For Oregon's United States Senator GEORGE E. CHAMBERLAIN Has Earned Your Vote , (5 Senator CharulwrUiu was ouc of Ottou' best Governor'. As Governor he savcil millions for the Slate No ouc question this insertion, at it is fact. He fought for inUtive ami rcfcrctuluui. Vetoed bills with emcrgeucy clauses. Opposed free railroad psseji for IcRtnlalors Urged railroad commission bill. Secured abolition of child labor. Urged taxation of ttmUr and cor porat ions. iKfciuled Popular gov ernment and Statemcut No. i. As United States Senator he is a National figure. Passed ChamlerUin AUska Railway law. Secured funds for Umatilla reclamation. Sceurvd (urn! for Oregtm rivers and harbors. Cut Fcilml court fee in half. I'otight for in. itiativc and referendum in constitutions of Arizona, New Mexico, and IXdeware. l'ought for Woman's Suffrage. Voted for Direct election of U. S. Senators. Senator Chamberlain secured two and one-half million for the Columbia River improvementsWhich i one-eighth of the total river and harbor appropriation this year. Senator Chamberlain has made good. He is progressive in leg islatiou, and has given Oregon a dignity among other slates. The "stand-pat" newspapers are against him Ouc of the chicfest reasons that you as a voter, should be for him, rather than be for hi timber land appoucnt WE SUPPLY YOUR NEEDS Do you need any Groceries? Do you need any Dry Goods? Do you need any Shoes? Do you need any Feed? Will youneed any Land Plaster? Will you need any Farming Implements, Mower, Rake, Manure Spreader, Cultivator, Spring Tooth Disk, Binder or any thing in Machinery? If you do, call and see ns. Our prices are right. Emmott and Jones Oregon Orenco, Phone Main 593 EXECUTORS NOTICE TO CRED- ITOKS. Notice is hereby given that the ecutur of the Uit Will and Testa ! ment of Rachel Herb, Deceased, and ! has been confirmed as auch by the County Court of the State of Or. ' gon for Washington County, and has duly qualified aa such Executor. NOW THEREFORE, all persons having claim attaint said estate are hereby notified and required to nre 'sent them with the proper vouchers to me at my residence In Forest .Grove, Oregon, or at the law office of Thos. II. Tongue, Jr., in the Com mercial Block, at Hillaboro, Oregon, within six (6) month from the date of the first publication of this notice, to-wit, within six month from Sep tember 3, 1914. HEN'RY DAVID, Executor of the fast Will and Testa ment of Rachel Herb, Deceased. THUS. H. TONGUE, JR., Attorney for Executor. SUMMONS BY PUBLICATION. New plait ed Balma- caan Coat, Raglan sleeve with fancy cufff. . Plaited back with belt Col lar can be worn high in n ;ck, made to order $13-1 50, at THE LIFE CAREER "Bcttoottnf la youth rtionM fnwtahly U Vnettd to prepare privm in the bc.l , lb brat Mrmiocin Br-cutiminii luc mttnk epW.''-"reidat c. W Kin. This Is the Mission of the Christ Wuest The Tailor' Fortyjlith School Year Opens SEPTEHBER 18th, 1914 Write for Illustrated loo-page Book let, "The Life Career," and for Cata log containing full Information. Courset AGRICULTURE i Agronorny.Animal Husbandry.DalryHus bindry. Poultry Husbandry, Horticulture. Agriculture for Teachers. FORESTRY, Loggino Engineering, home eco nomics: Domestic Science, Domestic Art, ENGINEERING: Electrical, Irrlratlon, Highway, Mechanical, Chemical, Mining. Ceramic. COMMERCE. PHARMACY. Industrial arts. Vocational torj-Agrlculture, Dairy, mg, Home Makers' Course, Industrial Arts, Forestry, Business Short Course, School of Afaw'o-Piano, String, Band, yoke Culture. Farmers Btairxm Court by Mail Free. Add r cm THK SKG1STBAB, rtw-MMoS-) Comma, orefoa FOR THK Best Fire Insurance AND PROMPT SRTTLR MENT OF LOSSES 8KB JOHN VANDERWAL Agent London & Lanca shire Fire Insurance Co. Pacific States Phoney, HILL8BOKO 'IN THE CIRCUIT COURT OF THE I STATE OF OREGON FOR WASH INGTON COUNTY. FIRST NATIONAL BANK, of St. John, Oregon, a national banking corporation, Plaintiff, vs. A. L. HARRISON, PIIOEUK HAR RISON, hi wife, ARTHUR . llARMAlKi If, DKNZIX MORLEY iiakiim Ull, his wire, W. II. MERRICK, a F. ALLEN and A. K. McWILLIAMS, Defendants. To A L Harrison, l'hoebe Harri son, hia wife, Arthur G. Ilarbaugh, Denzel Morlcy Harbauxh, hia wife, W, II. Merrick, B. F. Allen and A. R. McWilliams, defendants: IN THE NAME OF THE STATE OF OREGON: You are hereby re quested to appear and answer the complaint filed airainxt von in (K,. above entitled suit within nix weeks from the date of the first publication of thia notice, to-wit: the Kith day of October, 1914, and if you fail go to do for want thereof, r.fuiriiifY will take judgment and decree against you as prayed for in plaintiff's complaint, as follows, to-wit: FIRST: That a monny Judgment be entered for the aum nf Viva linn. dred Forty Dollars ($540) and inter est irom March 1, 11)14, until paid at the rate of pio4it IH) nor rrrit nap nnmiHA hJ 4 - . I i L. - aiiiiuiii, uuu lur nie luiun'r gum or Two Hundred Dollars ($200) as at- lorneya lees and plainttfr eosts and disbursements against the defend ants, A. L. Harrison " and l'hoebe Harrison, his wife, in favor of the plaint'ff herein. SECOND: That a money judg ment be entered for the sum of Five Hundred Forty Dollais ($540) and in tcrest from March 1, 1914, until paid, at rate of eight (8) per cent per an num, and for the further sum of Nine Hundred Fifteen and 29-100 Dollars (S915.29) together with in threat trnm January 1, 1914, at the rate of six (6) per cent per annum until paid, and for the further sum of Two Hun dred Dollari 120m as nltm.v'a ra and for plaintiff costs and disburse- menu airainst the il. f-n,lnr,t tnkn. G. Harbaugh, and in faor of the plaintiff. THIRD: Thai a money JudiftntHit le entered for the sum or Two Hun dred Seventy Dollars (r?0) and in terest thereon from March 1, l!)14,at eight (8) per cent per annum until paid, and for the further sum of rour Hundred Fifty-aeven ami 64 100 Dollars ($457.64) and Intent thereon until paid from January 1, I'JU, at the rate of three (3) per cent per annum, and for the further sum of One Hundred IMIar ($100) attorney's fees, and for one half plain tiff, cotfta and disbursements and apinut the defendant, W. H. Mer rick, ami in favor of the plairtiff FOURTH: That ih- .i a f - - , " MT foreclosure for the sale of all of me nesx nan or the Northeast miar. ter of Section Twenty-four IU) in Township Three (3) North, Itanre three (3) West, of the Willamette Me ridian, containing eighty imu) acres more or leu. aituHtjui u U',..,i,i.... - . ... Mif iiit.iri County, Stale of Oregon, be entered, and that the Sheriff duly sell the same according to the law and prac tice of this Court. FIFTH: That th who be aDDliod to ih money due the plaintiff, and that the defendants, A. U Harrison, and 1 hoe he Harrison, his wife, Arthur ( Harbauijh and IJenxcl Morlcy Uar. bauifh. hi wife. W. II M...,;..t i i. Allen and A. R. MrU,11 I n m k .1 L of them, and all persons claiming un- u..r or inroujrn mo said UeremuinU and each of them, subsequent to the dates of the execution of the plain- vi i s mougages, to-wit: either March 29, 1909 or Novemh(.r 8, 1910, upon the said premises cither as purchax ers or encumbrancers or othrrwiwe be barred and foreclosed of all equity of redemption in the premises and every part thereof. SIXTH: That sale be made of the said premises, and that execution is sue against the defendants, A. L, Harrison and l'hoebe Harrison, Arth ur (. Harbaugh and W. H. Merrick, ror any deficiency which may remain after applying all of the proceeds of ii.b nun ai me saiq premises proper ly applicable to the satisfaction of this judgment and decree, SEVENTH: That the plaintiff or any other party to this suit may be- that the Sheriff shall issue n certificate- of sale to the purchaser of the !"V, premises, and thereafter a Sher iff s deed if the same Is not redeemed as provided by law, and that the pur chaser be let into possession of the premises upon production of the Sher iff s certificate thereof, EIGHTH: That the plaintiff have such other and further orders and re lief BS milV to the Cnurt able and just. 1 ..NINTH: That the plaintiff have his COSta and d nhurflnmanla 1. .1.1.. suit. Service nf thia - ...... u.(lvll.iln , f(n unon vnn hv mililltlnn ii u. 1 ' 4. ' " vtta name in the HillHboro Argus, a weekly newspaper nublitihed in Hillsboro, Or egon, for six successive weeks by vir tue of an order of Hon. D. B. Reason er, County Judge for Washington CountV. Oreirnn. whbh imi.l made and entered on the 27th day of ..kwii, nt uiff. Ifete of first liublication. ftoiilom. I ow !. ; Iate of but publication, OrtoW IS, ! rmnx c. sthoud. Atlorm-y for Ilalntiff, Fint National Rank llldg , St. Johns, Oregon. la CITATION Ilia County Court of IM Nl of Onin fur WMblnmun t'txtnly In the l..llr uf in wtola ut l(iilri, tlnrnuml. To I, M llwrim, rhes II ttohmte an4 Msry K,.lru hia on.. Htn i,.,.IUi III l I IMMI iJtf. . McN.ll R,,,u. .ml 'j. h Kuhkrta ti mt(m, l.artl a ' minor. sihI Jal.n Ul,u ami Uimmri K..l.rl hi n tin, ..,,1 . u,,r ,,,, iitikmmn htvli.g ur tlnlsilns Hitoraol in tharval wtuie btrinnr dM,l., irrniliitf: Vou n hrrpnf ellml m rMiinx In 'r in Iht Cuiiuty Cinirl t,f um HUM of f'S-m, for tlis i:.,uiy f WWilnm-m. l I iNMirt rw,,,, iur.f. at ul.u,r,. In Hi. tail ,i.T ,lf Not.,,,!,. Ul4 m " "if1 lh" tfnn "f thai day, thn l.y an oM.rof said rontt ImuM in U ihorlsinu ami .llrBrtl,,,, J)ll( It. .Imi,1..,u,r of uu Munsiiiir u...,.t ut, .m,( ,. U . .,, , Tlllan..a,k. MUI( t,wii'' '''' mi.;..: rt.,; ,(,. hwt half ,, U,. H,M,tl,M J . ., r' ,H s'"hH .(,isrlf n u,r I owimhl,, mu. S.,rtli,ln Hannt. n u iHm'.1,'"' V. It.irw. Ths Hon. l, p. U,BH,,r T l..i'..l't'Jl,,.,t' "' Wwblnifi iui.i.i J.1 ?f em.,, u; -Hiw.- K,,w' J? . VOTE FOR Z. M. LaRUE For Commissioner 10 iHisiness and economy. 1 1.. i.. mni "'''rKtCoun.fnLVanyS 'Htkn..w,lt.wsu. (l.i,A7) ATTENTION HOP 0K0WRUS f you are in need of any hoo ? we. are now makinK the wire braced and reinforced woS fl S dozen" rncc'WW ArjruB arid Journal $2.25 Help MoKe Oregon t Cleoncot State theUiu t'acUse i-leee ia rtgf4 U set eraiiervl htlrti bf ike kjtss iaino(lilyc1lwaatBBetfi)ttsmo(ll'louurrl ' Tree, holeeMtt Infortajslltm Mpe t tlre rles, ( rapsble of rkbtr so4 taofe isatfwl lie "j IWs i-lnr.tloa sboaU be ptovidml when'W la lb V K will be sat fr mea aa4 ssa. bars tt glib ef eB eem t esl slswtp and stale definitely age and ws uf tklUws 1 i mm tit wttotsi pempWte are waalwL Aklm j Tilt OHEGOrj SOCIAL HYGIENE SCGI Sieoljync; " ' " 1 i 1 Maj) at. t ,-1 n, 1 " & . A M-'jflC ) Arrow StilLL4.ll the .pUlfW' away blew ib.i TTo YelaeahMrtU-,, r get mare M lhe. IU Bell Marh ry baa. (. -11 m- TZySm ) leaUis Ai-w" taw M Lulau Have you vor worn any shoes bought it Greer'i? If you have not, try a oair. If vou have. 1 know you are satisfied, because 1 carry the VV. L. UousrliM for men. and VriaAmn A Rlialhua " ' - .wi.twif vm mii.iwj a l-leathcr-linea for women and cnuaren. r Argus and Oreonlta (2J3 .. . j u.tdH The lironu .f wholesome "two Grand Man ThelftrRfS-Kp . . iu h ast iruin "r.u,- , any one dealer. -