riLUtCQ itOu. oCTOsHt a, HH KRGIfi CLUB III M I I ,,tcfilt T-lr. at Club ..... ni SCHOOL Wlllik iu- tlr fal Bciat ry intrivntinir and rtmiinif -h.uMn the interest of w.c'u.1 Jf . L. .1.1 Uit Mr.mlnu am-- . .. . ...,.;..i !!... ti at in1" v iiiim " l,y tin l-mrxi of liOver .1 . i. t .win i vt rtimiiiiiici-i L I III" 1. ' r'" . . . ...:nu ..(,. it . .. :,.!. i l..i nii4l f I!.. I...I . i t.. iiMHnil wmrrii m- lfVI,n nd teacher In the pub- . I,..U. it M arrange.1 to W a r.llim for the teachers LvnMMi.1 othert interested In ?. if an. of tlitf rhol are in- ;inl ri.lay night it U ho,KH to nllillfUT ni ll"K v (111 WlllUm n jd. of Uilhy, dtd Wrdm-aday. (Wu 7. PJlL after an ritemlnl illm-a from an at tack of mrcinotna. I If waft operated on several month ago. but the suwors knife was of n avail. He wa bom in Mia ourt fit yi-ar ao, ami crossed the plains t Oregon when a rhill. lie leaves to mourn his lotts the following brothers and isters: Mrs. M'!inU ( Mrs. Mary Harris. Ka. lama. Wn.: John I'. ivd. ii; Humphrey Itoyd. IMleyjJa. iyu. roresu.rove: Kilev ISovd. Southern Oregon: K1. Itov.t Jtekaon C ounty, and Jos. Hovd. r ret l.rove. the funeral took inrf iidmv. ami miernieni wa.s at Went Union, under Pvthian atiMpices. A birthday party was held Sunday. S'pt 27. at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Rudolf Kaufmann. of Valley iHta, In honor of their daughter. May and Kdith. dinner was served to twenty guent. The day was spent in music. Those present were: Messrs and Mesdame K and Al bert Kaufmann, Ceorge Trimble, Wm Futgy; Misses Kdith Loh kamp. Florence and Martha Kaufmann. Frances and Mar garet Trimble; Messrs Paul Hel ler. Im Bauer. John Trachsel. HI QU1GK IE. KILLED JKEAR DALLAS Well Known Waahintion County Itoy Struck by Motor Car, Monday WS SON OP THE LATE D. O. Qt tCK Ltavct Widow tmi Tkrtt-VcaMMg 5oa la Moara Lata 'l' ; . i.oi.s movement will be mann. Henry Kesteck, Jacob and ....i t iHia nk. and. it ll IiohmI. Jack Jonsy Jr. .nmtile HUrn ail n imi-.n .v-. It wan v ited that theUmmer fial Club will entertain th teach ers of lluC4rtinly at the time of in T tt.-lu-rs' Institute. Nov. 4. Tl, mk-iiiIkts preaent unanl-mmi-lv ote-l to put the rooms of ,h., cub at the disixwal of the Ihuh S' h-H'l authontM one nitrni ini"iitii for Htich student func- A committee c"n8tatinir or U. B. Cat.-. Pr. J. O. It obb. Dr. J. p Tamiesie. J. II. (larrett, V. iiah,.ii. J. M. Wall. rL A. IUr an tltlil ll K. Heater, who have brt-ii working in an effort to min intcrin a S M'ial. recreational way. tn the youth of the community, wa ncunimJ. and made a reg ular funmtttee of the Club to develop that work. It U hoped that arrangements' can le mane trtta'ver the building of the Wao inKton OreiMn I'-orporalion. one block M'tuth of the l.rammar Si-hool. and lit it up fur t.mnis. hand ball, basket ball, rtc. this Winter, and provide an n.l.x-r playground and place for una! activities Thin i a very much Mvded move and it U hinH'd that a season'a work alonu this Ime will demonstrate ine vain.' of a permanent buildinir i' W'l' tb fitien to determine th- rr t pmrtieal thinjr to do at some future time. Warren (iuick. well known here years ao, when he resided at Mountaindale. was killed near Pallas. Monday. He and an other gentleman were in an auto, and when crowsinir the railway the machine was struck by a motor railway car. Iioth mtn were killed. Quick living but an hour, (iuick was a prosperous farmer ot I'olk County, and had many friends there and in Wash inifton County. Mr. Quick was born at Moun taindale. Nov. 30. 1871. and was a son of the late Mr. and Mm. D. (). Quick. He was married to Miss Una StotTer, at Dallas, and the widow and a three-year-old son, Daniel, survive. He was a Mason and an Odd Fellow, and Three graded Jeraev alliliated at St. Helens. The fu- For Sale- cows, 5. G and 7 years, one fresh now, one fresh this month and one in Novcmber.-C. H. Mey ers, Cornelius, lloute 1. half way between old and new Center- vine. 2H-30 A saloon was robbed at Oswe go. Monday ntiint, ana aoout fiUO taken from the safe, which was very neatly cracked. Sheriff Reeves went down Tuesday, to head off any escape, if thev tried to K't through this county. The work was done by experts and probably by the same parties who touched the Buxton store. This makes a dozen safe robberies in the Willamette Valley since July 1. For Sale: Good Jersey family cow. 0 years uia. gives ; gatmns . . wi be at The c irmilK u-r aay. m w irnn Q ThliriMi,v nfternoon. neral took place at Dallas, yes terday, under the auspices of the Masons. Of his immediate family he leavts the following brothers and sisters: K. K. Quick, St Helens; Mrs. T. A. Fowlea, near Moun taindale: 0. K. Quick, of Forest drove; W. 1). (iuick. of North Forest Grove; Mrs. A. T. Lewis, Grants Pass; Fred Y. Quick. Corvallis. and Mrs. D. P. Tren- holm. of Philomath. He was an uncle of Mrs. G. A. Roberts, who recently returned from Af rica, where she worked as a missionary. :) Huttcr Brown and Tlge Coming The original Buster Brown and A uVunnt surprise was given at the how- of M. Borden and wife, iinr i;.e1ville. -Saturday eve na. (KL It. the event Mng in honor of the birthday of their nephew, Thorgny Holmes. Af ter an evening pbvwantly sHnt in cards ami music, the guests were seated to a delightful lum-hiMiti. Those present: MoHsrs and Mesdanies M Borden, J A Zinv merman. Carl Skow. Gun Kern-iK-r. Ceo Graves, T Slurdovant; M Snlaard. Kmma A Adiiuis. A P Ingram; Mise" Lil lian Johnson. Clnraand Christina Ander.-ion, Helen Scott, Kva In cram. IMija, Kdith and Jwwe Johnson, Genevieve Adam. Mar garet Skow, Mabel Stunlevant; Messrs Thnrgny Holmes, Harry Soluard, Klmer Scott, Clifton Slurdevant, Francis Kearney, J I, Johnson. Uilev Ingram. Frank Skow, Harvey Jack, Cecil Snow, Allan and Sterling Adams. PKUUKAM Jan. 1, 1!13. Price, ?'J0.-Apply to Abe Yungen, Connell Station, on United Railway. 28-30 Mrs. D. B. Kmrick was oper ated on for appendicitis last eve ning, by Dr. Smith. The physi cian advised an operation days ago, but she refused to think her case serious. Gangrene set in vesterday morning, and when the appendix was removed it was found that the tissues were so decayed that stitches would not hold to best advantage. Her condition is critical, and she may not recover. If ycu want to buy a good thoroughbred Shropshire buck call on, phone, or write. herd Croner. Hillsboro, R. 2; phone C. Store, Thursday Oct 15th. He will give an en tertainment for the younjt and old. and each boy and girl will get a souvenir free. Don't miss seeing this funny little man. It is a chance in a lifetime. Fo Sa'e rk sU-year-old tow ju4tfresh.inaWood. 28-tf Hsnry Ketnon. of Vinelands, waa in the city yesterday, on road matters. II. S. Huaon, of beyond Cor- nt-lius. was greeting friends in the city yesterday. J. D. Koch and John Koehnke, of beyond blooming, were in the city yesterday. Carl Pfahl. of Blooming, was transacting business in the city Tuesday. Miss Bessie Sappington is vis iting her sister. Miss Amy Sap- pi nuton. in Portland, this week. Mr. and Mrs. J. W. Vander- velden and daughter were id from Roy, yesterday. Born, to Samuel Leuthe and wife, of beyond Phillips, Oct 2, 1911 a daughter. Manuel Ingram, who recently had a leg amputated at Corvallis, has returned home to convalesce, James Hoopes, of Beaverton, was a city caller the first of the week. W. M. Hermens and Wilhelmi- i na Bernards, of Verboort have been granted license to wed. Jos. Bucher. of above Moun tainda e. la visiting relatives in the city, and will remain until his health is improved. Contractor Lund is working on a new residence for Jas. Shan non, just west of the E. B. Tongue home. . The Social circle of the Cong. Church will meet with Mrs. Peter Boscow. Thursday after- noon, Oct 15. F. M. Crabtree. of Laurel, has been delivering his 1914 hops at the Southern Pacific station, nil ing contracts. Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Hager wish to acknowledge " the receiptor that letter, and ' our answer is this-"far awav Mrs. Wm. Hager. Holland bulbs, just arrived, the finest of fine, Tulips, hya cinths, and all other standard bulbs. Morton!a Greenhouse, Hillsboro. 29-31 KB DFEOFLE Fred Davidson. Forest Grov. I suffered an accident while com imtr home from the Stita Fair. UIVC QfiTU r'TTQCIRY oa night last week. H. was on ItAit ZUItl L..I.UIU.J1I U motorcycle, and waa in ad- aaae or iwo conipmnions. twj Wnm and Harrr Hamilton. Hia Mr. and Mrs. Oeo. SthulmerfchlKllP .wrvl urt threw him Entertain Friends at Creawdl aid when the boys came along a abort time later they found the rHOifiiliOAJU I machine, but no Davidson. He had been stunned and had crawl ed off in a ditch, where he was discovered a few minutes later. One of the boys took him back ito McMinnville. and had him conveyed to Forest Grove in an auto. He is recovering nicely WEEK-END PARTY HAVE JOLLY THE Naakeraf MHUaora People Maka Tri ' to Creswcll Parly Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Schulmerich, well known in Hillsboro. enter- and feels none the worse for his tained a number of their friends I accident and relative at a week-end par ty at their home in Creswcll, Oregon, in celebration of their twentieth wedding anniversary. Mr. and Mrs. Schulmerich were united in marriage in Washing ton County. Sept 30. 1894. and during their residence here. which dated from their marriage P. A. EAIIXT, U. U PkfwiaiMaiaat aargooa (: m in as awMMotieh Bke ay Mniatlwm.Otf P R. M. ERWIN, II. D. PHYSICIAN AMD SURCION Saffcoo S. P. P. K. A K..'P. K. R. VLJK OStct in tbm TaaitwM Bkxk, Taint aad Mam Mrtu, lliUtOuro. Ortgon. W. L. Moore has been reap pointed postmaster at Banks, this being his fifth appointment He was formerly official at Greenville and when the office moved to Banks he was retained. President Harrison gave him his first appointment Cleveland re appointed, and then in turn Roosevelt and Taft signed up the credentials. President Wil3on ELMER.Il. SMITH M. D. D. 0 PHYSICIAJi & SURGEON OSTEOPATH m Office Ilunr 9; I U) S p. nt. TaettUy, Thmir, dulurday 9 to II Call nwrret oar m aiiibl. But to phooca. 0ce orer iii.labucu Nationa . until a few years ago. they made Ljjjpgj up the commission last many friends. Mr. Schulmerich j week, and when the bond gets was In the general merchandise to Washington and is approved. business for years, in charge of the Schulmerich store, and when he sold out the business, he en tered the Commercial Bank as cashier. Later he severed his connection with the bank and be came interested in farm lands a few miles out of Creswell. He now has a handsome home in the city of Creswell. where they en tertained their mends the last of the week. .Mrs. Schulmerich is a daugh ter of J. Wilkes, and a sister of Moore will again be officio. He has served since 1891 a record that is a worthy one. J. L. Jones, a wandering trav eler and laborer, was arrested the first of the week, charged with entering the house of Chas. Liooert and stealing a breech loading shotgun and two sateen shirts. Jones was lodged in jail to await his hearing, tie ior merly resided in the Nehalem section, and' his parents are liv- . a na t intr down aaiem way. jones J. 0. HOEIi, 11. D. PHYSICIAX & SDRGKOS OFFICK: Upa-ainln Scha'ttwrica Bid.. Phomus Q&tx, Cl'.y S; Rea. City 864 HIOEOkO, ORKGOM the well known Wilkes Brothers. doeg not M thoUgh he i3 The truest list: Herman Sthul merich. . Yoncalla; Messrs. and Mesdames Ed. Schulmerich, J. B. Wilkes. Thos. Bilyeu. D. B. Burkhalter. George Biersdorf. W. N; Barrett. Wm. Nelson; Miss Elinor Wilkes. Mrs. 0. G. Wilkes and daughter, Lois. Del bert Biersdorf. Mrs. E. C. Mc Kihney. all of Hillsboro and vicinity. The celebration was projected When Mr. and Mrs. Schulmerich visited here last Winter, and it was at first contemplated to overly bright The prisoner came to Hillsboro Monday morn- . a l w 1 inc. and was sioppea oy jonn Lippert, father of Charles, who telephoned him of the robbery and who was suspicwned. Robt McKnight the hopman of Meek -Plains, has a porker that knows a good thing when he sees it A few Sundays ago his Dorcine majesty was in the orchard, when a gale blew a pil low from the colthesline. The fellow calmly appropriated the nil low and laid down with his head on not unlike a man. When he had his nap out he picked up the cushion and carried it to his 1 .1 . I J L... ...I. . ... maxe me mp ovenanu, oy auiu. Sam Stenhens. who is authori-i. wni hnwovor v. ty on the seasons, says that the M and the party went by urilrt erppae have been living tori. :,u i.-. " r ..... . - llalll, IIU MIC ciiuii ui w... . some time, and Winter will soon and Mri j B Wjlke3t whomade shed, where he was found, that be on us. the trip by machine. evening, using it for a headrest it u-11 c.tio. 1 hA mora nn. Evidently he is not the only dav evening Oct 24. Portland able to attend sent their best porker ' who knows t gjd th music Tickets. 75 cents. Ev- wishes to the worthy bride and wnen - Itbl-IC SALC ervbody invited. Thos. t ord. groom of years. Floor Manager. 29 1 . j ...:n ii . k? t..:uu cKaronVo of near --' uuv.'Wtsi 10 sreaa. 1 r . milo aooth nf Phil- Sehieffelin. was in Monday, and lins. on the junction of the Ger- says that the plows are more (j;. yVest will speak in Hills- mantown and -Cornelius roads, at 10 a. m.. on showers TUESDAY. OCTOBER 20 For sale: Some registered ro Brown Swiss bull; 9 cows, some land-China hogs. Chief Tecum- to freshen soon, the oiners in sen bwck. sire 01 wu.i.-. milk: 2 heifers, fresh in marcn; iw ai puoi.c aaic-. r L:-l..oa thoaa nrfl nil GTOOd Mervelilon. Koy. t-OL ' IICllci vaios, iiiv-v .,V 1 . Arthur Lowe, of Victoria. t. C, is a guest at the Thos. Gregg home, at Leisyville. Mr. Lowe is an electrician, and is looking for a business location in Oregon. need of higher education. Rocm 16 Wn-iluriK ion Hotel TUES , THCRSLUY and SATCHDAY Dr. Anita . Botmsaok Oiteojiaihie riiyiician OSice hour 10 to it a. ni l to 4 p. m aw m. BaoKjr W. BAOLEY A HARE ATT0RN3V8-AT-LAW Booms I and it Sbata Building HI LIS BOHO. . . OKKttOS E. B. TONGUE ATTORNRY-AT-LAW Officea nptait in Schalmerijh Block JOHN M. WALL ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Upauira, A. C. Shale Bldg. Main A tm UlUMUORO, - OBJWOM. W. N. BARRETT ATTORNKY-AT-LAW Ornca: Mala Btreat, opp. Court Horns HItLS-BOKO ORBQOW boro, Monday. October 12. at 2:30 o'clock. The Governor in vites questions from any of his auditors. He will answer at tacks made on him by the Ore- gonian. as well as review affairs. 5.V-line 16 Scholia. W U:.,h hmd stock, heavy milkers . ..... i,M" L oiw Mrs. J. S. Coulter and lin e and tuberculin tesica; nurse, -w Ixiuia Wallant a youth re- sirlintr near Tualatin, was arrest ed the first of the week charged with defrauding a hotel keeper, Uh. Wendell by name. , The fafeer of the boy appeared be- fere Judge Smith and told him there was a misapprehension, as he thought he had told the pro- oiatJnrlotress that he would stand K . - .. 1 tt IL. geec lor ine oomra. upon me father paying $30 of the claim, THOS. H. TONGUE, JR. ATrORNBY-AT-tAW. Office, upauira in Schulioerica Block Hillaboro, - - Oregon V Tclcphoae ottiac laaia to. RtaiiWnco Mkin i2 DR. L- W.HYDE Sucotaaat to Ka ktnklater ' i ' 1.1. ... I tn thi'irll... ,Kaa nlwint lit) tons hSV. nauanirni iio vvui"- uum -, , , home at South Bend. Wash., af- 220 bu oats. 11 head hogs, about U-r an extended visit with Mrs. 3 dozen chickens, spring wagon, Coulter's parent. B. G. Pernne Gundlach drill. 16-inch plow hay and wife. Thev were accom- rake, mower, hay wk. 60-tootn anicd home by Miss Phoebe ,eVer harrow, cultivator with at- Perrme, who wm resume .... tacnmen . - r:; -hoo at 2:00.-E ..a.t.t r miiuin iki mil oint" 1 siuuj u. -r .- - . . b i.ippbe. l'astor. r.AM Qiirnit rHnic lci vwiwi 1 - - Mrs. F. Bockmann, of Aloha, was a city caller yesterday. r'.nrmnn Lutheran services, Sunday afternoon, at 2:30. at the Congregational churcn. twmn TY. v-Supt McKay gives school sta tistics as follows: Total enroll ment end of first school month. Oct 2-boys. 330: girls, 303; last year, end of firt month, boys. 301; girls, 286. High school, this vear. total students. 146: last year, 124; average daily attend . . - . . a f Af . a. a. Men'a and ladies suits 1 irom " 8ehold KOOd3 and other ., ward and children aiice the past month. 595; total of a rS Sia Srustomenti ?&nl1 percent d,'!?n?f'l twi sircev."" : ; . and ftrst-cHws workmanship al ways. ... i Judire lleasoncr Monday nearo KB ... - .... the iH'tition for removal 01 W. S Terms: W and una .c. at pi, t over iu, one year , uh the Ward ,amiy up In wnuiii. :r .n.rr.u with mieresi at. o - Wallowa. She expects to VJ. r. anower louna, o., mK.. per Cenu Ul Wkvcouanvt, bankable note per ctnt Two per cent ou on ifn hom jn g few day8i ton of the Grove. Smith as administrator Smith estate, at roresi The court divided the ... a - .A 4.-vat U Otlf. petition did noi scv ioiv.. Ikient to cause removal and thi case was therefore dismissed. W. Hall, ..oh navmentS OVCr S10. wan , -. A... John J. iuraui, J. C. Kuratli. Auctioneer. school 97. aad navine the COStS of the ac- Office ovor Delia Drag Store. Reaidettc tion, and agreeing to pay the re- Baaeitae, txtweea 51b and 6tk sta. maining board charge, the young Hillsboro, - Oregon man waa auiuwcu uia nwuviu. That measure for an eight hour dav for all classes of labor is being Bhot all to pieces by the farmers of Washington uouniy. ExDressions from hundreds un covers the fact that not one out of a hundred will vote for it are absolutely right If the factory or mill people want the eight-hour law let them get it passed but ior ine iarraer 11 would be a drag unmentionable. Evpn the women will vote against it for they know the Frederick Andersen, M. D. PHYSICIAN & SURGFCV Successor to Dr. Cunni lKham. Office and Drug Store, Orenco. ' . " Oregom Telephone connnctlona. The Alanson Hinman. Forest futility of an eight hour law on cpuMARFI ' A lROCHE For young men's silver medal contest to Ito held at Farmington Christian Church, Friday even ing Oct. 9. at 8 o'clock. IiiHtninuMitnl mimic . .. n...... ...Mr. nnd Mm. Herman im ge r - . j .v. Congregation " U L in? (ending and Praycr UU wnmci d Uiiuiri (iini n 1 - - The Carnegie Library building iino..., - 1 rponiirnps in tuc cautic w ... n -i.-u v... 1 4 1 Mr. and Mrs. nenrv u. uuuu. until the building is reaoy sWTSenthal have been an- ot Vale, were here luesoayanu thebwk9- . . . . . ..L..J&edto adm NoWlaiteK October 10. - .01(018, the hom60f Mrs. eson n; P-- Clea. 3. ettal 9. m. ciann I mission, com 1 resources of tne MoUnn and Mrs. L. J. mi 3. .. - - . -ii,.k llauletH'ck orchestra, ii,. iinnnU Ranch, V'fTroii to Mr. and .1.. w iiu,.i a daughter. 1 UthosVdJaimnesechildborn mem SarereaM Ps9ed through the;city Ander8on. Claude Johnson and when tie , bers are reiiueawcu w . - . . uo week. While in I a w niwn are tha nnnraisers. 01 puDiic BURKHALTER-WHITMORE through as Receiver 1 mr 1 i--i r--- ""--zt"' o5aQ of DUblic moneys ai me vwe thenrSlOl me iron. " -i;v I iS. Jlen oic mo ainiois. 1 ffi Ha nnrt Mrs. Ouild fown he was the guest of J. T. E. L Kuratli-has been appointed office. He and Mrs. OmW executor or trie estate 01 Auguw J 5i v.i. .nrt ll.itu:n Maroh 7 urai&aiK. iv"b . , L11KII BUI! IO bllt'a " vii hrother of Mrs. Guild, they will have a little home colony of their Sonir Dai Vrli No. 1 tor. Tin. il.ion IfAnrtiir'd atftrV... No. 2 The Solo ! Thnrftnev Holmes broakal I-i!(l. St. Martha... No. 3 last a lit Our rattle Cry No. 4 smiir Uiurel wunnev r'or Un gotnl of the Order. .No. 5 How .lorry cama homo . .No. 6 Song..... Wiley Fisk . lit iMiuiion Ieighton Watts Presentation nf Medal. To eovor expenses a small ad mission of lOflis charged; chil dron, free. Cima prepared to reuistor. Hooks close Oct 15. were un ted n marnaRe cu- rr - riav Schoosl. in the baae- pointea, aaminisiravriA ui ueri . Arcadian malleable, non- 3av 0ct 7. 1914. at the home fffSt" Church; estate of her late husband, Wm. theChis tenw are made to e bride's' parents. Rev. 57 the Prtaving a co, went tcatMtcArakt tmlt.-ii, i.laaaiM. Naafaint a . ntaHUSloansia. )fl.iHaJtn.BlttliB. Bella llen artfnilfld taaluna tta ta CutuM nU entimn tawn amleni wnmw. ftajedi n allM wnMHfa tfaa. ala!fenitnftm, tstnw'i.'n. SMa44(0 rifl(wd)fcl mtt umftm Mlratra. Mkfaa-eaifdiaaiitrai Ma MM aa oi S5miii. lelftani! K.irili VH7i airte''wt Wn iW4 unk t0i. StMUt 600 M rMnn t CaataftM aitt PORTLAND. ORE. oin. Rert Baker, dehveryman for Chisho m grocery, of Uren went out hunting with Albert Sunday, taking one of . i-vtaA last evening t v vs.inrtnn. well known at onnal nmnertv set aside to wid- the delivery horses. When near C. C. rrs anu.i., v. ea - r tript and Hi8boro. i9 wanted at Banks. ow for use on. farm-horses, Elmonica a gun slipped and was lius, breeders oi -. jth - .r, return they will re- nere a hotel keeper is mourn- fws, and farm implements, and discharged, the .oad taking et ai.,.. visited the state fair wit" upon theit 'reiun , kh .ter wnere hp-,-- of an U,MA lWeH 140 ner month for fpet in the horse's hio and back. exhibits last week, and cap8, -j h , boaTd bin. Saindon was Tif minor children-said es- fhe animal was Uken home and firs i nnu cvvv t , iambs, and championshif ...--. ira aariii kiili i n ao w w - - - m i - of any age. i " nonular In their com- the biff tent revival. . ; ' tate EUs.ha t Howell, deceased, month or so. Torent: Small itta..' a,no F.hrlg. of near Orenco. tftffiW, I Wm, Schulmerich returned the A.j lu. nf h tw v. ftSt of ,e weeK irom me oaiem na arresieu vuc " .nnmiaoN Anminisrra-1 .- . . . j .. t. j -r wiikci, aiKpi.ov.m hklp wriere ne nau nis neru ui DR. W. E. PITTENGER Dentist : Office up-aUira uvar lliltnboro National ;; ; Eaii-.-. ' ' HILL8BOBO - OEBGOI Kev. W. J. Weher. former M. E u.istor here, lata of Tillamook, wn;-. in town the first of the wook. en route home to move to Liiliovii-w (V'.i. whore he will havo a pint .rati5 the coming year. RiV. M -vers will remain in Dilution) nu ,:m year. Tl.o C-trntulj Library Hoard met lns night .and organized ith olli -ors aa follows: Presi t. Dr. F. A. Bailey; Mrs. B. W. llarnes, vice president; o. from HiKh Sf'M OwT Klcctrlc. or phone City 872. Geo. Conxeltnan. of near Sher- tcher shop the hutcner w v , nfher n irht. wnue f .u..- ..,oa nt simper, DUlClll'i " - , i) Are vou a customer at Greer J If not,givethematr,a."o will be satisneo. I . ll.aiilali. Mrs. lcia Tuala. lctcr Ruecker. of South iw tin, died .SKoJSe itwelL result of carcnornu end 8even She eaves a "D"""; children to mourn her loss. I nhfuin your grocery and a M en. necrntarv: - Rollins, treasurer. nath of oftlce, and Mm. C. W. All took the the work ol i in u.iieu. mill ihu v" . i i.. " . . . All .1 U UI U . . . . . ctmnilel nir the brary liat ior,-' ..,nntio -ureer a. tt thev win orders receive HOFFMAN B0LDRICK f UillchniVk. t a Hn iman, vi r alt IB. J ter of worer r. saa. 'tiii.oti w - v Oct 8 1914, at the home of the 2T!,!.r The groom is a lew- week, charged with trespassing on theCarr-Aivoru w.u nnr nermission . a uk . . MM ft.:, nntn U...nH him LO KU Ull I1IO recognizance, awaiung vo ei ther order 01 wewuii. Administra ""VrVn . ci., I A S- rir, Wlieic lie uou mo... tor ttenwn .oownn oi" refftatered Jersevs. He was sum of 12000 In estate oi v. mc- . . , receiving Camlsh, , deceased, and . ft --a ftffed bull: third, aged bull: DR. J. R. MARSHALL, DENTIST Tfmleale Bldx. ' RoomaSaM HILUSB0K0. OBB. Muin and Thlnl. ' Bump. E. L McCormick and J. T,; Youngs named as appraisere. .. nelfer ar,d on bull calf. The sum of m per montn Schulmerich could have first on heifeR calf: third on yea Mr, The Pythian Jubilee Singers beea othe widow of J. W ; L dy M,e for the-head of id G. users 1. de- I. "T. . . . i tt i nA n I ,,mw4 Q,.i4ao amwunnaniiut hv r,7;n9 and expects to have a pet- Anderson ano nernm.. ok - rr; V' V',w ----- - .4 eien tanoher tn tho r.rand bOdge at ruruouu, w. a ibw---.r.r.r. Y' nrl-a-u . a . v.. i -ij. .ui uui vroi ---1 . . . if-... i fnfn. nf .. a v ri - ivi p mnpii. nu-i niniiciu. ujWMica iiibi- w ...- nno f v,a Thev will I nnvt week, utrecwr aayw . . t-"' ,' v, k- ir A "V ' -- , , i...,-v Iknlr luaoart .1. W. JBmieHOn. d. . 1. CUUl UIB last vi His botii, wi si."" tnr reneriouo nm.. v.w.i r .... deceased. Monday, nes Hill, who will make an ex i-.tthe Beaverton ery.a ..: ,.-,th Fash- teen or iwmv V'TO.UZ,po -Tft nail aaariatf'ia; tsndaa ' vUL'' Un. John Ver- A "SSXZ was found the program, ana aw. .- ---- fa hfW fpofn n wureo.T. ... iv. nvitaiiona wa . ixt; . -.- . IPHir-aiaatk'a.ankem. ..tlt lutaT . aillnJL i ' t - " " McMinnville, later. DR. C. H. POLLOCK, Dentist Upstairs, in Linklater E;!u Building, Main Street. , Hillsboro - - - U COWMAN & VAIU- ... Attorneys-At-Law . up-suirs era nrusHnt uraa alrtad. PWB' 2