jIIl inllLLSBCi i 11 t V" cl PATKOE SUES Q9HI GOUriTY Lai !' lf Trim doing L lr4jtf n Taytor I my lal La M DIOWMi USI JAKl'AtV f .- (Willi De laaa Lii I'utnoe has sued Washing- C County for $1780 damages C in accident that tuuk place .1 . r..i tv St January. pn ine ,,or r, r' , pad, on what U known on W mni the Diets fill, Patnw (i!.....- that the fill I lout KM tat lmr. 5 or C feet high, with V ruaU"l from 8 w 10 iwi wivi that the road ai un- Cf- to travel when the water u up. and that the county new it, hut failed to warn pub- . ... .A 1 1 - .1lrt.v.,rt that jjy-hf wan driving north along -jttt Put till with a load of hogs. nrmarki'L II drove Ms tram $n the fill, and found the water ahii:h that hi horses went oil hit emlmnkment irowning mm $f thwn. Hi harness wu dam ped $!; hi hogs, which were jn-w.nl. were damaged sji; ami value hi team at jam lie yon amiunt of the experience hi hiolih na iKHn injurea in ihe mint of $12fit. ( Tatnof ha retained (). U. Huston, a win of 8. Ik Huston, and tlu attorney U affiliated jith C. U Sweek In the conduct of th cane. I Tlif case M int fi.d last Friday, 'and Mill coitie up at the Ovtolier Wm uf court. I Thi i the firt big damage wit of it kind filed against the county for Home time. II KMC SAI.I! I nil m il at public (tale at my tilacf. one mile north of Helvetia station on the United Ky.. and 8 mile northeat of Hillsboro, at one p. m., on MONDAY, OCTOBKK 19 Twocowh, 21 yr. In milk, fresh in April and May; Champion binder, (ii)-tooth harrow, 12-inch plow, H inrh plow, Chatham fan mill, buggy. 3 in wagon, 2 seated hack, romhination jack. beam wale. If, gal kettle, M gal cop per kettle, 40.gal kettle, garden seeder, cultivator, potato plant er, 2 dozen old chicken. 2 dozen young chicken. 7 hive of lava, spray pump, a few household ar tide, and numerous other arti cles. Term of Sale: $10 and under, cash; over, six months bankable note at 8 per cent. -Two per cent: olT cttHlt over $10. John Zurcher, Owner, J. C. Kuratli, Auctioneer. Peter Grossen, Clerk. una w UNION STOCK YARDS Receipts for tho week have been cattle, 1770: calves, 124: hogs, 4107; sheep. 6791. The livestock for the week was very liberal in all line. The cattle market was steady to a shade weaker. Fat steers sold at 0 !Mi; butcher cattle steady. The millet for swine was very broad. Prices were ten to fifteen rents tinder last week's quotation Monday's top was 8 05, midweek and clewing prices were steady at 7 90. The receipts for the month of September showed an increase of over 5000 compared with that of September. 1913. . The run of sheep, and Inmhs thin week was also lame. Both markets were steady to stronjr. l'rinie Hprintr lambs sold in small quantities 6 00 to 6 10: fancy yearling wethers firm at 5 05; choice ewes steady at unchanged prices. , McLllOD-JOHNSON Arnold MeLeod and Miss Anna Johnson were united in marriage v Judge W. I). Smith. Saturday October lflM The eroom is Ron of Findley MeLeod, and tne bride is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Oscar Johnson. Both con traclinir tifiriica apa well known in tlieUsston section. They will reside on the Croat Dlace. near Scholia. Austin Kimmn nf FarminRton was in the county seat Friday afternoon. j " Karl HntlAnhoek. of above Mountttlndnle. was a city caller Friday, , Neal RennetL of Laurel, was a city teller Citurdxy morning, nur of his on the IIILLSBORO, OREGON, OCTOBER 8, 1914 r r hale ( heap-Ijht team KeldinirN. al-M,t 2lu(; htr. ii'; li inch Milburn Tubular axle atin; huviry and butfiry ha n-;3J heavy truck farm W4tron with tlat hay-rack; nearly new John IWre i'ivoUl ndinK double row cultivator. lOihovel John IWre 12 in walking plow' lay; irnod M tooth drag har row; i ft hayrake; 150 ft new . Inrh Manila rope. Z ft -lnch te'l calde and bkick. Can be een at my home at Witch Hazel Station, on the S. 1. R. .W. I- Bolton. lUaverton, Ore.. VL I). 1 28-30 IV. Anita Bohnnark. whn K. oflices at the Hotel Washington. i a graduate or the American School of Osteopathy, of Kirks ville. Mo. Her record in school wa exceptionally hitth, and she hold lirenneto practice in Mia. ourl, a well as In Oregon. Itoom 1G. Hotel Wahinirton. Tuesday. Thursdays and Fridays. I rrprtucnt Spirella corse U not sold in store. Will call at homis on request and do the fitting, and teach how to adjust and wear the corset. Our tailor ed made-to-measurt corsets, in cluding the latest front lacs, with an exjierieneed corsetier senrica, cot no more than high class cor- net purchased in stores. Mrs. M. K. Caudle. Jlillntra Fifth and Jackson Streets, l'hona Na ML . 28-45 II. hi Ahry, well known in IlillnUtm, i a candidal for con- miiwionrr for the city of Fort land, on the recall ticket Mr. Ahry renided in HilUboro several years, where he was con a ec ted with the r, 1L & N., under the I.) tie regime. He is capable and conscientious and would make an excellent official Heavy hail accompanied with thunder and lighting, visited this section, last Friday, shortly after noon. So heavy was the Jownfall of hail several bushels of the article felt into the awn ings ovtr each store, where the anva was cupped, Taken up; Three heifer calves. Owner prove property, pay charges and cost of sdvertising, and tske same awav-Ted Schall enliergcr, Beaverton Oregon. Kt. 2. AUnit 1 ' miio norm oi Beaverton, on Walker road. 28-30 John Gate Jr., agsd 10 or 11 m mm .. 1 ft f veiira. aon or air. anu mrs. rfuuu Cates, of lisyville. fell from a spnng board, the other day, and broke iHtth bones or ms ngn forearm, just alwve tne wrtsi. r. F. A. Bailey reduced the fractures. Faul Bwk. of above Dilley. was in town aionuay, he will soon have a rock road from his place all the way to Hillsboro, and then be will make more freijuent visits to the coun ty seat w W Williams end wife, of above Hoy. were in town Sunday, ......ilia nf relatives. They re turned home Monday morning, after a week at the Salem hair, where they met many wbsiuhb- ton County people. t n it n un: Brown-spotted atub-horn cow and one yearling black bald-faced calf. Owner call, prove property, pay charges and take same away.-Jacob Schneider. Hillsboro. Oregon, lloute 3. it i Flint and wife. Of Scholls, were In to n the last of the week. H. U " wee" sing a carbuncle on one u.riuta and he nSB oven rest list for several days. a Minl. of Cooper Moun- ta.n. was an Argus caller Friday He settletl aown Gtoper Mounuin not what it is today in the way of improved places. Virgil Blum and Essie Marsn. of Gaston, were raarr. lndire W. V. Smiin. in n v..,, m Jhelr were Mr. ana iams, of l'ike. nf Portland, IV J. - .m formerly 4 resideni oi Mill, was out from the Kose tity. Saturday, attending a the KQualizauon doi. ,.r v niiMwl of Forliana, '! ; h.iness at was ou - j t0 ik. nnnrt house, in regard io nmnertv assessment ,,.,. ...... . .1 J Schmitke, of aoove mou- - - urur taindale. was m day morning. if. I Mm. A. L. ureDe, mi. ., --l oneel. were city Saturday evening. v I Brown, of laurel, wis confefenWh the county court the last of the week. . wMat. of UaK rara, bil ion :r ESl T i PWxhca m tkdpoct Morning Ijw Open. nl Meets H'a l ate WINDOW CL0SCD AND MADE CAPTIVE Argus and Oregonian, S2.2S. Benj. Scholfield. of Cornelius, was a city caller Saturday. New and second-hand barrels at Greer's. John Noland. of Portland, was in town the last of the week. ISDr. Lowe, Saturday, at Ho- Wtel Washington. Fd. Northrup. of Shady Brook. was a city caller the first of the BODi'USO FiiOFEIilY VMS Valuations Will be Raised Here and There and Lowered la Place OVEt 2C ItCAID .THE PAST WEEK Mart AlkaM Taaa Ever Before la Ike ' HUlary ef the Bearl FW.t titi af StatM D Ml Wait UrU"k Maalrr U ( la Qm.I rhm !f,, nf tht .... wml lairain nut the imunl in hnp F. R Madiaon, who lives near for plowing. the city park was a surprised man John Reiliy. of West Union, on the morning of October l--the was a city caller Saturday morn morning that the season opened iDa ror killing Chinese pheasants. Wm. Schendel. of beyond history of the county. Over 200 Madison had been dreaming- of Blooming, was in town the last were cited to appearand show shooting the bird that is so much 01 ine wee' Herman Collier, of Scholls, The Washington County Equali zation Board has heard more peo ple relative to fixing of values than at any prior year in the cause why values on tillable land should not be raised, the most of was in town Saturday, greeting! I ; j I uiC9 iuuiiiik iruiu uic uuu;- Peter Hermans, of Minted Bridge, was a county seat caller Saturday. Cedar Mill section. Last Satur day several were out from Port land to look after values on their farms in the east end of the sought for. and about daylight he awakened. To his astonish ment he discovered a young Chinese rooster perched on the foot of his bed. Madison care- fnlU Lf Ik. V..l .L..4 J UVWII D I D II ..J A UT-J-I.: the open window, and he and 0 Scholls. were in town the last c0110. and just what the board the bird had it a II hands around, of the week, on business. wi do 8 conjecture. It appears, li.. r.ni..r tm,A however, that the assessments Zl. IIa LIa . 1 " ; ; LnaM"e"eDuy"W 0W. will be raised in instances, and v.; "u "u ",,a re"ujr wr M100. w m meciiv me tasioi lowered in others, so that when u7',7 VK . itneweeg. all is said and done, the valua- uJzE&7:V?J?l Marshal Baker, of Chehalem tion w.U not be materially "l"u.Trc ".'" " u Mountain, waa in town the firat changed. MiiD.MiCKmyui uie morning ... ,, , On aecnunt of heav taxadon l V ncca , . I - - I f-HAtrA lm m avAtAael Antwiaifrisa t w.geiaway irom ms pursuers. aamu.uawrence.oi nawwa. -illinr v.a hut the hoard aiauiBun is muui ivncuy, " m wu oiiuiui;, un icgai and his word is unquestioned-as business. a matter of fact he would resent any doubt as to his statement 1 his is the hrst instance re ported where a bird sought a house as a place of refuge-and it proved to be his doom. Cc!s Air-light lleate Now is the time to think about the comforts of the winter, which is almost here THE COLE AIR TIGHT HEATER will excel all others for economy and comfort. Yon will find at this store a fall line of these stoves, as well as many other makes of heating stoves. The Majestic Range Is the one'RangeJthat excels. For the money it is the best Range ever built. Other dealers will not say this but the person who owns one after using others will tell you'so. Call 'and scejthem. x "The Store That Satisfies" Percy Long HILLSDORO Second Street ODEGOH raising stands for an equitable assess ment and will use their best Mrs. J. J. Wirtz. of Forest judgment to get them as nearly (J rove, was a city caller the nrst right as possible. So long as of the week, on probate affairs, this is obtained it will make no difference in tax. Lower valua v. wnaron.ot newrery, ttaMlh.M hirher millaae of was reg aw-rea a tne now whi,e hi her vtlue, mean t wasmngion, me nrsi oi ine lrtw. mill. The pn-i: WfToK i 1 J vafiAn Raoi1 Iteia hoon Knav lav Mel Hiatt of above Forest eral days attempting to get all r.mve down Mondav. He I the evidence possible so as to un h ia atiil nuttintr down get values adjusted with satis- rock on the Dilley-Uaston thor- raction outrhfare. . " . . . . S. P. ANU r. C. B. ror sale: span muies, weigm -l . 1 onrk a ..J e auuui. low, 1 biiu i jrcaia wiu. ... . n 11 XT ai, t rinuhl harne in d except the P. K. & N.. trains MRS. NATHAN NOLAND fra. Nathan Noland passed away at the family home in Cor nelius. October A 1U14. alter an extended illness. Her maiden name was Melissa Jane Dawson, and she was born in Yamhill fVumtw Juno'n 1RW. Her Dar- enUwere Mr. and Mrs. John condition.-Gus Reichow. Corne- nl.!topt thede" uawson. wno ai one ume miucu Iiu9 Route , -9 "ST.-i near the Ira Purdin place, north . .Xo Portland of Forest Grove. She was united John Mcr anana nas oeen Forest Grove Train 6:47 a, m. in marriage to Mr. Noland a appointed posimasier at unen McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. well known pioneer and they have nome. ana AiDenroner wm Key sheridan Train .9.58 p. m. made their home at Cornelius his commission as postmaster i Forest Grove Tram 12:50 p. m oracdcally all of their married Gaston. , McMinnville Train. . ani m. t r Miiw Af Forest Grove train u a' a tinia. Eugene Train kM io,f Ka Arm nt h McMinnville Train . .v ... "?-."T Forest Grove Train t U ltr; .... tnAmm uunn is ii i ci, ui near vn . . . a.iE . house. r S!!!g2i; Daniel Koe and Artnur bacon Sheridan were down trom aDove. oun. McMinnville taindale, Monday, and w mie Forest Grove here visited at the clerk's office. Forest Grove The Women of Woodcraft will McMinnville m. Ml rfV 111 It. Ill At a irive a dance at w. u. w. nan, am trains. i " - . . . a m I ona mile west of Cedar Mill, bat-1 trains, stop on P m urday evening, Oct. 10. Tickets, Range and fir Ufa. Her husband and the fol lowing children survive: Mrs. Alice Barry. Portland; Mrs. Emma Sirard. Portland; J. S. Noland. Portland: Mrs. Wm Merrill. Cornelius. Claud C. Noland. at home. The funeral took place Sunday. at 2 o'clock in the afternoon. ...2:15 p. m. .-4:15 p. m. 4:58 p. m. 6:37 p. m. ...9:50 p. m. From Portland POSITIVE !s7ni li if y-J . i- OREQON ELECTRIC TRAINS To Portland-65 minutes. 6:32 7:19 8:28 9:63 12:48 ami ml ami ., " .11:59 a. m. . 3:15 p. m. " ..4:30 p. m. ' .6:37 p. m. " -.7:15 p. m. " .-9:00 p. m. " .12:15 a. m. except Eugene flag at North streets and at 3 59 pm 75 cents. Dancing from 8 until Sixth and Fir streets and at I 5:44 Pm midnight Everybody invited. Tenth street 8:0? -P" - Hillsboro hunter was out Steam Service.. .... .-Old Depot 9:l v.kiu c-t,lwi-tf -ni ahot'a bird in one From Portland-55 minutes. fieid, and the pheasant fell over I J ...1LAM fAHHi "ha fAMMAv AWl L'Xi " " ami whose land the bird fell appropr I ik nil miii.h tn ha chair. ,,oe , Inir"u "' w " 9-nR .....pm i so pm W. E. Hays, of St Johns, for- 6:25 P m merly of this city, came out yes 7-20 v m I terday, anu was greeting ineniw. 9:12 " p He is nursing a fractered leg, 12:25 h.. m caused Dy turning over a wagon- . f GaU) WM j l mAAfl am AniiniA nv mnn r n i . . . - . . . iobu ui ww aitoe at the elerk's office. e. a. jAwivsun k". the last of the week. M a.i z . 1 - trom Jan. i to yet i, tne aa- Anf p-Hf-- M(i wjf- at town mi check is ym. mm HAVE you ever had the annoyance of having a .bill present ed for payment twice? Most people have, and if no receipt has been taken there is apt to be trouble. All this difficulty can be avoided if the bill is paid by check. The endorsement on the back of the check is proof positive that the bill has been' paid. There is no getting away from it American National Dank fSftHTCta., mKmem, Or To Portland P. R. & N. Train ... 1:37 p.m. , . From Portland P.R.& N. Train 1054 a.m. .... -Dry goods and furnishings at I Al !.Lt ..'.tnuaJ. more wan ngn wnvw m vjicci s T. R. Davis. 5f Jolly Plains. was in town the last of the weeki 1 I a 1 ItfaahinMtAn I E. A. Jackson, well Known nere sociawo near Farmington, were in ?. MW h J? ill tJ,SS,rS the last of the week. - Am.m.m ata riinan a -c r a a an niufmiL bibb utuii a. w hub uviuvivii w w J!TJ town Saturday Ua waa horn in Missouri, anu igouiuj gcucii i -. i nn Un.i rviminir to nnuirh to ooerate the treasurers tr nA Mh C. R Knnntz. Oregon in 1852 he settled at office the year around, so far as of j0y ptjns, were in the city Hillsboro. He was an muim ineip iB wuwiuw - itneiastoiineweea. War veteran, and was- in tne Mr9i Margaret Pool, aged. 61 Clarence Young, of the county sigier, roara. was ordered committed to tamn WBfl ,n town Satnrdav. ttia 1m ttnw hii hilt mwvm . . . . . . . 1 Ml. .UW Vl.W uw n i, , " came from Lane oumty. H Monday. Dr. Leon Hyde making nine dependents, i vives, anu vi """':T"-Ar;. me examinauuii iwr oami. iu 7Si.U..' rf Pai. i a.- ua noir.nmrnHni i t imimivi - nmiii uiiuiuci uiaiua w vi v liy ne iv- -; -jy nas oeen Drm.u - - ,. . f and one nau-Biswr. r her meansor support, ana , ner .7 - "f s,,;: mental affliction is parnaiiy .... . hAmlitarv. as her mother before oay. her was insane. She nas oeen . Mrs. S. r. Uoodwtn returned wwidinff at Forest Grove. .: last Friday from a trip to Uma t..ki. w ma til a county, wmieatrenaieton mm mum bah American National -Dan!! (afpiuatbd banks) Combined Capital and Surplus......... $ 92,000.00 Combined Resources....... 690,423.81 Dsmhing in All Its Branches , Checking Accounts, Demand Certificates of Deposit, Commercial Loans, Foreign Loans, Domestic Letters of Credit Safe Deposit Boxes, Traveler's Checks, Savings, Deposit Book Ace't Time Certificates of De posit .Farm Loans. Collateral Loans. .' 4 For Cent Paid on Savings Depotlt. knm-JamM siirier. nra. nm. Tupper and Geo. Sigier. VANDER2ANDEN-VANDHBY Satur- of visitors w" JirthnTastof the was over i -week. . M Argus and Oresonlan JU3 u.tn J. Vanderzanden uu. ThMulnra Vandehey were vnrfi, pinina. will hold its annual! ttiiiahnm iMonle wlll be inter united in marriage, September faJr on tne flt Saturday in No-lea ted to know that Sheriff Tom sn. 1914. st the cnurcn oi wVember. The county rontons Word, of Portland, is making a Visitation, vernoon, rauiei Grange wiu meet.witn me uasn- inara ngnt ior re-eieciion. A- IiJSSSwSrf m "ft ??w ffSSS Findley McLeooV of Gwton. BrB DUUUWI Kvf " I WKtl ui MIIO IUVU.W .- community. - recently pasaea resolution I w eity ""'. Saturday, at- resolution I . 4.. -.ij:-. n ki iCliuuiH Arnold. against the proposed eight-hour ITrST w Z a a n.it.ia nf MAwtnn. WBJ 1 1" a city caller Saturday morning. vember election. Every farmer ! Philip Schneider and his sister, ' j .i... ...M rt h aMinat t h I s I lira. Valentine Franck were in L. K. Wilkes anu VZL .nritwll anffer' an from beyond Eloomin. Eatur- t the clcrk'a w iivhi""-' -'. I ia tU stats of wtsewswa. More Decocain j than fiat Lensea The edges of Toric Lenses do not show as prominently as those of fiat lenses. They fit in close to your eyes. ; You will find Tories much more t coming and useful. They give ysa a widen clearer field of virion; Yea I Cnt w should know about T h") Let me explain. LAUREL l-i. H07'- VatchriatcT rr.J5 J--"':-