I f ! ' 1 .i . 1 ' . , 1 1 I Is i II llli rMt-A( a tlUisour aa aawJ cue aiul wane.. U A. teOMO, Kdltn. Ckiuatv Olt oal l.vi lWlliii: IL ar Annum. Tfcaradai -Y- ": 'Notwithstanding the voters Mled off a milttjre bill providing f .ids for th state universitu s t last legislature pissed a la id ring Engene and Corvaltis a Mven-tenths of a mill levy on all tiXftble property as valuations art fixed by the state board. Considering our population this it altogether excessive, and the co oing law body should se to it thit it is reduced. Half that )nount would be ample at this tine or less than half. As a natter of fact it means praetie aly a thousand dollars tuition tor every student attending the wo universities from this coun ty. Should it be tackled -this Question of reduction? It looks li .8 it, does it not, Mr. Taxpayer? In the news columns will be fo ind a review of the probable , tax levy. This is not given to anticipate the action of the .coun ty board, but it is probably with in a few thousand dollars of the lef which is to come-and may be a little more or a little loss. The jingoists of the big press till want war with Mexico. It would appear that sanity should p isaess the people of our coun try at this time, when all Europe and a part of Asia is one battle field, strewn with death and carnage. But go where you w ill and you always find the fellows in the offices, safe from war's alarms, bellowing vociferously for hostilities. All the FalstaiTs were not living back in the time of Prince Hal. eh? DOUBLE BIRTHDAY PARTV A double birthday party was en joyed at the home of Dr. and ars. C R. Bloyd. on the evening of Dec. 12. the recipients being hiss luucy Bloyd and Oliver Lu-1 a rnoca wedding was one of the features of the evening, the participants receiving the honors through drawing blanks. Miss Emma TuDDer wm hriA Roy Sturdevant groom; Evelyn rsrenc, ondesmaid; Vint Bioyd. best man; Vada Oukes. flower firl; George Lucas as the bride's -father, with Chas. Hoag as the minister. The attendance was: tliases Evelyn Parent, Both Sig- ler, Miriam Stautfer. Vada yases, Lottie Butler. Lucy Hoyd. Bertha Blod. Emma Tupper, Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hoag. Mrs. C. R. Bloyd. Guy Strong, Leo, Oliver, relton and Edgar Lucas, Willie Sigler, Ray Sigter, Stanley Watson. lioy Sturdevant Vinton Bloyd. and tne three Hoag children. The services at the Baptist c lurch will be as follows for Bunaay. Dec. 20 -Bible school. w a. m., ana preaching at 11 a. n. mis will be the pastor's farewell service to the Baptists of Hillsboro. This service will beheld in the Baptist church. There will be no evening service vi prcacning in tne Baptist wiurcn. ine pastor, B c. Cook. "Kak ,D the M- & church. si rjw p. m., and all the c lurches of the city are cordially mm to join in this service. ' Ws will be Rev. B. C. Cook's farewell sermon to the people of ne my. Most or the churches hve signified their acceptance . of the invitation to join in the srvice. mere will be some ayienaid music, special selections. juucreu i mis time. Mid-winter Sale of Millinery all corsets, suits and millinery at iew man cost. (j. Lj. Olson. tne fythian Sisters. Friday nisni. eieciea me tollowing of- SL:eV ?: lne ensuing year: M. j U, Mrs. W. N. Barrett; E. S., aarav ueo. cmmott: & J., Mr?. . r. J. Sewell; M., Airs. Leonard B.wn; M. of R. & C Mrs. Hen- tietu Morgan; M. of F Mrs. J. W. Connell; P. of r.. Mrs. W. N. Harris; Guard. Mrs. W. H. J ay lor: Trustees. Mrs. J. R.I wartaall and Mrs. J. D Ander- Sailors. 4 and 5. for 98c and tl.43.-G. E. Olson. Ml f t i i . tne commercial uud nad a t last evening at which over D new members were taken in. 'iiiere were some good talks, soma stereo views of the Colum l;t tixhwsy, and a luncheon. The campaign for membership j h is been very faithful, and has ftifea the Club a membership j turn n- larger than any city of liillsboro't size in the entire The latrt war news came yes terday as a surprise to those who have been watching the battles from afar. The Germans sent out several fleet cruisers, which passed under the nose of the British Navy, in the North sea, and then shelled English coast towns with a small destruction of life and property. Atl flowers and trimmings at less than cost - 0. K. Olson, The Supreme Court has sus tained the judgment of the Washington Ountv circuit court in the conviction of one IXnahue for larceny of timber from the Mrs. Freeman place, near Hel vetia. IVonahue appealed and confidently expected a reversal. Born, to Marshal Baker and wife. Laurel, the last of the week, a son. The infant sur vived but a short time. Children's untrimmed hats at SV-regu!ar fl.50.-G E. Olson. Mr. and Mrs. John Pomeroy.of Kamiah.Ua.. and Mr. Pomeroy's sister, were the guests of V. II. Taylor and family the past week, Eituler'. Notice U Credit S,i- U hMy piiren tbt IN ander aiane.1 ta mitrl Ki-uWr of U LaM Will u4 IVtum-wt ttj J. J HanWi , J 4. ami la Iwn tlule 'i(rr' . a at ch b the I" mulf lmr , 1 1 S ftl f Or.tr n lur Waeitiiif imi . mut. .il h IuSt gn.ihil m u h 1 1 cutr- hrfur. !l 4r n elaniK titatttitl Hkl r h b AO tthval Mid mjmroil ui rrtal itv ut nb lit irvwr Y.HtctH-nt U IM. Mini nine ! Mmu Tii. tt C rvJli Oit(.m, m: lii Uw lhoof TtMM H . ToUtfUt Jr., in lh Commcroiai Klck In ta cut of HilAtMt. irvin. within i tl uoDlbi Irmii th of lh BrH publka k.h t Ihu ihHW, kwil: Wllbta til ntonltu licut tSK.vuiiK.c 17ih. 4. U., 151 4 'lrm- lluilri. Kxwut.tr uf lli Lrt W'tll aiitl Tnla nwitfj. J. lUrtl.y, ilvexaMd. Tbi. H Tunu, Jr. AtbrnT for Kircutur. Ha to Campaign. "Wbj ilo yuu Uke aiH-h Tklnt dls Ukf lu luung ntfO fur no raua at li r "Jut for fun. ma." "And bv ilo you show your disltkw o plilulyr "It tb quk-knt j to gvt 'em Ita- tervatvd. uia." LouUvllla CVurfef Joitf- Hi First Caaa. "t went lu court." tha lavyar "To rourt a maid entrancing. tht tmmil to Ilka to bear my ptaa. " bich aent my boiwa anunctnc 1 prwvMl my ault with bonaat aaals I pric(i.'o no lrvttioa. Sh liMnl m la lha rry an4 And mij nut ono axrapiloa. llr fat hr naa to ba tba )ud-o. I aaw him for a mlnuta. Hy ault li quk'kly did thro out. And i. a la, s In It!" -Tonkitra Stalaamaav Htr Rival. Madi,--IIow was it you d!Jnt luin a uli-v tioi out jracbtlug? ilarjuriv It naa m v-rj atormy that Cliarlir bid bla batxla full wltb Uw aatia all lUf lime auJ itMild do ootliiiif but bug lb kburc-juilics. Linaa to a Lady. I'm (lal 1 do nut hava to waar l ink rmtnrra on my bat Nor par thtwa with tour Inch I iuu!.i not car fur that. Bui now lha aultry daya bara I rtivy uu my drar. Tour cool, untraitimelcd frontlaplaca. .ui low bum front and rvar. -NfW York Evaoln Sua. Canaroua Thaory. To null- iiii-u aturvd at mer n flali)i.-d Mm Klluifillt "IVrh:ip II i'T tlxlu't tnnil to rode." rt pllnl Cayrub. "Myb they www unHMuni trying to enUmabi tli Titlin- of yuur Jewelry." Waablas tou Mar. Nurtary Rimas Raviaad. I had a lillla doll. The ciaasimt aver aean. She dolled up In nay toca And kept ma broke clean. She went In for atyle. No matt.r how bold. And wore eurb aheer gouda 1 thought nhe'd catch eold. She unicord by night. She X rard by day. That rlile little doll Who miitcheil all my pay! -Kpokane Huukeirrun-Rartaw. Diplomatic. College rroftwmir-You're uiked DeT- mwioii lo ku miukt rluing wltii thl youiiK m.iii Vuii know die rule of Ux eullexe. Is ln a Mitllve? Girl Klutli-iit-Nu. air. i oiiei;e rn.fiwojr-Are you ennccd io linn? Girl Ktiidi'iit-,'u, air; but I expect to be U-fore e mH bin k.-lliru.lliah. Age Herulil. Poor Quaaaar. One yar 1 bouiiht a Hummer park. I wami't very brainy. That aummer half lha daya were dart moat or tnam were rainy. Net year the fall of rain waa ntt. The outcinip waa alarmtn My lack of luck pursued me atlll- ' That year 1 took to farming! Loulavtlle Courier-Journal Why Didn't Ha Lt Har BtaraT rroiii me way you ore ataritig at lue, minium, coiicIiiiIp I look like ome oue you know." "8u v..n d.. ion remind me an tnuth of in dear Id Kriifllsh bull terrW"-Hitiin... tuierican. An Animal Act. , Little Bo-peep aha took her aheep And taught m how to dance. They learned to dip In manner flip. To tango and to prance. And now Bo-Peep proceed to reap A harvest from their aklll. Ttie agent burn to book tbla f irn In current vaudeville. , -loulvllle t'ourler-JoumaL Recommended by Last Employer. 'I bear yuu married Thotntwou's dl irorwl wife." Vi." MHllW did Villi noma In Ha K.W n'bompson recoiuuicmlwl ht-r hivhi Ct enM 1.1. l . ... . ' " wm irwuuii wna so nored and you kaww I'm di"-avue Born, to George II. Jack and wife, near Farmington, iVe. 13, 1911. a son. ORtTUON HU CTRrC THAINSt To Portland 55 minntea. S:32 , a m 7:18 a m am 9:58 . a m 12:43-. pm S:58 pm 5:43 pm 8:10 pa) 9:US (Sat only) pm From Portland 55 minutes. 7:54 am 9:20 am lalMtS -Jfc ID 2.1)5 pm 4:27 .pm 6:25 pm T13 tttt((ttp id 9:12 (Sat, only) pm 12:25 41 m ?. P. AND P. E. ft E. All. except the P. l & N.. trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Main street To Portland Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. McMinnville Train.. .7:36 a. m. Sheridan Train 9.58 p. m. Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove Train.. -4:10 p. m. Eugene Train 4:53 p.m. McMinnville Train 6:37 p.m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eugene Train arrives. . 8:15 a. m. McMinnville " .9:42 a.m. " 11:59 a. m. " ..3:15 p.m. " .4.30 p.m. " . .6:37 p. m. " ..7:15 p.m. " .. 9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains. except Eugene trains, stop on flag at North Range and Fir streets streets and Sixth and Fir and Tenth street. Steam Service Old To Portland Depot P ! M Train IHn n r. it. an. train p. m. From Portland P. K. & N. Train 104 a. m. CITATION. IN THE COUNTY COURT OK THE STATE OK ORKGON FOB WASHINGTON COUNTY. la lb mailer of Ik Catato of Jaltv llel, Dorcetaed. to Maria Anna lUl. Auguat lul. Otto ltel, Robert ltel. Mary Itol, Jo eph ltd, a minor, Thomas II. Tph- gme, guardian ad litem of aaid J eph ltel, a minor, and to all aa- known heira at law of aaid Juliu (tel. deceased, and to all persona In- (created in aaid aUt. IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON, you and each of yu era karehv eikl end M.,uil . - '- -K- pear ueiur me v.ouniy ioun m intl'iaienr ine nnriK" nureiu l.ur. Stat of Oravon for Washinirton ... , - I nilnlv ,t lh. w..wt vwm..., m. tvvn iuviii vt awia court, at IlilUboro, Washington rliv nf J.niinev lull . wL I. j t "! iivii wi ten 0 clock in th forenaon of said Jav. then ami there to .hn ...... if any there b, why an order ef sal should not be mad by aaid rourt authorizing and directing Maria Anna ltel, th administratrix of said estate, to sell at private sal, all th real property belonging to said cs Ut and situated in Washington County, Oregon, and more particu larly described as follows, to wit: Tract I. Part of tha donation land claim of Solomon Richardn and wif. in section 4, township 2 ssuth of range I west, described as follows: Commen cing at a point S3 1-3. rods cast of the northwest corner of section 14 town ship 2 south of range 1 weat of th Willamette Meridian. and running the.nre south 30 chains: then.,. 1 11 a.. .c . . --u ., w.mce norta dV cnains; than.. WAt aa n J- a. . . .ut 1.13 1.-0 rwia vt in Diat of beginning, containing 20 acres, less and excepting; a strip of land across the north end of the above described tract 1G 1-2 feet wide, dedicated t th public for road purposes. Tract II. Being a portion of sac. i '. 0 1 I M .mm nun a lownsmp i soutn or rang 1 west of the Willamett Meridian, and described as follows, to wit: Commen. cing at a point CO links north of the fiuarter sect ion corner b.fwm .... "v - uon. za ana Z0, township 2 south of ranee 1 went of th. Will.m.M. mi... dian, and running thence north 1.60 a I ...ai.iviiv anvil- 1 cnains; thwee south 74 1-4 degrs thence south 84 1-2 decprees west 11 n sv.no viMiifin, I ohatna fVionta annil. in 1 n i east 2.36 chains: thenr. north B7 d-J grei east 7.70 chains; thenca south cnnins; mence east la.6v chains I to the place of berinninir. mntaininff from a tract of land formerly sold to ueorge uaioreath, and described as I fO OWI. to Wit; Reirinnie.. .t . . . . ' m iioiiii i 11 IT I A 1 M A mm . I cnains sonn oi tne sonmwest corner of the above described Iract: thence west 8 degrees south 18 rods; hence .aster , .long the liiu, of Port- J rods; thence south 4 1-2 rod. to . ugiuiniiK. in inn qi land reinabove described as Trast H, con- ininaboutfli.,. i' . Uininir about 34 acres, more or lees. Tract HILts 37, 38, 89, V. 48, 4f, 46, 46, 47, 48, 49 of Tualatin ar- deni, Washinirton Conntr. Orro-on- nl. lt. .11..1 ..... . " norxn one-tnim or kit an. and I the west 1 1.2 imiif W mi-T...!, ty tt t wal af Una rvnhittfi aoutk from tn aoutbwaat nvrnrr of M M paralM itk tb t Im f aail M H of Tualatin (UrWns rxt that Part of Mul t pxrtion of !! ki, h waa onAl to K. A. rM.ly on Novwtuber S?, ISHM. by Ihs rv.w.K' I n par W, Hn4 to of thf rriU t uVeaja for Wahmc(n t'ounly. trrirn All of aakl kta bitnr in tK!ii M and townbi t aouth tf rani; I .t ef th Willamatta M.-ri.lin. and containing ii acren. iht or le. I'art of aaid Tract numbered It and HI b- itvg autijwv-t to the tight of way of the Urgin Ktevtrk Kilrad tonany' right of way a now uryrd anj l. rated ctx aid Unds ngt if y cvnlaimng three acre. nuie or leaa; Or ao much of aaid real property a may b neceaaary t pay the debt, liana and i-harge arain.t aaid etat nd th expensea of administration, a prayed for in the petition of '! Maria Anna ltel. a.1imnitratrn of tb aetata of aaid Juliu lt.-t. deceased. WITNKSS my hand and the ! of tatd court, affixed thia lUh tUy of tWcemUr. mi. KtiW.tMlfK. Clrrk of the t'ouitly tVtirt of aaid Washington fount) . Ore gon. By II. A. Kl'KATt 1. IVputy. (Seal of County Court ) HKRI -a IIIX IS TIIK CIRCt IT t'tUJRT OF TIIK STATK UK lKKi:tN t'Oli WASH 1NUTUN COt'NTY. LaalM M fc.lt. i'iaii.ntl. v, r f Jjhnton and Kim V lohnaia. hl Ilo. formerly N I n a V Kuiit, IMoudaata, t'y Virtue of an execution. iil;itnl. order, dwree, and nt.ler id . iwml out of the atntte enlillnl nurt in Ihe ah.. eliUiled eauais, l ut ilimVtl, and tl,tel iba imaday of SovmiiI rr. I'll. a Judguietil rn 'ernt al eolervd In 4i.l euurt,oolbetlwidayoltv.her. Ml. In ivor of llr M nrail. ..aiiiiilt, and aarainat V V J..hnn and .Nina V iubnaon. bu wile. KrnMciy Mina V Ktipert. for Ilia Mint .f ttcMi, a lib luloiaal iheretin at ib rale of -r inl pry annum Inmi lha Tld dar of May, laiS, and tba lunher auut of f-HO, aub InUroat thereon al the rate uf i. r reul pt atiuutn froi ib sui day oi tat i, 1414. and lha lurllier aum t.l t-l ji t, and tho is tt a and ih thia U, romniani'li g ma lo make M e uf Uw fol owing dewdbrd real I'H n-rt J , lu w.t: A, lot lil nuinl'era-l one 1 1 a. two t'). lav a.ur tti. in. j anu l n . au I danlgnaie.1 a a Ui of wnhi'i ,.JlMlutol(rt, , ,h- u,,,,,, n.,a.n UUalHii Ut'id Claim. In ..n,l,l(i one (II Koulb, Kann two -3-i ol Ibe W II lam Ml e Mentllan. Auhmdi. I Cuonty. Oregon, leing n.ote pertiruUrl ileotrriiteu aa rotn.wa, u wn : Heginning at ibe nufiiiea.i corner ol aaid Hotjtutlu Aiew.n Ik.uailoii land I'lalin. ami ruumng tlu-tica emm dMreea lo lumulre -.1 l oJrbania l It.mt la tba tei.ier of the I ..unit Koa.1 ineitca notlll ei ll'l'eee a. It.tnuir Wral aUng Ibe center ol Mini inint r l U -V rbalra; l.Vm-e n.irtn 1 ileat I mln eaal in.m rbt l lb uotlh line ( II reiijainin Miewerl iK.t.all n iitd I Un.i, banceanuin W ilraina It Uilnuteai tl.aini nrf I .a nt-rtlt ll.e ol mi. rlaitn. to tbe laa l beainuli . it naahineion itiooiy. i'rion Mow Ibereinte. I.y viriite .(! I rnv.i lion. J .4lfiii. 1 1 nnter derrta. and unl oiaue. anu in ts.M.ii i. e w nn ine wm inainlatif aaid wnl, I will on Uii lay the 1 1 tit oy til lanuary li:, at o cl k A. M , nl the Ir.mt tit or I il auntr tourt i hum lu Hill l.r.i, n inynn t'ounlt. iirKiii, aril at miIik auctto'i auiyrcl lu ratleniptitin lo lh hlyheet l.l'ldrr lortaah In band, all Ibe fgi't id mieieat wbi. n the aiitin I"" ..rir, .-r eitnw t,i 11 .,, - had on the IJth daf of A nil. l ili, 11.. "' '"r1 km, " "' . anoee ae rni pn, ,ir. , ,wr, 111.. . . . . . " ' 1 tnereto. 10 eaiiai j mmut eieruiton, order ,na wi. n-ut. and ao. IUin. L Rf-KVKS, I nuejin natittnuin t "Unit Urrwun By J. C. ApplegaU. Ib-puty J ' ' " int. r. 11. 1 KWtt mtl!C4Mi,ii, e... ,t. inn, Laet iuliliiatou. Jan. 7. l!'U NOTICE OF FINAL tETTLEMENT IN TH-. fWNTT CoritT OK TIIK "TATK or OltKUDM roll WAKIMNOTOM COCNTr. lu tbe mailer of the Katale of Mtnairl nice, urceaaetl Sotire is heieliy wiven that the under signed admin. s'ralor 1 f antil eUtp ba V.'T.SS mi'J estate, and that said Couit ha, fur.l and ppotntrd Mundsy tbe nth day uf J4n-T- '9'5. st th hwir of ten o'clock A 11. of said day sad the C-.mt Itrnm .1 th (abor tntlllrd Court in Hilliborn. Wasblngtnn County. OrrKun. a the I p!ct lor hra'lng tl jecKone to lmM nnfl cwuntsn.l f, , ,)0, , meni of .aid esiale. Dated this 3 d da of December, iu,4 I 1.... . . .1 . ' I "nn uilll, All! iluiinialratur of iid " BAGLEY & HARE. Attorneys fur AdniinUfrsto. nxrxuTOR s notici: MnllA.1. I....I . .1 . 1 , .. . imj lf.fr Hiveil tllRL I. II1M IIi.iIm. alsiiml, bsva lieen by lb louuty I'mirtid .it nui iii uretriiii. tor wun..i.n, h""' I''"1 M ". tlecea.nii, and ..ifiiv. iiiiiv aiiiviinieii avet.iii.ip .1 tt. -.T-J"',?. 7" l' . ,.,,, imi.at miii nil nln ate nmineci to praaent the saina V, lMe w'it Wl" vou',,'"r t the law oill.-a .wlbln sis months from thh Hnl ov 1 Still a a ' ' iii ww n iiMPrvi I sal II . 1 1 I gt. . guu.r est.f f , IZTll. m "i w""Bwwj, W N ,rrftU AtUrnjr for KiMiitor, '" vr ETTl.EMENT NirilCE IS IlERRnv nivvw Mbat the unilnmlvned. thed.ii. "Mln " count Court m the Hut ot IT". , onioumy , bis nnal .Z.. "."V?-"'. I1.- muri iimniwi Mnni'ay, Mm aih He W laaHaaAba. A Sa I III . ?";".".' " ".,u' ibmirni ZZlTL VZ'Vl 'ff'"" I'" Mlllahorw, Orenm, as Mb time and KJTOOTir JI"S UXiTxl, m?' 3r'1 i r ai nin. Atiiiitniatralnruf tba nlst ol ,.!h J??1H1" Ll"T"u - J'. A"'y Ad- mftnfiraur Men'i and ladies' suits from 9.0 up at Lhrist VVueBt'n. Socnnrl Klnuil Ct:-..t . . auaiiiciiun iruarantPdri land first-ClaM wnrkmannhlr. .1 EMMOTT & HOARD See YoutnivernouK on your pure). .. tt.rw prrrnU for t! t hildrr n. Suar, 10 l!i!t .. .. Mai;iU mill, t All TcaV, kt U Nbplc S nip, !. ..in Ptrk Clujs SliwuKlcr iVik Mcak RiH K.ut IUt ( .. . I)icvcvl Chicken, cr ll Our Business has This is just a few of our prices. Come and sec wfc else you can save money on. Also see our new store aj & and span in its new coat of paint. Watch for our Special Sale Days, there will be lot of them ttSh Fmmntt Re Hov Cash SALE CLOSES SATURDAY, DECEMBER 19tb. AT 9 P. D. This is your first and last chance to buy a high, grade Piano at Sample Prices. We have just a few left and they must be sold regardless of price and terms. Come in and pick out your piano, and we will arrange with the Hillsboro Transfer Co. to store and deliver it on Christmas Morning. We will also arrange your payments so it will not interfere with your Xmas shop ping. Remember, Saturday Evening, December 19th, this sale will close. Manufacturers and Wholesale Distributors of Fines and Player Pianos. Washington Hotel Hilklw,v Oratm. rtmoas. . .. - tgs) In lh Clm.li ...at . .. . Or3fftit t i. nii ir nasn nitiii iv.La.s- !'." 'In.lM atral, , , f iir -i J M rteiiier, ,Waei. ,a. i.i. ' "rwn. Slid alao ail olbrr i, t..iti r 7" " "'"""'' -i. n any rmbt. ",li, Inn n ml.,,. i i.. ., . , , at TnJ Itrna n. bihI ale. .11 ...i.. . . . "; or bar. Ira tiki,wn rUl, ' C.'. it. till. i.ui. I,.., r " ' ' ?! in W 7 r. . II'S i,f I,h. ,l.. ' 'I. " ' ' H the 'n.irnnr V .. "..' ".'"f. 'r.-s ban " ' Mn.n s i Lisa sny -I r..r ,,,, ,., bnr ,,;,, Exr I III" I'll iii mm,, t. .... kit. I 'I'Kl'H'l. pMiirty Ui I.., . l"""lIHKI lilli. ii. ..I 'iffr. Kn,i, f, r U ..II . V' t,m M,l iMnfii.t,,,,!,!,,,,,,,,. tun nam. t,i in. ki. ...... 'I" Of lllll H nil ,h" r;"' whvmm.vi. I . ... . ""raii Itliala.. ..... - " e unr riiiii what Cosh will buy t 4111 Kal . ... MKATS iloublcd - BECAUSE Our prices are hJ) oh ler S fee Peole's Theare THE FUTILITY of REVECOE A Special selected 2 part feature with favorite Dorthy Phillips. Also tha W newa from th front. Benefit for ttie Public Christmas Tree Next Monday and Tuesday, Deccnr ber21 and 22 we will give the pro ceeds of these two nights toward ij benefit of the Christmas tree for e Children of Hillsboro. Usualpric inc .fH in dinmotm-. fence railH and Imards of n!l kinds into tovawond lenKth,. waft. l country. Write, phone or y x, f I. no 15c 45c IU. Ifx TOMORROW AND SATURDAY . AiWt 6 Per Cant LW" (Mit.ln.hle to buy, i '"',rt!"?S rami, rsnnh rifXJSZ iHov liiriuii ''rlwbls jZ . w. .... I. . v. . ,F eti- - . , tin uarawa: alao Uai cast af Ut Ml " H.p4..l, Museb Br."