The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, November 12, 1914, Image 1

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foil x1
NO. 54
r ,rnAl
1 nunJrrJ J NV
J. llu.fclKll. f P. t'.. Pcllf
la.eliiiai Miitt
Tu. T xti.T' Annual Inntitulc
i'w ... . i.ii
JV. I r ".. at It' High School
' . II.Uul.f. i'lll 111,
) 1,' III K . ll'"""" -
...,limv exceeded that ol any
l' . If. .....
fHin y-r.
In tl.e gcm-ntl nembl meet
. ... .i i:.t I i..
ini,. '" il,lr'" """"" "
f.nir in-tnti tur n t turt-n ly lr.
lUnrv l. Sheldon, of tin' I'nl- f Orison. F.tigene.
kdir,.( "What niay Uarn
from tin Oct man Schools, wa
11 ?. ft . .dn.t . .1 ...l .
('nl J. A. Churchill, or Mi-m.
I . . II ., I,l,.l,
t tii'ir lb tli'i.' hieh hi
1 ' , . ........ 1
,- it i ntli-noriiiK i r.u-'iii
i .. j k rt
) h HCtilM.ill PI ITI'l'"!', i
vta-nj.r'.iinr of tt H (Vmmwi
a'l II s.h S I 'K li'f,c c "ir
. . i i. .. i..i..
!;.- t- i rd are hi in Hooks the SUte Su rni'
lillilH ha inaugnr:iiru i-ii
year lis address. I ho W i n t
ra Link." ho wed hiit ifettire lo
t i . it
at (hi' rural iwiiixim m "iri:""
b i- .'n- i ho very lt i uii
in- r J llushnell. of Punl'ie
I'm-moty. Forest Grove, gave,
tu ir.jn Thursday that wu
... in. tit I'VOrV ICUfhtT
to make the most or hor proUM-
. ... , .. i
run. llu iminni ifiirniT
was Uh mihjfct of a vt-rv Mo
1m him
r,f J..rtfi-in lliwh Srhil. IVt-
iis-i!.' SniH-rinti-nilfnt. ijKk' on
Mr! -t J. H. Ackcrnian, or M'n-
. i. .ii
Hi. .nth, Wtt vi-ry ronr.any rr-
cii .il hy the k-nchorit, ho
lihU'iu-.l with trn-at urofit to h
talk on 'ilural hool."
On W.Jnrt.lay evonintr a rt
fc.tiim iM ittvon hy tho llilm-
Ii3t'inmtirri:il Unit, ine r-
Kratn cimxit. HtH-i-ini music
an ) talk Kiwi! ly itfvorai townii
nu n. aftrr which toaohor n"'l
tKitronii iH'nt an enjoyiihtc Htuiu!
Hflp nt-nd ain.lMnn th Chrint
ma aliip. hy truHtHini; on the
;'mn. thriH of thfin, in tho
4iiiilnt hioro. rranrm
llillrthorn, owna thf
trt. HkIi pint ctmti a nickrl,
n tho firwt to h monn. On ono
you irucini tht wt'iuht: on the
thT. th nit-amire. ami thf
thirl will ho hoM to Iho hli(h(Ht Tin Kfcil lit vttliinlil'
a utart fr an urniimontul ahrub.
(rover ( oiiitm will take your
l-i'K anil a card in tho atore will
oxHain. Iho anm jnwood will
k'o tow aril huyinir t- to Bond
to r.uruH on that lar-iamotl
I'lirihlmuM nhi). lIi-lli it out.
A loam belonirintr to Mr.
Mtily. a I'ortland houwmovor.
foil into a wollun tho Wm. ltro
lon ilaoo, Saturday ovoninif.
alMint 'j :U). Tho team wan driven
in with a loud of coal, lato in the
ovi-rtifijr. and when m-arinjr a
new Iiouho. Ml into the old ahan
luniil water mi nut v. Mmxiy
Humnwini'il help and after two
hour work with dlock and tackle
Iho hor- were taken out, with
hanliy a acralch on them. The
fall wan aUtut 15 feet and that
nrather wan injured in a matter
of congratulation to the owner.
Thoe BMiMtini; in Keltinii' the
t.mnout were: MeHHerit. Uroctlen.
Crant Adam. A. C. Lvtle, C. II.
Northrop, r". L rranirer. u J.
and W. IVaniier.
Now Fall and Winter line of
men a rtothea a won an ia-
unit, coat. droHHitt ana
l'oret tirove'i rinctt ltatclry
Suffert Ijdm Monday Morning
Dclccic Flac U Atnliati at Chh
Eirlv Maralaf Mate
ODr. Lowe, Hotel Washing,
ton. Saturday.
Comminaioner Hanley was a
.and Show visitor Saturday.
lira ShMrren. of ForeHt drove
in a truest of her daughter, Mrs.
J. H Itoevea. this week.
I. v-hahttnhrind. of near Mid-
dleton, was in town the hut of
the week.
Meaure Will be Introduced to
Repeal Present Big Taxation
Pr.vl!o Will Probably be Mate lor
Giviaf Cvlkfet Lent Support
skirt. coimiKtinir of tt dilferent
styh n. latent fahnr. are now on
ilim.lav at our new ligation south
of tho K. 1'. Hall. Second Street.
C.-i!l and look at our aamples.
Christ Wuest. the Tailor. I'hone
Main N..1.
Ida Ih yrraft, of Forest (.rove,
ha Huod Thos. lloycraft for di
vorce, alloninjr diwrtion and
failure to provide. ne mates
ttmt thev wero married at Van-
c mver. Wanh., in Auiruat, 1901.
and that the husband elesertea
her in VAX She also says that
ho is naw in the Alberta country;
that he refuses to live with her;
,l thnt he has failed to con
tribute to her supporL Kestora
lion of her former name. Ida Mc
l'hcrson, is retuestod.
1 reoresent Spirella corseU-
not sold in stores. Will call at
hoim-s on request, and do the
tiltimr. and teach how to adjust
and wear the corset. Our tailor
ed made-to-measure corsets, in
cludinir the latest front lace, with
an exjierioneed corsotier service,
cost no more than hiirh class cor
lined in stores. Mrs.
M.E. Caudle. Hillslwm, Fifth
and Jackson. Streets, I'hone No.
The lAutthlin Hotel, the finet
hotel structure in Forest Grove,
was visited by a fire Monday
morning, between six and seven
o'clock, and the two upper stories
were practically (tutted before
the .turnes were extinguished.
The cause of the blaze is sup
posed to have been a defective
flue, although there were reports
circulated that the fire mijfht
have been caused by the igniting
of an oil heater in one of the up
per stories.
Nearly alt the furniture was
takun from the buildinj?. The
first story and basement were
practically uninjured, although
ii will cost a laifre sum loreouuu
the two stories affected by the
fire. It is said that from the
first story up it will be necessary
to build an entire new structure.
The hotel was built several
years bro by Iledford II. I.aujrh
hn ramp to Washington
County from Yamhill. The
property is now owned by K.
Thomas, of i'ortland. and it has
been under lepse to U 0. Iloark.
Thorn win Home insurance on
the building, but not sufficient to
cover the loss. It is estimated
that five thousand dollars will
not rebuild.
Mr. Thomas gave out a ftate
ment that the building will tie
rebuilt as soon as arrangements
nnn tka IMAIa
V tail w in t ,
The fire came at a time when
several guests were in their
rooms, and the hotel manage
ment made every effort to
uUn tVio'tr trupsta. Cliff Long.
of Hillsboro. occupied a room in
the house, and was awakened r
ter the fire started.
W. Itavnard. of near Laurel.
was in the city the last of the
la'ranlr Manrtolt nT nrar Mid.
dleton. was up to the county seat That there will be a bill intro-
Monday, on probate business. duetd in the next legislature to
Wm. Hanson, the Sc hoi Is repeal the present millage law
Roller mill proprietor, was a city passed by the 1913 legislature to
caller Saturday. rive U. of 0. thrte-tenths of a
Mr and Un fius Kemofer. of I nA l & I fnnr.tpntha nf
- - . - ' I 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ull'. . . ... v. ' -
near Keedville. were city callers w3 without saving. Just
C L. Brown, of above Man
ning, was a city visitor Friday
Ben Thurnher, of above Bloom
ing, was a
Dan Leisy, of South Tualatin,
was in the city the last of the
Carl Pfahl. of Blooming, was
a countv seat caller the first of
the week.
Mrs. Barker Carso. of Port
land, was the guest of Miss
Stella Boscow the last of the
J. II. Collier, of Rcholls. was a
City caller Saturday, tie says
as Boon as the State Board gives
out its tax list, so it can be seen
just exactly what the two uni
verities will get from this year's
T' tax the r.ew measure will be
county seal viaiwri - - .
drawn. iT. is nwrs man ncij
that the Corvallis school will be
given $100,000 and the U. of 0,
a less amount, hut as to the
real amounts this is in the air,
(Vrinin it is. however, there wi
be a movement to greatly reduce
this taxation.
Senator Wood voted against
both measures in 1I;13. a'id it i3
confidently &3?ert-1 that he will
stand for reduction.
It is expected that the school
countv delegations and Multno-
that hf thinks the onion market mah w ill stand together to fight
Ccfe Air-tight Heaters
Now is the time to think about tue comforts of
the winter, which is almost here THK COLE AIR
TIGHT HEATER will excel all others for economy
and comfort. You will find at this store a fall Hue of
these stoves, as well as many other mske of heating
The Majestic Range
Is the one Range that excels. For the
money it is the best Range ever buKt.
Other dealers will not say this but the ,
person who owns one after using others
will tell you so. Call and sec tie ni.
The Store That Satisfies'
Percy Long
HILLSBORO Second Street 02EGON
will stiffen up about Dec. 15th.
Men's and ladies' suits from
$15 up at Christ Wuest's, Second
Street Satisfaetion guaranteed,
and first-class workmanship al
ways. Willard Tupper. carrier on
Route 2. who has been off the
route for some weeks, is im
proving rapidly from an attack
of illness.
foe rntention of the 1913 aw.
but the people will be behind the
tirniioried reneaL
Just why Gov. West did not
repeal the two laws has been a
mystery, and just how the governor-elect
will stand wilt be a
matter of conjecture but if fair
words for lower taxation goes
for anything Mr. Withycombe
will be on record, by campaign
expressions, for reduction.
And at a! hazards there will
, , Ana ai ail nazarus mere wot
J as. Cummings, of Buxton, has BCljon toward repeal, and if
filed suit to foreclose a mortgage tne legislature refuses to act the
on 153 acres of land, mortgaged next general election wilt carry
n.U fVIWnoll tnr $9 000 r .- .U Kll.
t'a.iu v - i repeat measure un mc uauwi.
ana aiierwaru assiKneu iu nw
plaintiff. J. H. Rinck. of Bux
ton, was former owner of the
ranch. ,
. P. AND l E. & E.
l-IIMIK. , , ,
lln I l.iim.lav nvonini? Supl. U
U. Alderman, of Portland School. ;wj
lu!;-e a idioneo. but soi.jicv ooiiik j. v. uoooin, i "
vvi,..r. i in i ,viir in the countv Seat oHl-
S ,M..ik i in Kducation." urday. lie says the new K. ol
i..,.arment Instruclurs were: P. Hall in North Plains is now
. V . C...I..I. '...... L.m.FhiniMn and wi be ready
Monmouth. ftr occupancy by the first or the
V S MiM-Aml.r.ine C. year. The ground floor will be
i. . , i. .Vi C..I....I iwiind i..u...l to Mavs Bros, general
Bn:ri,!!'. . . I', f., t,,nof five years.
lii.r.l O A C . Corvullis. When the new hall is r.ady for
High SchK,l. Dr. Sheldon. K j u.i the (llencoe lW
.. . . . i ii . i i..nMa h,.,.. o i.uf i inn nt dedication.
r arioton a hi iiiiimiihj -imu".--. i nu- ...
Cllu II Jones. UU r of and many from the county will
M,,ie attend the 'jinks.'
Miss Ruth Jones and Mr. Mi- j 8UW cordwotHl, poles up to 12
nervn Brown. Pianists. inches in diameter, fence rails.
m. i....... i.;.... ('u ... s.xril:irv. i . f n binla into
ill I i. Wl'.-i''lllli'. ' .'v.. j4l(j iMKinin l nniua, ...-
Prof. M. S. Pittman. of Mm- lovcwooc lengths. Will go into
mouth, was present at the Inst th(, mmtry. Write, phone or
session, and delighted the tench- caj on me -Carl Skow, Hillsbo-
ers with his fammw lecture. f City 4t2. or call at
"Who's Who and Why." Tualatin Hotel.
1 he Inbtituto. closed at noon . .. . ,
?'!?. .i iu-.?S"Al WPZZ ticTfo; special tax the rock
I'l'inn miiiijr m imui ni. .. -
nation Friday evening
Tim limtimto was in ninny
wavs the most successful ever
held in this county.
.1. T. Dougal, president of the
rortlnnd Press i.iut) in past
years, was in town Saturday,
lonkiiur iii'nr llirt nu'ords for com
panieswith which he isaililiated.
......i .niimint iscrrowing apace
While there may lw defeats in a
number of districU it begins to
look as though those close ro sec
tions where the rock was laid
t.:i amiaiin w in vote an afiirma-
11113 KUOU" . . .
tive. At least more aisincia
than ever before will tane a
chnnce at the vote, anyway.
Lost: Heifer, about 3 months
uV't-riv-f: Ti VllTK AUDITION-
ur. ihm umWii imiimI retident Ui
layrri of Rod litrirt No. 34,
A'anhinirlon County. Oregon, U-
.thp nminriHinir more than tn
per cent of tht resident tx pyr
. j -Jl .! fuA
liutivw r . . . . .
dent tax payer of Mid Road Innt
riit No. 34, Waiihinirton County, Ore-
iron. U hcrvby called, and will be neii
al School Houne District S4, in aaid
lload litrict No. S4, WashinRton
founly. Orojron, on the 21 t day of
Novemlier, 114, at me nour oi unt
o'clock 1'. M.. of naid day. to diacuu
the adviiiability of levying a upeciul
or ndditionnl road Ux in wiid district,
to iMwmine what.if any county roads
or portion thereof in aaia roaa ais-
trict hlull DO improvea, in miy biii
manner, and the character and extent
of uch improvement or improve
ments they ihall make thereon, and
to levy auch upecial or additional tax.
not to exceed ten milla on the dollar,
on all taxable real and personal prop
erty in wild road district, as ma
jority of auch resident tax payers of
the purpose of raisin money with
which to deiray tne expense vi w
special improvement or improvements
in aaid Road District No. 31, Wash-
Illlfiuil .
Dated tins zm oay i ww.i
Tctor Felonir, John Bill. II. E. Posx,
i r. L-... !...! K.'hmiHIin. E. llenl-
xen, B. Royer. Adam Jablonskl, Am
brose Schmidlin..
All. except the P. K. & N.. trains
are electric, and stop at the de
J. W. Jamieson, of Farming-
. a . a . . ft 1 1
ton, was in town aaiurnav. ne - . . . t
says that the acreage of Fall- wt on m t0 iwiand
sown grain is larger this season f
than fnr ten vears nasL and
there should be a big crop or
wheat next season, as this is the
crop sown in most instances.
The Fall has oeeiudeai tor seeding.
The City of Beaverton voteo
on the liquor question last week,
aside from the regular state vote.
The city voted wet by two ma
jority, and a recount, demanded
by the dry contigent, resulted in
a gain of two. making the ma
jority stind four for wet. Sher
wood, however, voteo: dry.
j wm nil
but what you save that determines whether yea prtgress
or retrcgraae. xonem mis worm can icmauu suufiuaij,
If you let your expenditures balance your iucome you are
losing ground in the fight for independence.
The modern key to success and independence U a savings
bank account Why not start one now? Your initial deposit
large or small will be welcome.
Forest Grove Train 6:50 a. m.
McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m.
Shurirlan Train .9.58 D. m.
Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m.
McMinnville Train 2:15 p. m.
Forest Grove Train .-4:10 p. m.
Eugene Train 4:53 p. m.
McMinnville Train 6:37 p. m.
Forest Grove Irain 9:50 p. m.
From Portland
Eurene Train arrives. ..8:15 a. m.
American National BanK
At Pmmntt's mitlinerv are all re
duced. Now is the time to buy
your hat cheap. Come
they are picked over.
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
Sheridan -McMinnville
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
I All trains.
trains, stop on
before Range and
9:42 a. m.
.11:59 a. m.
. .3:15 p. m.
. 4:30 p. m.
. 6:37 p. m.
. .7:15 p. m.
...9:00 p. m.
.12:15 a. m
Lames with he is ami.uteu. AKe, 24 years; red and
For Sale: Pure bred Jersey 8potted; white face; one
nm 7.h Lii-anu Iinifir nnd calf: ...,i,n,i horn. To be fresh while
, w , j ... - tlW"' 1
r. r.w... i u . i....r. ii. .ii, i.. in hiif.r'i. . ki.. kannHi lift par marxs.
.'iimmivii iin Bvj ii'iio. ." .. i 08l, ii u ui Vy V 11
17 -months heifer; also litter ot Anyone knowing of this neirer
pius.-tleo. E. JollVrioa. Cooper ouH6 et me know at
Mountain, 3 miles south of Rood- Ani0d SchallberRer, Hillsdale,
villi. . 31 0re U. 1, Box 83. 32-4
Kdw. Benson nnd Clifford Dr. F, H. Smith recenuj
Lontr, who have been out on a formed a surgical OP611
goh)gical survey for a few has but few equals in medical
months, returned from Washing- jurisprudence, the patient dcum
ton State the hst of the week. Mrs. Wm. Bagiey Jr.. or uw
ii . v.i:r....!o r ..ln,.A nnae Nnrin I luluo.
ir, lumson goes to vhihomih wive
for the Winter, and Long takes At lust reports Mrs. Bagiey was
nit I.:.. li:..u o .i i -i,..i:.,j l,.nl.i,r olnnir mcelv.
"i inn llino OCIIIIOI uiiiuicn, Ki-biniA i.."n .
J. It. Brown, the Portland Wanted: Work on a farm;
horse-buyer, was in town Satur- mnrried adA,w.aJl n ll,"
day. He snys the market is still to live in. Address uua,
'lull, even with the Cnnadiun Cnre of Argus,
'livers in the field. He says the M M & Risner, of Hillsbo
Northern buyers are not buyinu j3 convalescin nicely from a
- they appear to be loentini? Jt!,,ai surgical operation, per
rather than acquiring. He thinks r" Li rpcently by Dr. Krwin.
that they may take hold after a , . neiuanchf and
whilo, if the war continues, and, Born, to Fred Deipia ncn
If thev do. horseflesh is liable to wife, of Schieffelin, No. o. ww.
Some miscreant fired a revol
ver into a P. E. & E. passenger
train Sunday evening. The train
was rearing Hamilton Avenue
in the soutn pars oi
,.,knn ka ahnt wns nred. lne
n lit ii ii.iv .
ball passed through the center ot
the window, in the seat occupied
htf AdolDh Seigrist. and deflected,
.t.:uin Katiuaan the windows
.rrcuM the ear. The missile
j fn tha flnnr. AdolDh
irnnwa hnw soldiers feel in
warfare, and says he does not
relish it, at all. A woman sit
ting across the aisle was barely
missed. Whether the shot was
intentional, or wnetner n wm
the result oi an ceiucn.
known. The police are looking
up the matter, ana tne o. r.
thA lookout lor
the perpetrator. Mr. Siegrist
was Sliung in "T'l
i.-.l....a and Ml. SieffrlSt
was facinir him on the opposite
seat The bullet passed between
them, and Its passage w
. rnnt rrnm nr. oivkiibw
ovrr -r.--.j-
He had ust had tne.r ,. i
the window a anori time
the shot was nrea.
Combs' Furniture store has
added a tine line of dishea and
crockery. See them before buy
SEwffOtt will buy there, tf
The undersigned will 8e) at pub
lic auction at his place, 1 miles
northwest of Beaverton and five
minutes walk north of St Mary's
station on the Oregon Electric
railroad, at 10 a. m., on
Gray mare. 1300, 12 years; black
horse. 1300. 12 yrs; bay mare, 7
yrs, 1450; black tiny, law, a yrs.
Those are all gentle and well
except Eugene
flag at North
Fir streets and at
Kiitth and Fir streets and at
Tonth strpet.
Steam Service Old Depot
To Portland
P. R. & N. Tram 1:37 p. m
From Portland
P. R & N. Tra n 10:21 a. m
Mrs. E. B. Tongue entertained
the Social Circle at her home
ITriHav evenintr. The Drogram
was delightfully rendered, the
ire an kbiiwv ni n.lmhe heinff
Bain tubular ex. nwifflE S.'
n ! .O . T?1 ...
i smnnine aont. itlhii cijuok
.. v now ii i HicKorv waffon. . c
"r."'. ; rCi, ii.C u. uuicnman . .iuiss utc oewe
31 inch and 4 inch tire;hay rack, . u . Thrush:....
driving cart; McLormick mower, Mrg E B Tongue
latest pattern, used one season; cinSmile-Slumher. .
new sickle grinder, new sulky. Mrg E B lon?ue
adjusUble 60-tooth harrow, new Meditation Mrs. Barker Carse
steel hay tedder, new steel sulky The Worldly Hopo Men Set Their
potato cultivator, H inch sulky H , p f ian Gar.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00
Combined Resources.... 690,428.81
Banhlntf in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Cheeks,
Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans, Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Saving's DeposVts.
ninu wnikinir olow. 14 inch, oak
beam; top buggy, John Deere s
Best, used two seasons; 2 walk
inir cultivators, corn, bean and
Hearts Upon, In a Persian Gar
den, and A Day Dream
Mrs. 0. B. Gates
SoronaHe Mrs. Barker Carse
Les Adioux Mrs. Carse
ing cuiuvniuia, . """" Les Adioux Mrs. carse
pea planter; garden seed drill, Q That We Tw0 Were Maying
Iron Age; garden wheel hoe and M T and Mr3 Gates
cultivator, Champion aelf-dump Al 0pus.33
hay rake. 2 disc harrows, dbl set n M T J d Mis3 Sewel,
worx narneas, bhuuic. k1""
Ohlitratrw. Mrs. Carse.
Accompanist, Mrs. Thos.
harness, 2 hand grass seeders.
single DUggy narnww, aiumy Tnnno
jack, wagon Jack, dbl blocks; 25 Ton8ue
sacks onions, pounaa umouijr - lv.Hnlstein
seed. Mfl.Kww heTfer;" -for 8a L.-F red Del-
V t 5.1- in.a nnder Wcte. near Bagiey Station. P.
Terms of Sale: JJn under. t & Cornelius, Oregon,
...k. nii siv months bankable I !r . . ' n on
of s ner cent. Two per
cent, off on all sums over $10 for
iiaoii. . .. .
A. J. Jenkins, uwner.
J. C Kuratli, Auctioneer.
J. Vanderwal. Clerk.
Route 1. 34-36
Mrs. E. H. Smith was a Port
land visitor Saturday, the guest
of Mrs Fred Ziliy. who started
East Sunday, to visit with rela
tives of Mr. Zilly. in Illinois. .
When You Buy a Home
When you buy a piece of jewelry of your
home dealer you have a personal gmrauty
that is as represented. The dealer Ir s his
reputation to sustain, and if it is not up to
standard he will replace it. Did you ever
stop to think of this?
When you want the-best of jewelry call
and see me. Prices can not be beaten anywhere.
Vfclchmnhor and Jeweler.
, ' ' Gradunte Optometrist
IMhboro. . Oregon
raise, I a son.