The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 26, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 36
Aflrr Travmlnc t'nllrv Lurr?
and Northern Atrlia. IU Idea
5V Oil UCk IS '1M k'ilHS
' .vrfcMH r,:n received a
'i fry what th Mate val
iiPM.-'ar..,,., property ,VWM" uuuilll
- ,t i1iA:rHt!;'n,,,ryji,;; 10 BE TRIED HI HOME
( December I
Cmmk4i htilk Markrl Nra la li'fc
m4 SaaM Cllirt
Cha. K. Uunyon, for many year
court reporter in circuit court fur
thin judicial district, was in tv n
Friday, on Inminrs. Mr. Udn
yon recently returned from a trip
to Kurup end Northern Afrira.
and after traversing that great
territory with automobile, In' in
enabled to form conehi'Oot; that
are worth hil. lit say that
he found no place that wilt be,n
to compare with Washington
County for production and xKsi.
bilitienof production, riven in
in lowland of Holland, which
iituDMM'd to be the ituwt f -rt i
KMit in the world, there ii no
land that will U-gin to produce
lontfide our far fano-d U- ivi r
dam atiil.
Mr. Kunynn, after traveiinu
thousand of mile by mot r,
nay our tfeat lack it in Ma li
(l.Mtd road leading to hit; centt rs,
he states, make all the d;!Vr.
nice In the world. For in. Unc,
if Washington County had gd
macadam road into I'orihnd.
connecting the various hevtion
with rortland. or llillsbiro, the
public market would thrive. II v
team or auto the fanner could
take hi product to the city, ar
riving aily. and aell it in the
public markrt at more than the
commUition man would pay him.
and the producer would make
money, while the consumer would
till get hut need at n lemer
uric than at the cominixslon
In this manner the middleman
would be forced to go against
the public market, or at least
come somewhere near meeting
hi price. Again. Mr. Kunyon
aay a. the farmer, by getting into
touch with condition, would
learn how to handle hia product
for the market. He would con
aider arrangement, packing, anil
the various other thing that go
to make a product attractive.
Cood road, he aay. would en
courage all these thing, beside
waving for the producer those
thing that go to waste through
lack of getting into the market
because communication is poor.
1 I
I'i'li.. Tlixl I i.i-i . l.u I I .. ........ .....
If the Mate valuation u the name "! Campbell Stt Dattrul Trial
U.i i ;.r a last year and no
hhi r ti e tv.d universities I
'; ., ;.! " ' , ... v Mbklath in coikT
- . iu; . i j man, ii
tniio iirnl rl.i!. I in tt.-i.tuti. Ij
it anv Km,.!, r that state tavntion KoiiUgy at Tviliiio u (be Bunc id
is 1.1, Mi ; I, ile th tfpleof the
tate feel hU rally inclined in the
matter of universities it m too
fur once there was
bad that
I arm. my Lit uteri
and the I. rislature,
n r (iiiieiM have
measure providing
f ir tie 1 ao institutions.
i,..r,. una Ine caKe or Contractor William
(ov. Went router versus W ashintfton toun
t . -. . ... . -
i ne iiover. iv. suit lor sell ement lor n
Vet'M'il the riinitlrorf inn of lKi rniirf hmitii
mis money
annex, will not be transferred to
St. Helens, as it ha been aim-cd
.. .. I ' . r i .11. a i . . . .
m m .nn. in riiuieuin. I l.v Knulxr n U t II, . nlT .ii" irn
. .... I m J " W iv n v. HttMia r
pa, , i hroue , the e. ty r r. ay . to trial h,re Ju,,w CampWI
Crov... WiUoo is in ii,- hard- "ee of trial at Dec. i
wmv l.'nine. at Tendieton. and The last of the week w as taken
snyi that the country is up in the case of JanieGalbreaih
thriving nicely, lb has Iwen on versus Washiimton County. Th
the school iK,am at t eiuiieton lor j vo roadway at Tua
.i . .t-.i.i . - a i iuiii . nun. ii.iiin i at ii i i 1 1 1 1 1 ( i kr
ui;u nun ih nii iuhi yrur ui urr- .7" v : , t : . .
vuv. Mr. Ilrock is i brother of w ini ciaimeii a a puimc
J. W. llnn'k, of northwest of
lliiUUiro. at.d he Is well known
a a former lli!Woroite, having
drug store here
I (mi v. -Elect WlthycMibe wUl fam
the State :
Mr. and Mrs. Allert Friday
were do n from llanka. Friday.
August II I.nagl of Sher
woihI, wait a county seat visitor
Sam Moon, of Centerville, was
greeting friends in the city
(leo. Sinclair, of Jolly Plains.
was in the city the last of the MMStS OF LBGtSUTtCS WVITa
lir.hert Ihomtison. of Cedar I alia MmIm at Aa SUte flrin !
Mill, transacted tiusinessln town
T. K. lmhne. of Tort and. was I : .1.. rv
, , .. . . ., . AIUCCIH OWUQV1 UWVIWII
a my cauer. aaiuruay. me um . ... , . .
of his brother. Jas. A., and ram- w,""""c",,u "'" l
ily. held at the University of Ore-1
gon. Eugene, Dee. 10. 11 and 12,
ilUUIUH t'lUH'it "I IV W IOV I
. lf Jl A la, I
nioneera or t xime in, was down announcea. uovenrar-ieci
to the county seat Saturday I Withycombe will open the eon
morninu. ference.
Wm. Mc()uilian returned Sun- Legislation necessary to make
The Harden
Sanitary Drinhing Fountain
Just the thine for your schools. Boy proof, and docs
away with individual drinking cups. Call and see it.
and Winter lines of
ei ai well us la
coats, dresses and
,ling of l different
road by the county. Jud;rv
CamnU'll heard the cae without
a jury, and it is under advise
Decree or divorce: ..lau'.
Meilms versus Frank Meihus.
Continued: Knox vs. Oelrich.
km . . 1 . lift
Deluuit and judgment: wait;
vs. Arthur Hall.
Iefauttand reference: Oath
enne Kit-hard vs. I. A. liich-
orus: Ksther Hav vs. ('has. I5.iv.
Shankland vs. Shankland, ali
mony for child reduced to $10
Dismissed and costs taxed to
ii nintil! : Walker vs. khoades
United Kailwavsvs. Karl IKxiley.
Set for trial: Wick vs. Skid-
more, Dec. 1.
years ao.
,.;w Fall
men's ci"l!
du-rt' suits.
skirt.t, cuiisi
!tif:s, latent fanrics, tire now on
dihitlay at our new location south
of the K, T. I bill. Second Street
fall and look at iur san:iles.
t'liri it Wuest. the Tailor. I'hone
Main b'ill.
At the dose of bu 1 nes Sept
I'vi). twentv one counties in the
mate, according to State Ac
countant Ferguson, bud a surplus
for wnrk fr the remainer of
the war. Of these counties
Multnomah had th largest sur
nlus. with over a ball million
dollars to its erediu
l.lill.- Ii l""'l.t" ... ....... 4
17'J (Ml. and Washington county n ousint-ss,
cnm in with the third largest John W'elsh, of lioaverton, was
surplus, with a credit to the var- transacting business in town the
ious fundi of fl iJ.uJ. first of the week.
I rcire:ent Snirclla corsets Walter Zetaman. of North Tua
not Bold in stores. Will call at latin Plains, was in the county
homes on re.Uest, and do the seat Monday.
fitting, and teach bow to adjust
day evening from a flying trip to I effective recommendationa of the
San Mateo, Cal.. where he visit- 1 commonwealth conference
ed with his niece and nephew. wil 0,,, witr the fol-
Vtrj fj-vini Walt ufidniv nfllnwincr liMitar 1TnmnlATmMlL
the late Jos. Watt, died at For-1 greater economy and efficiency!
est drove. Nov n interment n sUte gdroinistration. hydro-
-M wm-.u.v,. electric district with a city
Ernest Kraus. of ()ak Point, nucleus and including the Who-
Wash., came out rnday, and
A chain of public employment
The Store That Satisfiea"
Percy Long ;
, ' - 1
went on to South Tualatin, to
visit his son. who resides near m :u
...... loureauB igruntnure iww wm
the iVvme Iiurkhalter place. DreD0Bed .nd the legislation
Mr and Mrs. Frank Crabtree neceasary to that end probably
and daughter, of Laurel, were in formulated.
ih nn.niu coat thi. last of thpl tiCOnomj pnmjn mMix auiuui.
.. .,,.1, i.- m inu kartrMtoHliatration will be submitted to
his almond crop, and put them state official! and efficiency ex-
. I U I. in iA hi . 1 m I nPrTaL
of the eonference will recommend
in town Saturday. Fred thinks Uht a bill be oreaented to the
the apple market Bhould be con- next legislature creating a hydro-
sidoratiiy stronger next r an. as electric district out ot a city ana
num. vi ill annl Ia mako little I il. :w.. .am!iuI atithnp.
cider iust to wet the whistle I u;nr thrfitriet tn nrovide itself
once in a w hile after 1916. 1 with lines of electric transmis-l
..... .. , liiirm and DowerdevelotHnffDlants.
1. an v i:iweu neouiv nme ' . ... . ...
.. T....... .r ....... .L:;u "r "n;.. ' All membert oi w.iwiw,
11. turn i( im 'it tS' ui u ii v ..7vvii "
business in the city Friday, on his return from an
alt state officials, editors, pub-1
nday.on his return irom ar :K " rit
t ;,h m in town M..nJay mornln. .''mml ,ne ,Utt buiWM id dwUHll
a"-w'""a 1 a bva iHAiiKiai in r na y firm hi 1
J. 0. Miller, of the Arcade invitations.
District, was a city visitor Mon-
1 av. 1 (;. comes irom one oil . iin a a b
...... - . Anu r, ti m m
the tug potato producing sections
of Washington tjounty. and irosis
and wear the corset
ed inade-tivmeustire
Keceipt for the week have been
cattle, FJ03: calves. 43; luigs,
fi7lH; sheep. 51 SI.
This week marked a mote en
couraging outlook for cattle that
showed quality. Top steer went
at 7 50. very few, sold U-low 1.
did not show duality ex-
tnt ftccMionalU-uood stillV
V . . " - '
l.iin.lnir hluh nn (5 21).
Hog receipts continued iin
liberal in quantity and strong in
price. Tops advanced from 7 40
Monday to 7 55 Friday. Market
closinic in excellent shape, prices
higher than at Borne Eastern
markets. .
Continued short receipts and
stronjr prices characterized the
full weeks market. Lambs Hold
as high as 6 60; ewe 4 55 and
all other lines on the same price
Oreiron restrictions to prevent
Foot and Mouth disease are:
All live stock must move in
cleaned and disinfected cars. All
stock yards must be disinfected.
The Portland Union Stock
Vnrda a nmtoct fttockmen. has
started to disinfect tho entire
yards and with the movement of
only disinfected cars to and from
the stock yards there is nothing
that would Indicate that these
yards will be closed to trullic
both the Livestock Exchange
ami ih Stock Yards Company
are fully alive to the situation
and every precaution na oeen
taktn by them to insure the
Western Btockmen of an unin
fected place to transact business.
Prices that save you money -10o
outing flannel, now 8c per
yard; 12)c outing flannel, now
10c; 121 flannelettes, now 9c; 25c
Ratteens, now 21c and 23c; Wh'
serirna. nnw 49av tl serircR. now
75c; 25c soiesette and poplins.
now 10c Thonn nriees are irooi
until every yard has been sold.
Creers, Main St.
W. W. Hostetler, of Portland,
was out to Hillsboro, Mondny,
on Ipirttl hiifrtnAaa. Ha is still
the real estate business in the
All hats reduced at Emmott's
millinery. , 31 tf
Our tailor-
corsets, in
cluding the latest front lace, with
an experienced corsetier service.
cost no more than high class cor
1 1 .
tfi'i iiurt'iiineo 11 stores. mio.
M II. lauidle. ruth
and Jackson Streets, Phone No.
Main list. 28-45
11, M. Wiebke nnd family left
this week fur their new home in
Washington county, where Mr.
Wiehke has pun-hasi d 70 acres
.f i.iifdeii nod nasture land. He
n -- - 1 , , , ,
uiii extensive y in dairy
intf and already bus a herd of 40
cows. Weston Leader.
1 saw cord wood. iHile up to 12
inches in diameter, fence rails,
Ulll l I II III 11 1 4 of all kinds, into
Herman Rannow. of Farming.
ton. was in the county seat Fri
day afternoon.
always appears very late in the All. except the P. K. "..trains
Fall, up there in fact vines nave are eiwuic. iwf r"
been grow ing green up that way POl on nain sweeu
I 10 Koruana
until very uueijr. . L CfO.
I hip,! A r.ordnn. who hadl.i m. t : m
Frank Greener, below U khI?, charge of the Hockolite atreat Sheridan Train 9.68 p. m.
I . 1 . 1. , im ta a. nnrv.MN nian n At r I mm a
was in the citv the last ot the wont oere, l3 huw ou. Forest Urove Train wau p. m.
week. . - hf tht' cons ru5tl0Ln of a f20?:0?0 McMinnville Train 2:15 m.
0.mnr r n-an,. a, ; fswn P1 a"V w "M1'" Forest Grove Train... -4:10 p. m.
tiaiii in ai. ui iiv 1 out ti m uj u m .... , h.i 1 1 m 1 in a nnvura 1 i.rn
the city the last of the week, on K WJfct:
business at the court house. . his 0ijtime Hillsboro I iV A ".1 v o.wi m
. : rurai unin iiu" r
W (.. Jackson. 01 INorth I lams, friends. I t n i-a
1 1 .1 I . I ivui .
1 umiru 111 w nit vm.inj vuvi ii- v v n I'lnnurnnm wno nu I n m I.. a
. . 1. .. .!.... - -.- r.unne irun un.a-'-o.ui
aaiuraay.wwiuiroainaiM-i. uu,. , associated with lien ton I w ui,,;iu Q-42 a m.
0itiuiiMii :
.11:63 a. m.
. .3:15 D. m.
..40 p. m.
. .6:87 p. m.
. .7:15 a m.
...9.-00 p. m.
.12:15 a. m.
A 1 1 trains, except Eugene
inina. Htnn on flair at North
rt I K. .Imnti mnA mt
iranKv wiu ru
A OlOVC 13 uciiik mavic " ""'v alXHl nu rir DWl cvo mm
Wilbur K. Newell, of above a law passed that win enawe Tenth street .
pArllaml viait nr Unhivtl hiinrds to HftSS On taX I Claim SapoIm -. Uld UeDOt
I . i.... ..d..- n.l iil 1. ..;.,t. ...itlinnt tha nannl Annual I n 11..J
1 1.' .... .,., nf nenr (irenco. yesieruay, uuer vuui w aiijuui uvu nv. iiuui... ..- ig ruruwu
V" l? . 1 ... V .u.. tn .ho daw irntherintrs. The promoters oi , i.vr n m
was in the city uio ibsi, oi u.v- . rr 1w m that the r. n. m. train...... v
County Commissioner-elect Ko- V'c ..r'lT- ... Jnk., From Portland
dell Matteson of Forest Grove JJ that they are responsi-1 p. K. & N. Train 104 , m.
.5 ;V was in the city the last of the v . -.. and that a
but what you save that determines whether you progress
or reirograae. rxoue m iuis www iuuui uiu.ij .
If you let your expenditures balance your iucome you are
losing ground in the fight for independence.
Tk mnitam Irav tn Biicrioaa nnd ironpndence is E savinin
hank account Why not start one now? Your initial deposit-
large or smallwill be welcome.
American National Danll
luun n4nei!tfpd with Benton
Miss Violet Tavlor. w ho is Bowman in law practice for some hp..
teaching near Gaston, was down time, is now located at Ashland. porgt Grove
to the city over Saturday. lie has opened a law omce in ine ghendan
i.t T.on, . f Sherwood. Southern uregon wh M cMjnnville
wiia in the citv the last of the maKa 1 ,u. Buu.'' "ruZZZ Forest Grove
lie is exiuipped to take Forest tirove
care of a good practice, and he McMinnville
K.of luiahaa I
.",.11 l u ...,
ijiwrence Lfailcv. ot lortianu, inrrina w it h him the best wishes,j W U'o nto was in lown monuay, eorouve 0t n multitude oi inenus in iuib
v.' v - i i . ri.u ... t c.ic I .
I mnlrv Wr tO. 1)10110 Or nome Blier B VISU IUI inau. i , city.
enll on ine. -Carl Skow, Hillsbo
Plume. Citv ii2. or call at
Tualatin Hole
south of Cornelius.
Schulmerich went to Cor-
v.niii.- iip 1HSTK1CT
' .i 1.1 1 vi: in nTK AUDITION
Ml t
" ... -... I .....
Wo, th um..gno. I vnoia Saturday to see the
li'yihN.,.,r,. rn'mitv. Diviwn. to- hall came between Oregon and
than toil in The result was a 3 to
per cent or ho iTsulelit. WX payers .j
luiiiio Vim t 11 im-oting of the resi- iM. Wilson is setting his new
in :: ri ui' L .i.i J. urni Knii.i.n.r inmiir ni-i':iniriiii
h hoicov f;ilU'il, una win u niu lun-non uuihiimh "r.-
ble to them, anyway, and that a
sma.l percentage oniy lurnaoui
to pass on the levy, to say the
r. - . I A.
most lor me present mvuiuu. i ... B, M
- - w m m. &.iHKHKka'M mi naaw b mil a wmmm
County Fruit Inspector A. V. L,.,. Now ia the time to buy
Denny has started his crusade h t h before
are picked over. Sltf
American National Ban!i
(affiliated banks) ,
Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources 690,428.81
Danhingin All Its Branches
dhecking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit,
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't, Time Certificates of De
' posit. Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. .
4 Pr Cent Paid on Savings Depoaita.
against infected orchards, and it L
a u-iTa nmiiosition that this I
in a t - i -
House, in saiil for the Diiblic. and he expects to
wiisn iiKi aorvn Thnnkse vinir dinner in ms
128th day of ..V
of 2 o'-
i.l .41VI ll hi' IODI
ttonil liislfii-t !'
I.. I I.-. nr. , on till!
i ..i mi i iii ihii hour
.1. .1, o M r unii dllV. to discuss the
ndviMiiiiiiiy of levying b HjMjcmi blacksmith who has sharpened
...t,r,:i,.m. mm tax iii wild diatrii-t, to " . . . . -.-ui-a nH
,l..l,.rnuiui Wllllt, II
new place.
Adam Beil,
the Centerville
. .. . I in nv uiitM'iul I : - il.. .nurlu aaat- tha Inur. nt till1
rir, snail ne iiiiin "-v -'r . I in vnc vumnj
' . . .i i I ..I uvlnllt
iimnii.T, iimi mi- n"""- weeK.
of swh linprovemei a ... t n..J..-Ul f M,nn
i. ii i... i iiiii'miii. hiiii hi ivvti .innn r rtiiut:iiLii(ii. ui iivnwu
i -,i nr iiddit imul tax, not to u,.a !n ftwn the last of the
.,.. nl len inillH on U no un, ui. .-.,
taxul.lo real .nnd personal ..ror.y .. Ag g Q.
In si,,.! ton., u ui v. - - . d it thei.0 durin the Sum
Klicll ifSl.HMii . i.x e,. :--. ... i.
. i i i ii .i.miii niit'iMii niH mi tm i ninii nnn wiihii i unci uiuvu iv
MkI eli'l uiiii i ti ii i i - . . , i iiui, hum ' "
.new " , viiltiith I :
nf rnisllit? moiU'V win 0 tinp i
.i,.i'iminis in iutuiiv -
No. 7, WashiiiKton
J. " . i i ,,!.,, O BC KHOIII.ll VIIU liaa nu "v..
i:n?ig&& plowshares for his neighbors and
f in said road dis- friends for many years, was
u'; u ill witness more 8Drav
fi liiiv i ..... rfiL
inu th.m for several years. The
" r ,
mwt t wo vears nas seen
r r. Wkiimora. of Chehaleml
v. v. . . -
4.:- 1m irn. OiA Am
. i niUU n uiiii, hhiu w" "!
years has seen a con-1 f the week. He says that the
growth in the amount k d between here and the
f i AA h. All as l 1 - .
of San Jose acaie, an we., "f withveombe D ace has been re
.iiiniT moth, and thorouirn I ,, ji....i.iiiiMiu
... - - IVTOIOfl MTII1 tm IIUW IU UlUbll
shape than
(iiiriioKO of ruisinir
.,.m.nt or niprovemonts in won
1 Distfiit
Cmmly, Oregon
I (his 2l!lh day oi ik-ioos..
my with which . 'fi duck ranch, which is at-
to iloiiny tho eMH,n..rl',!!;,l TtZ tested by hunters who know.
c p Snndifer. a reoresenta-
tive of the State Juvenile Court,
and also connected witn tne
ai.o Mnnrd nf 1'harmacy. was in
.,.., Sohin nv. Me lounu me
.1-.. afnna here ennauctea in
ahana nnd sum that he
Ultc mi"!" , , ...
t.A thorn vprv enrol ul in tnt-
4ianpnsinor OOiatl'9. ,UI r, .
t. ,inu moeh n eased with
...jiiinnii hni-f. ns he had tound
riL.tLiiiti w
both-Winter sprayinR for the . h been vetoed, and the
scale, and bpring ana aummer hjBnwty , not cutting up like it
spraying for the moth. wa3
With the returns in from all 0k himi Melflnn.
counties it is discovered that JSSSL
capital punishment has been vuie. w .dml tne
abolished Dy a majoruy ot -r- r- , times for
al hundred, tor several aaya z- rVaailillL and haa
the vote was in doubt, ana " "luIZTY tVm
v" .1 1 A. A I 11 IIIIPI L1ID Hll V UW B-iVW
was claimed Dy tne aanerenw w - . . .. th
the noose law that hanging wouw
(;n n Roman hosday ior
Bli l wiv- . ' . S.
now in mucn wiier ...
before. The hew I VolliereS
.T. II. Imlay, A. . Ohnwr, J. J;
Wo 'ienWk. A. M. lloU-omn, rn-u
lliulmer. 1. Slww. r. . V r
k ru I .kt.ti.Di .1 It. nilti U""
i ii
.... t ir ititiiti rn. ii
; V,I v l-rtroe'ho, C, P.BpW
lialon, Olat Nordland, J. Mohne.
He tells the Anrusl
lk. inarm M OM mtA that I
hoaaay ior l uk
Oregon's populace. It istene
that the woman vo e was . i thft c-ndf,,., is
instrumental ma 1" SSnWtata.
vvnon me uueaiiuu nasi
llll. . ,. J.--4 k-Jl., I 1 tl.l.l.t-1
un hetore ii was ueteaieu uoui, seven yeaning jeraej-nuwwjm
. tin, Tho wahim ..I. BH rUI.I ia n mother is the one mostnBnchA. near Bairlev Station. P. I
likelv'to vote for abolition of the a v Cornelius, Oresoa.
r - . . ai i A.& ... a k s . aaa ava
hemp, for the momer ueiwr nu . j, msw
any other Knows v.; p . o...,..,- a. been
the human minu anu w. - W-j,VOBtocu
e h Ui iroes w ronn u cumco u.. ...."- ; - . -x : " ..-a I
co"u T " 'V: in7 ; re mstances to tho mother with much keener Japan, na wr
in the towns in Polk County. '.ffect than to the father. ws been onu,nK r r --
There is no more attractive or graceful orna
ment than this becoming pendant which receives its
name from the celebrated Mme. Louisde La Vai
Here. I have given much attention to the select
ion of my stock of La Vallieres. which is facinatinK
and interesting in design and craf tmanship, ana
endeavor to have each piece unique and
In solid gold set with diamond, from a.w up
ward. Gold filed from $1.50 upward.
Vatchmaher and Jeweler. A r ,
Graduate Optometrist.
XWUboro. ..-0,ct
... ftii
" .4