rr tt HllLILSBM- NO. 44 II ILLS BO RO, OREGON, JANUARY 21, 1915 VOL. XXI The do v;aiTES ID "BLOT Columbia KUtf Scenery k Prlul la MlnUiurt lo la rotC TALLEST W THE WOULD M. FrMi Tret Tkal Hs4 I Jit Net John Dennis, who In with the Oregon Building tt San Francis- ra. write, the Argus a few point .m about the .tructure. He Ja. Turk, well known over in the Nehali-m action, as well In the I'.mtott rrttion. wu the iMt of the week granted di vorce from Hannah Turk. Jan. in one of the pioneer homestead- rrs of the Nehalem. and is now over 70 years of .. A few veam airo he wedded Hannah at the rntult of a newspaper court ahip. Thiniti went alonir smooth ly for a few year, even If Han nah wu a (treat deal younger than the patriarch huband. but one day Sam came home. Sam wu the bov. lie was aged 40 yeara, and the father awore that there Immediately ripened a friendship between wife and atenaon that aoon meant and eutabliahed vlBERT 6f.lLEY UI1DER VERY SERIOUS CHARGE Said to Have Shown Revolver U Younr tad, and Matte Threat a TUfcN INTO CtSTOOV AT 0CE Uraaa Jart N latetllratiaf Hlr That HM AlleallM jon:i hoyer rou::o DE.0 i:i A kel luncheon, the evening waa en joyed with conversation, music and dancing. UNION STOCK YAKDS Heceipta for the week have been : cattle. 1633; calve. 31; host. 9021 ; aheep, wm. i The cattle market has not been characterized this week by quaJ- IcotOIEt HtBETT FINDS FIACTUS ity and aa a resuu wp pncea have ruled less than last week. Trill toon brouirht 8. Monday. bat have ruled leas since. Best cowa brought 6 75. Ill, Brother Joseph Is la the Count v Jail. Charred With h'a Murder Caaeis la Maad of Uk CkcaU Oraoi Jan la Seaaiae Coarl . ( j : J hot nive Birauiu ucvnu i t . a years oi age. was arrwru ; nana rari n m.-... - , . ,l. t' t ni.w Friday UuDremacv over all other Amtri- inhabited by himself and brother l awn mean 'I'Mi'-i; . i - ,, . Tl. j. . . I,..l., ,aniw- .:r - -ura reue.ua. mr luu " 5kl, market rnnti the Columbia Kiver. IU noiea acenea, and its fisheries in on portion of the building, and all the game birds will be on exhibit in another section. The horti- cultural section will be 75x 5. decree and it is said that the but and his step mother remain. ed away from the tribunal that churned the family all air. 1 rciiresent Spirella corsets not sold In storea. Will call at homes on reuuest and do the to Miss Lucy Bloyd. the popular young school teacher near Segh- ere. Shen IT Kee vea neara oi me threats, and upon an information being signed, aent Quick out to uet the vounir man. He was ?heeTmaXt continue, strong on Dn, Ye.ae, and for a with litrht wefiuta. There is still a snortage of good qualitv atulf coming torward. but all of ferings are being Uken readily. cimur - -"- homes on rwjuesi. ana ao me Kl w.ndinir his wiv says that the Hag pole is the tall, ed made to-measure corsets, in mt in th world -I02 feet alwv? eluding the latest front lace, with the ground. It was cut from a an eperienced corsetier service. tree 318 feet high, and which cost no more than high class cor- contained more than 30.000 fe t sets purchased in litres. -Mrs. ot lumber, or enough for live 8- M. K. Caudle. Hilllro. Fifth room houses. The pole weight and Jackson Streets, i'hone Na t i iHMl tminrfa. and It coat t5. 000 Main 381 28 45 ' w ... a. .11. . . J to transitort it and put it In posi tion. The star on the top are ' 0 feet in diameter, and the Hag h IWxID feet. This was a gift from the city of Astoria. The 48 column, of Mg trees," as the people call them, contain sufficient lumber to make a small town, each tree having from 40 to W M. feet II. M. Kach of these cttlumns is dedicated to a state, and there is a flag above each column. The structure contains 4 large pc rgolaa or booths for the state rihibit: a rest room, with a larue Oregon fireplace -you know. Juhn sava, Oregon likes fire plac. - and smoking mom. I nere in a moving picture room, a lecture room, and tht governor'a and commissioners' rooms. There U also a dlhing room, kitchen and NiuinmenL and thia will be In charge of six irrls from O. A. C The building la juat across the trL from the California buil I- haa 72 rooms. Close Many local people are looking fnrtarii to viiii tin Portland dur ing Auto Show Week, Jan. 23 to 30. There will be pecial excur sion rates on tranaportation lines. While the IVtlan-i Auto Show has been a social feature in Portland for years, this seaon will mark a more elaborate inter est on the part of Portland StKl iv. Wednesday evening. Jan. 27, will be devoted to a formal reception, when the grat nana will be filled with those best known in nocial life. Some fifty nf Portland's social leaders will lie patronesses at this nception, whirh from all indications, will be a most elaborate and albigeth- ir pleasing auair. one oi vn events of the social aeason which will tw talktHt about. Prices that save you money - 10c outing llannel. now He per to the county jail to await an iavestiga- tion. Tha grand jury heard wit nesses tha first of the week. As near aa could be learned young Gailey persisted in paying attentions to Misa Bloyd. and ahe gave htm to understand that she did not want his company. It is said that Gailey insisted that ahe should marry him. and nukiHi to have the day set When Miss Bloyd told him that such a thine had never entered her mind. Gailey is aaid to have ahown her a revolver, containing three cartridges, saying in etleci, "one of these is for you. one for mi nnv to make icooa. u post mortem, and a fracture waa fo-ind at the base of the akull o the dead man. Joseph was brought to Hillsboro and lodged in iaiL The two brothers are carpenters and have been on nmtrartM? nrp aince before the holidays. Joseph at first told the nflWra that his brother had Cam JoVinnAft. the Shad v Brook I f iun ahout 9 o'clock Thursday linn oar urn in thwn Monday. Uvoninir. and hia head had struck ..! lw.li r pimin a the floor. He aaid he had picked J. C Beach, of North Plains, was in the city Monday. Dr. Lowe. Saturday, 'til o'clock. four city caller, Monday. inhn r.prt.r of near Bethany. was in the city the last of the week. Farm for sale, or rent Mrs. Mary A. Sullivan. Beaverton, Ore.. It 2. 4-0 Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Stauss, of Laurel, were in the county seut Friday. Saturday at 4 o'clock, very .hm Mr. li we will close his Uei'v lest af Shinnbs $1.75 PER THOUSAND while they last. ThU is the cheapest we have sold shingles for in 5 years. II you figure on naeding any this SPRING or SUMMER, come in. We will arrange to carry yon if you can not spare the money now. the me, anu une w nm ignary, i. '-1 - - necessary." When arrested tii- office at the Hotel Washington. ley had a revolver on his person. . Yunaen. of Helvetia. When Sheriff Kecves asKea n.m . . . , . of why he made such a statement t tiiu itinvd (Uilfv said that k. r,i.H!..i iHH-aue he was a U-vllr Iiwe will w at the fool." He also autcd that he Vjjotel Washington Satur- was going track to square i.im- d .0 4 0'cKwk the brother up and laid him in hia honk. The floor was littered with straw, and there was noth ing to indicate that there had been any struggle. The officers. however, believed that a crime hi hrfen committed, and the in vesti ration followed A stick of wood was found which indicated that there had been trouble. It was covered with blood and had been stuck in the stove, being oartially burned. When the sheriff arrived at the eabin Joseph was at the Minor home, asleep in an outbuilding. Sheriff Ketves aent for him ana ques tioned him closely. He claimed John had fallen and struck hia head but denied knowinz any thing about the stick of wood. The fracture is on the right side Badger Lumber Co. Main St. and P. R. & N. Ry. Co's. Tracks. ABSOLUTELY Everything in Building Material 1VT" v..i. nM. ...rini now 42c: f 1 Rentes, now iiw ib mm nrw iiua rn.xmwii i . . . ,, building for New York Is going 75c; 25c aoiesette and poplins. ic K here 7n force, if th5 war no Vk. These price, are good continues, until every yard has been sold.- The New Jersey building fs al- Greers, Main St. so chtse to our structure. Prcsi- jacol) Schneider is congratu dent Wilson will stay here when . him)ltlif lhat he did not i iiiiv II II i ii w a. irv . a. a t r a..a . m w adf" when he was arrested. . . , rl ... oi me ! .nw..X . . Th (fria! did riiiht in taking Juage vi"i v looys naa irwuoic. vc AK?.T!11,1"?k1V from behind. The fact heTa TaKther too many ir- to hold a session of circuit court. that John had frequently beaten Sponsible young fellows making on. E. W. IWne, of Forest Wi lead, to the behefth tL....l a! this nati M inn HnmLMPu.. Ma in I Ft as PiTU raliintlaV I ilvDCUil si now c per mrvw u. . un - ... 4 ma- th.. likelv. before the case yard; 12ic outing llannel. now or inem are ue.nK v - v m wisineaa u.c v-uu. . j, u'ch-0,der; will Mt rt!!!wrn has been .topping in F. U Brown, who has ibeen the thealaying, HARD A70R tliliahora with an uncle. bear, a good repuUtion. who PVTHIANS INSTALL niatiinir auDervtsor over at Lau- n.i tnr aome vears. was in town - Friday. m T.nck. who is running a big stock ranch near Sheridan, was down to HiiiSDoro, munuaj, h uialta th fair. The bay is to the north of the Oregon building, and the sight is always a beautiful perspective. On New Year', uay, aays mr. Dennis. 75,000 people visited the Fair Grounda, and at least 20.000 v oo ted the structure that will mean so much for the state. Dennis wu the only Oregon man left, last week, as the com mission came back to Oregon on Limine. Mr. Dennis aays he he can for Hillsboro, The joint installation of officers ereeting friends, k th Kn irhtsor rvmias anu - your Monday's Hall TridS evening iaiVneo wishing made eisy you should KttSnSfol the ee our VgXWKcS wint-e aeason. There was a ca- shine. Take a look at it at ixr ..n4.nM and a huffet Win 8. DT ine iiok :: . . I . Injure a man. and.losea horse the Pythian Sister, at .rJlLiirdo, for which he would refuse 1200. He waa blasting stumps the oth er day and placed a stick of mot The InA and ha aaw that Innohnnn was served at a late there was goinir to be trouble, hour, after a program that was ii . . . A Ikn man with the I r,tnainr Wm Nelson WSS th. team, and the driver looked installing officer for the Pythians. around just in time to dodge the and inducted into otnee me io missile, which sped like a bullet lowing: W. N. Hams, chancel The wood struck between the 0r Commander; L. Brown, vice horses and tore a bridle off me chancellor; E. u Moore, urow, vit hnrae " It was a close call Auofuat Tews, master of work; for the animal, and did not miss c. J. Michelet. master at arms; irewieet. Uea Mcuee, seeper oi rcvuiu a i rn cAvena master 01 I am handling the Watson SiiwL W. Hout.. muter of Hemediesin the Northern POf-L.-heouer: Geo. Emmott. inner Anaersoa. ouwr wu given The Hover boy. came West fmm Illinois and they h.V. had frequent quarrels, and it is aaid that Joseph once told Pete Van dehev that he would "get" his hmther and this is the first in timation that there might have been something wron with the The dugout where the boys lived was absolutely filthy. Qirla Defeat Baaka The brushing flood of worry and the respite found I imperative from over-work is the hank account If d- ...rtitv remains a stranger remember tnat tne nnrrurea o account is gradually piloting yon toward that mdepen ni ail men nrtre sn hiphlv and 1CW SUCCCCu la Utuvv lua. K m J attaining. 4 Per Cent Interest On Savings . i American National Danll m sMeaf FfcaVaf ftau will An all nil. . . wmtt .w - ' ' 1 1 1 i. a riunniMwIil f ton wish uu u " - i lot me animal, anu uiu iiu hi. es anything he will . co operate the mm moro than a few feet. ...u ik, mUw 11a thlnka tnatl Willi IIW VlkJ, ...""- , . something in the advertising I! a ltt jbi a mia aaAaiAiaNA tliM line. iriiiiiK ui vui nmiwivn iviuvuiv , condenaert, etc., would be juat tion of Wuhington County, ana rf Jg8 D Ander th thinir He will circulate it will visit patrons every three " . i n Anderson "a L ihat u ret into the months. Territory is North of -haneniw iewel handaof the right kind of peo- BMcline. All persons wishing Pythian Siaters were in- ..i.. i nfiipra pan man buiiiq w ih u U D r - - Mr. and Mrs. Julius Schon burg, of North Plains, were in town Friday evening, attending Pythian installation. For Sale: Registered Berk shire boar. 2 years old. in good !A:nnn iFnr further Danicu- lUllUIVIVM.. - - - ... u lars, price, etc.. apply to W. rt Marshall. Laurel. Oregon. Route 2. The Ford garage, on Second, Waahinirton and Base line, is rapidly nearing com pie- orders can mail same tp me at u,. b Mr8t E l. Moore, a.- range-the Arcadiai Forest Grove..-lt F. Lepschat JJJL, by'Mrat w. N. Barrett and range made and at Forest Grove, Ore. MrsTL. A. Long, the officers be- is inside of economy. .. P11 V." A i.vinnA P haker and one that t Mrs: E. C. McKinney, P. - - - ' i m i . a ihtia la. i Mnrmin. iwa . ui iti u v i - - 12:43 .. pm many menus n,. srnu1' 7 m nt p.: Mrs. F. J 3:68 - pm parture. for they nave maoe . Sr tor 'Mrs. W. H 6:43 Pm old XowVaSXZS Tay tor guard. Miss Georgia g:K iiy v:v:v:v:::::SS KttK From Portland-56 minutes. w,Vhln M"y' M . Wilkes. Cecil Emmott Margaret , wew r ail ana r inter hub. - and V)atiM Appiegaie. !:Bi IS men's clothes as well " J": I There was a short progri v:a diea BUllS. coais, aresaea anu 11:25 .kirts. consisting of 60 different 2:05 P Utvles. latest fabrics, are now on 4:27 6:25 7:13 9:12 (Sat 12:25 Tk.u a ahnrt nroffram a- i..iu:nn Hon. w. n. tsar m.L.inirthAnrinciDaI address. Lin iiiaa tnnaiaA hv It H. Greer .-j cnr. Cohuimericn. ana mrs. only). NOTICE W wtah In announce to OUr COS tomein that milk will be the old price from now on-l.0 month per qwft W. S. Gillenwater, E. A. Urrance, P m riianUu at our new location south E2 of the K, P. Hall. Second Street. ed Mrs. Schulmerich re- Call and look at our ; unpi.-- z d ed t or the siaters. A com P w rhriat Wuest. the Ta or. Phone 8p"":"A" ' n.i.tinff of E. L. a m r," ; am iu"w v?;"-""t nTnwn wain ovum iMoore. ueo. mv-ucc . Th dollnouent tax list 1. being and W. N. Harris, aang several published its first time thia numbers which were receivea week. The roll contains many with much applause. Mrs. u J. smalllotsundercontractbetween Michelet sang a solo In i her usual hero and Portland, ana is lev gooa voice, nu w. - - " . .i tL.. .ituiiiann'l. .k.Mii k Bvaral PvthlSn OlS- Hillsboro Hitrh School Girls de- fated Kanka at Basket Bait Fri day evening, lut by a score of 14 to a This is their second same. the former resulting in a draw at Ranks, some weeks ago. Viola Walch wu the star for Hiiiahnro. with Velma TiDton a mod second. After the contest tha viaitora were entertained at h lun of Sweeta. The Bovs second team. Hillsboro High AatamtaA RiMvertnn 82 to 7. The "r. -Lrf-i. i:-., r th KanVa-HilUhnro :-. i thA nnnr win ne uuiau- iimuv w .. ed this week. Hillsboro " nnr new non-breakablel m.-w Mumford t. Velma TiDton Arcadian, i ne pesi Eva Schulmerich t. Ruth uooam a price, that Rhi Smith . Le. Marv Koch A splendid I p. rwhran ir Hlizabafth Mann haker and one that pleases every vM Schrinberg. g. Viola Walch housewife. Corwin. Reta Bornwack, g. Marie Long A. Johnson, of Uurel. & R WU III W"" "VM MhimtH Saturday from an extended visit with relatives at Alli except the P. K, & N.. trains Rockford, ill. sne says are electric ana swpai meue- -.,t,4 haa neen ex Lie in c lhh.iv iu , uun ivml VVIIU uw ... .... UV. v.. .w... " the Mississippi oiv" " " I 1U rwiwiu . ' I l..UkaUni11lllf HB Mil n A.r Ti. K'hll m ter. ana noiwn"'"B , - r oresi; urovc iron . ' , tm 0mA tn (rat I . . ... mi . nv I- T.Q m. m a gOOCI lime bow la MCMinnvme irmm .. . . UAMU.H liAM thelM. i rr : A cq n m back io ureuuii, , "isnenaan iram !" weather is mild, and roses bloom porest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. .n uiater in some places. I MoMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. CU. II I ..... . - . n i. Forest Grove Train . .. 4:10 p. m. Hoistein puii, yc - Train 4:58 am. dividual; will make a prize , w.n; Train......6:37 b.'m. ner; Dam, an advanceo r-a , S3 gt Train 9:50 p. m. cow. ana zna pnw Fmm Port and class of twenty at the racinc . 1Privea...8:15 a. m. .....I am MtneK snow. one. --?r: ..: .. Boy y " I Porest Grove ii r . s -rr. i n mw a aiua w- nit 1 1 niiii am xaa im w SflDTE SAVIHGS ML SI American National Dcnk (affiuated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus....... 92,000.00 Combined Resources ., .:........... .690,4281 Demhing in 1 All Its Dranch Checking Accounts. Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans. Foreign Loans. Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler'. Checks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Saving. Deposit). Do not forget to uk for a o..i.tn.a ..Wm vaii want a iroocl 10 cent smoke-no "cough dust In the Schiller. W" Henry Anderegg nd H. A. Ekstrom. of north of Beaverton. were callers at the court house. Monday morning. than lut season s. lAMUimio " , . un Quite a few, amo, are ior aC where hair nas oeen pwu uj -residents. ii ninmh of West Union, . iu enller the last of the week. He Bays that his father, A. L. Holcomb, now ai nmwuu Gal., is Improving in health. Tho A rendinn malleable, non I I...U., ranorna ftfe mUili! tO last a litetime.-D. Corwin. chorus by several Pythian &is ters. Geo. Mcuee sang maim lay.M and he wu accompanied I 4k mKnmiio mr tm r Lilian uu- in uiw viiwiuB Mi . bilee minstrels, rne vioun aoi bv Earl Donelson wu a ievure . . nanmam The nr. Oi me muaivBi --: , i . i ...mIum ware rendered eneatnii "" "r.,:,rr: by Earl Uoneison. vioiin. nu n ii. vfroA 7.umwalt lUmwaiti wih. t . , trombone; Vincent Engeldinger, piano; v. rmiv , 1 After the ceremonies ana " . . pni check for 125 gets wm.-in. Carmichael, Guton, Or. 43-5 tu Cnnthem Pacific has al l UWW.M i , A.. ..Mncrwi m achfidule Of eX- cursion rates vo Auummm ..... orTimttva nen. 10. iu return, - --- . i i . r , con fiVaneincn and return me iKanae ana rir . . ... . mil r.i .r j iss- 30 day-round-tnp win cost boa, sum ana nr l tux j.aa vuk VH sa inriv U1V I I flfiin t.ni'L. round trip to San Diego will cost Steam Service Sheridan iMcMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Mcllinnville All trains. trains, stop on . .9:42 a m. " 11:69 a m. ! ' . .3:15 a m. ! " ..4:30 p.m. " . .6:37 p. m. " .7:15 p.m. " ...9:00 n. m. .12:15 am. except Eugene flair at North streets and at atreeta and at I ENGAGEMENT RINGS.... "Well, in spite of the war, little Cupid seems pretty busy, judging by the demand for engagement rings." In spite oi the war, the whole human program will go on just the same. There will continue to be engagements and weddings, just as in times of peace, and purchasers for these mast continue also. If an engagement ring be an extravag ance, surely it is a most necessary one. , It b, not, however, necessary to pay a big price to get a perfect diamond ring. I have a fine t sortment at from $15 00 upward. .Old Depot -r- ... . &tnn over, either way. 101 VUU. M"T. - " ... . I .u :iro limit win ne anoweu. Oregon will send hundreds and thousands of excursionists South this Spring. To Portland P.R.&N. Train l-3Tp.m. From Portland p R A N. Train 1054 a. m. I LAUREL M. HOYT Vatchraaher and Jeweler. Graduate Optooetritt Hillsboro. 1