i JnllLLSB!? .'VOL. XXI II ILLS HO RO, OREGON, DKCKMBKR 24, 1914 NO. 40 . i HFtRisiirai 1 U JUDGE Ihctr Monty, IWiki Pay ViU ! tb County tat tie amm ri itraiiro bill ((off Jl. lo Morale jh riperta who mditr! the book of Washington County of-flc-m are getting an x lou for ihttrmonry and arrprwntativr of Arthur Ifcveridge & ('-a. of Portland. vUHhI llillaboro. Fri day afternoon hut, to confer with Judr KfMontr to why that till fur $1,277.33 wu not audittd to the auditor could get tht ir Christ mm money. The court Informed the rcpn tentative that before the hi I toutd U considered the court piut hive an itemtxcd statement with the "items" not stricken out He we told that on the morning of IW. 31 the court outd give the auditor an hour or of valuable time K"ing over therlaim. particularly if the l.ill arre approved by the Hi yu-muck-amuck, the Mate insur ance rommlaniner. who undt-r the law. Bent the extort out here. Itut the court did ni t tell him that the claim would U nl lowed at $1277.33. or any other sum. It looks upon the fad of the thing m though the expert will have to get down off the perch nd take lea for thvir ithuttlini; of the official figures A a matter of fact IT) would be a good round sum for expert Injr nine months of txxk, and any business roan knows it It in more than likely that the mat tor will he threshed out In the court unless there is a sub tantial reduction of the charge. Nothing abort of a Supreme Cimri 4iMUiitfi will make the county court pay $1277.33 for the work. Marion county refuses to pay ih.Hr iini- Clackamas County refuses to pay the $1,000 charge made, and Yamniii i-ouniy ww nt pay unless the Supreme Court says it must - ana mere you are. Th Washington County court The teacher attending oiinr terlv exiiminiitiori the liut f ih.. e-k have a himmI joke on Karl : I - .... rmiuT. oi lwavirton riHiir rareleiwly li ft hi hat on a seat rrtday afternoon, and some teacher hat on the lid. When L . 1 . . . . .. r inner wanirci iu iro out on the street he wan unalilij to find his head piece, and he went out as a - . . iare an regarding Ma poll ax IMou'enea when he wax hunting ior an iionext man. Alter exam broke up Fisher found his cher ishfii hat anil wai able t jro home covered with the lid. E. HiLLSBORQ Passes Away Thursday, Dec. 17, at Home on Second Street WAS A VET tit AN OF THE CIVIL WAR Promliwat la Politics ssd Voted Scaator Ma H. Milcbcll far de-to-meanure corsets, in- 17. ID 14. succumbing from a the latest front lace, with stroke of paralysis sustained sev. nenced cornetier service, . ...t,:i ..,,. ... ... . . . ' erai months ago, while operating j more than high class cor- , . ,. 1 represent Spirelia roriM-U- Qbed K. Kdann. for manv veara not soia in mon-s, vtn can at . a, ... :n. a: .a homes on rcjuest, and do the romn flour miller, died iitt.ng. and teach how to adjust at ,,w home ,n thl8 c,t, fct 9 and wear the corset. Our tailor- o'clock, Thursday evening. Dec el m iiile to-measure corse w. In- 17. rjll. succumbinir from eluding th an exi coki no more man nii;n ciass cor- a .,..,, , . . ..is i.un-ha!UMt in store. -Mrs Aur mill at Goldcndale. Wash. l L '..,. II.. II L'Ok Mr f.Munn wai imrn in I'm and Jackson Streets, I'hone No. Grove, Fa., April 7, 1842. and Mam 381 28-45 was married to Martha Smith, at A tt.l tAiu Hitma itimtttai u-nnt ti I Vfi! ha liiu fl 77 1WaT7 Tho ;m!.lic defender in each county famiy camo to Oregon from the in the state-that is to say, It ta dmred that an attorney he ap xiin!.'d to defend criminals, at the expanse of the state. 15 y all means let us have a few more oilier s. The state has progress ed ury nicely for sixty years with court appointment where men cl.urircd with crime were tmaMe to hire an attorney, but ttealwavs find many ready to crebte nior-? offices. New Full and Winter lines of men r otheS BS well 88 18- tii-H' s-iits. coats, dresses and skirts, eonsistimr of ft) dilTerent stvli-s, latest fabrics, are now on lisnlav at our new location south of the K. r. Hall. Send street full and look ut our samples, Christ uest. the luilor. t'hone Main Mhl. IB Bft - W I ..... II. II. I- rearson, oi ioa iioi. i , . writes the Journal an article. ad Em Claire country. Wis., in the ,,Bm.K r "i.Y:.. flour mills at Milton and at Wes spans m naiionn i r in-j - ----- , .i-rish In armed strife. Mr. ton for several J theo I earson is nam in nis mwuui -- . r IT OlnJ .,u Wt if the warring nations in Kuropekt ling at Dudle y MiHav north of .. .i v..i r j,.ki Hi aboro. where he operated a . 7, "Ti Uni for two years. He took a teaming on an n niurr n mnA ... make things migh y interesting forlho ueace nations-for they clcu w V ?,v " - : . , - i . land wu nn or me aemocraiic- are but lew anu lar iwiween. -"--"--,- ,u . tn. iHiiiii imi iiii'iii iR'i a n uu um.u a vri There wit! be an all-night dance John I!. Mitchell for United . ih Arlisan Hall Scho Is. Ktnt .S nator. A few years Friday evening. Dec 25. Dane ago he moved his family to Hills Inir and admission. $1. Supper, boro. Three years ago he went The WssWngton ' "nf. J"r' have a goo.1 time.-Sutherland. ,t his trade until stricken, sev h. ikMiie backbone, and they are . Managers. Lmi months ami. standing tal on me enormous - r;. a.aa VAtAP,n ftf the charge made by the exrH'rts. i,.tPr Hoffman, the Bacona w" enlisted in Co I Col There will probably be 'fir. Mwmm man. passed through the S rj Jd lind work." when the itemlted 1,11 city Friday enroute to St. Helens, jjj S'deTSffi: Hta comes up ior consiucntuon. on business. ir. uoumat witlow atia tne following children I. ...ft I in In a v.iiu ruuiiiinio I . . .. - iiiwi hiui u on m " ,r.v.v., .,,. Mr Kmost Kroner. UNION STOCK YAPHS built a quarter of a mile from Ti MrfL Ednft v Russell. Uu mill i iiva Ihnl when hl . . ' . . n.: iiiibumm. i.. hi nhnni! mk. itoot. ueiiinirer. RecelpU for the week have en left llacona there was about a Fore9t Grove, and Guy Edson, a cattle, 3T2; calves, 9; hogs, root of snow on me mouniuin. telephone lineman, of this city. 4ft2: sheep. 8200. . cu 8i. v. I. Mnrmick The funeral took place Satur- .... li. M I 1 1 . .ir.I.MMl LHfl A IUI i'lliv, . lhf nua ILV OI came oiirnnK . : i v.: ...- !n..t. nftomnnn. L. ..I.17 ZJ A.-.. ikuu , iSBfiiinK iw.-Hin luui-iiiiouM, f 1. I. ". . ' - have been gotxi aunng me wees, d( for 15c cach jf you Mr. Edson was considerate oi the quantity, however, has no durin the month an orator when at his best, and mrriM rr.riv.nl Steers sold at ... Ji n.ai,iai with rroitit bs chairman ; r 'I. iT.r.i k-if-ft M or necemoer.-c.. ni.Anumm,r'y-- Inf itAimtv innvAntinna in Hillsbo- IWdlairoodandtradingkeen.PloriV,,',sw I ro. when Uking an active inter- Hog receipts this ween nave j. w. Iiugnes. oi roreai e8t 4n politics, been lighter than usual, this. Grove, passed through the city -'.i. I J . ,1 k.i Krnmrhl I . r Ik., ux.nl nftnii inn tn I aiufi liia wuii Roua uciiiano, 'wfk" uieurovoi ni "vvrbivv. "i sapiia vuivi Ik.. ..-I.- tn n rjl rnp Inns. I ii. .1. !..) uitwr h rriifl miction iiic 1'iito gu iv w .v. IUUU0U, '- - . .i 1 1 . . J ... i , . I. rUL. .....1, . . . i . l . . . vnA i i n i r .if i . . . . t ...... .... arnnir nM ivmvb . . we nigneas pnw hi saieaoi ihwuto "LT" r.-t vour do fl and do K0- oiaies ai ma present unic, i.o.- ociore ne uiu coiioiuciou o v.Wi.v - - Pharmaev em markeU ruling in some cases gelling at the Portland livestock carts at the r narmacy. irL L,i Mr llnirhea to Hubbard. MRS. R. N, VARLEY '' n.h l vVI a i ,-- Sheep pricea were fully ; as . . Wanted. Salary strong mil ween as omcr mm ,Wu .v..... - - - Rebecca Governor elect W.thycombe 'nMn she wa8 aged 67 OkTOON ELECTRIC TRAINS passed through the city the Mast d wg8 p,, in Marshall uKuioNELEtiKiv iKir . enroute to Salem. ?,: Wpat viririnia. She To Portland-Go mlnutea. rim irovernor whilTed through ri-s Mr VnrW in 1868. Her as n. 1 . . ...I tkA iiiBnM"",,,,'M "" " ... 7 "w,w" inu Bovciiiui n,w,.vu r- marned Mr. vaney in 1000. cr :32 a m Portland like a wil-o'-the-wisp 'hu9band ia B veteran of the Civil :18 a m i order to keep out of sight ot w d Jn 188g they moved to 1:28 am the office seekers that invest the Q 9:ltS ...11 m I onrri Ann of the Hotel Imperial. A aA hopn a member 12t:i DDI ... . rt .1 Uittahnrn L ftkn MotknHiat Phlirch since Pm I nail Thursday. Dec. 24. Hills- 1864, and was also a member of P li.' Kotm will furnish the the Relief Corps. 8:10 mr .v',"l narltf Ann have a Hpr husband and the following i mi IK I IT. VJUIIIW vwi I j I . T L...i limo llance ticket, fl. children survive: ueo. i. var e. .. . 5ru, v: ia -ia i Mro Ilrsnlft ScoHe d. Bux from I'oruana 00 minuiea. Admission, xo vcuw. o" ' ,7.i".7 T.Mm. Mm I IAH BITI V MT if V . IflWIllHl IMtm J:5J D. II Wheeler, of Aloha, w9 Virginia G. James, Forest Grove, :!0 am in Hiiishom. Friday, filing ' f u. i Vorinv at home. m vnr av was niirniv eaieem- on,i n lanre concourse of ,.nda attended the funeral, i fnnlr n ace Monday alter Rev. Dunlap officiating at i services. T. Mrrnrmiek 1.5a nti'rfl stock of jewelry, music HOWLUY-ATKINS and stationery at a good discount In i nn.inl nriooS Clt EjQlSOn JredH. Bowlby md Jessie E. four-minute wax records, tall 1 1 .or h s papers as juugn uu" " V"- M ?M P m " iv He district. Judge Wheeler . Vil Pm Low expects to put on a mw(f P m flesh so that he will run to ' whlc iH -:-' Pm bomioint. in order to maintain 7i n,(but- Q,,y) P m the dignity of the oflice. the "J a nil . to nfTarinir i i.1 i . mpi .iiriiiiciv ia uuvi i"B i - . uuwiny ana jesuie ei. io' - Atkins V..i iinAl In marrtnanl Anil 806. tthe M. E, Parsonage, Hills- j, B. McNew and wife, of be bpro. Oregon, December 17. 1914, i Aloha, were in town riday y K. 10. Meyers, officiating. Ufteinoon. .the contractirg parties are S2S- A Anton BloBick. of Garden Heme vfaainu Kava been ramoant in the city the past wees, and there have been many vacant ueuw m the primary ana lower graura the city schools. ln.iiM rancrtt are BtHctlV new, up-to-date. Colonial style, typifying simplicity and beauty, highest quality and mechanical perfection.- D. Gorwin. 13tf Fred Goetze and Jas. ludor. of above Blooming, w ere in town Saturday. II. L Flint, of near Scholia, was in the city the last of the week. Fllis Miller McKnight, of Tim ber, was marrifd. Saturday, to Mabel Lay cock, at Portland. ' Mrs. J. C. Hare, ot Portland, was in Hillsboro. Saturday, call ing on friends and relatives. Julius Asbahr, of South Tuala tin, was over to the county seat Saturday. Filitor A. E. ScotL of the News-Times, of Forest Grove, was a city caller Saturday morn ing. For sale: . Fresh milk cow, 7 years old. See or telephone Geo. Lennen, Pumpkin Ridge, 6 miles north of North Plains. 38-0 Mrs. Sarah Gal breath, of Boni la, on the Oregon Electric, was in the city the first oi the week, on business at the court house. Best slaowood i the market -get prices for Fa., or Summer de livery. See me first. All kinds cordwood. H. D. Schmeltzer. Mr. and Mrs. H. E. McKinney, of Portland, were In the city Saturday, enroute to Forest Grove, where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. I. H. Smith. An Oregon Ian market head reads "Hogs Advance"that's nothinL? new. for hoirs have been advancing ever since they were pigs. If you want your Monday's washing made easy you should see our Vacuum Washing ma chine. Take a look at it at Cor win's. Geo. Schulmerich Jr., who has int nrnvpd nn on his homestead at Ashwnorf. Crook Cmntv. is down on a short vacation, after two years of absence in the up per country. Found: Strayed into my pas ture. 3i miles south of Hillsboro, a yearling heirer. owner prove property and pay advertisement, etc, -Henry Brocks. 39-1 L C. Boyatt, the civil engineer who has spent several years in this city, returned from an ex tanAeA atav in California, the last of the week, and is staying at the Hotel Washington. Minra(ta Rail, at W. O. W. Hall. North Plains, Monday eve ning, Dec 28. Prizes will be given to best sustained and most comical characters. Supper ex tra, at Clark's Confectionery Store. Tickets. $1. Hollenbeck orchestra. Portland paid $1.22 for wheat last. Kturdav. HI uest em variety. nd th end is not veL These values should be cheering to Washington County, which has the largest acreage of Fall-sown wheat in its history-larger than before the advent of dairying. Prices that save you money 10c outing flannel, now 8c per yard; 12Jc outing flannel, now 10c; 12 flannelettes, now 9c; 25c satteens. now 21c and 23c; 60c serges, now 42c: fl serges, now 75c; 25c soiesette and poplins, now 19c These prices are gooa until every yard has been sold. Greers, Main St, Louis Peterson, of above The Dalles, was in town Saturday, calling on Jos. Connell, after vis iting on Gales Creek with rela tives. Lout is weii known in tne North Plains section, where he worked on various farms years arm Ha ia now an extensive farmer in the Wasco County country. P. S. Anderson, who formerly kept store at Witch Hazel and at Reedville, now located in Aioeria was in town Monday. He is anonrlinir the winter in Portland and before returning to Alberta will sell some of his Eastern Oregon wheat land. Herman Schulmerich, postmas ter at Hillsboro in tne nineties, now managing the Shoestring n nnurlfls Countv. ar rived here Saturday to spend Holiday week with relatives. Herman says that his section has a nrrA nprflatre oi winter wneai sown this Fall, and for the first time in years the people down his way may have enough of the cereal for home consumption. His county has Deen a wneai buyer instead of a wheat seller, and this will produce an economic Change, ine Dnueaimns immiku is one of the big ones down in that section and it is just ten a hair mius dv tne MDeune around the place. He says that ..,iih narofnl fnrmintT down there mm vt. . c - - - the yield is good, and that it is a anUnrlirl stock country. He has about a hundred acres sown to Winter wheat this Fall, and if war prices keep up it win mean some revenue. LONGEST GOLD 111 FOR YE.RS HITS OS Columbia River Closed for Navi gation Uetweea Portland ft Dalles VANCOUVER FEUY MSCOKTViUEO Groaad Frtetei aa4 HilUkoro aad the Qrevc Water Ptaei Coageal Oregon has enjoyed a nice coid snap, commencing the 11th in stant and hanging well on to the Christmas celebration. Wa ter pipes were frozen in Hillsbo ro and the Grove, and the un protected faucets all along the line of the Washington-Oregon Corporation system were unwill ing to give down the acqua on manv a morning. Plumbers in the two cities have reaped a con siderable harvest. Fnr a week there was mitrhtv good skating, but the snow of Saturday morning rather took the charms away from this fine sport The downfall, however, waa not so much that it materi ally interfered and a biff crowd was out Sunday at Levench Lake, and at the Vanacker olace. on the Col. Tom Beaverdam nlare The Columbia river was closed to navigation above the mouth of the Willamette, and the ferry was taken on tne run. It has been a number of Tears since so cold a wave has struck Oregon this early in the year. Eighteen below freezing was the limit of the cold. Xmas Gifts Do you kuow that tht lady of the House appreci ates a nice Carving Set, and that it makes a nice Holi day gift. A fine assortment of Pocket Knives for men and boys And for that matter, for the lady and for the Miss Always appropriate gifts. See onr Aluminum ware, and our latest roasters. I "The Store That Satis Hea" Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street OREGON 9. P. AND P. E. ft E. All. except the P. K. & N.. trains are electric and stop at the de pot on Main street To Portland Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. Sheridan Train 9.58 D. m. Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove Train . -4:10 p. m. Eugene Train 4:53 p.m. McMinnville Train 6:37 p.'m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eugene Train arrives 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville All trains. trains, stop on Range and Fir Sixth and Fir .9:42 a. m. M .11:59 a. m. " . .3:15 p. m. " . .4:30 p. m. " . .6:37 d. m. " ..7:15 am. " ...9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. except Eugene flag at North streets and at streets and at la Follow the Example of SUCCESSFUL MEN FEW there are ot those now enjoying the pleasures of wealth that did not start under difficulties as great if not greater, than confront you. But they all started to make each day's effort provide something for the future. OPEN a savings account to day, d 1 to it frequency and, as yo dollats increases, yon will be arrowed to a concionsnesa that y ability and strength to accomplish much. Think it over A START iU six matters not .brows open wide tht (ales to 4 Per Cent. Interest On Savings American National Danll MNf fafcVaf tf., SHUTE SAVINGS UWL Tpnth street Steam Service.... Old Depot To Portland P. R, & N. Train 1:37 p. m. From Portland P. K. & N. Train 10:24 a. m. American National Dan! (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 690,423.81 ABRAH AM BOLDRICK A quiet home wedding was cele hratffd at Forest Grove. Tues day. Dec. 22. 1914 at the home of the bride's narents. when Miss Marv H. Boldrick was united in mnrriao-A ta Keith Abraham. The bride is a sister of Mrs.! Hoffman, of Hillsboro. and the trrooni ia a son of A. S. Abra ham, of Gaston, formerly of I Fnreat Grove. I Thevwill reside at Gaston on I the farm of the groom. Dsmhintf in All Its Drsmches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit, Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. Monday's Oregonian, in its "Twenty-Five xears Ago" col umn' "J. E. Hedirea. of Tuala tin, 75 years old, snd a pioneer of 1851, is seeing today after being blind in both eyes ior sev-i Ami vAr due to hard cataracts. On November 5 the operation was nerformed by Dr. E. C. Rmvn. and. veaterdav. Mr. I Hedges received his glasses and! read from Tne Morning uregon- San Mr. Hedo-es. until todav. I had been unable to guide himself about even in his own nome. Now he sees comparatively well." See our new non-breakable I ranire the Arcadian. The best range made and at a price that is inside of economy. A splendid baker and one that pleases every housewife.-rUorwin. Word comes that many gaso line engines over the county havA hud their iackets bunted htfthA freeze, where the water was left in the engine coolers there waa damage, but where water was drawn all waa safety. Hormnn Rannow. of near I Farmington, was a city caller the last of the wees. j) LAUREL M. HOYT U. HUUbor. Ora. I, Let the Victrola furnish the muziz for your dances Everybody who danceil enjoys dancing to such ex-J cellent music everybody dances their best to such perfect music. It is the best dance music, to be had anj-where, snd it can be enjoyed in every i ncme. t The Fox Trot, Maxixeit snd all the other new dances are easy to learn and a pletl ure to dance with the miuis a a . ot the victroia. i Come in snd hear tome el tie la,i.e ilanr nnmfw-r. Brill Cud S3Bt how easily you can get a VicttotrrJ to -.JU. sasasi. S !. lt. .-; V . J irui l. -) 1 'i "." th Tualatin aectionr ww cily v,8,lor BBlM "