The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, December 10, 1914, Image 5

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    ii 1 rr
nriflSIIFSS'inin ,
LlltLII v,.a.ww.a
lnor While fcm IwunK
ut ui a of JunnmiiF
A M f )' tWaae"
i,t ilaaeVie' tWller
iJin Whitf. aired year, non
Ur and Mm. S. Whit, of
r UidJIeton. wu killed by a
train on the evening of Sept U,
MIL and the Sequel t the
Irtfly damage) Bu" Bgainat
i a . Kd. 'rl Coifeit.
hiutlwrs. who conduct a saloon
it Sherwood. The father trinK
mit In circuit court. and alleges
ttt on Sept 8 young Whit
nt ta the Cut felt saloon ami
bought a Muart of Cream Ky
a a ft
hitikey. Mcame urunken,
iftr which he return! to Sher
wiiuJ and procured more ii.iuor.
The Mmplaint aaya that White
iUrt4 hom in an intoxicate!
rotnlilion. anil that he wart run
river y a Portland. Eugene &
IU.t-rn passenger train, about
f o'rliK-k on September 9. anil
White Sr. contend that young
Whitt wan etujK'fll by the li
quor, and wa irTeaiMnribl be
cause' uf iu us. The Uy cn.
tnlmtod about $30 per month
Wrl the aupih.rt of the par
rnti Because of thin White Sr.
a. the inm of $22. &M).
Tin i the firt time a cae of
this magnitude ha been brought
into the litrat circuit court. The
father alleges that on the IHh of
Set'tfmtMT tht Uy became inlox
iraled and while in that condi
turn he wa sold more liquor,
hen the saloon peirple knew he
a intoxicated, and was unable
tirare for himself.
The cae will be watched with
interest because of the fart al
leged - that liquor wa sold White
Jr. ft hen he wa already drunk.
There in al) a criminal prtwecu
lion liable if this is the cane.
K il-L II. Downs, of i'ortlard.
b the attorney for the plaintiff.
Kuit" I lHMtiv ln that lh HU'l'f
mti hw asn e.polil hf Ilia niinitv
t'nurt III WtohlllglUU ttllllllf. IMr..n,
-lwimairalr uf lh ratals u( i'lifil"lli
IMmuil. ilattrsanl All witin list In
iliu acailisi .alii rll lll llwl.l-.rr
rn,.n lb Mill. kMMhl till (.f.,i
t nKlian Ihaivhir, alihin (IU imuiiIIh
Ihmw lh Ul hr"l, " al n Ctiriiallu. nr nm l Hi
tea ..illicit M. H. Tonu, at,,
laiJ tlnwwhara. Mil.
Urn, Mi!miuIiI. AilinlnMralor
K II Toiiaua, AiHirua fr AlnHnllr
U 0Utr lo I. Mill'f, Irarl II
C,iot llrl(hla I'"
Jul. Wun lo U II VrlHi, t Ion
HbiwiMt Aewi -
it m Kflrhaid Id Hlin Mllirl, Ir
in No-lb IIiIUIkmo l
t V Hl(. ! to I'M r.rllh'ti, J !..!
W Cnrllati'l llrutlil I
Krt.l M 1-1 It OturK II .lrhrt, )
arr IV I lit I W I"
R'ttlu Jt tiara to W J BiiIk". I"t "
l.rliman Acir I
Jvbl Uvnrxt 0 Ann. l.lvrnKnwl,
I !( oral Alutt I"
h't l'gf lu Flank Knit", lo arc
14 I I II I f . . ,00'
R I. I Unburn lo C C Kiancl. lol iu
Vnna Artt
UC llartfi toll A Htuitl, liacl
In r.iabam il I r '
OHKrlr lo W J O xxt, l)K In W
r a.l V Oiove - V'
J It MrNaOMrr tl al I' Jamri Hillry,
lH7HR tlh6 HOiOtf
J.Uu U IkmUrum lu A J llulllnt
.iUi. ito c i$l j o r 4 w i"
C Duiluic lo J 0 UulUiit, 8 tre
H I it f I " i to
PlU'lrtillal Un lo LotttM lUcotl, V
ClibWni MlOrchafiU .JiS
Divi.l liurk lo StelU lU't. we
151 I at) W 1
Hi l int .bi Co 10 A bfliilulh.
to re tj 1 1 b r s w 75"
R I. .Hraia 10 floi eii, lul S l
lo Thoint'i ad lllio
B-iiion liownian Ir lo M SutbRtirr,
tr In nurnallua Knvlrona I"
Klla lUiinan Hill lo A A Hill, Uct
at lluilun tn
J l K.xlalolt J Hire, y 1 1 Mil
blk lu H Oruva tooo
Namiil Wallcu to Martha CliMii bluY
H i'ii iiMtiltail w in
8me to Jai Walter. IS-l a tamt
rctlon 1
torn to K Wallra,l3 i6l Mint arc In
8me tu Sam Walter. H.161 c lo
Hni lo Jobn mil Nornmn Waller,
t 161 cacti Mm awl Ion
J Mirbrl to Helm Kelcbanl, Unci In
N tillliboro
Mill Sire lb to Philip Klielb, It at
.CnUr Mill .. 1 MM ' MttMIM
" lUrbcr lo U P Stiller, tr MeUirer. . I
'"ie UMalhewito Kaneiit HH lot lu KIihmwoimI
Hui'lii SchuMer to M A tkhulrr,
)6i a tee 11 HnilW I"
To Members of the Millftboro
('ommerclal Club and to all New
Members Whose Applications
Have Been Signed:
, On next Tuesday eveninpr. the
lfth, at 7:30, the Hillslwro Com
niercial Club will serve buffet
luncheon, and every member,
, old and new, is expected to be
?n the job. A ffood lively time
a guaranteed and no excuse will
Ro. The membership campaign
w 11 close that evening, and the
winning side will be announced,
K. I. EMter,
t , John M. Wall,
Chairmen Membership Cam-
WiKn Committee?
Portland newnpaiirra are mak
nif a itrrat luml Uru 0,-
CMinty rmirt of Wa4hinirt..n
(Hinty rlliKh-. th. prarti. r of
runtiinu hut-e auto trurkimrr
thfir roa U in the Wmti-r month.
A a mattiT or fait th.- U.ii
truck. htlinj? from Corru-liiiH
to l'orl!and. diwontinmil a d r,
or no prior to the making ot th..
ordi-r. The onli r madi
murh to aave the arth rmU us
ti ave thr. rm k nud. for the
hik machiru'H, with their heavy
lo!. cut Up the dirt road i
t'.ey w-re almwt imiaHHible.
Tne court took the projn r viw
of the matter, and the order hm
iloin mui h to pn-Herve the newly
made rock road.
The State riNHctor ha jriven
the IlilUlxmi Mercantile H out
of a pit... at Miint on the
lore meat plant -one of the
ftmut in the state. Their hop,
refrigerattir. ilauifhter hoi:e,
anil all ronmrted with the mar
ket m-ored but 17 Mmts thv of
alwolutu jxTfii turn and that'
Ifoinu some.
John llerdlein. of !ionmini.
wa in the city Wednenday. Mr.
llerdlein ha jtwt returned from
a visit to Irn old home in New
York and to l!ay (Vjunty, Mich.,
hi almenco covering a period of
three months. He aay he i
Klud to get hack to Oregon,
when ihe weather is not so colli
a it i in the I'.anL lie had not
been back to the old home for 21
year, and had not realized for
Home time that the cold wa so
extreme. A little rain and a lit
tle cloudy weather, w ith not very
much front-Oregon weather, in
fact - suits him Utter than a low
hit of mercury down in the bulb.
For Sale; Some bull calve, ad
vanced registered Ho!tcin.
rm cow iiHt tented by the
Htate di-purtment; old enough for
Hcruce. r.xtra line biock.
Walter Zetzman, Cornelius. Ore,
Uoute 1. K
The IlillsUirn llowling Club
held a tournament with McMinn
villeon the Kneger alleys last
night. Mo.Minnville winning by 8
core 01 1- points over. mr.
Hentlev is manager of the Hill
boro team, and Cha. Lang i the
captain, llentley mule iu tn
the runs ami Lang, iw. ine
illbon Imwler were Hentley,
Lang. WolfertjH'rger, Julius So
renson. U V. Adam. Kdgar
Itehse and Dr. 15. I Sears. The
nis will meet Newlwrg at Mc
Minnville next Tuesday night,
Just before the season closes
there will U an attempt to have
all the clubs come to Hillsboro to
make a try for the championship.
Grand Mask Kail at Helvetia
Ha'l, New Year's night, Jan. 1,
l'J15. Three prizes for best sus
tained characters. AH night
itnnce. Three-piece orcnesira.
Tickets. $1. Everybody invited.
T. J. Ford, manager. w-y
The KnighUof Pythias elected
the following olncers MonJay
. at H tl - I-
evening: VV. IN. Harris, cnan
cellor - commander; Leonard
Krown, vice chancellor; h. L
Moore, prelate; Aujr. Tews, mas
ter of work: Ceo. Stevens, mas
ter of finance; (ie-x McGeo. keep-
vx 01 records ami rcui, ij. .
House, master of exchequer; u
J. Michelvt, mftster-at-arms;t.tTO.
Hmmott, inner guard; J. P. An
lerson, outer guard and past
chancellor; Frank J. Williams,
trustee. Thev will be installed
in January.
For Bale: Three Chester WhiU
brood sows, to litter about Feb.
1; a colt, 18 months old; and a 7-8
Holstein bull. -Herman Kwhnke.
Hillslwro. Koiite 4. mile south of
Jolte's Crossing. 37-9
T. C. Wright, a Portland young
1 . l. A. ft.. 1 I II l.i UaIM
man, was orougni 10 uiubuuiu,
Sunday, by Constable McQuillan,
under direction of Sheriff Ueeves.
Wright nave J. C. Smith checks
for $22 on a Portland bank, the
paper being returned with no
Wriirht states that he
bnrl n draft on a Chicago uans,
which he intended to put agaiast
but was unable to
get it through in time to protect
Olvmnie flour s the flour that
makes your best bread and pas
try. A fine hard wheat product
Per sacs, t.ou; oarrei, .c.
Hillsboro Mercantile.
The Boosters have elected new
officers as follows: uroyer y
Cimbs. president; Sam wen, vice
president; Glen Payne, treasurer;
)r. J. K. Marshall, secretary.
The president and vice president
were also made a loard of
Combs' Furniture store has
added a tine line of dishes and
crockery. See them before buy-ino-
nd vou will buy there. If
The musicale at the Congrega
tional Church Monday niirht was
well attended and me program enjoyed. Mrs,
Young appeared at her beat and
her singing was very euecuve.
A kodak makes an excellent
Xmas gift We keep them. -The
f.nrman Lutheran services,
! Sunday afternoon, at 2:30 at the
' chnrch. Envlish
gunday school at 2:00. -E. W.
Phrlstmas nresents
roJ8..11. lhT!,,r
e Hi Isboro Pharmacy. be
lour fine line before it is reduced.
Over louiMik-.ol )jrt 1o.j,!,,
Wahin(tun County
HI NDKI !) mils RUCK AD lilVtL
I ill) I aur .) ,( Cardoroy i Tvrlvc
Milea Hank K4
It tikes some rwsi-arch to get at
tli m-tiial road statistics for
Va-l,iiH'tori coiiotv, but when
you get thfin they are replete
with iiitrreRt.
Judge I). . Keasoner has been
m.Akir,; a rornpiiatioi of road af
fiirs. and he arrives at the fob
l)ing results:
Mil.-s of dirt road in ca-
Mil. of rot k and gravel
road in county 117.72
Miles of plank road in co 12 25
" corduroy in co- 54.50
" " bridge in co . 8.50
"-I over 16 ft. in Iwngth.
Mil riM'k road built in
11 1 28.97
Miles gravtl road built
in lull 2.11
Miles rock an1 gravel
road repaired 7.06
Miles dirt road worked- 1100.00
Miles rock road ouilt in
l'JH 21.12
Miles gravl road built in
I'M 5.51
Miles ruck road built in
WIS ami lyll 45.00
Milesgraved road built in
l'JUand 1111 1 7.62
'' curs of riK-k shipped into
county to tiuild roads in 1914.
Freight paid on same ..v$5003.46
One would have but a little
idea of th use of the roads in
hauling the county s greatest
product -milk. Judge lleasoner
has di icovt-red that the two milk
condensers here and at Forest
Grove travel, in their hauling.
UN) miles of road daily with
their milk wagons. Forty regu
lar teams are employed on the
main hauls, while there are 19
stub routes. Kach day, Sunday
as well, the condensers receive
over 1 10.000 pounds of milk
This means some travel to the
roads, ami it also means a de
mand for butter roads.
T he court says that one reason
of putting: a stop to heavy haul
ing was for the protection of the
dirt road, so that the milk haul
rs would be able to get through
with a imluct that must be
marketed every day.
A plensant time was enjoyed at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. L.
Neukircb Sr.. Sunday. Dec. 6.
the occasion being her 85th
birth anniversary. Those pres
ent wore:
Mr. and Mrs. L, Neukirch.
Mesdames Muhlv. Helmold,
Scheuermann, lirelje, Voelker,
Neumann. Meyer. Lebana, Dem
in. A. Neukirch and family. Kav
Me Scheuermann, airs, creije
. . wa Ti 1 .
Jr., Rev. Stuebe and family.
Mr. Schocknech. Mrs, Kremer,
Mrs. Kamna. Mrs. Wiebold, Et
Wiehold. Mrs. Goetzeand daugh
ter. Emma: Mesdames Pfahl
Gnus. Wm. Haase, F. Haase, Se-
nai;Mr. and Mrs. Henry Haase,
Francis tiros. Harold ttaase
Florence Haase.
Dinner and lunch were Berved
The afternoon was spent in sinpr
imr nnd conversation. All de-
oarted wishing Mrs. Neukirch
many more hnppy birthdays.
Beginning Jan. 1, box rent
po4offico will bo as follows:
Small boxes -60c per quarter
Medium " 75c
Largo " $1.00 "
The nrice of boxes is fixed ac-
rordinir to the receipts of the
J. C. Lamkin, P. M.
The IVmtle's Theatre will tomor
row and Saturday present "His
Father's Son," a splendid 2-part
Western offering, featuring the
fnmnua Kerrigan in both casts.
Alse see the latest war films in
the fall of Ostend. bridges blown
nn. etc. 'Homing Mother.' an
extra fine 3-part subject is on
next Monday.
Hops have raised to 12 cents
tlm past week, the advance be
imr due to English needs.
i.w Snip- Good cow. .fresh.
I)jmk,e 0f three. Or will trade
for fat hons. ready for market.
-W. J. Hid, Orenco, Or. 37-9
Mr. and Mrs. Milo Elliott, of
a ah wood. Canada, were guests
of Jos. Elliott and wife, the first
of the week, departing ior kmv
em Oregon tor a snon vine.
Knr Hae lweniy neau
healthy 0. I. C. barrows and
,,,40 to 80 pounds.-W.
0. Bolton, at Witch Hazel Sta.,
m S. P . Address Boaverton,
m 1 &. r.. uure
Ore., K. 4.
For that Xmaa carving set go
1,. I'
w jw n ill
A welleuipped hardware store 1
1 a line place to find Santa Claus.
Try Corwin's.
Miss Charlotte Keliington. of
Portland, is the guest of her sis
ter, Mrs. Damon Greer.
Dressmaking by Jday or week!
Work guaranteed. Miss Emma
Delsman. P. O. Ilox 211.
J as. Bettis, of Ibxxl River,
was in the city today, greeting:
Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Krehs are
home after an extended stay at
their Ilockaway cottage.
Edward Boge, of Farmington,
was up to the city yesterday,
greeting his many friends.
J. W. Raynard. of near Laurel,
was in the city yesterday after
noon. You can save money at Mc
Cormick's store by purchasing
vour Xmas goods.
J. W. Marsh, of Ctnterville,
was in town yesterday greeting
his oldtime county Beat friends.
A box social at Shady Brook
school house, Dec. 19. Program
at 8 o'clock. Everybody invited.
Captain Geo. Spencer and wife.
of Ashland, are guests at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Pal
mateer. Wanted: To trade piano for
good delivery horse. Kohler &
Chase Piano Co., Hotel Washing
Attorney Geo. B. Bagley is at
illamook. this week, on a law
case, and Attorney W. G. Hare
is trying a case at McMinnvilIe.
For sale: High Grade piano
used but few months; will taae
11 15 if sold at once. See E D.
ike, at Washington Hotel,
C. N. McPherson and Jasper
keffer. of beyond North Plains,
were in the city the first of the
Farmers, attention! If you
have turkevs to sell see the
lillsboro Mercantile before Dec
20. Highest market price paid
for No. 1 birds. -
Have your piano cleaned and
tuned for the Holidays. Coun
try orders promptly attended
'hone Main 682. Kohler &
Chase, Piano Salesroom.
There will be a shooting match
at Farmington. at 1 0 clock p.
m.. Tuesday. Dec. 22. Geese
will be the trophies. You are in
Kohler & Chase Piano Ca want
a reliable agent to handle their
Dianos and player pianos in and
around Hillsboro. Seeour whole
sale representative at Hotel
There will be a pie social in the
Perkins store building on Second
Street, near Washington, Satur
day. Dec 12. at 7:30 p. m. This
is given by the
B. Y. P. U. of
the Baptist church.
Special Sale: E. L. McCormick
is selling Edison four-minute wax
records for 15c each. If you
want any. call during the month
of December. E. L. McGormick
Store, Hillsboro, Ore.
Christmas Dance at Hillsboro
Hall. Thursday. Dec 24. Hills
boro orchestra will furnish the
music Come early and have a
good time. Dance ticket !
Admission, 10 cents. "
Born, to Walter Tews and wife.
Washington Street Dec 9, 1914,
a boh. This is their first born,
and 'Grandpa August Tews and
GrandDa John Freudenthal are
reading up
on the care of the
Grand Masquerade Ball, given
by the Bethany Grange, on New
Year's eve, Dec. 31. All night
dance. Chicken supper. Tick
ets, $1.00. Music by the Johnson
orchestra. All are invited. J.
D. Sullivan, Floor Manager.
The barn of Fred Wright on
the former Boy place, Bethany,
was burned about 11 o'clock,
Tuesday evening. Wright lost
one horse, three cows and a pig,
besides his hay and grain and a
lot of hay and grain. The loss
is a severe one for Wright The
cause of the fire is unknown.
Rev. B. Clarence Cook has re-
signed the pastorate of the Bap-
tist church. Mr. Cook has been
nastor here for over three years,
He and the church have worked
together very harmoniously.
Among other things which have
been accomplished are these:
One hundred and thirty members
have been added to the roll of
the church, new stove, new
lights and individual communion
nut have been Durchased: a new
$275 piano has been purchased
tai.Hiiiv nil nnirl for: n lntlmaa candy now. If you do not
attheeornerotf ourtnano un-
coin Streets has been bargained
fnr and all raid of the S1J300 DUM
ehaafl nrice, but about $150; and
new song books purcnasea. ine
farewell services for the Baptist
w . . a rata
church will be held the third
Sunday morning in this month;
there will also be a farewell ser
vice to the people of Hillsboro,
in the M. E. church, at y:w p.
m. Mr. Cook has no field in
view, but expects to secure a
nlftpe aoon. and will leave Hills-
hnrn sometime in early part of
em of
Largs Attendance Hears Exert !
at Splendid newBiiUdlag
Prof ram ttfki With latere- Wttfc
Rrvicwed ky CWraws
A capacity house witnessed the
exercises or dedication 01 the
Carnegie Library in the auditor
ium of the splendid new builditvjrj
last night Dr. F. A. Bmiley.
who was the first to conceive the
idea of getting the building, and
who was appointed, along with
councilmen Taggart, Stevenson
and Kerr, to take up the matter
for the city of Hillsboro, Mayor
Bagley making the appointments,
reviewed the struggles of the
committee from the time the in
stitution was started until its
finished, and then in an impres
sive presentation, turned the li
brary over to the city of Hillsbo
ro. Mayor H. T. Bagley accepted
the institution in a well directed
Mayor-elect Barrett told of the
needs of the structure, and ex
plained that it would be necet
sary lor the people, as well as
the city council, to give the li
brary earnest support to make it
a success. The people attending
were enthusiastic over the hand
some home or reference and
reading, and books will be in
stalled as soon as funds can be
procured. Quite a number have
already presented the board with
books and cash as a nucleua.
The session was opened with
an invocation by Rev. Meyers.
Mrs. E. B. Tongue and Mrs. C.
J. Michelet were at their best in
solos, and Dr. Hyde rendered a
solo that was well received. Miss
Griffith, of the Hillsboro High.
read an original poem of exceed
ing merit J. H. Ray, in behalf
of the Fraternal Brotherhood,
made a gift of $50 toward the
library book fund, and the Cof
fee Club presented a set of Stod
dard s Travel Lectures.
Judge Crandall tendered a full
library of the war orders of the
Civil War a valuable record
which can not be duplicated ex
cept at a great expense. The
sum of 5.80 for magazines Mas
been subscribed in cash.
The architect drawing the
plans and supervising the build
ing, was fcrnesi Kroner, a rest
dent of Tigard: the contractors
were Cook & Engeldinger; Mr.
Beatty installed the furniture;
Percy Long installed the heating
plant Grover Combs contracted
the linoleum and other supplies.
Music was furnished by an or-
chestra comprised of Earl Donel
son, violin; Vincent Engeldinger,
Diano: Wade Zumwalt cornet
Fred Zumwalt trombone, and O.
Phelps, drums.
The present committee on se
lection ot library, subject to
change after Jan. 1, is comprised
of Dr. Bailey. Councilmen Stev
lenson and Kerr. Mesdames B. W,
Barnes and C. W. Rollins.
S. C.
Killen is secretary.
The Ladies of Plymouth Social
Circle (Cong'l.) will hold their
sale on Saturday. Dec 12, in the
Linklater building. No reserva-
rinna nf npriVlaa rinva hoon marlfl
therefore, the sale will open
promptly at 1 0 clock. The sale
is in departments, under the su-
Krvision of different leaders,
rs. W. O. Donetson and her
helpers have fancy articles, many
useful and beautiful; Mrs. Wm.
Mahon and her assistants have
handkerchiefs of all kinds; Mrs.
Michelet has under her super
vision the booth for caps and
aprons; Mrs. A. C Shute, the.
nillow sliDS. towels and scarfs.
just the things for presents. A
potted plant makes a most ac
ceptable gift Mrs. O. R Gates
has this department Mrs. u,
M. Pittenger has charge of the
oarceb post booth. Here you
may purchase a sealed package
for 10c, supposed to be value re-
The euhnary department is al
ways of interest Here you will
find refreshments in large or
small quantities. You may have
only a cup of tea or coffee, with
cake or brown bread, or you may
take home what you wish. Mrs.
C. E. Lvtle is manager here.
The young ladies, with Miss
Heidel to direct have the home
made candies. Get your Christ-
Open afternoon and evening. -
United States patent right on
I a 1. t . A S M I
an autoraooue con, ior aaie or
trade, partly or entirely. Cana
dian oatent aoDlied for. Enquire
at Wilkes Garage, and ask for
information. :
John Vanderwal has been pass
ing around handsome calendars
to his insurance patrons.
Ten-inch, 12-inch, and 16-inch
Chippewa logger shoes for men
at Green. .
Alexander and Matilda Ander
son, who formerly owned a farm
at Bay City. Mich., have sued
August and Hilma Lovegren for
$2700. alleging that they bought
a tract of land in Cherry Grove
and paid a thousand dollars for
it They also allege in their
complaint that they saw the ad
vertisement in a Swedish news
paper published in Chicago, and
that when they came out here
Lovegren told them a tile factory
and other institutions were to be
installed at Cherry Grove, and
that the property would always
be valuable. They say that
Lovegren 's religious statement 4
caused them to believe the
representations and they now
want their money back. The
case will be contested.
E. L. McCormick is offering
his entire stock of jewelry, music
and stationery at a good discount.
Extra special prices on hdison
four-minute wax records. Call
and see.
The Community Christmas cel
ebration suggested some time
ago by A. C. Shute to the Com
mercial Club, is now assured.
The plans of the committee are
well laid, the co-operation of the
churches and benevolent socie
ties have been enlisted; Santa
Claus has accepted the invitation
to appear personally to close the
festivities. The general public
will be invited to assist in the
giving, the bunday bcnoois wm
furnish the tree decorations, and
the children of the public schools
will render the program. The
time is set for Christmas eve
and it is hoped that every parent
will provide a way for their chil
dren to attend, at the Crescent
There will be a dance at the
W. O. W. hall, one mile west of
Cedar Mill Saturday night. Dec
12. Admission. 75 cents. Ladies
free. Everybody invited. 37-8
Gov. West Tuesday appointed
Miss Fern Hobbs, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Hobbs. of
Varley. to the position of one of
the members of the btate Indus
trial Accident Commission. The
tenure of office is four years, and
the salary is $3,600 per -year.
Miss Hobbs has been private sec
retary in the office of governor,
and since the last session of the
legislature has been paid a salary
of $3000 per year. She is a very
eapable woman, and before en
tering the service of the state
was a stenographer in one of
Portland's big financial offices.
Our place is headquarters for
Santa Claus. Ihe hnest dolls
and doll-buggies in the city.
The Pharmacy.
Contractor Beatty is busy at
the new quarters for County
Clerk Luce, and the walls for the
vault will soon be completed.
The vault will be "man-proof"
and the records will be absolute
ly safe Clerk Luce expects to
get into the new building some
time early, in January. The
present quarters are more than
cramped and the new offices will
be 'a matter of considerable re
lief to the office force
Christmas stationery, cards,
booklets -many- things in this
line for appropriate gifts. The
Dr. F A. Bailey, assisted by
Drs. Robb and Barrett amputa
ted a leg for W. K. Traylor, the
first of the week. The amputa
tion was between the knee and
ankle. Mr. Traylor had been
suffering from a bone disease for
several months, and in order to
save his life it was found neces
sary to remove the foot Not
withstanding Mr. Traylor'8 ad
vanced age he is getting along
Hoffman has the finest line of
solid gold, diamond set pendants
and neckchains in town. 33tt
The Moose Lodge Tuesday eve
ning voted to proceed with
building operations and the build
ing committee was instructed to
go ahead and close up the finan
cial deal tendered them. This
will give the Moose a good home,
is well as provide many things
In the way of room that the town
New styles in hats at Mrs.
Emmott's, and they are inex
pensive. 31tf
The' services will be as usual
Sunday at the Cong. Church.
In the evening the pastor will
speak on "Observations made in
Harris has not said whether these
are favorable or unfavprable to
the business men, but he does
say that they will deal with the
relation between business, as it
is carried on here, and religion.
AH are invited.
Greers have a good deal of D.
M. C left Buy now while buy
ing is good.
Dr. and Mrs. Ira Barrett have
returned to Hillsboro, after re
siding at Beaverton for some
months. The doctor will have
an office in the Linklater build
ing. . .'V
You will find the watches at
Hoffman's of neater patterns
and cheaper. 33tf
Andrew Heckmann was up
from Bethany, the first of the
F. A. BAILEY, 11. a
Office: Upatair ia
KMItianea float
u Saa
Pima, olflce City 381; intieata.fjll
R. M. ERWIN, U. a
sorgm ar.r.LMr.iu
Office ! the Taaiimt Elock. TkM im
Main Struru, HUlabora, Ortfc.
Office Hoora 9 o I te. BV.
Toe!.,. TWarfar, rkt.nUy to i
Call anawcrcd day ee night. Sulk
phonrs. Office tmt Hillaboto National.
OF FICE:-Upa-ir ia Schaltoerich Bldg.
rBuaas-utbce. City JS4; Re. City Sb
Room 6 Washington Hotel
Or, Amtim E. Ctmts&
Osteopathic PhyeicJaa
Office hoar to to it a. m , l to p. a
Rsmai 1 aa4 1 rUja BalUlaf
Office apeuira in SchalaMfidh Bloc
UpaUM, A. C. Shate Bldg. Main A tad
Orrioi: Mala SUeat, opa. Oaatt llaoaa
Office, opatalra In Schalawrich Block
Hillsboro, - - ftem
Telephone office Main 103,
Successor to Dr. T lafcletor
Office eer DelU Drag Store.
BueUae, between 5th and (th Sta,
Hillsboro, Oregon
Fredarick Aaercta, M. D.
Successor to Dr. Cunni uana.
Office and Drug Store, ?
Orenco. ORcat
Telephone eonneeUoai.
a. as.
teitteaaeaeaae aajataajsa, assjisaaaCBa) .
saosleat I
frnal-atVM'. r-l.
madtoi, ljaMi. U e t t
iimn niimusav aaap mi.
gra m eanNi am 1
tmrtt ea eflea ''eaifca f
ScaMHeainraMas r-1 Mr4 Ql
aa oaf I isasiian "I
ssr -a.
Xileykii: fanned S-e: tviil
. a.Xiiefa: ton Sn4
DMM eiw avi niaeet m asMH
ScWtamHa Horn
Offloe upAtoira orer HUlabora NeiloMl
- ' Baa, ' . ' ' '
11 -SSSISfl '
TrmiU BIOk. RoaaMlaadt
- Main and ThM. .
Upstalrt, in : LbUr Ei
Building, Uaia En
Hillaboro - - - Or?
Attorney s-At-Lrc '
Commercial Bamx lz
Hillsboro - C