ST. MARY'S ' lllltlua IHflac 1 -jitr-- ., r iB A. .l hi..-,. 4 l-U . aa I b. fu'ulwt M", Mfw'tu Help Mahe Oregon the Cleanest State thc Union tu,i.1..'M,di.llrlb,MM,g,l,r, .. '.' .4 ll hf 4 .. r 1, " v . . M -hmtU - !; W. ,h ,,1,1. , h, p ( ( all! l fr.. U a, U ,,( ,,, , ,.,. M nktMN HiiirU eta W.Hlr.l A.Mt till ORfGON SOCIAL HYGIENE S0CIE1Y 6 Loaves of Bread for 25c t,.t fn loaf in J 5 chock, i-ach guoj for one f of U i. Huyinif your hrm ! (hit way Kjrf JW4 ui i vi in your broad bill. lUrnemUr thin w-U Iim )oti buy .r,. Si Krrjih knvrt for 2k THE CITY BAKERY Main .ctnt. Ib'lsWo J. Wulfmprrger, I'rcp. WE SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS l you tictil any flioccrics? 1 you uccd a ay l'ry (IiwhIh? D you nerd any Slir? IVi jmi need auy 1W4? Will y0uttccl any Iaul I'lislct? Will jitit uwtl any I'-iriuiug Implement, Mower, Rale, Manure Sj'ica.Ur, Cultivator, Spring Ttb JUk, lfiuvlcT or any liK in Machinery? H Vfu dn, call a Jul sec us. Our price are right. Emmott Orcn CO, ita tun East Firo Insurance ASf l aoMI r 8KTTt.K JOHN VANDERWAL Afiiut Ltniou Ht Inca fSure Ji,c Jujurancc Co. M, CI,,,,,, in UIUJHIMIKO K"Zt Of PINAL BtTTLIMENT ''''ill: I H JIKUKHY CIVKK. ' "lri.titr.i Iim lUril in lh l M t.f Utr H'! ,f Oirt, (' V kit,. i i i . 4 . ..... 'l'"'M.i A.!tituili a tor. NiH l lo Trpilliora. l'M Ct"Mr Vourl of the Suip ofOrt ' I 'M lr Vttt.iinnloii ikmnxi ih, Fjimi William II u 1 rtiily .ulnlr.l by l ?:r,me Cm.t . ..ImlLMu- t L. ,'u" William J'inilliM, i , ""Miilrrd to prrwnl Ibff Ikn . ", r.iKnrii, ni lilt law Hoincya for AilmiiiUiratrlt, U'lOlt S NOTICK TO CRED-i-1TOU8. . iU'r,'!,y Klven that the it,r Sr .1 h". 1,,H"1 llolnted Ex- "n' a V1"' Will ami Tentn- ; Couu. ..''"'innneil ua aueli by tha Ore t il n,'.)y,,!H,.,lKton County, am 'oiinty, and haa ( ("HUM r t,:!,!.?.,y!':h Executor. tiavl v ir Pi ,' "u', y,u';i persona k " flanii.,,,, it. '!'ir..,.1 , ,jH, e,m,x J".' ihc uiuinr Culm i mu in IhlW " ' , Oil.-K1 i.a i,,,,. ... I .,1... r.,. Mm. ( r 4, y,4, h H. t,vi, AtliuinMtmor of tb Ai.i.KY & II A UK. iv. I '"iiniiiiK in lima- - " , i llcler C. . SctimUH. k a . ",,i"K,0 ""'"y. ""Son. ! 9,,Lm'1,;r i" riv .1 Tchabold, J. C. Dtoi .i!,,,:,,,h" ,,,,m brreof. ' John Zurjhtr, W S-- A. . ""n oi am nuns, '"" ' . fiin A Yuniren, ' iiuui.. . n. I t'rn . ka llaeflifcer, A. 1 u"Jtr ! INSTITUTE I I., .k. . wterir: er,( , 1, , . " v ""wag a alp .Wu" '''iirttoi la JZlZrJ'-"1 - A 'tl tm '-,;j,"w'!llt. r ree 9mrtm and Jones Phon Mftin 59 Oregon t mt at my rsiJfiMi in Fort Kim., OrK. or at I he Uw office of lh. II, Toiifu, Jr., in th Com mvrnat 1'Am, at ililUboro, Or iron, within ( (6) niuiilhn from the daU of the ftrt pulduatioii of thla nut It, tiit, ithm k montha from Srp-IrmlH-r 3, 1911 HENRY DAVID, KirruUtr of the Ut Wilt and Tta- nirnt if HacM Mrrb, lHcMtcd. TIHt.H. II TUSUI'K, Jit.. Atturny fur Kxtculor. MtTtfR OF lIH!RKT ROAD MUniNU TO VOTK AIUUTION. At ROl TAX IN IHSTKICT NO, 43. St, th uiiJi'rinwl ridnt U pn)ir tf lU-i IHatrirt No. 45. Washington County, Ortfan, t- pctlirr rmt,l'" '"" n fHil of tin. nmdent tax pyr In wiiil rtmd tlwtrirt, hrby fctv noti.e that a mwtinir of th rent font U t of wild Dial trirt No. 4r..W(ihiiifntn County, 0r iron, i hfrrby ralbd, and will b d at lli'lvrtia 8rhwil llouw, in aalu H.iid litrii-t No. 45, WaihinKUm Coiinly, trrftn, on the 21st dy of Novi'inlM-r. I:I4. at the hour of 2 o-cliH-k P.M., of aaid day, to dicui the advUHblhty of levyintf a jPf l f additional nmd tux In dltrirt. to .Mermin hat, If any ca;intv road or imrliona thereof in aaid mad d -tri. t Khali Ik improved, in any naedal manner, and the character and ex I , "... .k i-..., or morove- menu they ahnfl make torn levy u. h M'nal or aW'l S!" not to exceed ten nulla on the dollar, on nil taxable real and peraonal prop erly In aaid road dmtrict, M a ma jority of mich tax of iaid road district ihall deem dtrtaaUt TkwITWtay the exVnse. of auch auecial tmproveineni k WHhif.Kton County, Rited thia v 1014. Jr., Iiunoro n"""tlA Viet r..' ni.i Wnnirer. Alfred nor iioik ' " - en II. llcrnhey. 6 Per Cent LOANS 'rlvllH. "I Baw adores"! N""" F r propo"on . Ul.ptM,Hl BHt.i lBllS,'lW I1 - .,.. fl (tt, lU Roy8l WB are sn'D V" V .i.:" ', ..u. and elu thing.-" TAX PAYERS ... . n,i Hitter. Fr. Rufarwr,: A""0 ........... i:m i in- ROD S 6U:i GLU3 IS KB OB RFIY Mn.kra Havt Informal LHaawr I Ha4rf Waafclagt,, FOt CHAWE W Q4E UW$ T- y He., Fr l.tcr, Kiftv m.mUu . i '"'uiigvi me newly re- Club wer ut.lHl at a duck din. W at the HoW Wwhinirton. ueway eveninjr. The purpose of reorifaniiinir .s the result of fkiriK up the matter of game "Ifisiation ith farmera from varum, actWna. who Ray that me killinjt of to many Monirali.n nale pheananta has left too many ena :or proper propotration. Nwtt 'fr neat, said one farmer. M this aeanon found unhatched heeauae of lack of fertilization of "If". It wa voUd at th m;n i ak the leirislature to make the "uiiioi cnineae pheaaanta five as uaual. tut to have the atatute reaj pheananta. so hens could be killed aa well at the mat rt,ia exjualize thinw. It was also voted to ask legislation to reduce the number of deer to two, and nut discriminate as to male or fe male, or, if a distinction is to be made, perhaps to have it one buck and one doe. The dinner was marked with the best of Rood feelinsr. and the new club will talk of over filling the streams with those who live m the country, and their ideas on the hunting laws will be nought between now and legisla tive time. Those who responded to toasts at the dinner were: T. II. Tonmie. Wm. Nelson. E. U Moore, W. C (JifTord. J. W. Connelt, Geo. Kmmott. Grover Combs. C. B. Buchanan. K. L Perkins. W. Mahon. C. Jack Jr., C. L Koontz. Geo. McGee. K J. Swell, 0. Phelps, and W. G. Hare, representative-elect, mak ing the benediction toast, and promising the boys that he would work for any legislation agreed upon by the Club and the farm ersof thecouaty. FAMILY mU LOSS The home of Harry Richards, at Kinton. was totally destroyed by nre at 2 p. m., Monday. The blaze started upstairs from de fective stove piping, and all of the upper part was aflame before the family noticed it In the home at the time were Mrs, Richards and children. Mr. Richards was out in the yard when he noticed smoke and fire coming out of the roof. He rushed into the house and gave the alarm. Mrs. Richards start ed upstairs, to get their clothes, and. on opening the door she found that everything was aflame, and the smoke too thick to see. Nearly everything waa aved downstairs, but all the bedding, clothes, family records, photos, etc. were lost. The family of thirteen whith was living so cozy together that morning, that night was scatter ed among the neighbors. The house was built about 18 years ago, and owned by James JacqueL You will find that bracelet at HoiTman'a. 33tf We cover buttons with any material. Hillsboro Mercantile. NOTICK OF IHSTRICT ROAD MKiriiNG TO VOTK AIHMHON AL ROAD TAX IN DISTRICT NO. 47. We. the underniened resident tax oayera of Road District No. 47, Wiuhtmrton Countv. Ore iron, together mmorit in mora than ten per cent of the resident tax payers in saio roau district, hereby give notice that a meeting of tha resident Ux payers of said Road District No. 47, Washing ton County, Oreiron. ia hereby called, and will be held at liatet Dale School linn e in said Road District No. i Washington County, Oregon, on the ....... 1.7. .. V' IIIIJ tha hmr oYTwo 'dock iVaTof aiid day, to discuss tha advisability of levying a special or additional road Ux in said district, to determine what, if any county roads or portions inere of in said road district shall be im proved, in any special manner, and the character and extent of such Im provement or improvements mey shall make thereon, and to levy such special or additional tax, not to ex ceed ten mills on tha dollar, on all taxable real and personal property in said road district, aa a majority of such resident Ux payers of jaid road district shall deem advisable for the purpose of raising money with which to defray tha expanse of such special improvement or Improvements n said Road District No. 47, Washington County, Oregon. . Dated wis jciui ua , m- rrv tAVFH? TAX PA1LRS P. K. Kemmer, U. A Livarmore, 9, W. W-KPJlSJPWiuSS U. V, if, Kaufman. A. Kaufmann, Emd Manko, ""::"-.' . n t rititrritta E, W. Uvermore, o. ..-. F. Doughty, R. i 'wt "t Arthur MlUs, I.JI.ltson, M. "'V.' John Boland. H. ErGrab. The largest ihorrWrn! R- Bok-. J. McNjw, from tne fr aver iThnm.a E. Young, G. w. MUiar, aii deajer.IX . xnoxo Atooa, voyembbs t t Ntk af District Dua aWl.- ts Vto AaMttloMl Roa Tax ia District No. J Wt. lb vbUmmkux nMmtt fai rar f Kua4 IMatrtet Ho. . Waabinvu-a touMT. Orao. tnfUmr aouiprUitig mom thaa m ymr mi U tha miwni u payer la aafci mad diatrtrt. brtr rv( wimiiimiii(M in ivwilnit taa paw el awd Ht-A Ixatrtet Mo. J. WakJiiBtrUM lttf, Oregon, la fIM.a4arUltMBklat lurl tkbori buttaav In aai.1 Vumti ihdrvri Ha. j Walniruni I mumx. Ooo,oa tba Hb Jay ul Hue.. IM. at Uta buur of 2 itU Urk r. M ,of aaid aajr. t-t diaruw Ui adviaa illiy w Im;Im a apcrial ut wlilitmnal Kal Ul lo aaid duiut, to dtrinliw bat. If any euunty nla at portion tarwf la aakl awl dlaUid ahali tm liurul. la any epaelat mannar. al lb ebaractar aixl aitool ut aurb Improve uwutor Iwpn.vaHwiBla'tbey ahall niak '"". ai m ly u, ta apaetal ur adilltkHial Ul, m4 to uwd Imi wlili on Utm th.llar. urn all toiabla ral .and lr.iutl iMuMrtjr m aa ruwt diatrut, aa a turnou t oi aucfc Mklnui tai payera l ml4 road diatnet aball daeu alkat,la tur im ihiojom ul rawtua UHiMf Ub hush la defray U,a ipaiw ul auch pMslal Iwprovaaiaui ut linprontnatiLa n ;-" iw no. a, waabluKtoa (uuntr. ne Itatad lb la M4 da of Kvi ibw, 1M4 tax rAveiu R. A. Rroaa. Html h.i,,i.ii inii... w',L,u'.,.MMm' i"hn w'- 4-'. Mull.. i"""", T Turner. O. W. 4 MMar. L. Mr.ra. A. W. Walkar'. Jan. Howard, U. b. Ma , At Hill. Krad rlaaa. k. L. Hum Umr u.,,i at . r. aa . rrnuun a . hsiimm. i flank tt. Hro.aT r ' Koike at taai 4cetiat la Vale ki- ilaMMl laaal Tax ia District N. 25 Wa the andvraimad of K4 liifi,l Ho. n. Waohliiirtua touniy. Oratn. luttirr t,,ii,urimif uiora lliaa M pr ,m of the rmulenl lax pajrara In aaid It I tnalrU-t aarel tea oJtw tbal a matii'iie ol the rmdeot Ul payara ul aaid K.ieo Dir,i-t No. a, Waablaaloa lli.uoljr. Orvfoa. is barab reHl.aml will ba iwkl at Inaram Hop Houaaaald Kd Dial Mo Si. W atbinirkta Ooauty. Orwgua. unllia .'lvt day of Noe. robar. IMU. at 1 j'ebwk P. M. ol aaid day ludiaooaa lb advlaabllity if Impna a iwctalof addiltnnal ruad Ux in aaid dtatriet, lo datoroiln wbat if auy county rnaua wr pnnunt laarani ia aaid road .lialrli aball b toinruvad. In an iuri.1 tuanoar , and lb cbaravUr and ax Unl of ueh loiproeamant or liupruTaiticnU ibey ball tuaae tberaon, and to lavy such paeial or additional Ux, out to axcaad Un tulllaoo tha dollar, on all usable real and paraxial property In aaid road dlatrlci, as a majority ol sorb resident ux payers ut aaid road dUirb-t sball daain advlaabU for the purpoae of rataina nmnar with wbL-b ludefrar tbeetpanae f auvb aparial lmpruviiieot or improve mmiia in aaia iuiai utatrlcl No. Zi. Waahinauin Onunl. Orvfon. vaiao enia n aa? oi Orlubar, 1914. TAX PAYKRS J. Q. J..hoou. J. A. qhnmerinsn, M. C. Walts, r. H. ICearaey. J as. S. Church. A. P I ok ram, loba Jack. 1. T. Ander oa, Scott II. Richmond. J. Boge, Geo. J. Jack. Kd Mnrpb. J 11. Deere, W illiam Sturdevant, M. Borden. J. T. Heaid, L s rriaieit. Mrs. at. fnngle, K. t. Walts, W J. Ingram. NOTICK OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VOTE ADDITION AL KOAD TAX IN DISTRICT NO. 12. Wa, tha undersigned resident tax payers or Koad District No. 12, Washington Countv, Oregon, topether comprising more than ten per cent of the resident tax payers in raid road district, hereby give notice that a meeting of the resident tax payers of said Road District No. 12. Washing ton County, Oregon, ia hereby called, and will be held at Leicyville School ttouse in said Koaa District No. 12, Washington County, Oregon, on the 28th day of November. 1914, at the hour of Two o'clock P. M. of said day. to discuss the advisability of levying a special or additional road tax in said district, to determine what, if any couttty roads or portions there of in said road district shall be im proved, in anv special manner, and the character and extent of such improve ment or improvements they ahall muke thereon, and to levy such spec ial or additional Ux, not to exceed ten mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and personal property in aaid road aisirici, as a niajuruv oi sucn resi dent tax payers of aaid road district shall doem advisable for the purpose of raising money with which to de fray the expense or such special im provement or improvemenU in aaid Road Pint riot No. 12, Washington County, Oregon. Dated this zna day oi .-November, 1914. TAX PAYERS Carl Meier. Lewia Powers, J. W. Gates, J. li. Klineman, W. E. Rice, W. Hoy, U. . Heacham, wm. J. Crenir, J. Schneider. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MELTING TO VOTE ADDITION AL ROAD TAX IN DISTRICT NO. 31. We. the undersigned resident tax payers of Road District No. 31, Washington County, Oregon. to gether comprising more than ten per cent oi me resiueni lax payers in said road district, hereby give notice that a meeting or the resi dent Ux payers of aaid Road Dist rict No. 31. Washington County. Or egon, is hereby called, and will be held at the Artisan Hall, Scholia, Oreiron. in said Koad District No. 31, Washington County, Oregon, on the 23rd day of November, 1914, at th hour of 1 o'clock P. M. of aaid day, to discuss the advisability of levying a special or additional road Ux in id " district, to determine W IIM it II mtij vvwny vwmj wa awa - tions thereof in said road district shall be improved, in any special manner, and the character and ex tent of such improvement or inv nrnvsments thev shall make thereon ami to lew such special or additional Ux, not to exceed ten mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and pera onal property in said road district, as a majority of such resident tax payers of said road district shall deem advisable for the purpose of raisimr money with which to defray the expense of such special im provement or improvemenU in aaid Road District No. 31, Washington Pnuntv. Oreiron. Dated this 26th day of October, lata. ' TAX PAYERS Ferd Groner. R. H. Brooks, L. D. Heaton, E. G. Heaton. a. j. Lamij n M neaton. John Heaton. L M L w Crowder L iR- Camp. SaTd. A. Johnson,S. P. Taylor. Ma- 1 Dell. U, A. UIHim,ll, . ,ojiui E m. Brooks. J. A : . .... ,1 , J. E. Kennett, Mrs. j. k, F. G. Miller. F. F. Conover, v .1 Hims. L. K. Aanms, . w, ell e, F. K. Kowen, a. wcaeaing, wm. aa a nf . a t wr.. shipment of ranges received by Corwin. 14. Drain Tile Of the Ve KSI QLUIIY 3-4-6-8 inch An investment that will pay over loo per cent. Our supply is without ' a limit Telephone ns for prices. Beaverton Brick & Tile Co.- rOttCHAJK Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Capable wricmen Baths in connection, and a Fine Shower Bath Newly Furnished Shop. A trial will please you. JAMES ANDERSON, Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro. Hillsboro FUEL CO. H. V. Kehnif Itzer, Prop. Headquarters in HILLSBORO TRANSFER & FUEL COS', office in Washington Hotel Bldg. Dealers in Sand, Gravel, Cement, Wood and Coat. Phone Main 692. Will You Build ? If you are going to build Ibis Spring or Summer, see J. S. LORSUNG, for prices on building and excarating. Estimates given fire. All work is guaranteed. No paymeaU nntil wort is completed. J. 8. Lorsang, sooth' Third Street, at S. P. Track; Tele phone Main 34, Hillsboro, Oregon Give Me a Trial Weabloftton Hotel, atonday. Wednesday ami Friday Dr. Gertrude Phillips UsUopathie.Ph vainlan- Office boars, t to 4 p.-ni. Home calls. lo 12 a. ui. W. 0. Donelson UNDERTAKER Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. , KXHboro, ' - Millillil:- OItm a brilliant t1oy ahhM that liat Ckw not mo on r nan on um, anneal to tha Iron-that Uts lour Haws as long as any otbar. la ra a claaa by Itwlf. It's mora tantmlly made and mad trom ttiur mtumii. TtT H a fnv aartaf aln.ircaukMan . aarawar or uithwiM to r faaa yaar roMtramcrw S il Alcazar ranees are strictly new, up-to-date. Colonial style. typifying simplicity and beauty. highest quality and mecnanicai perfection. D. Corwin. ; 13tf We handle the Eastman Ko daks and Supplies. Hillsboro Pharmacy i;auKv Mm J3 r -v i e cf " V I VJ I VI r - Iml FORD C5W UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share in Profits Lower Prices on Ford Cars Effective from August 1. 1914 to August 1. lDlaand guar anteed against tnj reduction during that tiait: Touring Car . . 49G Runabout - - - 40 Town Car ... (,Cp f. O. B. DMroit, all care rally tqaipprd. (lalheCaiUd SamUaaf America only) FaUhef. we wil' be aU to abtaia Ibe Mwiasnas emciacT ia rr factory production, and Uw miaiaiaa coat la oifr parcbanag ,) d.part menu if we cm reach aa oatpat ofjoo.oMcars bel'wrra the ah. ,, And shoald we teach this prodacaioa. we agree te pay the by; ihare from l to 16o per car (oa ar abt at Aagaat I, 1914) u ever taH hater who purchases a new od car between Angnat 1, 1914 and Augast 1, Foe farther particnUra tegaidtag theae low price and ptaf.t-.a.raw plaa, ace the nearest ford Braach or Dealer. Wilhes Auto Is Gmvgm Company Third Stmt Hillsboro. Or. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. Hillsboro. Cornoliu and North Plains WhoUsU amd Retail Dealers in Grain, Hay. Flour, Feed and Grain Bag's. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or . rolled at any time Lumber. Shingles and Lah - At Cornelius - Beaver State Flour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price a Telephones! , Hillsboro, Main 14. , Cornelias, City 151s North Plains, Main 263.. SMOITE 0 Ceasi Bof ondop k III COMEa AND SEE ME MAKE THEM CHAS. F. McFADI)N loom II HUlaboro National Dloch SIX Per Cent MONEY Loans may be obtalmd for any parpoee oc acceptable Real Rstate security; lib eral privileges; correspoadence solicited. A. C. AGENCY COMPANY 758 Gas, Electric B'dg.. Deaywr, Cola 440 Phelan Bldg., San Franciaco, Cat. BUILDING I ara prepared to do all kinds of Building and Repair work. Cabinet work. etc.. Saw-filing. . Screens and Screen doors. Shop ' at Main and Front 1 JOHN BEATTY. KOLSTEIti CATTLE One heifer or a carload; With calf or coming fresh; White or mixed black and white; Immediate or deferred delivery; Cash or terms Prices Right COAST CATTLE CO. EUGENE. ORE; Office at he Eugene Creamery Patterson Undertahlnj Company G. A. Pattertoa, Mgr. FiiNHAt. DiaacToas ho KMsaunms Free Chapelt I ly 'aaialast. Over Hillsboro Furn re ft Hdw. Ca Nikhi and Sunday Pa w City ij. Day Phone M 1773. Beat slaDwood 1 the mxdtet get prices for Fai. or Sutsaer de livery. See me first All kinds ordwood,-a D Cc:tar. The Best in the West" ... Come and looh over the DEST display of the DEST tobaccos sold. I will tell and show you all about them: 1 You are welcome anytime.; These Cigars are sold every place -where- good cigar are aold. Fine Residence For the purp6sb'if settling an Estate, I offiarl'for sale a House and Lot, 200x136 ft., situated at S. ' E.' corner of Block 7, in Walker's Ad dition to the city of Forest Grove, Oregon. House and Ljot appraised at $4500. Rented for $25 per month. 1 erms caIi , or part cash and mortgage -fur balance. For Sale! 51 Sale subject to confirmation j by County Court. Address or call on , Milton W. Smith 310 Selling Building Portland, Ore. ' ,T "it-"" nitiu vbww lai OrS buiw - - - tt'iSL roX. Horo MeranUle. fnd MaiawL