ounoto Atom koyemrcr ik M MMUU THE HILLSDORO Thirty Uinotcs Will Land Ton From tbe Business District of Portland to one of the Most Delightful Home Districts, Close in to Portland. The Acreage Can Be Found In Beaverton Reedville Yon Can Get An Acre Here For Less Than You Can Buy a Residence Lot in Portland's Suburbs. Look this up now. An Excellent .-r Is Ktablished by theJPortland Eugene & Eastern. Morning and Evening Cars. Yon can Live Here J and Have Your Business Located in Portland We Sell On Easy Terms Buy a Small Home Where You Can Have Room. Oar Terms Are Easy. Go Out and See the Beautiful Houses Thac Are Now Being Built. SHAW-FEAR COUPAHY I02 Fourth' Street f rtland. Oregon Reedville, Oregon ORI!UON IU.t:CTKlC TKMNS To Portland - 53 minutes. 6:! a m 7:13. 8:JS a m 9:Xt -am 12:43 pm 3:."3 pm 5:41 pm Scty pm 9:.i8 (Sat. only) pm From Portland - 5.i minutes. 9:13 . 11:33 2:UV 4::U 6:25 9:12 (Sat only)... U': INIOX STOCK Y.kMS J lest Bargains HAS OPENED HEADQUARTERS AT dinger Bros., The Reedville Store WITH A SPLENDID LINE OF GENERAL MERCHANDISE. WHEN YOU BUY HERE YOU SAVE MONEY ALL THE TIME NiiiSeif San Dimension Lumber and Timbers Rough and Dressed Lum ber of all Kinds. Mill i miles from B. P. Cornelius' Plac:. Will Deliver. Lumber delivered to North Plains A. E. McClMSEY Cornelius, Ore Route I a m .a m a m pm pm p m . p m . p m a m Ueeoii't for tho wevk have been eatth SoO: caltc. 11; ho, 32lW; shH p. 4KS. Keoeipts have Won so )i;rit this week that there ha" Ikhii no real tent in prices. Most of the otferinns are Ust character ized U- the term "near beef." while then ha not twn any quaiit stu'.T oiler! no doubt we! finishevl steers would britv U i j to I. !ltr run ha Iwn about SO ,kt cent less than it should hv been. Prices were well main Uined during the week, bulk ol otTerirur troinir around 7e. The market i finishing strong at 7 10 to 7 13 for best quality porker. A lirht week in the sheep sec tion, all lines maintaining pooj strong price. Lamtis of koh quality are bringing t25;ewet are selling well at 4 tor tops wethers remaining at the 5 50 mark. HOMIST A!)Vi:RTlSlNl Bill Nye, thi lamented provoker of smiles, once ha t a cow t sel' or professed to have, and he ad vertised the animal in this man ner: Owing to my ill health, I wi I sell at my residerce in tnwnshi.i nineteen, range eichteen, ae cording to government survev. one p!uh raspherrv cow giving milk frequently. To a man h does not fear death in any form. she would tw? a preat boon. Sh . is very much attached to her present home with a stay chain. but she will be sold to anv on who will treat her right. She H one-fourth Shorthorn and three- fourths h ena. 1 will also throw in a double1-barreled shotgun which fo.-s with het In Mav she usually goes away for a week or two and returns with a ta red calf with wahlily legs. Her name is liose. I would rather sell to a non-resident." - Ex. The Arcadian malleable, non breakable ranges are made t last a lifetime. I). Corwin. Washington County vote heav ily against the abolishment of capital punishment Mr. and Mrs. J. A. Sewell, of near Jewell, were city caller Saturday. For chopping and rolling for mill ft'p.i take your grain to the John Lehman r arm, near Cedar Mill. Kunning every Friday. L. Siegenthaler. 32 4 Jacob Thoraan and F. Wal- grave, of lualatin, on tho Ore gon Electric and P. E. & E., ha a personal encounter October 19. 1914, and the sequel is a damage suit in circuit court, Ihoman says he was lairly strong man at the time, and that Walgrave m badly beat him up that he bus taineu a hernia, and will have to undergo an operation. He al ready has sp?nt $L"3 with a sur geon and will have to expend $150 more to get himself into shape, he aven, and he asks a total of $117.-$10O0 personal damages and $175 for expendi tures made and l be made un der the care of a surgeon.' NOTICE OF DISTINCT ROAD MfcLiiNo to vote addition- AL KOAO TAX IN DISTRICT NO. 5. We, the uni(rai;n( rcHirifnt tax pnyern of Koad )i.striit No. 6, Washington County, Oregon, to gether i-ompri.siui; more than ten per cent of the tunidrnt tax payer in hiid road dixtiu-t, hereby jfivo noti.p thbt a meeting "f the resi dent tax payer of naid Road Iint rict No. r, WuKhiiiglon County, Ore gon, i hereby Milled, and will La hlJ at tho Iowa Hill School Houxe, in Raid Road )itric-t No. fi, WaHhinjr ton County, Oregon, on tho 2Ut day of November, 11)14, at the hour of I o'clock I1. M. of naid day, to diKCuaa the adviKability of levyinir a special or additional road tax in naid oWricl. lu determine what, If any county roads or portion thereof in Kaid road district Khali be improved, in any gpecial manner, Mid the character and extent of auch improvement or im provementu they ohall make thereon, and to levy aucn special or additional tax, not to exceed ten mills on tho dollar, on all taxable real and per conal property in Baid road dintrictin a majority of uch raxident tax pay er of said road ditrict ahull deem advixable for the purpose of raininr money with whioh to defray the ex perue of such nnecial Improvement or ImprovementH in mid Koad lnntriet No. h, Waishintrton County, Oregon. Dated this 24th day of October, 1914. TAX PAYERS Wm. F. Ilaane, John Koehnko, F, Gaetzc, J. N. IOtidon, G. W, Zimmer man, Michal Sturm, Jr., Carl I'fuhl, G. H. Meyer, Adum Herbert, Sr., F. A. llohmann, II. Scheuermann, Adam Hereert. Jr- Max Behlinir. C Krah- mar, Ed Krahmer. CAPITAL WO.OOO SURPLUS and PROFITS S2S.OOO An e1J, safe at.d cioscrvative bank, locatnl in the HillsUiro Commercial Mvk, S.V.iMrncr Main an 1 Sccoud streets. Hillsboro Commercial Bank. William Tuii.ktn, IvImmIwiI pmUl lit Im ) i. r III hlt of Oimii iim. !! u..ili. I) l aont In lit tilillwl ill uu ut I'Iimo )ril. h I MM .Ui i. N.ulr l I. .! il iim It U m ( (Mil u uiitu Mm I'iaiiillll h,r iillliria.d III a) ui I ha t'.Hirt . rWlil ratr. l. f ii. h-t I ..,, .lul vn Ilia In Ida ! a i.lilla.l iuuil. I.i .1 ftit a.li. i iliaanUliin lha lwi.la uf aialil mm. y IwtatoliM ami u tatii. m ati Hit t'laiiitltt au, II. K'faaailaiil an. I ft ii. Ii mltrr a.. luliuif ril-l a Ui Ilia l.iu Hiay "in Mv a.i'l a..tHai.la iJ a avul f.ir In riaiiillfl'a tiHiiilaml. I l.la .Minion. li la ai ! uww v.hi . I'uliliialu.H a rr.iiir. hf lata anl Ilia aan.a li ul.lllinl In l liiiiaiawu Iraua ..I lllluUilii. I !(". ml Ilia tlal ul Ilia ilaia 1. 1 Ui lll I Hblnalii.il ta I kmtltl Iim M .Uy iK ,.lf, .M i, auU il.a .l4r I IU lal .t'.ual..n la ltufaly II., IJIU ilaV ul .Nrllilr IU1 1 II.. rt. ilrr ! I'l.Mi. all..n a a- m..i a. I ilalnl uu uia.ain.la l Mr.i lull fct lb ll.m.l' i. In wu.ar, Juiltfa .( ilia Inun l I i.ii 1 1 n ha Hiaia ul t'rr..u, ,if ma (SmiiiI iI U a- i Ii.. lun tin lh.. alwlka ! ii -,u ju. I ...i.i Maai iii(i,m tVi. I It.l 1(1. 1.ai.l..ii, All'iina h. I'lalN lilt. j ha.uUar il I't. i.ixativ i,i( ( I uriiait4. i iirvui, ""9 Hoffman's Sawmill is sawing from the best timber in Washington county. The finest Rough and Dressed Lumber KILN DRIUD FURRING ami RUSTIC always on batul. Kstiuutcs rn IluiUlimis, 1'liHirin, Rustic, Ceil ings all kinds of finished lumber fur house material. We delivar. Thout: Tac. States, Glcno Central, 37 PETER HOFFMAN. Bacona. OreKvn Our Aim is to Please Our Regular Customers Our desire is to Ret New ones. And iu ouler to do so we invite comjaris n comparison detirmines a great many things comparison of cleanliness of a store, satisfaction of service, qttali'y, reliability of goods and reasonable prices. It looks as though 'he btf Kuropean War was going to make some i t the staples much higher, among them will be TKAS atid COl'I-H ICS. We arc veil supplied with these items and we are going fo sell the well known brand of TRKB THA at 45 cenfs a pound in Uncolorcd Japan, l.uglish Hreakfast and Ceylon and India. C. it S. Circle l!lcnd roast coffee at 30 cents is a real bargain any time. Canning season for big fruit is here And jou will need fruit jars. We have lots of them and are going to sell them at the following prices: Mason jars, pints at 55 cents quarts at 65 cents and half gallons at 85 ceuts per doz. Golden State Mason jars at $1.00 pcrdoz. regular f 1.25. . Economy jars, pints at 85 cents, quarts at Ir.oo and half-gals, at $1.40 per d'.-z. Vaught Grocery Co. Second Street Hillsboro, Oregon GRAND WINNER $16.00 sTfc23b $16.00 This is the latest model of the Swiss Harness, combining all the best features of this make. MY HEAVY HARNESS On which I made my reputation can't be beaten I Curry a Tine Line of Collars, Whips Kobcs, tc. Repair worK promptly cared for MainStNarnessShop L. E. GOTHAM HiUboro, Ore. The Grand Marca is the most wholesome "two for a quarter" smoke on market made in Ore gon, by E. Schiller. When you indulge in a good smoke buy a Grand Uvea, . tf "MBiBMMa' We are agent for the following stoves-Steiger & Kerr stoves and raneB; Arcadian ranges tlTxv Md. Benton, Quality and Diamond ranRea.-D. Cor. wln mi lllllata.ni, Aga MIMIH"$ S'i.Ko fuitK. Ni(ito U htTrl.V i.n 111, I I.M-tr tua tf an ftp.-,.tttt. iu.l....i.i ... - - i . - ....... V I ' drr, tWttv unit otilrr uf mU Iwunl ui ui a 11. 1 un.irr ina ,-.P4l of lh ( if. rial unit tif I hp Mi ,.f (ltrk'n. l,.r j.hini;t.iii Itiuiit) , tUlnl lh lllh ilitv ill IK-tutirr ..iw.M . lu.li'rnirnl ami .l.- rr Hu.i ...! Jvii4 In I ouil un lha .'f'lh iUy 01 .".rpicitiiK-r, r.MI, In rr i.f Ann II. Suiiuul...n, Uii'.liff, n.l K ultta I lame li. l,lrl-e ai,J f. (. AA rr.L'r. il. fcli.Lilil,. for lh.i fl uKH) ilh i.(rr. llufv..n II (he 01 v Kn-ifii per ar.in.ni from Viwu.t Mtri, VH, ami lh.i (urllwr Um 4f i '".'. (H th Intrte! IIi.m I thi rl f H .,-r rru xr annum irm mi- ;,in ,14 y Pr Jljy, H1, Blu i" Ml alLifiirya fws, n,l ih furlhrr a tint i.f l.' ; . r,U ai.J Ju''IUtH(lt.'l.t4, ftllj llir ..!! of MlU ' ' fc"l 4 !,, In nie ilnr(r4 aM .1,-lunfr.l. i..iiini.liu,rjf nit, niaWr aala uf lh f.iiluaui ilM, ral t...o-(jf aidtalc. . Vhiii;luri t'uunty, llivgon. I., ah. Kip i in IH.kV S.ity (ikl MrtiKar Acm Trail. In 11 (imi.ty of Wjhmgl..ii, Mala of l,Cin, a, (ft.r.il f l.i ihe duly txulj. -J mp and U: on file in 4i. I'.iunty an.) iui. Nuw Ihrrrft.ia .jr tirlu uf Ml.i rim.lH.ii, ju.k-mrnl ur.l.r. Jr.-rc n.i ir,T i.f aio, mi In .i.n-.,liii.r with .n. Writ. will on Mv; l.y, Ida :i'l!i djy of S,ivam.Mr, 1;MI, At lha hour nf 0 o',l,H . M. of , Oay. I Ihr Suilth il.H.r uf tl.a Toutli in lha City of lil5.r., Waliiriluii t Mutity, Ur.-.m. . il m j,ut,t N1,H,n mr HElirl inikUT, Jof tl ill hl. nil Ui nifhl, lillo rt. Inlrra.l huh lha tt!uo iikh ,1, frh.Mta (nrria i;. I'.frt I.'., an. I t' If H.t. f!lte. or either .f ihrni hail un the data nr Ifie rnnrlffairfl to j.lamttff U, or hav aime o.jun.nl In ami to Ihr alwve d.- tilJ real ift.rly, U . Ixfv naul rvm.ti.ii- iu.1 ..... . i J,ra and nrdrr of ia!. ir.'.rrr t ai.l rut ami mi aT?uiiit r.,t, ii,j will W livu.la l,j,.,t ta rwlcftin lion rr .talula of liiav.tit. ItatiJ Un r.th day vf (KtitUr, J. II KUKVKX. Klwrtff of Waihington It.a ,, t t .mini r,i., i . ' "ill! 1 till IITU'. 1 Mil Stlllt K in - M. Kill i iv !!, "I ma un.l.r. i . w uf u.a i;:," MahlnKt.m uull( a-rlhr num.,... " I' u,. W Mid t.at.1 .I,.,,,,, J J ! t..-!,. that , drttt la. 1 U , hrrrl.y c,ltd . T'' ' "hii.ttuii r 1 rrn on lh. Mh a rM I'. M..INi,,I.C 1a.lt.llly of lrUH a .d..u,,J. r', ttw.U or in.,i...... ny ,ul tmniirr, nj Ih. manl or lmtrutcmri,i, niaka Iharaun. aii.l l i, ! Ul or a.l.l.i....,.! ... r "J t n nulU on lha A.nl. .V .i.i- ,i .. . . ' U i load dial ru t, , . ... pa)ari f dulrltt .1.11 .i . lha puriM,,. f r ' M i aKi.K ia. .!(.. K1 k BhMi.t l.i k. ' I - .".imui ar , ... ...... IUn , oilhty, ltt,Ma latad th.a i'lth day of TAX I'lVHu .h..pf.ky, Jhn nu,, . I J '. J K hamnvih., An.lr 1 1 l.aSa.k. ..- a. a . 1 Arlhur Mrhult. rrl lxll. J 4 i ", M. II. IUmuM-n, St't J,Jk,. J J..h Mh r. r n-d IWifrr, J.Mt, il fly J. , I.KWIS A I.KWm. Attya. fr I'laindff ("imnly, Orrnn. IVfmly. IATK, .Mllll I (ii llcil.t-r ....... MKKII.Nt; Tl MK AUIUUO.N. V, Un umlfrtiifiicl rfnliirnl Ui Whili(fl.i-, I ,iui,ty, trr(,.ri, to ppunr rinirinriK timrt- than t't .ir rent nf lh.- r.l,ril U ayar in riu icuii cii&lriil, l.rr.'t.y jivn niHHii mm a imtiiiif .f llt rvi dint U i.ayrr .if .U, la, l.t Mil Nil. .(I. U...I, . ..... , Winn., .r 'Bft, l h-n-ly rallrd. uml Mill I hfld ul Shulo Srh.i H.m, In it Itiial lti.tr. . I V.. r.n .. , "-, aiini(ii,ii toutity, Ur.s?in, on lli 2t,t tiny if NovuniMT, Ull, t thi. rtMr of 0P n'..l,...L II I ' I . I. .. ,UI1 Ujy , U,ru,a la a a. .1..! .. t ; I a . . at "wnniy i.t iivyinif a hihtioI or iililiilmial rotid Ux in taid di. irit i. ID fll'll ntitiH .. ..., ir louiity rott,a or porina Iht-riiif In , PKHII IIIIVV(J In ny ipdnl niaiimr, ari.l tho rhnr "flcr nnd tutfnl of urh ImnrovB mint or improvDniiTita thry tilmll milk tln-rron, and to levy uh H.e il or nilditiorml tax, not to txrwd un niuia on ui diiiiar, on nil u I' rrnl and intrimiml iri)n.rty ti MU III rilUll ll...lr.,l n. - .... . - ......... .( Hn ,,u,jiMiiy fir miih rxicftit tx puypra of naid road dmtriit nhi.II d,.t.m atlvi-tnliln fur tho ,u, i raiHintr mowy with whid to i i fray th inp'''""- of xm-h wire iui iniirovatniiil or Imttroviimrntii In "am idmil Pmtil.t No, Wanhinir ton ( iiiii.i u 1 1. )ut.d thu L'llth iluy of (Klolicr, ' , TAX PAYKRS n ii i . ' "iiaiii. I . iMIflHOn. I.. V. Hlrll.-I.l.... I..l. JotK-il), J. K. Cou.lim. John' Kulow, .111 (tnaaat U -II Itf a a . . . ....... niwru ,Y, ivii.ori, c;, llo. wurth, Adolf Uul1.clim..nii, I'erry i . ' 1 .". l,,,,"lln. l"iiNia Coo.1. .... nimrcw nari, Anhft Hurt. Maurrttfl, K. Miiuri'lto, W. J l.lrlit rrut.k li.il,.;.. i . . .. W iin.iii t' l n. ... ' .. " " "yun, i i. Anm-rnon, An-kHon, (). J. fJlHctt. It. '5: W. I', Insures Full Milk Pail Cow, Cive mnn rr.ilU an. mule il TT V " " " K,lv ' - " "r pnyinii mem wnn Conkey's Fly Knocker Dinot taint milk nJrivt.rnw.ii.- wl tumlurl itwt ,iU , , mlk (lt(( Keep Flies Away From Cattle and Horiei f)niouni ,,,, Mnill, (,,, Irnif. m.i.-i.... .....I... Try h 1 S Dnyt al.l. l. iui h KHI for llJi am h ML A. J. HARTRAMPT Hillsboro . . 0reRon j Ma llrady rmian pr. Mr, r.ffia Am., ,R, , Mr. rtd llkmn, plfrf ) ToMitnend. tn I'ruani, .-niMirr. rraln It.'.lrr. Hai j Samuel 11. tiraf. Krnw Stdldrf I laV iaM. 54fnTi 5aW hi4kl laharaba Th.ii. - an ia-ui,,u la,i, mil ,4 ,.1 avjn aval ul liar I limit I i.ux ,, k, fHi, n.f w i.ii.gi.d, ri i , t a jilt ,ta l ii, w u !. . II latall, i.iali.i.Jt. ail aaMi j lUWf, tlalplnlanl. k l Um ,ia ml ami i,.ian I h. ,..n ),,.,,, , ,a Al IIM llllid d ..I.M.I ... . .. . . - - - -. i anm"m B luithrr au.., l i. n I'w.a"", am u.iai4 riak'ailtir ul ,.. I lir.,n . till. .1.1 ul ua.in. Ilt. I aw ai aud daimiaU, a...l i.u.a odiac a. n.ata aa ul wi...tl iay ul u . ii ... . , tu.iiul llia.i Ui li.ali Iba a, iJ ..I iai rtwiir il".i.j ban liu,laul aai.l t naiixiawi (an. utuity liaia lailnl u..i. vA al..l..lA. 1Kb luh .1., .l al tl.a a.iill, tl.a.l ul ll.a l'uui .. ililiaonrii, aiiii(ta l u.ii.il, ln a. i,.v iiuu , hi ipn ii , i a a. a. , ai lal.laill aall at ul.llr utri a. IiIIimI hl.t.l h.l rA.li il ul 11 k. .i. .liar,a. laal iri.iaMf lakiJ aaiM iiaiaiwanv jau.m iq.ay, w an t 1IM . j .i 1 1 - ....tl.lkM. ..I I I.- IL..IU. I J Claim ul llai.iy IIuiiimi. ir , lain ill kiiiiiw vi. in ii.ai.ih'p i .ixiii Una I H aa4 ol Ilia III , Mt , Hil logion IVuHit. iiirf.n. o4 inl Ibanm tt-'lih XIII rkali. Ui lh Hal rat nuna ol a trail ol Ian I man lit V 1 1 Mil. and II t ! i " iimmI , I.f diml lau.ntal at m HJ Ikmk a of lanil.l uf .lw.li M a a I luu I wniilt , llrntwi, liti.rif IM a-iulh l O' ailiiiiiM aal, U U'M li lha at llua ! I arra lii at a ri.n ! t.y A M lliul.t- a-,1 am, II I'aikin l.a ,l. i.t,.l.l al mt ..( Ikait ,0 flr, IMi.l.U uf mut l uuniy, tiraami U.n.ra a.u a n inula hi Inaa. la Ilia ii.ulMaMilf lha imialtii liiil l''l"' ' knialiuiii liiia I laim nu.la ".'" .ini. ti il. m.1 luiloalna' a4 aalrrljr Una nl aal.l tloiialtaa land w nnnitar W. to Ilia iiuilliaaal um il ara lra.H of lamt fmnymi i I'aintar and II lo lln 'i" in .la. I nakii.la.1 ai lif I.' uf ' A Ihaal ra,lt,la ul W ailllllllbrtj t'mo immUi tliain l i.rtli 1 "fa- " H tlianramutn ', d1 W' toaiita mil III H i naini lu l' Mli.nlii. ..i 'I'.-i. lUuiiiuina al lh " airiirnr of that ria.n lraH " ' onvayml by K X rami" li, liu.ii.a Jr.. Im. a rU .w. I ....I i in,, nl Am WW i ..... w .... . .-. Knlhl,.n, lltitiUli nmiitf ".l1" liliand llaiiita alnwaald. '' hi la.liH rawnrilial l I'" it ..i I ir . I Inr MaiBlaT IJuniilT, Hr.gi.ii, and ninl"l J" nurlli Ji (M ri.aiin lu lh -irili f n r nt md ln -t il....... ii..i.,M Jr liiaiiii aaitj. chain lo thm aad ll l ' l' . ..... . k till.lilll! la iaiiii wiauii i.i ai ..... . , a.mth iW. l on ' "Z K nlulitiili H..lill"ll U"d I". "J ohaln, UiiMi "'""iU . . ..i.. ...i.lalhllll "! iia,vui iw,iii.ii"bi - llll.r or IraM. . r...i.i ilrd Truil A -rl of l- . . . .... . i in.,, anil N" I Jlllll l lailll I'aii-i " - . Ia.ll. K AIIimi. hm 'r'".1.. Allan a nnr ir . - y imnlKiilarly h..MMdl '"Jf"1 lulitma, Ml will nra. .......a - aatmriinrol UmlJl ol ''l a..arlMlriaid, lo ''J Allan, ami riiiwl'i , J dlvixuii lino liw ,i''"i m, ;M dan. want m ) '; 1 I d7r.l h.in. lM JJ I ,r-. wil H,ttl " ' - Z-.i i.ialn lliwioii i'f " ,!,, rliaiimi Hialirit iinnn i" " - h J lliaiMUlaliUltnaoait.ra-i, '7-- , y tl.a plana of IhikIiioH'K. " atira. innra or l. , . ,, ui llalW all U..I ",',"i"t tZ. M .l ami i"'- - " loaniiaty inn iinrn... . and lh"otmUtidi',;'"'':wl 1 Naid tm Wll I ' .SSl; I 111 va1" 0i ra.lMniili.iii m ..rwtmti. ..10.; pi,rlfft!fWl..ni(t.'n'''l'17 ranii'y . iir". ai"""' PRIVATE HOME fOR SICK Under charge of experiencd tin raA. Mlii?. CHAS. GAltnNKRi from i'ortland. Solicits patients from all P"r giciana. Do.tofc.ro.. H:-",,P I llUlia, .." " -I .1. fnf ! Do not fonrct to a m 1 i,i 1 .inn urArtL a.,. oen or wnen ; - ,l 4ai 10centiraoks-no"cough in ui ovum vi