- ol 333 A and Felker, G W hwin r.uw Add to tun Reedvill) Aire- ul 334 A and Felker, G W hun r.lw Add to iton KeedvilU Acre- 4l 33& A and K.ik.r. 0.W Iimjii KtUU Add to lion Itoadv lla Acrt M S3H A and t'tlkar, Q W ion Mtato Add to ton Itredvi'U Av'ra- ul 3311 A and Falkar, 0 W I win r.aUla Add to tlon Kuadvilto AiTt- ut 3(1 A and Fvlker, U W aun Kjtata Add to in KhIviI Acr- I 3U' ,. A and Fvlkar. 0 W on tUl Add to on Itwdv.lU Acr .1 341 s- A and r'oik.r. Q W un F.UW Add to .1 314 A and Krlkar. G W tt r.nluU AJd to on ltotlvn Arrt- rt lot 845 A and Kelkar. (i VV kuit r.iiUla Add to I 3il 10.04 A and Ktlkar, G W on Kt4l AJd U on K.wJvill0 Affrt. I 35J 3.8 ( loo : 6.81 A and Felker. G W on KnUto Add t i on i(uvul Acra- M 3f.4 A and Folkar. G W n h'fllnto Add to !n KMdvtllt Acr. bi .U5 A and Falkar. G W lin r.nUt Add t- km H.'ailvlllo Acra- it '4M 10.8. A and Felkcr. G W km r.tato Vdd to (m Ki'ejviUo Acre t 357 10.60 A and Felkcr. tj W km r.tite Add to km KocdvilU Acra. It 35H 10.31 and Felkr, G W k'i F.nlau Add to m Raadvtllo Acra- it nri A and Falker, G W km r:Utto Add to km llaadvllla Acre- kt 3C0 A and Falkor, G W (r r.Hlitc Add to im Knedvtllo Acra- Sfll IA and Folkcr, G W r. Kiitate Add to km Kocdville Acre- it 302 IA nd Felker, G W km FHtato Add to bn Readvlllo Acre- 3fi:i and Felker. G W Kutato Add to Pit Keedvltla Acre- irt of 3(14 $ nd Flkr, G W fn KiiUte Add tn h KoedvilU Acre- n f lot 8(15 Ir Cl.tnhnann Vm. W to Ucoverton f Acrenge Part of CoJ I'l to IJoavartnn AcreHire lt S(I8 r vo Johnaon Ei- Pa to tlnnvtnn AcreaifB Ut S9 toJohnnon En d to Uoavorton i Arreire-LotS70 r LoJohnnon E ' to Boaverton AcrenRe LotR71 uJohnnon E (l. to Boaverton t AereA,re f ,ot 872 i oJohnaon Ei a w Beaverton 4.37 11 Ui Add to iUttvvrtou Ur. dviiU Arr Ut 377 n.3 Kha Frar Juhnwn Fa tal Add to ii.-avrtn KumJvtlle Air Ul 374 1126 Shaw Fr la JoIiiimm K- tat Add to lUavaitun lUn dvill Arrag -I'arl of lul 3 i'i Sh Fear -Johnun Fa- Ul Add to llvavvrtun Kvtdvill Arrrair I'art uf lot 37U. 371. and 371 37.63 Itlnntun, M K Jilinoii K- Uto Add to llravrrlon t(Uvll A rir- N hf of ; l.f of lot 3 ll) and S hf of K hf of lol 323 Ihr'rita, Vlnmnt j John- on rjilata Add to Hrr lon Keodvllle Arrtr N hf of 8 I 12 arrra of lot 34 , Flkr. (i W and hat. K- J.ihmuin Mtata Add to lltrton K.lnll. Acra ai. I ai-ra in lot Kfl .... I'urtlainl Trut Co- lleumntc M )Kht-Ut 3 Utk 4 .. ,Stiloii. Mmnia L tpuotiK ll.HUl.-Ut 6. blmk A .. Khulo- Havlnv llunk ltor- lrk Arr.a-Ut 7 Shut Saving liik-IUr- wica Arrca-i4t 8 Int.itniFtil CooCdarbruok tilnu- Ul 4 Kouoal, 1 J -I'holiaUm Ml Urvhard- 4 acrra of lot 24 koual, I) J(,"aoUl.m Ut Itrchard.--All of lot 27 . . ll Koi al, I) J'hvUlem Ml 0thrl-A!I of lol 28 . . ll. Koj.al. D JCh.halrm Ml OrihrU-AII of lot TJ . . 11.0? Ko.ikl. I J i'hfhalam Ml Orrhard-Alt of lot 30 . Koujal, IT" J- hKlrm Mt rrhrd.-Ut 81, 32. 33 and 34 Ch'iaLra Mt OrrUid- ( h.- nal.m Mt ttrchard.- Ut Hu Koittl. II JChrhatvm Mt o-rhard-l4t 3H Ko .l. l J-C'hvhal.m Ml l)rtraird.-Iol 3 KoihI, I) J-l'hUlcm Mt (lrrhardUt 40 ( h.l alrm Mt Orcharda t he- halvm Mt Orchard Ul 41 Ch'lu.Wm Ml Orchaid. Che- halrm Mt Orchard -Ut 41 Ch.nat.ra Ml Ortharda 4,'ha- hal.m Mt Orchard.-Ut 44 Chlmlpm Ml Orchaid. Cho- hitlrm Mt Orcliard-Ul 45 7,:j ChrhrUm Ml Orchaid. 4 ha- halrm Mt Orchard-Ut 44 Ch,'.'lrm Ml Orchard. I'ha- halrm Mt Orchard. Ut 47 0Jt 8 84 Ch'halm Mt Orchard Cha- hialvm Ml Orchard UU 44. 49. 60 and 63 ( h hal.m Mt Orchard Cha- halrm Ml Orch.rd.Ut 64 Ko'il'al. I J Ch.halom Mt Mh-lda Ut ot 1'rudchttal Loan Truit Co 4 hahalem Ml Orcharda U: 7 I hchalem Ml Orchard. C'ha lul.m Mt Orchard. Ula 8, 71, 74. "i, "a, 82. 84, 86, 8tl. 87, 8X. 89 and UO . , l.iiid iui.I, Gu.Uv V Cherry Gra Fir.t Add Ut b. tkkl.nd, John Chirry Grove Firtl Add-Ut 16 lovitren, Richard I Cherry Gruv Firt Add Ut 18 Uvcirrcn. Autiu.l ft Ililma Cnrrrv Grove, Fiit Add Ut 20 Uvopren, Auiru.t A Ililma Cherry Grove, Firt Add lot 2i Uveirren, Auiru.t A Ililma Cherry Grove, Ftrl Add lot 33 Uveirrcn, Auirunt Ililma Cherry Grove, Second Add -lot 10 Uvr-irren, Auirut A Ililma Cherry Grove, Second Add -Ut 11 Uwpren, Auku.I ft Ililma I'hrrry Grove, Second Add , -Ut 12 Uvegrert, Auiru.t ft Ililma Cherry Grove, Second Add l ot 13 l.undqui.i, Gu.Uv V Cherry (Jrovo, Second Add Ul3i Uvegren, Aupunt Ililma Cherry Grove, Third Add -Ul 25 Uvritrcn, Auuut ft Ililma Cherry Grovi Fourth Add Trart 8 Uvejrren, Auni.t A Ililma Cherry Grove, Fourth Add -Tract 8 Uvffrren, Aupuet A Ililma Cherry Grove, Fourth Add Tract 2U Read. V -Cheery If ill Aero Tract-Ut 1 Read, F A Cherry Hill Aero Tracta Ula 2 and 3 .... Ilnitmua, Geo U Chlnm Ut 6 llartmuH, Goo H Chium Ut 7 Ilartmue, Geo B Chinm hf of lot 10 Uartmua, Geo B Chlr.m Lota U, 12 and 13 Maltland, Mlnnia C Clemen Subdiviaion Ut S MoGill, A Crent View Ut 10 McGill, A Crest View Lot 17 , NlchoU, G A DoUman Fnrma Ut 18 NlchoU, G A Delatnan Farms Ut 19 Uaimchel, Jno et al DlcU villo Lot 1 to 8 inc .... Fcrrero, L Eddy Acre Lot 3 Buol, Kdw M Kddy Acres Lot 10 Buol, F.dw M Eddy Acre Lot 11 Pattulo, D A Kdirewood Lota 1, 2 and 11 and W hf of lot 15 Council, Kichnrd, Thos and J W Freeman Acre Lot 3 Anton, Joseph Fruitdalo Ut 4 Anton, Joacph Fruitdalo Ut 6 Spencer, Martin L Fruitland Landu Ut 14 Crow, Martha Fruitland Acre It 1 Cro, Martha Fruitland Acres Lot 2 and 3 ,,,,7. Donald, R L and Elisiaboth Fruitland Acres Lot 4 .. Donald, R L and Elizabeth Fruitland Acres Lots 6 and 6 Burr, Henry Wilson--Gurdon Home 1 acre In lot 3 . . . Greer, Phoebe, Vaughn and Wm M Garden Home 144 &.4i 6 2( 8J 7.0 J 8.8 V 0.2.? K wdvill Artnfi - Ul 373 h Imir l Juhnawn K IV Add to lU-avrrtun kJvill Ai ratf- Ut 374 8ha Kr.r. ( -Juhnm .- tl Add to llrv.rton Khilla Arrvaya jt a ,6 8lu Foar I V JutuiMin 20.00 6.4U 24.23 8.88 8.48 7.95 10.71 69.03 7.66 6.70 40.27 4.63 16.00 16.24 26.40 3.52 23.3S 6.90 10.32 10.47 4.38 4.37 4.21 2517 88.77 7 j lion,- Im 'i 12 i Si. wart l'rry ,ron I Hum. Nu hwl. Add No 2 I Ut Nand . hf of lot 17. i V wxifurd. I.r H and M.rv T (iard.n Horn iiubdivia iill of lota 1.1 .ml II M kl t.f M i, 23. M 17X5 Hi I1.2H 13J2 24(7 11 11 13.72 13.73 13.72 llufTckr, S.rah and M R t.axl.U lloma. hol.l.vi.u.n ut lola U and 14. lot a . Ilulf.ik.r, Sarah and M (.tj.-ti Home, .SuUlivuton of lot I I and 11. i'.rt ,.f 8.74 lo- CouKhlan, W A-t.a.ton Acre. Ut 11 Walter. Jania. .ml N'.nnU i.dfcton Acra-Ut 12 Waiter., J.nir. an.d .Naniiur ttit.ton Acrca-tot 13 and 6 arrea m tot 2W Corki.h. John tlr.w lik 7J2I lot 3 For.lruni, Olii Grove lUitcht tola 6 and 8 ... Tempi Inva.tnieut Co l.iovrlund Arr. l.l I 2.7&Tnipa Invr.lmenl Co t.iov.l.nd Acre Ut 2 .. Tempi. Inve.lment to (iuvlaiid Acre. lot a . . 1.04 T.mtd Inve.lmaat Co t.tovrUnd Acre. Ut 4 .. 13.73 18.30 13.72 13.73 13.72 14.4 J 14.1 17.63 15X0 C.8ii 6.64 law 6.2C 2.20Tmtjla Invvulment (' Gtovrland Acre lot 6 . . !.20 Trrtiule Inva.Unant In (iroveland Acre lot 6 .. 8.20 1 Temple lav. Un.nl Co (jrovvland Acre Ut 7 . . 7.2r I Tenitil Inve.tmont l , : (iroveland Acre.-Ut 8 .. J.25 1 Temi,l. Inve.lmenl Co (rovaland Acre. Ut tt .. Tvnilil Inve.tmclil Co 2.9 J tirov.land Acre Ut 10 . Temtle lnvilnunt Co 0? G oveland Acre-Ut 11 . Temtil liivelrru'il Co 0i iiovland Acre Ut 12 . Trinii. Inve.lmenl Co Uiovcl.nd Acre-Ut 13 . Tettpl Invealment Co t. (itoveland Acre Ut 27 . Trmn Investment to l.niVrimul Acn Ut 2N . 1 .2i arr. in lot 12 . . i .i I24Tcmtl Invc.tmeiil Co Gioveland Acre Ut 29 8.40 I le.a tract Temple Inve.tmanl Co 8.24 (itoveland Acre Ut 3(1 . 13; j 13.72 12.82 13.7J 13.72 7J2 7.3 4.47 4.4 81 6.4K 3.41 Tempi Inve.lmenl Co 7Jt Grov.land Acre Ut 81 . Tempi Inve.tmenl Co 7.6T Urovetaiid Acrea-Ut 32 . Temple Investment Co 6.631 (iroveland Acre Ut 33 . Temple Inve.lmenl Co 3.6 Uroveland Acre Ut 34 . Temple Inve.lmenl Co 1.841 Grovelaiid Acre Ul 3d . Trmple Inve.lmenl Co 11 1 (iroveland Acre Ut 37 . Temple Inveatment Co Groveland Acre Ut 38 . Temtle Inve.lmenl Co 1841 lirtiveland Acre Ut 3 . Temple Inve.tmenl Co Gruveland Acre Ut 40 . 9.86 Temple Investment Co (iroveland Acre Ul 41 . 2.1 i I Tempi Inve.tment Co (iroveland Acre lot 42 . 18.00 1 Temple Inve.tment Co (irovland Acre Ut 43 . Temiile Inve.tment Co . 11J'. 6.71 '(iroveland Acre. Ut 44 . 27.4'. Stone. I. II and Wetmore. K H (iroveland Acre Ul 10. blk 85 UI lUilt-y. T C (iroveland Acre Uailev Add-lot MS 6J Invitmrnt Co Ilatelbrook Farm Ut 7 6-3! Inveitmenl Co llatelbrook Farm Ut 8 4.71 Investment Co ll.ielUrook Farm Ut 8 Investment Co-llaxelbrook J.4fi Farm Ut 20 Inve.iment Co llatelbrook F.im-Ut 30 Ul Meuler. Marie 11.11. Acre -ll lock 12 Storv. Ititkio Hill. Acres 7.78 Block 20 5.07 12.10 4.62 9.2J 13.78 13.78 Frat.ce, R F. It til. Acre il.otk 22 1.84 Storv. Itirkle-llill. Acre Block 24 Nelon. Emma S Hill. SM Acre-l(lock 25 Paird, C C HilUboro Acres Lot 8 3.38 Till ft Trii.t Co HilUboro Acre Lot 10 Till ft Trust Co HilUboro 2.4fi Acres-Ut 15 Iave. C C HillHlmra Acres 1.23 - l ot 17 13.78 13.77 14.50 11.74 Dahl, Andrew C HilUboro Acre Ut 22 3.07 McNair. Gertrude V llills- boio Acre lot 27 Bradley. A S North Hills- 3.28 boro Acres-Ut 13, blk 1 Mnore, Mary HilUboro, Fairview Add 2.06 acres 7.38 in tract A Kerr, James F HilUboro, Fairview Add-37-100 acre In tract A US Unknown Owner HilUboro 1.47 Fairview Add 2.72 acres In tract A 2.95 d.87 6.91 2.84 HilUboro Garden Tracts- HilUboro li.eriien Tracts Tracts Tracts ' Tractill Tracts- Lol 1, blk 3 ... HilUboro Garden 10.25 HilUboro Garden Ut 8, blk 3 HilUboro Garden llillsboro Garden Ut 12, blk 3 ... HilUboro Garden HilUboro Garden Lot 1. blk 4 20.30 HilUboro Garden Tracts- HilUboro Garden Tract Ut 4, blk 4 HilUboro Garden Tracts HilUboro Garden Tracts Ut 7. blk 4 8.80 2.87 16.63 HilUboro Garden Tracts Tracts HilUboro Garden Lot 8, blk 4 Pearcy, Harry HilUboro Garden Tracta Ut 2, blk 5 .... ........ i . HilUboro Garden Tracts HilUboro Garden Tracts Ut 1, blk 6 HilUboro Garden Tracts HilUboro Garden Tracts Lot 4, blk 6 HilUboro Garden Tracts HilUboro Garden Tracts lot 0, blk 6 HilUboro Garden Tracts HilUboro Garden Tracts Lot 10, blk 6 HilUboro Garden Tracts HilUboro Garden Tracts Lot 7, blk 7 HilUboro Garden Tracts HilUboro Garden Tracts Lot 4, blk 8 10.44 7..3S 6.10 6.10 15.22 3.62 HilUboro Garden Tracts Tracts Tracts Tracts Tracts Tracts 7.3S HilUboro Garden Lot 7, blk 8 ... HilUboro Garden 8.11 HilUboro Garden Lot 13, blk 8 ... . Uinuboro Garden 5.W HilUboro Garden Lot 14, blk 8 A ZM 3.1) 11-25 21.75 1S.1H 11.97 16.21 6.75 8.8.'. 8Jti A Horn Arrra lot 2 ; Mhw, W A and Martha A kirrMKiwood lot 4 I Weid-i.h.imer, W A Km j wod lot 5 and 4. . I Sh.w, W A and Martha A kinneaawood lot H .... Sh.w. W A and Martha A KmneMWood lot V ..... Shaur. W A and Martha A Kinneaawood Ut 10 .... Fhaw, W A and Martha A kinniwood Ut 13 .... Stuw, W A and Martha A Kinne.awoo.l-Ut 14 .... Shaw, W A and Martha A Kinneaawood Ut 15 .... Shaw, W A and Martha A Kmneaawood lot 1 .... h, W A and Martha A Kmneaswood lot 17 .... Shaw. W A and Martha A K'nn.a ok1 lot 18 .... Shi-. W A and Martha A Kir.heaawool lot IV .... Shaw, W A and Martha A Kinneaawood lot 20 .... fcha v, W A and Martha A Kir.neaawood Ut 22 .... Shaw, W A and Martha A Kinneaawood lot 23 .... ' 6.85 6.07 6.85 6.75 6.6T , tJZ 6.75 7J32 3.5) 8.53 2.93 3.23 6X2 2.20 2.20 41.; 1AI Shaw. W A and Martha A Kiiine.iwotxl Ut 24 .... Hummel, Bertha Uurel wood Orchard N hf of lot 25 Uurelwood Orcharda Co Uurelwool Orchard 8 hf of lot 25 lUrnn.ua, R M Uhman Acre Tract-Ut 5. blk C .... Iwiir. S F Uliman Acre Trrt-Iot 6. blk C .... Carlock, Ira B-Laat Uh man Acre Tract Ut 7 . . Oalmme, Wm McGill Acre Ul 6 Oaborne, Wm McGill Acre -Ut Srhreck, Frederick Millard and Van Schuyver Tract lot I and 40 Reynold, W B Millard and Van Schuyver Tract E 33 feet of lot 32 Thompnon. John A and Suaie Mulloy Ut 6 Allison, L and Mona Home Acre Ul 1 . Alliaon, L and Moaa 6.19 Littlrhalea, Geo M North r ureal Grove Acres Ut 1 3.15 LittUhale. Geo M North Ureal Grova Acres Uts 2, 3, 4. 5 and 6 Moore Inve.tment Co Oak I'utk Subdivision Ut 24. Moore Inve.tment (jo Oak I'erk Subdivision lot 25, 26, 27 and 28 Bum, laabella B and G J O'Brien Acres Ut 10, blk 1 Bum., Ubella B and O J O'Brien Acres Uts 11 and 12. blk I (lark. J B Orenco Acres Ut 10 Investment Co I'eacbvale Ut 33 Iv.'rinif. Cheater and Jackson K S I'lainview Acres, lot 1 to 9 inc k'inpp. F A Powers Subdi vition Ut 7 Coffin, Frank A Meyers Add to Recdville Homes Uts S and 4, blk 1 Goff, K.met Rich Acre Ut 1 Goff, Emel Rich Acre Ut 2 Bruirgeman, t'arl and Clara Rich Acres Ut 3 .... Goff, Emet Rich Acre Ut 4 Goff, Emet Rich Acre Lot 5 Scwell, J H-Jas II Sewell Acreace Ut 6 Pearson, A tj Sherwood Acre-Ut 4, blk 3 Peamon, A G Sherwood Acres Uta 6 and 6, blk 3 lVaron, John and Francis Sherwood Acres Uta 8, 9 and 10. blk 3 Pearson, John and Francis Sherwood Acres Ut 2 and 7. blk 5 Devereaux, E L Shields Lit tle Fsrms Ut 3. Potect, Geo' T Shields Little Farms Ut 6 Zimmerman, Carrie Spenc er Homesteads Ut & . . Henrickaon, Julius Spencers Homesteads E hf of lot 11 Spring Hill '.and Co Spring Hill Farm E hf of lot 17 Spring Hill Und Co Spring Hill Fsrm Ut 18 Spring Hill Und Co Spring Hilt Farm E hf of K hf of lot SI Spring Hill Land Co Spring Hill Farm-E hf of lot 38 Spring Hilt Land Co Spring Hill Frm-E hf of lot 40 Spring Hill Land Co Spring Hill Farm N hf of S hf of lot 54 MeCormick, G G and Ger trudeStewart McCormiek Acres Ut 4 Graham, S H--N Tigardville Add-Uta 24, 25 and 26 Graham. S II N Tigardville Add-Ut 27 Graham, S 11 N Tigardville Add-Part of lot 31 Clarke, Geo W-N Tigard ville Add Part of lot 37 Clarke, Geo W N Tigard ville Add Lot 40 Clarke, Geo W N Tigard ville Add Lot 41 Holme, Roht N Tigardville Add 10.21 acres in lot 2.1 Loucko, F.dna H Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Ut 1 Sellwood, Mary E Amended PUt North Tigardville Add Lot 4 Investment Co Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Lot 6 Ward, Ella M Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Lot 61 Investment Co Amended Plat North Tigardville Add Ut 62 Provident Trust Co Tigard ville Heights Ut 17 Provident Trust Co Tigard ville Heights Lot 18 .... Portland Trust Co Tigard ville Heights Ut 23 .... Root, Fanny Tigardville Heights Ut 36 Look, Clarence L Tonqutn . S 5 acres of tot 9. ...... McCamant, Wallace Ton quin Lot 10 Field, R and Tilda Tonquln Lot 11 Wilcox, W J Tonquln E hf of lot 18 McCamant, Wallace Ton quln W hf of lot 20 .... McCamant. Wallace Ton qln W hf of lot 21 Long, Perry Tonquln blk 26 McCamant, Wallace Ton- 11.01 13.31 1L61 23.3S 3.9? 30.5J 18.22 21.93 10.9S 8X1 23.02 30.50 3.31 3.3! 3.31 8.05 6.3d 2.4'3 100 3.55 15.41 22.51 3L21 5.94 11.4 18.55 34.9 3.34 6.42 4.0J 3.91 5.90 3.93 1.99 30.02 8.98 4.71 1.47 5.31 5.31 13.27 66.64 37.62 5.31 4.42 4.43 ' 7.08 7.08 8.55 8.26 3.81 4.42 6.10 16.77 8.05 4.58 7.02 8.77 6.85 1.95 8.70 7.25 8.70 6.6 3.70 7.25 4.93 6.80 9.43 2.90 2.18 2.17 6.10 13.12 6.10 McCamant, Walla Tort- qoin lot 30 Furnish, W J Ton'iuir Ut 31 I'tern. flan. Tonuin An nex Ut A I'eter.on, Hani Ton kin An ne lot I M. ' .mint, Wallace Ton pn Annex lot J Portland Trut Co Valley ViU-Ut 2, blk 3 Portland Trust Co Valley VwU-blk B Steve, (iu Virginia Place Ut 5 Western Oreg Trout Co Virginia Place Tract 38 . Weatern Oreg Trust Co 'iiiin lot 2H . . 6.4,; 12-50 4.10 2X7 8.03 39.00 7.79 23.40 1445 23 M Virrmia I'laca Ut 42 .. Wetrn Oreg Trust Co Virginia I'laca Ut 44 .. Naev. C C Wtllowbrook Farm Ut 2 Nave, Alice R Wdlowbrook r arm lot 3 18.25I Investment Co Wdlowbrook Farm Ut 25 6.1 Washington County Bank iSar.k N hf lot A blk 1 111 21.20 I'armlry, J li Bank Uta 6 and 7. blk 2 Hunter, Jno T and Wm J Jr . Beaverton Lola 1 to 6 inc. blk 25 ..7 3U1 Maizei, Geo Beaverton Amended Ilat 1'learant lloms Add All of lot 3, 4. 5. 6. 7 and 8. blk 7 7-30 Robinaon, I. A and M Beav- erton. Steels Add Uta 2, 3 and 4, blk E leas railroad right of way 83 i Coleman, 11 E Beaverton, bleel Add lots 5 and 6, Ilk E Robinson, L A and M Beav erton, Steel Add Uta 7 to 12 inc, blk E less rmil road -right ( way 27 M 9.45 3.01 14.00 4.50 31. SI Dean, N M Connell Ut 1 r ritdcnthal, Sophia Cornel- ' ius, lot 10. blk 6 Vamferwal, Jno Cornelius Ut. 1 and 2. blk 27 WieUcwith, Bertha Cornel ia Ut 9, blk 28 Wiedewtth. Bertha Cornel ius Lot 1 and 2. blk 31 . . Hughes, Taos and Uura M Cornelius lou 37, 38, 47 and 48 .-. 32.50 Stephenson, Elizabeth C (omelius, Henrys Add Uts and 10. blk 2 6.00 2.93 Hulton, Jas Cornelius, Hen rys Add Ut I, blk 4 .... Fitch. A M Cornelius, Tal bot Add Uts 6, 6, 7 and 8. blk 7 17A8 Uvcgren, Aug and Ililma Cherry Grove Ut II, blk 4 Uvcgren, Aug and Ililma Cherry Grove Ut 20, blk 4 Uvt-grtn, Aug and lltlma Cherry Grove Ut 4, blk 5 Uvegren, Aug and Ililma Cherry Grove Ut 8, blk 13 Uvegren, Aug and Ililma Cherry Grove Ut 7, blk 14 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Ut 9, blk 14 Uvegren, Aug and Ililma Cherry Grove Ut 3, blk 6.36 4.7J 10.25 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Ut 4. blk 19 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Ut 6, blk 1 Uvegren, Aug and Hilma Cherry Grove Ut 6, blk 19 Milton, Jno and Elin Cherry Grove Ut 3, blk 20 .... G LindquUt and Co Cherry Grove Uts 4, 5 and 6, blk 20 Roman Catholic Archbishop Gaston, Hawks Add Ut 6, blk 1 Via, Guy, Roy L and Stella Forest Grove Ut 3, blk 4 ' Underhill, L C Forent Grove Part of lots 1 and 2, blk 6 Uyncs, Jas S; Moore, Enoch , and Underhill, II R Forest Grove Part of lots 1 and 2. blk 6 Ru?gles, J M (Estella Brown) Forest Grove Part of lot 3. blk 8 Roe, Chas U (0 M "Gardner) Forest Grove Part of lot 4, blk 8 Porter, A Forest Grove Part of lot 3, blk 10 Clark. Mary Bailey Forest Grove, Bailey a Add Uta 5 and 6, blk 1 Bailey, J E Forest Grove, Baileys Add Uts 1 and 2, blk 3 Boneff Ross Forest Grove, Branfords Add Ut 28, blk 1 Bean, A M, Trustee Forest Grove, Curtis Add Ut 3, blk 2 Kerr, Catherine Forest Grove Tract in H Clark CI . Snppington, E B Forest Grove Tract In H Clark CI less strip 12 ft by 100 ft Keen, Ellen Forest Grove Tract In II Clark CI less part paid on Hill. Jas L and Laurette M Forest Groves Tract in H Clarke CI con 08-100 acres in Cherokee strip Hall, Chas E-Forest Grove Halls Add Lot 3, blk 2 . . Hall, Chas E Forest Grove Halls Add Lots 8 and 9, blk 2 n. Haverdale, II Forest Grove Knob Hill Add Uts 1, 2, 3 and 4, blk 2 ;.. Burke, Arthur- Forest Grove Knob Hill Add Ut 6, blk 7 , Verhoeven, Felix Forest Grove, Knob Hill Add Lota 7 and 8, blk 6 Smith, Mary A Forost ' . Grove, Naylors Add Part lot 4, blk 1 y Hail, C E Forest Grove Tract In Naylors Add .... Southard, H J and Allen, J W Forest Grove, Prospect Tark Ut 4, blk 1 Odell, C W and N A For- , est Grove, South Park Add Ut 7, blk 12 Odell, C W and N A-For-esl Grove, South Park Add Lot 8, blk 12 .......... Odell, C W and N A For est Grove, South Park Add Lots 15 and 16, blk 12 . Clapp, C F Forest Grove, South Park Add Lota 1, 2, 3, 4 and 5, blk 13 Clapp, C F Forest Grove, South Park Add Lots 12, 11.79 18.96 23.70 17X5 27.63 18.76 ' . 13. 14, 13 aad 16, blk 13 ... Rodj. J U and Soda M For est Grove, Valley Vsaw Add N hf lot 1 and all of Wu 19.70 t and 3, blk 2 RoU J l and Roda M For a. Grove, Valley Vite Add Ut 7. 8 and , blk 2.... Ro W, J 0 and Roda J4 For est Orova, Valley Vtaw Add lot 3, blk 3 Rod. J U and Roda M For est Grove, V slier Vtsn Add Ut 14, blk a Cr.l, Ula A Forest Cirove, Walkers Add Part of loU 1 and 4, blk 2 Smith, liavtd. Heir of For est. Grove, Walkers Add Part of bik 7 Royal, Wealth J Forest Grove, Wt Park Subd W hfof lot 3, Ilk 12 Smith, li C and Clara For et Grove. Writ Park Sub- " divu.ooj Part of lot 4, blk 14 3,01 i-'l 2J7 8L60 5925 17.77 1481 , Stempla, Cora Forest Grove Meat Park Subd I'art lot 1. Ilk 15 Rjeher, J R Forest Grove, West Park Subd Part of tot 3, blk 16 ; Stokes, C B Forest Grove West Park Subd Lot 2, blk 1S I Chalmers, W A axd F W 1.95 17.77 15JJ Forest Grove. VtVst Park Subd Part of lot 3, blk 19 Wejrner, J C Forest Grove, West Park Subd Part of lot 2, blk 23 Fuqua, Victor 1 Forest Grove, West Park Subd 15.80 21.72 Part of lot 1, blk 29 Ut Whales, T 11 and E S 9.43 Forest Grove, West Park Subd Cart of lot 2, blk 29 Roe, Chas O and Baldwin, G II Forest Grove, W'eat Park Subd SW qr of lot 4, blk 31 Hollia, W H and Uuisa For r. Grove, West Park Subd N hf lot 2, blk 34 Hollis, W 11 and Uuisa For est Grove, W est Park Subd 16.78 27.65 28.64 N hf, lot 3, blk 34 Starrctt, F M Forest Grove West Park Subd Part of lot 1. blk 37 1 10X7 Staver, Daniel Forest Grove West Park Subd Lot 2, blk 37 19.75 Fisher, Gertrude L and E J Forest Grove. West Park Subd Part of lot 2, blk 39 19.75 Neil, Mrs Mary Forest Grove, West Park Subd W hf lot 2, blk 39 West, Geo and Arthur HUs- boro I'art of lot 1. blk 8 39.97 Pittenger, Mary M Hilla- 4X1 baro Part Iota 6 and 7, bu 18 32.66 Trustees First Baptist 4X1 Church HilUboro Part of N hf lot 3, and N hf of lot 4, blk 22 Kuratli, E I and J C (Daws) HilUboro Part lot 5, blk 22 Sample, Lizzie (Atkina F E) HilUboro, Doughty Subd of Fairview Add Part of lot 4. blk C HilUboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Uta 4X1 19X0 4X1 151 4.51 1. 2 and 3, blk 1 HilUboro Garden Garden Tracts 13, blk 1 Hihf-boro Garden G-rden Tracts Tract Add Ut v Tracts Add Ut 10.23 2.05 2.05 22, blk 1 Hil'iUro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Uta 24, 25 and 26, blk 1 Hillrhoro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Uta 12 and 13, blk 4 Uilltloro Garden Tracts Gurden Tracts Add Uta 4, 5 and 6, blk 5 Hillsboro Garden Tracts G.H den Tracts Add Ut 19, blk 6 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Ut 22, blk 6 HilUboro Garden Tracts jirden Tracts Add Uta 25, blk 6 and lot 18, blk 8 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Ut 14, blk 9 HiMsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Ut 15, blk 9 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Ut 21, blk 10 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Ut 22, blk 10 Hil'storo Garden Tracts Gcrden Tracts Add Ut 16, blk 11 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Ut 17, blk 11 Sears, Katherine Garden Tracts Add Uts 18, 19 and 20, blk 11 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Lots 16 and 17, blk 12 .4...... Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Uts 39 and 40, blk 16 and lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8 and 9, blk 17 HilLboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Lots . 24 and 25, blk 17 Hillsboro Garden Tracts Garden Tracts Add Uts 30, 31, 32, S3, 84, 85, 36, 37, 38, 39 and 40, blk 17 . . Donelson, A W Hillsboro Amended Plat blk 1, Hum phreys Add Ut 15, blk 1 Payne, Geo E Hillsboro, Tract in M Moore CI Sherrill, Lizzie M Hillsboro Tract in M Moor CI .. Bondurant, G W Hillsboro Tract in M Moore CI ..... Hall. Albert S and Barnes, G W, and Shute, J W Hills boro, Oak Grove Add Ut 10, blk 4 Lane. Mary A Hillsboro Oak Grove Add Lot 1, blk 5 Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison ft Morans First Add Lot 7, blk 1 Coleman, R B Hillsboro, ' Pattison ft Morans Add Lot 9, blk 1 Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison ft Morans Add Lot 1, blk 4 Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison ft Morans Add Lots 6, 7, 8, 9 and 10, blk 4 Coleman, R B Hillsboro, , Pattison ft Morans Add Lots 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, blk 5 .. Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison ft Morans Add Lots 6, 6, 7 and 8, blk 7 . . Coleman, R B Hillsboro, Pattison ft Morans Add Lots 2 and 5, blk 8 Coleman. R B Hillsboro, Pattison A Morans Add Lots 2 and 4, blk 10 ...... 7.81 3.9S 6.92 9.45 9.45 2.96 3.95 2X7 2X7 1.97 1.98 3.93 11.06 2.05 2.40 19.75 3.56 3.95 3.95 8.95 6.82 Dance, Roy HilUboro, Sioa saorts Add Part lota 7 aad 8, blk 4 Ra.ghta of Coluaabaa CoBn cil No 134 HilUboro. Simmon Add Ut 4, bik a Hama. V A Hilaboro, Sub mon Add Part of lot 11 and 12. blk 11 H.llaooro Umber Co HilU boro, Simmons Add Uts 7 to U inc. bik 13 aad Ma -1 to inc. blk 14 Saernll, Lizzie M HJlsboro South Coast Add Lot 4, bik 37 Barley, Geo R HilUboro, Thorn. Add All of blk 1 7 JO 7J0 19X9 48.76 3 JO 117J0O 23.23 Reechcn, P Jr Hiilsboro, Thome Add Ut ft, blk 2 Schmetzer, Amanda HilU boro, Tucker Stawarte Add Lots 2 and 3, blk 8 . . Guild, Roy HilUboro, W V Wuya Subd Ut Brace. David L kings ton UU M to 13 inc. blk 2 ... Wrght, E A Kingston Ut 3, blk 3 Wright, E A Kingston Ut 4, blk 3 SL20 4JS9 12.98 147 1.48 7.61 Kirkley, Ceo J Metiger Acres lots 5 and 6. blk Si McCurdy, Vernon V Mets- ger Acre Uta & and 6, blk Z'i and lot 1. blk 40 .. Stewart, Murdock C Mta- gr Acre Ut 1. blk 41 Flye, R D Meager Acres- Lot z, bik 41 Metzger, Herman Metsger Acres Ut 4, blk 42 .... Metzger, Herman Metzger Acre Ut 2. blk 65 Chris Lner, Carl North Plains Lot 6. blk 1 Quinn, Anna North Plains ' Ut 8. blk Hautonbeck, F G North Plain Ut 7, blk 11 .... Hollenback, Al the North Plain Ut 14. bik 11 .. Botey, Nellie C North Plains ' Lot I. blk 61 Oregon Nursery Co Orenco, f irst Add Uta II and 12, blk 12 6J0 Oregon- Nursery Co Orenco, first Add Lot 4, bik 21 . Oregon Nursery Co Orenco, first Add Ut 6, bUt 21 . Forstrom, Ollie Ptneland Terrace rart of blks 6, 7, 8. and 10 Recdvilla, Camp of Woodmen Keod ville Lota 1 and Z, blk 2 i Baker, Charles L Reedvill Uta 6. . 7 and 8. blk 7.90 Borwick, J E Reedvill Lot 5. blk 4 Sherk, A E and Carlson, A L Sherwood Uta 5 and 6, blk 2 Sherwood Lodge No 20 A O U W Sherwood Lot 7, blk . Hillman, Amanda E Sher 5X6 wood Uts 8 and 4. blk 6 Calkins, C I and Ida Sher wood, City View Add Lot 12 Calkins, C I and Ids Soar wood. City View Add Ut 28 15.60 Hanley, Annie K Tigard ville. Electric Add Ut 8 Tigard, Hugh B Tigardville, 4.48 tlectnc Add Lot y Goldberg, Rosie Tigardville, Second tlectrtc Add Lot 3 2J1 Wehrung, W H Timber Ut 1, blk 1 Collins, H A Timber Ut 3.12 2. blk 1 Westinghouse, G E and Ida C Timber LoU 3, 4 ana 6, blk 2 Lamb, Geo B Timber Uta 6. 7 and 8. blk 2 6.66 3.90 Lamb, Geo B Timber blks 6. 7 and 8 Timber Power and Dev Co 4.68 .Timber blk 12 Timber Power and Dev Co Timber blk D Wilcox, W i Tonquin Lot 7, blk 5 McCamant, Wallace Tan quin Uts 4, 6 and 6, blk 6 Smiley, J J Tonquin Uts 7,8, 9, 10 and ll,blk .... Bret tel. Walter C and Chas A Tonquin Uts 1 to 10 inc, blk 8 McCamant, Wallac Ton quin Uts 11 and 12, blk 8 Bauer, Fannie L Tualatin Ut 1, blk 3 Portland Trust Co Valley Vista Lots 5, 6 and 7, blk 5 Portland Trust Co Valley Vista Uts 15 and 16, blk 6 Gill, i K Co West Portland Heights Uts 25 to 31 ine blk 11 Richard, Chas H (Trustee) West Portland Heights Uts 29 to 36 inc. blk 32 .. L01 1.02 2.66 1.76 1.75 1X6 1.77 2X4 2X4 42.11 6.06 11.89 2.54 22.61 6.87 7.80 27X0 26.17 1.96 27X0 2.84 2.34 1X6 7.80 5.85 8.12 Ih.ted this 15th day of Jair r. 1Att . ; "V i J. E. REEVES, Sheriff and Ex-officio Tax Colleetor of Washington County, Oregon." By J. C APPLEGATE, Deputy. v You Know What You Are Doing. Other People May Not. Tell Them Through an Arjverse ment tn This Paper. . 7 THE Most Socccuftd Hrr chanti In the Uzitci States) Are the Ltrtut mtisert. . f- See the Point? Travel V,1tiibPita::a ADVtBTISt b Tb Pc;?; THIS PAPEEi Reaches Nearly Erary TimSj ' (a This Town. Every ram- . i :: lly Has Its Waits. '; Secure New Cuxtcnm by Advertisisi. 1 MMMtii; 3.80 ibiAAKayrCjCr': 6.86 Meeeeeeoaeoeeeetsmrr: 914 U4 7.70 2X9 2.5! 6J3 83JI Ui 2X0 2X1 1X8 157 1115 19X7 11J2 7X4 i 47.40 6X2 1183 ix-s .1X7 US 442 M 4jD3 :j 1X1 Us i . 101 IM 2.29 2 8.69 if i 10.07 ' 4 83 2.66 Ui ..,,1 1.03 - w r ..it