The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, January 07, 1915, Image 3

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    anuxsoso nor, junmr .
mi cm
m Bf no
IUihImm Silver Utf Cup
m-irs om or row viats
Ma? larrtll Met lata IHCkf. aa.
Tear at Revel
The ritv hall Tuesday night
lh acene f h hiftirMt of city
i...i..itralion. New council-
,,,,-n In the person of K. W
vi.lrk and 11 C. Vaughl were
worn In and J. K Trullingrr.
...-i. alao ttHik the oath i f
.jIU-. Mayor II. T. Bagloy t-
ikh down and out. after i review
.,f hia four ye ar' work a rxeu
tivc. and Myor-elect Barntt
wi a worn In. K. L McCormick.
the newly elected elty border.
-ml F. J. Sewell. ucceding
himself an treaaurer. were aU
inducted Into their dutiea.
A plraaant feature of the eve
sif aa the Dreaentation of i
U-autiful loving cut of solid ail
vrr to Mr. Ragle v. by hi a
.-.. of the Wtft adminialralion.
Maor Barrett appointed the
follow inn aid to hU ollU-e:
Herbert J Flag, city engineer;
II T Ragley. fitv attorrtev: John
llenalcy, atreet. fewer and
drain auperintendent: Ml Bw.
U-rr. inspector of sewrra; Dr El
mer H Smith, health olIiomT; (I
W Tate, chief of H' and aa
mutant atreet commiaaioner;
Grant 'umwalt night watch;
Ferd llartrampf, chief of fire do.
The new mayor appointed com
milter aa follow:
Finance-It C Vaught. A Jack.
F W Walch; Water and liuht, J
It Trullinaer. Jack Koy. G N
Taggart; Sanitary. Talari,
Jack. Walch; Park, Walch. Trul
linger. Roy; Civic Improvement.
Watch. Trulllnger. Taggart;
Street. Jack. Walch. Vaught
I Mia Itorrna Andrcwa. the 17 1
year old daughter of Jameal
Andrew, of Tualatin, waa the
victim of a lock-khcarrr Monday
night. Mia Andrewa retired
alxiut M o'clock, going to lied in a
aitting r(m. utinga folding l-d.
The iliiora of the houa. were all
locked, ami her atep-mulher and
grandfather were aleeping up
atair. 1 1 r father had gone to
the Odd Kellowa' Hall, where he
waa one ot a claaa taking initia
tion. Whrn the father returned
he had trouble in awakening the
diughterao that ahe might un
lock the door. When Mias An-
Irewa waa returning to her led
ahe discovered that her hair had
heen anipMd off. and called the
attention of her father to the in
cident. I'pon examination it
....... ...i-.f..... I,.. I
lininij uiai "r w mown miu . ... r Tl...
luu.n r u. itv ... mnA i h. Grove, as matallin g oilier. The
intruder had used chloroform. rt oMicera: ( ommandt-r. U
the fume iH'inir in evidence. I Crandatl: rice rommandcr. M C
Mmi Andrew wan not awaken- Collier: iunior vice. II Harrina
I Veteran anJ k'rlicf Corp Mav
Hit Meclinf IjiM Saturday
tWala Arfiair4 Wliiib ralcflala
lac AiMMbly S(ral ftomrt
(ienerat lUnttom l'wt, (. A. It.,
ami the Woman' Relief (Vp
held a joint installation in the
Old Tellowa' Halt. Jan. 2.
with W. J. II Iteaeh. ..f Kort
ed ly the entrance, and I aa no
idea of the identity of her aa
Ura. Lowe St Turner, port
Llan d'awell known opticiana
and optometriata. will be in For
drove, Friday, Jan. 22, and
Hiltaboro. Saturday. Jan. 23.
They do not ko from houae to
lioom. Have no attent. lie
ware of thoae claiming to be
nut'h. Ikm't fail to have them
teat your eye for irlaaae. Ke- treasurer. Mr Urpha l ariiie;
mrmlier the dava and date. The I secretary. Mr Kmma Uoy; chap
lain. Mr Isrudh; conductor. Mr
Nancy Haines; aMUtant con-
ton; adjutant IJ M. K r bias
chatilain. I! K llainea; aurireon.
W S Tilton: officer of the day. A
W Itarlier; officer of the guard
GeoWann;SM. J I.Crow.Q W
C. M C Lincoln.
The llelief olTl'-en: Mr.
Olden, inatallin oll'icer; presi
dent, Mr Mary Led ford ; enior
vice oreaident. Mr Sarah Mar
lin; junior vice, Mra Mary SaMn; 0f the week.
a . l. a . i .. i
For Sale-Fine
Ararua and Oreroniaa. S2.2S.
Dr. Cloyd leave for Laker iew
the laat of the week.
Henry Johnson, of above North
main, waain the city yeateraay.
New atyle in hat at Mr.
Kmmott'B. and they are Inea
pensive. 31tf
Thoc Carmichael. the Ilolstein
breeder, of (las Urn. wa in town
Greer have a irood deal of P.
M. C left Uuy now while buy
init is
H It. Tonirue a at Salem,
yesterday, arguing a case before
the Supreme Court.
Ten-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch
('hititiewa logger shoe for men
at (jret-rs.
Alfred Hey wood, of Oak Park.
wa in the county aeat Saturday
C. F. Heww. of Scholia, wa a
county seat caller the firgt of the
O. Westcott. of beyond North
Plain, wa a city caller the last
of the week.
August Itoasi, of Heaverton.
was in thi city the first of the
Alfred Erickon. of Mountain
dale, vinited in the city the first
coiiif 11 r.i
io iiv.i lm:6s
te be held at
P4nta Sooi
Nicety Per
(rat. 4 Grtarra
The Oregon Hop Grower Asso
ciation is meeting with pro
nounced success all over the state
and meetings already held in
Yamhill. Linn. Lane. Polk. Mar
ion and other counties have been
largely attended by the growers,
and over 90 percent have joined
the Association, which is purely
co-operative and which promise I white spot on side
There were but few change
in the officialdom of the court
house, with the advent of tha
year. Rodell Matteson. of Gas
ton.' now residing at Forest
Grave, waa sworn in as commis
sioner to succeed John Nybcrg.
of Tualatin, whoha served eight
fears in the chair. James H.
avia. of North Plain, wa
worn in Monday to succeed E.
L. Perkins, who ha served two
term as recorder of conveyances.
Hi deputy is W. F. IJoler. of
North Plains, a man who has had
considerable clerical experience.
Sheriff Reeves and Clerk Luce,
a well as Treasurer Sappington.
hare filed their bond and con
tinue in the even tenor of their
ways. J. C. Applegate was ap
pointed a deputy in the sheritT
office, and II. A. Kuratli remains
aa the assistant in the clerk's
Strayed or Stolen Two heif
ers, one a yearling. Jersey color.
and spot in
OKr:t7fwUin fat Bcawhaarlca)
wwii wuia
Pboan, City as NrtOM,Ckf m
Sargtu. S. f . P, R. a I , M. K.
Offica la tha Taaiaate Block. ThiH
Maia Stiaata, HUlabatav Ofaajoc
I will sell at public sale at the M.
McDonald farm, at Orrnco. at
I p. m., on
Guernsey cow, 5 yr, freh In
January: Jersey cow, 4 yr. fresh
in 2 month; Jerey cow, 0 yr.
frenh In May; Jeraey cow, 4 yr.
freh In Feb; Jeraey cow, 4 yr
freah in June; Jeraey heifer. 2
yr. freah In Feb; Jersey heiter.
yra, freh in June; Jersey heifer,
1H month. Juat bred; Jersey
yearling heifer; Jersey heifer, f
month old.
Term of Sale: $23 and under,
cash; over 125, G month time at
8 per cent Interest.
M. McDonald. Owner.
R P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
wiae will wait for them
New diiMiatchc in the dailies.
Sunday, told of the murder of an
Eaatern Oregon man, the slayer
being named a Clarence Kettia.
A the tragedy haptened clone
to where Clarence Rettia, former
ly of this place, reside, many
her thought he mirfht have been
the slayer. This i not the case.
The telegraph umply Injected a
wrong letter into the name. The
killer's name wa Clarence Pet
ti, instead of Ileitis. Jake Ret-
and was much re'ieved when he a'f .''
telephoned and found that there ' . "i
had Uen a mintake. Clarence
Ileitis i now out with a bunch
of tick, and has not been any
where near the scene of the kill
ing. Petti gave himself up.
Jersey cow,
Rike. Wash-
ductor, Mrs Amerlia Simpson;
guard. Mr Sarah Grabel; aut
guard. Mrs' Mary Rrandaw; pa
triotic instructor, Mrs Sarah Mc
Nutt: press cor, Mrs Nettie Jef
fer; musician, Mrs Jennie
Haines; color bearer. Mesdamea
Esther Crow, Emma Wann. Mary
ltarler. Joanna Jones.
At the hour of twelve all were
seated to a bounteous dinner.
The program followed, opening
with instrumental music by Miss
recitation by Mil-
lolin. II. K. names.
accompanied ly J. row,
quartet. Mitts JetTers. Mrs. ('ran
dall. E. F. Sias and J. L Crow.
accompaniment by M. C. Un
coin and J. L. Crow; address. J,
cheap. See E.
ington HoteL
Z. T. Cole, of Sherwood. Route
5. was in the county seat yester
For Sale-Hay cutler, with
horse power; nearly new.Tele
phone Farmer 3fx3. 42-tf
Ronton liowman went to Salem
Wednesday to argue a case be
fore the Supreme Court.
For Sale
so much for the hop grower.
Every grower knows the un
fortunate conditions under which
he has struggled to make ends
meet during the past year by
reason of the short-seller and
the middleman and the evils of
the contracting system. We
have at last an opportunity to
change all this and the only hope
for the grower is to join a power
ful Co-operative association
which is an assured success.
Every grower should attend
these meeting and bring every
other grower he can. The full
plan of the association will be
explained, and we hope that
Washington County will turn out
in force to learn the facta. Do
not let anything interfere with
your being present at these
meeting which win oe neia in
Hillsboro. Monday. Jan. 11. at 1
Banks. Tuesday. Jan. 12,
d. m.:
Steel truck running! at 1 p. m.. and at Forest Grove,
a a a a I a l
fears. 24 ana ou-incn wneeis.
See Chas. Gardner, Hillsboro.
GaHe Essner. of above Moun-
taindale, was in town yesterday.
on probate business.
Wednesday. Jan. 13. at 1 p. m.
Speakers will be present from young sows.
" . a aaaew
other counties, and a permanent
local association will be formed
at the above places. You owe it
to your future, your family ana
forehead; the other is a 2-vear-
old. black. Notify Aug. Boge.
Farmington, Hillsboro, Oregon,
Pw 5. 40-2
E. L. Perkins, for two term
county recorder, has opened a
law office in Room 1. upstairs
over the Commercial Rank, and
during the absence of Mr. Bow
man, at the legislature, will take
oare of both his own and Mr.
Bowman's business. Attorney
Perkins will practice in the coun
ty and circuit court and will al
so handle conveyancing. Mr.
Perkins has been admitted to the
bar several years, studying for
law when he was deputy, and
finishing after he was elected.
Having had a great deal of ex
perience in the deed and mort
gage department he feels fully
equipped to take care of any
thing of this nature that cornea
along, as well.
For sale: Ten O.LC pigs. 8
weeks old; also 10 ahoat and 4
Bargains. Address
Mrs. W. B. Bolton. Witch Hazel
station. Beaverton, Oregon. R.
F. D. 4. 42-4
0c Hoar to it a aa.; I to $ a m.
"f. i aamaT, aaiaraay a la 1 1
Call awrct day at algal. 1Mb
pbooea. Ot&ca aar liillahww Nations.
J. 0. ROBB, XL D.
OFF IC E.-Cpa-alf la Schalaarrtcb B il.
pHositsoe&ce. Cily jS; Bae.CtyNO
Room Washlngtoa Bottl
L. Crow: resolution for the new
I take tr is mean of I year. E. F. Sias. The session
For Sale: About 20 ton of your bank account to be present
loose timolhy hay at pncea that
will pay you to haul tt.-Laaa & Ccrd of Thanks
Reed Farm Co.. Reedville. 41-3
Owing to a cannery meeting at
Orenco on Jan. 12. the public
sale advertised and signed by M
McDonald, on the first page of
this Issue, has been postponed
until the following day. Wednes
day, Jan. 13. Intending vUitors
to the sale will please lake notice
K. W. Sehultheix. for over 20
year a resident of near Bethany.
died Monday. Jan. 4. 1915, after
an illness covering aevera
month. Uat year ha made i
trip to California in the quest of
hea th. but on hi return con
timed to fait. Ho wa aged 48
yean, and waa married to Mis
Bertha RufTnrnach before coming
to Washington County. The
widow and seven children three
son and four daughter, survive.
The funeral took place today
Rev. Hoffman preaching the sor
informing my friend and user
of Aetna Lime & Sulphur spray
that 1 (.an now be reached by
telephone. The Scholl Tele-
uhone Co.. after year or con
stant pleading with It manager.
ha at last replaced the old one
they installed when I became a
stockholder -and which never
gave satisfaction for another,
and 1 think it will give bolter
ervtce.-B. Lei. The Aetna
.ime & Sulphur Spray factory,
teaverton, Oie.
Mr. and Mr. J. J. Krcba en-
tertained friend at a watch
meeting Thursday evtntng, at
their home on First and Wash-
npton. Five Hundred wa the
evening' enjoyment. AH were
seated to a delightful luncheon
when the old year wa brushed
aside and the youpgster, 1915,
made his aDuearance. Those
present were: Messrs. and Mes
dames A. C Shute. W. G. Hare.
D. Anderson. L A. Iong. J.
Reeves, David Kuratli. host
and hostess; Mrs. E. O. McKin-
ney. and Miss Louise Krebs and
aiiss Betty Kamna.
For Sale: Four good cow,
been fresh about three month.
Will sell cheap, on account of
moving; Also Moline 12-in. plow,
new-Barker place, about 1 mile
west of Bethany, on German
town road at the cross roads.-: J.
J. Oestcr, Holbrook, Ore., Rt 1,
Rox 45.
Benjamin E. Boone & Co. will
the f ord agency
closed with the song. God be
With You Til We Meet Again."
?. AND l li. & U.
Mr. Wm. Macbeth, well known
here year ago died at her son's
home at Natchez, wasn., Jan.
1. 1915. aged 68 year. She wa
formerly Josephine Imbrie,
daughter of the late James and
Mary Imbrie. She ia survived
by her husband, a Hon, Howard
Macbeth, married, at Natchez,
and a lister. Mrs. Nellie
Thomrjaon. of Seattle; two
brothers, Ewln Imbrio.Oil Fifld?,
end Wm. Imbrie. of Yaki
ma. Wash. She waa a cousin of
Messrs. J. A.. T. R. nd,Fn
lmhrie. and Mrs. W. W. Wll
liama and Mra. F. J. Williams,
well known here.
Interment wrs at Riverview
cemetery. Portland, and those
attending from this county were
Mr. and Mr. J. A, Imbrie. Frank
Imbrie, Mr. and Mr. F. J. Wil
liams, Hillsboro. and Mr. and
Mrs. W. W. Willhms, of Moun-tuindale.
A. V. Dennv. of below Rea-
verton. waa a county aeat caller
Comb' Furniture itore haa
added Hne line of diahesand
crockery. See them before buy
ing, tnd you will buy there, tf
J. E. Zimmerman,
North Plain, wa in
terdav, conferring
county court.
For Sale-Thoroughbred Berk
John McFeely, who yesterday
finished a sentence in the county
iail for stealing chickens down
near Kinton. saw hia hope for
release go glimmering several
days ahead of time. when. Sat-
Dr. Anita E.
Orteopathtc rhyticiaa
Office boars 10 to u a. m . I U 4 . w ,
caw L acCaar W. . War
Roocu 1 cad I Hast BalkUag
Offioaa apauira ta Scbataijrtjh Block
Upauira, A. C Shale Kdg. Mala A irxi
ttiuaaoao. 01
All. except the P. It. & N.. traina shire pig.-D. B. Emrick. cor-
are electric, ana swp ai me ae
pot on Main atreeL
lo rorliami
nf ahnvelw Aer tn thank all who SO
tnwn vea.llr asi ctaH na rlnnnir our bt. I UrdaV. M WBS taken DeiOrejuage
with the Ireavement. the death and obse- Smith to answer a charge 01
quieaof the late Gea Zetzmaa, stealing a set of single harness
and we return especial tnanas irom uoy oieny. mcreeiy uicu-
for the beautiful floral tnbutea. ed guilty and wa given a nne 01
Forest Grove Train G.50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7::W5 a. m.
Sheridan Train 9 5Xp. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Forcct Grove Train . - 4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train 4:53 p. m.
McMinnville Train 6:37 p. m.
Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Walter Zetzman.
Harry Zetzman.
Mr. Benj. Sahnow.
Mis Wilma Zetzman.
ner Tenth and East Park street,
Hillsboro. 42-tf
Dr. E. H. Smith performed a
. , a , I
maior operation tor airs, jonn
Jemison, or Leisyviue, tne nrsii notice
or tne ween.
A. B. Smith, of Portland, who w- h trt -nnmlnre to our eus-
tomers that milk will be the
Ornoa: Maia Rtraat, accv. Ooart Uauaa
$25. in default of which he starts
another jail sentence of 12i days.
Takenup: Found in my pas- THOS.-H. TONGUE, J R.
ture, 6 mile south of Hillsboro, "
2 yearling heifers. Owner prove ATTC3tNXT-ATtAU
property pay expenses and coata Bp(Ulf, ta sc..,,. Mock
01 cuverusinit. vji. o. vaiui ucih
has U-en contracting over at the
Nehalem. the pat season, wis
in the city yesterday, greeting
J. W. Marsh, pioneer, and
Eugene Train arrives 8:15 a. m. Tone Hermena, of Centeryille,
Forest Grove
Fortt Grove
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
A 1 1 trains,
trains, ston on
Range and Fir
Sixth and Fir
Tenth street.
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. R.&N. Train 1:37 p.m.
From Portland
P. R. & N. Train 10:21 a, m.
9: 12 a. m.
" .11:59 a.m.
" ..3:15 p.m.
" .4:30 p.m.
" .6:37 p.m.
" ..7:15 p.m.
" ...9:00 p. m.
" .12:15 a. m.
except Eujrene
flag at North
street and at
street and at
usual price after Jan. 1512.00
a month per quart
W. S. Gillenwater,
E. A. Larrance.
G. H. Carter.
H. Del8man.
a t a. ...
were in yesterday, seeing now
things were progressing at the
court house.
Clerk Luce report 2988 hunt
tng and tishing license taaen l George Zetzman. aged 60 years.
out for the year 1914. He thinks 1 2 months and 20 days, died at
this is under the usual average l North Tualatin Plains. Jan. 3,
for the last lew year. 1915, afir an illness covering a
i- 1 t MflPhaotora nf thia number of rears. He was born
.:. 1..' ..vt Tuoaav fnrlin Milwaukie. Wis., Oct 13,
.'.., Li ;;f ait!, k.r nar. 1854. and wa married to Miss
... nu. nA will atnn at Anna Biersdorf. at Zumbrota,
?i on hr rio. She will Minn.. March 24. 18S& They
..r . . I . kAn 'ft t'npa I . . - . 11:11.
return via the Caliiomta route. w,uiri , . f. ' . is a return game ana me mus
m. , . . . k.. . ago, and settled in Washington y, GirS hope to win on
ine auie "?""g''- County. To the union seven their own floor Admission ot
JSK r were, bom. three dymg a wnts wiU chlrjred,
ui a f""' " "-iin iniancv. Mrs, .eicman uieo
store meat Plant one 01 me
finest in the state. Their shop,
refrigerator, slaughter house,
Hillsboro. Route 2. 41-3
H. B. Morgan, 80 years of age.
once sheriff of this county in.
the seventies died at his home
in Portland. Jan. 5. 1915. He
leaves the following children to
mourn hia loss: Hartley Mor
gan. Mrs. A. W. Moore. Mrs. L.
F. Boscow. Mrs. Elizabeth Bar
ker and Mrs. F. E. Bishop. In
terment was in Lone Fir ceme
tery today.
To Loan-$5,000on farm lands,
at 8 percent No agents. Ad
dress, under sealed envelope on
ly, "A," care Argus, Hillsboro.
The Girls' Basket Ball team of
Hillsboro will play St Johns, at
the Hillsboro Gym, Friday eve
ning. Jan. 8. 1915. at 7:30. This
Hillsboro, - - Oregon
Telephone office Vale 103.
Maia to
DR. L. 7. JJYD3
Saceaaaot to Of .
Office over Delta Drag I
Baaeliae, between jth sad 6U 8ta.
Hillsboro, Oregon
Successor to Dr. CunnuuiRm.
Office and Drug Store. '
Orenco. Orexk
Ttlapooue onnaaetioaa.
in infancy.
in June. 1910.
The survimng chridren are
Walter Zetzman, North Tualatin
hnva eharirn nf
and Garage, the building now The NecdU'craf t
:ning under construction on bee- exceptionally
ond Street south of Washington, at the
Ladies held an
pleasant mooting
home of Mrs. Gilford, at!
whn U the Kord the Washington Hotel, with 14
a-a 1
representative, may be Been at member present
. a a a
For Sale: High grade Jersey
bull: and two cows, fresh. Mrs.
J. S. Steinke. Minter Bridge. 2
miles S. & of Hillsboro. 41-3
icet scored but 17 points ahv of forni4.' Mrs Benj. Saknow. of The Progressive Five Hundred
absolute perrecuon-ana mav vortk Hillsboro .and Miss Wilma Club met last Saturday at the
ft &
a. ft
and all connected with the mar- p,,in9; Harry ZeWrnan. in Call
goinRSome. Zetzman. of North Tualatin
For Kxchanare: Good Portland Plainr.
business property on Union and Mr. Zetzman has one sister
, . a m m ii.' mm 1 w a k m
. a a 11.1.1 tar 1.:. 1 n a . nn 1 nn r nrwrmnu 1 1 .rann a vnn srim iiir rant:ii ui iiiviiiac. luia. aLjartia uvvvhvu vc
any lime aw 7i :.V tl 1 in i.i.. n.i. imnH PlonvilU Virri ma
in mc iwuiR, tiivy uim . - : . . . r. r 1 . r :i i t e
. nn.i ir. fom ..a tr ven vn v tnwn. or mii?nc consiaer bj ine iunerai iuuk uiare jii. w,
Xihin ami nmvisions. The wheat ranch ud to $10,000. Bal- and interment was in the Bioom-
ri.ih l.,liea wish to thank all ance. mortgage for 3 years. Di- ling cemetery. Those from
-.uwii K..Tivin.rnpefnrv Uwt inmiirieato P. O. Box 333. abroad attending the services
einthinir. esneciallv thank tho Hillsboro. or call
w ' . A '
ton. Anvone interesiea
purchase of this universal car,
on tne casn or easy term pian.
should see Mr. Ferguson and
have him explain details.
Agents Wanted: Salary or
commission; seven opportunities.
Write for all particulars, rree.
Ki rut -class lines for both men
and women. Oregon Sales Co.,
Hood River, Ore. 39-42
Kate Kurz, of Portland, has
sued Chas. Kurz for divorce.
They were married in Portland
in 1891, and she alleges the hus
band deserted her in 1913.
There are no minor children.
Kurz is pretty nearly German
for "short" but the two appear
ed to have lived together over a
score of years.
Mia Hettv Kamna. who is at
tending school in Portland, was
out the last of the week, a guest
at the home of her parents, mr.
and Mrs. John Kamna, at farm
We pay the highest market
price for yea', hogs, poultry and
eggs. Drop ua a card. - U. 11.
Adams & Bra, 1386 Kelly Street
(Fulton) I ortland. 42-4
J N. Loudon, John Koehnke, j
Gorhard and rrca uoeize, ui,
nbove Blooming, were in town
stores who ave generous
counts, and are more than grate
ful to the W oodman or the worm
lodge who gave a donation of $25.
Club omcors for the nexi year
in I
Portland. Monday. The order
also started the Oakland and
home of Mr. and Mrs. Eugene
Combs. Prizes went to Mr. and
Mrs. V. Dahl. Mr. and Mrs.
Dahl will entertain be Club at
their home, Jan. 16.
Born, to Chas. Schomburg and
wife, of Mountaindale, Jan. 5,
1915. a son. Mr. and Mrs. Fred
Schomburg, of Hillsboro, are for
the first time wearing the honors
cVnrraUSMMaaaat. iiatiiai afai. Poll.
aurtto. Mteawaii. Bin mm m r1t .
Hcea aitnritact acttuL b
ata la tataa aril mfttaa lajaiia Itnta :
vtawct aa ettw anncmwia t '
RoajUftfiifAettea. UtaRHaaaaaM. ' i
riffnwM all aalrua WWafcav .J
aca iinaiiaii; cat Ma aa -
a AAaAa taaa
Vol Varaasasaj mwma
ttuntm: 9Utmi too: avtftif; "
au-Z(Irk: ffiain MM aa
SlawMt aw am Cleaaw at aaaaaaM ia-
treasurer, Mrs. C. Rehse.
Coffee Club Meellng
Mra c K. Lvtle and Mrs. R. C. son. having refrained the past
Vauirht will entertain the Coffee two years. This will mean plen
Main 144, were Mrs. King and Frank Froh-
U reicn, oiiverwn ; r reu ivamrwii . .
Over 300 men went to work at J?? TaJZ nf nr.! James Plumlee. of Gaston, ao-
the Southern Pacificshops in - - " - " UTared before Judge Smith, yes-
Mr. Zetzman had always been teraay, w answer me cnarge 01
dairying killing a deer out 01 season, ne
hen he pleaded not guilty and Dan was
his son. fixed at $100. He will have a
I?!-,U A a.:iA4 ckAill tVtftf- I llltaw ftml lta.f
aa ! n a iia-aftitu iiisa. Aaiicrva auuui tuaa jwij wcccm
aAHMMiAif vitaaBca wiairinni - -
again resume ".. i"Y' Hm and hia dec ne has been
It Is also stated that tne various -5 -, -Bt,,H-.ah
railway lines will re-tie a good I'
many miles of roadbed this sea- noBntxt , oir TD A 1N
vciitk rwofr.n,iwd;
president Mrs. J. A. Imbrie: date, and it meant that 6.000 out iiLTahfa raJff to h
secretary. Mrs. J. E. Reeves; Qf work the t th htve tunptr lj ranch to
Dentist I
Otto up-atair over HUItM(n National
Cluh. Saturday afternoon. Jan
9, at the homo of Mrs. Lvtle.
All members are requested to
Born, to Mr. and Mrs. Gren
fell. Jan. 6, 1915, a daughter.
Robt Tompkins, of
was in town today.
Born, Jan. 3. 1915, to Ralph
Turner and wife, of Rood Bridge,
a son.
Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Brown
visited in Portland, the last of
the week.
ty of sawmill work, ana things
point to s "hummer of 1915."
Geo. Russell, of Gaston, was in
town Monday, on business con
nected with game laws. He
saya he was out hunting a few
flnva airo. and shot R fox. When
Gaston, he picked up the animal it had a
collar around its necK. Kusseu
sava it Drobably had been a pet
some years ago, as it showed no
evidence or domesticity except
ing that it could run like a gray
hound. The collar was nearly
worn from its neck, and George
thinks it had been picked up by
some homesteader in the lulls,
The Rod and Gun clubs are
u(ni tn o-At a law introduced when it was
Arthur Knox, of Ga.ton. waa and passed that will prohibit the later returned
! in town Tuesday.
To PortlRnd 65 minutea.
17. to
i;io .
9:58 .
German Lutheran services.
Sunday afternoon, at 2:30, at the
Congregational church, hnglish
Sunday school at 2:00. -E. W.
Luecke. Pastor.
i - i
Mala aul Third. :
...... ..
. ......... .
R "J I Saimio! MaHlaf. whn waA mm.
a ra mitted to the insane asylum from
m thia county Oct 29. 1883. died at
a m the state hospital. Jan. 2, and
p m the authorities have notified the
P m court officials here of the demise.
V ml F. E. Rowell. of the Groner & UpRtalri, in Unklxttr
9 i (Sat onlv) Dm IKowell Co.. and Lester uampoeu.
pi.hrr mSnnt- manRger of the Campbell ranch.
' ivitl ft VI wasocc) ww
at Scholia, were in the city Tuea
alday afternoon.
-a ra
4:27.... .
6:25 ....
use of the pump gun.
a whelp, and had 9
to the crII of the ?:12 (Sat only) p
1 12:25
Be sure and see Grace Cunani I
in "The Ghost of Smiling Jim."
Friday and Saturday, Rt the Peo-1
pies TheRtre. .
Dr. Anita BohnsMk will soon
Leave for Cape Girardeau, llo..
lfoilwrtvlritwithrlti?eR. 'lluUboro
Boildiiig, lltin Street
HUUboro - - C;
miuI.Im -..