The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 17, 1914, Image 4

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    " k
v J L i )
After January 1, 1915, 1 will vacate the room now occupied by me as a Jewelry, Music and Stationery store, and I now offer my entirety
a good liberal discount. The stock comprises of Jewelry of all kinds in gold filled and solid gold HAMILTON, ELGIN, WALTHAM and W
nrwn a i on I or . . a j
DEmj waicnes in ana &o year guaranteed cases.
- mm at tx i mm
wh I hnmai aitfl mw Blavpn ( nr )
tsvii vr nvf u t vi vivrviiuj
The Rain-Shine Umbrellas in Fancy Handles at Greatly Reduced Prices
KIC-Yiolins, Guitars, Mandolins, Glaronets, Columbia Phonograph Machines and Records. Edison
berolas "the latest out" Machines and Records. I also have some 4 minute Amberol wax Records to sell 6
.Eastman Kodaks and Cameras, and Supplies that will go with them. All prices in Stationery Reduced. P
14 more days.
k 0
There is nothing more appropriate for a Xmas
present than a fancy box of candy. We have
a larger assortment than ever before.
Candy Cones We will make a lare
variety of Candy C ;nes, something that pleases
Christmas Candies We make candies
where qvality is the watchword. For people who
enjoy good wholesome dainties.
Home Made popcorn crisps, they are fine.
Cigars, Tobacco, Pipes
One door South of the Mercantile
! Seventy Thousand Advised Strick
en From Estimate
Sx Mills for Rmd Tind li Cover Ma
chinery and 01)
The county court Tuesday heard
the budget meeting's considera
tion of the proposed tax estimate.
Judge lleasoner presiding. There
were aoout 100 present, and the
assembly advised a reduction of
about $75,000 from the total,
leaving the general tax at $272,
129, as against the proposed
The items submitted and ad
vertised, follow, with the re
ductions, or action, following
Estimate f HijcKliKiro Hqulril for
tha Year 1014.
County Kal rumllKor Koa-la
ami Krilre ll'fllOOOOu
Koal Machinery Vl.onoOo
Kiwi Oil 10.Oil
The last two items, a total of
$31,G00 were voted down, the
first item standing.
Mherltm Oltiie
Salary of Hheriff. ...$1WJO(0
Hslary of Deputy I2UU (JO
Jail ami Hoard of i'rlm.n
r IfMOM)
ColketliiK li.-iliiiiiiniiti'i 10UU 00
If IcKrapliinjf, traveling
eipentea, atanii, ata
tioriery, printing, HtaUi
cam, kit... J030 00 70 00
This was reduced in the sum
of $2, G00. but the law will govern
the amount to be paid, in a large
Clerk's Olflne
'ary of 'lri ..xlO0O
HaUrrol Dvpiily ViiOW
KMiUkc p -r hiiiJ hlnno-
grHplii'r , WW CO
noKralir 7A)Mj
Kxmm , lt-Hikn. Hiatiori-
try. Kutplir. 1'rlntiiiit.
r.W MM 00 5,120.00
This stands as ad vertised.
Kumnlnr'a Ulllce
4lary Korrl r 12110 00.
" Icpiity. 100 011
" AwdNtaiit iMpulv 71W00
KlHMtt. If.i.kfl, Ktaliou
ry, HuppIlM, Klc (nun J.4N&
This estimate also stands as
Trrawiror'a OffiM "
Salary Treaaiirer flOO 00
" Jollity.... 10000
flora hirTa Htpt looo
Buppnaa. Vlrrtlmin?.Blo I1700 5,0000
The treasurer's estimate was
reduced in the sum of $180.
Burvcyoi'tt oilln.
Salary fur olfiaa work ami
and urrytng Iiliu)
iiponwa, Stationary, and
fnipiii.. no m
The reduction on this was ad
vised at $762. leaving but $130
for office maintenance.
iVn.x.l hup. tllf r
S tlary Hiipriniiiilitiil ..l&moi,
KiprxM. t'r.lithl and
I ray atfn .................. S. , ci
Travrltnx linatiM S.kicxi
I nnling ami ?,iatlncry U , ur
Tl-piiitt) m 4 i no
h;ik Hnk ?o ,i
Truantf Ml tea .. ,.
I.ilrr ii:,(l I,
T'.:hrr Ktamiiiahuii... 4o im
Kitfhth Kia.lf riaiiiliiatmn Iri'io
Kurniiurr aini r pir ! im
'lark hlr ttmiM,
S-IimI tuinriiir'8r.l... Ium iki
Si Muuirujr'a tr.l.
lug Ktpeuat .
I'mtltuUi ;...M..BIo oo
Mtiratliiiml lliari , . . ),a
These items were given a re
duction of $1540.
! i vtr raulU fchoiil
'"vy "Sorwoo
Reduced bv mectinir in iKa
sum of $6,706.
itahrxtl Ulatncta that fail
to fii .
n ... ... ..... -'-nil vtw
Fruit Inptr ,oou.n.i
these items were left ait huK.
ImlimiitHolillan .... 1 flfala f
This item was redurH an tha
appropriation toUls only $66.
" mowa i'oimlotii 7.000 no
The flbnvn wnn roAunnA flVin
leaving the appropriation $M0o!
Hwr ami Ho. Krui.... Sm. o
lai KMmtra I nm
Hilp Itountina H0.00
rwaiwror miiuaiiu
MftaaurHf - 11
Htrnet ami Hwt-r Aa-
vmbioiiW (City of
llllliboro) I.78r.oo
The above items all stand.
Ifcituty Vo. Att-rry ... Ooo no
Reduced $100, stands at $800.
hll illliv Kun.l .... T.
Court Iioumi Kurnltura. 6.hmi on
Both these items were voted
from the budget
Aimwavir'a OHim
HUti.dierf , fiOO U
U.iii A... ....
"ruiiiK in VII I .171)11"
KKHllllriff Ti II, .11 jinm
HaltrlM ', '.'.'"'"..IM 00
OlhM iMputlM , 'mm f HI
nam liHpulla 'Z40IJ0U
TaklnK(Jiiiia .MOOUt
Olllco boputy IUI0UU lO.ZVOU)
A reduction of $1620 was voted
on this budget.
Court Hoime
JmilU.rJ. Mailt, Wator.
Klinl. Itnnain. tTnr..l.
tlir, MO
C'lruult Court
Wltneaaea, JiirlM). lUllllta,
County Court ami
Halary JuiIkh 1M0 0O
" Co. t'oiiiuilmioiir
- " - irm v j
naiary t o U onimliMiiiiiar
r.iiHiai 'ij
(Ucnaal lii-lp
Klpeuan judc
J' CoininiwiiunBr
1 l.'oMiiulwtlorittr.
lhese items are allowed to
wna as submitted in the budget.
Jurwilie Court iviiowi
Juvenile court reduced $980.
Juatlise (kitirta 1IIM0II
Justice oourt tax allowed as
onmar...... aB m
'"' .uov
(kroner budget reduced to f30
and the insane reduced to $150.
artM I KUioUl ) , . B,nMt no
This item was reduafj $1000.
r mi r a pmir latton I n
This was cut in twain, leaving
the appropriation at &.M). j
.tt..ry fttm,n ...
"'-""'" ... i,o ;
1 heiw items stand as submitted. ,
Total of budget -9347.491 i
Am L reduced 75,31!
Totttl as voted $272,129
II. I). rkbiiirlliir, Prop.
Headquarters In
cos', oirice in Washington
Hotel Bldg.
Dealers In
Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood
and Coal.
Phone Main 602.
8,0110 00
, uoooo
4011 Ut
160 00
an iio
S (rjO.oo
Will You Build ?
U you art going ln hnll.l I hi. Spring
or Suoinirr, t J, 8. LORSUNG, lor
P'lcra ou buiMlog an.1 .icaiing.
KilimaUa givtn Utt. All work la
gaaranteed. NopayttieoUHntilworV
l compeie,. j. g, Lor.ung. Oof.
Flral.n.1 Waahlngton, Bit., Telt
Jhone City 574. IMtixno, Ortgon
Give Me a Trial
WaalilnKtou Hotel, Moml.y. W,lna.,.y
l Friday
; Dr. GtrtrudelPhlllip,
i '
OI, houra.HMp.m. lm. r-to,
' to M a. in.
prii,t tin, ,, UMMMtwiu., . u"r'
rrom tlia data tmi . u, , Vi, Jt , ll'T?
Kn, ' ' 'l HIH'K
lor B r,"m"' rr AUniinUr..
Prices Cut
Your Choice
.: if
Of any Men's or Woma's
GOAT in this store r
These coats are worth up to $32
50. To dean up your choice of tay
size 34 to 46-Short or long models d
new Fall Styles. NONE LAID AWAY,
This Sale 5 days only.
"Everything to wear"
Hillsboro Orejcn