The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 21, 1915, Image 5

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V 4
I 1
aaB" V
The Bargain Center Established
Profitable Investments Can be Made
Facts and Figures Prove Every Assertion
Simply because an Honest Sale, of Honest Goods for an Honest Purpose WINS. We prom
ised you Bargains, and Bargains Galore have been yours to enjoy. You found us doing just
we advertised and you will find all promises fulfilled until the last day and hour is ticked off
Ml) CO 0 35
m so w mm
Gome Where Economy and Satisfaction Join With Glad Hands
IE nil ififfli mm
MONTH or ltKMKK. !
A V Itenny, ( Fruit in.p .. iijhi
W I) Wood. Co ltellh Officer 12110
R -Grower A Rowell Co, $696;
C G Krtf, l-p Co Surveyor, 17.00;
Ray Kraaoner. $.60; I) C Slokenbrrry,
to lluad, 9UN; A L Inford. $4.50;
t'artiahan A tlk. 1-1.40; Washington
Co Nrw. Ttroaa, I0); Levi MrKin
Icy, $21.90; Coast Culvert A Flume
Co, $.25; 1" K A K R Co. $I5J; John
Fuetry. $6.00; II O Weacltaro, .'o; "
A lluhoert, $3J; D Ifcgroas, 1 1 M;
John Will, $2 00; Ben lleesarker, $ .76;
Banks Herald, 14.75; Braverton Hdw
A Imp Co. $3.36; H A Kkatrom, $5.
25; J H Kelly. MJW BeaverUm Ga
rage. Be" lleesarker, I-W; Lbr Co, IIMA7; Mill Hunter,
$1.60; Fred A I'eUreon, 14.7; Ernest
(.-I.... a?.AAt kuha Nelaon. $6.1.;
Hunger Brae, $26.26; C M Scofleld.
. ..... l . M (Ml. C.ha
n.r I'M' toff Bros. $2.00: R L
f .. till m. (.It Hma. 15.50.
M ' Kl'li ape HiWI - -
V H Abraham. $26.62; J H Weacott,
$t7.20; J 1. HolUf. $IL26 Aur!;,
Trautner, 4.00; K Klinger, $32.70;
ii f k-.r lit HA- A A Coi. $3.25:
Huff .In kimii Roller Co. $11.42: Merit
A liik lit HA! lUnka Lumber Co,
$.1.00; trot? Bros, $2.10; I. 8agrt,
$ 12.60; MrConnell A Mall, 11.00; A l
Kru.r. 11.74: L W Roelllch, $.50;
L'.- i tail. UrCjuinall A Hall
I.K-i; J R Haldlnc, IH.I0; K D I.ytlt,
$1.25; (to MrUoa, Co Survoyor 46..
am r.'lflJiOi J h'Comr. 3.04; F W, 16.90: J V lUynU, 13.00;
Kim A Bro, 7JM. . .
Itaniam Co Road 604 A Vn
arhiwlt, HOW; M BetUndorf, 225
iui. I'uraon. 1186.00: Th
u.' ii.. minii, If L'..ull linSOO
J J Conway, $156.00; J Nlthol, $W.00;
L J and W a urwr,
Ta Rrfund CharlM R PU4J, f.W
i-ntila Indomnllf Mm Ronnar
an. HA. A i-VmUvI. itc in.
i:o Road-I 0 0 r nail, Baaka,
''tS?LiT R IlilU. 14.80: D
hilui.. I nin. It A lmla. 12.80
a.i..r. htnulrk. $3.00: VtrU Hall
$7.W; JWII Adklna, $.$6.
Va Kaim0 C Comlm, I8-00 .c8
AydloU, $5.10; F H mron, $76;
Cfaranc Younf, $77.00: K A Snod
Krlt, two bilU $.00, $16: lJ0
iM.rc Co, $810H; l to"'
HilUlioro Furn A lldw Co, W-W.
RelWf-Mr and Mra Blank, $10.(H);
taking Co, $21.60; W P Wood, M l),
$19.(1, 8 J Cloak, $16.00! Good Sa
mIUn HoaplUl, $9.16; Emmott A
Hoard, $10.00.
Wldowa' rcaaloaa.
n.v Dixon, $10.00: Lu-lla DCranr
llni.rt. PiM RtemoU. $17.60 hiM
l havia, $28.00; Wwli Adymaon,
Wla I'rudan, each $17.60; Eva Adama.
r ..... . iJ f i ll. Ul.rlc 110 00:
Anna Vanlo, $25.00; Emma Viola
UiihwII, $66.00; 1.1111a D HentV M" Nord. each $10.00; Eva W 'llllamit.
Him. n ikNiMi Klitnnoln
tii.ihf; iHirina - . D
I.V...I... XI. III. Ii I0.rmi.nn. Nettle K
Ji-ITorN, each $10.00; M GUIiw
pey, $26.00; Mlma Lundeon, Kmma
Miiiry, wmvn fllrifV - ' ...
$17.50; Katie J Cwlrhton, llr-tti
K Wnlln, rarh $10.00; Louanna uor
lnK, $7.5; N.llle Myen, $18.16.
M.. a. ji. n-.ll l. W flvds.
physirlan, $6.00; Mntokiv wltntia,
H I' ornrllu. Krjlrr WU
K I. I'rkin lUwrdrr'a off .
K I. Mri'ormUk. p C II ...
UurrtiuifKi Ail.hnit Mwhir
Co. AwMir't offir .....
Ilillrboro ndrMndiit, C II
Mft Cmudall, Amor'i of-
fir. p
I, C Smtih TypawriUsr Co, A.
uir' nfr.r. mtu ........
II W Burnen, Schm.1 Supt'i off
lluthnng t o. supit on
IlilUboro l.ivry Co. School
Sunl' offlco f........
Umlrrwood Typewriter Co,
U..I..U.I Muht'a nttie
J II Jack. School Supenrlaor 100.00!
tUllirralh v Wahln(fton Co C G
Ruilrr, $2 00; I'hrw iVteriwm, $4.20.
Urand Jumr Not. Term.
11 Chowniui,', Allnn Ke. each
40; than Meacham, W C Jack-
on. V ti Hren, each ! W); Jap-r
k.rJ lUrr IS 00: Kd Ludwiir. 112.75: $1.50; Carl Bergeren, two bill, $1.25,
i W rtooae. $10.00; Bill Bailey, A S $ 75; F BurRdorfer, $10; i Nyaa,
' llauh, tach $12iW; II A Domic,', $1.12; C C Nelaon, $.62; F L Harwood,
$11.00; E Schmuckel, $10.00; FredjChenWr Bridge, Grant Mann, each
Fleinchiiauer, $12.00; D L Maton,! IH.00; Grant Mann, cup, $2-50; Albert
Hew, $14.00; F D Hi. H0JW. ,$7.00; John Yunker. $10; A Wood-
l 1 a I V 1 aaao 1 I Rltll & ' IHIT If r FIKIiaUCIi TVW a
I'ower, $44.40; Juhn UeHrer, Fd Woodhoua. $170; A B It ox.
MUW!$7; All,n I'.ll.y. 42.0; Han $2JW; B uwhmutr
40JU Raamuaaon, $Sa.S0; Fred J Stark. Henry Rec, two bi . $m $4.00
4 itM.bOi Kdw Kchulmerich, $.19.30; Ian Bump, $2.00; J B ' Koch. $.00; A
1Jvl!john KiUum. $43J0; John Zurch-1 Weatlwrf. $2.00; Hellebuyck Bros,
1 m ! er. IIS.60; Henry Miller. $40.80; ChrU $4.00; Herman Metxlcr, Herman
8,Oo!leichen. $4rt.h0; Fred II Chirk. $4fi.-; Greener each $2.00; I red Rood . $.
SJiSjBO; Frank CnKer. $41.40; WUbur K 00; Nel Larson, up. $3.. 5; I B
Newell. $48.00; t ha. O lt-e. $4.20; ; Binhon. $150; L McKin ey $2.0t ;
!Fdw Rivett, $14.40; tJarfield rUy- tWo R Holt, $6.00; A F heehn, Wal
iKD Uond. $45.00; F J fullianiK, $37JW; j tor Zurcher. each $5.50; J Mohn. up,
1 IChna Miller, $5.20; II Motxentine, $10.00; 11 MeUentine, F Groner, F
..i!i no: j i. trawioriu j.w; j , urumr, o ..w, . -....., ... ,
Jaa II Jack. Supt'a off
Wah t o Newi-Timea, vieraa
f. I ura. rierk a off ....
BuxhonB A Co. Clerk'a off ... .
K Gill Co, Clerk otr ....
Il...tinir A t'a. Clerk a off ..
Thita II Tonirue, lep lt Atty
KunhoitK A cnooi upl on
a v iwmnv. to rruii inan .
National Surely Co, a corpora
tlon, Co timeiai iionoa .,
C Applegalo, board of pria
F G Mitchell, Co Farm A Jail
Wllkea Auto C. Sheriff oil
Co Ct Juvenile 1 1, r.leciion
1 Sheriff
llillolMiro Independent, C 11 .
. C., ntt ....
! v.orwni. i'ui vj " w.. ....
Wm McOulUan, truam on ..
Cla.ti A I'rudhommo, C ll xp
Kmmntt A Hoard, C M p .
0 0 Comln, truant off ......
W F Tobey, F.xaminaiton oi
Bulldlnar'A l'lan U II ...
A J Binghnm, Examination or
Uuildinir A I'luns I. u ...
I MA C. II exD
Owl Electric Co, C II exp ....
IlilUboro Tel Co, C ll exp
Co Farm
Owl Electric Co, C II exp ..
Crccnt Chemical t o, t h exp
Waih-0re Corpn, C ll exp .
E A HnodirraM, C II exp ... .
W M Tupper, C H exp
11 0 Schmeltxer, C II exp .
W H Taylor, C II axp
Hillnboro Trnafer Co, C H exp
Iton Rend Burlier, Juv Ct .
II .inlhmnnn. C. II exn ......
(ieo A iinicaon v.o,
,1'idire'a off
F G Mitchell, Co Judtre' orr
! Reanoncr, Co Court ....
C A Hnnlcy, Co Court axp .
John Nybenr, Co torn ......
Fnrmera' Food SUble, V-o
i f Un.llk Cn V,t
Honton Bowman, Jiw
Wm R Stophenn, Ju Ct
Benton Bowmiin
C II Fry. J" Ct ........
nr. JllH l,t ..
Cir Court -Geo McGee, Co Survey
or, $8.00: J U C Thonjion, $2.00;
' 88.60: T M Word, $.95;
n J Barrett, $.00. ..
Grand Jury WUnrnm.a-Nov. lerm.
ChiiK Cailnon, Chan Carlmn Sr. w
$3.00; T A McCourt, w "
$1.20: Osenr lirny, "'" v
$4.40; Fred WomlhouKC, $0.00.
Foster vs wnsninnion
V..rk till HO
U l,...Mlni.nilr Court.
Alice K Foil, IKirothy Foard, each; $1.75;
$2.40; t ecil Albert, I'etlcr jonnaon,
Floyd Kama. I'eter File. C C Chap
man, John JohmiKon, Sr, John Johon
aon, Jr, each $2.00.
Coroner Inqucat J. W. I.ivlnitirlon
Witnenten R G Alliaon. $1.10;
1 1.....1 w..rv ti Mi- I)r Uui-iitin Tuck-
r, phyaieinn, iio.ihi; ur ir n iar-
retl. coroner, iii.u.
Tranarrlpl State Cane Jualke ree
State va:
I, R Gamble $ 5.10
Jamea F. Ue H-45
Robrt McHonald .... 61"
vV B Young- 7.40
ll:irrv J.hiiMin. Harry .
Gardner amj t imoru
Hill Temnleton
llarry Jonnson
Iwia hUiston
Frmk Morton
V w U'.mnUr t'0O: C.t-o SteDhen.
$12.00; O C I'otU, $6.00; L P Tallman,
A Zwiener. iill.zo ica Wil
li. 70
W P Smith. J P Total 83.80
Wm McQuillan, CwwUbla Fee.
Stae v:
Hirry Johnson, Harry
C.ardner ano viu-
ford Ikwlittle
Robert MclKmuld .
llarry Johnson ...
James E Lee
$ 4.G0
. 1.70
. 6.40
. 19.30
ler, $36.00; John Hoover, $18.00; John
Barry, $16.75; J J Shevlin,; ja
Saunder. $14.75; Cha Boy, $17.75;
Fred Pyale, $25.00; rrl lownnena,
$24.00; L G Boy. $8.00; Albert Keene,
I . . .... i. ... : ao no. Inltn
fll.uu; a n". .,
Murty, $5J0; Fred Stoffer. $4.00;
laul RitUr, $H.00; Chri Schindltr,
$24.00; Verno lyle. $22.00; Jacob
Stoller. $8.00; John Gerber, $70)0; B
l Graf, $11.00; J J Wismer, sup,
$17.60; J G Klineman, $2.50; J G
Klineman, L S Klineman, each $2.00;
J C Smith, $.60; W S Fowler. $1.00;
O L Ahlntrom. $.60; Geo Haynie, $1.
75; A M Colver, $.75; J F lUynie. up,
$8.15; Jame Uevun, .w; jamen
Devlin, lup, $8.75; R William. $4.00;
Roy Vail, $7.00; G W Stewart,
512.00; Henry iwnaxen, ao.w;
M Hiatt, $6.25; R Wilson,
$4.00; W R Hayden, $2.00; John Mc
Robert, $4.00; ll liaverts, -'-:; a
W Wilson, $2.00; F Moor, $4.00; J
R Hayden, sup, $12.50; C Killen, $4.
00; C C Harness, Geo Schneider, Wm
Moss, each $2.00; 1! Smith, $10.00;
j i. r.mff. 19.75: Ravmon Wescott,
1 $4.50; Marion Wescott, $4.85; Geo
Westcott, $.75; J L Groff, tlOM; E
Allwen, $6.00; C Schnabele, $2.00; Ed
'c...r..n. tlOO- V. Allwen. $8.00:
Fml C Toelle. $15.00; W D Fowles,
$2.81; cnesier
d r.o. 1 r Wirta.
.late v. Harry John.on: Witnesses "1
-Harry Gar. ner. V i aser r, AV W rt. $3.19; G P Essner.
SnoilKniss, wn J Y"''A onoa. i2.8I : L Jesse. $2.00; A Kostur, $6.00;
noaro. turn. . - T Turk .4 00; c L Berief,elt
irraHS, each $i.w. . , , Tknmu. ti iyfl. A Kostur. uo,
T ..:,T l.:r Jury- $8.75; ll Robinson. $4.50: Clau. Er-
-""' "" v .- . . i -.i. i.i,.... cioimi- k ll iiita. aai.ou: nar-
PcterltoHcow.iIlwiremno, a-, 'rr , t.QMl j. W
Aucust Tews. tor J i Pilchard $4.00 J W Pritchard, sun,
Ko'..brr, each $1.00. .Witnesses--1 : L"lJ"TAf Zimmermnn. 86.00: J L
Brown. $1.50; Flank S UOIHlon. "-. ," f a Wmmarmin. auo.
(iideon auatafson. Arnold . Mcl.eou, -onnson. e. - " ,;r.
each $ST.0; lluKl , Jonnson, t-. M Olson, $24.18; John
Jennie M Ue. ench$5.10. . A K Ktnrrv. 126.43: Dan
Notarial WorK- n .yne, e ; T. Henry "Akin. $20.85;
R A 11 R A Twiss, $1800; I Wa -Int.
$13.50; A C Calkins, $11.00; L B
Brown. $10.00; Frank Bliss. $12.00: A
1'ond.licek. $11.50; Ijnnia Wallnt,
$12.00; Ed Uwrence, $11.00; W Wil
ion. $13.75; Fred Gohl. $1.00; Frank
Hewws, $0.00; K K Hakyr, '.w;
Ferd Unror, twuiu; tori unnF,
iui. v M.,r,i,.u sis.Hi! w r.dwnrtis.
$:1.00; llarry Wilson, $10 00; G E
Hito, $21.00; wtmer M-nmiui, wn,
Robert Schmidt, $22.00; Martin Moll
cr, W Boston, each $14.00; Q G Wa 1-
i air. cn. ll.mrv Unas. S14.00:
Vr.l I.nnirnr.; v
Wood-! ElliCTen. 810.00: W 11 Day. $5.00;
Harry Peters. $11.00; J D Tkornbrwe.
$4.00; R D Thornbrae, $7.00; H W
Thornbrue. $8.00; Abbo PeUra, $18.
75; Abbo Peters, cup, $13.00; W F
a.i,:i.M, f i m Oi.. Js.narsAn. if
25; Fred Papoell, $10.00; tio Thyng,
$15; V E Way, $12.50; J W Hay
den, $2.50; Oscar Smith, $7JM); W L
K.kir tllX1,: 11 t'hrigtensen. $3.75:
Geo C Fisher, $2.50; J T Cox, $40;
1 Mi-ArHU tiniM- A R Snittler.
sup, $15.00; E C Rumer, $12.50; Chris
Holznaeel, $5.00; G SchonUl, $95;
to Waddel, $4.00; Henry Holmes,
11.00: Rov Harrington. $2.75; A C
Krueer. 111.00: A U Krunr. CUP
$220; Alfred Pieram $3.75; D L
Smith, $6.00; L D Smith, $1.00; D L
Smith, tup. $5.00; John Cole, Cleri
I.mmar nrh xio.uu: Jake Ktmrner
$4.00; R KrcKr, $7.00; Jaka Keramer
$8.00; Nick Kemmer, $120; ti t
Iwis $20.25; C M Roberts, $H.OO
P.tiU 117 fij). J I rani. tll Or .
II Johnson, Ch Johnson, L Gabel, each
114.00: U L Smart. 81Z.UQ L. Aniier
n 110 OO- E Klinirer. 140.00
D B Reasoner. Co Judw ...!WW
Jnhn Nvherir. Co Commr ... t'HIli
C A llanley, Co Commr .... 36.00
Wm Tupper, janitor 60.0C
W R UnntmnifiT. Aast tanitar 3") 10
Win! Down 15.7A
U P rrnaliu. Sealer Wts . . . 7.60
School Supt Office B W B.itie,
School Supt, $100.00; Eleanor W kcs.
Clerk' Office Edw C Luce, tier.
ttRnnn. It A Kuratli. Den. $100.fHl
Edna Gilkey, Dep. $75.00; Alice Bls,
Stenog, xoo.ou.
TmiiiMii'i iiirira r. t sannine;
ton. Trea. Bessie Sapptngton, lep.
$165.00. ' . ..
Assessor' Office Max U randan
Assessor. $100.00; S N Poole, Dep
$36.00; Matti Wilson, Dep, $75.0.
ck.nir. niripA J k Kaeves. sner
iff, $150.00; J C Applegate, Dep,
$100.00. .
Recorder Oince k l, rerun.
Recorder. $100.00; Fred A Everest,
Deo. $75.00; Anna Willers, Asst Dep
uty, $60.00.
All of the Wert half of the Northeast
quarter and the East of the Noith-
weat qnarttr of Section T. J N. K. 5
W. Will. Met. io acres, situate in Wash
ington County, Oregon, to eatufy the
bet etnbefore noosed sums and for the coat
and espenaes of aalc and aaid writ.
Sara sale win o inane aanjcci io re-
demptioo aa per suiate of Oiegoa.
Uitea at Hllisocro, uregca, ma ib
day of January, if 15.
Sheriff of Washingtoa County, Ore
gon. By J- C Appfegete, Depatr.
Joha M. Wall. Attorney for Plaintiff.
Vr. Witoy Prepares an
Ideal Food Sojr For
SiarDing 'Belixtta
New Plan ot Relief Suejted by Wtth
inlton Wonua How YwCuAUtit
Stricken Little Sister of the WerU
.it,. r
.: V" - t t 1
s-aaji ii . ."JSt7
Aenrney, ei.oi, ..... .-...,
ii.. ...11 'i;ks. 1 J Shevlin. 823.76:
otto Schlottmnnn, W M Thurston,
each $2.25: W M Thurston, $4.00; bm-
il Trachsel, f to.uo; jonn :".,,
$4.00; John Trachsel, gup, $4155; A
F Brunswick. R A Lowe, P B Case,
each $6.00; II J Keenon, sup, $10.00:
i. f..v' hill. 12.00. $9.00: J
E Zimmerman, $5.00: R E Bateman,
$8.00; Chas Bamford, $4.00; Victor
Groip. $6.00; R E Bateman, $12.50;
J M Vandewanden, $3JJ0; C WIM
" )4ii. rtrvin. WirWptt. 82.00:
noil, '
C B Taylor, $8.40; Roy Mailer, lis.-
it loacn, B.uv;
. WT vWni : HnsVoll-Lerov Van- Jim Tompkins, $18
Still ' v Wm "f - Cpo rorr Trnutnor, r
kirk, Reifenralh, 1BJI:
Hancock. John Thornourgn, vnri UuU
man, each $3.20. .
... T.. 1 D UnMu SAB in! A .i KIT. alO.UVI
eat-tt a-o.w; - 7, j,7 uTn. aj'nh aa m
p J McDonald, t naa cnmiami, V " VTi
.Vuiri. tlO RO: Re n- Cart Berggren, nma,
CLOSURE. iiniu I. torch atvan. that b virtne
ol an execution, decree and order of sale
itaued out of and under the aael of the
Circuit Court of the Stat of Oregon, tot
af Waahinatmi. dated th
6th day of January. 1914. In favor of F.
VI iiriiial and aninat Karl uraanma
and Katollna Crauman, defendant, for
th. mm of iito.oo with Interest thereon
from the nth day of June, 1913. at the
rate of 6 per cent per annum, and for the
tanner ram Ol Sino,oo nuotnrj anu
lu r..rVir mm af Ii? ir. eoata and die
I ... ...1 ,k nal. .f.ald Writ tO
mc uitr ctetl Mti dtnvcmi. coidbiiihiiok
aA a., aitaat sale nf fttlA Mai tMOIWHT
hereinafter described. I have levied upon
. . , . .1
mri pursuant IO asm execution, nrcrrr
nd onlerof sale, I will en Mon. the 8lh
ta of Pebrnarv 101 .. at the south door
r 'ttu. Cnrt I1a in Hillaboro, Wath
Inirinn countv. ureeon. at ine nour ci
. 1. . f mmM ll. 1.11 ai
nnhlio .nrtlon to the hlahett bidder lot
ra.h In hand, all of th followta de-
ctlpett real property, lying, oetng anu
. . M. Li . . . n-...
a. .... . an luuni.innii i oil 11 1 v . 111m in .
,,M.v .m r ' r- -
and more particularly described aa lut-
lows, io-wh:
aavaeartu t. anina ta ha a nretw hard wtnter in America. The war tB
li k.. tmainMia In even direction. We have a fW iuglf
II Mopie ouraelvea. And yet Beltfum, a brar little, ttrtfty ad)
a. .a 9 An nm I. ml., tn atara to death tkia winter unlat
vu iwww rwviv. a a -
lea feed th Belgians. How are we going to take care both f 1
of the "trtekeo Uttle atoter of tne worrar-
1 fti.t th. nrnhlam. lira. JoseDb DtrttBa! Of
..iM.. .itinn and urBrfa for Ruropean war sufferer antfl It
t her that ahe might be wing her Drain aa wen aa ner uaejwra. ui an
forthwith and thought out the Idea of "food boxes for Belgium" hftav Darttag
aaw Dr. Harvey Wiley, who laid out the tdeaU food hoxe for Belgmi leJttf.
and their plan has now ueen wen up oy me wvawa a a-. un
aloo for relief In Belgium, of which Mrs. Undo Bate h) eJmlrnisn, '
' . . . . . am iw arManl
Dr. Wlley D01 lor Belgian aatuis, as bukuu nra-i aw
taalde the parcel post regulation. I as follow: Three Re. I OM "".
three No 1 tin of plna Alaska salmon, one Dve-pouna auca as iwawjaw e-.
Bve-pound sack ot yellow cornmeal. one flve-pound auh ef yeUotr 3P
ana two-pound sack of granulated sugar, one three-pound sack ef MEara
prune, one aeven-pouna ct or wneu nour, on uaa-iwaM a
A flamMMkkV AIM IlllV
. M ... 1
That, however, ta only a guue to tne una ex 1000 wnicn 1
It la Intended mainly for ancn Amertcana aa can 'w wi
a. tha amrar. RalaHnm wanta SQT kind Of food Wfctt
transportation, whkh excludea fresh fruit and vegetable . -
The commission for relief In Belgium haa arranged with the
partment to transmit all Belgian relief foodstuff free of cost to the iA
you put your name and address on the package and add the latter
money expended for tamps will be refunded by the commission. T f J
should weigh not lens than twenty pound and Dtrt mofwjUn
Package mailed from OK BOON should be JiSS
WILCOX. MUNICIPAL DOCK. PORTLAND, wee la ceikerthtg C5 Cf t-