fB.SK SBESJH. wm of s gun Injurlc iMIil tMU H "A t..l IU. "'! p ..Ui. for year a t ut Fori! f-- . ti I) !)., i-.ttate ami "T ,;,,nr. f.r $0.um taiuMoio Atom, octomb is. an BIG PARENT-TEACHER i MEETING MONDAY EVE jn of Wm. - i 1 n,l i;.u for lureo neip. f a (hooting that I, z. V.ll Ceiger i . rtl some one nun h i t chicken. ...img a cow, when h idiolgun Into ,. h Stokes' altor. ..mi'taint My that d..-k. II. I'"' .l til ' I - ft . . 1 - ,1 rr tirown mm in' anj it ui J) am still lm j siix hot an still in tht ',.,," a' I member I ', j,,,,, iroulili. and hu ;rn tn ii li ! f h'ep. ,tjy itft.r the incident. r SiTv. l to compensate fur 1 n I"'", but nothinir ,,!,.! "I to a scttlo A ir lmn wan appoint ,n l t 'l of Mr. Stoke. ,,. ,Mt :n tiled yenterday. ,-4it ci'-.nt. mm he Mill limp, and h u.l ni'i'f recover from r the .i ; mi s or the shock. lt)H ADAMS i x lliiUUtm had (h OM-riunity bt Sun-iay rvrninif of hearm the first of th Bvri.i V,f l"r,,l :-v. rMwar,. Harm haw Uen giving for two rnun n't'iia platform. cr r-fri-. h.i' WjM r U imttir.tr ui, a u-.i (,,'. ... ! I"trrl Manili-tcd ratK'iial rflitioti ami ii.ur.. K-rai-v. 1 It4 (JmrusmoM wu 0f r0,,k F "'M2TI0N TO I'ltiiCtt O i naiurv ami rxtoi.t of the HitwH.i-.lui-atiofiiri.lthnr value ' ' 1 in 111 romttmn iMt . II. i. lit-v'H in the forar) movetm nt and in tin- nm-cial ilim 111... ( 4i . "'v' i " ' 'uoi imj fmni mas than it.) thing ev.-i.-nr,-,! " " ,UU M"",lay ,v,,m" his own l -t faith in th vital alut one huridml and )erof n-litrioii principU g to fifty Iart-nti of the children of tr vttil, riotwithntandinij the ever "r tmhlic schools gathered to l'u.noiirieam. lcome into their mid k" Z T"t. ,. m nrU!W hr t-a.h.m of th, the lilace lifld value of Vidua! in the inrreaHinir complex-Pc,l0,,' u ui wt'iety, i;n as lennynon Alter the formal presentation aaa ine inaividual wilhm by cummittw compost of Dr. and the world itrow more aiid.,.i m ... . ....in.. mor-. " in i. idinii-sie, iur. anu nirs. .. ., . , A. t,. ahute, air. and Mrs. H. V. for ale- Ihree L'radt'il Jcrsev Harn.-n Mr C-,rr.. ,.n,l M- m . - 'Kuifiv MHVJ (III, o. i ,em. one iresri McKav. Sirs. Michclet sane; two now, one ires r this month and Uohw. Dr. Krwin voiced the wel- one m iNovetnU-r.- C. H. Mcy- come of the ixKiple, and l'rof. t-rs. (ornelms. lUmte 1. half way Miller restonded. Supt. ISarnes U'le n Old and new ( f nter- simke ut the wurk of , I v,,'l'i US-IVJ Teacher Associations of the ItelHTca Ilondrcau has suetl "i,ty. I,nt Mr. McKay outlined l't-ter lU)ndrea j for divorce. The lh ne,,J aml work to (,or,e couple lived at Korent drove for ,re" . . Mine months, and l.itd trouble a " was unanimously voied mat few weeks Bk'o. IVter threaten- a n,w,t,nf in the Club inirtokill her iWr nt "fxt Friday evening to under the promise to remain hear representative of the l'a but he has disappeared from bin r?nt-Teacher mov relatives' home, with f l.VKJ. 1 onn4. and take various st the depart- ''" mi.B(. i n:.-L in.li i"""""w n'l'ii'iiar rni iiikii A 1. ' N.ii y Ti;,,'.- .Irs i' . f lUthany. am A i.tuH were unitil it t h liome if Mr. . i . Adams, of St. ;. r.(l t Tin rcr rii i d in the par- i !rt'II III AlHWIIIII Win. lircck usin ,! rcii cereimmiul. i n lovely In whttt I : .i l w liiit. trim r . 1 1 uiil carrii ,f white riWelmils. I'eter Schmoker. of Helvetia, was in town yesterday. CapC A. Johnson and family were in from Laurel, today. New and second-hand barrels at Greer's. Wm. Irroler. of Cornelius, was in the city today. Judjfe W. D. Smith Bi-nt Sun day at Newport. Will Jack was up from iiea verton, Tuesday. Wesley Garrison, of I'ortland. was out Sunday, hunting the festive China pheasant Mrs. J. A. Imbrie has been viiitirii; friends in Goldendale. tlie past week. II. L. Halvorstn. of Farming ton, was up to the county Beat yesterday. Ilorn. to Harry Liehtfoot and wife. Hillsboro, Oct. 10. l'Jil, a daughter. W. W. Anderson and Wm. HoHtetler. of I'ortland. were in tow n today. W. K. Smith and Tennis l'yl were over from South Tualatin, this morning. Geo. G. Hancock, of Forest Grove, was greeting friends in town Tuesday. REGISTHI 111L CLOSE SATURDAY P. MJ Gov. West waa in Hillsboro.' Monday afternoon, and spoke to a capacity audience at the court house. He reviewed the many things which have transpired since Chamberlain first took the ijsi will Kim u iJifniy-i iveiia.f . ,l, ... f i i vi v i vi wi ii viita w imu a v luiutu Hundred, Saya Clerk Luce I through. He dwelt largely on the conditions surrounding th" LARGEST Pi IIISIOBY OF COL'NTY I '"P0' Unds management in the suiie, mu inuwtu now uniuu-r-lain had thrown the arm of Evftit ThatTWreWUl be toy WMexeCutive protection about the win v.i, M Riuk "a- peoples' holdings. West is not n bnluant talker. Put be goes at fttia iiioaltAti an a iiaafr fauA' r a i . i ins uuvouvii ata m uiiva wumy went wee sies mai in Hi3 Wjf audience 8nowe(i him all probability the registration, every attention, and that the which will close Saturday night. Governor has a message and will run close to 8,500 voters, and knows how to present it goes ... . lurirhnnt aavincr Ha innt rem- even then there win tie many .7 iT ir.. "TT"" 1 ' . ... ... .i . isiuerauieoi nis ume Koinx i ler woo wm noi gt'i in u.e reKiry the of hja enemies -which books, and will be oougen lo voie he claims are not so much parti Blank A. san as they are personal. He frustration will not close un- claims it is a matter of big busi ti 5 d. m. on the 17th. and to- ,,coa' "0," nrmw nl Rr.tur.lntf will tP I Two requests from Washing !.., fnr th. ri.rf. ..m. ton County will be filled late this - r week by Dr. Clifton r. Hodge. ano ior regisirauon Olliccre in PmUv.r nf Civie Itlnlmrv in the the county at large. University ot Oregon, who will It is estimated that the nam- speak at Orenco, Friday evening. ber of women regiatenng will October lnth, and at Wilsonviile, more than total the 3.000 mark. October 17th. Dr. Hodge's su b- and may go to 3.500. Meet at Orenco will be "Civic Bi- L'l.kt BTimrJ irt r.n i n nr I fluru fnp I mmnnittf inn Tit w. n. iiiuuiuuikiii wi i wink . .-j ,-i, f m.Hin,. unlWiljnnviMo "Mabincr th MnuT nl . ..... I 111. HUH niII J . ... bbllli VBfc, . . Maun. .am " w ... . - - wrove. was down to the city the ticket is now under way. Our Bird Life." The Wilson- "". I v ( address will be under the W. J. and Jos. Ingram, of I -... u,-n. n.uiim lausoieea of the Parent-Teacher r. ... .1 k.llAmBLKUtl'1 -kAJiTllil I : ' 1 . . - rarmington, were in the county Association. Dr. Hodge will Seat Mondav. I Ishnur the. ru-r.nl a nf Orenrn hnw Mrs. F. C. Waldron.of Oregon .H60',., .h"T"W:5 hwtly community lite may . be 1! F.A. HA I LEY, M. D. PkfiirUa ant StrcB R. M. KRWIN, M. V. PHYSICIAN AND SUrCE0N Srgeoo 3. P. P- K. x . p r R. Ky. Ottc la th T.mir-i. Bk . FXMERIII. SMITH I a q! PHYSICIAN ot SURr.F.OS OSTEOPATH Otr.r Hmr-9 to II . m to p. n. ""'T. ---'. tionr,,.. to ' tll B-werr.i rtayor Bj JL ikitb phones. Office over IftiUi,, .'4tioa J. O. K0BB, p. PHYSICIAN iSc SURGEON OPFICK:--Upa'."aScl,ii:mifricllI.''fr Piionrs Oi'w. c"7 iv t; Re. Ci.f v4 HIXSBORO. OREGON wnicn came io iiim ironi an entati. The w ife fi-ars he may come hack to Oregon and molest her. She says he knocked her down last February. Tatting made to order, movement from e steps to or- irantze and further that work here. Mrs Krwin sang two numbers, and the people gather ed in groups about a well tilled punch bowl, and spent the re- mninder (if the eveninir in the r irst- bi-st of social spirits. Special at class work and very reasonable tent ion is Bk'ain called to the price. ( all and get price and meeting Fridav night. It should see work. Mrs. . A. Mariin. call out and command the best Mwcen Third ami Fourth, on 8Upllori f ull the people. Let Oak St. Work a'siiMin exl ibition I this 1m vour personal invitation .J ... r,t oa th. ,,., nf m;ua vu "l"0-" . improved by the carrying oui in : ,V ::;ra.; the Crescent Theatre, or the the town and in the individual " " j. lAniirt hniion hiir5f1av nveninc I l - .- t ...A1?i!Sl..4LdA0 M"dJ?to.r. He spt-aksat Mc- elementary biology Oneof his "M!? 01 u' r' " u Minn vine in, the afternoon, and principal functions as a member .. ..v, i will reacn iiiusioro on me eve- 1'eter Huecker, of near Iiloom-lning train. He has met with an mg. was a county seat visitor to attend COkNCUlS WM. HI NDKICkS .. i;. ICMii! brJ.- ' in m! i ii t i.iui ; i " vkis dioratitl a'-1 w I. lie. the table con . ,v,. I . if a magnificent .rcriiki- t- !! ,' .' v . tit tended by y.n-r ii . nd of bridi and i, ii'. l w.t i a iiut pleasant r; i i i j iitcr of George A'thttr A unt. of St. Helen. the ithji ii h well known in V.hi'iy-I'i i!hp section. a:.J .V.m Il.iv have ar- horn.' al Im Ihnnv, which is Ihvir I .lure home. LOW I W TAM.S la?t Immature sjn-nt over M1 I n npproprintions. ?aro NM(iiH) iMipulation in I hi. or j i ,iu for each man, n !..) cl thl. Sure, taxes Hill.! Wa bington County, mi i f ii,,- :h, wiil havo to t Sis.niu l vi Spring for Jui.ak'r I.:iv; alone. i'l it iiUi.it time ti help the if nml j.iMir working mnn, 'iJ "f V railroads and the V Ciintoratiniis? If elect id ' l!rpr. -, ntative, I will Noon these appropriation 'H ii ti m u e a hill to reHal Mlllaife l.riA. Yours respect fully, l):irl H. Fisher. V1W Tax Nnininee for Kttre Native. I Paid Adv.) COM I. Cllt WCM li o h wimiav s Lommunion was li tnbe II,.. Wh'Jin in the historv of the he Siimlav School broke its Win nt tendance last Sunday IWliVlm. It. . I : .1 - -I. n-;-i"K un- iiin-wiuer mnr PWlshiil a venr hl'ii last .Ian- puny morning's sermon will n .ohsi.i.i i.v.ii;u hu . "".'""VI pastor, Si H'iul inusie. 'instian Hi .1 fcv "'"H 11 i 1 'I HI- a. ln K W bli'l't "Ibn niid.vvf.eli (vice of tlK. church" led by "l Harris, fnd lert ure of the Bcii.'S by M il" lio New View .J art. ui 7.''i 'i'i... i... , -. . i mi ni nivto is cliurrh in-,, open to all. l'Mward A. Hiirri. ut Hillsboro M rc. Co, Mrs. Wann;i Miller SleAart, I 1. i It II II Alt i uaugiiier oi r. iv .Miii-r. oi ,an I Jose, died at the Ijike (jtbish, Hire.. Thursday. Oct 15. 1'Jl I. fornelius William Hendricks, pio- a.'d :H5 yean. She was born in eer merchant of this place, and Oregon. Her husband, who man- founder of the firm of A. S. age a shoe store at San Jose. Hendricks, died at Cornelius, and one son. U-ster. survive. October 7. 1911. at the age of 77 She was a niece of Mrs. A. C. years. He was a native of North WirU and the llalTety Brothers, Braband. Holland, and came to Jacob and S J.. of Mountain- America over 50 years ago and d,ile. anl of Dr. Dave liatTety, of titled jn Little Chute, Wiscon I'ortland. sin. Frtim there he went to For Sale: Good Jersey family Creen Hay where for over 11 row. li years old. gives 2 gallons he was engaged in the of milk H-rdav. Will be fresh ery business as we I as in t... i .:.... cmi . i....i runnmir of a General Merchan- .. a i ' v i-n..ii i:i,ii,n dise store. In 1ST') he removed onl'n.tedKailway. 28-30 to Jamestown, N. .. and tm iraired in farming for Id years, The following superintendents ,f. er which time he came to of department of the . C. I ftrniliiis. arriving here in July, U. have U'en npiiointed I'.van-h.j,)2. He was first engaged here gelistic. Mrs F T Spicker: Moth- jn inning a large sawmill south era. Mrs r I. Usher: umiesi ,.r tnv.. He finally sold out am; work. Mrs K II I'-sird; Sunday Lnm;nir to the city of Cornelius School. Mrs A J I'erkins; Liter- founded the present General Mer ature. Mr Ottie llodgdon; I'ress , 8tore 0f a. S. Hend work. Mrs Mvra M StaulTer; pi.b, tt.mPh he successfully ran hVviT Mission, Mrs. Ida McFee. unti lwo year9 akro when he ladies' suits from t'T" ine. V 'M' , , ' .1, u 7 Saturday, Miss Edna Docley, of Banks, was the guest of her sister, Mrs; U H. i'ollock, Sunday. Jacob Schneider, of Leisyville, was in town this morning, con ferring with Portland hopmen. The Arcadian malleable, non- breakable ranges are made to it a iitetime. D. Corwin. Mrs. F. J. Williams has been suffering from an attack of ap pendicitis. John Boeker, F. J. Sewell and W. House attended Fythian Grand Lodge, in Portland, this week . Harry Kuehne, of Tigard, is under bond to answer the charge of having a female Chinese pheasant in his possession. Uodcll Matteson. of Forest Grove, was down to the city yes terday morning, doing poll- tics." Fred Narun, of Roy. and J. H. VanLom, of Centerville, were in the city Monday, to hear Gov. West speak at the court house. Senior Chamberlain Men s nnt 5 up Street. i .... fLMlv,t IVlWiiit! Cw,itni'l io up iii iii. - , , .i.,,,1 oldest son. Alfonso S. Hendricks, - . . i and first-class workmanship ai-war. Th fatal illness which finally Ai.artnnk him. came on about M ,-iava nun and the writer who The city council lm unanimous- L. his nurse during his entire y d.H-i.led that no permii win oe 8icknes8( Bnd who nas ciosec ,..,i,..l f.ir the renair of the old ,. . A.,a, nerson's eves, de i-.tiirl Itmmi1 r..ni i hlire last Sunday morn- nilhle man. never lived ...v.. .. - - . iiii.., - ---- - . , , ru i-.iin.'i intends con- .-nt.t nn.i si.tistieo ai ai ftntnlP times during the illness, which he himself knew would prove fatal, he died resignedly and in oi a nis iiu;ui- ing. ih. airiicture. a we as the building inunediately cuhU also belonging to Mr. Lyons. For sale: Some registered Po land China hogs. Chief Tecum, sell stin k, sire of which so Id tor $2100 ut public sale. J. W d.-rvelden, Boy. Wm. Hormens nnd Wilholmina Oorneii,( where Solemn n....lu nf VpibiHUt. were Ma-a was chanted oy Here October 29 of the State University faculty is to spread information of this kind among the municipalities of Oregon. The Matrons' Silver Medal con test at the Peoples Theatre. Tues day evening, was well attended, the house being packed and many- turned away. Mrs. Mabel Mor ton won the medal, her effort Being "The Convict't Soliloquy." The judges were Rev. Ibozer, Orenco. B. W. Barnes, Hillsboro, Miss Menchin. of Forest Grove, Music was furnished by Kay Sigler. Mrs. Valandigham, Miss Tupper and Miss Lund. The contest is to be repeated at Orenco. Oct 28 at the Pres. Church, and probably at Cor nelius, later. Mrs. W. N. Barrett represent ed the Pythian Sisters at Grand Lodge session this week, lues day evening the following from this city put on the officers work: Mesdames & L. Moore, H. 1. Koeber, Wm. Nelson, Leonard Brown. Grover Combs, W. N Barrett Emma McKinney; Miss Elinor Wilkes and Miss Anna Room i VV!iini:.nn TUES.TfirRI'AY ,,! saxUkPAV Or. Anita Bohnsac CMtrofKilUic Phy,icillll Office hoar to to i . n i to 4 p- D AO LEY HAR ATTORNKYS-AT-I.AW Rooms 1 aad i Khuu KolldlU HILLSBOKO. . , osET'Ul ' MMMVX a AAA E. B. TONQUB ATTORNaY-AT-LAW OiEcea npta" lB hulmeriJi Blue ATTORNS Y-AT-ImW Upstain, A. C. Sh"ie Bul, Ma,0 A HILLBBIiO. - oiUWJO M,i .V'aWV'wsNVwv W. N. BARRETT ArTOa.NEY-AT-t.AW Ornoc: 8trMt. "Pi. Court Ho auj,.-Bono oRKa ovation since he struck the Ore gon line, and has made several 1 . -i 1 1 I UUIIU1 ITIIBCB B1IU aiug mini speeches daily.. Chamberlain is Siag Mr8,john Boeker also at a greai campaigner, anu 11 aa mita.AaA 4k,-a .uv Una V splendid record and he will fJc McKinney was elected Grand ir w Liir intuui lqiiii nuin uvuvi a a. a. m j 1 Ladv wants work bv dav Of n thP Northwest PnKer oy me umnu hour, or ireneral housework. I aina hia ininmheniv in nffipp. I J. N. Gardner. 01 Beaver, Or.. Mrs. M. C. W., care of Argus, Dr. C. J. Smith, the nominee was over :this weeK, to join nis for governor, will speak here family, visitintc at W. J. ucn- fVtnlif.r 9i in the afternoon. I ty 8. Ior a day. J. N. IS Still the V. . --I ... 'I - L .l J same 01a nusuer, ana says mat Dr. C. J. Smith the leg he broke a few months ago is as good as that belonging to the average man, any day. He r.,n i.,wc.iiiiiM I"" 1 . . . n ties giving his messing 10 uu those who surrounded him in his last moments. The funeral took place riday. f...... ti,.. Cntholic Church, at ii"'" 1MV 7 i 1 ti:..u iiiKii Kev. united in marriaui uieu.i . Y' Father isuck, 01 r ; "::.y of the Visitation. VerlHwrt. Oct. isted hy Rev. bather Le Mil- 13 1D1I. Kev. John Bernard of- , o( Verlxwrt. and Kev. father r.,"' 1, .u known .'.. r immnn. of Hillsboro. 1 Hiiiiimr iviii 11 mc n 11 1 iiuri Hillslwro. W Mrs. C. E. Cline. of PorUand. accompanied by two Eastern friends, was guests of Mrs. W. N. Barrett, Saturday. Iiost: liong. dark gray over coat. -Otto Hendricksen. .Find er ulcase leave at Mays Bros, Store. North Plains. 30-1 Miss Marguerite Duffy, grad uate nurse, employed at St. Vin cent's, is enjoying a vacation with her parents. Thos. Duffy and wife, of this city. Fr sale: Five hundred pounds of pure, clean timothy seed, at 8 cents per lb. -a. llemquist, City, . 4. ms. 103; i mile southwest of West Union Church. 30 Mr. and Mrs. John Boeker were at Seattle last week, Mr. Boeker going over on business. The factory has shipped a big bill of wares since his return. Remember the meeting at the Commercial Club rooms next Friday night, in the interests of ..i nn.lthev .VV.. 11 nhnroh was crowded in the eriKH" 1 - ; 1 ne .. . w--- . 1 - t ft r cuiniw w u man a tha nonr hthi an owivu ... them every happines. town closed as a mark of respect Dance nt HolvcUa la Yent took place at day evenmg. (kt. .I. t '"ia.u cemetery, at Ver- 1 i,.Lti 11 j.i 1 r u. - 1 - llinn-l - , . . 1 WV n,l l hos. roiu, iiwn II1"11'" .vOI music. ervbody Til Si "'Ik vim,..-,i ,,. . "Jtlll'lKvn ,,f l.,.ll...,.l .,!a. P "''alive aiul friend in the P omnia y. Ym iT.t: s'll liotme. 3 blocks I igh School. Inquire at r wretrie, or phoriU City 872. rwy miJ Msg L)ora """. VerbonrL were urrant I 1,1 wt,(l ly Clerk Luce, II D EnVi ,a,,'l,',rton Marguerite K "nher. of Portland, were ffi? al 11,0 -home of the 'fc. ,llar,,'n,s. nt (inston. Cct, (wv- 11. Gray olliciating. Flwir Manager. (lOTLniB -BHNNETT Mnnrv D. North, who married Edwin North at Cottage l.rove . t wtHjllinK wa9 celebrated n 11)12. m& 1 r iiivu.ic. - -. f Mr and Mr9. n. ire chil.lr.-o. g l-taj" j, sertion, uui asss n .. v. ..... 1 .... Oct 11. l'JH, wneii Miss Vera Holland bulbs, just n eo. n ne tna n, iv- unueu 10 iu --- 29-31 NOTICE U hereby given that sew linn ' " nutiw . ... . is 1 1 " I iws IliutlMPT. CVII, III mil ... .. ,.,HI. I . H l1Tt III WlObl . : . ht h n wife was 1 er coim"" x, ., leiegia... ,.,. , - t He"re" October 24 hopes to have railway communi cation in his section within the next few years. A large delegation is at the court house today, considering the award of damages and costs for the big drainage ditch run ning from Lousignont Lake and through the Verboort settlement. The court was to have heard this last week, but through a misun derstanding were out of town Postponement was therefore nude until today. Mrs. L). li. timnck, who was operated on by Dr. E. H. Smith for appendicitis, a few days ago, and whose life was despaired of. is getting along nicely, there as yet being no indications of pen tomtis, which was greatly feared because of her condition at the time of operation. She is now able to take slight nourishment. and there is a hghting chance for THOS. H. Tongue, Jit ATTORaif-Ar-Ua. Office, upstair in Sdmimd, Block hillsboro, - - Oregon Telephone office Min Resideact aiain 02 dr. l. w. hydb Succewor to Dr. Linklater Office over Delt Drug store. Residence Baielioe, between 5th a 61I1 Hillsboro, Oregou Frederick Andersen, M- l PHYSICIAN & St'RCH . Successor to Dr. (',,, nam. Office and Dru store. Orenco, - Okegon Telephone .mtec,is. MWMMWftV1 'in 11 .11 j ,yYV 7 a Parent-Teacher Association in Hillsboro. Everybody is invited. .... . ,. f ho unlir ,nipr L. E. Wilkes and family will Dr. Smith will discuss the mat- her recovery; 1 1 ! L..l i: I. J I . t 1 I n a a . . soon aepan ior ooumern an-iteroi legislation, ana as ne is in t'robate: K u mil appta aamr forma for the winter, wnere it l favor of the veto of the single estate Caroline Dunsmoor, deed. is hoped Mrs. Wilkes will im- item measure, his talk will be of bond at $5500; Estate Alvin C prove in health. . . interest Brown up for final settlement L. Halvorsen. of Nv ; tredenclt Boyd apptd Ctubtet SCHNABEL & LaROCHE wwlntt"i' "ittali"iitiluiH. " moim.n, letumwi. m,Mtn no ttn to utova uu mntn tttiu a)laHff111'"', ""WiiMuarit. Urifiwi"' mil uutceert iilim""-- m. ...... ai).lh.ill 4iki T.""1'' .....lATplfl'tlfli: M nil. nnt PORTLAND. ORE- Mrs. H. . 1 Farmington, returned home midweek, after almost complete HANSEN ARNS rupoverv from a surgical opera- uioa tion by Dr. E. H. Smith, at his Walter Hansen were married pr,8er8 executor will of Wm Boyd, deed. bonds at $800, and C L Bump, J A Bryan and Joseph Boyd, ap- n & At- linn miililIi the nnesi m : rinlhs. and nil Oiner pim"-- otliCiaunK I. l1H.i..nnnilHH. Hillsboro. 1 v Word wont to Knler- ai. ii, ... n wt .:.. nr se. Sunday, in response m w .1 1. .. ...ifn was sei 1- er eoi iwh" 1.-1 imtnui t'r'V"ZiM.'.. ho made bv Novemuer, :n alva Wnm WHa "v lliurm m , - i ous v 1 i"" , i-i,.if. 1011 K17 oroer 01 mc viv.t lng in the Wallowa when atmk- 91. By ow en. Chief of Police. Are you a customer at Greer's? roe l4' Siftia mB V.C.r.son.ndCharC.rs. son win ui'ir in i,vf .m . ..ntiira .i. kiiu Irvine BurkhaUer . .'5itV bA Tualatin, was in town lucsday . . morning. . v -. 1 . n..Mt mnn wiir cavu "".:.. ::'fijay. suitor tMP"s" rvnt hospital Remember the Commission sale to be held by the social circle of the Christian Church, Dec. 4-5. We will sell your fancy work on commission. Place of sale an nounced later. t Hugh Archbold, son of A. C. Archbold. and Miss Elva Myers, of Laurel, were . united in mar rinorp at Vancouver, the first of the week. They will reside at Dallas where the groom nas em- nlovment. Their inenas in nius boro wish them happiness. There will be a meeting of Re publican ladies at the court house, Saturday afternoon, at 2 o'clock d. m.. and Ex-Gov. Geer will deliver an address. The measures on the ballot will be explained to the audience. All ladies, as well as the gentlemen, are invited.- Adv. Sunday. Oct 11. at the home of For sale, cheap: King of the the former's father. G. C. Arns. wooas drag saw. without en in CVHnr MilL Rev. Wm. Graf. gine. good condition. $60. cash, of the Baptist church, perform -Felix tabella, Hillsboro, Ore., intr the ceremonv. u. 4! t mile norm 01 uatc rarK ' . ... . . I n The bride, who has spent most station. . su ,i of her life in and near i'ortland, j. t Fletcher was down from is an accomplished musician and Forest Grove. Tuesdav. J. T. is highly respected and has a jsay3 he attended court as juror large circie 01 inenus. . away back when the session waa ma - bt j 1 . . . . . ine groom, a son oi wir. anu he d n the old court house bu d Mrs. H. r. Hansen, or Whit-Mng, which caught tire Sunday woou vourt, nits mu con iiuence morning. ana esteem 01 an in tne vicinity DR. W. K. PITTENGER Dentist OIBoi up-sUiM ovr Hillsboro Nt'u' HIU8BOBO - - - ... OREGON DR. J- R. MARSHALL, DENTIST. THaletie Bhlg. - Ronmi 6 and HILL8BOR0, QBK. Mam and Third. where he grew to manhood. He is employed in business in con nection with his father, Mr. and Mrs. Hansen will make their home at Whitwood Court near Portland. Their many friends are profuse in congratulatory expressions. For Sale -A six-year-old cow, just freak-Zioa Wood. . 2&-tf 1 to the West Union section. Portions of the Ladd & Reed farm land, near the P. E. & E. carline, is now being cut into tracts, and will be placed on the market soon . Reedville will soon be putting on metropolitan airs. Louis Hamel returned from a trip to Independence, this morn ing, overland, moving his broth. ler-in-law, Alfred Holcomb, back Wa Uoaf 1 1ntAn OAitfinn DR. C H. POLLOCK. Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater Building, Main Street Hillbro -v - - Orm BOWMAN & VALUrSJ Attorseys-At-Law CoMMBwaAi. Bank bloc HilUboro Orrr