Mima i gggSggH ' ggHg! O1LLSB6IR0 HILLSBORO, ORKGON, DECEMBER 3, 1914 NO. 37 VOL X1 m uocr m mm 0 Wh. HUH m&EZSSSBSZni D aaa I -WM HlfiJM (1. 1,Ut at KemarVahW Crntrnnarlan i at Astoria CIRCUIT COURT IWw rail ami Winter line of i rut-n riot hen a well a.1 la- plus suit, eoali. drensea and skirt. mtiHistint; tf litTTfnt i t vU'H. lale t fabric, are now on . , tliMiluy at nir new location south g,. Is U"MMiarr niiu.r ,)f ,htt K a s, . Over Twenty Indktmenl Violation of Liquor Law for norm i or utc mm. w. o. iuih fcWstals jCull ami loiik at our sump!... ' Christ Wuet, the Tailor. Phone Mam .VkI. NP. MAN FINED HVE HUKMEO Caa. fej Uses Omiic Cih Wbcrcla Ht Atkca SJ.SN tml l4icairy.ninn.nK . . r.e. ..L UUor violation have been of i, amrvr triea In the Journal, j . " V m h j , . . . i . .... ..j,..-,Ih-h...bi f Mr- .Albany Ml.-ge. in charge of the . 00 n ,n C0Url. 10 the " na1" r imru .mime, unit n th ri liarr, wno i uie mouur n.unksivmif. ami on Fri.lav sti thev keen com in ftra Kllrn of lh Kite lion. V. D. Hart, a t-vrning attended a session of in- DavePDorL a Gaston hootleffirer . . t ti ii . . u i .....a..... .....I ....r .. . ii.. I . framlmoinrr vi w. w. nare ana ,mm,r, i i uc i; WM flnwJ jqq the othef diy Mm. Henrietta Morgan, IIiIUImh t 3, C Hare, Portland, and aim Grant Mann. Cornelius: ' One of the oldest if not the oldest woman in Oregon, is Mr. lie University. $100 on one count, $150 on an- France Ellen Hare, who live at rait on me.-Carl Skow, Hillsbo A.h.ria. She will U 101 years ri. Phone, Lily 4(2. or call at olJ on the 5th of next February. .Tualatin Hotel. (iramlma Todd, of Eugene, who : Fred H. Clark, on the jury U also IKl. moved to w alia w aliu lint, went home Saturday eve ame months Biro. 0. W. Akr. inn, with a touch of the of U'eburg, it aomelut nijvi, "uriipo. I J ... . .1 ml I paw luruwiKM. iHiiea uu w iz iw. j .ta i"i i" n hi naimi-, nun- lulls. I i, . , .it. ami bfiar.lt of all kind. jnt0 "npori waa jrtven ine cno.ee atove wood length. Will go into r tfWorZW) days in the th rountry. Write, iihone or county jail. Fdw. Durvt. of Tualatin, was V I "... ! I t 1 al 4V "aiGl' Mra. Kllen Hire, oldest woman in Oreiton fined $50 for aellina I pint ot aU cohol to a Tualatin resident. Gilea Cole and Clyde llaymond were fined $50 each for giving li quor to a minor girl. They paid their fines and were paroled on jail nentences of a year. Myrtle Hansen was irivena de cree of divorce from Walter Han fen, and 1 C. Brown was freed from his matrimonial knot with Ida J. llrow ne. The damage case of Chas. Hoy attainst Fred Wrtaht for $5,000 for injuries alleged to have been received in a tight, lioy claiming Wright had struck him with a shovel, resulted in a verdict for the defense. The jury: F J Williams, Kdw Hivett, Lewis I'owers. Kdw Schulra"rich, Fred Stark, Henry Miller, Hans Has- mussen, Chris Keichen, W K Newell, Herman Meteentine, F It Clark and Garfield Raymond. I)I:MMIN KKAHMER A very pleasant alTair was the wedding of Mins Rosa Krahmer. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Krahmer. to hdward L'emtnin, solemnized at the German Luth- eran Church, near Cornelius. Wetlnesday afternoon, Nov. 18, 1911. at 2:.'U) o'clock, Rev. L. SluelM! olliciaiing. The bridal imrty was ushered into the i . in .. tf i j cnurcn oy Aieri ivranmer anu Albert Schoen, the little Misses Father Schm'n and Verna Krah mer, cousins of the bride, beinR llowcr bearers, in a color Bcheme, of yellow ard white. MM Edna llogrefe and Miss fearl liuchele were brmesmaias, ana wore U'intr 101 years old. While in Astoria a few da ago. 1 visited Mrs. Hare at the home of her daughters, Mrs. Cillman and Mrs. Hoagland. "Yes, I'll soon be 101 yenrs old," said Mrs. Hare, in answer; to my question, "and I am thank ful that mv mind is clear and my m-mory Rood. 1 was born at Winchester, V., and I'm proud of it My father didn't believe in holding slaves. All of the rt-Nt of his family did. He moved to Ohio; but you know Virginians are very hospitable, -and though we owned no slaves, our kitchen wus always full of niggers. NiR Hers aeem to know that folks bom in Virginia are their natural friends." Mrs. Hare 'a maiden name was Frances Ellen Davenport She was born Feb. 5. 1811, in Win chester. Va. Her father, Judge i'uvenport, served Virginia on the supreme bench, and served three terms in congress. Like many other prominent Virgin iuns, Judge Davenport was op posed to slavery. In 1818, when Mrs. Hare was 7 years old, he moved to Ohio. . Mrs. Hare met and married her husband, John Hare, in Min nesota. She had eight, children, "even of whom are still alive. ml . a - irs. iiare, who for many years mm been a resident of Astoria, was born before John Jacob As tor started his expedition west ward to found a trading post at in mouth of the Columbia, Abraham Lincoln was a tiny tod filer when she waa dnrn. Hnnrv Way was speaker of congress ftnd James Madison was presi dent of the United States at the time of her birth. There were 17 :bo. . hi if 11 .1.1.. 1.. . 1 1 1 1 I ! siaiea in me union ana in in-ia rrv Every desirable feature in 'Unscientific eyesight tests and made in spectacles and eye glass es of today is generously taken care of bv Dr. Lowe. When you Datronize him you receive the combined skill and service of the trained eye specialist and opti cian. if you want me oesi 10 oe had at any price consult him, He guarantees his glasses to give satisfaction whether they cost $2 or more, une cnarge covers en tire cost of examination, frames and lenses. lf you pay more you nay too much. If you pay less you do bo at the sacrifice of ser vice and cheaper material. He does not go from house to house. Consult him at HHel Washing ton. Saturday. Dec. 12. Scores of Hillsboro references. Will be in Forest Grove. Friday, Dec. 11. Remember the dates. The masquerade ball last Wed nesday, at the Hillsboro Mall. was well attended. I he prizes were awarded as follows: Best dressed lady. Miss Elnora Card beautiful gowns of corn colored best dressed man, Jos. LI ...iL. o.k kAiin.t nf hotf. second best dressed lady. 31 1 ft CTtVM vail JIIIK irwvv sav. vvai- -,... . chrysanthemums. Walter Dm- Miss Viola Pitman ; second best min, a brother or the groom, and orcu m. , va L',ahmar Kinthnr nt ha most comical lady. Miss Ltliel If.. " - I Ill.tUI... nnof nm man "Editor Argus: I read in the bride, , omc.ateq u P DyE last weeks Argus wntre j. u. " - M riraa v.nHal and Mias t 11 1 1 . f . - 1 j 1 niuniiki maauB 1 1 na nni Biiar rnii.i mwt vmwi Mo.M-w, a ueinvuie larmer, nau ...v,.....v - r,a . TlirnoP Th- nr;7A u,. .ir 1 . ..k tinn 1 f fin. ovr net- inmmHi wild i r..- pin nuuM!,,,..--'" was won bv Wm. Delsman and 1 Biimii inai oir. mwc nan a "-- """r: 1 w i0 MiihorMr rood size turnip, but at that I fastened witn orange blossoms. mvn him In-nten, fort have in one cameu aiwww v. pnees that save you money my home town a 4 lwur.d turnip wmte bride roses. .".10c outing flannel, now 8c per in the window. Seed was sown 1 ne cnurcn was aecoraiea wnn var(i. 12u outing flannel, now the 10th day of July, and never we iern nu urea uruc. mq,.. 12J flannelettes, now c; c . ... . . in- i I .( Ihi MMiwinv tna ivoii. I .. . n . J no., en. saw a hoe or cumvaior. nisni . ', , saueens, now ic anu am. , oov bert. Marvin and Kenntth Krah mer. Wm. Harry and Herman Sehoen. I'eter. Henry. Martin. Herman and Ernest Uuecker, J Schoknicht. Alfred and Walter Reese, J Stuebe. Carl. Philip and John Liebenow, K-d and Herman Freudenthal. Dan Emrick, Wm and Henry Hultz, Fred and Dick Huhmann, Henry. Sam and Otto Steinke. Dick Schoeler. Elbert Stevens. B Shipman. U Meyer, J Stark. John. Henry and Jack Kmna, Carl Asbahr. Milton Bailey. Ralph Frahl. i'aul. Ion ard and Walter Gunke, Henry Scheuermann. ELECTION NOTICE For the City of Hllltboro, Orrton Notice is hereby given that on Monday, the 7th day of Decem ber. Mil at the City Hall in the City Hall in the City of Hillsbo ro, Washington County, Oregon, a general city election will be held for all elective officers of said city, namely: One Mayor. One Councilman for Ward No. 1. One Councilman for Ward No. 2. One Councilman for Ward No. 3. One City Recorder. One City Treasurer. Which election w ill be held at 9 o'clock in the morning and will continue until 6 o'clock in the afternoon of said day. Dated this 25th day of Novem ber. 1911. C A. Heidel. Recorder of Hillsboro, Oregon. WALTER B. L'OOuE FORTO Waa Wen Known at HUUhor and Oattoa Several Year BIO 0WNEI 0AST0N 0AKDCN 71 ACTS Was Saa at Ei-Owcraar Mies t. Mam. of Walla Wala a a r t . & waiter u. uoore, son or ex- Governor Moore, of Washington. died at the Good Samaritan Hos pital. Portland, Saturday, from an illness of several months. which apparently culminated in pancreatitis. Dr. A. E. Rockey. who had been in attendance at a National surgical convention in Washing ton. D. C. rushed across the continent in a vain hope to save the young man's life. The sur geon arrived Friday night and an operation was attempted as a! last resort, but was withoat avail. At the time of his death Mr. Moore was president and owner of the Gaston Gardens Company. a corporation with Interests in beaverdam lands, and one of the firm of M. C Moore A Sons, of Walla Walla. He was born at Walla Walla 38 years ago. Mr. Moore was well known in Portland, and visited this county frequently. His health had been failing for several years. The illness which resulted in his death took a serious turn about three months ago. His widow, whom he married about four years ago, is an Ore gon girl, and was formerly Miss lseulan Lucas, of Tillamook. A son. 2 years old. survives. Mr. Moore's father. Miles a Moore, of Walla Walla, and two brothers, Frank A. and Robert L. both of Walla Walla, also survive. The Harden Sanitary Drinhing Fountain Jnst the thing for your schools. Boy proof, and dots away with individual drinking cups. Call and see it. "The Store That Satisfies) Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street . ODEGOtf the wed- It l17 VI , Rl"l . - , . - . . IHIKI-lll 11V" - ' , www .ii. . i . k . - j I AkniY ti-pfv rnnniron tn thA noma I in.. 1 you wouui lei me argus r-auer " k-. v.k al l serges, now i bik--. "- r a I Mm ea.M1 M a-d I httfl la. Mhrn- I . a . J . 1 iinnui that wfl can raise lurniDS i "- "" 75c. v. gnieseiie ana popuns, in I'olk Countv. Yours tru y. wnere a recepuon waa neia anu now 19. Tne8e pnees are good Max Luck." Willamina, ure. n until every yaro nas oeen soia.- . .. iBorveu. .ua huum wh UCBUU Ifireers Main Su I represent Spirella corsets- fll.iw j--. in vllow andl -ain ou not sold in stores. Will call atL).j. -inj wt.ddinfir bells and W. F. Gibbon and wife, of hothes on request, and do the Oregon Grape in the dining near Boise. Idaho, where Mr. fitting, and teach how to adjust Bn n:ni, mnA whito with Gibbon owns a big alfalfa ranch, and wear the corset. Our tailor- r.ini, in ua nariom. arrived here the last of the week ed made-to-measure corsets, in- Th n-nta weremanv and for an extended stay with their eluding the latest front lace, with k011:f,.i a toatimnnial to the son. C. E. Gibbon, and family. nn exocrienccu corseticr service, I ,iau otAm th hannv eounle en. I Mr. Gibbon savs the valley of cost no more than high class cor- j v jn their community. Those the Boise River has improved . . l. J : MVia I . . I I . 1LA w.Mw AM .AM sets purcnaseu m bwi-o. i nresent were: Messrs ana mes- wonaenuuy .tie iasv .en jwio M. E. Caudle, iiiiisnoro, ruin d mM Chg Ed Sr Ed jP and and that lana in lavorep jocaii and Jackson Streets, Phone wa H Krahmer. T Sattler. H Ho- ties sells as high as $400 per Main U84. v ffrefe. L Stuebe. H F. Henry and acre. 1 1 n un lli- ahnwvoti the Chaa Reese. J Freudenthal, F Attar Fridav. Dec. 4. we wil . .ii I ..! tn I CUvnn D U Tlannav flan Riora.l . n j : j tA new glasses ma. can .- ur-i iuvhwh, ,n0l pg,, Bnu KrMiU u-u uj mvi. all uurposes. Free demonstra- dorf. F C Orth, H Leibenow, J on Fridays, but will run every tions. Kememoer me oaie, ue-.iDu.ni-, a uuh-vu, ' totner weeK, commencing oav.ur- H( ujonnson, n uuraatj, n uu day, Dec. saturaay. .an. is, ivamna. n vu-iaer or. r uci- anH nn sotnenAva rnereaiier. ev- gert, W Stevens, E Schoeler, W Lry otner Saturday. L. Siegen- aetzman, u j nous, a oreyc, thaler, vai-zna street, roniana. Williams; Mesaames d ijemmin, 0reironi Miss Minnie Morrill, attending Normal at Monmouth, spent K. H. Greer bumped into the Odd Fellows' building, head on with his Ford machine. Thanks giving Day. He was rounding the corner of Third and Main. when he lost control of the steering gear. He first bumped the curb at the Weil store, and then made a diagonal shoot serosa the street striking the brick in the middle of the struct j ture. Aside from jarring a few letters out of the aost office box and disturbing the appendix of the machine, there was no dam age. K. h. is now ready to make the "Devil's Ride" with iingling's circus, and says for the first time in his life he was aught the beauties of a 'parabola." If you have a child who is backward in school it is possible his or her eyes are the sole cause of the trouble. If in doubt con sult Dr. Lowe. He can and will enlighten you. L Siegenthaler has a notice of chopping in another column. He has installed new machinery and says he can nanaie xeea muen faster than with the old. Follow the Example cf SUCCESSFUL MEN 1PEW there are ot those now enjoying the pleasures of wealth that did not start under difficulties as great if not great. ft than confront you. But they all started to make each. dS a -effort provide something for the future. QPEN a airing, account to-day, add to it freqacatly and, a yoar poamr la dollar iBcrc tat. Ton will be arroo-d to a coocioatuca tbat yea hava taa ability and strength to accompli, much. Think it over A START its t izc matter, not 'brow opea wide tba gates to anecass. 4 Per Cent. Interest On Saving American National Dcnll lkf ., i I i ' Piuce of over 90.fJ00.000 there '11.25 2:05.. ORHUON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland 55 minutes. 6:32 7:19 8:28 9:53 12:43 3:59 5-41 H-Ofl Pm 9:u8 (Sat. only) P From Portland55 minutes a m ...am yere only 7,000,000 people. Mrs. "are was a baby when the . V.r were burning the capitol " Washington in the war of 12. She was a middle aged woman during the days of the 4:30 rt:25... 7:20.... 9:12 (Sat only) 12:26 1 n m l si a m 1 h Hunman. s lucner, kj urni-ica, am C Eisenhardt C Scheuermann; am Misses caina nwreiv. Tk:l.- mif h hnma tnttt a m Anna and Pearl Buchele, Myrtle r "A7.n7. - nm Hnltz. Lena and Anna Kamna. " - - ml Rpriha and Verna Rehse. Minnie Henrv Danneel. who is attend f I . n 1 !! .J It -v k r n ..:Jt P m and Eimma Kuecner, rainniv auu mg u. A, v.( came uuwu w tioi bother scnoen, numa caucy, over inanasgivinK wuu ua i Edna; Mildred, Verna ana irene ther. Stevens. Kate sscheuerniann, . , t Hoeffel of Port Margaret and Emma rran . wu- , , wa8 the guest of Miss AS X Gladys Shuts last week. Siffi Mariraret Liebenow. I Peter Grossen, of Helvetia, utuvuv, " . , .tin I U.. IAM Mnnrlou mnm. ..iL. ..I untK NAnna nr. nu.iwai nun touti uvinwi mv.11. ma. Lena and Stella Brelje, mg. Theresa. Marie and Lorneiia An hat8 reduced at Emmott'i Liebenow, wuma uursaei millinery. Sltf MaxBeh ng.EIiwneison. naa r - l?i w.if r Demmin. Fred. Al- Argus to Jan. 1. 1918, $1.60. Ball " WW www - -am pm ,pm .pm i.pm ..pm -am S. P. AND P. C. c E. All. except the P. R. & N.. trains are electric, and atop at the de pot on Main street To Portland Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m. McMinnville Train. .....7:36 a. m. Sheridan Train- 9.58 p. m. Forest Grove Train. ...12:50 p. m. McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m. Forest Grove Train.. .4:10 p. m. Eugene Train 4:53 p. m. McMinnville Train 6:37 p. m. Forest Grove Train 9:50 p. m. From Portland Eugene Train arrives... 8:15 a. m. McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville All trains. trains, stop on SHDTE SAYINGS DAI1K American National Dank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources 600,423.81 ' DanKing in All Its Dranchea Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Cheeks. Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. 9:42 a. m. " .11.-E3 a. m. " ..3:15 p.m. " -4:S0p. m. " ..6:37 p.m. " ..7a5p.m. " ...9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a.m. except Eugene flag at North Range and Fir streets and at Sixth and Fir streets and at Tenth street Steam Service. Old Depot To Portland P. R. & N. Train ...1:37 p. m. From Portland P. R. & N. TraJn .....l0i4 a. at. HATSI HATSI HATS! At Emraott's millinery are all re duced. Now is the time to buy your hat cheap. Come before they are picked ever. USf THE Dracclot Watch In Bracelet watches, as well as all other liacs I show the greatest variety and finest values to be found in the countv: Your special attention Is directed to my line of bracelet watches, which f " tinue to grow in popular favor. They make 1 'J gifts, for they are both serviceable and ornaBKit. I will be pleased to show them to you. LAUREL M. HOYT Yatchmaher and Jeweler. Graduate Optometrist Hilltboro Orcrn t l! 4 i I