The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, February 04, 1915, Image 1

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i t n
su?3 au:.E;
Out iMptiiUlf UUI WM
f all late Vttt I'stf t Acqua
L .n4 M e4 CesosM kf Allarwy
Arthur Itullorh. a vuunir lriih.
man from IWiaat. was taken in
It) custody the lat of the week.
at IUavrrton. and later brounht
to llillsUtro. lie comet frotn a
good family, and hit folks yet
live In the big ship building city,
Younir Uulloch is lutTerinir from
a nervous breakdown, and should
bo in a sanitarium. He has a
U NINE MILtS W WW small ranch m-ar Sheridan, and
had atarted to walk to I'ortland.
He stopped overnight at the Ho
tel Wahiniton the ftnt of last
week, and it was noticed that he
km yrr much deoremieii. lie
i.ig J- Caropbfll. who hold went from here to Ueaverton.
irt nerp, , , tii,u.Hu lw
. , . a -II IaL 111 rillUUIIH I v ! araiaaa
wain. KTHivnuiij uv , b eimm)n , Mr.
water cure Sunday after. k.kmur. it takinir the three
Sfi white making an Inapection of them to overpower the younir
k- canal. In Clark a-1 fellow, who isn't BO tariff, after
...... i!. uu u- .A all. but make up in virility.
i m nn. am in n i or gi ssaau . .. .
r - M , Sheriff Reeves connected wiuj
Wht lult against the " ,h iHh conaut. who aays young
I. ... . a m.I lk .wirt utaa I .. ... . , . li - j -
lecinc v ""-I uuiliKn l peouje are weu-wuu.
,.t iniuectins tht canal. Aa he and will look after him financial-
l..if thnhank hia Iv. Bulloch wm tent here for
na "'"", -p -- 1 . , - ... . . , ,
i . l - inia health, auer aunennv a
et Slippva ana am wmm j,..- " - r w l Ir-land 11.
ia well educated, and ia a great
reader. He ia under detention
until the consul makes arrange
ment for hia rare.
Trice that aave you money -
10c outing llannel, now He per
ited into four feet of water.
I.ilip Hammond, an attorney,
ho wai accompanying him,
iiled the Judge from the water,
kd the two then walked nine
uri Into Oregon City, in a
Ming wind.
rhel'Jrtwill not very likely J2i ou.tln """' nw
I . ... ....... Kir? vz nanneieiiea. now vci &k
rwnoe pew.wr rure .or ' .
i.mtl ttthrt MWIM ' rullllPA nil I " ' " " - -
,MI, " .w.... I . ... , ... l ........
i rrKr. nun , i kii
ll'U .l(,. nr.. . n il nnnllnl
... r a L - - L. i .ii li.j. Mri jiir: .n: Btiirv7iie wyiiiiPf
i nil i ouri nu niu ill i iiiui ui i -
i . 'ci i Kf-i now iiie. iheae Dncea are irooq
ftiiiiiiaa ins nan i mmr Train. nil. "w " - ' .
(, .gohe.Ulned n Injur, un every yard ha-Un-n ao.d.-
me or hia an k lea ana u '
red to carr a cane. Next Portland U having as etiidemic
Wu he hanects a water way he nf ehirken ateatine. as well as
- -
take a boat. Im ilk atea lintr from norcheS. ine
chicken aptn-ars to have Ixn-n im-
s it iMtin it p i mnne in in S'Miro. o il m mu
h.i mi II ml orr&HiiiriH. V. vt nere
hi ..-i i ki IKHtiHe nave leu invir mn
ni. except the . K. 4 N.. trains ' ... th havc
t on Main street
To I'ortland
rent Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
cMlnnville Train 7;36a. m.
.. riJan Train 9.M P. m.
ntr red hiM ever week or so.
The chief olfenses of this kind
hv Un on Saturday cvcnlnvrs.
when vounirnters are on their
ivav hnm from dances. It is
, rij U"t ASStm "olh nB unusual for them to
IcMinnvllla Train 2:15 p. m. 7 . uimrt in.t.ntea thev
onut litove Train.. .4:io p. ni.i.... .... . ,.rrv: the
. MlnnvilU Tra n 6:37 D. m. I""""" "
ureal Grove Train. p. m. I am handling the J.IlWatkins
From Portland Uemethes In the Northern por
Hon of Wanhincton County, and
w 1 visit patrons every tnree
months. Territory is North of
Itaneline. Alt Dersons wishing
nrdtora can mail same to me at
Senate Takes a Fall Out of the
lropod Measure, Reconsidering
testers Weals' Hss Qlvcs Fesuk
Jarer Opliee at le Scrvkt
Unless there to a radical change
of front on the part of the state
senate at Salem the woman tax
payer will not be allowed to sit
as a juror in the courts of the
state. The Senate at first pass
ed the measure, but a little later
recalled the bi t from the house,
reconsidered, and then defeated
it This shows what a bill car-
rying provisions of the defeated
meastrre will run against when
it comes up, provided its pro
visions are not changed. Many
Senators voted asrainst the bill
after it was up for reconsidera
tion because of the unconstitu
tional proviso -that a woman
eou Id act as juror, or not act as
he aaw flL
As the present law stands a
man em led on the venire must
act provided he has the qualifica
tiona unleaa the court excuses
him on some good and valid
ground. As the proposed law
made it optional, and a woman
eould refuse It was thouaht
that the law would mean many
appeals to the supreme Uun
Senators ararued that class legis
lation was not wanted, and that
if a law were to pass giving wo
men the riiht to serve as jurors
they should be on the same basis
of service as a man.
Senator W. 1). Wood was large
ly instrumental in getting the
measure defeated after it was
called back from the House.
Kuirene Train arrives.. .8:15
forest drove
!st Grove
forest Grove
forest Grove
A 1 1 trains.
sins, stop on
tange and rir
0:42 a. m.
. H:b9a. m.
3:15 p. m.
4:30 p. m.
Forest Grove.-R. K. Lcpschat,
Forest Grove, Ore.
" ..6:37 p.m.
v .7:15 p.m.
.. ";S: r r Th Ariua did not think it of
:. vnur UnJe William Cuddy -who
n. .f 'hinrth appreciates a fine piece of pump-
"... ",i ..Uln ni. or a irood v shank of a
a m
a m
a m
a m
p m
k:..t. - i li- .. .. . rintnua vounir ixxwier oi vn
iin tnu rir iiruruj aim a" . ii. ..... tk.i
I ...l a nwLxui in Rtan. He savs that
heam Service .. Old IK'Dot rur' pcopl "hould visit without
uamoervice........ uia iiP M . , 7. th. ........ nk 0, .
To I'ortland
II & N. Train 1:37 p, m.
From Portland
i It. & N. Train 10:24 a. m.
thinking of the "cats" like our
fitv folks. Now your Uncle Wil
linm knows, havinir lived out in
ih country, that there is nom
inir likft a little to eat to get the
lu.ul thmiuht atarteu. ineAr
irua has an idea tnai itromer
i!uddv tienned that little Ore
" . . .. . . ... .
iron an skit just auer eaung
To l'ortland-55 minutes.
9:li8 (Sat only) pm
From Portland 55 minutes.
7:54 tm
9:20 t m
11:25 m
2:05 pm
4:27 Ptn
6:25 pm
7:13 pm
9:12 (Sat only) pm
12:25 -am
. t . .1 . . . gonian SHU jum auer -"k
IteceipU for tho week have been rotncr heartily. "Kcrrcct" it.
teileV1K3iloC,,vw' 9: Bill. "Kerrcct if
pTai; sheep, 4181. . . v. . . Wi-,n. i:. ft
I This week, market openeu i.-" '.3 la-
ff "Wi".1. "J W Si M drives and
,1 rime aieera aoiu at o, ww - , ' a ii.-..-.
k 80 and other grade. In propor- rts. consult m of ( d.fTerent
l..!5"f.S,2St.. 5X5?.. r7tonaouih
I . .7 .l!"5LnA f "SI r hK P. Hall. Second Street.
uay wmcn waa 10c over me ciooe -r r- - mtkmn,M
m 1 . 1. a a 11 .n 1 1 siriii iihisv a l uui Dami'i o
r-1-1!!' tr,r".r.r"-rn,; Christ Wuest the TOI. Phone
Lainni B.IBIB1 ieVBwi. nai .tiiaaa' aa ai i
other American markets have Main 8G3.
shown a decided weakness. Kamna. of near Bloom-
North Portland being the highest inB WM n town Saturday. He
i wh. .. lanva mat me receni ireeze naa
The strength of the sheepluon wmtoP ft.ta bad deal.
mavbat kaa Kan aKIa In hrincrl . i . i .Un nn
ww. ww.w w inn mil in BIiimk U HL'CS LUC VII-
somewhat Increaaed receipts this tlre fleWg arfl ruined. This will
week. Fnees nave advanced ana 1 - un. nA a nn
. . , . . . 1 iiiitbii ouiiiik minum .II.. vn
I k. . . . k. . J ww una . . . k 'rv 1
1 am on roaencu w,wn u i aoriiient lrM.
...i....i. 1
vuuouk airung. o. . v. lvj.
Oiu uur new nuiruioiniiiin'
MmMllia Aiu.B1lnn Tka rkoot
II . I VBUIHilt V www
ran ire made and at a orice that
a city caller Friday. is inside of economy. A splendid
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Imbrio.of miT. every
near Orenco, were in the city hpusewife.-Corwin.
FrWty. W. H. Connell, ot Portland,
.., n.-.. n-A viaa out to Hi sooro. saturaay.
V4. w. uani waa up irvm nwu- ,,- .... w. .i.: il. 1 l . il. l. n ne HH.VS lllOV UlS WIIUIHUII VI
buHiness at the court house.
James Allen, of Keedvillo, was
transacting business at the tax
counter the last of the week.
(.ahn Faonor nf ahove Moun
taindale. waa a citv caller Satur
uay morning.
0. M. riummer, president of the
Union Stock Yards, at I'ortland.
otTers to supply a limited number
of brood sows, bred and im
munized against hog cholera, to
the boys and girls of the schools,
who can not obtain them locally.
or. the following terms:
The applicant must satisiy tne
North Portland Serum Company
that he or ahe will be able to
give the brood sow and her off
spring the proper care ana at
Thn ann hcant must irive evi
dence of his or her sincerity of
purpose in undertaking and car
rying the work through to eom
til ot inn.
. - .. . ..
The ann cant must sign a w
month negotiable note, bearing
interest at 6 per cent, for the
amount nf the nurchaM Driee 01
the brood sow (Plus the freight
or express when this is prepaid
by the Serum company;, tne
n ha ilimail Inintlv hv the
father or guardian of the appli
For further information, aa
dress the County School Superin
tendent Hillsboro, Oregon.
.inrk Hoover, who sustained a
Daralvtic Btroke some months
r w . a a. a a ..... .
aorn. remains aoout ine same.
Ha hbU unabio to leave nis
Attorney B. B. Tongue was
over to Toledo, Lincoln County,
fnday, on legal business.
The Grand Marca is the most
wholesome "two for a quarter"
smoke on market made in Ore-
r a ii vara
gon, by K. scnuier. nnen you
indulge in a goou smoKe ouy a
Grand Marca. w
Guv Weisenbeck. of Aloha. Mrs. Martha Hartley and Miss
was up to the county seat Satur- Gladys Beneflel, of Banks, re-
nay morning, on business at tne centiy reiurnea irom a vim . hi
courthouse. Seattle, and went to Corvallis,
For .aIa .f . New Friday, for a short stay. -
Cream Separator. Call Main 115. Wm. Schmidt of near Orenco.
or addreaa H. K. Thomnaon. ofna in town Saturday, and Bays
Ilillaboro. OcAimn Rnnta A. Box that Fall trraln is showing the
11 It, . . n I ... L 1. ) .
Milton W. Smith, the Portland
attorney, was in town Saturday,
on legal business.
Wm. Josse, of West Union,
was in the citv Saturday, on
business at the sheriff's office.
Henrv Menefee. of Dufur. Or..
waa a truest of relatives, the
Benefiels, at Banks, last week.
J. L. Barn ir rover, of Varley.
waa transactinff business in the
city the last of the week.
W n Hoeken. of Beaverton.
was in tow n Saturday. He came
un on business at tne coun
inhn Parsons, of Centerville.
waa in town Saturday. Parsons
is one of the pioneers of his dis
trict in hop growing.
Th. Nissen. of Schoils. was in
town the last of the week.
(1 L. Uenefiel. of Manning.
was in town Saturday.
F. H ltowell. of Scholia, wu a
city visitor Monday.
W. N. Hathorn, of near Lau
rel, was a county seat visitor
Henry Danneel, attending col-
Warn at corvai is. was v siiinir
his father, the first of the week.
IVtpr nroMnen. of near Helve
tia, was irreeting friends in town
Rev. 0. C. Cook, former pastor
of the Baptist Church, was in
town the last of the week.
G. B. Tompkins, of above
North Plains, was in the city
Miss Pauline Burn ham, of Ku
irene. is the guest of Mrs. Chas.
Senator W. U. Wood and Rep
resentatives Hare and Bowman
were down from Salem to spend
Sunday with their families.
Mr. and Mrs. W. E. Smith, of
South Tualatin, were over Mon
day, attending the Purves funeral.
W. H. Taylor Is renovating the
K. of H. club room, to make the
quarters more home-like for the
V. P rWnplitia la nut on the
hitr Cornetitia ranch beyond North
Plains, and the wav he is makinc
daylight widen out that way isn't
Georire Miller, of Cooper Moun
tain, was in town Saturday. He
till has hia 1914 hoo crop, hold
ing for a raise. The product went
to 13J cents the last of the week.
Dr. F. A. Bailey was called to
Banks. Sunday night to consult
with Or. Mumford. the patient
being J. C Schulmerich. who is
suffering from Bright's disease.
Will exchange home in Port
land for atock and farm imole
ments. Phone owner, Farmer
82x1. or see John Olson, at prem
ises, 1122 rait uak Street, i'ort
land. 468.
Geo. Hathorn and family have
returned from Salem, after five
years of residence in the capital
city, and are now domiciled on
their ranch near Laurel.
For sale, rent or trade Farm
in Wisconsin; 240 acres. Every
thing in good order, and can give
immediate possession. Some
plowing done. Inquire of Sam
uel Livesley, Hillsboro, Ore., It
4, residing near Oak Park. 45tf
Phria. Peterson, of Forest
Grove, was down to the city Mon
day afternoon. Chris, still owns
his ranch over in the Jolly flams,
but will remain at the Grove
until his children are through
W. H. Fornev. of Varlev. de
parted this week for a short bus-
hess triD to his wheat ranch.
near LaCrosse. Wash. The sta
tion close to his farm has the
rest of the country beaten as a
wheat shinninir mint and it is
one of the prosperous sections of
the 1'alouse country, rorney is
changing renters and that nec
essitated the trip.
For Exchange: Good Portland
business property on Union and
Grand Avenues-for ranch or
business property in some good
valley town, or might consider a
wheat ranch up to $10,000. Hal
anpjt mnrtirairA for 3 years. Di
rect Inquiries to P. 6. Box 333,
Hillsboro. or can Main 144,
Hillsboro. 42tf
The steamahin "Great North-
. . ... . a k
em" will sail to Honiuiu ana
Hilo. Hawiian Islands, for a 14
Havs cruise, to attend the Mid
Pacific Carnival. Feb. 20 to 27.
sailimr from San Francisco 1 P.
m Feb. 16. and from Los An tre
es 11 a. m., Feb. 17. Keturnmg
rive Los Angeles March 1. San
liVanriaiHt March 2. The sailinff
date of the steamship "Northern
Panfle"has heen DOStooned from
Feb. 17 to March 25, from Penn-
sylvania Railroad Wharf, foot of
Wrshington Street Philadelphia
to San Francisco, via tne . rana
ma Canal.
Albert Stahli. of Zurich.
Switzerland, was in town the
last nf the week, cominff in from
Helvetia, where he is the guest
of his relatives, Mrs. Madelaine
Stahli and fami v. Stahli has an
eight months leave-of-absence
from Switzerland, where he fs a
reservist and he coea to San
Francisco, this week, to confer
with the Panama Fair commis
sion as to a lace exhibit for a big
firm which employs him. otanii
represented the lace house for
two vears in British East India.
Ha talks good English, ana ne
tells the story of war conditions
over in Europe with a manner
entertaining and intelligent
Protecting Workmen and Pre
venting Money from going Foreign
byt Orefoa ShoaM sot Uf Bcaiea
Geo. M. Cornwall, of the Tim-
berman, writes the Argus the
following letter favoring reten
tion of the present Oregon Com
pensation Act with reasons:
The Timberman believes it is
to the best interests of Oregon
that the present law providing
automatic workmen's compensa
tion should be retained practical
ly in its present form, with the
addition of such amendments to
be offered by the Industrial Ac
cident Commission as experience
has shown are necessary . to
strengthen the Act and simplify
its operations.
The present law was passed by
the Legislature with only three
dissenting votes. It was en-
dorsed by the people in a refer
endum vote by over 40,000 ma-
Everv dollar that is paid by
Oregon employers and employer
into the Industrial Accident fund
remains in Oregon. Millions of
dollars of Oregon money have
been paid to Eastern and fo
eijrn casualty companies.
Orevon is ooorer for everv dol
lar she sends out of the state far
casualty insurance. Eastern
states snd foreign countries are
the gainers. The funds in the
permanent industrial accident
fund are invested in Oregon se
curities. For example: Two new
hich schools at Amitv and Rai
nier were built with the proceeds
derived from the sale cf bonds
with Accident Insurance funds,
at a time when it was practically
impossible to secure outside loans.
Have any schools been built in
ftreimn hv the Eastern casualitv
companies from funds derived
from hieh premiums paid by Or
egon employers and employes?
The State of Washington car-
. I A.
nes her own state acciaeni in
surance. She keeps every dollar
at home to enrich Washington.
Can Oregon afford to be out
stripped in the industrial race by
Thorn is little eonsistenct in
advocating buying Oregon made
goods and sending Oregon's
mnnev nut of the State for In
dustrial Accident Insurance.
when it can be done better and
rhoamr at home.
. ... ...1
It is amnst DUb lie Policy mat
nmfit should be made out of I
the injuries of the worker in the
industrial battlefield. With equal
nmnrietv and conscience we
should turn over to a casuality
mm nan v the navment of Den-
w-w.s.jw.. O - ar a
sions to our soldiers or sailors, or
the distribution of the widows'
nensinn fund.
------ . . .
Casuality insurance breeds law
suits. The taxDavers have to I
pay for court expenses.
1 ours sincerely,
Geo. M. Cornwall.
Vcr-y Oest
while they last This is the cheapest we
have sold shingles for ia 5 years. If yon
figure on naeding any this SPRING or
SUMMER, come in. We will arrange
to carry yon if yon can not spare the
money now.
BsdgerjiumbSr Ca
Main Stfand P. R. & N. RyCo's. Trackf.
1'verything in Building Material
f " :
The inrushing flood of worry and the respite found
imperative from over-work is the bank account If ad
versity remains a stranger remember that the nurtured
account is gradually piloting yon toward that indepen
dence that all men prize so highly and few succeed ia
4 Per Cent Interest On Sving
American National Donll
BMf IMPaf ftBWa
Notice is hereby given that the
taxta for the 1914 tax roll will
be due and payable at the office
of the undersigned, beginning
Friday. February 5. 1915. and all
unpaid taxes will go delinquent
April 1, 1915.
K. a. Saooington.
Ponntv Treasurer and Ex-Of-
ficio Tax Collector for Washing
ton County, Oregon.
Dated this Jan. Zl. 1915.
American National Dank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus $2,000.00
Combined Resources 690,423.81
Danhlnrf in All Its Drenches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savlnrfa Deposits.
Herman Schulmerich departed
for the big Shoestring ranch,
near Yoncalla, Friday, after a
month of visit with relatives and
friends in and around Hillsboro.
Herman thinks that that part of
Oregon has a big agricultural and
stock-raising future.
Mrs. Lee Commons, who has
Kaon visitincr bar daughter. M
Joa. Wolfenmenrer. departed fol
her home at Ona. Ore., Satur
day, in response to a telegram
announcing that her son, Lloyd,
had sustained a broicen leg.
If you want your Monday's
washing made easy you ahould
ee our Vacuum Washing ma-
shine. Take a look at it at Cor
Jake Bettis was in from near
Orenco, Monday. He will not
return to the f rinevuie section
until about the first of March.
Alfred Guerber, of Helvetia,
was in town Monday. .
The ever-present question con- ; .
fronting the buyer is getting val
ues for money ezpenped.
When you buy a piece of jewelry I y
or a watch, from ns you do not
pay a profit toward paying a big
rental. You pay us the smallest ;
profit consistent with living bus
iness principles. No rental means
less necessity for big profits. Do
you see the point? and, besides,
when you buy from us, the
article is always just as we repre
sent or money back.
VatchmaKer and Jeweler.
Graduate Optometrist.
Ilillaboro. f Orcra
U i t4."
4b-a i usual baa iorm oui nn way.