The Hillsboro argus. (Hillsboro, Or.) 1895-current, October 01, 1914, Image 5

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    m 'jjwm) tun, octobb i .
! n won lint plar in the1
I i ' 4 i . ... L' . . '
I ' k'"m. r.ijici'riic Mint at
'' . 'ii nior wava
,'f.M.f Miw. j '
I . til A V V"- - - -
ViM C""'!
tf.l! '
U t
:. . h tl.
tl.c J, . !
4 It I
i- . .i S...1M Wl - -
.i ii
ill"! t.v.
rlaet. between
one anil two. N'l.r.
n. ! of Mr. ami Un
i.' of MutTat. won
. v . iitj l.twty Stevens.
Mr. bt.. Mm. Fred Ste
Foiniiiik'tun. Hirorui In in, iH'tw'n One
tri. I.aana I'.lnck-
l.'oter Huib Hallway Stations and
exhibit Was but Five Point ttc-
hlul Leader. Clackamas County
, . .. it trnrn i went
I iff". IIHTV
r . !s. U.i matter of
. .. ii. .. t,nv l.l
' . . .......
,.r. thfn h""1-' ! r
I i., mi I.I t'l" rn
V IT1 V v' -
ll.r ff ii-UU
Work ": ll tunc!;' fr the
LIU taalrar
(urn. ifnui'hti'r of Mr ami Mn INaCU u ....i..i i
ti ii 7 1 " r"i"
i'. i.. i.tacMiurn, Ami'ivtn rint
lri.'. un, M.-rl. a Harris, .lannrh-t'-rof
Mr. H n il Mrs V M 1 1 a .
w. ti-. f.T third n!ai-. in divia. '5lJrKlr8 entereJ the two depots
i n t i t"A ti 2 and 3 yam. The ! the puHtofHce at Ik-averton,
l.n.iu ..nilaw fur tho hiithpat Kuml
ft-irinjr U.y n, Klr Mw.n one thm jriu,, Thv PVidentlY
.. to),unwnt to th little T y
Ulhin N.y and tli H!:wklmm weu ne urtKon luiwmc
jfirl. I h.' wi-n- awarded '' where they blew the safe
by tli' Woman's Home Compan- and secured $32.80 in cash. More
than enough explosive was used I horo. Ore.
ri-r .-iji M-ii,i-i.iijni team rrc, anu me saie was uauiy yft jje ValandiRham is In
K'-i'ii'H-". mxi ii QiHHiltf nar-lrwk-i1. I h..v thon wont n em.lh.rn Ciroann HninfT mmP
Artrus and Journal S2.2T
C a Frick visited the sUte
fair yesterday. '
N. IL SheideU of Orenco, was
in the city Sunday morning.
For Rent Furnished room,
with piano; 17 per month. TeL
City 372. 25-8
1 1 UUCI L JJCI I loll UB. VI NtlMUilt- . . , a a-ov miW
ville. was a county seat visitor Li OP ORDER LOST FIRST MIZE
I'hone your grocery orders M-1. CrawtKi SU'e. Tiat w.
early and they will receive raafeneat Prayer Prue Wm
prompt attention. Oreer t.y
Mrs. Sarah Emrick. of Port- Washineton County won fourth
land, is the jfuest of Mrs. J. B. prjze at e State Fair, this
'.II. tki I mm
niinCT, inn V ami 1 I. Crawford. 01
A. C Mulloy. ot Laurel, was alu0 whintrtnn (!ountv Fair di-
Roundup visitor the last of the I My9 that Uine for
proper arrangement and display.
For sale: A six year old cow.
mst fre3h. Zina Wood. Hills-
with the essential decorations.
would have (riven us the first
prize. Time was lacking, how
ever, as the exhibit was taken to
Salem Sunday, and they had but
a few hours to put in place for
Wm. Pitman, who has been!
with the Carlton mill for some i
time, came down the first of the
week, the company having sus
pended their logging operations
owing to the burning of the mill
several weeks ago. He says that
300 men have been thrown out
of employment Mr. Pitman
thinks the mill will be rebuilt
without Question as there is too
much money tied up in timber
and railway apparatus to allow
things to go by default.
R. F. Owens, of Cedar Mills.
was in town Saturday. B. F.
haa been a resident of the coun
ty over 50 years, and has paid
taxes in Washington County 49
Years. His first tax. however,
. . . . 1 m. f fl .
was Daid earlier tnan inai. tie
was a boy, and was working for
Mauzey, near West union, ine
Assessor came along and tapped
him for S2 ooll tax. Mr. Owens
bought a piece of land from the
late J. A. Flippen. and nas neia
it since in the sixties.
Buying glasses by price alone
is danarerous folly. Your eyes
are among your most valuable
nns sessions, use tnem in ac
F. A. BAILEY, M. ft
fST4irla aad Sarfwi '
Office: UpaUir ia SrkvlaMfkh Di CO
BMiaoc-tithat oarMT Bm1im
Sargeoa S. P. P. R. A P. B. ft K.
Oftkce la the TamtmM: Blcck, ninlaait
Main StReU. IIUlalMMrttv Onfdav
ELM Ell! H. SMITH M. D. D.. OI
Office Hoar 9 to it a. a.: J to $ ft in.
Tomiay. Thariday, twtarrfay to )
Calla aniwered day or felt- Iota
phoor. Oiike mr flilbbom fiatloaol.
: u . s.
. . 1 I.. .trtlil..l hltl AM
,i r'l-'nvii - -
II. 4 ' i .......
hid aa mmw ."nv"
ri n- ii tl'' fo'indatmn k ce-
U(' ... . I. ! I .... r. ..J ns,.n
Cdmotu y ran !. il
IHl lllHUUIlliHI H -vvi "ii.
huh hit- nH'n '"r
... 1 f .i-i ihjt tht turn-
t ),.-.h Ihi city an t.(
fitu'of !aru!t rondi'ner in
Nurthwrat i n mirk
tjntmriion uf Hilloro
F .. I' .. .. f.,.i.,ly .V,, .1,1,1
W J il -llllikl"" VWUMll riiwui..
L nroiid.
In..'mt8mth uf U.i? rroni
Jruitr- i t I' vacatrd. and 0
U r.i dedirated ty tnecum
l.u ft ft IV
C th'at t-'tims will innoinanm r
iMHiMtni' i.iwraii'ir.s will tuai
Wloytiu ' t fur a large number
V nit 11. ftiul un fnlargfd J.uildin
V-an a nro:',t-r viictMiratfomonl
W lh. iidunlrV. t.reaiii manu
Viun nn an-i brinulmt In polity
if i.tiM.I.' iii'in-.. wr iW innr
,1 of tViu.i.'w cnam h im
o'!,l hut, nwy ?HT&H" twin
V)lh' Orl.-lil. Il-i A , 11 Ui tl 4l-
1 nr.l la Inn S,tulli Atiu'ricin
i.;j"; t inch Milhurn Tubular the S P de,X)( where they rilled campaigning.
i :.. : " : ' KK' the till. Uking about a dollar in Are vou a customer at Greer's?
...... ' l.f.., : '"r1 ini,ii Th t,.n nflt h If not irive them a tnal and you exhibition,
ewJ.ihn H-i-r.. pivotal riding mail pouches, which were in the Wl11 tisfied. Clackamas was given 91 P". chance with the value you
familv Polk County. 93: Multnomah. 90; niae on them. Dr. Lowe's sup-
m walking Mow. u.u . . f have returned irom a visu win wasningwn, e, ana enor gisai wsnv wu"
. . .. ro at vea at ScaDDOose. I k. to. vm nd for serve Detter oecause nia cnarK.
the burglars then entered the " . ... . " never hieh cover the service you
poKtoflice, and tried to blow it. To rent: Small house, 3 blocks arrangement, one can readily see JJ!Jct "JJ ?he prfce you pay.
but their work was illy done, and from High SchooL-Inquire at where Washington County fell Dr Lowe wui beat the Hotel
they succeeded only in cracking Owl Electric, or phone City VIZ. jown on firet prjze. m Washington Saturday. Oct 10.
L. .1 II Il At . . . ... 1 ft. - ... f.i. la """."
una junciuro biubi uac k,. ma.uWo nnn. PrwKrra. i c li-Ti In knnnr
been frightened away, or else . " ,v:" Vr A "ere witli descriptive maiier .i.-. .-- -gave
the safe up as a bad job. breakable ranges are made to uininir to Hillsboro. and dis- of a birthday. Ught refresh
It locked as though they had no t lifetime. -D. Corw.n. g tellin 0f the ments were.served and general Ihll.-v and it will require more nitro, for no second at- Gus Krause, of near Blooming, county seat, its industries, ana
ten day or two weeks more to lempi was maaeon we posioince was in me ciiy aiunuay mis possioiuues.
lir.iih. Mict'lU'Um dintrict will safe, bhenlt Keeves, a govern- noon.
lulin l'i rt'
lay; gimd .VMooth drag bar
row; ft hnyruke; I'll ft nw I
imh Manila rupe, li" ft inch
steel ea .lo and biwk. Can lie
-itrn at my homo at Witch Hazel
Station, on thu S. V. IL 1L--W.
C. r.dton. l'. av(-rtori. Ore.. U.
I). 1. 15J-30
It-Kk mad work is a'wut com
pleted for tlm year's county
work. M 1 lliatt H xtill at work
OPFIC(Jp.-airf ia ScbalnMficfe Bdg.
PHonta-OOict. City 3S4; Refc City 84
Room 16 Washington Ilotel ;
Dr. Antta Em CohmtmcS
Osteopathic Physician
Office hour lOto 1 a. a:. to 4 pi a nim it a hnif mii. nvk ment man. and the detectives 1 f r wa r Pnrt.
tartifK' from the Coodin nuarrv for the two railways spent all UnA wko(riiMt nf her nar
U!;iy. The Mays bill, near dy Mondty trying to gei some Mr and Mrs. J. J. Krebs.
Sherwomi. may laitjiiiwy tw rocK- c,ue. W.M, vt "u " over Sunday.
... I l. a ; . J .n..llii a annnaaa
Kd by county and volunteer worn, uuwineo no reouiu. 11, ..0.0
and auiH-rvwors Kleischauer and " tnougn me wora was noi. uonc
and British
good time indulged. The guest
of honor was presented with a
handsome reading lamp, in ap-
Dreciation of her
, h 1 1
Mr. and Mrs. Willis Ireland
Mr and Mrs. Elwood Johnson
entertained a large number of
friends at their home Monday
goomi 1 aad I Seat Balldlaf
HILLSB0K0. . . 0KE30H
services "LywwwiAiirV
ha.ier and " inougn hio wa 1 7"?-," otrin tn p.,-- l- Snt. 28. the occasion
Knox, of Gaton. may do a little m experienced n -rV "SX VlumU hoimr their fifteenth weddingan-
niversary. They were the re-
ar.Iar,ni"n of r'T.d
kh.-inu n-ci'ived with Tavor in
Kcoiinty InterfuMiU m-
kitwit!i tivfttr nil ':ur
t Inert l-etd in n t"V f U A' li'H! :,t . t -i.t!
a mi nVr of U'- ;tr r-r
n't with ?!: rtj-er' ).
1 .. t. ..1 . . t
;.n ol tUiu...r4iitt'i: " on rirv m. : t .
t th" if:--.-i'!'i"! ' i" i'4
the grovituls iri.l J.-i.c .. , -.
The! M-I..xit vit
y th" Mi.'it rvf I--. .1
'i-n.' of tl.i- .ii ; ' ; i"''
iir.d tjf.ati-lar.t-iv:- l,; I SI.
ticona. utv; 'i't". .4 'itie.
.... . 1. . i,i
:x; IM I. 'IX Hi;, r,i-:o: iiihi. J.',
!,ul- V,k; !''.. .-!. ...-hmle),
x; l!-t. (J it. MilH.
..... t 11
i-.i.. I. Win!. 01. iN.-AlHI. MS.
'int. 1 - Hilton. ins?; Hiit. tk
U-ifh. t-iirht: 21. Col'iin-
m, fie; Oiiit. 41, M'Hiataitvlile,
even p iiiit. 1 1. n 1
pianist for a number of years.
The new fields of clover have
been attacked by an insect,
leaving the stand very spotted
in places. . Farmers here and
there are sowing vetch and tare
. .7 . -n ts a j n; ah rn iimhin hoinir their niteentn weaainKan-i j
nracadam work later on. The iitnougD tnese e iiowi o.wn ... ... . nivprsarv. Thev were the re- ?W""P?
isrniowin mad fill betwei-n here down on a J0D 01 mis aino. me flli ift a disc arm w ww iuc. .u.
and Cedar Mill will he completed 0. E. sUUon was entered About twenty-five members of snt in games rWJS ggi
this week. The Thatcher dis- through a door which they the l Eastern SUr lodge will 11$ re- MWa d to t he pest m de
trict ha just completed a stretch "jimmied." and the two other visit the lodge at Beaverton Fn- hg?l ' Barved. W P,et,n the "UnL
of 12SJ feet places were enierea mrougn rr day nigM. dtSDersed. ten- Clara L. Cover, who married
Lee Cover in Utah, in 1883. sues
for divorce on grounds of deser
tion, and Lela Tompkins asks for
separation from Wm. Tompkins.
The latter were married in Port
land. March 22, 1913. and the
wife says the husband called her
vile names without provocation,
and on AdhI 27. 1914. the bus-
a ..I ...a l I LUCOICI J- - .....
Hervice. 11 you pay iu, ts. 11 yeait. io; oiaca norse, This is the time of the year n Rnhh- Mesdamea Joseohine band choked and bit her.
too much. Un- y. i'soip'0 ' T"j 'i"":"! that heavier clothing is in de- inu.rt Rnnhia Rowlbv. Harvev xt.. v. .j i;.Mnf ruw u THMftllB IB
H .tnl Wash nirton '. 7". '' " "j inUOHat """".".Tr.l ..Ivi" ' B-.t.. new aw- I 1 iVv 11.
. " v " - 1 . t,nn mrw v.iiiinff. ix vrarv. ijw. i mnnu. a nut viui v. ... 1 m iinui' ivi SH rvHL 11 1 trii ucvrci.ih..p. AiAhAM an urmi o a i
Every dcstreable feature
ueiiiaiiuw i" iii'iuvi 11 iiibojfiw
1 :. ......... ...Ii .L..n ,ira
Of lOUiy 11 lieil'-iuunijr wni viv
of bv l'r. Lowe. Ilm Ruvwes are
places were eniereu mrougn re day nignt. dtSDersed. ten-
WinaOWS. I iaa! n;,.anA. nf Snnfh Tilftlft.L4AM . ti. their
tftVtV AJIOOHVI vra, avM UCIIIIK vviiJPao.ioioaaai I
. a. I .A I . mi . I
1 tin. was in town yesieraay, gev- host and nosiess.
PUBLIC SALE ting ready for the China Pheasant Those present were: Messrs
1 w 1 - 1 pw r
season. and Mesdames wuson lurpin, j
. . . .l.I , . .Id ciamapt A P. Miirmw. frank
. .1 nimr.i.f inn wn n ir i il iiuuim buic ii i HAnrv r r nni ex-Biieriii ui - w - . - .. .
If you i.v other m the dif- North Plains, at ten a. m.. on and yesterday, and was greeting "J.J.'.S
.en U at the sacrifice of SATURDAY, OCTOBER 10 friends in his old county seat man. Calv mi and toM
I Office opstsirs ia Scbalmerich Block
apatairs, A. C Shate Bldg, Mala dt'aod
Omca: Mala BUaat, odd. Court Uqow
quiity an
more you pay
suit him in
"v . . tn o I ai. lioo; f raj fcmmg, n ". 1 uioiiu. ,, . , iruuui. UilBO naiuicu uvv" mpni ClOtneS Ba Well US l-l
Mri.m. Saturday. Oct 10. Scores Uktktu ? 7,-k.;gnod milk Greer's prices on dry-goods and Me8srs Krnsst Smith, Earl John- S Buita. coats dresses and , ATTOiUiBY-AT-tAw;
f Ill'jxUiro references.
- a ... f...h in Drr: Hood ttlllk COW. I . :i.J . . r i Ak.,-1"" . - . I k. 1
mV' i . T.n. lurniamim jr sen, nerman oecner, Isk rts. consisUng 01 Wdinerem nffine aAalawrick Beck
v . .. w ii .ml Willi'..'.. k . a j, K.r.nn it-rnDcr. I rM Pmnnd and wife m ssed I VanLmon. Kandoipn Dowioy, ,fv lataat fahnea. are now onl , . . jii:. u
i're.l Seell nd I eie j no. i 'P arrape, 3 -r we stale fair inis year me nr mvin, display ai our new tocauoo noum inuisuuru, - - wfsw
I , . .., on to the Mur- pt " 1 r"' " "7 tme they have not attended, lor Merle, Keginaia. ueraia, unotrrv, f th p Ha second Street. 3 ; - , -.11
: ,Wl Si ll y. with 40, Jlr.uf.fpoT '.-ch CrS almber of years. CrisUbel, Dorothy and Leona U,, and Iook at our . samples.-U
n ' '. . i..;V.i. m,. ?l?V' :.. Tl!- .ir-a Mitchell . Johnson. Vernon Bailey, Laura I rK-ia WnMt. the Tailor. Phone TeieDhone office Main 103. Reaidtaco
. .Uv.l
iv 1 ill? jvuuavi-i, . .trwih it.f iv,inr. ni a uAiiAonn tar a a pity viHiuiri
iv i - . t.,,,KNl ii the waters of the
r ... .... at I
I... ..... ...II l.lIK .IL .'MIJ ' 'IbM.fl. .
I III ill. l
inn oestw new. s-in cumeior, buu Keaverion.
cu tWstof. jo-tooih p. harrow, , a,f Saturday.
was a city
t wold in stores,
umies on requesw "-..:";-"". - cs.ieoo ndpr. work. tencli nowioaujuni A.enna 01 o- -.----. ,
nnd weir the corset. Uur uuor- cash; over. 8 monina w""5"-"- For Sale: uood jersey m..,
anue.u in- ... - i ,, .,-.i it m nerl u j,,.. 1 mllnna
UOj Tf ill ii""
Price, ?90. Appiy
,d nn,iiU-im-u.-uir! corsew. in- aDe approveu note, ... cow, 6 years
chiding the latest front lace, with cent interest 0f milk per
In ex w r en cod corsetier service. Christener & Herschev & Mays Jgn x 1915
C0NH. CHl RCtl
rhe attention of tho public in
railed to the Hpccm inmiile per
vice at the Cong. Church nt'xt
Sumlav nuirniiiflr. nt 11 o clock,
when, in resnmsf! to tho liPl'fal
of tin) President, the (by of
uraver for oeaeii w ill be observed,
An otierinir will b taken lor tne
work of the U 1 Cross, to which
all are invited U cnntnhtite.
The Christian Endeavor wil
take for it Hiituoct'.'Tlie Mwlern
nilnit" m ita t-enes of studies
on the modern church, at G:oU
The imstor will .beinn a sorles
nf Sunday evening lectures next
Sunday, at 7::U). Htf will B'k
on "Lessons of .the Orent Wnf.
Followinir that he will give on
successive Sumlav evenings the
Iwtuies hu luti fort two years
heeti irivinifoii tho CImutauuu;
platform.' These will be freo to
the tnililie nod nil are invited.
A nimneHH meeting of ine
Church is called for tonight, and
a week from tonight n meeting
will bo held to consider thenaop
lion of n new ermHtitutlon.
Uoiruliir communion service
will le held ft week from next
Sunday.'--Edward A. Harris.
E. C. tlrnwn. r'vaiding now at
Santa Atui. Cnl.M arrived here
Tuesdav evrfiim. nnd will be at
Hillsboro and Forest (Jrovo for a
th ...... I...' 1 1 n oaa ht
notices many improvements since
last he was here Mr. Brown
'has lost eleven h-tHies by death
Bine," ho moved torn Hillsboro
to Culil'oiT.i.l.'
! George (lussell, the Cnston
Rama wa.'don deputy, was in
town vestnrdav. lie is now up
at Hood Kiver, beinff sent therej
ior the hiinting season, to na a
Bent several wue.ks.
For Sale -A Rlx-year-old cow.
,uat frosh,-Zina Wood. 28-tf
rv was asro
sent up to Cherry
Men's and ladies' suits from
$15 dp at Christ Wuest's, Second
street. Satisfaction guaranteed,
y! first-class workmanship al-
t v ----- - , 1
8liipw. ni ui v. "',. ' ,M 6,h. cible. 6 pitch
WIV-UVU, aa , - - . a av a
R. Pubols. of West Union, was
iiiiii p r t t 1 . .1 a . ma . ai a
. j ii,., r nil aim. 1.. .. -.w k.,nru art Boot! tinaie ur-i,n rno CUV MOnuny. ito
i j ni- i, r. 1 '"r . - "
. . . . . km. boui aamiw kw
I represent pireilH cunwia hr. about acre poiaioea
fc 111 iiii bi 1 Iiihi sinii rail tiruici awwa
' ' I a. a VTa.
VTtt Miuca h nuvui
bridle, 10 farmers were busy plowing the
more rain is new
cost no more man ihk"
M.ts purchased -
M. E. Cauaie. u.uS
and Jackson btreeis, 1
a Ui-.n. iloletralion of k. of 1 .
. . i..un Tuesday evening.
. . . I lliin 'HL1U1 Ul fcill.v
toatieiiu kiiv "T-. ,t n o.OS
handsome new l'yth an Hall at 8.2S
hat Place. . v.. . y- i
.i . 1 r I'nri inu. i m.- -
nt nnd (leitvereu ...
ri. i,li.. turned oui 111 i'
111" IMM'" -
rtivM Owners.
B. P. Cornelius, Auctioneer.
To Portland-Bo minutes.
a m
a m
p m
..a 1 ... 1 U.Iafl
1 . a sn endid oannu o.w..
u)," 1.1 r.,nuni1 Q M
r,e the bovs. J. fi., vi"t,-
to Abe Yungen, Connell SUtion,
on United Railway. hmw
Mormnn Rehse. of Farming
ton, accompanied by John Cor
neri, returned from-the Pendle
tnn RnunduD. Sunday. Herman
says it is the biggest show ever
pulled on in me wonu.
Notice to Fanners Feed chop
per at Bethany will run every
Saturday, commencing wun
nrHnv. Sentember 19. A. L
P Croeni. : f 26-8
p tnhn MeCallen. of below Reed
of beyonu Vrom p0rtland-w minuiea. vine. was m
J 1 ! - IO
. r.rv nr tu a Mire I 1 BaW COrUWOOO. U)IC3 uu VJ u
WKU vr Him"" I. . ... - I. c . . n. T t.,V!..
iiii'iirn in uisuiivbvi a x saw a - .-"- - - v . .a
and hoards of all kinds, into Office over Delu Dru Store. Beaidenco
We desire to express our sincere stovew0od lengths. Will go into Baseline, between jth and 6th su.
thanks to all our neighbors and country. Write, phone or Hfll8bow"1,'t2ott
friends who so kindly tendered call 0n me. Carl Skow, Hillsbo- .... "
us aid and sympathy during our phone. City 462, or call at mmwavwmw
recent bereavement .the death Tuaiatm Hotel. " f ftt'bl
and obsequies of the late Jos. of fredarick: A?i5,I M..D.
JECK. ' . . . I ikA inAjrvLr ArMriv. An Mm If. A I PtTVCTtMlti- Xr f5fTttl?fl
GwrgeJack; ' . . Rucker. of near Blooming, for Succegsor
Mm Irta KYedenthai. icanauuiuu vr"7 vr
n n" rv. 1 iqii natient was in a critical condi-
rarroiniswii, v.c. w. - 1 1- mwlA mrt nnartttinn - ..
VIUH ail VI tail wwvsiwt. " ' " "
S. P. AND P. E. ft E. 7 " Twrt the knife
was used.
All. extent the P. R. & N.. trains n . . .
AiVlaft smaairft OAtl IT MB If
are electric, and stop at de- Lf xigard. came up Sunday, to
pot on Main street. k. t the home of Mr. and Mrs.
10 rornano. p.... Hrman. at Minter Bridge,
Forest Grove Train 6:47 a. m. Tne scnecka8 host and host-
McMinnville Train 7:36 a. m. family spent the after
Sheridan Train 9.58 p. m. noon the home of Art Milten-
Forest Grove Tram li:5U p. m. berger. coming up in the Scheck-
. a . ! fT ! Oil C w. aa I . .
Hcuinnvuie iram la machine.
Forest Grove Train. ,.4:i& p. m. .llMrviaor. has
Jilr'S- wt M lneldmi the John
?J . uA RHitora. The vol-1 uii-9 1 L . v l
: Office and Drag Store.
Orenco, . Oresom "
Telephone conneoUaoa. -
cia. a. wmm m r
OtnwaUM .a. .rftakn- X
BMtatea. Zcftaawal. UttunWa w 1 f
UOni anraiuue anaamtiu. aw- "
en ta iatoM arit tuiftin daewn bn'
9mm an allra OiiMaHlfw rt
. .-,
town vesterday.
Nolth Plains, came in and went a m John has two Places rented - the
iNonn 7:50 . m ci Tooir mneh. near Farmington,
up to tne sen . 9:13 : . W York tolace, of
nualfairnt Iiuhu " bfi zo& . Dr. Lowe
a crooa emeu- e.oK v i toot : vnnr cniiaren b oyco. -
, fill-. - , ' 1 " I -v"- . , M
.lav. Octobe
n attendance
will' be served. There 7;20ii
P m ents. this is your sacred duty.
en dinner
will he tne usom-;:-.-. in i: w having Its eves
Butte Orange ciaim vv ---- u:zd :;..; '
,i iuttir lairs w.. 1 iiesieu. iu5 "
more and ottur i.i . . I L,.
..L... crrano-n 111 I .. n 4 Unrtlonn WBBI .1 .1 I .nilrcmeV. vl tVBV
County. . . . .., town yesterday, the truest 01 J. w. iin.
. ... .. unrwieraii win -.". tu.ii imii i;. iiiraru.ui iik.u,ui
Th0 Tan, at W 6. W. Hall, Jnn w' " ' . Ken wiled to act as trial urora
ivd uwort o Cedar Ml Brn' 10 flioi S?ol in the Federal convene
Oct 10. Tickets. Wilson, at Hillsboro, Ore., Sept. t Portland 0ct. 7.
rromrortiano . VnnA nndire. The vol
Eugene Train arrives... 8:15 a. m. unteer WOrk on the Iowa Hill
road, a streicn oi aooui nu
.. m' mile, in District No. 8, has been
.. 'l&p' " completed at a money cost of
..4:30p.m. ugi
" m Grand Chancellor Frank S.
" TlkSblid. Grant has written toHillsbojro,
12'Srm asking that the Pythian Jubilee
except Eugene
Forest Grove
Forest Grove
brest Grove
Forest Grove
".. al' . a . Cl A 1
Everybody inv.ted. and
,mrtv was enjoyea uraay, ' Ze p nW
T.ik nhnnt vour Indian Sum
hut Sentember has been
.lincr na with some of the
it", UB .ii 4 in
article laieiy jubi. un
" aa a former resident
of the Hoosier sUte recently
Eli Bowbeer offers a reward o
75 cents.
A Peasant Party waaggj naMl88 a E. Olson. JJJgJ
?1wvUle F 1 ids?; Sept 25, mMartln Sehwall. of north of EJJ,
near ueeayim., Those 'n. , an Anrus caller ihfl
in honor of ner pirw.. .-- wh. . -
r, Hont: Mesdames U?-B'"- yesterday morm".
rren uu.-ua nioom. Andrew ' ,.. ..,- ftf Snokane.
t itrsoii i M Bop. was m near Witch I Mrtv who stole his lantern
fmm thA nine line works, be-
Shuster. of near tween the Condenser and the
...--.-... 4 i m m. ii mi - . . i ,
i tn buv a kwu i ura.h ia truest ai nver. - : -
.Lftfowhw buck uomenu, Vd Mrs. Wm. p, RaleVetch and oat seed,
tiiorouK""1 " " write, rerd pe Lu rAadv for sowing, and
Mrs. Elth TO1 Wm-
land,, visited jgJ.. mnC"lGaston mills.
(Jiascou over Sunday.
DR.' W. K4.PITTr:OCl
them into shape for the occasion.
Vnr Sain Three ended Jersey
mwa. R. fi and 7 vears. one fresh
now, one fresh this month and!
In November. a H. Mey
ers, Cornelius. Koute l, nail way Tamieaie vzi
kAlnann nl1 and HAW Center I LMI.TU"-
AH trains.
trains, stop on nag at wprxn
Range and Fir streets ana at
Sixth and Fir streets and at
Tenth street,
Steam Service Old Depot
J.;T& Portland
:Traln.........l:37 p. m.
From Portland
P. R. & N. Train-.....10:24 a. m.
Carl Snies. of nbir Beaverton,
was a city caller yesterday.
H. L Flint, of Scholls. was
city visitor yesterday. .
Elmer Mavs. of North Plalna,
was in the city Tuesday. .
Frank Goemans. of below Reed
ville, was in town Tuesday.
Dance at W. 0. : W. Hall
North Plains, Saturday evening,
October 10. Tickets, 75 cents.
Haulebeck orcheatra. Z3-Z9
Jena E. Havs and Maaie L
Clark were married by Rev. F.
V. VtaKa in thi pitv. Snt. SO.
1814. They will reside at Aloha, 1 week, enroute to Pcrtland.
Singers attend the Grand Lodge omo up-auira H-jrffUhof wouomi
evening session, uonoay ev
n ng. Oct. 1Z Pi U Moore, wno
directed the boys, will try to get
r ' 7," H.
between old
The Boys' Temperance contest
at the Christian Church, Farm-
ington, will be held Saturday
evening, Oct iu. ine program
will appear in the next issue.
11 4. It. mmA lfa .1vKn 1
rHirii. uj jkift. .uu 414. m wwuu
Bose. Hillsboro, Sept' 27, 1914. a
daughter. The new arrival is a
granddaughter or sir. ana urs.
August Tews.
Virtril Blum, of Yamhill Coun-
ty, a3 T-'" Harsh, of Gaston,
were crii- rnage license,
Wm. Metxler. of above Bloom
ing. wu in town the first of t
atd Ttlrd. '
' 1
Upstair in LkI t''?S
Hillsboro - - - C, 3
b II III Hi w
tZWVM & VAUA ... - J
Attoix...;!.? j
Compel r vks E:'s
, .t '
i U, -v.
v t