The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 15, 1914, Image 1

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NO. 30
. . h.nrllor (Irani Aka i
to I nlrrUl Uraml l odice
The Portlandjlommercial Club
and the Oregon Development
League, realizing the critical ait-
Ullion tif tht Mimlw tni.rk u
tend to throw alt the strength of
their miiiMrt in promoting a
"I'.nv a Itnv nf li.i,U"...,.,.:...
n conjunction with the National 11 Doro Ujurt Mou, Now liuil-
"i. l-i. " . ". - Ira goals.! i.
omen urcun on IX'L MM iui J nr H.. HI... u :
. Over a dwer, corn-
Argus and Oregonian, 12.25.
New and second-hand barrels
at Greer's.
W. J. Lichty. of near Orenco.
was in town the first of the week.
Wanted: Forty or fifty Ango-1 atrmaaA win Ha
i ii:n. 1
so::e ub vieies
Kuratli. Hills-
ky Coatrutor Wi
li Fall ol IU2
20 this year. Over a dozer, corn
minted. Am,,,,,, " "V. WW STORY IS (iLTTCD BY FIRE
futures which have been tiro-
(osed are the following: Hotels. u Balll ty Coatrutor Wa. flreta
n-KlMiiranl nn.l l)n.ulr..a ,.,ln
. . .. ,.t,v will
feature apples in many novel and
attract iv
... . . . ... ... . ITIi v'-..v: n ...
ami public upeaKers win unite in a hmuhikwh vuuuiyi . r. j ' .m
a chorus. praising the beauty, court house building construct- "p the c,ty baturdy on leKal continued
inu- inu uwiliy 01 me at)D e. eil in lSTi'' rantrht firA n tho im.
w ii'itu, unu was prtcucai-1 Saturday.
Iv gutted. The fire burned the " n.i..i.u c t.
roof through in places, and allL, Centorville. were city callers.
ve Liquor Elec
tion on November 3
i. aiiu uiiuij ui me appie.
I l'ulilic oll'n iaU. rlulm knil uiu-i.
Itieswit; Und their sanction and
approval to the movement
a,,. Ui N K'r"olr M
.M l'caM I lcfllaKl
I'linn nutirtt f tlmml Chancel.
W rra..k S. Crant. the Pythian
juhil.f Sinifr and MinntreU
went t IVrlUnd. Monday niirht.
.! ,HilhnlolT an i't.tertaimm i.t
f.rtheCrandlltftflWy. The
ere in tin fettle, and il-
mlor Mr had them fll
.drilled. Th fa"'6 the com-
. .. . .. . . . ower stor
beard them nt tne r vrei uror
M.trut convention Iwtt Fall.
Thl.,r work at lWtland
thfin mch kfflauae, and
. ,.1,1... I avain at the
rv- " -
tear'n'Irttnd aW.
1 The mcmU r of the company
ana u ' ""
was in the city the last of the KotNTV SEALER MAkES HIS REPORT
Fw4s Two Lali tl Cortfwo Wbkh
was down to the county seat! (hem Meaiiremcsl
Lous Sagert, of Tualatin, was Road No 51)2, Grant Mann et al.
to November .term.
awaiting action of railway com-
For Sale Cheap -Light team
ifeiuinicH, aixmi ziw, double har- ; -- --- - - r . 01 enicrvuie, were
n.- t !n,h m.ii..,.. T..I...L. the furniture in the rooms was Who laat nt th week.
axle wairon; buggy and, bugy rendered worthless The upper . Mrs. Perry Stream, of
narness.jj neavy j irucK larm part was used by Louis Stoller "
rt4inT I . ....
IIU III . . T ll. .1 .1
iiotiuie row cultivator. lO-ahoveku ' r . . w niieseii, oi oouw iu
John iWre 12 in walking plow. J)loller restaurant and Adams MattD. was in the county
av: rood m tooth dmt har. barber shop. Aside irom water Monday.
row; y ft hay rake; IW) ft new J- damage the lower story did not
inch .Manila mpe, f ft Mnch suffer. Adams was in his shop
steel cable and blocks. C an be Monday morning ready forbusi-
st en at my home at Witch Hazel ness. Stoller carried some insur-
Station, on the S. V. II 1L W, ance on his furniture, which has
i' I-.ii..r. it..,,...n r.. i k. ji....i,i .-.i ;a tv,,.
imivuii. iH-ai iuii, vic.i iw i uccu aijjuokcu anu pain. aiic
this '"take.
J. C. Appli:tp
Interlocutor Lt th
1). 4. 24-30 loss was several hundred dollars
vi ru v a m..ii iii. Bt The fire was discovered by
(Wnrn hut Th.ini.lav morninir. Wm. bmith, the COOk
Fred Clark, of Farmington,
was in the city the first of the
Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Mizen. of
Shady Brook, have gone to Port
land to reside.
Sherwood will hold a local op
tion election, the court granting
the Detition. vote to be taken
November 3.
Voting place, Gaston precinct,
changed from city hall to new K
P building.
Viewers appointed for Road
iso bi-i. r i;et:aisKi ei ai. are
- - - . . . .
Chaney Keneneland LLtraw
Road 615, petition R B Lee et
al. Thos Connell ana A J ray,
Itnad r.lfi. netition G E West
inghouse et al. Ben Hayden and
Jan Snitler. viewers.
One hundred dollars was trans-
Cc!e Air-tight Heaters
Now is the time to think about the comforts of
the winter, which is almost here THIS COLE AIR
TIGHT HEATER will excel all others for economy
and comfort. You will find at this store a full line of
these stoves, as well as many other makes of heating
stoves. " . , . ; v
The Majestic Range
Is the one'RangeJthat excels. For the
money it is the best Range ever built. '
Other dealers will not say this but the ?
person who owns one after using others
will tell youjso. Calland seejthem. f
' I
The Store That SatisfW
Percy Long
HILLS50RO Second Street OREGON
Rhp family, sreneral housework. Tel- fprrpd from the county road fund
ast lhursi av morninir. VMV b iir.o in V JY... .i.m
l " . l. 'j u." was upstairs n her room when epiione rnn m. wiwaauisinci ou
Wm. Harp
L L M""r
0. Emmott
U llrown
1). K. lilnckburn
J ante Je
11. T. K.k Ut
J. l McAU-ar
Jan. Andern
Cha MicheU t
Ray Sik'U r
CrvW McGiH'
Wm. Nelson
J. It. Miimhall
N. II t'-rwr
fiay Km'iiott
AuguHl Te
CUn Payne. I'iano.
Karl Ih.nelson, v loiin.
Frank Zumwnlt. Cortmet
O, I'lieli'M, Urummer.
' F'xliicing Bono and Tarnl.
Kiie oi ner uauKnier, , ;. . .... .u:. .. i i.n(cntim LJ t nn
ni vinri rii wmm tint" in m"i ... i v
fiMi kii- rhil,lr..n Urn in Or. ner nusoana. wno was aown in
-,".7 ,7.- thek tchen. He rushed upstairs. ,w,",.ifc.,,"I, j" -v r iransierrca irom ueneranunu
ton, hMng a daugnter of the""'1"; " TfaTno 7 E,aA neers of the Buxton district, was tft Cinnntv nyAA fund. account
late Stephen S .tu. Her par- - Th7 ikmes scorched in town the first of the week. machinery, $9.578.96.
ents move.1 to Oregon in 1HM. hi? face and hair, but he fought greeting fnends. B P Cornelius reports
Tlll"Z j.1. !IB211W9 K way through, and let his AlMcCumsev. of beyond North that .he has visited Reedville.
u . 1 Iv A k wife down from a rear window, Plains, was in town the last of Harrison. Hillsboro. Beaverton,
u h w8V'Tld Mr. Aitl; anPnK to her bathrobe to ease the week. He will move into Banks Scho Is .Cornelius, Cedar
iMellen, of talem. Mrs. Mellen Cu i,. tin in v. v.w ui.;a tk; Wlntpp n or. Mill. Helvetia. Connell and Bux-
is survived ny two brothers,". i. rnA it it U.Hoi kia ehiMron tniwhool. ton. and that he found 17 scales
K. Stalls, of itend, ore., ana u u . fal. ni Hnlheim. who r w-iu. .-a i fmm correct, and adjusted and sealed
MM4 W..V... wi-w I . IT. 11B RCI ' n BfrB 111 v.. , . . . r J
roomed in the building, lost some goUth Tualatin,
currency. . . inir to know that
The structure is owned by h. i-, w;ii n
J. Lyons, of Turlock. UI. " ed in a few week
L...:ia KTO I.,, Ui'illmm I
W l am J. o. Mcixew, o
S. Stalls, of lopiH-niKh, Wasn.,
and by two sisters, Mrs. J. E.
Hubbard, of lndeM-ndence. Ore.,
ami Mrs. Half Johnson, of San
Francisco, Cal.
1 represent Spirella corsets
:i lis. Sixteen weizhts were louna
tuiruav. Diiin-1 .. . .
. w ' i iimi- I lyimvt He found one oil Diimu
macadamiz- """UJ v Jl .v.j "1
IOIS "OI wooa was meaaureu, mu
fntmt tn nvarrun nnH two were
below Reed-Lhnrt. the latter being made
J. Opening lvcmbU.
4. Anvil Chorus.
5. Waltz Song. '"Mary
6. Iriiiking Song.
". My Painty Cigarette.
K. Sleighing Chorm. t
9. Whistling and Humming IntT
in. Coon Refrain "Lucinda'a Sre
U. "In Hear Old Georgia" By Mr.
James Jose.
12. 'Hannah Won't You Open Oat
By Mr. Skin Harris.
13. "Chesapeake Bay" By Mr. I
Itn.wn. . ,, ,
14. "Shame on You" By Mr. (..
Emmolt. lntnxlucing .Mr. uai
15. "M in.lalay" By Mr. Ceo. McCnf
16. "Hy The Walermelon Vine" By
Mr. Edward Moore.
1". "The Star Spangled Banner"
ty Company and Audience.
Mireen. cuniraciui. onu i .-- - . o... j . . . . . -. . Will call at Kane, of Forest Grove, was the v ."Tn ."!Sw!r!0 ITa
&TK.aWtfAS Jsts 3a TvjS
and wear the corset. Our tailor- died last year, also worked on are up pretty well and J. B. re- hem correct and in good eondi-
...I lmoiidiirfl rnrHt'tJL 111- tk.BtriiP urit t .rwn hUl II 1L ior I w ' t-- uuu,
..i. iV.i Itkf lutl frvmt Inn with I fiasi anri th.. rnurt acceoted Ulrich Kempf, of Helvetia,
... ,-.ri..r..Hl corsetier service, th- building Dec. 8. 1852, paying was in Saturday. . Notwithstand- pijBUC SALE
e.t no mow than high class cor- him SSOO. and 800 to Chas. W. ing he is hovering around the
sets purchased in store-Mrs . pierce, who had a lien of WW 70-year m"Ki T to th The undersigned wm sell at his
M. li I'audlo. Hillsboro. Fifth for material and labor furnished. noth.nB wa l ing n to the o amilesouthof Phil-
Jarkmin Streets. Phone 10. The paintingon tne DUiiuing county eav th iunction of the Ger-
TAL 28-45 was not done until Spring. T. J. average. mantown and Cornelius Pass
. ... i tnr Drver. of the Oregonian, was F. L. Brown, of near Laurel, .jq in . m on
Kurus Waggoner ana ue ior y advertising for was a city caller Saturday, con- ,V""7T
...... m c.innnpiiMi wiin iiic iwm r . . i. . ..i l. ... .-fr luwunii w.vuu
Vitin. tak - .hem beta Th bi.din k. ESS iVWhiSC!. S Brown Swls, buU: 9 co.m.
ii in lli shoro and the m ic"- ...:n . l. -u .u..u trt fiwjhpn fsnon. the others in
I . I:: . ; enr from New- repaired, or wnc ner i,,. ., money w nu uu .
n.iii.w. v...... - ..aL. tear the two siruciures uu roaauy me ixny isw.
H.ri. rny. iui - : and build a brick, is not known, three-quarters
u 1 1 ii i ni'ii i iiiiui vii i ... .
.vwx.i milk? 2 heifers, fresh in March;
awe, iiwu, i ... , ', .I j
r :i is haifor ea ves. inese are an kwu
Iren and and buiw a ones. ni inree.qua Btock. heavy milkers
families. While here they are . loeation. on Main hUwav the last of the week, and tuberculin tested; norsew
f Me mvl MM. U. W. ' v " .. . n ..i T...u " . i J J I hn of whPflt. BDOUL OU IOI1S na.V.
u .. - c. nnnnaitp me noiei lunin- ivpi" xsi in casn was ruiaeu auu - -. , . ,.
They w II visit their son t wil, volunteer. Thi3 220 bu oats, n head nogs, aooui
i - ... i . i 11 iit7an pniPKtanK. Miirinu wawii.
will give tnepuDlic a roca an vne TT;: ,R.5nVh r7ln. hav
PUBLIC SALE way from H.llsDoro to La iurei. 1 1 hay rac 60-tooth
distance oi seven anu oneyii ; cutivator with at.
... ... ...Mi...lAa mv miles, iraiwxuim "fc."U.kmi,. o lft.Bn milk cans.
win sen ai puu. v niimherofsDec a evies on tms r.r.r
7 : . . i afiimn lonir am nil
A pli'nsni.t surprise was given at
the home of Mr. and Mrs. t.
Whitmore, Laurel, Friday after
mm, Oct 2. the event being a
shower in honor of their daugh
ter, Miss Pearl. The atternoon
was spent in music and conversa
tion, and refreshments were
served. Many beautiful and use
ful presents were received. Those
present : Mesdames Helen Whit
more. Anna Schmidt. Lena and
F. Meyers. (5. Everest. Lena
Whitmore. B. Brown. Nellia Rin
Rle, Olive Mulloy. Mary Hathorn;
Misses Lillian Schmidt, Pauline
Otto, Lena Willers, Oljra Fred
riokson, Mildred Meyers, Jessie
Urown and Amelia Carow.
To Portlnnd-55 minutes.
9:i.8 Pm
From Portland - Wj minutes.
7;fi0 am
9:13 am
11:25 n m
,2:().r pm
4:30..... pm
6:2fi. .....p m
7:20 p m
9:12 pm
12:2T. am
I guests
in Portland, and their daugnier,
Mrs. 0. E. Kindt, at Mnion.
Herb Matteson. of Gaston, was
n the CUV aaiuruay. n'"
-'" - y-,v nless it
man in ine iuuuw. - .
should l the Kusseii Doys, o.
K H I,wiU 8eU LSh of Helvetia number of special levies on this
n the W? woods in quest of p!ce. one ""fh of ! Helvetia and determined to
"l lnJ enforcing the law. station on the United Ky-. and 8 The volunteer
SrhaM more thin any other miles northeast of Hillsboro, at work met with success, very
milk cans
atnmn lack, small farm tools
anmo oArnpnter tools, wheel bar
row a. household eoods and other
...ami had mar uvnn miii'I'mhn vitv ,v""' ..
onP- m:!" , ,A few people living out that WW rn.
M0NUA1. uoiu refusinK to up. TO w '-r; Vne vear7s time on
Two cows, 2J yrs, in mm .ires-. came from tne wnnHHi w, 7- h interest at 8
Anr and Mav: unamuiuu anil WOrK Will urucccu, ram ur t it
; , . ... -:n 1 i.:inpr ctnt. iwo yer rein. u "
will nave mcir . irv
casn paymenia ovci
John J. Kuratli, Owner.
tnnir rutfirn 1 a vawiw 1 w
sr posim'E' trST
Awrt PR00F: tSvi
HAVE you ever had the annoyance of having a bill present-
. a : 9 ir.t n.wr.l hami anil if nn rPOMItt
ea ior paymeni iwices "-7,
l.. l... 1.1... tki. nf tr. ha trnnh la. All thlS difficulty
nas oetrn ueu n.c.c k - - -
1 :aa it k;ii to nairl hv ehpelc. l he endorsemenk
nn tha hark of the check is proof positive that the bill tas
been paid. There is no getting away from it. ' t
American National DanK
Main Mf naM St.. HllfboMt. O j
- '
, . - in April and May; cnampion and WOrk win
Taken up: Three heifer calves. j; harrow 12.inch 8hine 80 they
Owner prove property, pay 8 jnch pl0W( Chatham fan winter road,
charges and cost of J vertisinj. P w wagon, 2-seated
and take sameawav-ledbcnaii combination jack, beam ibu
and take snmeBw---- , t hack combination jacn, wn
i.-r.r iieaverton Oregon. Kt. "" Uptti- cop.
2 About 11-2 mile North !l"ltettle. 40-nal kettle, garden h will Mllat public .sale at the
. . iviurnf rru.ii. uv i . . ........ ..i.ia n anr.
uoc ncTCD DllPrWPP
2. About 11-2 nine k" per kettle, 40-gal kettle, garoen i will 8ellat puD,c saieai me
Beaverton, on warn! . 8eeder. cultivator, poiaw nPie McCumsey sawmiu, oj muea wco,,
... i I . . -IJ .ki.L.Ana rlnpn I XT it. Dl.ina anil U hiiIm N lit TJ. t),,.l. miFo aF Patop
dame Vtarumo c . . . 7hioaof heeS. it e tk R P Pnrnalilia Farm. I D..U. f ninnminv wm hur-
Pimap were down n' VOUnK C lltKciio. --- i u. ius w . uucvnci, ui ..
Chas. Kusseii tro fpw househo d ar- L m aharn. on ut Woomintr. Oct: 8. 1914.
Gaston. .Monday. j . sp v '.mipoua other arti- -rtmpcnAV nrmRRR 99 uv T.. Stuebe conducting the
but few Washing. v- , - wu. 1 " ' ,Tf UaVvi. Her maiden name was
ttions of the Ra.. .-. - v . uderi uetween o,uuu iTOir, ,nd ahe wa8 bom in
this M'aso... ,;nn r.V;r months bankable orya.menS.u,..--. 0ct m
smashers oi 1 18 . V r a rent. Two per span goou w. u.-.-, sh married Peter Ruec
Trnri fresh milk off cash over JS Vr,"im 1
..a m
..a m
.a m
. pm
. p m
cows, one Jersey anu e- . c KuraUi, Auctioneer
Holstein. gooo u"" :
J i ...a w th pigs and i w
brood sows, wini ki !,
J. Vj RUionii
Peter Grossen, Clerk.
abm n... amm w i w ann mnvon 1.11
gray mare, o j. v"-; -' tin that Btate her
annn mvui wont nnrses. i .
3 ssi
mat:, Boa " ,"-" ' .i; -.t Cornelia, t h y
Shooting match-First Sunday
in November Nov. 1 near the
Thatcher school house, 21 miles
om Forest Grove. Ducks. 100,
other poultry, and beef. 30 2
,p buggy, z-seat nacK. a '," lnA .nri
an.32 u,-rffait thanks set dbl harness, DUggy narness. "u,;i, ':. .s: krwn" Hanrv
I arv nvrann iiiii i cat i-n i . .
Line 9,
n.n elder, of near Newberg. to .our .V1; our hour of
a trt ... : a a. amnnu aainra iiaait art uu "
has Umght the rui ?m. n T s u d
tar ii i lani'iMiiu. i i il.h fn Tt inn
rom . w. njafnm;iv. tarn especial uw a
soon mne here w.u. r r , - .anceof fl0!;al tnomes.
a . i. rlW IH'I IILTILU -- 9 ' . f a UMAinQP
he nouse ia r
J. lirsung
. L at thp
Ninetyr, irwort-a
condenser - an f it he
a wiie, moincr nu
r'gd payroll, even
only temporary.
u Siwliauer, of cornenuB. -M
. in ha hop business in
oneer in me "" 1 .. 0i r
hia district, was a w
i. r Mullov. of Laurei, -countyseatStor
Monday morn-
in?'.B.lmof Reedville. was
a city caller Monday.
American National Bank
(affiliated banks) , ,,
Combined Capital and Surplus...... $ 92,000.00
Combined Resources . 690,428.81
DftnKing in All Its Branches
Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit.
Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans. Domestic Letters
of Credit. Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks,
Savings Deposit. Book Acc't. Time Certificates of De
posit. Farm Loans. Collateral Loans.
4 Per Cent Paid on Savings Deposits.
set dbl harness, puggy narn V-nHr-n: Henrv
.. "erE"5 and neighbors lot horse col ars.Bnarp.ess cream - Th in the German
Newnerg.ioour a ...-.--"- .. ftf Ueoarator, 500 id. capaciiy. rair- r "V,. " uin r.a.
. i l : i Hnnimi . niiHiiiiiiiafa mai viti a jia
banks -n. p. -"' II " 'H-rman. Ernest and the
mAim en nn iruca. wiin wwu-irr.'" . n . .
sawi "dbl burr grain chopper, set Misses Minnie ana
blacksmith tools wiui oenowa Rllwkep wa9 a lovilur
Er and her 108953
hWU and cab es. loois ana oill-l'
Laid by loving hands to rest 'till
Than at the glorious uniting of
oodv ana soui ,
GoTs praises my tongue shall
enternany . Vnmv
Peter Ruecker and Family.
Blooming. Oct 12. 1914.
I furnishings at
Argus and Oregonian $2.25
er articles too numerous to men
tion, and a lot of household goods
..j knofuN Lunch at Noon.
Terms of sale f iu ana unuer,
. u . niiar niv months time.
bankable approvea note, o per
cent Two per cent off cash
over $10. ...
A. K MCCUmBey, uwner.
B. P. Cornelius. Auctioneer.
John Vanderwal, Clerk.
VaMen Roe-p. of Farmington.
wnn tho silver medal at the
vminir men's contest given by
nf the entertain-
IS iaimai.aav " . - "
ment at the Christian church at
that place, Friday evening.
Herman Luck, of Mountain
flu la waa in Saturday. He has
hia Fall plowing and seeding fin-
Lihe to Own a
Smart, Stylish
Watch? ,
Certainly you would.
Then-why not? lfyu
think it is too expen
sive, just come in and
price ityou will be
agreably surprised
You will find
my watches to ta irt
as good time-:
they are trim ir. ;-i'
of build. 1 r! '
Bhowing thcri t, - 4
Vatchmaher and Jewelrr. x