It I " 1 ( " N n PsJ v 1 w j v n . Positively the largest stock of meroha dise ever offered for sale in Hillsboro. i II Ml 0 IM 2? F0R SAlE 01 Um STflCK " "BUB ABIE LOW PRICES. FOR CASH ONLY. This sale will include Dry Goods, Hardware, Implements and Groc- We will jive oar trade He best values on First Class mer chandise ejrer offered io this eit,. You will get a price list by maU if p don't receive one ask ns to mail it to you. Remember that this includes every class ol merchandise n carry every line. Kemember the date, November 14 to 28 .is the second sale that we have put on since we haw been I) u 1L3 i) t r ii