The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 22, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 31
Ihlnklttry Wert ConivMfd WHh
T ( TW et Prl.
Bcoct. at Mta lists
AfUT several weeks f hunt.
Sht-rilT lU-vves and iMective
Vt.-Hlmne. of the 8. I.. lat
Ttiurtttlay evening. rrtlf three
nu n at Salem, and the suMtiects
w,.rC taVun t Portland and
Kxlif.-J in jail. After theOitwe
v,t robU-rv. SheritT Ueeves do-l-miim-d
t land the ruloVni if'. arid tit wonted Smth.
thinking tUut t1o safe trackers
would nt put into Portland
cm. wiiks Prior t the Uastoti
r.tlilx ry two of the uIhvM had
M..n arreted by Ui-ew-s. ami
brought her from North Plain,
where they had lvn tu lmg in a
Kudimimm manner. Th'V were
photographed, and allowed to de
part, lie afterward learned that
they wen wanted at Sfaitk and
i.... i4..iiil fur rrui'kiluf.
(HIII-I -- . .
When tin- Siuriir arrive! at
Salem hJ couinn need a sourcli of
all the nHorta, and uui
into a I'"" recognized the
t who tidl been in custody
li r. llK'luin nan wmhc
mi their H-nuin. and the coin ut
ouu lime had l'en marked.
it ia thuoght they i,aJ 'Kt'n
mixed up in a 1 runt Uli robbery,
ami Slu-riif lU-wes thinks they
went lhe parties, who were im
plicated in Ut P'UUn, Uantoii.
iSavcrtoii and Oswego lulu.
The men were dressed in over
all, but underneath were cloth
..r titore.
the P.uxton stor Ut over a
thousand dollars, and Oswego
Iwt several nutuireu. uau
afi'j have U'en cracked here
an.i lliere in the valley, ami me
olticiaU Mievo tey have the
rinhl men if they can only k'et
the evidence. V tines- will U
taken from ' Uuxton and daston
in the hop- of identitieation.
The inoure iinir under the
4 III I. tl
nom de plume oi waiter
nan. John O'Neil and J n. Tay
lor, they reaid t' be luushed
yi vKinen and afe cracker, and
if the Uoh- tor conviction vu
t-iirnered, il i concluded thai a
dantferou :anir will have In-en
Taylor went by the name of
iiml.T nrrost luTt
hut w hen he told hw ntory he
n v t r mentioned ihiijui.
Keeve finally told him that his
HilUboro name wa llarrm. and
showed him the pnow. lie men
admittiHl the arrest here. It i
more thnn probable that the two
contemplated a raid at North
l'lain. and that their arrest
frustrated their plan.
A. V. Pcnnv. fruit inmuftnr
..t i..i :. . :. " T! ... "
, n,n iH iirriun. wu in inn.
Ur(i and yii-inity the last of tht
I. 1 . i I
" . nmiMTuriK orcnarui, ana
he nay he will mart, the cam-
. ... :
jiaiKn oi aprayinit in eamestl a
mum a he can report to the ot-
in iais mum t uu. aprayinit iaai
....... u n,.t I... 4.. i. ., t I J
of the law, and there will be an
eiiuri u nave a yrcai deal 01 ai- U1mll v rnvrcn v ivci aANTP
t. ntion ifiven fruit this year I COVEEEOEV ISSUANCE
Where orchard are not iven
I ll l 111 I ( I. Uftll I A a.H
MWn, llll-J Will UV Vll
d.-mtied - and this mean dem-
oiiHiunif itie trees, ine Male
Hoard of Horticulture will try to
make a record this year for fruit
Oil GREGG Hl'l
I One Hundred and Three Hales 4
Hops no up la Hamet
Orl(ii ( Blue UaLaowa-Spsakly
y Some Meoe
I renresent Soirella ccirseU
not Hold in store. Will call at
home on retjuest, and do the
tiU'njr. and teach how to adjust
and wear the corset. Our tailor-
etl mak-to-mi'asure corHtu, in
clmlinjj the lat-st front lace, with
an exertcncei conM-uer service,
cmt no more than hiith claAS cor
ts purchased in stores. Mrs.
M. K Caudle. Ilillsboro, Fifth
and Jackson Street, l'hone No.
- . itt i ip
V 4 U'liiti.tiniKu filed lllit at
2.0-i Friday, askinit the circuit
court to cancel a contract ifiven
... .. i ij
him ov I'eter nanson, w no boio
Whilehouse GVJ7 acre of land
rnwl I'.nivo fur fl'2.!i(X).
Il HI -.'" -v-, -
He claims the title was defective,
and he wants his payments back
ami Wt inmates. ien minuura
later Hanson tiled suit, askinir
that the payment due and un
..... i i. -il,! or i he rontract can
celled. This is the first instance
of suit filed by opptmin parties
within so short a space of time.
For sale: Three fresh milk
...... .. unit two l)Tl
ntno. tiiv
ii. .1.1..;.. inuui dairv cows: four
hnsKl ho'ws. 2 with piir and 2 to
uluil month. Mrs.
L C. Urown. Cornelius. Ore..
Uoute 2; telephone Hillsboro i25
Uine U. 3032
One of the hop houses on the W.
J. CregK farm, near LeiHyville,
tuirnpri Sittnniav nu-ht. BnorilV
after midniirhL and with the
structure were destroyed 103
bales of dried nous. weiKoink
over 200 pound each, some hop
sacks, two mowing machines and
a Ainc harrow. No one knows
what caused the blaze, but it is
thought some hobo was sleepinjr
in the warehouse and thai he ac
riilpnUllv drouDed a match.
Tha Inaa ia unrfialltf PDVered bv
insurance, but the amount on
the buildim will not erect an
other. The building belonged to
W. J. Ureutr. ana tne nops ue
longed to hi son, Thos.
There was some insurance on
hut thft lws will be se
vere on this, as they were not
fully covered. At tne present
I . . - . I .1 ! ....ft mnt U'lll tlflt
low price tne ujuuii-i'
lie a very big thing -but as Mr.
Gregg remarked, "It is better
than nothing.
There was-some reports cur
ni.t in 1,111.11 Kunilav that the
II Hit SI, " "
blaze was incemliary, out as tor
tiieggs have no enemies me iuea
is scouted. . . ...
The hop house will be rebuilt
u limn fnr npvt vear 8 harvest
The old one cost between $1000
and (1500.
Argua and Oregonian 12.25
Ben Thumhcr. of above Bloom
ing, was a city caller Monday. -
EM nammin nt Snillh I'oala-
1JU. ".'-. w
tin, was ia town the last of the
Ink-, I Marsh nf PintTville.
I was in town Saturday, on legal
r-kon InKnonn nt !mith Tlll
VHWi hvhiiu"Hi v. -"
latin, was in the county seat
Wmliut- Vnrtv nr fiftv AniTO-
v m i v v j -
ra goats. -E. 1. Kuratli. Hills-
horo. oo
C. C Mkbeoer. e( H'Usbora. Ooel
f the Speakers
0. A. C. 1$ TO FtEMSH QUAtTETi
a I
DelccaUs Mast Be Fifteea Years Of Ae
iiaai Ana-rrnri-nr
DUtt) . i . .
ill tnoiLE M-upi nmtm
wow is tne time to tnins atxmi mc wmiviw "
. .t,:t, Tin? POT J? AIR-1
l UV W i WU1VU lillUWt UVIW -----
TIGHT HBATKR will excel all others lor economy
and comlort. on will nna at mis store a iuu imc ui
these stoves, as well as many other makes ot heating
CAixiNti tor mvm:s
Judge Hensoncr ha sent the fol
owing letter to all ro:d super
vmwrs. .
v..!, ilI..hi. forward us
,UU -ill. --- t -
soon na possible afler receipt oi
this letter, the following data
relative to your road district:
No. of feet of rock in road district....
No. of feet of gravel in roau
district .... . ,
No. of feet of new rock road
laid this year. , . . . ,
No. of .feet of gravel roud .uul
in district this year ...
No. of feet of rock or gravel
I Ikla vnnr
It will also bo necessary for
you to tile your mommy r-i.
with the County Clerk on or tie
fore, the second day of each
month, or said report will we
continued until next term or
county court before acted upon.
I.'., i i ... i liia re
fill in aata unswvini
X III III uuiw v. " ,
tpiest. and then mail report at
lu.i.f.. lti nsoner is sending out
request to all supervisors, ask
ing for a ueiaiiea ronu uidvi.v.
reiKirU showing how many feet
of macauam ana amvci
have lieen made tins year, tmu
how many Teet ot eacn navr
i-eo renaired. He will have the
miswer in within a few days,
.. :n oil. to eive a
ami win " -
..ii..nuiv reoort on tne
Frederick llollister. ,Nrth
i i ;.. inu-n Saturday.
Un.king after hi candidacy for
Congress in this district. He I
making a great caniiaii(Ti, and
feels confident that he will be
. . t. u.,iiiai.'.r a a voung
man, a good Ulker. a man with
Lias, and hi hustling is bnj
awarded with an immense sup-
in irt.
Mr Lelah Meacham. of Ever-
of Portland, returned to their
homes. Saturday, after an ,
. tkir hrothers
temieu visit "v . ,
and at Mountaindae and
with J. J. Meacnatn ano i.
near Hanks.
..I i iiaa tvnimht a
tleo. nueuu -7.. .,
.,1 ice .of 05 acres from Odell,
piaie 01 w . .
near liaslon, anu n" v"v 2t
Lsim lien, ha again gained
stssion. vi . - U)
fC gtd his'ace.bove
iy. nv. 14 1 .. u n town
M.,rlh YUI1I UU. c
five years
jonn mc.-"' : has re
4 Bimerv sor ""- .
hey store at - - r hft,
Mr. Herb says i..v vr
hiMtled long cnougn ovc.
an insiiio ouso'v -
KUncr Schmeltan
re now lucawu , .
?Ci tor the W nter. and in a
Uh. tor ww ' . t that
private letter . - trj
ihey hau aveu . .
from Oregon, overland, in their
auto truck.
.... i,.i:ini rnreoii vi."' - - . ., .
ton, t - 01.rP8ted tne
cd citizen". "k"by sheriff
lirst of the wetk oy
To Portland 55 minutes.
! a m
ttfm 1 f a n asm Via QpKaIU roller
a is)ii""o iw - - -
mill proprietor, was in tne city
si m a
II IV,kr.-.ann nf Knnkane.
it. tiuvi ,ouiii " r .
Wn.. was a guest at the Tuala
tin. Sunday.
G. H. Ohler. the Bacona shin
Ia man and Ron PlimmifllT. Ol
Buxton, were registered at the
Tualatin, surway
A. B. Flint, of Scholls. was up
Cmau makinff twn trinA t1 the
Muni- onat tn toko mdsres and
V "II I I 11 0M
... . .. n t 11 A
visitors 10 tne scnous unnujc
Operator Odoll, who has heen
down at the dispatcher's office.
Tortlanrt. has reiurnea w ninw
Imro, and taken the key at the
.. ... . 1 a
S. r. station soum ot vown.
m ani Mm r. w. Baker
were up from Beaverton. Satur
day, guests at the W. K. Tray
i. Urrv..- U, Tmvlor has been
ii,, ii.'iii.-. ... . j - -
suffering from a bone affection
and is under ihecareoi ur. r,
A. Bailey.
Evnir tmKi-ip nf npar Orenco.
wm in Saturday. Mr. Imbrie
intn thehoir business
jon a gootlly scale, and now has
50 big fellows gelling reauy ior
it. Kiw.v with wr Tounraiera
: ir:-,.a onrl Knnner
growinK or iiiiici
1 A aD
, a m
12.43 Pm
.rq pro
5:44 Pm
8:09 P"'
9:o8 pm
From Portland-55 minutes.
0.11 am
11:25 "
2:05 Pm
4.30 P"'
6:25 Pm
n. W n VV'nruH rirui-ned from
near Roseburg. Sunday, after a
hunting tnp wan uenj. omiw,
former resident of this county.
... a J . U. .aI
Dr. Woorl wagged a one outr..
am4 kta liiintincr Ann nther friends
here have been indulging in buck-
steak since ins return.
't Wnluartnn formerly of
tfaiiivra iiuiiviw'i - -
Mountaindale, and well known
here, returned inursaay irwm
nv.tnrnin mali inif thn triD Over
land, with one horse. Wolverton
k. tnnlr tllK-fl HlOnthS tO
navn 1 11: uu-.
make the drive, coming by easy
stages, and stopping along the
He will buy a small tract near
ll.llol-van ncrp nr 80-aP'
lllinin111 - v.- -
apt tlo down for good. He ta
contident thaturegon is u e u-ai
bet yet, and he win inaKe ma
home here from now on, through
thick and thin. They all come
The Ninth Annual State Older
Boys' Conference is to be held at
MrMinnville. Orezon. Nov. 27-
28-29. 1914. As these dates come
during the Thanksgiving vacation
it ia erected that there will ue
mnr than 2H0 deleeates in at
tendance. The total enrollment
at the 1913 conference held at
Dalln reached 289.
This Older Bovs' Conference
has come to be one of the largest
and moat imoortant gatherings
held under the auspices of the
State Committee of the Young
Men's Christian Association ana
rtmka with the best conferences
of like nature held in any of the
eastern states.
tw u,riniin la nwn to dele
gates from hiirh schools. Boys
Departments of i. w. u n. r,
organized Sunday School classes.
it.u sipnnt nrrmzaiiuii3.
.i.iK pi or oriranization.
1WV l v.av. .
the majority of whose members
...'Ariiun vimM nf aire or over.
titumrit'lpcatps. Lach
High School i entitU-d to two
delegates. All delegates must
.. nuui vain n ape or over.
The conference is also open to
advisors and leaders of Boys
Tk. iLMumm us n:in inn v ai
I lie I""'
ranged for includes such speakers
u. iionrv Marcotte. of the
Westminister Presbyterian
-i -i, .t Unrtlanit- Traev Strong.
u., U7n-t, iiinu.tAr. of Seattle
Y. M. U A.; rresioem
n...i,.oii n Parihe University,
Forest Grove; C. C. Michener. of
Hillsboro; 1. B. .Knooes,
Secretary. ofY. M.O. A..Port-
i J. r A Pkinna State SUDt
aim, v. n.. , : -.
Oregon Sunday School Associa-
tion. Fortiana; u. o. "i""-;"
Physical Director oi j, ai. a,
ci- i w Palmer and J.
a Meehan. Boys' Work Directors
II V M I . A. ArmilKC
iw;-nr made with tne
O. A. C. quartet to take charge
of the music
The only expense to the dele-
... :u iui Mitwuid tare at the
KHitra win w - . .
. - r.wi and nnf-third for
rute ui i" c
the round trip on the certificate
-.l i . r. ruiriatralion fee.
Plan uiui u k-. i ; .
The delegates will be entertained
in the homes at MCftiinimnc.
The Majesti c Range
Is the one Range that excels, for the
money it is the best Range ever built.
Other dealers will not say this but the
person who owns one after using others
-will tell you so. Call and sec them.
"The Store Thai Satisfies"
Percv liOna
. I .... t u .. : - . n kilt n.oaanl.
HAVE you ever haa tne annoyance oi iiaviiiu o
ed for payment twice? Moat people have, and if no receipt
has been taken there is apt to be trouble. All this culty
can be avoided if the bill is paid by check. The endorsement
. . .i i i. : nnr -vnoitiira that thn bllr has
on tne oaca oi vne coeca ra miw .
been paid. There is no getting away from it:
American National BanlV
laissf raMtt.,
HISHboMt, Cm
... - ..I.L tnJ
A quiet wedding was i w"' pM:.ito Wondrow Wilson
,t Vancouver, wn.. ucwu . fa.tureP8. &
i a ui.i.a ahAu in Portland
liBIIU I luuuiw k...w.. ... .
the night of October 26. The
:..'. nkiof ovwutivA has ac-
uniiiiii o - - ---- ...
ceoted the invitation and will
' . . . . lirBHlti.ilAH
- in i vo T mm n jaMiiiiiv uin
u, ...;ii fni-mallv rlpflare the
lllUb will ,
big show open to the people of
. . vi .i . Da!iliiiit Davni
me iNonnwcai. i "
f ii.,n-.a will road the Fres-
Hl. Killing ' ---- - -
:,i maiM fmm the stage
at the Armory, where it will be
received under a canopy of
American nags ana yremii.
Hoses. Many will attend from
this county.
El uil.-uuci. .
ai l Inaanh PftWrSO Jr.
Wllvll uwv r t ...
..... ..ul In marriage to MISS
was uun" " . .
BffieW s, the groom uei ok
r " i ". W-.K Tnnlat in P ains.
resiueii.u. ? -- , .
and the bride being the daugh
ter of Mr. ana, Mrs. in -
lll'll' W alMUA MriiiniHiuuaiCa
Both contracung !
well known in North Washing
n i.. ...Un thV have 8
large circle of fnenda lhe
groom is a sonoi joo.
,l. ...ii irnnivn hontrrower.
ir. Hlv w-;n ;"-" .
They will make their home at
the Cawrse nome. ni.
PlMna. . . . ug.
The omciaung niin..
Rev. Templeton, of the rirst
Presbytenan unurvw oi -
ito truck.
The 8. 1 Company, has filed it
n....i -..,..f fK iIih Ti amook
nuiiiiai h'iiim - .
line, and It shows the following
condition: . ..
Pacific Hallway & Navigation
Company owns and operates
miles of line. Capital stoeK,
W0 OOO. n.m mill) nf I ill P. SlUiMi
cost of road. $5.7ia i7G.82; per
mile of line. $C2.63r.:i operating
revenues, $304,9(58.81; opera ting
expenses, $:181.795.35; operating
i n ann oil! K.A nnuapnirerS
ueiicK, 91v.P6u.wi! V"" r jM
carried, 163.520; tons of freight
hauled, lS'J.iw.
New and second-hand barrels
tonwasjaiiea. mT the
Mitchell was u.v--.
....nlll QPnt.
COUI'W w ,
in November-No v. 1 nea
Thr..V; nucks.100,
and beef. 30-2
otner puui..-. w .
Union, f9,.nl0S;and seeding
the week. . t loww ,ov ollt his
nukaiim Moun-
GnsKlcier.o iaitor
tain, was a county seat
Saiuroaj. ,.!ouinrRt
Dl7 . goods anc m;;.
more than ngm.-
JohnFuegy.of PhillM".
city visitor Saturday.
mi 4 iof Cnturitav passed
inecourv itwv r- ,
.. ii k. Imioiirnnnt LSKe
on tne v erooui 1.--0.-.....--
dra nage petiuon, ana w
. -l ...::.... luoM noatained as
01 me Kwn. fnr
reported. Ail appueaww
' Ik. aaaoaamentS.
reaucuons uu "LePA
as fixed, were disallowed. There
i9 some talk 01 a nw ... -
higher court Dy mo
Mrs. Allen Fraser, who was
. inn navmiii. maj
commiueu vv ued-
and was reiurne.
authorit es, Monday. She was
Mlr.' fiorHnor'a sanitan-
seni W m.-. -- .5.
urn, as she is in a nwyic-
tinn. and must have care.
, ,
For sate: Full-blood Hoisiein
im ,.. 9voarao d.
hull not eK'B'c"J t 4
Mrs. A. Pickens of Hil swro
ausUined iMHfi
even ng. ana ui-vcu .
Dr. E. omin
. . 1 narriArs nau
Tne rural " v .
one of the worst day. of the
Fall season. ":9
the roaas were ranm
of water iwro m- "w"
fUof raln.
t ...:n I1 nf nuVilio aaln at the
1 will acu , 7 .
ii..iii) aatvmill Ri mllP9 WeSt
of North Plains and U mihsa N.
W. of the d. r. trnenus rui,
at ten a. m. sharp, on
Between 75.000 and 100.000 ft of
dry dimension, lumber, in ahed;
. I 1 lVl 4.
span good worn muiea, iew
hnrae. 10 years.
1350; gray mare, o ym.
span good work horses, saw,
good mare, it years, cuacu
1050; good milk cow, . fresh 1 in
.u. u4 iart Pnahford. Mil-
r .4 nnl rVmnor o-aorona. 34. Ell
good; top buggy, 2-seat hack, 3
set dbl harness, buggy harness.
lot horse collars, anarpieas
separator. 500 lb. capacity, Fair-
DanKS O-II. l K-w""" --"V
.U nn tniclc with WOOd-
niuuii"" ' , .
. ji.i v...-. f--nin ohnnrif-r. fWl
Saw: UOI UUII n.n." v."rr"
blacksmith ioois wim
and vise, lot x-cut saws, axes,
i nitiArtaa ohaina. neaveva.
blocks ana caoies, wu m.
er articles too numerous to men
tion, and a lotef household goods
and heaters, uincn at num..
m . .r cia i M and under.
L . aiv mnnrha time.
casn; uvoi, o. ,"- o " l
bankable approvea now,
cent two per ceo. - "
Qvcr ?-. - . . n -
A. r. MCi;umsey, wwuci.
B. P. Corneliae, Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal. Cleric ;
Terms: $10 and under, cash;
4. .a I
. nil ena vpnr h liiiic v.. i
UVv7 - - i Aia with inwresi at oi
percent Two per cent, otf on
A-.ak anajmAfflta fsVPT SlU.
John J. Kuratli, Owner.
J. C Kuratli. Auctioneer.
Oregon. Farms Show IHf Yk
a tn fiernroa recentlv
compiled by Commission Hoff. at
Salem. Oregon's wheat yield as
k.i . ,hia va,r wm-i iilinm.-
000 bushels which would require
13,348 cars ot an average cii.i-
a... -t torn Kuckala nnol. til TTlOVe
iy B MW u-c..-. - "
it tlgunng mis jwiu . v
Sa italllA ia SI 1 fs4ti.-
per uubiici, iu , ,
350. The average yield per acre
A tKo ontire state was iv.o
IV. .... - -
U...Ula 1 '
uunucis. ... I
The report shows tne nop crop
P mm tr, nBVH I If1. 1 1
iw uii j ; - , - --
ien onn nni.nrla anri ita value S5.'
. Mil n . nf Kfina ia
614. via. ine BcreKo
estimated at i,b4
American NationaljBank
(affiliated banks)
Combined Capital and Surplus 92,000.00
Combined Resource.... ...690,428.81
DarnKin In All Its Dranchea
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit
Commercial Loans; Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters
of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler s Checks,
Savings Deposit Book Acc't Time Certificates of De
posit Farm Loans. Collateral Loan3.
4 Per Cent Paid on Svtntfa Deposit.
n..-..n Matvcrpr nf Portland.
..wl Waohinirt-nn County.
iiaa duvm . . " . - - -- , . i
,L . -:-..: unf tn pnimnl
RSKluK -itvui . - 1
MiMinnnafflBITn I mill U9IIIK OI
UIBvWHUluiii.v - .
. ... . i ........ .l.tmBI
road to wnicn me coun.y
4.-i u..,ia tho land, located I
line. i . I
in the MeUger acres, belongs to
him. and that tne county n w
possible UUe to tne auegew ru-
way. . "...
Deputy Sheriflf Applegate re-
. k; Aniwtinn nn the Der-
UUl va-m "-- -.
sonal property Ux after notices
I I Unn nilt hV the OtflCe.
Up to Saturday night over $800
. . A. . sVaaAtfktBSVSMt 1
had been sent in w ww wwomj,
and by this time we um rwv
es over a thousand dollars.
ur Qnkntmonph and Jabez
f"lll. uvumi.1-
ii!n. tiiaiii wivAa. Ann M.
D. Schmeltzer and wife viaited
at the Scholls Grange Fair, Fri-
day. - "
UK nf Ranka. WSS in
i UUIIII 1KI" " -
town Saturday, conferring with
ithe county court. , .
Laurel D. floyt
i Y atchmalicr ond
Gredu&te Optometrist
CoiiLision LtsMS
not be any more conspicu-j
I ous than regular onc-Vieioa
crlaea.r . .
Won by th ftmrn tl
age JWer la ao way la r,
tutgn f-H "j","r-'
cloud 1
tough tilffM W '
the diut, th so 1
ia ctuktly maeeu' ,
at uraera.