met O1LLSB0R VOL XXI HILLSBORO, OREGON, DECEMBER 31, 1914 NO. 41 m cctu ays gSHBBIT LOSE -j it Case ! Cornelius Vtr. W. A. IWIIlnfrr (am "I D UQfO CASE ALL IHF ID fmi Nwrt' WUii m ( HaftaVrf tajs to JaM Th raw of the City of Cornelius .-run Wm. A. HrUingiT. tintsi a hundred dollars by Brcord.- Pfc-Ii,, for hiving liquor In hi Busnion In the city. laat Sum -r. wm argueu iy i. u Tonim lr before Jud Camp- lU, Monday, and thrown oul of rourt Th ordinance, under which Bllirrr wm tried, wm pafd for th- ronlrol of transportation and wm not hi ld to ipuly to a man who wm merely through the city with li quor in hi possession. lU'llinifi-r. who wm lointf throuch town, and had some hrr In hi powMion, ttoppi'd to nil un hi brother, lie wm r fwttnl and taken before the mrd.r. Mr. lonnue wm em hloutl to defend the case ami the Kecorder impowd the line. Attorney Tongue then apx-a!ed it to the circuit court on a writ of review. Judge CampM:, af ter hetrintf Mr. Tongue to Home lenk'th. slopped tne argument tnd proceeded to rev erne the tie ftfum of the recorder' court. Klmlia lUker. the attorney for the anti-saloon league, wm pre ent, but wm not allowed to ar sue the cae. the court having drt iled on the law. and held that lurlher argument wm unneces sary. Ihl U the aecond liquor cae rvvi nusl bv the circuit court, the other can being that or the uiy of Cornelius againat John Kwlinke. ot above Blooming. Attorney T. II. Tongue handled both canes, A the atale and county have futie dry these thing are echoes - but they could again come up until January, 1916. NOTICIi I desire to call attention to the finance against begging ami sk the assistance of the citizens f Hillsboro In It enforcement lame nnmber of Idle perse: ms through the city daily at;.; i g tor money, food and clothing. ime are unfortunate ana ao rvlnff. but many are vagrants nd professional bum. The de- rv ng will be willing 10 worn ... ...1 .L- or tneir loon, wnuw wm umn-ten-ins? will not. and 1 suggest that asuistance bo given to those nly who will work, and all other me. I will endeavor 10 see mat the professional bum does no! ... a . I find anything hero to hi liking. II. T. Wagley, Mayor. UNION STOCK YAKUS Receipts for tho week have W'cn csttle, 638; calves, v; nogs, 71211; sheep. 24CO. he rattle market owned up for the week very actively. Good Quality of offerings wm in evi dence, choice steers going as hiifh a 7 75; cows touched the 6lKi level. Since Monday the run tins been below normal with KxhI demand. A very keen hog market start ed Monday with a run of nearly UK), top bringing 7 60. This market has maintained its su premacy In price over all other American markets for some timo. With the exception of Mon day's run the receipts continue ilinht. The market on all classes of is good and killers take )H otT, iings readily. Shipping to ti e iiimi ket could be materially increased without any decline in rice. Agents Wanted: Salary or rmi mission: seven opportunities Write for nil tmrtlrulars. Free. lirst-clnss lines for both men pnd women. Oregon Sales Co., piood Uiver, Ore. 39-42 I The backbone of the Winter Nd wave was broken early last fiday morning, and the gentle regon mist wm here to cele Fate Christmas with warmer temperature. The change was Welcome, as a little rain is always more acceptable, and more in feepmg with Oregon weather, "ian extreme cold. !H. 11. Dauchy, of Banks, was n the city Saturday morning, ' er spending Christmas at For- The war tax al takes a whirl aMhe man who Mart out on I I M l.i PI I i t ... . I -. rirnt. Imki.1,-4 the laying iif the physician, there is a ten rent stamp to tin on the health certificate; then when he giMg before the county rlerk and get his liefnse. another ten rent I'ncle Sam stamp must be allix ed -and. after that, when the preacher has said words that make man and woman one-no mutter which one-before the affair is validated another ten cent stanp mut be gummed on the certificate of return signed up by the preacher and sent back to the county clerk. Nowadavr, when a m m says he "feels like :K ci nts" you have an Inklmvr that he is atMMil ready to get married. Prices that save you money -loV outing flannel, now Kc per vard; 12ic outing flannel, now l'V; 2 flannelette, how 9c;2T.c natteens. now 21c and Zic; fjOc ergn. now 42c; f 1 serges, now ,jc; Stc soiesette and poplins. now UK. Ihese price are good until every yard has been old.- Creem, Main St, The county experts, supplied by the state, of course, only charged Marion County $1523.11 for the services, as against an average coot of $.'UX) for the same service heretofore. Marion is at moKt two times as big a county as Washington, anil yet they charged us nearly $13110. Clear ly the matter of state account ing county attain will have hard sledding in the coming legisla ture- it's a measly, poor county. anyvny, which can l take care of its own business, and the law should get such a cracking that this kind of tuiMincM will not rear its head in Oregon again. 1 represent Spirella corsets - not sold in stores. Will call at hornet! on request, and do the iHling. and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor ed mude to-measure corsets, in cluding thelaU'st front lace, with an experienced corsetier service, cost no more than high class cor sets purchased in stores.-Mrs. M. K. Caudle, Hillsboro, Fifth and Jackson Streets, Phone No. Main 381 28 45 Ten prisoners enjoyed Christ mas cheer in trie county jail Friday. While it isn't at all a cheerful place to spend a Holi day, yet the boy were warm and comfortable and had a good dinner with which to celebrate the day. Oeputy Applegate gave them a Christmas tree and it was decorated with nuts, candies and and while it wasn t what .j kn they were boys, it C rnuuht back the go iid O when Christmas meant Xt New Fall a. "M,IC9 'i men' clothes M'"-J . T la dies' suits, coats. tr6 ) skirts, consisting of G0(!i . styles, latest fabrics, are noire display at our new location souti., of the K. P. Hall. Second Street. Call nnd look at our samples. Christ Wuest, the Tailor. Phone Main 8o3. C. F. C.rabel. of South of Minf, ter Bridge, was an Argu caller Saturday. Ho says that his school district has just completed a play-shed for the children, the place being 12x30. with but one s do ouen. I his school will soon w standuTdized, and win receive t certificate as soon as two or three utiliticssare added. See our newnrm-breakable range the Arcadian. Iheiwsi ranee made and at a price mai is inside of economy. A splendid aker and one that pleases every housewife. Corwin. Sydney Luce, a brother of County Clerk Luce, arrived up from Lake County, wnere ne his resided for several years, having taken up and received a mitnnt for Home land. He re cently sold for a good ligurtn and will now spend a lew monms in Northern Oregon, with relatives and friends. Found: Strayed into my pas ture. U m es south oi liiusuoru, vpnr ntf hfclfer. Uwner prove property anl pay advertisement, etc. - Henry Brocks. 39-1 Mrs Leonard Brown visited with her parents, at Vancouver, I 'hriaimns. She wm accompan UA i. Iw.r brother. Will lieimu, . . ...... i who i attending high school here. F. M. Wadsworth, of North Plains, was over to the county sent Saturday, arranging to get statistics on some school district boundary changes in the town on the United. Best slaowood t the mnrket foe Pa . or Summer do- i:., &mHisL All kinds cordwood.-ll. D. Schmltzer. CLERK LUGE RECEIVES STATE TAXSTATEHEIIT Shows lluw Moth County Mutt I'ay to I nlvcriilict and Normal NF.AW.V TCMV TMOLSAND DOLL At S C.n.llii fictt Onr Tea TboMaaJ aM I vftM (her right Clerk Luce last week received the statement of taxation, esti mate of county valuation, etc., from the State Tax Commission, and incidentally the amount of college and Normal taxation which must be paid by Washing ton County at the coming tax payment. The millage bill gives the col leges and Normal the following amounts: Oregon Ag'l College.. . $10,730.63 F.ugcne 8.047.64 Monmouth Normal ... 1.073.06 Total for three $19,851.58 The valuation of the county for state purose was fixed at $26.. K26.712 which i less than $300 of the value estimated by the Argos some weeks ago Last )ear the valuation was at twenty-five and one-half millions, and with the increase of the rolls over last year the Argus figured that the state valuation would run to twenty-seven millions. The total state tax to be paid by our county is $89,600. More than onw fifth of this goes to the support of ths universities and Normal. This is taxation with a vengeance, eh? i. am i e. & n. All. except the P. 1L & N.. train are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main street To Portland Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. Sheridan Train 9.58 p. m. Forest Grove Train 12:50 p, m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove Train. .-4:10 p. m. Kugene Train... 4:53 p. m. McMinnville Train 6:37 p. m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Kugene Train arrives.. .8:15 a. m. McMinnville 9:42 a. m. Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains, " -11:59 a. m. " ..3:15 p.m. " ..4:30 p.m. " ..6:37 p.m. " . .7:15 p. m. " ...9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. except Eugene trains, stop on Range and Fir Hag at North streets and at streets and at Sixth and Fir nih street m Service Old Depot To Portland KV.' ""Hin 1:37 p.-" "tland -if ,v R & U( SOUTHERN Agent Shinnaberger states that the Southern Pacific Company will have an imposing two-story structure at the Panama Exposi tion. The building will be 75 feet in heighth, with a ground space almost equal to San Fran cisco's new million dollar audi torium. The structure will be in the heart of the grounds, and there will be plenty of room for the company's -exhibits. The t.ieatre will seat 400 people. The exhibit room will be 200 feet square, and while the nature of their exhibit is not revealed it oromises to be unique. The Company nas stipulated with the exposition people to re serve between thirteen and four teen thousand feet of space in one wing oi me structure ior such space a may be desired by other transportation companies, x. I A. k. M rail or steamer, and offices of this kind will be confined to this building. The convenience to exposition visitors of concen trating the transportation olnces in this manner is obvious. In addition the building, which nVsiunod bv the Southern Pacific Maintenance of Way De nnrtment will have rest room for men and women, a smoking room iormen, hou an miiuiih- Hon hnreau for the convenience f nil visitors, and a ticket office. The exterior will be prettily set off bv a parking arrangement fr th exDoitation oi i,oinor nla's trees and flowers. Marriage license was issued to nnetnv Kflir er and iMien .uer a tin nf nanr Klmonica. Decern ber 26. The prospective bride is a daughter of Peter uecner, Thos. Martin, of Portland, was out the first of the week. F. A. Uetzel. of South Tuala tin, wm a city caller Saturday afternoon. Mr. and Mrs. C F. Lard visit ed with relatives in Portland, Christmas. W. Matzke. of Beaverton. was in toe city Saturday, conferring with the county court. K. F. Lepschat. of Forest Grove, was in the city Saturday, visiting with home folks. Grover Combs has been put ting down the lineoleum in the clerk's new quarters in the court house annex. Judde McGahey. of Gaston, came down the last of the week to spend Christmas with relatives and friends. Mr. and Mrs. H. L Christen- on. of New berg, are spending Holiday week with their daugh ter, Mrs. F. A. Dancan. The railways report heavy travel for the holiday season not much indication that times are so severe. Mrs. Gheen anftson, Vincent, were guests of llr. and Mrs. G. Schultz. atVregon City, the last of the wljk. returning Monday. T At a recent bazaar, held by the German Lutheran. Church, at Cornelius, the sum of $124.45 was realized for the Red Cross fund, to be sent to the German lines. , Miss Marie Tunzat, now prac ticing as a professional nurse at St. Vincent's and with Dr. Cof fey, came out Christmas to enjoy the Yuletide with her parents and friends. Reports reach 4b county seat that Winter wbetf has been in jured a little by Uie freeze in a few localities. .Ttt freezing of pests, however, will doubtless offset the injury tcthe stand. Mr. and Mrs. J;0. Anderson went to Portland Christmas, to pend the day with . Mr. Ander son s parents and his brother, Geo. Anderson, and family. Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Utzinger. of Astoria, came up the middle of last week for a Holiday visit with Mrs. Utzmger's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Stevens. Paul Ridenour and Bessie Wil cox were united in marriage at Forest Grove. Dec. 24. 1914. Rev. J. M. Barber officiating. Tho bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Wilcox, of Gaston. J. R. Bailev. of Buxton, cam down Saturday evening to,r tend the Masonic exerci Johns Day. He says snowfall is not yery O. A. C., , .Un. ad vises out kale befor ' stock. They !' ,t only makes it .y digested, but is -rhile people down here thought last week was cold, a glance at reports from Eastern Oregon, where mercury went from 2 to 18 below zero, shows that the Willamette Valley, after all, isn't in the cold belt All outstanding tickets on Johnson's Photo Studio will be irood till March 1. Bring them in for sittings before remodeling of the building commences, or you may not find the Studio in its present location. 41-2 The clumbers were not so sorry to see the cold snap end, as it meant work witnoui resi for a fortnight Open plumbing will soon be a thing of the past if this section sets a few cold snaps in succession for a number of seasons. Forest Grove's banks were re- oresented in the county seat Mnndav morning when Geo. Han cock, of the First National, and a mi I i. -C it. LVai J. A. Thornburgh, of the Forest Grove, National, were in circuit court as witnesses in a state case. ' I am handling the Watson Remedies in the Northern por tion of Washington County, and will visit Datrons every three months. Territory is North of Baseline. All persons wishing orders can mail same to me at, Forest Grove.-R. r. Lepscnat Forest Grove, Ore. 1). M. McLaughlin, master me chanic for the branch lines of the a P.. was n town Saturday, mootinir friends. He now has hosidnuarters at Albany, and handles his affairs from that point Mc. had just arrived from Portland, where he and his fami ly amoved Christmas together in a good old-fashioned family re- union. n nrrniTr" I..0 umuiL.D i:ot so m i:i m Condenser AJoae ExpetMte Over $125,000 la City f HUtobM CARNEGIE UBtAlV ADCCD TO TOWN Several HaaSMW tcsUeaos laM Not U4 Far aa Oft Year While building operations have not been very extensive in Hills boro for the year 1914, tilL the old county seat has had no par ticular reason to complain. The building of the new condenser plant in South Hillsboro, repre sents sufficient money to have erected several big buildings in the residence section. The Pad fic Coast Condensed Milk Com pany is now Bearing completion of the big brick, tile and cement structure, which will take care of their enormous Hillsboro product at an expense of per haps $125,000. when all the work is finished. This building has taken a great deal of labor, and a large crew has been engaged in the work. The building is a credit to Hills boro, and an honor to the insti tution that owns it The Carnegie Library, build ing. which represents an invest ment of $10,000. is the only building of promtience up town. although the Bump cement build ing. on Main, is a no mean ex penditure. This office building is the best of its kind in the city. Walt Taylor did the con- crete work, and the structure is absolutely fire-proof. Ferd Hartrampf'a new garage on Main Street is another new business structure. The Food Products Co. have added some capital to the build ing plant and this about covers the commercial building of the city.- Several new residences have been built however, chief of these being the splendid new home of Cbas. E. wells, near Fair Acres property. This is one of the Class A residences of the city, and will be ready for occuDancv in a few weeks. Mr. Shannon, of the Hillsboro Mercantile, has also completed a fine new home on West Main, and it Mfdit to the town. 7 Interested Jt George E. Chamberlain writes that at the earliest pos sible date he will have sent to the Hillsboro library all books and public documents, or copies thereof, available in his depart ment He will have them sent direct to the Library, and the contribution should prove a val uable reference to the student element Dr. Guy Via and wife, of Bux ton, were Forest Grove visitors, Christmas, J. A. Hobbs and son, Earl, o Varlev. were in the county seat Saturday. iFred Hamel. ot West Union, was in town Saturday, greeting friends. Mr. and Mrs. P. I. Ulligard, of Laurel, visited with relatives and friends in Portland, over Christmas. Wm. French, who has been in Portland for several months. came out to enjoy Christmas day in the old haunts. Miss Priscilla Hobbs. wbo attending High School, at Salem is home for the holidays with her parents, at Vsrley. Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Cars tens. of Banks, passed through town the last of the week, enroute home from a Christmas visit with relatives at Forest Grove. OREOON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 66 minutes. 6:32 sm 7:18 m 8:28.. am 9:58 12:43 pn 3:58 ..-pm 5:43 Pm 8:10.'. pm 9:li8 (Sat only) pm From Portland 65 minutes. 7:54 am 9:20 am 11:25 .... :am 2:05 pm 4:27. -Pm 6:25 pm 7:13....... pm 9:12 (Sat only). pm 12:25 ..-am I Happy Will come to yon if you buy your hardware and building supplies from us. We are located on Second Street, east of the court house. "The Store That Satisfies Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street ODECON gpr i HARD WORh Xgjgfcr The inrushing flood of worry and the respite found imperative from over-work is the bank account. If ad versity remains a stranger remember that the nurtured account is gradually piloting you toward that indepen dence that all men prize so highly and few succeed in attaining. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National Donli raw tt.. SHDTE SAYINGS BAM American National Bcn!i (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus... 92,000.00 Combined Resources C00.O.8I Danhing in All Its Branches Checking Accounts. Demand Certificates of Deposit, ' Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Cheeks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. Then are . Victor and VictToUiin err it variety M ttylra (ram $10 to 3W Tfca "easy ciair" rcuts to the world's best mu3 Sitting at home in comfort end listening to the VJctieU hi the Ideal way to hear the greatest singers sad nuuiciaiu. ' Just as real u hearing the artist in person, at the crowded theatres and opera houses and better; because you can save these -entertain you at your leisure, whenever and ss often as Jroa wfci. Stop in and let us demomtrata the Victrola and ahorr ou ham May it ) So get one lot your home. , V '' t ' ' ' ' ' : :' LAUREL M. HO YT P HlUabero Oraaten. ....... flan Vqqp This Ij th VictrolaXVI, $200. Eaay tetmacaa m atfaagtd if , UcMNll. 1 fnurove.