5m5 JnlPLLSBlR 'vol. xxi HILLSBORO.ORKCON, JANUARY 7, 1915 NO. 42 ME JOHN SIEBXS I'X Mfl thinks th naivnts ha.l imuhl and are divorced, or, at least, KM eUtlvjiria VJSXm K UUlllLUUlUll . nw of. Swrka al-nce. for if iir ami m in nigDv. ana return ed I fore moraine, he would have no meant of knowimr it He also states that Sierks waa a good, wilting worker, and that he wu of rather a good disuosi tion. and made no trouble. It was noted, however, that he was us sif.ni ti;e IIB7 YEfJI OTII 6UST0 Killed Oatsy Wchrroan And Child Near Stappww. Sept. 4. I'll aaaaBBaaaaaaa IF HIP. CLE US CONVICTCO PCS018 W It Tavlorand wife, of nenr Scholia, were in the city Monday. II. II. Itoire. of Karminitton. waa in town Saturday. L. J. Francis, of Tualatin, was in town Saturday. Joe, Sax, of below Tiitard. was nmvtn rir n ie mo i a Hannv vmp mmYYJ ----- - ti. la Tai Caaa'r. la Taal MMtk. If Leak SteaaMt. Qrtrlaad i i: A. Sierks. an insane patient at the Salem asylum, has made a written confession ,. , lill.nl Mrs. Daisy YYchr- man and child, near Scappoose. on the riik'ht of September 4, 1911 .ml if his confession is true it will clear John Arthur Tender, Second and Third Street Tie for in the county teat the first of th wee. ItHtlSKAT THE BAKSCtS BADLY I Clarence Young, auperintend- lent of the county farm, was in rr:..: :. !. ; N?"... w - . town Saturday. nine gurvr. r. wnmiui aays ocww? awtts mc UHrmiiai u-n wmi k. P,v that Sierks had nothing to drink rwaiaiia. v. L L. Smith, the Jont Grove . .,.H..k....i.J Fksl el lae tsr liveryman, was in town the last in the neighborhood, ao far a h "" lot ine weea. knows. The confess on of S rk. niiisooroDOwieraceieoraieu new i Sehm tke. of above aloun came as a aurortM tA Mr I Year a Ilav with two iramrt atl talmUd. was In town Saturday. Schmidt, as he had never con- the Bentlev alleva. last Friday, attending the Equity meeting at nected him with the case in any The bowlers of Third Street and W'1" houw manner I . . . 1 .. . . the ro era from Second Street IW1 siaowooa iinemaraei- i . ..i . . . t . . . . .. . . L..11 t... l. iirei unci's lor ri .. or oummeruc Alt meeting 01 undelegates "-V fivw. See me (list All kinds 01 me farmers o Mumr. MMcicn uownng pins, m a Mrdwoud n 11 SchmulUer. MPtiav ir taVBal iftaUl ifa.il I P F Iha u.. . a..t.tL..l,l.. ...ma r.ea ea lil ComoMrrcUl C4a HaaOfen Honae last Ttinraaay Evening WATCH MIXTINQS lit MANY HMt latlatss was tufnM la Hw Clly an Frleay that the was a remarkable game, for a tie II dear jonn r .ur r..u. Muiiy 8-cieij merge in o ine j, wMom m, h lhU ime A ronvKtea k u ueirn. ..r m.v T" rr" C. Shute bowled the biggest murutT. I.l;.. 1 u.k.i.i. l. . . .khunrnf lh nm. his total belne ..... t .... ... I.. I ni'. "u wuiiii wumai iu iiir 1 - - p. . Mtra s o'niiwiun , lhiKihi. Sunday a follows: 4,.nl to the locals, and If 1. John G. H. Sierks, say thy endorse the restitution the ... . 1 .. . . . ih,mn l.r Iav. Si'DtemlHT merger win iase eirecu me . . . . i I t,uMi.ititHV l?itt.n li ta mtr.tnta) ne a irtit I k I Kium Irtnklntr U IIFI I " f vi 'm. -a a - 578. with tn average of 102. The bankers beat the barbers. and this event Shute made his l'J" of an averjire. Second and Third Streets. Chat Mirkethler. of Celar Mill wii rite rnlli-r Saturdav. He and his wife had the tileosure of entertaining all of their chil dren this Holiday seaeon, the first time for a numlier of yeara. See our new non-breakable ranire-the Arcadian. The oest . I .. m. ...i.. tk.l i .... . . - i .M-inii an.i nirii .-irMr i rinnc inane anu aw ui im uiai m.n on the farm of J. L 'f4 . T L'.V." t.lavinff to a tie. it will be neees- U Inside of economy. ; A splendid ...... fin iHHi sii'ni in uvni i n r.uiirrn i - w - a k i Smith, about five milea from 7 nanC k, t ,r purchane of grain sacks iAm'"nt;:.m The report of the actum of the Ih? 2f? ''lh tm , .... .. i. 1.1 . . .. . I i mm airvcirm imm.Mli it- KtriMi will I- tukrn lo V,rtjre J92' HarmeS. W, 157. immtHlute steps will be taken to .verane. IM. surrenuer me r,iuuy cnarier , i.s. ...i and then the entire menberahip "m tZ? c ' I"1'1 .t. i . t i un BYt-ruur. itxi. ijuii-iiiw"!. win ihj iran.ierrca. r, ,. . luu. ill, maiiuii. in, 1 represent Soirelia corsets- average. UH. Jack. 1&6. lofi. not sold in stores. Will call at 182: total. 494: average, ltt. homes on request and do the Grand total, 2448. tittinir. and teach how to adjust Smt Striir and wear the corset. Our tailor- Hundlev. 167.194. 133: total. el matle-to-nu-asure com U. in- 494: averas-e. 16&. lang. 1S7. eluding the latest front lace, with un 157: total. 610: average. 170 an experienced cometier service. Smith. 149. 167. 198; toUl, 614; 171. Freeman. llitlsboro, and went to M alut 7 oMick: then got up aUmt 7:IU) nJ walked over to Vslle Vista. a ia(ion on the United Itailway, and touk the electric car for llurlmcton. There I got olT and still a BiNf der from the luu ling ion carshoD section bo" und nt down to Scantxxwo on the Northern Pacific line, there cross ed over and went on the electric irmin. w hich croased over to this knniin'i D'ace crossed t l'ar sons slation. There 1 ditched it and went and stole a revolver nut of a trunk in Hanson and Kiley's cabin, broke It open with a clawhammer in Hanson and Kilev's cabin. This clawhammer had nnlv one claw. I took the clawhammer and threw it into IVn.ler'a tenL then went UP to this woman's cabin. 1 foun Mrs. Wehrman coming from the cabin with a lantern. This was about 10 o'clock. 1 saw her go in th house. .... She objected and SDoke to me harshly. - '"She went into the house and tntt a run and shot at me. The bullet went into the cabin at the ri ht. As 1 went in I pulled my Solver from mv hit) pocket and fired three shots at her. I fired one shot at her at a distance and she fell and then I placed the eun rloee to her forehead and firv.l: I then blaced it on her chest and fired again. The boy waa lvinir in bed with his clothes on. 1 thought he would wake uo and 'auueat' on me. so I fired at him. 1 placed the gun close tn hi forehead and tired two hotA. i foond a hatchet in the wood hoi and chorjned and SPlit her skull . . . 1 was afraid some nno would ratrh me. I ran out and washed my hands in a basin on the nnrrh. The towel was hnniinir hv the door and I wiped my hands on it 1 took the key and throw It IW1V. 'Then 1 took the gun back to Riley and Hansen's and put it in the trunk. The gun I took from Mml Wehrman I buried in the edge of the garden. Then I went down where my car was, nut it on the track and rode to Hurlincrtor.. Then I took the midnight car from Burlington to Valle Vista atation. 1 Rot home about 4 o'clock in the morning and went to bed. 1 got UD about fi o'clock that morning and went to work shocking grain. My coet no more than high class cor sets purchased in stores. Mrs. M. K. Caudle. Hillslwro, Fifth and Jackson Streets, l'hone No. Main 34. 28-45 A report in the daily press, sent from Sulem. gives a list of life termers for murder, and their final deposition. In it is found the fact that Sydney Brug- ger. convicted for killing lioothe. in Hillsboro. was pardoned last Sorinir. II. Winttegerode. con victed of killing Jacob 5 w anger. 18.S1. and pardoned in 1907. ta also in the list Bert Oakman. tin killed Frank Bennett in 1901. was pardoned in 1910. The list was lacking in giving the name of the Italian who killed his tmrtnor at Cornelius, some years ago. Prices that save you money - 10c outing flannel, now 8c per vard: 121c outinir flannel, now 10c; 121 flannelettes, now yc; &c satteens. now 21c and 23c; bOc serges, now 42c; SI terges, now 7.xv 2Tn! so esette and pop ins. now 19c. These prices are goou until every yard has been sold.- Grecrs, Main bt Tomorrow is the anniversary of the date that General Jack- urn won his biir fight against the British at New Orleans. The dav will be celebrated in every b ir citv where there is a Jack- son Club. It doesn't appear to matter that the battle average. 162. 147; total. 476; average. 157. Dalhiem. 135. 150. 1G9; total. 454: average. 151. Grand total. 2448. Hankers Jack. 154. 135. 151; total. 440; average. 147. Mahon. 152. !, 160: total. 4G0: average. UO. It-rtf.-n 112. 101. 151: toUl. 363: average, 121; Hare, 113. 116.117; total. 347; average. 115. bhute. 190, 199. 188; total. 677; average, 192, Grand total, zwu. Sorenson. 111. 107. 169; total. 1437; average. 146. Adams. 123, 11a 125: total. 367: average, xa. Simoson. 87.69. 69; total. 215; averaire. 72. Moves. 10. ltw. I4l tntl. 462: average. 154. Anderson. 173. 197. 115; total. 425: average. 142. Grand tola 1908. PUBLIC SAti! 1 will aell at the M. McDonald farm, at Orenco. beginning at 10:30 0 clock a. m., on. TUrSUAY. JAN. 12. 1915. Eleven head of cattle, as follows, tn-wlf Cow. 5 vears old. Guern- av. fnHh in January: cow. 4 voara old. Jersey, fresh in 2 har Jeraev cow. 6 VCarS old. fresh In May; cow. 4 years, irean n . aw .li L.ll.ia rojiaii n June; z-year-om neimr, , , in Feb. 2 heifers, lately bred;h"iIed housewife.-Corwln. Th. Ninsen. of Scholia, was in town Saturday, accompanied by his dauKhter. Miss Ihrmtne. who returned to Portland after spending the holidays with home folks W. K. Boucsein. ot Murtaugh Creek, above Mountaindale. was a city caller. Saturday. He says three Cortland families moved nto hut motion, this rail, and it helps to make it lest lonesome up that way Mrs. C. W. Foot died In Cort land the first of the week. She was the wife of the man who was well known in this county a few years ago, through the sale of several hundred fanning mills to the farmers. The husband and two little children survive. Th Uniform ltank. Knhrhts of Cvthias. has been drilling con tlnuoualv for several weeks, at mid times, and the company in tends to have new uniforms here in about four weeks. Caot r. J. Williams is putting the boys through the tactics, aasaited by F. J. Sewell. who is the 1st lieut All outstanding tickets on Johnson's Choto Studio will be good till March 1. Bring them n for sitting before remodeling of the building commences, or vou may not find the Studio in r . . -1 a a it its present location. New Years Day was "moving day" at the court house, and Judge Ueasoner and Commis- nnra Nvhcrir and llsnley as sisted Clerk Luce to get the archive into the new office. The new auartera give plenty of room, and vet there . fl not too much, after all. -,.. B. P. Cornelius wenf to North Clalna, Thursday " night to be present at the watch meeting at th Knlirhta of Cvthias Hall. He states that about 150 people were present and that alter rerrean- menta were served, the visitors a Rood, old-fashioned battle was . nJ ZJtl,. montha heifer dn. Lester Cypher, the Chan. fought after the war - hut neither Jackson nor t'ack enham. however, knew it and the fight was bona fide, to say the least New Fall ffid Winter linea of . . . . ! 1 mM'i e othea. as well as a dies' suits, coatswdrosses and skirts, consisting ofw4ifferent latest fabrics, are now on .-. tnp J l. vviviiiviii". l urmini .-taiar iuinu miner, i I . .' .1 tu. n..l Th flreimn an a annual casn;over h "-.ki:-iTi 1.- 1 ioir ... on approved notes, at 8 per cem. -7 fC Z the num The year 1914 was watched out Thursday evening, and the new year uahered in by Hillsboro dtl- . . . 1 tens with due and proper ob servance of the event The Commercial Club held open house, with refreshments, until after the twelfth hour, and a large number of members were in attendance. President John M. Wall and tha Board of Gov ernors saw to it that all were properly entertained, and the! evening passed all too quickly. Watch meeting were held In the various churches, and promptly at twelve the bells of the city churches were started pealing the welcome to 1915, which win mean so much to manv and so little to some. Hie are bell Joined in the tumult and many thought that txrhatMi the flrat blase of the year was being chronicled -but the false alarm has lost its terror. Mr. Good Resolution made Hillsboro a visit and Just how long he will sojourn is not vet rtari.iixl. Il will orobablv r main some days with a few, and cut his visit very short with nthara. Tha blacn which la imvad with his fellows may conclude to do a little more street improvement soon, and If such is tha case he I will leave between now and the end of the month. B. M. McDonald. Owner. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer, f . P. AND P. B. E. . . 1 t . .. k L a1 Ikla nu.f I 1 1 ... .. . . l...tlMi .Aiilk muoier nm loiBpiay at our nw unaiiuii 1 A n . . . ... .... . .it l .. .. .. n if.. . 1 a 11 ...mt ik a P U AN . tralna but 1 reiuseo w .y i"'K. or the K. l . nan. aecona oireei. 111, ct-- mw . . ako holliivpfl that I did it." If 'n -n,i Wi . 1 van tl I v snai uo " . ' . render was tnea two times, chr st Wuest. the Tailor, fhone poi on main aireeu iU (,, imA tha roan It Iwini 1 M..: I Tn Portland disagreement. E. B. Tongue. , . n L. .. Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. Hintrirt attorney, orosecuted the Hunting and fishing licenses McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. j i.'..'j.iui tkat lnri now in votnifl for 1915. 11. 1 cu:.Ia. Train ft KR n. m. Cv943L Q fill 1 m laf UnUVs nsa v i - - mji i u tail eat ii - w n i ji v v wu isw he Instructed the grand jury L. Flint, of Scholls, was the first h,orc.t Grove Train 12:60 p. m. I two about human nature. By McMinnville Traln ".. 6:87l. Tn. bule wa' crowded with Itt-trrfnr d ,s Forest Grove Train. ...: 9:80 p. m. people, a coin was he-rd to drop nd Mr. Tongue was ca led -u WUV IV wt" From Portland ,, on the tioor; i ne oiq genueman f hMrihi7roscution al- good start for he new year. . u'XFti&1 he was then not thddia- 8m handling the Wataon McMinnvilla .,9:42 a.m. Who lost nyeX T I; torney for that county. Remedies in the Northern por- Forest Grove W .11:59 a. m. " JLe iiol ' atil .n. .!.. w.k nrtnn rVnintv nnrf ' !.)':.... . o.iK. M "Well." Said thd Old tfontlettian, waa fnunrt to get a nunung license, ana r. rhSVK thS w .1 f ,"wll. of HilislKoro, ws, the . l.r'-.T.i J .u" im AiA n I initial payor for a combination pitmaiani :u Hviiirmr. lie uiu - . . .k- u,arfanted a hunting and fishing license. By liiuin hip .- w. . j. ,L. -!, mo hot conviction. The case was again "'- r't ZZuZiIaI . . I I - lf.... mu M ort UU VNUt D6UI Will nillUB li luu, nnu tin. to assist though Ponria iaa -nnvl'tpd and sen-1 lrn rf Wash nsrton County, and tonnoH iniu. hanapH. Gov. West will visit natrons every three ii.,trauaA i.nrtnr fnr further ae- mnn ha. lemiorv is norm 01 vftrmmpntii in the case, and then Hase line. All persons wishing ii,,. ,,ntA ahniitinn nf enni nrAeteu pan mail aame to me at tal nuniHhment The confession, Forest Grov8.-It. r. Lepschat, whether trueir notrand it mosw Forest utvve.vre. likely Is getfulne-.wn no flouDi . , ?:f;a"lhr.e,eMe.?! of the ' Gaston sectionhaving 0 wiii in in . thpP(, .inM h . birth, was lum, as he has homiciaai mania. - ' nmbata hnnl . . . am . Ilk r I I 1 1 f 1 UI II nilllllinii Ull Bauaaaw - bierks has the name om.in ZZZfa with the estate Mfttawai II HiAMIiiUI WB JHI1I I livuw w--.. STIKl .T"ru. JXL of his mother. ok n m iu u on me scokki" mi- Mjii in Seutember. 1911. and Louie "" "r," h. rm0f;Kn, kim u,alt iH A a.vH Hie lav Aimoran "" rr. " v., .. ..:.n-a nr wn.niniri.iin IL.i iv. I . ii. Il..il IITKL UIUIWVID " liimi. n iir.B nam m iniii fir ii.iiik NnrthweaL and the publishers. It has carried the message of Oregon, Washington and Idaho to the East and that message will be one of interest to all who have their eyes turned toward the Pacific coast it was nneiy illustrated, and tha art work is as good as anything ever turned out in the effete East-and, it anything, a little better. The old gentleman from forest Grove but he knew a thing or The Boys and Olds Jodgs Cnws Do Oregon boys and girls know a Bood dairy cow when they her T They will have a chance to show whether they do or not at a ttnrk ludelnn contest to be haldatthe Agricultural Collace during Farmers' ana uonrerence week. inciftsnUll, they win also be able to Max a fvw dol lars by studying dairy cows and iwiinta tn he observed In iuda'- ing. so that they are able to get swsv with one of the attractive cajih nrites of 110. 13. 18. 17. t3 snd 15. awarded respectively for the first six piacings. Addiiionai prizes of 13 and 12 will be given for making the best and nest best ratings respectively, In judg- ina aonaratolv tha four COWS comorising the Jersey. Holstein snd Ayrshire claasea. The con. tit ia onen to anv Oregon boy or girt between the ages of 10 snd 18 years, and will be held at the stock-judging pavilion on February 5. ., , ' 0RCC1ON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 65 minutes. 8:32 7:18...; 8:28... am 9:58 ...a m 12:43... pn 3:68 ... ....i I pm 6:43 pm 8:10 "..pn 9:b8 (Sat only) pm From Portland 65 minutes. 7:64 ....;.am 9:20 ..":.. .....'..:.... . . . .a n 11:25 Ti.. '.'.... am 2:06.V;;.....U.....i......-.....pm 4:27... V : ..pm 8:25 .... ...;.........u;V.......pm 13 .....pm 9:12 (Sat only) pm 12:25 .--am " ami -a ml UflMinnvillai Train 2:15 D. m. Inihor avAnlnir. while the tmsseh' IT. V W. . . ' - ' ZZW W,w, w-w , . ( Forest Grove Trtun.'.iv p. m. ffers were embarking me train Kugene Train.. . .a...4:63 p. m. I at Yamhill street, and the vesti 3:16 d. m. "Well," saw tne oia Renxieman, . . d.u u ' .mi tnmnnii ir - d':ui n m i noio in h vv . t -w.w v. wmmw .... i i , . . ft' I V I .The p. il conatruaion forces, raised the te-up Friday ..6:37 p. m. late Sarah is a son of Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnvilla p.mi rlwuia n .i i.i ,j n. m .Ul lip. iii.'i " '- r' i iyi ywBf hvrvm , . Forest Grove .-9:00 p. m. morning on tho.TillamookJine.BO McBfinnyilre r m' !,U2:15 a. rri. that freight and.jtassengexs. bad All trans, except , Eugene tnrougn wansim, n bimw.ww tralns. stop on flag at North about , 100 , ,feet jin 4ength,,,iand ii --A vim mtraatm ami at iv.a In a cut near the Bmi e IUIUKC WIU I'll , - i ... w-- . . , wwth and Fir streets and post i Trains had,.,tanstcrrea n ti. ... iihPir naaaenirerB ainca eany .id ...niH rWmnt the week. whilai.no rsiKht VUS owr ri :":, :r j.wn throUffh.: ... Tho aitde.; ws ::' : mi-arJ caused bv the freeze before thf r, . . irain.-vM.'.! as kftiMava. and t a exoectad 'that From Portland w' ! the line will have more or less P. it ti N. Train 1024 a. m. trouble all Winter. Will conic to you if you buy your hardware and building supplies from us. We are located on Second Street, cast of tbc court house. "The Store That Satisfies' Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street OREGON rr - HARD WORh iU- The inrmliiiu flo A of worry aud the respite found imperative from over-work is the bank account- If ad versity rcntuius a stranger rcmcuibcr that the nurtured account i gradually piloting you toward that indepen dence that all men prize bj highly and few succeed in attaining. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Sawing American National Donll naw sf t:. SHUTE SAYINGS BAM gSaSgWaBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBBB American National Ban!i (affiliated banks) Combined Capital aud Surplus ,....$ 92,000.00 Combined Resources -. 690,423.81 Banking in All Its 5rancKea ... . Checking Accounts, Demand CertiHcates of Depom't Commercial Loans, Foreijrn Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit ttoxea. Traveler's CbecJca,. Savings Deposit IW'k Acc't Time Certiflcates of Dt- posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Depotto. ; .v MARSM-ORIMM . i. IK',"'-, '" A vary pretty eeremony took place . at the home of llr. and if mi., J. tlarah. - at Aurora. Ortwi on -Sunday,-Dec 7.-when their - daaghter.- Agnts JAlm, married . tn Victor Orimm. Rev. -Butler, af Hubbard. 'Of ficiated.- The bride waa attend aiii hti inbe UayraretiJonca. ot h'nraat flrnVA. and afiaB Nellie nwawaas TT-T . .T . Patt bf Claiskanle, Thi beat MWMV-FF"' g. .... , , R- . -irwM.nth' ii ei known in (Jrest 'Grove;' where ihe .'jhas1 ,l.uVAij.' ,,TI ii ) ii i"irk.4.N1Lh VtAnnla iftltl K at " Wirf.'Ridgely; if Foreit'GfOve, likes tA attend" t hi ' stallation of otacen by the Test and Corps, Saturday afternoon. The same dance music 43 by Mr. & Mrs. Vernon Ccb When the ibreifcftSt: authorities oa; th" modern dances use thj Victrola to teach . ing, you can be sufe-thaj; Victrola furnishes .tlw ' best dance music and' you can have it right, your own home - irf ;LoUd nd.'cfc'ai) perfectly play ew tn Li l;:-. t -Ml k'i 'y 1 s 1 uagliaa tangs Zf Attn .i IT" ...lWert fl making of Victor Djujc Records is supervised i by the utstles.; ' f We're glad to play any ' SMiiai (nawt USUI ,.slt MV time. Come in and See and hear the different styles of tltc Victor ($10 td $100)and Victrola ($15 to W tcraunif desired- ..lf worT 3 ... .- yf mm il . J: i: !' ; f' ntur U'Ar.tWwa ' "that he1LOunxy.