1 Hi M T. """i 1 I " I II El . . ME lffXSe MCTa VOL. XXI HILLSIiORO, OREGON, JANUARY 28, 1915 i;:ic:i:)S!ioi w emi or round Dead y Hit llrothcr At- btrt, Last Tfcrs4jr Evening DEAD MAN RAO OONE HIMINO Wm AH, fifty Vttrt-AM Mali ( tceUsr AccMcat John Johnson, of Portland, tfinl 61 years, wat found dead by hi brother, Albert, a civil engineer, on their ranch two miles below Tualatin, last Thursday evening. Johnson had gone to Tualatin from Portland, that morning, to look at soma timber. Reaching the ranch he told hie brother that he would go out and Villa bird, leaving the house jutt be fore lunch time. Shortly after ward the brother and young man lopping on the ranch heard two hots, one Immediately following the other. Some said five sec onds intervened between shots, and tome said at the Investiga lion, that there was about a min ute between shots. Not return ing within a reasonable time Albert and the hired man went out to make a search. They found Johnson's bodv lying on iu back, behind a kg. with a mknimin wound near the heart the contents having entered with an upward range. Sheriff Reeves and Coroner ltarrctt went to the scene, and Reeves soon found a gun wad 30 feet In front of the body, proving that the second thot must have truck the dead man. The gun. which was a 16 cal bre hammerlets, lay partiu with aixl an Inn of the lot?, a D culiar coincidence. Whether or not the shot wss accidental hard to ssy from the general conditions, but there seems to he no other solution. It is thought lhat Johnson fired the first shot at a bird, while standing on, or nesr the log. and then must have placed the breech of the gun on th aa. cAuiinir its discharge. Johnson lived at Sfl Albina Avenue Portland, and he leaven widow and daughter. Of hi Immediate family he Is survived by four brothers, Frank, the well known Hopbuyer, who frequent ly makes Hillsboroon his trips; Edward, of Silterton; Albert 0.. of Tualatin, with whom he was Interested in the Tualatin ranch, and Sherman, of Taeoma. Wash. He also leases two daughter, by former wife. Uti J. J. Thorn ton, of Suver, Ore , and Mrs. A S. Kssons. of The Dalles. He was a Woodman of the World, and carried Insurance in that order. Conditions do not at all warrant the suicide theory, aa Johnson was not financially embrassed. and his domestic re latione were the most pleasant 9. P. AND P. B. ft E. All. nt the P. K. A N.. trains are electric and stop at the de pot on Main street . To Portland Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. UcMlnnvllle Train 7:33 a. m. Rhritin Train 9.68 D. m. Forest Grove Train-12:60 p. m. UcMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove Train.. .4:10 p. m. Eugene Train 4:53 p.m. UcMinnville Train 6:37 p.'m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eugene Train arrives-8:15 a. m. Mrs. Cera Stemple. aged yearn, of Forest Grove, wai Fri day adjudgrd insane um exam it ation by Dr. F, A. lUiiey. and Judge Iteaaoner ordered her com mitted to the Salem Hooital. the Guard took her to lialerfl Saturday. Mrs. Stempte is a i widow and has three children. She hat had hallucination! for ume time, and hat threatened her neighbor. She acciuM'S them of interfering with her nix year old boy. The finding are that the it above average men tally, but that her attacks of mental sirens have beon of lengthy duration. R OLD GIRL BURKS 10 DEATH I.IUlo Daughter fl Mr. anJ Mrs. Henry Smith CsUhe l ire Grove, F. T. Kane, of Forest wat io the city Friday. J ax G. Le. of near Gaston, was in town Friday. It L, Wann. poet master at Orenco, was in town Saturday. T. W; Sain, of Scoggin Valley, was io town Saturday. Mrt. F. M. Crabtree, of Lau- MUMX TRAnr.OY M SMITH Family rcl. was io town Monday. K. C. Mullov. of Laurel, was a Parent RnUc e 0.krib1i in, I city visitor Friday. f Mil Below &.bo!1 JOS. CUB FLETGS cincurr court Sara he le set Guilty of Murder- lag Hit Brother John TtlAL IS SET FOR HTM Of FEBRUARY McDMaM. Barrtar. Get Twe Sentences ul a Ptralc H Ceari 1 represent Splrella conwts not sold in tores. Will call at Mr. and Mrs. N. Bennett, of I artful, were in the count? teat lliii-.(K) I'll, i!lh fH til'n nnrl Saturday. I Joseph Hoyer was taken before .r .,...,. u .i.,-, ,.r a ttnmaw inn n nt PnrtJJudire CamDbell. Saturday, and vii v-! i jiuiB .'vt in ii vi i n irbvi iv j wn I w w Mr. and Mm. Henry Smith, re- land, was out Monday, on busi- entered a plea of not guilty to t . i .1. it. minii Ihrt i,ikfn nwh ii ore " """"" HOB CnirKC VI lUUrucilllK UM rwimfi on request, inu u'j me "h-""- '-. . , i - fitting and tjrh how to adimit below St-holln and Kin ton. waaim rred Hamel. of West Union, brother. John Hoyer, who lived and wear the corset. Our tailor- bad! v barrn-d atom five o'clock. and Thos Ueaville, pf Oak Park, wjth the defendant In a cabin. ed made-to-meaaure corteti. in- Ti,,ir.u. .! ei tha, were in wwn oaxuru.y. P Beaverton. The court set Hn.linlhslfmit fmnt !ar. with ! ' . . . I t n Usn, nt Pwiliiul l. . j.t u v.l a Uath ensued in about three i. ,v. nw iorrunrj w. hnum. Mr ami Mr.. Srr.i.h W3. ,D "Sl.- The CSSO of PuboIS VerSUS . , , , business wun onenn iveevn. . . ,,a ..j!,..- at the barn, mi king, and they , . . Jacobten was argued and is now i . .k .t u:n i i A. u. uavit weni w uanas, left the three children, a lad ...... j .i r n rn a if iiihii nii rimmuiaai !ut 5 vpan old. a lo montht Li... tk. mi MpUh The defense in the case o , , Ill ill VI vw.m.v. ..., tm . bkhdand th little firl. in the Souther vs the Hillaboro Tele- JL I Dhone Co. was denied a new .-MiHilf I X UUt. WCI C L1LV V IOI 1AJI B I ' . . t frum thu h-Am in fimt th iitti.. trial, and was given 43 flays IO - - - - - - - - - I L llllill, I ... . eluding the latent front lace, with sn experienced corsetier service, cutit no more than hiirh clans cor- c-tt urrhaed in stores. Mm. M. K. Caudle. Hillsboro. Fifth snd Jackton Streets, Phone No. Main son. Frank Brooke, who has some vv. ........... .. " , irutn in uarn io una i .......... t .....I. ( I FHiM .Ittn I . . . flouiiBg nwriy uurned ironi ncr txttc. to i-rve 30 days from Jan. 8 In the county jail, llrooke wts convicted of stealing some aawt and tome meat from the munici ple wood camp, near Beaverton. Among his effects were found tome underwear of the female pertuaAlon. and a shipping re- i..tr. tnr artm rriMUUt tiawt. tent to Tscoms, and it is thought -!K)nt H i ...... . - nr I... ne nat own n wiw vumun. Holstein null, yearling; fine In dividual; will make a priie win ner; Dam. sn advanced registry cow. and 2nd priz winner, in clou of twenty at the Pacific In ternational Stock Show. Sire: Monarch Culintha Cornucopia tkty &m by a ton of . an ixrir. The ly had left the room just befora tint little cirl caught fire, nod knows nothing about the incident. Dr. J. O. llohb was summon! and. left Ilillnlwro about 5::J"). Medical attention was of no avail. ho'.vever. and the child did O fk'k. Shi wa cun- nci-niH to the last. tut nai not suflk-icnt contrcl of her fa?u!tiei to U'H how thi fire cvyjrht Mrs. Stiith Lit Dr. H)hh that dlu- h. ar.i th bitUy crying loudly, and lhat shortish d tothelioiis.'. Knti'rir.j; the kitchen she found : tha i'!u full of smoke, and the little girl ' n l;er face, on nn n rrn UGl-y yQ8i ,'lihi n in I UL) $1.75 PER THOUSAND no A t A KSII 0k9 HUltflAIII - i auii II u M LUC IIIU IIMW and wife, of Laurel. January 15. Clyde Raymond-each given 60 1915, a daughter. I day, to pay fines. F. COrth. of Forest Grove. knn:JZTT. was In town Saturday, lookingj0.?"; iftr the condenser Interests A jury acquitted Jack & Simp- with the farmers. son ot aellipg liquor to minors, with the larmers. iftep few minate of de. TUem Harmon Qrufllfin(T SrteMAtir 1 tikAsftin TK iiirv Piuatt A tits viviiuhii 7 uwmviv. iiw J J will meet in Hillsboro, at Moose Clark. Williams, Raymond. Mil ilsll. Saturday. February 6. at lller. Kassebsum. Reichen. Dilley. (o'clock o. m. IRasmosen. Geo Frost and Wm I Hoffman. Grove, was greeting frienrls ink McDonald the Forest the county seat the last of the ". " t . u two sentences, each from 2 to 5 I vmn and mi then criuon rva. Emmett QuicV, Forest Grove, role during good behavior. He wa down Friday, bringing in a must report to the sheriff orce party for examination far irsani- each month, and rhould he re st ive. lhe ty. turn to Canada must report to N. C. J. Christenen, of Lau- thehe"; n.. Brv M rel. was over to the city Monday L Set for tnal: 0 Leary case. as epidemic over bis wsy. yg j N Hirper chsrjred Tnr Sain- RptnutpPM Berk Uk .H.,,ui. Ti r fnr moved the most of their effects smre nwr. . . , over to Ileaverton. and were to condition. For further tPrtcu. Schlegel vsSchlegel. decree of have flnithed moving Friday. ? F"V ?Svt T a,vorc Kniea lire. Smith thinks that the " child had probably been engaged p in riiittintr fthAviiiirt. nr I fv-hnlmrrich. of Banks. Prices thst save you money- splitteni. in the front of the was in town the last of the week. Receipt for the week have been 10c outing flannel, now 8c per stove, aa children Rom-times will. guest of relatives. Joe was cattle. 6S8; ealvea. oi; nogs, yard- 121c outing flannel, now and the fire caujtht her clothing, salesman in the old Schulmerich 8580: sheep, 299. IOC 121 flannelettes, now 9c; 2fc From her knees to her shoulders store hare, many years ago, and With the exception of a few tatteens, now 21c and 23c; 50c the clothing wai practically all still has the same old twinkle in cars the cattle receipts this weea serires. now 42c; $1 sergoa. now burned, although her hair was his eye. have Deeaoi meqiocre quaiiiy while they last. This is the cheapest we have sold shingles for in 5 years. If yon figure on naeding aw this SPRING or SUMMER, come in. We will arrange to carry yon if yon can not spare the money now. Main Stjand P. R. & N. Ry 'Co,s. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY V.verything in Building Material - I bull from a 23 1U. cow. Your the 11 wr. &'m it bx fvet from the check for $123 gets him.-Thos Csrmichael. Gaston. Or. 5 Elmer S. McNutt. sged 53 years, died at Portland, Thurt- iUv Ann. 21. He WM S son of (U)l. It W. McNutt. of Curneliua. Ti e remains were shipped to Cor nelius for interment. He wss well known at Cornelius and tor et Grove. Hi widow, formerly Miss Clarissa lw, and two sons, Herbert tnd Uoyd, survive. o:kti trrate of t ciuthing wai nar!y b (rncd from th litllo ono's body. Sao was unable t V viry much, and ! asked for a drink several times. The parents were frantic over the terrible tragedy. They had 1 - ' g -V UNION STOCK YARDS UcMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan UcMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville All trains, trains, stop on ..9:42a. m. ". .11:69 a. m. " . .8:15 p. m. M . .4:30 p. m. ' . .6:87 p. m. .7:15 p.m. " ...9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. except Eugene flag at North Range and Kir streets and at Hlxth and Fir streets and at Tenth street. 4 Steam Service. Old Depot To Portland P, R.&N. Train 1:37 p.m. From Portland P, R. A N. Train 10:24 a. m. ?fw 2Tm ftniifttttf and DonhnH. now 19c These prices are goml until every yard has been sold. - Grecrs, Main St. John Nvberg was up from Tualatin. Saturday. He says the Tualatin school board has de cided to buy another acre of ground to enlarge the play- (rrntinda of the Dublic school. TualaUn is Uking a great pride in her school, and !t will sponV one of the banner education in stitutions of the county school system. New Fall and Winter lines of mnn'a cloth (Ml IS well 88 la dies' suits, coats, dresses and skirts, consisting of 00 different styles, latest fabrics, are now on display at our new location south nf th K. P. Hall. Second Street. Call and look at our samples. Christ Wuest, the Tailor. Phone Main 863. r.w. Withvcombe has released 6:3. Copperfleld from military rule, 7:18 thaarder taking effect Thursday. 8:28 Thiswaa done and no necessity 9:58 existed at this time, and the 12:4:$ .. matter of taxation was involved. 8:58,. . . Copperfleld was placed under 5:4:1.-, m itarv law bv oraer oi uov. o;.iu West, Col. Lawson and Miss Hobbs executing the gubernator ial order. See our new non-brcakablo range the Arcadian. The nest range made and at a price that is inside of economy. A splendid baker and one that pleases every house w i fe .Cor w i n. untouched. The little girl was old June K5. 1914. NOTICE bring more time since Im l J A. t, m HODS naveianea to two years Lr"!t"!nS: thw 7 75 at any Monday. Mr. Hesse Sr. does not Moni- miilieaMA th. itrgest think Winter grain is injurea dn,e Amvt . of hoirs ever re- much, as yet, down ms way. j gt North porttnd. over They report roads excel.ent. 79m hlhinff received. Many Notice is hereby given to the Arthur Knox, of Gaston, was half fat and rough hogs are being stock holders and phone renters in town the last of the week, on received. The market is closing of the Scholia Telephone Com- business st the court house, He at 6 80 for tops. pany that on ine dm day ot anj T. W. Sain are hoping that as usual sneep conunuemonB All pany mui. uu vie uj u lanu i. v. oain re nopinK w.i n ow ....- . January. 1015. J. W. Ray nard tne jitneys will sUrt a route be- in demand thaa the supply. was du v e erteu secretary ana tmisnrer of the said Company, and all accounts now due the Company and for the ensuing year are payable to J. W. Ray nard, secretary and treasurer, Scholia Telephone Co., Hillsboro, Ore., It 2. E C. Mulk.y. l'res. Scholia Tel. Co. The inrusbing flood of worry and the respite found imperative from over-work is the bank account. If ti versity remains a stranger remember that the Bettered account is gradually piloting yon toward . that isdta dence that all men prize so highly and few sliced ia attaining. . 4 Per Cent Interact On Stvvin American National Dcnll r.aatnn snH this ami nf iniTpnnM are Deinir taxen ai thfennntv. stead? pnces. Lambs at 7 50; Complaint is made that thelg thCT &50; eweg ! cold of the past weeg nas m-i , rniNPiii ciiir 1 1 1 r. .1 1 run m. w a vibiii iiuiu hi " jut vu - rwirxr nd thawintr is what The Cornelius Woman's Club hna caused the dam aire. met with Mrs. Betij. Scholfield. OKCUON ELKCTRfC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. J. B. Walker, of below Bea verton, was In the city Friday. Casper Kehrli, of near Elmon Ica, was county seat visitor Saturday. The Arua nd the News Timna havA hpn dpflismated of ficial papers for the county for the year 1915. If you want your Monday's washing made easy you should ee our Vacuum Washing ma shine. Take a look at it at Cor-win's. Teter Vandehey, Constable Patmel. Will Jack and W. F. rwintrpr. nf Reaverton. were in town Friday, callers at the court houBe. The Grand Marca Is the most wholesome "two for a quarter" smoke on market made In Ure- gon, by E. Jicniiier. wnen you indulge in a good smoke buy a flrnnrl Mntva. - tf Mra. Lucinda Bowen. of Port land, departed the first of the week, after a week's visit with friends in Hillaboro and Forest Grove. ' The Arcadian malleable, non hronknhle ranirea are made to hint a litetime.-D. Corwin Arthur Sniesschaert of be yond North Plains, on the Tongue 1 4-.... V.l.l.i.t 9:1)8 (Sat, only) From Portland 55 minutes 7:51 11:28 '. 2:05 4:27 6:25 7:13 ....... 9:12 (Sat, only)... 12:25 . a m ..a m ...1 m ..a m p m ,..p m ...pm ..pm ..pm tOUOV4 m.mma.. I - . ITii(ailff ImL nnnn invitation Asisterof the Hoyer brothers That the honor was aooreciated h3 w.nlten. "?5rre". J0! was manifest by the act that ai line iniorm.uon connwicu m.mber was ores with the K'Wng. &ne uvea ,n - u many lnvited her all the newspaper articles so 1 f Gaaton. who is a she will be informed.; daughter of Mrs. Scholfield. and W. N. Harris is insulating all Mesdames Irvine, Dunham, Jas. the wiring in the old court house Uiller. Gus Irmler, Chas. UFol structure, so as to make it safe lette. Misses Anna and EraSher- from a fire sUndpoint. He will orooK, ana sieiara. uoowrry, I SherhrtYitt And Nelson. Many pleted. I ntfw applications for memBership TViq tirOW .n .ntemnhile. IM SCDOiarsnip 10U -ll. r. K --fa tuna was aiscusaeu ana 11 was rarrvinor Dassenf era for 5 cents I j2Jj . n,.-. .m ; .Vi h.a,nM in Port. W,UWI. nw w ww,t vr,",uu .am landv Old autos have been resur- a m rectcd and piacea in service, ana thre are hundreds 01 them ouoratine in Portland. The street car companies are want ing them licensed in a way that will make them oav a part or ....pm . .pm ....pm ....pm ....p m , . ..a m Washington County visitors to Salem, at the legislature, last week, were J. W. Hughes. For est lrove, Wm. Schulmerich, HillslK)rc W, K. Newell. Gaston, and Hubert Bernards. McMinn ville. Sam Paisley writes that everything ia progressing nicely and the county delegation ia try bur to effect a saving for the taxpayers all along thejino. n. R. rtnrkhalter went to the Shute school house, Friday, and nrrirpd three cows for the school rlnsa. The clasa'and Mr. tturk- halter then came to Hillsboro and made a trio through the condenser. C. H. Malcom, of West Union, was in town Friday. tinns. hut to aeeeDt offerinss. which mav be left with Mas. W. a Vickers before Feb. 2. the date of the next business meet intr Very dainty refreshments were served oy ine nowesses, uea Holscher, Ham SflUTE SATOI65 UU American Nattond Pcn!i (affiliatko banks) Combined Capital and Surplus 52,0.0 Combined Resources 600,423.81 DsibKIb In All Its Dranchee Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Depcdt, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Ut of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler a Cbcc Savins Deposit. Book Acc't. Time Certificates of D posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings DepccL. . IU. ...v... v.. - k- dtroee Uragg. Hoiscner. nam- ,T-riarr miss irmier. ine teacnere were he 3t"7should be no p. I. a hearty vote of thanks tion. In Los Angelei .the jitneys ML, tha numbers. The for the song numbers. hoateeses for Feb. 16 are Mes a niAlrln a tiDivlokSn nn ttiA mo nuiiviKu w.. ''-ikniiaMM mr in are laea car lines, and they will do .the . ,Mkaon, Kilaore. Leiter. same in rwuwiu. I..Hd tmia mnA MinnM and a -. . . . I . Mf ftAniHAM lWft B-rnVB1- - La withnnt navinw t ipaat . good me is promiseu. dollar if you patronized an auto. iimoH hbyw vii.iiKcu, 51, p.nuJjM . ka Nnrth-rn nor. and the man who can ride na Tw,c ; Vnd atraeJ j car can ride 1 u ';- wi visit patrons every' three fV?,Lt nT .d h SPhlX months. Territory is North of be an old one, and hecarf have .,, w;,hintr his fare for the "w me at 11 Will UO BUIHC kllllV klicj I Kftraj. invade Hillaboro and the Grove. And yet, nothing strange if an auto service between here and Portland should be established at a fare lower than the railways charge. Forest Grove.-R. F. Lepschat. Forest Grove, Ore. There will be no circuit eourt until Feb. 15, and the jury will have a rest Several criminal trials will then be heard. OLD JEWELRY RESTORED It frequently happens that s thst cf jewelry which hai been remodeled to conform to present styles,, because of past associations, is more prised than newer creations: If you have old jewelry that has be come unsnited for use, either through being broken, 01 out of style, let me submit designs and give you an esti mate of the cost of restoring it. In this way yon may acquire jewelry of exclusive design and individuality which will be a source of much pleas ure, and at comparative little ccct LAUREL M. HOVu tlUUbora. C.: piece, wan 111 wwh -nuj.