OUaOBO A10CI iOVkUKB . KnUw1 attfeo -ai-t.aa u pilbfcora Oragoa, m aawail-Haaa aaai. saattat. U A- LOXO. K4ltav. County Official Fa per tobarrtpthxa t ll-V) far Aaaam. Iaaa4 Krf Tfcstradat Th magnifirent tribute paid Senator Gwrge E. Chamberlain nth Washington County vote f Tuesday is a matter of srrati li atwn to those who have at vays contended for supremacy f merit in puwic officials. As lovernor the Argus supported t e Senator, and when he ran 1 1 succeed himself he was beat ei but 31 in this county-which wis normally republican b 1500. Tais last endorsement of the Bvernor-senator is a tribute to his genuine worth, la his splen did personality, and to his facul ty of doing things in public ser vice that are of valae to his con stituency. 1 he Argus naturally f U elated over the Washington Cwnty result, and when it is remembered that the little old r ligious weekly is the one sole n 'wspaaer that has fought his N4kt-f IHtrkt Rm4 MUsjC U V4 AAlithMMl Rm4 Tax la District N. i W, lb aJruKu) raidnl Ui tar C Kwl Ifcttrwt K. 1. WaaitincUMi Mc I baa Ira m eel lha mkIhi lai Itt la wu road diatrvt, krby gr w a nwiif wt in tvmMmt lai ntvara ot taut tU Diatrat No. a, W aaltt.toa Vttaty, OfaatMi. la aox call.!, and 111 twtwl.lal lurri S.-a4 hnuaa, la . K.i IHatrv-t Na. 3 Waahinctuai Vttuy. OnM, ixt IIm 4k lay J o.. 4 m Um awtr of i o'rWa f. M , of mmi t itiania um aUttaa blltly of tarjtn atrial or aJUiUiHtal mad tax la a4 JWtrlvi, la iMarsala what, it any cuuau rtwOa or prtiMit Url ia aakt fal diatrtot abaU ba Imprur!. la anv apreiat ataanar. mad arhaclr and ml aurlt laipnxnr Mnl ar lpr Txiittila lhT snail ataaa IAwvub. and lit lr atl.a aial u a-Mtu tuai us, am h xvd laa mtlU oa laa dollar, oa all taiattt. rral aand ral nrT ia ta d ruad dtflnvt, xoncr or nutkict MLETIM; TO TUT K AIUUIION IMUD HON- lUMKkl AL liO.U) TAX IN NU 4, Wa, tha undorsiftieJ npalJvat Ui P)ra of K4d litrut No. Maahmrtua I'tNint). tvgn, lt frlhrr rompruinK imr than Ut r ft-nl uf th midmt Us payrr in aaid road dwtrict. hrW' k aoiu-a tltal mmrtiiiff f Ihv rrl dent tax tavm of Mid Kiad lHkt net N. 4, Washington lounly. Or. iron, to nrby railed ami will hld at lhrry tiruva lVnut in Mid Koad IHstru-t No. 4, WhinuUn vounty, irfn. on th 2Mh day ( Novmbr 114. at tha hour of 1 o'clock I. M. of uid day, to Jiaruu tha advisability of levying a t'tal or auuuionai road Ui in aid di io uriarmin alkat. If anv lhun.lricn, nwiilvnt lai par fx of R d !. not it, rl, Wathmcton "M'7. urv-Mi, luihar emiprtin mr iban imi vrrut f ih tulm tat pavrm in. K l lkf.lrl.-l brLi htUlea her. VMP in an.t .- t"r",u"c,bal ollha imdaul 1 Wln UVr 'er ,R nd ear ut iTrolaaid Ka,l Dlatr.d No. . a a a - - a - I Wavr l.... . . . on, wny snouioo i it be wa kinir vMni. tn.. or, , " aia.i.aauariii ea arouna on us sin is. But at the 8ime time, the Argus wiahes to congratulate the fair-miadedness of the hundreds of republicans w ho eschew party in a case of t lis kind -and may th tribe of men who are not blinded by ' party" never grow less. They are the salt of ti e earth. i county ruad or oortlona thereof aid road dmtrict ahatl b iniurowd in any nlwul manner, and tha rhar Btpjinii i aMrtt lai pa ar J toter and ettent of Uih imhrave Mid road dlMnct kall daarn advlaaSlal atent or imorovementa thev .k.ll mako tharoon. and to lew aueh anee ial or adUilioiial Ui, not to otoeed ten mill on tha dollar, on all taxaM real and personal property in aaid road dutrut. a ntajonty of nuth resident ui payvrt of miU road tin tru-t shall deem tdviMble for the purpose of raisinir nwnev with hi. to defray tha ax po tine of uch eo ial improvement or imnrot rnirnii it aid Koad Dutrict No. 4. Whinloi County. Or iron. IWited thia lth day of (.Moher TAX PAYERS ... !"p gn. Gust Korslten; n. r. Kooertaon, iiar tarUon.Joht Halt-arson, P. Patton, M. T. Patton John ihklmd, (arl Batrom. IVtei wnon. m. Whkerstram, I. t',. An dersoo. John Nvlund. J. R. Tomn km. Chaa. William. John Yunker Wm. CMVimenir. Joeph Keifenrath r. t. Heivin. r. M. Mcleovl. tira Mcleod, il. T. Bate. II. V. rme Ale, liamea, Thomaa Ilium, A Hatch. Chaa. E. Waacott. II. f'f tha poriMiaa of rauuim uhmmt tilh which l defray tha atpeuae of aoch apwll lnproee or IniproremMila ia aM k mvi ixtks j, lailoa t Minlv. Wea. IVuvd Uiia Srd ,I,T of X..TM ,hr, IM4. TAX FAY KKi ' R. A. Rrown. rre-l CcbmuM, lullua nriMn. jnn Will. K r. Nulloy W. !. H.iIk-i.. K. T Turner. U. W, M hliiaore.M. H. iHthIuH. A. Katlaiar. J A Mninitr. U MTrs A. W. Waiker, JatK Hor.. U H. Ha. Al HV. r'rad H. k. L. atapea, llanry MaUtita. nana k. pruia Pal ice ! Raai Vectlag ! Vtl 14 iUmI Rad Tax m OUlrkl Sa. 2S OLDS-WALKER One of the prettiest weddings of the season was solemnized at the home ot the bride's Darents. Mr. and Mrs. R. H. Walker, of the Uid Meadow a arm. near Beaver ton, at six o'cloclf in the after- nKn. uctober 28, 1914, when Miss Lauretta G. Walker was united in marriage to Mr. Simuel G. Olds. The ceremony was celebrated by Rev. Andrew Carrick. Pastor of the Tualatin Flams Pres. Church. Miss Mar. gret Barnes led the bridal party toineaitar. aiissess Lmilv and Florence McElroy played the wedding march, piano and violin. and sang "I Love You Trulv." and. after the ceremony. "Annie Laurie." Miss Gertrude Bern- ard caught the bride's bouquet. A dainty lunch was served alttr which Hp. and Mrs. Olds d parted for NewpoaC They will be at home to their friends, after Ncv. 15. The bride is one of the estim able and lovable young ladies of East Washincton County, her charm of manner and gentle dis iosition having gained her a host of friend. In character she is a true wom:t i of the Southern generation. a'id she will be greatly mUse I jy her hundreds of friends anl acquaintances, who have loveJ lierfor her genu ine worth. The groom i3 well liked by his friends and associates, and uitil the past few years has been en gaged in farming. He is now a iwpular conductor on the 0. W. K.&N. Mr. and Mrs. Olds have the best wishes of their fneads. held al Innratn Hod ii o ia amid Koad Pud s . Wahinetn louiy. Oregon, on the ?lt day of No. earner, at I j'oUt r, M. ol Mtd Uai toUicua toe atrlabili f tayiii a lecial or aIJniital ra I las in Mid dwtrkH. to Oetnruilua wbat If auT court IT ral or xrUota thenatf la aiil road ilia-ri'H Iw Improred, iu ane tprclal manner, and tha character and at tool ol tuch improireiiient or irupruveiiMuui that ahatl mk ihrarun, ! to lvf auch apatHal or atMiixuial lai noi U ajceed laa tuilUiMi tlM dollar, on all taiablh real and prr.nal pruprty In Mtd Ml dialricl, aa a majority ol mi. Ii rwxlenl lai payers of Mid mad dinUict ihall deem advtaab.a r lha tMirouM of ratatna mouay wllh wbu-n lit defray Uieeipenar oi auco ipwiai tmpruveniMii or inipruva menu In Mid K iad IHtuial No. 24, WavtiibKton Otuntf Orfon. Diied Uia dTbl tlciobar. 1U. TAX PAYKR8 J.Q Johatoa. J. A. Zimmerman, M C Mailt, t. H. Karary. Ja. S. Church. A. P Ingram, Juhn Jck. I. Antler oa. Scott II Richmond. J. rije, Ceo.J Jack. Ed Marphtr. J K. Drerr. WillUta Stardevant. il B wlra, J T. Heatd, L S PrineSe. Mt. M. Pringle, E. E Watt. W J. Ingram. NOTICE OF DISTRICT ROAD MEETING TO VllTE ADDITION AL KOAD TAX i DISTRICT NO. 1 2. Krahmer, Mi n ire. V D, Pleiachhauer, Car1 We, tha undtrirned resident en of Koad District No. payer Wah comprising tax 12. .-mi lire ur DlSTKltT ro.ui MIMIM. ivl VOTE ADDITION At. KOAD TAX IN DISTKK1 NIK 26. We. tn undemigned resident tax pnyera or Koad IHstnct No. iti VVashinrton County. (lrv.-,u t Itether conipminir more than ti per cent of tha rexident Ui payeri i n i.i.l 1 .J . . i ... w tvmu uoinn, nereny jfivi iiuura mat a meetine of lr dent tax paver of Mid Road In-l tnct No. WahmKtn County, tire S"n. u nervoy called, and will be he! ,-m,,vc cirnooi nouae on i anyoi Koad. in Mid Road District No. LR Wanhtni-ton Countv. Uremm tk. 2Ut day of November. 1914. at tht hour of On o'clock P. hi r ....i j... U dUcuM the adviwbihty of levylnf t special or additional road tjt in Mid uisineu u determine whl if n. cuumy roads or portion thereof ir. miu road dwtrict shall b improved n n special manner, and tha rhr. scter and xtent of such imDrovement or improvements Wiry ,h.tll nmkt inereon. ana to levy such special oi additional tax. not to exceed ten mill. on tha doHar, on all Uxahl real and personal property in Mid road dis tnct, as a majority of such resident ia payers or Mid road dittrict stial ington Counte. Oregon, together raTsinr mTy w th whtch,: ' rtsmg more than ten per cent of . I?J? ,lA V'c,h d"f wident ta nav.r. in iA MJ M "P of such special improve district, herebv aV. notic. that i V" V "r ,,.mPvm.nl " '-! Ro0 meeting of tha resident tax navera of 1 14- aia noaa iminn iNo. 12, Washing. I f)mt.l iki. -a j , ton County. Oregon, i. herehe e.llJ5 .!,?te,, tni 22nd ' October w"i oe neia ai ueicyeui scnool naus in Mid Koad Uintnct No. 12, Washington County. Oreiron. on the tlh day of Novamber, 1914, at the hour of Two o'clock P. M. of Mid day, to diucuss the advisability of levying a mdccwi or additional road tax ill Mid district, to determine what, if TAX PATERS Henry B. Wickham, A. C. Mulford Peter Zuercher. Levi McKinlev, J. I, tiS'.' A. R?'iol''. Jack Trachsel T. Wolk. Joseph Oenter, Henry Ton jea, Abraham Keichen, A. SrtieJacol Jenne, H. E. Schlottman.W. J. Butner ny counlr road, or nrti. tk ,t"r:"""iV -nnon, Koneri of in id road district .hall bi im- ' " ' ' proved, in any special manner, and the cnaracter and extent of such improve ment or improvements they shall make thereon, and to levy such spec ial or additional tax, not to exceed ten mills on the dollar, on all taxable real and personal property in Mid road district, as maioritv of such roni- dent tax pay. rs of Mid road district NOTICE OF DISTRICT Rfin MEETING TO VOTE annirmv AL ROAD TAX IBf DISTRICT NUti o. NoncE tip metric r .MEETING ll TK AIIIIHN XL KtiUil IN DIMKKt Mi We, the tm.lvrigned reidcrt U ,)rt of kUxd INUil N". a..tinitin County, trtft. toirlh.r wmprituig liKtre than ten per vnt 'f .he reHknt lax H)tt 11 litrt,t. hereby ie nothf bal a meeting of the rvi.h-nt l lvtet ol kl Koad IhstrnH No. W.hmg .on County, Ores-un. la hcfi'Jf clM. .ad will 1' held at llatel Ule S.h;l l.tuke ui Mid Koad liiiil No. .. A'ashington County. Otegon, on the Kih .lw f Novemlwr. I.'IL st tH wur at To aVkh'k P. M. of Ml lay, to UiM-uw the adt utility of evvini a te'ial or additional rod . .l..t..rtitintf ft .1. 1 " ' " " I I, hmpit I any county roao w ivw i.iv f in Mid rMl district shall l-e im 31-uvi.l. in ativ niHMul nuitincr. uml ihe character and extent of uh im iruvni.nt iir kninrotcmrtlttt thrt diall make therem. and to lety such ipecutl or additional tat, not lo r- .-ed ten null on the d-iur, on a Uixalde real and pettoital i.erly in taid road dittrivt. at a majoiity ol uch revident tax pa)ef of Mid rwd imtrut aha! deem advMil le l.u tnr jurmwe of raiuir money iih uhu h 1 - . . .0 dcrray the een ol uin (.prviai ninrovvinenl or imirovem'tit in ttoad iHstrtct No, V. ahnigton County, tkregon. I "a ted this ;'th day ( IHtolwr. TAX PAYERS P. K. Kemmer. U. A l.ivermore .1. W. Wells. Chrit Oiuniwr. t.u vaufman. A. Ksufmann, Ettnl Mnk i W. I.ivermore. It. U tlsiffttiji. A A Ihiughty, K. II. loughiy. t. il Taylor, Cha. B larltng. C. P Sinw . Klgrrt. J. t,auner, I. t.ia' rn, J. t, Ilarron, Mat !Hmsjii rthur Mills. I. II. r:!lr-i. M. 1 I) era, W. J. Ilenrv. Mix Hrrerr, I Rogers. John lloland, II I', t.rab torn, wm. R. llrotk. J. r. Mi Ne ihoma K Young, ti. V. Miller, Al red Memel. I . . . . -L.ll l l KU of ! Mid dir " j.roed. W """"" " ' (he htrr atd ext nt 'f auch ln Hoirliml or impuweweMt the , h til awke thet..n. and ! ey uh te.ial r a.Wit.Ml U to e ,J lea mill the .k'Hr. on ail taxable real and personal -i.pity In .aid id duln. I. naiity ,uh re.idrtil lax paters of atd lad di.trut hall den adtlMtde ff the (.uriHi.e of raiug Hhny 'th hwh Ut J fta the expetue of U'h Ul iniptuxeineiit or ittiprotemenl in tai.1 K.d i-.Tn.t Nw Ai, ahtngto County, Oregon. ttalinl lhi .tt Jy of Iktolwr. P.M1 j TAX PAYERS 1 II. H Mra.hifiH. J. P. E. titer, W. ,t, Willit, A. 1. Matltn. J P. Ietigher. S. I . IMIeiil-.. J W. Thompattn, mpit. Ihot. Muih. T. A rilr, S. htatul.'f, Juhn l.frllec. 1; llager, i'. S.harfh, Jaiitrt Mae, I II Maxarll. J. 8. hntitkr, Kie.1 Matt, r red heilrr. C. C. tUraixfl. C. S ICr) itol.l. l iaiik C, t'otey . J.H j Wtt, X. C VV nil, J C Raffrly, S J Kaf(rl, ' tl. M. tUtdnrr. II l.aijuer. A l. At 1 p.'lt. K llolimt-eek. I SIMMONS II V PI lit If A 1 ION. NOnt'K OE DISIKUT IHl MEtniNt; to oiK viit:noN AL ROAD TAX IN MSIKIC1 Nti. I We, the undertignt'J rr.ijrt t tat Vers of Koad Dutrtct No. 1 A'anhington County, tlrrgon, to tether comprising more than te er cent 01 tne retidfiit tat payer n miu roaa uittru-t. nrredv vivc Mtllca that a mre.lhe of the re.l lent Ux payers of taid .ad lit net, .o. I.Wathuiitton taunt v. lire (oil. ia hereby called, and will be hl tt Weatfalls Hall, in Mid Koad li. rill rxo. 1, Wathmgton Coanty.tire ton, on the 21 tt day of November ii. at tne hour of 1 o clock P. M ..of aid day. to discuta lh ,! i.l,:l,i 4 lexying a special or additional tuao in Mia umrnt, to deterntittt vhat, if any county mailt or portion nereoi in Mid foad dmtrict shall b mproved. in anv tnecial niarnr an! Jie cnaracter and extent of tuch im irovement or improvement they thai! inereon, and lo levy such tpec ai or additional tax. nut l ...l en mills on the dollar, on all taxabl. mat .J K I miu iwrwni Drttnene m -oan district, as a majority of u, eauieni lax payers of taid rua.l ,1 iricx snail deem advitaule for th lurpose o defray mprovement Koad Dintrict ounty, Oregon, I lulul Ik - O.'.L J . .. . . -v.u .III, IUV It t I . tVlt. . , TAX PAYERS Jonn Myberir. J. II. sh.n,n, f . .. .. . . ... wrtmion, 1. . Itoblnaon, A. H Smtfi u. wemrall, K. C. I'svne. J. t angman. J. R. V. Thnn.i....n UL'...L t- 1 ... . .. : r. "" rreu recn, r;. A. tM.Iy. J L xn.uews, r.. u tole, Mary E. Robin on, Auirust II lank. It. H T.-...i . a. Clminn. tJeo.tial .ream vt m. t imlno, JottepHine Cim no, ( has. C. Srhmokel. John v u..i rra, nuri ilia, Kofiert lllc. C. Kob- Trances U Cora. Il.l.n r "B't . 1- iiyrom IN THE CIKCI'IT Cul KT E THE STATE lK tiKEt;n Eolt WASH INUTUN CuLNTY. HKT NAIloVU. IUNK. af M. Juhaa, Urrfua, a aslataal haakiag (oruuralioa, Plaialdf, v. 1, iivKKisoy punt it,: n k RlMiV, k.s ife. IKtltlk ;. IUKlittt.il. HENEL MoKIEY II Kltl t.ll. kt. aile, tt. It MEKKIth. a E. AI I I N sad .V K. M.WIIIIVVIS, Kfr.d.aiv To A. 1. Hairttun, I'buelw Harri tun, hit wife, Artnur It. Hailwugh. IVntrl Murlry lUlUaufh, hit il, W. II Mem., 11. E. Allen and A. K M Vx ilbanit, drfitttiiiitt: - IN THE AMK HE THE STATE OE OUEtidN; are hereby r. ueted to sptHrar and antavr the i-umpUint filed agalntl yuu In the sIhixc entit.ed suit Hhio six wrekt from Ihe dale of tha firtt publt.-at on uf this notice, to-ait; tha s:ih dai iNvetur Ism, and If oti fad sv to dtt for Hani thereof, l.laintiff il' utke Juttgn-.enl and decree agauttt ton t prayed for in plailitdf a romtlainl ts lullua t, lo til - HKST. 1ial a money fudimen. entered fur the sum of Etta Hun. Ired E'oitv iN.llart ll.loi and Inlet. ett from March I, Isill, until paid at the rate of eight ( per rent per tnm m. and. for the further turn of Two Hundred IMIart ll-MMI at al lunu i feet and plaihti.'l a nitta and dltlt.rtenicnls agailttt the ilef.ti I nu. A. I. Ilarrtton and Phoebe Harrtton, hit ife. in fatuf of ih- plaitif'f hrre.n SECtM: That a nionev Iu.! (unit be enlervd fr the ilundred Eurty liultais lf.".lo and lf lerrtt from March I. Ill. until iw. ..I st rale of eight l per rent per an.' .um. anu ior me further turn of Nine " ... , i,w-v-ii inn .j, uu 1 1.1II... iiu.l together with Interest fro lanuarv I. Lull at th. .... .. Bit ' 1 I r, I FMt r.M . ..... of raisinir monev w.is .!.,. r'Z. r' """u "" P' ik. - 7 , I tnu tor tne lurtner sum of Two ilun. lha expenae of such tnrrta ir-.i ik.n .:' . n,4n' or niDrov.me.,1. in ..... :L.i T 'T twrtt.jr feet, V 1 u- . I r ,ur P''il Coats and ditburaa t. la II Jtniii.rr.ii ea... , . a a U. Ilarlugh, and in favor of the pis. mui l. 1 - .1 1 ..1 ........ 1 .. a ""t , ,ur ln" aum of Two Hun Ired Seveiily liullars ll:tii t ...t tnereon I ruin March I, 114. a al.tk mi . p-e-,a a-.t 11 per cent per annum unl r. ur. ln '"ber sum . ""ii iibiiti and mteret See the best. Go to the PEOPLE'S THEATRE Friday and Saturday Don't fail to see Bob Leonard in for The Secret Service A great feature of inter national intrigue. Also J. W. KLRRIOAN in THERE IS A DESTINY A fine one reelcr Universal Ihe Al- nost Gets Harried A BIG SCREAM w i. . 1 . re, int undersigned rani dent ta payers 01 Koad Di.tHt v shall deam advisable for the aurnote I Washinirton Countv. f)rnn t.'tk ol raising monev with which to ile. I comprisinir snore than in t . fray the expas of such special im-1 'h resident Ux payers in said roai provemeni or improvements in said J'nci, hereby five notica that ivuau iMxinci no. LC. tvasninrtnn I meeiinr 01 tne rea riant lav n ....... . - I '"au uisirict no. . Wash nir- iatetf this i!nd day of November, " toutitv, Oregon, is hereby called TvU. and will be held at KintAn r 1 TAX PAYERS house, in said Road District No. 8 larl Meier. Lewis Powers. J. W I Washinirtnn f'nuntv ll.... .l. Gatos, J. G. Klineman, W. E. Rica, 38th day of November, 19H, at the W. Boy, C. E. Meacham, Wm. J. hour of One-thirtv o'clock, P. M. of BreBp, J. Schneider. said day, to discuss the adviubilitv t 1. , . , ..." : ' u icTyuiK a special or additional road ux in Raid dmtrict In rialarn.i. -k... ri .. . I . . 15 " 1 .twin r, ur MEEIING T A lift 1 l . v ..... . I a " ai, nuu iai l.-x UISI KHT Ml I proved, in anv snecial mann. ..j - . -r ...u 1 me cnaracter and extent nf aurh im. provemnt or imnrovempnia tk.v We, the undersigned resident U I '"'! m"k thereon, and to levy such i.o si'.r a. payors 01 lioad District No. 28 I or aaamonai ux, not to ex- Washington County, Oregon, together I ceed. !en m'" on h dollar, on all comDriHincr more than ton rvAf osinf IMXAutt rctll ftnd Demon all Rmrwrfv in the resident tax payers in said road"ai(J. roa.( ditrct, a mujority of amiriiax, nereDy give notice that a I ,." re'den' " payars or said road meeting of the resident ta iv.r. 'Jwtrict shall deem advisable for the ; A i 1 . 1 . . ., I.. ' . . I m, & i . ... asiu iwau Lfisirici ixo. zo, Washing-1 r fy !; money wun wnicn ton County, Oregon, is hereby called. V defray the expense of auch special J ... 1 1 l I . rvt, . ... ' I imr.tnt.aa. AKa ! . " im whi ne neia at ine school House I F ,u""lrl" or improvements in in said Road District Nto. 28, Wash-1 i'" Roa(1 District No. 8, Washington intrum county, tireiron. on tha 2Hh I xuumy, uregon. day of November. 1914. oi ih. Dated this 2nd dav of KnvumLr oi one o'clock V. M. jof mid day, to discuss the advisabilitv nf . I TAX PAYERS KDecisI or adrlitinnal rnoH lav f. -:a i L. !if. Hesse. A. B. Flint I C An district, to determine what, if any I Jrson, J. J. Vankleek, Geo. Luther, county roads or portions thereof in I ' G- McDonald, II. E. Vankleek, Geo. said road district shall be improved, ''' Jjnider, J. C. Snider, A. L. Danford, in anv RDPuial manner. nl tk. r, 11. iwnnei v. r red li. An rl.r. A acter and extent of such improvement J' '?aX'' ,'"u' Jnn, N. S. Richards' or improvements they shall make L- gierly, C. E. Kirat, H. A. Rich- thereon, anil In ...nk :..t lards. F. C. Fluka. V 1. rv. II is additional Ux, not to exceed ten mills I Chas. Schultz, Ferd Groner. on me dollar, on all taxable real and f!' ,Mnt' Jonn well, E. I). Ilite, personal property in said road dis-1 " inci, as a majority of such res dent a. tax payers of said mA MutriM .v,.n I deem advisable for the purpose of When in Portland atop at the .niuic iiiunev wii n wnipn tt if.rv 1 Hntai I.'... xaua tt i 1 the expense of such special Improve- Morriaon Strata Ineatwrl in thi ment or improvements ia .aid Road Ji iu i(fite1 Jn . the District No. 28, Wa.mington County, h?art .?f ,the thetre nd Bhop- HfOlanN ' ' riinff HllltMAtal M.itL .11 A. L - mi. Oreiron. "IDIDir dlBtrictll with all tha Dated this 2eth day of October, veniencea of a modern hotel, at tax pavers rersonawe r.tea.-Glen Hite. L G. Tannock. r! m !,. u unafer. tf W 7inntviatn II II ' I uiiiiiiiui lliailt all. Iiearifaaril'at inn I IT- I a a . . 'to Hendrickson, S. B. Zimmerman. L NeW. .?t',es .,n .ht t Mf8. Luena Zimmerman, M. A. Zimmer- fcfnmott i, and they are inex iiiBii, w. &. a immorman. j. 11 1 omn. 1 nontiva 01 a . , - , K .,.-...,.. oiu All hata reduced at Emmntt'i I tin Mrs. iJonstant ne. of Pmar mimnery. 31 f urove. cnarpred with selling or srivinsr liquor to a minor jrirl. was turned over to Shariff .Mjiur. uk DISTRICT IU ir.Mi.v, to VOTE AUDI I ;"' ui.nl paid from January t the rate of ihrea lit ', nt p.r ,nutn( ind or ,hf u um of On Hundred lk.ll... . ti.u. .tt-.rheyWe.,..d fgron, UKt 'ff s CutU and di.bur.em.nta an,. iirauist the defendant, W. II. M.r ,f I1'1"1 T"-' u-l decree ION. u ' T? f.or.lhB '' of f , riir.lli I AA I.N DIS I Kill r ,,( , xortheast tjuar- NO. 7. of -Section Tenly fur In We. the undersigned resident Ux J'fJ9 N"h. lUnge payers of Road District No. 7 T ,J' U of ,n VVillamett, Ma- Washington Countv. nr.Mn t' rhll"n. rontainlng .iirhtv isot ..... ther comprising more than ten r r.or ",,u-la in U a.hingt ?er cent of the r..lI..H. t.. " Kounty. .State of (lrr, 1 " .?. .;.i i .i: .YT. ft' md thai tK. tiL ..r iv ,. ""'. " "V" ' .IU'J' t n naid road district, hereby red th --.v. max a meeting of the rei , ,,?v" w ' and prac ,enltPyers of ..id Road Dist- ItM" l"urt net No. 7, Washington County, Ore J": ,.Thl ,h proceed, 0f the ion is hereby called, and will Vt h.'.t " ! nb tu ver-l sumV.f at Reedville School 0u. in , T Vt lhe and ihaT tl e rUtd District No. 7, Washing" tZ'u- l" a d (ounty 0reg0rl( on the 28th day ,,f i1' llarr":n, hi Arthur ij November, m, at the hour of 2 o' ',ar,'f,"fh and fieniel Morlry II., clock P. M. of oiid day, to ZcL fit U? w,fe- W- MerrkJ T dvisabilitv of l.vi . "iUJ, tlh "" and A. R. MrWiii,.!.. .J."'. anq earn iri,li:i...l .'a ,". or f them, an.l .11 I" -,.,,twmt itiau LB BT in at u 11 rliula...! a . I wii irv I ( ill ei.ii.i,. determine what, if .n7coun V l, ' " trough the sa d hJ" l" '! trirfahaH"! 'l rd -HatVVf th. hm' ,U,'-J'" tnct shall be improved, in anv ...i.i '!.. r lh rfcutioti of th. n such imrjravam.nl u....,., I '"J or Nov, miu., a ton. ... thev ah.ll .V.:: "Mr' T.cmlil the said or.mi... .7.: ' " P" t i nerron, ana to evv I ar. ' . as purrhaa. lurh ii..i-1-.l . .j.m.i . . " I ers or enruml.r... . ui .uutvionai tax, hot tn i, i , ...wra or Olhprwi.a . ten mill, pn th. dollar . J forecloMd of all ! purrwse of raising money with whirl ?. Ka'"Hl th ''"hdsi.ts A I o !ef ray the expense JMll HlT1 'u",,,MI "rrln.AArth: improvement n, mn.nu..... tl .. . . !T ' llarbauirh un.l w it . ' noad Uistrct W t u-l:. . ' Cnnnlt, " """"Kion j , . y 1 1 u l I 191 ...... ,hl. 2 oaJfJ&LMjCv this Judgment and deer;; l'"n . TAX PAYERS J. U. Imlav A I' iw: . vV.ui...i.....L ' ":.Y"rr, j. j. K ... .... ,,,,,UIJII, IPRnn. f. ) ... . . ' . onaw. M-.VfcNT II: Th.. .i.. . . , n . I'lamiirr or . r. tt. J.ivcrninrn I flx l "fc lw nam njil.t mi j i. v.ii. it r a . " i i dill l i lift Kiii.u.rr t. i. , --tf Ijn i m j ' woat jhn Carl- ,.ate of s,l7 .i '"?u" " "riiti. f? TV. a?0"' J' R- NiM. Jhn ,ai.t ulji to th." Purchaser of th. OMeara, 0. E. Shcpard, II. (). j," tw m 'd Iheresft,,, a SI, r 'r.n?,1 W Bertroche, C. P. I.r ' 'f ""me is ,,t rtJ . Lvrui.nu, tl, MUX III: Thut il. . . . e. in, h nth., ..... .",n vwnuit have IW a- may Vo h. 'Z'T ..,,.,.. Ub eandluKt "u" m""n equit. MECTINf; TO VOTFi I,,,-' " '."LPS Pontiff hnv. A . ROAI) TAX IN iilSTlVlV'T I suit. ' "'"'""wmonU in this Servlr. .u. We, the undersle-m hDiiaa. - m a-. . " . . w,' OI M0d "annington W Buy Poultry Reevai by her bondsmen the And pay cash tor aame.-B. C. last of the wmK. Feraon. Phone Cit-KL SLS rned resident tax "P yon by publiST ,1 m"(l' D strict w o in th. nn6..v: ',l,?llon If the rame - r " ""gion iountv. I J l QIHCUSS tha aH.rl..L.tl!.- . hr?1? .'1 or .oitlon.7 PKRRY C. STnonrx : if 2Ll2fiL temin. Wha? w w.JSPflt M-lntlff. r , nw. or portloM there-1 Oregon. BI,l- 8t Johna, "BETWEEH THE "a A Play in Three Acu t the Cnthoiio v. . r1 Greseent ThoatFii Thursday Evening, li. One of tht, llvli., brlgKimrv dir. evr at.Krd h.rr. rrocr.J? Si. Muthrw. .thool. CAST 1)Uk CV,nf'" JM.lie.W, :co,K...Mcuie An M.luW. Al4ntUr Meaudcr ,(;.0 lurrit ,m ... taw RtkWt Mr. CIcuictitiiMu Mcutitlcr . .Mr. An MihcsVp, Kilnh CVmt.ttt Mit, l-Jiafc Uj, ' .auv v TkUn oh :ile t McCiirmick'n, nct TnctJiv. AJmUsii.u ,i35 ami 35 um. "AST A IM SERVICE W'MB l or your week cinl nip, visit ihe Manufacturers' and Laol Products Show PuitUnd, (Ktolicr 26 to Novcmtvr 14 Oprn Sunday-Grand Scrd Conctrt Arnmry aiul uo Auxiliary lltultltu cumioing &vbi arc fect ol ilijiplayit of 1'rulucU ol the oil idJ tluMricaofthe Tuciftc Norlbwrnt. MILLSDOKO DAY. NovembtrlO Sale t!.ittH of rviluml round trip tiikcU-Octobrf ji, Nov. 2, 5. 0, to, u, i . from all Orcun Klcctrk Poiofs, Ihr uKh tkkit Kant anJ Noith. 0. Ma-tou, A Kent, ! I ilKWo, Cre. FOR SALIC POLAND CHINA HOGS Frmn Famous Tccuimch Stock, Sire ol hi nhl for .Kio at pttMic aale, at St. kui. Mo. Somc fine lii)!i iratlc stock. J W. Vondervelden, , Roy, Oregon Drop in at HOFFMAN'S ami iiclcct early your Xmos Present Ny paying ft imall Amount down wc will bW $ nntil you arc ready for them. Wc have a good stled ioti of everything in the jcwclcry line. Jewelery, Watches, ClocKs A fine line of Toilet Good. A fine selection of Ivory pieces. GentUiucn'a Smoking, Shaving and f uring sctp, Thc lilcst pattcrI)!, o( Silverware, Cut Cilftss and Hand Painted China, at Hoffman's J THE JEWELER HUltboro, Ottt