flaxseed Rio ME NO. 38 VOL XXI IlIIASROKO, OREGON, DIX'EMBKR 10,1914 Ri!i.i'j.n.OREn hillscorqs am prirais J. M. Clemlt by Narrow Martin ! TweeiyTwa Volts aosrsi iifction rot v ms iw CmkNsns DstH art Traltoftr sad Wakh 0Vt-r lx hundred votes were ftst Monday At on of the closest nty election held lr many year. Hon. W. N. Barrett m elected mayor over J. H. Garrett by the narrow margin of 22 votes out of Cir cat. Women figured large Y in the election. The day ww replete with )ru lie. hut the rain did not apjiear to dmn the ardor of the man nr unman who desired to caM a decisive vote toward the city ad rtiiriitiiration. New berg's catmrry chawd f. trr a run of a half million ran, thia season. This in a i?mm show, ing. I "it when un consider that r. J. William, with hi tmvate cannery, out nut ir.(Mi rani thin year, and that Mr. (illicit. across the road from him. Jut out a like amount, it goes to show that possibilities over h're are very ttreaV. Nft veur Mr. Williams will turn out tM-twn thirty and forty thousand of hi own tirixlmt and (iilU'lt will follow with a like output If the farm er here would get busy we rould make a million cans output liNik nick without an extra elTort. INDUSTRIAL REVIEW OF OREGON STATE What la IMnr In the (jarden of the Hods I IrOH THUMOOK TO TlTLWIIlOwl J. D. r.lCrlE sb:d5 OUT OFEII LETTER Wants Samples of Stock Com pounds Sold Farmers USTtlCTKm ON THE Uf lull Caatcraiaf hapfcawa' Ortjoa ladattrict aa Spirella corseta - Will call at hmtifS on request, and do the represent not sold in uton-s. Dr. Lowe will leave for Tort land at four sharp. Saturday.! E. W. Dant, of Keeeville. was in town Monday. Carl Dick, of West Union, was in town Friday. You will find that bracelet at Hoffman's. 33tf n V Ittftrktitim vimiH rela tives at Brownsville, the last of ONE the week. P. I. Lilliirard and wife, of Cs-Ostraltoe eJ DslrysM is Askri ! near Laurel, were in the city PrslcctlM Saturday. C. E. Runyon. of Portland, state Food and Dairy Commis sioner sends the following letter in the, ArmML which should be Ceo. Lennen. of beyond North red bv everv dairyman: Mains, was a county seat caller Various kinds of mixed stock ruta anil Hair foods are being Ceo. 11. Hunter, of North I . tnm - - - . iiiiirrru iui nai hu. w..h..wv Ul:.. :.. cltnnHmir the kivlprall ....i.. j,.fii,. . - r- - i .i a ,m. state, some oi ine miAiurrs Vu law that will result in reducing Der of that body. ported to contain food value far by the number of patients For Mie: Fresh milk cow. 7 m excess or that conuinea oy knt.t at state exoenBe. vears old. See or telephone Geo. any of their component parta. The Tillamook ehee lOI I .. 111 trvtal 1 1 Central Oreiron irrigation pnv Ervine Burkhalter. of South the name of the ingredients and s.M-.V!,Kffitotl wu transacting busi- the percentage of protein, fat from reclamation funds. ness in the city the last of the and fiber The fkht to cut state expenses week. We m haye reporta. however. ui . -.;n:,. ni;mi intm. c .-j. e .,a m nB. that mixea ieeos are oemn buiu nun miiiiwii Bun ..- rounu; ou n ; i, . m 4l, c. ... 54 miloa aniith of Hil sboro. ln ome pnrw ui o-w -. was a Ilillsboro afternoon. Touching tm the week just closed we find that Oregon is moving, viz: 1 1 illututm AiiA'wmi .! hop fiaur fitting, and teavh how to adjust I10.0HO library WVlnesday eve-U''"8. ' and wear the corset. Our tailor- nini. aaiuruay. ed ma.lonH.u re cor t-H in- Thc h,8lU of the BUte jn9ane an exjx-rienced corwtier service, eml no more than hiirh class cor-m-ts punhaMed in stores.- Mrs. M. E. Caudle. HdlHlmro, Fifth ami Jarkikin Stre-ts. I'hone No. Main 38 L -43 For the Umelit of shiplM-rs thMuirhout the State, a great manv of whom are in doubt a tu the provisions of the new Emergency Internal Revenue l a in so far as it applies to freight shipments, the Smthern visitor Friday The Harden Sanitary Drinhing Fountain Just the thing for your schools. Boy proof, and does away with individual drinking cups. Call and see it. The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long H1LLSDORO Second Street OREGON endeavoring to make all points Ll..r "The law provides that a in nnl war revenue stamp be hImcihI on each bill of lading. mnnir.'Mt. or similar memoran dum " savs Luce. The shipper must alii this stamp to the bill- bf-lading. and the rail road can- n.iJ, t shinm-nts. the Smthern a . ,. U" "V" -i- ture- V IB,ieB.50?in " "" Vt ih oroner labeling and we iw.cliny.throu?hKr,i,thU Tratllc Manager!. v. i.uce, w -rv; 'V."- rinsed K:u'iCw.w. 29-1 and stockmen to help us.emorce A $20,000 brick will displace l&aaie . a '' w" V"T" the old Comstock hotel it -""7 k'lumath Kail VOrce, BIICKIOK ucavi nwn wiu tucajJ " At Ashland' the Home Steam She wants the home in rorest food value, laundn has put iVi new iS CJrove. At this time she does For your guidance, will say uaunury nas punn new dichi ,u0 .a mill fH such as bran. press. . ... .... t..r' shorts and middlings, when sold not accept and .Torward a snip. lhe .ihern Pacific Bridge maYing the city of Hitlsboro a wpa J", " ment until this is done. Such is " H iHr h. iued the bonds- other need not be labeled, pro- the ruling of the bn.ted bUtes - d Unkatrecwhtog Foster, contractor, vided they we "Jt mixea mu Treasury Department ' heckg than ever be- 71424.96 for material furnish- ny other feed or with screen- .... . .... . . ! . . i. : m l tnra wnn H irmni vrounu bcinii- New rail ana winter lines , Jed when rosier put 1 tVo or more kinds of men s domes si wen . A3l mii ?: for tns town. - tnr.thl., do not s, dnsses nna port, .hipped. 17.uw.uw ieei oi rlub d Fri. -uCIi Tint -hn skirts, cnmsisting of O) d.lTerrnt lumber to 'Kr faeo. AaZ,, w well attended. "lrjTTi dML ft.i.rwd btm now on iiu m raiirnr iniiuapoM mo ' - . . . -t l. i " .-. The newly elected mayor has UKl,,ay Hl r new Wation south fengu, the state will save 1100.- tributes to these enter- fffS nix- b.H-n city attorney for ll.llslK.ro of Uie K. . Hall. Second Mreet. qoO. . . . KWnti. The club will iov inv mill feed or with through the last ndminu ; ra mn CM wA Us.k at our samples.- Working mens yompensauon d t HiU8boro Hall. d5n each sack must be -that of Mayor H.T. Hagley. Christ Wurst. the Ti.lor. I'hone Commission asks 'or wo pJy evSg, Dec. 18. faMedKow,: and he has given the affairs of Main WU. years of $5)0.720. State . Labor J 60 NameT brand or" trade-mark. KSS'S o SF SI SEFb atns ars a,srs sKH"if Indeed, t was nouini one -; A$inilm ,n the princi- A a. .v TiXT1m I Tm bvT hnk ihtMn sold. I Maximum ner centum of crude . a . mii at r na l h iiinir. viamt-ntmiiisao iuiia.ii cici j . ... . . frm shoii. o ice ana nome u -y " .::; n: e pa rarm. snop, onice unu uu i - -.-- . k Kdustries will ho offered, to the County the past week mm j'inii ' ----- -j inoeeo. i was -'";, demonstrntion in the princi- time uunng me umj n- . w. . was beaten, ana me iorce against him were wclf organized and determinea. E. L McCormick wns elected rewirder by a vote of 34U against v. l. Prrkin. whoreceiveil 27.. The vote, as returned by the canvasiing board, was: Mavnr Bamtt ig"j (Jtrrett m IVmncll Ward 1 3(K) Kerr Trullinger, 2nd g2 r.iu )l v tm 1 1 iv - - - - Walch S StautTcr Itomrder McCormick JJ9 lU.kliia J Sowell was treasurer without opposition Follow the Example of SUCCESSFUL MEH ITEW there are ot those now enjoying the pleasures of wealth r . j-j njAS jinKiiUioa irrptL if not snater. Mnfmnt vou. But they all started to mike each day effort provide something for the future. OPEN Mvinff account to-dmy, dd to it frequently and, at yot wwf la L,, ,J151. ,r, will ne .rroDKd to a coDciooMesi that TomW. the UUIIMI 1 y . . . ability and strength to ccmpliili mucb. inma w over A START ita ti maUert noi -urow op w iw 4 Per Cent. Interest On 5ctvins;s , American National Danll IssWtta.. Greers, Main St. u,i.l..nia The crowing demand for sHcial work in the leading activities or the state will be cared for in a larger way than tmildinirs and -..,.;.,.n..iit hnvinif been added t. i lie (!olleire resources. Special ui a w ill be HllllVfUi.v ----- soon as me nnai uvibu o' Iwen worked out. I saw cordwood, polos up to 12 inches in diameter, fence raus. and Uartls oi all Kinas. nio stovewowi lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or :.n mo -Carl Skow. Ilillsbo ro. Thone. City 4(52, or call at Tualatin Hotel. fiber, (provided that the per Portland gave a local firm of v. .... of Beth cen u; "V . . tk Kit Shatfnrifl ! - . -- omiiKU n nmw .. i der in Monuna. n t nim from the Agri-I There are also a number of AiJculturJ College, at .Corral i. L "fj "J htve theabove mnrrpie uairt iwiu w " i r, , . w tin iron an i : . .. i j i .. vii mi ... i VL ;u . mma ritv ' rinK P'c,;u 'Y ", sbe ing even ii soia awnis up- i. Special will be built at Kom City. nhMaant3 on his farm last Spring. ; vtti h -nv other substance. 5 made as UnU has o.wo in nw ou,.u- ; hgve quite B - -, tto u.. I inira irninir nn. I .1 ....... in l'"" . . . I I '"r.. ... i t- l-s u i came reserve ouv u j - maB nil meal, nea meat. oen ..JKljrame . meal! .luten meal, dried. distill- 1 Latt. are going to CARD OF THANKS I lf STaft suti I f icecream factory creamerj' Ts gWund beef, bone and ice cream factory. ... u.t, ,.ainhnr Mi 'riMriind alfalfa meal. I The Oregon Maie rair wru we sincerely ui" kl - j ii Vfnok andl me v . nABil j fnnHa fni- their kindness I and all condimental stock ana asks lor w " nu. '""r.:,..: ".J ;;M .Ti fnt. b1hnMSra will tackle Tw fe a d mXn ThereisTso a provision Jn the Jering,e fees now col- lienry BrockFsmily. law Uhedeal lected by state omciais inw --f;,no to the name of the feed soia oy mm . 1 lv. L nfr auinl ia osition. of the couniy. -ViTr ir-i.u a,m tnkit the r miles norm . """'""a" a innewuiiiu.i" o.,iu pveninff. wee. i. . .. . wish, uj ". "rr"-. r A IIV lion vair- oath of office In January. . .r. rnl III OT ATP I . .land that it COntAinS Certain 10- couutuu iww-.-.- I Mr end Mrs. Harry Kicnaras -'"v:t: 7 ------ - - iirninipiiusinuceriaiiii uciwcumkwi wish, by this means. to expr . - . . When 1 . rlt thanva tn inpiri"- f ; - . .1 1 ' miw -1 ineir nvartici . .."I. IosIa nlaa aiKh 1 atlURICni - . . av . . m . l . - ftk a 1 am ucbuki uiw w Uregon nna ii. iihjwm"' vaear inenus auu ucnuwi"; SHUTE SAYINGS BARK American National Dank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00 Combined Resources...: ...600,423.81 Banking in All Ita Drsmchee Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificate! of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. ; 4 Per Cent. Paid on Savings Deposits. Train 6:60 8. m. it.Mi.ntillU Train 7:30 8. m. PIlllllllMTI"" - rtl VkoUn Train 9.B8 P. m. Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. Uuunuilla Train 2:15 P. m. Forest Grove Train. .-4:10 p. mJ Kugene Train 4$ p. m. MflUlnnudU Train 6:37 p.m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eugene Train arrivcs.. 8:15 a. m. a. in. K fir . " . I -ul III 111 M.I lllliab BBttt I LCIIb IWU - . B m ahMR BISinBr nr IIBIPIBIVH HLSLIIIM irAHt,i sn nrv nri,w""r . . ai-i-. a.MnAi i . tam vaa ha iuciwu ov v k - " w: v Write for ail Paruu,B L1 and Estacada beginning uec. o. Harry Hicnaras ana nmuy. rVmtiiloner : -i fnr vdh men ""u. . r" .i al . , ' - rv. a iqii I Commissioner. r irsi-ciaas i"i -- , I Although inronipw ,iv Kinion, ur ww. , and women, wi vk , hM not been aennueiy rnuicu, Hood liiver. Ore. . 39-42 ft h2 been decided that there COUNTY COURT a rnor nt statement of the B. wi be 24 sessions in 24 omereni ' " I 1...AAII Behrenda M Alaska cent Biaiemeni ui mo i will oe ea bcboiumo - t hrends Bank, of Juneau, parts of the sUte each wssion u action of the county " of which Johnll Willis, ,B8ting five days, the school term ftulfor the December term: ' . t!:ii.,lM.rt hrt is Vicel.;nrr Mnroh 27. . D.lnk T. Wann w""- . The statement on sucn hk does not relieve the dealer from t.A nfrkar nmvisions of the law HIV . , . I and each sack must have the: I Name, brand or trade-marx. Name and address of manu- McMinnville Forest Grove ForeBt Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville All trains, .11:59 a.m. ..3:15 p.m. ..4:30 p.m. " ..6:37 p.m. M ..7:15 p.m. ...9:00 p.m. M .12:15 a. m. except Eugene iinir at Norm streets and at duction and . marketing, si I" tinued itention being given m - i.i... rovfain ttlinieCLS Will I . . wf at D prouiemo. . Albert ivrujrer. V ...... o ,lv. and find that irv k.,a; - i 11 limni - . IIUIIIH, Biuu uu iinn , . I WIIUC uango ana rir Birew " -n;erman8 n' i."nnp. Sixth and Fir streets and U tended the lecture of Dr. Kuchne Tenth street n . mann. at Fort and. unuv. , Steam Service....... -Old Depot , x m people were unable to . To Portland ' 12 F.1L& K40:24 . Dr. L,wo will Wv. or t- - .j titnr I IIH l UM"1 """'"'". J hlmr at the ternoon, " VV:i8hlngton. t r naa an. oi umu- was in the city Monday morn ing. T rwua ot I A lAinv mmw, Washington, at 5.r ing it possible for a busy man to attend only on the day when , the special subject in which he is In- terested is taxen up he loft for l'ortland at 4. n,,it n large delegation f at- All hats reduced at EmmotfH millinery, , 31tr Mrs. Ungford. of thc Tongue law offices, visited friends in As toria, Sunday. 4 trUov Dec. 4. we Will not roll and grind feed any more on Fridays. Put win run other week, commence dav Dec. 19, aturuy, " Son Saturdays thereafter ev- ery other saturaay.w. VhLlr. 282i-2nd Street, Portland, iirecron. ' w tu U French. Of Uorest rw was in town Tuesday, 23 ? .rfhe J. W. York home. contents. are asm oound I feeds January w. mB h offered for sale and I lahalait AMOrdiniT tO the . .1 IIUI .wm.ww " ml Bunervisor of .u. winirompnta. In all cases district No. 43. ordered to open where samples are sent, A letter the Gustin roaa. , should accompany me wune tv t n W nh annervisor Of dIS- ,n tho onmnlfite labeling on the trict No. 5, ordered to open L. or package, it any, and the C Cooper and w. scnenaei roaua. name 0f dealer or person onenng 'Roads Nos. 692 and 615 con- tne 8ame for sale. tinuea unui inuoij. . 1 u. mrcre,. vitvu Approveu; vicii o ana roou ouiihihiii"i receipts at ooo.oi rcwiw, i Worcester uiag., rwrwamu, vr. fees at $4oi.4o. HOW ABOUT YOUR CHRIST MAS SHOPPING? Christmas bells will soon ring merrily. Have Su selected your gifts? If .not you cannot do tter than to visit my exposition of all that tistically choice in my line. The selection dis ' played DIAMONDS WATCHES JEWELRY SILVERWARE . NOVELTIES, ETC. HATSl HATS! HATSI Argus to Jan. 1.1916, $1.5a r-. Dr. Lowe, till 4 , o'clock, Saturday. ... ill! - M nil A- I At Emmotl S millinery are-. .-- . . I S.a Mna m the time to ouyi i. nn dUCed. WOW IS we wnw ' I D.,. . MAnila Anil went on I hat CheaD. AH09 uciuicii they are Picked over. Sltf out to the mill aaova uawa, has much to recommend it It is the best I haye ever sbowni and you know what 1 have dqno In the past T'here is wisdom in buying this class of goods here, for you have the largest stock to select from, prices that are absolutely right and a guar antee of perfect satisfaction back of every article that's worth the price you pay. REMEMBER: No matter what price you are quoted elsewhere, mv prices will meet them. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist HilUboro. Orcca