ME HlLLSeeiR VOL XXI IIILLSBORO, OREGON, NOVEMBER 5, 1914 NO. SI i v 1 I I Mill 6EIS FIVE THOUSAHD DOLLARS! jury Mfcc ArU lr liur SiiolaMH'tl tit limbrr Hull I N lw" "-ACI! m" (ir, DrltJt lk.ff h onijM-r in tln ft Co.' rami', until Kr. I.'t. j; M Nonlin, f,,,w,i.n l.uin I'li.-rt Grove, JVi;'.. wl.ert ht KUitaitieJ an in jury, "an givrti a Verdict juranmt he i -mplpying roiiipniiy. Thur dus l.i I, in lin-wt murl. lor J.',1 ' , r.tnluint wa that the our iii'iitn, Man tii-i,'- ln'. i.t i i hatulilntf tnr ly th di i nitinc process, and that hi art-! 1011111 ratuo'd Nurdin t, ntrmk l a vine maple. It,.- plaintiff sustaining Injuries in ),: Lead which itrc n-rm.iiu iit in i liiirmttfr. IK' lkil I In r :.-.i:ir HniHr uit uli-nt that il.n, iuhI that he wait placed in lis.- MMlnh wherein tlio injury Wit u him. Nordm una bad ly injured thai hi tikuil wan lr pinned in order In feme ly u r.. hire, m hi complaint nid. I! allceed thitt hi' ' ' fAiT i gone forever, at ll n!i' if :.s year, mul ht utkitl (or J.L..iiH(liinttii- and special .im- fcvi't ht ti !;., '. ! 1 lie verdict real: "W tin j u in th' rtUivi" ratHf dul fin- ..n. I it led and KVkurn, ht.d ft 1 111 lllnl 1UMIII-.1 111" t Uti'l llfWenS I'tr I lit ueirnu- plaintiff' dam- a- in lh um of l.'it'. - .1. T. Young, Foreman." Juice Campbell immediately Hu; tin" judgment order and ta.e the defendant 10 tlnytt in which to apply lor a new trial. Omii ei lifjrtvi) an I K. It. "lt-niut irtriiil the case, himI I . I). St-nn was ahinted Ly Hag If y & llaro. It is said tin cat ill be ap pealed, I he jury: J T Young. Geo N HarrU, Christian Peterson, Wm t imiii.t. W II Peterson. Cornelius -iali h.')'. C K IM. J HMt New, Out Ruteman. Wm Lich y, J t; Utta and A Hcrgert MtlllK OK ItlsllJHT IMi l Mi Ml; 1 H K AllltllltlN A I. HOUI TAX IN IHSllilt I .NO. 5. Wr, Vu" unli tlKin.l r- i'1' i'l it ny..r of l.l lt lii't N"' :hint'l.u l iiimty, Ori-ifuii. ta t't-tlu-r iiiiiini 'tin ni"' "'' I , r vrnt uf Un untiilri.l litx ayiT ,., . ui r.i .llH 1. 1. h-r. l.y K- ,.tl- Ihtlt H llHC-tlHIf 1'f tt'f fl'-t- il.nt U .nfr of nil lift'l l'"1 ii. t k". i. V ihiiiRtn ""'". i-..n, I lti-i'ly "! l"' ImI.I lit On- Hill S.Ihh.1 lluf. in .iu.l Ulil IHMn. t N. l. WukIiiiii t. n County, Unroll, ti ll" '"' ..f N..vinitT, f'll. ft l' '""'r ' i.'tl.k I'. M. i'f l '". 1" '''"""I , ,wKil.l.llilV Iff I'VVIIlIf Ki'"'' ,..l.l. i i., ill t it ill Mll'l I'iKtrirl, I.. .i..lii'nki... ullill. if niiv f'tility inn, I, nr imlttiiim llwrrnf lt W'1' r"'"1 .i .1..11 l.. liniiitivi'il. ill liny . .1 l.muniT. "! Hif fltnrni't'T w'l i .U'nt of Kinh iininivi'im'iii " I -..vim-ntit Ihfy litl mak i.ii.I to l.-vy tutrh unfi iul or ml.lili in not to fxrri'iJ Irii nulU on Mliir. on all t:ulU' ri-al nml wr Ori-v'nn wai not imly 'first' in tin nflt-rtioti ttf i,.r hnililmjf ml on the iTuim.U of the San ratifimi KniMwition. Iut ahe wa uUi tin limt to fminh hi-r hiiiMitnf ami the first to throw the l.inMinir ojM-n for uhlic fiitirtainnii-tiL tin lat Satur iluy rvi'tiiiuf a MallimeVn dance a itivr n to tti humlred invited truinH under the auHiiifeti of the On jffiii Sot irty of I'alifornia. co-1'ln-ratitiK ith the exoHition I'lliciaU. All Btate aorie lie n-jireHi-nted in San r ranmro were itiviU-d. and eai ll was anked torhrint-n the huk'e lif column ri.r-M-ntinjf that particular utate. OreK'nt atiplea and rider from Hood River were nerved and a former remdent of Port land nuiilied automohiU-a to tratmKirt the irueata to and from the iHiildin). I ret nd Hold in ntoreti. Will rail retirettent Spirella roneta ttotmn on reUetit, and do th at ti tlx' 6. A. LARSEH L'lD WIFE HE FRO! ID Have IWcn VUltinc In I'alherUatl I or Uvrr SU Montht SUS TIMES AKE MWSPWCHS THEIC Hllilr.idt la rlill.aort Fr traded Period Fi- Hi. nil im.lKMiV in Milil rmtil Hi inn,- ii inuioniv irf Vnch rentilfiil tux !ny i i ;t of Kai.l ton.l tlthlrirt (hull tlwin it.tvt- iiUlo for Urn ut""' t't ratsltn.' i,i,,.,.v with wlilrh to defray tl' ex m-ii, of nueh rtj'iviiil iiiipp semi'iit iiiiiirovemiMitu in Hitiil U-tl I1"!"'1'' N... fi, Wni.hlnifton County. ti'Ton. ItHted lliiH Uh day of TAX TAYF.US Wm. V. Ilitime. John KoennKo. ' ti.H-Ui., .1. N. bto.l '"m'r- iiK.n, Michael Sturm, Jr., Curl I'fahl, ti II. Meyer, Adam tlofifert. Sr. f. A. Ilolinmnn, II. Siheueinuiim. Adam . , . .. . I II.... I. n.k. 1 1 1'lt'i'i! . .ir.. aiax iiei.uiiu, ii.'i-, Kd Knihnier. I'nr Halo, rhoap: Kirnr of tin-'l Wnoih tlrni? hdw, without on Kine, (mhI romlit inn. rash. -Felix ttiliella. IlillHlioi'o. Ore., U. 1; 1 mile north of Oak Park Blation. 3)3 Cliat, llateman, a juror nt cir fuil court, visited with n sister in lVn tlantl, Frltlav. Mr. Hate man hna the Inrnroet tree in the 'inititv irrowincr on hH fann. ano i- known fur itntl wide for il h auly und ymim'try- Have Dr. l-owe kIiow you the lnt "Ht invention in tlio way of ItlasHOM for Bei'intr liolh far and near. Thin will in no way ohli Halo von to iiiirehaHO from him. hi in and 8co. ' of Manninu. Ben Herbert Miller, A. Zimmerman, of Uoaeland Farm, -a in town the latst of tlie week. fUtnii;. and teach how to adjtiHt and wear the comet. Our tailor ed iniide to nn aMure corttetn. in cludmK' the latent front lare. w ith an cxierienced ctirnetier Kervice, rout no more thun hittli clans ror HfU iur httHed in store. Mm. M. K. Caudle. HillHhoro, Fifth and Jaikaon StrtH't, l'hone No. :tf-L 2545 Thirty-eitrht eople dined w ith Senator Chamherlain at the Ho t -I W axhiniton. Thursday eve t'in. and the httt'!ry auntained ltd tiHtial Kond reputation bv net ting a nplendid table. The Oren ro bund wait up, and a lare del egation of Orenco Hople accom panted. The theatre waa crow iled to the d'tor. and the S.'nattr niale a tine add rem. After the r-iikin(f he met hundred of his old friend at the foot of the amli-t. and alt had a k'ool word for hi 8urcta at the txtll. The ni. i lini: wa the lanfetit of the cainpaiK'n. Senator Chamberlain hn a bii? jienainal acquaintance here, n he ha made many trips to the county neat in the twenty year he ha lived in Portland. inV. Heifer, aUtut 3 month 1 , . . A I Hk'o. AKe. Z years; rea ano white MMittcd; white face; one crookeil horn. To Ih fretth while lost. No brands, no ear marks. Anyone knowing of this heifer pleane let me know at once. -Arnold SchallUrer, Hillsdale, Ore . 11 1. llox Kf, E-4 YounCTtera were not overly wild in their depredations Hal lowe'en night A few chalked windows of business house and caused a general washing up Monday morning, and outside of few outbuildings turned over t here was no damage. One stunt was quite popular, and that par tirular diversion was the drink ing of milk out of bottles left on the outside of homes. Many families were without their milk supply Sunday morning. (T$f Kyestrain taps the general Qgncrvous system. It 19 the . . i . i j cause oi mosi neauacnes bhu much stomach trouble. Any man u ho tits glasses for vision only is yet in the primary of op- lies. An interior examination of the eye, as well as a caretui consideration of the nerve and muscle conditions, is essential if accuracy is desired. Dr. Lowe guarantees his glasses to satisty, whether thev cost $2 or more. One charge covers entire cost of examination, frames and lenses. Consult him at Washington Ho tel, Saturday. Nov. 14. at Forest (Jrove, Nov. 13. Scores or wasn ington County references. Ke member the dates. Krom thennoearanceof special nail notices for road meetings In tin. ennntv. now being published countv papers, it umuli! look as though there is some demand, after all, for more rock roads. Have voti ever worn any shoes bought at Greer's? If you have not. try a pair. If you have, 1 bnnw unu are satislled. because 1 earrv the W. L Douglass, for " U LUIKiitl men and t rieUman onciujo all-leather-lines for women children. II T. Hesse, road supervisor for his district down at Scholis, in town Monday, on road matters. His district will have . ... .....:..i nwmtinir to vote for or Pilnm iv."r. - - - - ou against a special levy, vr aale: bull-blood Holstein ruiTiHtered. 2 years old ir reL'istered. mother a graded ii.ddtnin. Price reasonable. ti W. Huker, lleaverton, Oregon, Uouto 3. il'A Henry VV. Scott and Sophia L. i uh nf c.aMton. were united Ilium. v. ,. Ml this cuy, wi. tM 11)14, Judge tkiating. Greer's grocery department carries one of the fresh lines Y unrl voiretab ki in the 01 1 1 UlbU - city. I. A. Unten and wife, who own a farm below Newton, and be tween that point and Farming ton, returned from a aix months trip to Norway and Sweden, where they visited Mr. Tureen's relatives, two sisters and two brothers, and Mr. Larsen's mother. Mr. Larsen says that time are progressing nicely over there and he witnessed many changes since his departure from hi old home. . He says the war is having no deleterious effect on Norway and Sweden, and they visited many sections in both of those king doms. They are looking healthy, and say they enjoyed the trip im mensely. They had no trouble at all with their bookings, and say that travel is absolutely safe notwithstanding all of Kurope to the South of the two countries is involved in war. Mr. and Mrs. Larsen and their children, who accompanied them, will live in Hillsboro this winter, and, perhaps, for a couple of year, larsen will spend part of hi time down on his ranch, (which is leased) making im provements. He says he is glad to get back to the old U. S. A., and that it will probably be many years be fore he makes another trip to the home of his youth. PL'M.IC SALE and VI IKTL IVIII1IT. til mm .'. ! II, d n.lV III'L. ."II ihtm-Htud in tho llaro & Millrr. n manage of ... . 14. JUUKC u nawmiu, was tiown 10 llie inj Sunday, returning Monday morn ing. , The undersigned will sell at pub lic auction at his home in North Plains, at 10:30 a. m.. on MONDAY. NOVEMBER 9 General household goods of rood furniture, 2 heaters and 1 cook stove, tine roller-top desk, 8 din ing chairs. 8 rockers, 5 heavy arm chairs, baby high-chair. Mission settee, davenport, porch settee, mission center table, dining ta le, mahogany music cabinet, cooking utensils, 4 iron beds with matresses and springs, umbrella stand, heavy coat hanger, Ship man-Brant lowdrop express wagon with leather buggy top, new, makes a fine milk wagon; horoughbred Shetland pony, bar ness. small 2-seated rig. wheel barrow, 4 doz decoy ducks, small tent fine milk cow, GO-gal oil tank with pump. 75-ft and 25-ft garden hose, garden tools. Junior plow and seeder combined, oosi hole digger, heavy camp stove. arge refrigerator, set double ana set single harness.-saddle, large combination vice, 120-egg incu bator and brooder, used 1 year; chiffonier, sewing machine, 2 par or stools, vacuum carpet clean- r er. 4 r rencn-piaie mirrors, iu etter files, parlor stand table, kitchen cabinet carpet sweeper, wall pictures. Defiance check protector. Imperial electric wash ing machine with $40 motor, used 2 mos: new electric iron. Fine "Auol o" Player Piano- As fine a piano and player as is made in the world today, and one that cost $800. retail, for the pi ano alone. I have a fine cabinet for the music rolls and about J50 worth of music which goes with the uiano. We must have a bid to start this fine outfit at 1350. This piano is just like new, hav ing been used less than two yrs. A $200 "V ctor" Victroia-ana some $200 worth of records. This is all in good shape and would cost $400 in Portland. A bid of $150 to start with. "Ureatwestern" Auto ah in good shape and running order. Cost $1850 when new. This is a bona fide vale and well worth your time to attend. Terms of Sale: $50 and under, cash; over, six months bankable note at 8 per cent Two per cent, off for cash. M. A. Kile, Owner. B. P. CorneliuB, Auctioneer. Hoy E. King, Clerk. HATS! HATS1 HATSI At F.mmntt'a millinery are all re duced. Now is the time to buy vnor hat cheao. Come neiore they are picked over. Argus and Oregonian. 12.25. New and second-hand barrels at Greer's. August VYedeking, of Scholis. was greeting Inends in town Monday. J. C. Bechen. of near Orenco, was in the city the last or the week. The very freshest of fruits and egetables are kept at Greer'. Mel Hiatt of Forest Grove, was in the city the first or the week. G. W. Guyton. of South Tuala tin, was in town the last of the week. Combs' Furniture store has added a fine line of dishes and crockery. See them before buy ing, and you w ill buy there, tf Wm. Schendel, of Cornelius, was a rity caller Monday morn ing, tie has lei i the tarm ana is now living in town. Miss Ona Foord departed Mon day for an extended visit with her brother, Albert roord. and wife, at Umatilla. Marshall Baker, of Chehalem Mountain, transacted business in the county seat the first of the week. Men's and ladies' suits from $15 up at Christ Wuest's. Second Street Satisfaction guaranteed. and first-class workmanship al- wayt. Wanted: Work on a farm; married and would want a house to live in. Address "C. C. H.." 'are of Argus. 33 Z. M. LaRue. of Forest Grove. was in town Aionuay, returning to his home town after a canvass of the county in the interests of his candidacy for commissioner. W. J. Gregg, of Leisyville. was in town Monday, feeling a little cheered over the strength shown in hop prices the first of the week. A, W. Walker, of South Tuala tin, visited town the first of the week. He is feeling good over the rock road between his place and town. Marriage license granted the ast of the week: Chas. Y. Hess and Katherine Meier; Jos. McBurnev and Sarah E. Ward. Goston'.Chas. Kesslerand Myrtle Moss, Banks. Judge Stevenson and wife, of Gales Creek, and F. M. Crab- tree and wife, of Forest Grove. and F. M. Crabtree and wife, of Laurel, were in Thursday, taking in the speaking. f Cbrlttmai Itoxeti to Children flu rope tor LEAVES BROOKLYN ON NOV EM BEE II I'nnn .imiRim TELLS OF TOWN SPIRIT I LQ2 M-HeiH llCdtCrS Now is the time to think about the comforts of the winter, which is almost here THE COLE AIR TIGHT HEATER will excel all others for cconoaiy and comfort. You will find at this store a full line of these stoves, as well as many other makes of heating stoves. The Majestic Range Is the one Range that excels. For tl.e money it is the best Range ever built. Other dealers will not say this but the person who owns one after using others will tell you so. Call and see them. "The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSBORO Second Street OREGON (kaorinity of Caonlry Exhibited ly Cotraly People the Christmas Ship box was sent from Sherwood early this week carry ing the gifts of gen erous Sherwoodites to the poor and destitute of Europe.w hom the war will this year rob of any semblance of a "merry Christ mas." The children especially are to benefit by the consign ment from Sherw ooiL Children! clothing articles comprised the major portion of our box and many a little heart will beat quicker under a new cloak sent from Sherwood. The movement throughout the eastern and central states met with much approval and a ready response and w hen the Stearaer Jason leaves Brooklyn on Nov, 10 it will carry a bounteous cargo of aid for the sufferers. Following the announcement of last week of the names of the Sherwood contributors other do nations were received and the list as completed included the following: Mrs L W Koellich . ..knit mitten3 Mrs Durst, child's shoes & dress Mrs Lottie Neal . Christmas box E J Lawrenz ?1 cash Miss M Reiser ...Yuletide box Geo Savior fl cash Walter W R May $1 cash Lucille and Russell Herndon.-box Francis Hoereth $1 cash R H Mitchell Jl cash Mrs John Reiser. Xmas package Mrs A Campbell. .child's clothing Geo Schmidt 25c and pair gloves Mrs A Schmidt . 50c and 2 hand kerchiefs. Sherwood Journal. S. P. AND P. E. & E. V Wm. Rogers, a laborer. -who is subject to epilepsy, was Sunday taken to the poor farm. He has been cutting wood near Tigard. le says "spells" come on him and he is not balanced for a week. He never drinks, he says. and his condition is congenital. All. except the P. It & N., trains are electric, and stop at the de pot on Mam street To Portland Forest Grove train 6:50 a. m. McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. Sheridan Train .9.58 p. m. Forest Grove Train 12:50 p. m. McMinnville Tram... Forest Grove Train . Eugene Train McMinnville Train Forest Grove Train- From Portland Eugene Train arrives. . 8:15 a. m. but what you save that determines whether you progress or retrograde. None in this world can remain stationary. If you let your expenditures balance your income you arc losing ground in the fight for independence. The modern key to success and independence is a savings bank account Why not start one now? Your initial dwpesit large or small will be welcome. . LIBERAL INTEREST PAID American National Dank Hlltoboro, Or I saw cordwood, poles up to 12 inches in diameter, fence rails. and boards of all kinds, into stovewood lengths. Will go into the country. Write, phone or call on me. Carl Skow, Hillsbo ro. Phone, City 462, or call at Tualatin Hotel. Jos. Wolfersperger has been a busy man the past week, getting his bakery moved into the new quarters in the Krebs building. Miss Minnie Abbott has accepted Sltf A. P. McGill. of Portland, for merly a resident of Orenco, was m.t Saturday and Sunday, at HiUiboro and Orenco. position with Mr. Wolfersper ger, at the sales counter. New Fall and Winter lines of mens domes as wen. as la dies' suits,' coats, dresses and skirts, consisting of GO different styles, latest fabrics, are now on display at our new location south of the K. P. Hall, Second Street. Call and look at our samples. Christ Wuest, the Tailor. Phone Main 803. The local horse market as well as in Eastern Oregon, is being stronger in tone from the fact that Canadian buyers are here, looking after saddle animals. There is a secrecy about their movements, and many think they are buying for the Canadian government for shipment to the theatre of war. Anyway, horses for saddle use are going up in price. , Mrs. Vienna Smith, of Sher wood Route 4, formerly of Tua latin, died at Salem, October 8. 1914. Her sole heir is her fath er, A. J. Veatch, who is aged 80 years. A. L, Veatch. a son or A. J., petitions the probate court to aDDoint W. N. Barrett as admin istrator ot the estate, wnicn is set forth as of the value of $500. Mrs. Smith was given a decree of divorce from Doc Smith, of Tualatin, some year or so ago. and was given alimony. The case went to the Supreme Court, and Mrs. Smith won in the high er tribunal McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Shendan McMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove McMinnville A 1 1 trains. trains, stop on Range and Fir Sixth and Fir Tenth street Steam Service Old Depot To Portland P. R. & N. Train 1:37 p. m. From Portland P. R. & N. Train.M0:24 a. m. -2:15 p. m. ...4:10 p. m. 4:53 p. m. -6:37 p. m. ...9:50 p. m. . 9:42 a. m. " .11:59 a.m. " ..3:15 p.m. " .4:30 p. m. " ..6:37 p.m. " ..7:15 p.m. " -9:00 p. m. .12:15 a. m. except Eugene flag at North stfeets and at streets and at OREGON'S GREAT EXHIBIT The Manufacturers and Land Products Show, staging the greatest display ever made of the products of the farms and mills of this state is now on at Portland. From every section of the state has some remark able specimens of the products of farm and factory, and from all parts of the state are coming the crowds which fill the great Armory to overflowing. The past week was a notable one in the point of attendance, special time having been allotted to the visitors irom individual com munities. 1 Forest Grove sent a delegation 150 8trong, Woodburn 100, and Salem and Eugene sent an enthu siastic crowd of Radiators and Cherrians. These two organiz ations being the guests of the Royal Rosarians of Portland, Eight counties are represented in the Willamette Valley exhibit which it is intended to send to the Panama-Pacific Exposition in 1915 after it had done service in and other land shows. The counties represented by this ex hibit are Washington, Yamhill, Polk, Benton, Lane, Linn, Mar ion and Clackamas. SHOTE SAVINGS BASK . American National Bank (affiliated banks) Combined Capital and Surplus $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources ...690,428.81 DanHintf in All Its Branches Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes. Traveler's Checks, Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De posit, Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. 4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits. Arthur Knox, of ton, was down to seat Friday. above Gas the county Export Repairing Accuracy, skill and ex perience . enable me to do the most delicate repairing. I gladly guarantee satisfact ion and will gladly submit designs and estimates for making over any of your old Jewelry. LAUREL M. HOYT Watchraaher and Jeweler. ? Graduate Optometrist HUhhoro, , , Oregon Ml