Mil f 10 m PEBSO. w ' Tbeortaa r& ne ww worry facta. A ereoc-h hi one of tue Compels him U Uvy L'paol lwnWn Chattela-Take I'oaacstioa aad ScH WRICK HOLLISTER For Congress ,1111'SAL BY SHOHPF MEANS Pl LUM ! l,m Flae U Otlklal Dais mk U Hit (My To probably (H iMMk good ad rfca, but yoej caa't Bee It. It eoawUmea happeoe that tha chap who heelUtaa doeeat Set loot Boa en aro naually ao happy that that hare no Una to nallaa It. ShrrifT IWves wilt ittrt the col-1 TW la a fortune await- tbo man Uction of ti on personal proper- " t" "" ty next w. i he laws says: I "On or u aoon as practicable after the first dav of SDtmbr in each year the sheriff shall pro-' ei-iHj to collect all taxes levied in ; his county Upon personal proper-1 Their Unea art cart la pleaeaut plaren i ty which have not been paid be- -tha P copu. i fore said day. together with Aa ooneo of gwt ap and get fat better (tea a pound of "that tired Mug. i 'J Vtrtuo to IU owa record.' for which reeaoo It Unt aeceeaar U adrertlae Under charge of experienced nurse. MRS. CHAS. GARDNER, from Portland. Solicits patients from til physicians. Beetofeare, Rwnkla prtc fbooa. Mate M Barber Parlors Courteous Treatment Canable workmen Baths in connection, and ft Fine Shower Bath Newlv Furnished Shop. A trial will vou. JAMES ANDERSON, Pvthian Bld. Hillsboro. , (wnalty and interest thereon. He shall levy upon sufficient j kimmJs and chattels, belonging to , the pt-rson. firm, corporation or SHWK-iation charged with such , taxes, if the firm can be found , in the county, by taking them into his posHession, to pay such delinquent taxes, together with intt'itnL arrruinir lnreaL nen- allien and all other lawful taxaa. ! and ahull Immediately advertise Uuch goods and chattels for sale by trating written or printed no tices of the time and place of sale in If one la jrouu enough It la eaejr to Sad eutne occaalon for a rcMOtauun. When a paper like the Ashland Tiding, a mblican par for many years, supports l'rcd iclc llollistcr lor Congress, it means something, (is giving Mr. Hollistcr it heartiest support, H ays Southern Oregon is going to roll up a plurality for the North lUnd candidate. I Hollistcr Is a successful busiucss man-Knows Nr to get things will get them aiul when he iccecds Mr. Hawlcy at Washington the State ill have a dignified representation in the House of ieprcscutatives. Mr. Hullistcr' friends arc male- g his fight their fight, regardless ot politics anu looks like election. iier inloi cz The flip Free The Dally Orerfonlan and The Aru., One Year Tor $6.00 this ivea you fSho Arus FREE. No Aents Dally and Sunday ndt56aArus S6.00 Tha Bregonian TUt peoplo Wba'iteer make lnUke- oi tut lead a ntlfbty mooutouou- eimi aact. Tbo toneeat way round la tbo ahort- t an Some, when traffic la con- iaatad. lAra aa kmc aa roa may, the flr-t twenty yaara are tbo longeat part of our Ufa. Krerrthlnc baa Ita drawback-. &- (be bacbelor baau't any wife to Main l lie iiiiiv B4ivi yim.w v. i . - three public placet in his noticb op application for va- county not less than 10 days urinr to tuch sale. etc. The law also provides thai tne i. . a aAa tax can be charged against reai lnirty owned by the same parties, and such tax, aiwr chanting, shall become a lien. The sheriff who refuses to fol low the law is liable to indict ment and upon conftcuon may nunitthed bv not less than $100 nor more than 11000 fine, or by imprisonment of not less than I six months nor more man im years-which is some penalty. . So no person can juauy com plain if the sheriff seeks to evade and avoid either tne nne or im prisonment . He can also be charged 10 per centum damages and 12 per I nnn n aml Bnfl iniB IB COI- l.tihU nnnn the nfflMf 'a bOUd. mMwiv wfw.. . There are hundreds oi peopie on the roll who nave not para their personal tax. REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS ST. MARY'S INSTITUTE Unrein MNf Oay Sohool lor Olrh k. -mm.- Om Imm, mm. WopoUr iMlllallon. comluclcd by lUe Sltr Hi. M.jy. efforO. flore7ur.tlm.l adnnUge. combined U l)e r.flurnce of a rehoe.1 V U I. .IrU.h.fttlly flluated la I'.e beallhrut Tualatin .' (rem Pottl.nd oa tbo KUmibern I'.clflc ca. line ml! I nmary. ale hlil. Th.- who i.h to prepare f .r the teaching piullon can fiml Vrachrrt' Training Conre ai .r'y s l'l' '" l"-"' ,0 i A graduaU ftom UMSCMir - ok- aTa.-heia Uue c.i t ......i.. !.. i.m...i .., f ir tbo'ounb Inaliuctloa Jnatc. Art .i.-l Kipteeuon. A nrwly oiganl tommeicU toaiat (n a periwl ol two rear a.M ,t. f V-ln. .f rrll0"li!: M ...I ri.f.ji luniriur irr inioinianon, Of proepeciua, awnt """ " CATION OF MAPL.B STREET IN HIGHLAND PARK ADDITION TO HILUSBORO Hillsboro FUEL CO. H. D. Sebmeltie r, Prop. Headquarters in HILLSBORO TRANSFER & FUEL cos, office in Washington Hotel Bldg. Dealers in Sand. Gravel. Cement. Wood and Coal Phone Main G91 FORK) TShQ UNIVERSAL CAR Buyers to Share in Profits Lo-wer Prices on Ford Cars Eff.ti from Ausrust 1. 1914 to August 1. 1915 and guar anteed against any reduction during that time: Touring Car 149 Runabout - - 44 Town Car - - - 690 F. O. B. Detroit, all cart fully quipped, (la the United SUtea if Ameitca only) Farther, we nil' he able to obtain tbe maiimnm effioeaty in oat lector y prodaction. and the minimam eo in our porrtiaurg ad aalea depart Sueata if we can leach aa output vt 3i,iorar betocea the abbe dtee, Aad ahoald we reach thie pioauctw. e aKiee to pay the bayei'e bara from 140 to SVi rer ear (on or abrnt Aukom i. 191s) to ever lelail bojer who porcbaae. a new Fold car between AnKua 1, 19M aad Aagaat I, IQIJ- Foe foitberparticnlarangafd nif there low prieea and piofit-ahaiing plan, aec toe ae.ireal Fotl Warch or Dealer. WilKes Auto & Geroge Company ' Third Street. Hillsboro. Or. Notiaala heraby alvaa that Uia Paelffe Otaet O.mdonaa Milk Company, a eorp kitiMt wliKtho Cttr Kaonriler 10 10 HilUboro Oardea Tracto to W t, Cola I t lota blk oaruea J iacia.... . . Fretlerick jacobt to Jacob Jacob I, Ilfto a are 1 1 nn w faul Rothman to Lais FamataMad, tr tec i 1 1 a f w... '"T. : S to Ellaha Howell, 80 a ok Jt tj . Patent Httat5ro Com'l Bank to Co BaUey , 1 It N Coltlet 0 I c....... "3 J W Ftltchard to Uura rroenawi, I 1 1 . in I I I II W... t C C Moor to W H Cobain, JJ aK IU,Sen rholnVet ai'to W eWZ lot 6 b k J Oaatoa - i B Rlcbardaoa to CM WT ,S.ii6 a la 1 1 r t w Graham die K A Hyde to 8 B Toaa, 4io lit t blk 41 r uwa. ..... r M Peter ton to Floitnct aeon, y- iso ft blk jt rww '" , I J c Armitroni to veoa armwivg. ti.30 t tec y 1 1 a r 4 w '" J 11 Howell to Jno Relnke, 40 S ate Cora A McLeod to Alb rtllpoH. J - Kelt J Lnnrtgren to j ti.50 a aec 11 1 i a r It Jennie I Daela to Neli J Uadgttn, atneriaMee "7,ClTiiik I.. 1- u..i..m,r to Chaa Mica, 1 raunie ,M vrwuni uwm u.. " f , K Htnet uuon and aanaa Block Uum, Highland Park AdoiUow to the City or Hillau'ro, uregon, oacraw - - Banning at tha Hoathaaat eoruer of lt Nina. 01 ana in niocn 1 , wi Highland Park Addition to Iba Town of uiTuivi m. Ureaon. and rnaalag Uiaoea Waat to tha Houihwaat oornae ot Ul Tej. . 1 i.l Ul..b . IkAiutf nth til Ifftft! -,.ranrTi7r id mock Una, thanea North 8 fe to the plae of bagttiDing. Ihaaama being tha aiieDeion I. ,-..i.7 ui.i MMiiil Block Une. Higmana rarn , . nuHHwra wi'm. - tbe raaaona for auch propoaad vacation and tha purpoata for which aald tanad ! Tiii .I ekad which aaUUon la tha written oonatnt of the otroen In faa almpla of tha majority of tba raal aatata fronUng on both aidea of Mid atraat ao aeoneeen w um .1 7lST-J. T t line 100 feat ftam each termini thereof baaed upon tha fronUce upon aaid airaat propoaad to be raented. . ... . Now. tnareiora, an pwreuu. therein ire hereby aotitla.1 that tha Pa ielflaOaaat Condenaad Milk Company, a "rllA K Uv uwnai vi w7 y IZf i. t,i tha. id Utton. of abutUng ownomand proor of nolioa 00 Toaaday. tho Srd day of Noeom. bar 1914. tha Mine being tba natt regular nhyiWuiUor anid Council loljow r " f "k. ,MltlM nf thie notice. 5 U Uii or at auch other Urn to which aaid matter may bo poatponed by :.u n n it.. i,i aiuoner wlU aak aald rlty onuneil for a eacaUon ol aiid portion of Maple fitreot hereinbefore, par boularly deerrlbrxl, and alt peraona ntjrr ! m riirUier not I tied that tha racirW Will You Build? If von are eoin to build thia Spriag or Summer, aee J. 8. LORSDNG. for micea . on building and excaealiag. Eatimittet eiren free. All work la guaranteed. No pay men ta aatU work ii completed. J. 8, Loranng. aonta Third Street, at 8. F. Track; Telt- pbonc Main 34. Hillaboto, Oregon sS Give Me a Trial 6 Per Cent LOANS Obtainable to bay. build or Improve farm, raocn ana city , mure ineuuihranoa therefrom; Special .-.i nl ! Tarma. iw nnni.wition . adilroaa: Flnaoea " r l . . i mn Drpt, VtB, Buarh BWg., umiaa. a ee Waahtngton HoUl, Monday. Wadnaeday and Friday Dr. GertrudeSPhillips Oiteppathia PhTalcUn- - Offloo houre, I to 4 p. m. Home call. to 12 a.m. C. B. BUCHANAN & CO., Inc. HilUboro. Cornelius and North Plain ' Wholesale and Retail Dealers in Groin, Hoy, Flour, Feed and Grain Bags. Car-lot shippers of POTATOES and ONIONS. Grain chopped or rolled at any time Lumber, Shingles and La h . .. At Cornelius Beaver State Fflour The Best Flour at the Lowest Price 0 Telephones! Hillsboro, Main 14. Cornelms, City 1515. North Plains, Main 263? i - Milk mm nan V ..muI iaod deuoaitod with the city ' 1 ity of S HUlaboro laBwmwhii nr A rv cA C All Ol lauo acru w- . vu . . I II II It I l II 1 luoa aanp vi i"w - - 1 1 D..k .rf.niinn to Hillsboro, 1 .mi shuttlna noon I Mid Maple Street for etreet purpoaea, and dm agreed that It will Oil and bring the and place the tame in good condition for I" ! B"ja,,3!:. r it.numbar. 1P14 pSnoOoaetCondenaed Milk Company., By B. A. Stuart. Prea.. Petltloiiar. Bagley 4 11 are, Atlorneya tot PetiUoner. . S. P. AND p. E. E. UNDERTAKER Calls attended night or day. Chapel and Parlors. KZboro. To The Voters air ovQrt tbo P: R. N.. trains nil) tvv,. ... - - , are electric and stop at the de pot on Main street , To Portland a .ec to t r i w ' Forest Grove Train b:w a. m. -...., j H Martinoiich to Harry Courtney, Hffim-IUe Train 7:36 a. m. of Washinrfton County jo i arc 11 1 1 n f $ ; " OL.JJ.. Train 9.58 LT.m. . h.h. .m,oa u.yaolf aa an 'tte' .'V!.-""-:!. 12:50 P. m. L candidate for tha offlo. of ,ec " nk l ilk I ..! ..:n- twin 8-lhn. m. a .. nr.lru the election tobe halo Alb Weicn to n v awMinnriiio t-. - ." i M.t f . v m .him.. . , 'I'maih a i i i i i m. WM.ninrfl. i nil. vwu 17 mouui -"--., ... I r Oral urvvc naim "-r I T . . . .- . n.ih to u w rowwri - m s A -wi n m i nr Mnstim uountT ror oi J""'" . A.nrt 1 1 ..--, ttn n oanniuatv iv. Ucllinnvule rsin... -.""',7 ri Twin conduct th. roreei urove iriii- f i .rr.n. i... . 10 Oregon Lb? Coii Co to FA B Union SecaniTvow- - v , 6 lota Tnaiaun vatiey "."""rv: " Allarria to urace r -- - Tneiatin Valley htm.r'.'"""-'"t 1 U C Atwtll to Joha V HtWtr, i ira in Walker'a aa r "V. Warren K Hill wii joitoo n ate 4 1 W....M..... SMOKE gsljOQstQefQnge 44' Prom Portland Eugene Train arrives... 8:15 a. m. UJ a m am . pm .pn ...p pm 0RE00N ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland-55 minutes." 6:32 7:19 i8:28 9:53 12:43 3 5:44 8:09.... a.u8 . From Portland-55 minutes ; -A :w i 0.11 - 11:25 s:w nm i3o :::::::;;::::;..:p SS ". . v... p i - . n m a- i a. 14.. 12:25... tiy . Im wnetianrl atoDtt.the .. . r..... want rarn auu mote "rL,LTi- the Morrison streets. V"ifcrK l " f tho theatre and ihopr Sentences of - moderaTiotg. it reasonable j rate-.. " 01 I run wu . .9:42 a. m. ' .11:59 a.m. " ..3:15 p. m. ..4:30 p.m. " ...6:37 D. m. v..7:15p.m. " .9:00p. m. ' ,12:15 a. m. xcent Euaene nan at North streets and at streets and at UeMinnville Forest Grove Forest Grove Sheridan UeMinnville FiirMt Grove Forest Grove UeMinnville All trains. trains, stop n Rinte and Fir Sixth and Fir Tenth street ' 4 Steam Service- i ... Old Depot ; To Portland p. R. & N Train.. 1:37 p. m. ' From Portland P. R. & N. Train 10:24 a. m. ... in .n mr unomloaL bonaat and offl- olent manner, with ktndneea aud oonrtaa to alt. ". Tour; vta reapeotfu.lf aoiicwoo Edwin S. SparRs. HlLlfBORO.OBnidtdf) The Best in the Vesf Come and looK oyer the BEST display of the BEST tobaccos sold. 1 will tell and show vou U about them. You are welcome any time. These Ciars are sold every place where good cirfsrs are sold. COME AND SEE ME MAKE THEM CHAS F. McFADDEN .J . J Boom 11 Hillsboro National BleeK ' TlisisC S-uia lis? I v. Drain Of the Very RSI QsJALITb 5-4-6-S Inch Aa in vestment that will pay over ioo per cent. Our supply Is without a limit Telephone us for prices. Beaverton.Bnck Ta different from .itur. rwwuti mora caiv t. in tho maklaX im u.wu .m v and tho material ttaad art otx wipiH n.w ' Rlnrlr !Hl Stove Poliiil I . . e. ! n ane-lak Mtt afl i"a '.'.TSmhiita wot mo w"r:7 Jpollah. Used on aample aweaaaa aoW by harttware "n.'',i SIX Per Cent. MONEY . ... ' for anv DttJDOfe s eeeentabla Seal Batata eacuztty; lib- eral priTUeRca; corretpondence aolicitrd, A. C AQENCY COMPANY 75lG, Kleetric B dg.. Denver, Cola 440 PhcUa Bldg., San Francieco, Cel. BUILDING I am nrenared to do all kinds of Buildinc and Repair work, Cabinet work. etc. Saw-filing, Screens and Screen aoors. Shop j at Main and rtont. JOHN BEAT! X. ; a pr narawjiro iw ' ' lm k mJ. "'V2'I2"m2 aJ- .ElackSUk atom roue a warn r.CLSTEin CATTLE 1 i One heifer or a carload: With calf or coming fresh: White or mixed black and white: Immediate or deferred delivery; Cash or terms Prices Right. COAST CATTLE CO. EUGENE. ORE. 1 ' v Office at the Eugene Creamery flt'a ' nr atrents . for the i-i..t..t' r'kinnAurn tofffffiP shbeS. vria111" -vrwr "r -- Come in-ftadraeeMem. ; Alcaaar ranges firtyf new, nn-to-date, Colontal style, tnifyiaa sioepMcity wd Uisty, Patterson UndertaKing i vuuivau ft A' P.llvr . Mar. " PUKKKAl DltrCTOES AND KMBAtKS nn t-nannw Lane naaisunt n RHlahora Kurnilure St Hdw. Co Nlaht aad Sundae Photic City 157- 1) : r--: roono jaats 773. Fine MCodco ForSalo For tne nnroose of settling an Estate, I oe? for sale a House and Lot. aooxita it., situated at S. E. corner of i Block 7, in Walker's Ad dition to the citv.ot ifoieit Grove. Oreca. Hbttts and Lot ADDru at Iiw. Kented tor fas per taoxtn. Terms casn or pan casa and mortgage" for balisce. Sale subject to cosr;x y County Conn. Address or call oa Miltoiu- P t enarrtf 4 in tin rtrket ftt tric to or Lstsattii Bv - t-3ttrt All kinda i30Ct:::r re--- .1... 1 . tl C 1 L w " . ThewryfrishctwwStc!