The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 22, 1914, Image 3

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    fcniisoto Aibcs. bctoii i. M
For Congress
When it juprr like the .Uhlaud Tidings, 1
r. jit'lilinui jiojkt Iff many jcrs, supports Fred
c;i!t llol'i Irr f"t L'ii));tcs.t, it means something.
It i r 'vmijj Mr. Uo.liMcr it heartiest support,
niul say rutlicni Oregon is Koiug to roll up a
bin I'.ural.ty fur the North IWiid candidate.
Il"ljtc a Mt.tcs.sful Inisiticss man-Knows
how to ict thin ;i will get them aud when he
snueetls Mr. H w'cy at Washiugton, the State
will have adiguif.rd rcjrtscniatiou in the House of
Ucprt!uuiie!t. Mr. I loll istcr's friends are rnak
ing his fight their ;l:t, regardless of politics and
it looks like election.
lvvertrk. Orfan
f r rrillng mnd Day Softool for Girls
CMvrjr A " I . . Hi it. Or iMihn J
1 til p t i um lull'i". i miWl'l by ilir Siti n of Si M'jr. tffotiU
tiiprnor t.U. iml iv4ilr, tiiiiiliimil ill) Hie li flurnrc of refined
b.uie It I tgli'l i Iv titu itcl in Hit iitallliful Tualatin Valley, only I
mitr (mm I mil t i llu- S.uilitin riilW cm line full I'nniaiy, Inter-
l! i il Ik If, (i . mi m l Huh Hill m.I C"ii (. ,S. iHimle '.. jwituiriit for
mil utile, wliu wkIi lu prrpnc fir llir training piofi ulon rati fin'1
tli Tim Ik. xiinm ' Cii'v ii 1 1 1 y riiilinl mnl iirKirnl to lo itionit
vmik. A . ile fiKiii iliinmun Mtuit i t'l'i'v lint due Yeei C Uti
illliutil i u iimii ( i . lli.nil ntiHirtuhllir f r llio uugh tntlititltoa
'ii MiKlr, Ai i ' I' !' km.ih. A, nrwiy (unii ! l'wuimrit-il Cuuia
fnirti I Jh ii ii lu eii'l fill f' anv ivlli"' of ini oniiiillilv. Pot
lumber lu'on i .11. i f 'iin lu, Aililirw SJt iWkaP
. w
, i
( p.
a aBV ' '
A " Ik
n wm b;s n
Uveaiack HihlMt la Hvaui p..
pccUlloa al Praamters
Farawr Hac a Tnliaf EilikMlM
Ta Days
Dwpite the rn-avy rain atom,
k- O..I .1 - .
Mv oiiiuiia uranice rair waa a
decided aucceu. Exhibita of
livestock, farm products, fruits
and domestic science lines would
L J .
iiav none creuii lo a mora pre
tentious fair. Excellent pro
grams were rendered, the Beat
ing capacity or the auditorium
tent being far too small to ac
commodate the crowd Saturday
Hon W K Newell Judged fruita
and vegetables: Prof It E Rev.
nolds. of 0 A C. judged all live
stock; Miss Helen CowgilL of 0
A C, judged canned fruita. vege
tables, baking, etc; Mrs McClure.
of Portland, judged art and nee
dlework ;Supt Barnes judged the
iwoscnooi exhibits; K H Greer
judged poultry.
speakers for Fndav included
Miss Cowgill. W K Newell. A F
Hegel. Wm Schulmerich. Prof
Reynolds, and Mr Fullenwider.
Deputy State Dairy and Food
Commissioner. Speakers for
Saturday were Supt Barnes, Bil
ly Williams, noted evangeliat;
Mrs Roberts, missionary from
Africa; Dr W Claude Adams, of
Portland, and an interesting dis
cussion on "corn" led by Mr
Fullenwater. Music furnished
by local ulent was freely interspersed.
Results of the two days' milk
Skeals; center piece. Dorothy
Larkln; cross-stitch pillow. Julia
Flint; pillow casejiesaie Bennett;
white center piece. Helen Van-
Kieek;best dressed doll. Joyce
Hazel ton: basket work. Cora
Courtney; drawings. Mary Court
ney; beat cake. May Taylor; 2nd
best cake. Mary Anicker: bis
cuits. Kuth Flint. 1. Leo Anicker.
Z: potatoes, Anicker Brothers;
Hubbard squash. Ina Hanson;
Summer squash. Maudie Koeber;
sweet potato squash. H Dal I man;
melon. Lawrence Flint; sunflow
er. Joyce Haze! ton. 1. Lawrence
Flint. 2; best pumpkin. Lawrer.r?
Hint; green vegetable, indiv
idual exhibit. Leland Flint; ap
plea. Glen Conover; canned fruit.
Dorothy Lark in; best individual
exhibit canned fruit. Velda and
Lilas Koeber. Hillsboro; best
canned vegetables. Gladys Tay
lor; jelly. Ruth Flint.
School district exhibits-Dist
39 won 1st and Dist GO. 2nd.
The committee extends thanks
to all who helped to make the
Fair success.
Drain Tile
An investment that will pay
over 100 per cent. Our
supply is without a limit.
Telephone ns for prices.
Beaverton Buck
& Tile Co.
ini'tnbers, wit
JHnmnutcd at
iwrty, and li
hiivc never I
la It Comty Court of tlx tiuu
fuf Vf Mhlocioa County
1 . l
ihk conies i, unaer luperrision oi hwtuM! mm nir or ui bouvo
Mr Fullenwider. are m follows: J.Sf'r
rirst cow. ownea or Mr. sieeoer. iTowMbin twoii North, m Kane
Lavrence T. Harris
In l yot, :.t the ujh' f
27 years, lu- was elect il
ii li.i'inb,i ('I :he lcgisl.i
lino 1. re County,
iuul was ie- ! ctcd to the
s uiii infill 11 in iu i
w J '
ii : id was 111 ule speaker of
i!lc House tl Miiiythat
session. In t'vj he was a;poiuted,ly the Govetnor
'f the State, C n uit Judge i r the seeoud Judicial Dist
net, coinpi,,; of hc toiiutics of Lane, licntou, Doug
Ins, Lincoln, ! ros nud Cm ly. In 1906 was nominated
and elected wi. limit opposition. In 1912 he was uouii
mutd to bucci I hiinscW hy both the Republican aud
Democrat paM.s and was elected without opposition.
uc is enu ..sul lor the position ot supreme juukc
ly the entire 1 County bar, comprising sixty-lour
IIHXlllm.n ..... ..1 .. ......1 ... . n.l.. H. 1 ! I iiid C IIoUQQ
1 1 llUIU III JHll 1 nuinuuuua. "
eiceut primaries by the Republican
avsive party nominated him by writing
i ballots. Ilia houor and integrity
""i never o ij'iesiioneu; 111 poiui 01 uiutss j
the peer of an ivm in the state for Supreme Judge.
He shoul ejected.
nshintor County Republican Central
(Paid Adv. v
wt a ava a vsiiiiucil, OS VIU
L R Campbell, .85; 4th. William
Hesse. .83; 6th. Henry Hesse. .69;
6th. Heaton Bros. .66. Mr. Ful
lenwider gave a public milk-testing
demonstration which was
appreciated by all.
following is a list or awards:
Live Stock
Draftcrs-Heavy horses. F F
Conover: light horses, Henry
Hesse; 3 yr old. Wm Hesse; 2 yr
olds, 1st. Joss Snyder; 2nd. Wm
Hesse; 3rd, J T McCann; year
ling. 1st, Heaton Bros; 2nd, J T
McCann; suckling colt, H Hesse.
Roadsters Two yr old. Rogers;
yearling and suckling. Ed Brooks.
Drivers-First. Ferd Groner;
2nd. L M Hesse; 3rd. Oliver
Hogs-Aged boars, A B Flint.
1st; J J VsnKleek. 2nd: 6 moa
boar, Ferd Groner, 1st; L R
Campbell. 2nd; champion boar.
rerd Groner; aged sows. 1st. L
R Campbell; 2nd and 3rd. J J
Van K leek; champion sow. L R
Campbell; 0 J C, Koeber ft Pe
terson; Poland China boar and
sow, Henry Hesse; best pen fat
hogs, L R Campbell; sow and
pigs, Dale Johnson. Prize of 1
pure bred Duroc pig given by
Lester Campbell.
Cattle -Jersey bull, L R Camp
bell, 1st; Moore Bros. 2nd; Hea
ton, Bros, 3rd; champion junior
Jersey bull, Sam Sorenaon; Jer
sey heifer, B E Crosby; grade
Jersey cows, L R Campbell, 1st
and 2nd; Henry Hesse, 3rd; pure
bred Guernsey cow and heifer,
Ferd Groner; grade Guernsey.
Wm Hesse, 1st; Chas Koeber,
aeaUar at il Mtit of
Koharta, 4wrart.
T L MHwn,CiiH 4tchs tnd
Hmty Kobaru liu aim. J. ih Kolnt
d4 Anvil u hi lf. Tiwo Ur
a, Mc-Sati i.U Ju.t l
ItobvUi alt wifa. rbarii Mtibm a
m I oar, bid Jobs Kol-art a'xl Wuwnitl
Kobarta bla wlla, il all oiiir prrumi
mkMH batllaurclalniio an Uilarra'
ID tbaraal axuia baraiuallar datcilliaj.
Vn krai7 eilnd and rjiilr. In
tppmt In Uw County Cuurt of in HlaUK
Oraaxm. tor lb Oouniw of Waablovtun
a IM auurt foam lbruf. at Hill.tumi. In
aaM Ooualy of WaaliliiKiou, on Munda
tla SU dar of Kottinbar. IWI4. at tan
o'cloea, la iha tnrrtvxm that day tben
and laara abow eauaa If any you bar,
ay aa araar ot aaia emit abvuid not i
aoa aaiborlalna and dlraln( Jubn
Mabarl. adninlMratur of aaid aaiau, to
aaU at arivata aala for caab In hand on
day of aala, Um folluamt daacrltad raal
aatala baiwualiia: to MUI anaia. aiiual la
laa County o THIamuok. Slataof itrrfm
and particularly dtacrlbad aa lolluwa
1 ba Boolbaaat quarter of lha Norlbwurl
(V) WaatofUio WUIauiatto Maridlan.n
toiaing ona aundrad aud ality aire tiui)
aa pray at fr la um wnaion of Juuk
Kooaru lid barotn.
Wltntaa. Tba Hon. I). K. Kraaonar.
Judga of Um County Court r lha Hula ol
Oragon. for Um County of Waahlncton.
lti Iboaaal of aatd court altliad, lbi
Slat day jf Hrptotubar, A . I IM4.
AlUat: -Maal - Kdn. C.Luna.
Couniy Clara of WarhioKVon Cuumy.
Barber Parlors
Courteous Treatment
Capable workmen
Baths ia connection, and
Fine Shower Bath
Newly Furnished Shop. A
trial will please you.
Pythian Bldg, Hillsboro.
H. D. KcBMrUser. Prop.
Headquarters in
COS', office in Washington
Hotel Bldg.
Dealers in
Sand. Gravel. Cement, Wood
and Coal.
Phone Main 692.
Will You Build?
If j-m rc going to build th Spring
or Summer, arc J. S. LORSUNG. tot
price oo buildiog and tlca rating.
Ratimatr given free. All wo-k is
goaranlrerl. No payment amil work
it coespleled. J. 8. Lorrung, aoatfe
Thill Strict, at 8. P. Traik: Tela-
pa ne Uaio tji, Ilil'ab nu. Oregon
iGive Me a Trial
Ouaat Utilina.d Milk Company, ae 'ru
orailoo. ha Slarl with tba City Kaoor.ler
f tb City of Ulllibor a petition pray In
IBM aiapia ntran upon ana acroa blm i
On, lllabland Park Addition to th VU)
f HlllatKim. Orvgon, daai-ribed aa follow
Baainnlng ai lb Houthaatt corner of
UA Mn. or and In Block On, of and In
Highland Park Addition lo lb Town of
Hlllaboro, Oregon, and run nine thane
Want to lb aouthwrat mrnnr of U Ten
if and Inaalil RIiok ; theinv axilli HI leet;
tbonoa Eaat to lb Rut line of ald Block
OtM, Uieno Nortb Ol irvi Ui I it a plaoaol
bminnlng. th aain haing lb exirnsiun
of Maple Hlrnet arroH nai.l Hluck On,
Higblaod Park Addition lo lb Oily ol
Hlllaboro Orrgnn; be yaoatwl and tuilng
lb aaaauui for uob propowi traoatHin
and lb purposaa for wbloi aaid racated
at mat will b uard, and atUcb-d to which
petition I lb wriltan or'n nl of the
owrMr In fa almpla of th majority ol
Um real aalal lruillng on Iwith udea ol
aid ltit u propured to b vacaletl, ami
froatlna upon an itndl line IIM f t
from each termini their-if luiMtl upon the
'rontaj upon ald street r powd to lie
Now. Iharafure, all part n Inlerealad
ihareln ai hereby iiotlliwl Hint th Pa
iQoCoaal Condensed Milk I'oinpany. a
dnaoo ration aforeaafd. will nrnt lo tb
City Council of lb City of Htllborj. for I
aeHon hy aaid ( ounull, lha (aid petition, I
ounatnl of abutting owner and proof oil
nouca on TUMay. tne am aa ol Nneatti.
bar. ISM. the Mine being tbe neit regular
aoMlbiy meetins of Mid lollow
lac fiur week publication of thla uotico.
and l raid lima nr at auch other lime h
wblcb aaid matter iiiay be poatpmird bv
aaid Omncll. tbe aaid DMiltoner will axk
aaid i Ity council for a vacation ot t.Ud
Waalilngtou Uotal, Monday. Wsdaeeday
and Friday
Dr. GcrtrudclPhillips
Ottaopatbie PbTstdaa-
Office hours, 1 to 4 p. m. Uom call,
to 12 a. m.
W. 0. Donelson
Calls attended night or day.
Chapel and Parlors.
2nd: Holstcin bull. Wm Mitchell:
. , . ;r. L, l .... ,. 1 " i'7 council tor a vacation ol I.Ud
best heifer Shown by boy Under pwllonor Mat.l Nireet hereinbefore pa .
18 years Old, Oliver Taylor, 1st; Uooiarlydeerlb.l, and allperanna inler
Utli.xl I'.uIa. 0A I etd are further notiSed that lb PacISc
Coaat Condensed N. ilk coiiinaii has
esacuiedand dvpoaitd with tuo;tyoi
Hillab iro aconvevatice otinveying a alitv
foot tlrlp of laid acns (aid Block One.
Highland Park .uidiiMm lo HilHhoro
InyiiMllalely aoutb and abuttlna unon
aaid Ml Street foralreel pnrpoaea, and
baa agreed thai It will hll anil bring the
nine to giail and macadam aaid atreet
and place Um Min in good ouudilioa.l'oi
foot end learn travel.
Mid lln IKili day of September. l"U
Pacibu Onaal Coiulruaxl Milk Compdiv,
Ply K. A. Htiiit,Pre..
BiuiWy A liar, AUuroey hir Patitijuur.
Wiliard Taylor. 2nd.
Sheep-Aged Shropshire buck.
Ferd Groner. 1st and 2nd; J J
Van K leek received 1st and 2nd
on the following: Buck lambs,
yenrling ewes, aged sheep, beat
Poultry Best trio Indian Run
ner ducks, Lawrence Flint; best
pen chickens; any breed, S Sor
onsen; 2nd pen chickens, any
breed, Mrs Mitchell, on silver
laced Wyandottes; best trio
Bantams, Inland Flint
Potatoes, Harry Yarter. 1 and
2; canned meats and fish. Mrs A
J Larkin; canned fruits, Mrs Wm
Taylor 1st, Mrs H L Flint 2nd;
canned vegetables. Mrs L W
a, a n am fn...!- A. I Him ih iut ruvii (-iiiHim vvhii i
lTOWUer 1, ran O r layior, S, arcouutand renort in Ih matter ofknl.l
jellies, Mrs F Groner 1, Mrs H Llesuie. aad that aaid Couit has Ced aud
Mint 2; best Single glass jelly, appoiated Moaday the tu day of Nov
Mrs SP Taylor; beat loaf bread y dBdVTTthi ?clxjl
made from W R flour, Mrs Han- Roomor waahingtoa Couutj, oreuoa,
na; Crown flour, Mrs A B Flint; a ih line and p!c for hearing object
Royal Crown flour, Mrs Preston Jpni ito mi.i anai account ud for iht
BWBi Bcuiemeui m aniu cmw.
Freak Mandel, Adtuiaiatralor of aaid
Baglay A Hare, Attorney for Admin-1
To The Voters
of Washington County
I herehy antioiinc niytelf a an la
leiondnt candidate for lha ofBoa nl
County Reoortier at Iheelectloa to a bald
No mber 3. I have been a resident ol
Wnthtngtiin County for 81 year, and
have never bet'or been a candidal for
nice. If elected I will oooduct the
nfliue in an economical, boneat and effl
oiciit manner, with limine and oonrtnay
to all. Your vote respectfully tolloited
; Edwin S, Sparhs
In th Matter of the K late . f Ann
SinTdl, Deoeaard.
Notice it beieby Kiven thai the undt't-
Igned adnimUtrator, tf tbe esmle, bat I
Bled in the above entitled Court hit fiiiol I
Skeels; best cake, Mrs A J Lar
kins 1. Mrs Jno Rowell 2nd; best
pie, Mrs Grace Taylor; best home
made candy, Mrs uuy iiapman
1. Mrs F Rowell 2; best exhibit
green vegetables, Ferd Groner 1,
S P Taylor 2; walnuts, F Groner,
exhibiting but not competing,
John Sehmeltzer. 1st: embridery,
Mrs L W Crowder 1, Miss Snider -o
0. koat rxilnrnrl nmhmiHnrv. Un VWIti f wi
Aw f MVlia avw.wa - w ' I
Phone your grocery orders
early and they will receive
prompt attention. Greer's.
r i:
OreM a brfniant tioeay ahro that
dee not rub of or duat oH that
aneel to tb Iroa-that I aala (oar
uom aa loac a any oltoar.
I ta a ebut by Itself. It'
tmtttullr mad and mad
Irom tttur mmurtmu
ercraaa. year
aaraware r
alharlM lo rr
laid year
i w
Buyers to Share in Profits
Lower Prices on Ford Cars
Effective from August 1. 1914 to August 1, 1915 and guar
anteed against any reduction during that time:
Touring Car - - $490
Runabout - - 440
Town Car ... 690
r. O. P.. Itrtroit, all ran fully f quipped.
( lo Ibr I'uit-il State of Ameilca only)
Faitbrr. we wit' he able to eMaia tbe meiiroaai efficicacy la oar factory
pfi doctK.n, aad the minimum coat ia oar puictettag aad aale depart
BMiit if w caa teach aa i at pot of Joo.onocai betoeea the abev dale.
Aad bo:d we rearb this production, we agiee ta pay lb bayci' I bare
from ft)o to fm rr car (on or ant at Angaet I, 191s) to ever retail bayer
who paichaaet a new Poid car brlweea Augast 1, 1914 aad Aagaat t,
For (either pari' tier reganllng there low price and ptont-thaiing
plan, tec lac oe- al orl biarcb or Dealer.
Wilhes Auto & Gatrsta; Company
Third Street. Hillsboro, Or.
G. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc.
Hillsboro. Cornelius and North Plain
Wholesale and Retail Dealers in
Grain, Hay, Flour, Feed and
Grain Bags.
Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and
ONIONS. Grain chopped or
rolled at any time
Lumber, Shingles and L oh
At Cornelius
Beaver State Flour
The Best Flour at the Lowest Price
Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelius, City 1515.
North Plains, Main 263.
Hanna 1. Mrs L W Crowder Z;
best set same, Mrs Crowder. ap
ples. H L Flint 1, Ulie Uassner 2.
A B Flint 3.
School children prize -Fst
. . - .Ml IBWHIlHIIkWI
aelinlo mirM M UnmMI Wfnfl. K IV .1. I 1.1. pi.jM
l.n.,ih amhmldarv. srirl. ft to to batlnet and economy. Hat traveled tVoifyinff Simplicity and btStttT,
. r.l II r. Ili i.a ii, -A I i ' i
aiiu uavosnicsi
!Z. M. LaRUEl
Tor Commissioner
Tboroughly converatnt with all county
irtct adaiiy
Greer's are agents for the
Original Chippewa logger shoes.
Come in and see them.
Alcazar ranges are strictly
new, up-to-date, iJoiontai style,
12, Mildred Skeels; CTochet ttj. ftggfcjyi tVJSHZT Aghast quality
Ulbel Kosbsr; sexrf, lirsi tr ) 'r '-ra c
e Coast
to uesi in
Come and looK over
the BEST display of the
BEST tobaccos sold.
1 will tell and show
you all about them. You
are welcome anytime.
These Cigar are sold
every place where good
cigars are sold.
Boom 11 Hillsboro National Bleeh
Mian may be obtained fai any purpoe
os acceptable Real Ettate security; lib
era! privilege; correspondence solicited.
7SSGo, Electric B'dg.. C'erver, Co'o.
4o Pbelan Bldg., San Frai e-tco, Cl.
I am prepared to do all kinds
of Building and Repair work.
Cabinet work, etc. Saw-filing,
Screens and Screen doors. Shop
at Main and Front.
One heifer or a carload;
With calf or coming fresh;
White or mixed black and white:
Immediate or deferred delivery;
Cash or terms Prices Right
Office at lu Eugeae Creamery
Patterson Undertaking
, Company
Ot A. Patterson. Mer.
Free Chapel Lady AatisUat
Over Hilltboro Farniturc ft IHw. Ce
Mgbl aad 8nnday Phone City 157. Day
rnone aiaio 773.
Best alanwood in th mnrlcpf
Set Fried far Fell or Sumiarri
ery. tctCitt AH r4-
m ,
Fine Residence
For Sale
For the purpose of settling
an Estate, I offer for sale a
House and Lot, 200x136 ft.,
situated at S. E. corner of
Block 7, in Walker's Ad
dition to the city of Fotest
urove, Oregon. House and
Lot appraised at $4500.
Rented for lac per month.
Terms cash or part cash
and mortgage for balance.
bale subject to confirmation
by County Court.
Address or call on
Milton 7er
Smith ;
- a